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For more infomation >> Best Funny Fails Compilation 2018 (July) | TRY NOT TO LAUGH OR GRIN - Duration: 10:09.-------------------------------------------
The Secret Of What To Wear Is Hidden In Your Invitation | Southern Living - Duration: 2:16.
I ought to ask you something else about dress, Gayden.
What if Harley's wearing a coat and tie,
and your guest comes in a sports jacket.
What do you do?
Just say, "I'm so glad you're here."
I remember Arthur Frank, my uncle, did that once,
and he went and took off his coat and tie.
If you invite someone to dinner by telephone,
you need to say, "John will have on a coat and tie,"
or "John's just gonna wear a sport coat."
If you watch royal weddings, what will you not see?
You won't see tuxedos, black tie,
and that's because they happen in the daytime.
Never wear a tux to a wedding unless it's after 6 o'clock.
Tuxes at a certain time are just plain wrong.
I have so many people that come to the Delta,
and they'll get an invitation that says Delta Casual,
and they'll say, "What is Delta Casual?"
And it's just not fair to people who don't live here.
My husband says, "Well, people who live here
"don't even know what Delta Casual is,"
but it means a coat, a jacket, and no tie.
That's what Delta Casual is.
Dressy casual, who knows?
I have a friend who says that she's never
gonna go to another party that tells her
when to come, when to leave, and what to wear,
and I agree.
Can't you look at the invitation,
and if it has red-and-white gingham check on it,
and you know you can wear jeans,
but if it's engraved or thermographed in black,
you know it's dressy?
Well you know, what we were told is,
I remember one time asking my mother,
holding the invitation saying I wonder what to wear,
and she said, "Read the invitation,
"it'll tell you what to wear,"
but it won't tell you what to wear
by saying wear jeans or not,
you just knew by the way the invitation
was done what to wear.
If you're in doubt on what to wear,
you should call your hostess and say,
"Jennifer, what is John gonna wear?"
What's wrong with asking a question, nothing?
You get no answers if you ask no questions.
I see so much black at a wedding,
and I am rife with black in my wardrobe,
but I always try to put on a shawl
with a little color in it.
I think it's better to wear black with a shawl
than it is to wear all white and compete
with the bride.
Yes, of course the big etiquette question
in terms of attire is the groom's mother.
Wear beige and sit in the back seat.
And don't talk too much.
Real Men Don't Sit Down to... | 50 Central - Duration: 4:00.
- From Atlanta, give it up for my man, Chase Anthony.
- AUDIENCE: [cheering]
- ♪
- Yeah! What's up, party people?
- AUDIENCE: [cheering]
- Yeah, we're in a good place.
Yeah, I'm feeling good now, man, I got to that place now
everybody in my family seen me on TV couple of times,
they think I've made it, so this year, my mom,
for her birthday, she was, "Baby, I know you made it."
"I heard you doing a little 50 Cent show,
so this year I want a Gucci purse for Christmas."
I was like, "Damn, okay. Let's talk. Let's talk."
Ya'll know what it's like when you gotta tell your mom,
"Listen, you're not a Gucci parent, okay?"
'Cause I'm from Atlanta, and I grew up with four sisters.
So, like, my mom just asked for it.
I'm like, "Hey, you should have clocked in a little bit early"
"You got me out here doing stuff that ain't for me."
Like, "Let me be a boy, let me be a boy."
I didn't know for the longest time
that this was a bad way to stand.
I was like, "This is so comfortable."
Nice and comfortable.
I got a nice little resting place
for my hand and everything.
I didn't find out till I'm inviting people
to slumber parties, I'm like, "Hey, Crazy,
we're having a slumber party at my house."
- AUDIENCE: [laughing]
- "And everybody's coming."
"What the hell you mea, everybody's coming?"
Boom, how old was you when you found out
that your towel don't go up here?
Yeah, I was 14, ya'll don't know what that's like.
First day of football, I'm confused as hell.
"Why ain't you got your towel up here?"
"My sisters and all this."
"Yeah, but it's hanging out the bottom, brother."
"Yeah, you right, let me go ahead and situate this."
That was the same year that I found
that real men don't sit down and pee.
My mom cleared that up right away.
She came in here meantime like,
"Look at my baby going number two."
Like: "Hmm-mm, going number one."
She was like, "What you mean you going number one?"
"Well we sit down and pee in this family, right?"
She said, "No, no. Get up right now."
I said, "Okay, I'm almost done, just let me wipe."
And when I did this...
That's when you clock into parenting.
So don't call me 20 years later and tell me,
"Baby, I want a Gucci purse."
No, you should've clocked in earlier.
That's what you should have did.
Now we at the age where girls be having kids
and stuff like that, and that's cool.
But, like, that's a lot of pressure to put on a man.
Like, if you got a kid...
What if you're kid good at everything and then, eventually,
me and you have a baby that ain't good at nothing?
Like, then I know I broke that baby.
I can't walk around like that
knowing that I like your son more than mine, like hell no.
Especially if that's the one I gave my junior.
Do you know pissed I would be
if I gave my junior to the wrong kid?
He just walking around like just not making it
and just telling everybody, "Nah, I'm Little Chase."
"You better shut up, don't tell nobody...
I'm your daddy, at all."
Like I tried borrowing a baby,
I tried taking my nephew for a week.
That was five days too long, and it got awkward 'cause now
you got questions when you're in the tub.
You can drown,
'cause I'm not going to come up in there
and answer none of your questions
so you can go home and tell this story wrong.
Like, "Yeah, I had a great time."
"I was in the bathtub,
Uncle Chase was in there talking to me."
Like, "What?
Go back, go back."
Now you gotta defend yourself at every barbecue with your family.
Like, "There he go, right there. Uh-huh.
We know what you're into."
That's the same nephew though.
Like, he's my favorite because, like, he--he's like a hero.
Like, he just got kicked out of a slumber parties forever.
Like... and I was looking at him.
I was like: "Well, how did you do that?"
My sister told me, she was like,
"Well, he's got his own room,
so I let him sleep naked at the house."
I was like, "What?"
She said he got to the slumber party,
pulled off all his clothes and laid on top
of his sleeping bag just butt naked.
I was like: "What?"
She was like, "That wasn't the worst part.
All the other kids participated."
I was like, "What?"
Could you imagine being a parent at this slumber party?
You just going in, they just naked on top and like,
"You like the third grade? I love the third grade."
You think everything going good!
You come in there with cookies, like,
"Hey, guys. I got cooki--
"No, no, no, no, no!"
'Cause you gotta call the other parents
and tell them why the party shut down.
Like, "Hey, there's a little orgy going on over here.
Come get your naked baby."
My sister was pissed.
"Oh my God, I think my baby's gay."
No, your son's a leader. That's what he is.
He get all the kids naked. You need to focus on that one.
Alright, ya'll, my name is Chase Anthony. Thank you.
- AUDIENCE: [cheering]
What will happen to your body if you start eating two bananas a day | Natural Health - Duration: 5:41.
What will happen to your body if you start eating two bananas a day.
Bananas are one of the most delicate fruits.
Not only are they delicious, they also offer great benefits to your body.
We invite you to try eating two bananas a day and enjoy the positive changes in your
In addition to their wonderful taste, bananas are also very good for your health . If you
do not believe this, try eating two bananas a day and see how your body reacts.
In this video, you will take a look at some of the many benefits that bananas have.
They reduce blood pressure levels.
Bananas are capable of bringing your blood pressure back to normal levels.
This is because they reduce high blood pressure because they contain about 420 mg of potassium.
They reduce excess weight.
Bananas are able to reduce overweight due to their high fiber content, which means they
make you feel full for longer.
Banana is a food that contains resistant starch.
This is a substance that reduces appetite and helps prevent you from increasing your
weight . This starch can also help in lowering blood sugar levels.
In addition, it increases the sensitivity of your body to insulin, which is very important.
In addition, if cells are not insulin sensitive, they can not absorb glucose.
Then you feel hungry.
Therefore, fat accumulation is dependent on insulin.
Reduce your chances of suffering from anemia.
Bananas reduce your chances of suffering from anemia . Anemia is caused by the lack of iron
in the blood and causes a lot of fatigue as a consequence of the reduction in red blood
cells and low hemoglobin.
Bananas contain high levels of iron and thus stimulate the formation of red blood cells.
In addition, it is also a source of vitamin B6, which is responsible for regulating blood
glucose levels.
They improve digestion.
Bananas are capable of improving your digestion . This fruit is easily digested without irritating
your digestive system.
Bananas contain resistant starch that is not digested.
Thus, it reaches the large intestine to support the growth of healthy bacteria.
All in all, it is a type of fruit that is especially recommended in cases of gastritis
or heartburn or to consume it after diarrhea because it restores the lost metal.
They reduce stress levels.
Bananas will reduce stress levels and improve your mood . Bananas contain tryptophan, a
substance that the body needs to produce serotonin, which is known as the hormone of happiness.
A banana also contains about 27 mg of magnesium, a metal that is responsible for ensuring a
good night's sleep, which is related to your mood.
They compensate for the inadequacies of vitamins.
Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 : a banana contains 20% of the recommended daily dose
of vitamin B6.
Thanks to this vitamin, the body can produce insulin, hemoglobin and the amino acids needed
to make healthy cells.
Bananas also contain a large amount of vitamin C. In fact, a banana contributes to 15% of
the recommended daily intake.
Vitamin C is a great antioxidant and is responsible for neutralizing the harmful free radicals,
that is, the active molecules that destroy the body.
Thanks to this amount of vitamin C contained in bananas, it is very easy for the body to
maintain healthy blood vessels and to participate in the production of collagen.
They give you energy.
Thanks to their potassium content, your muscles are much better protected than cramps.
Also, thanks to our body's carbohydrates, you get the energy you need to endure a hard
Recommendations to consider.
When it comes to eating bananas, you have to keep in mind that the maturing of bananas
directly affects their nutritional qualities.
If you buy green bananas, you should know that they are mainly made of starch.
As mentioned, starch is a polysaccharide of glucose molecules that slowly releases energy.
Starch makes it difficult for the body to digest the bananas.
If you choose ripe bananas, contain 90% sucrose and only 7% starch.
Sucrose consists of one molecule of glucose and one of fructose.
As a result, it is absorbed more quickly and its effect on glycemia and insulin response
is greater.
Eggman / Robotnik in "Undercover Final Boss" | ANIMATION | Sonic - Duration: 9:10.
Undercover Final Boss
Dr. Ivo Eggman Robotnik.
He is a final boss who dreams about creating his own empire.
That's right, my great empire!
A world of social oppression, with a planet-destroying spacial statios.
It took me a lot of years to devise my perfect life.
But his goal has an obstacle, called: Sonic.
These lasts months, Eggman corporation has spent millions of rings in all kinds of traps with no benefits.
That's why Eggman's looking to us, Undercover final boss, where he'll pretend to be some of his robots to understand their problems.
Look at me, I'm Mototrump.
Oh, dear, I didn't recognize you!
Makeup guys are awesome!
Daddy Eggman, I got scared, I thought you were a stranger.
Oh son ...
I'm so lonely...
Our task is to walk from left to right always.
Did I really programmed you like that?
Oh, come here, faggot.
Let's make some adjustments over here... This, this and this...
Welp, there is coming Sonic, go get him.
After all these years building secret bases bigger than Czech Republic...
...and all I needed was a complete war machine!
Come here, my minions, the world will kneel before Motobug!
What did that one said? Meh, let's keep moving sideways.
I'm from way to Spring Yard to deal with the cleanliness.
It makes me sad that my giant pinball should be a ruin and I don't explain why...
Oh, you must be Rollerberg.
Well, very good.
Today we must transport this "COPE" sign for arrange it in Marble Zone.
Oh, the famous "COPE" signs from Spring Yard. * COPE is a Spanish radio station *
In exchange for publicizing the "COPE", they support the majority of my malefic plans... * COPE is a Spanish radio station *
You know? this is very dangerous. If there is something that I hate from Eggman, It's probably us...
Why we must be ridiculous, little, robot animals? Already, we have a lot of work trying to frighten to that hedgehog!
Ridiculous little animals?
Don't say bilges! You intimidate a lot.
...You're lying...
Come on man, don't cry!
...but I can't do anything well...
Yes you can! Look!
Come here, Caterkiller!
...Tell me, master...
Do you think you're ridiculous?
...Not my lord...
See? if he's not ridiculous, you aren't it, too.
We bring the sign, arranged.
Ok, in that case we must return to Spring Yard...
Wait a second...
You have bring wrong!
Here isn't write "COPE"!
It say's "OPEL"!
Eggman disappeared this week, and in his absence, Spring Yard was bougth by "OPEL".
This show starts working out expensive for me...
Stupid "COPE"...
Hi, you must be the new Orbinaut.
...are you Burrobot?
I can't believe this!
I thought a burrobot was this:
A robot in the shape of a donkey. *"Donkey" is "Burro" in Spanish *
I didn't want this intimidating thing with drills...! *"Donkey" is "Burro" in Spanish *
My master, Sonic's about to clear this zone.
Ah! For my Grandpa Gerald's moustache's sake!
I have to hurry up or I won't have time to add the weapon to my aircraft to this zone's battle!
Hi there.
Oh no, oh no, oh no!
No, no, you're doing it all wrong!
Hey, it's not that easy to imitate you...
Imitate me? Aren't you a real Orbinaut?
Of course I am!
Attention, Sonic's arriving here!
For Robotnik's empire!
Are you...
No, no, I'm an Orbinaut!
Don't you see it?
Watch how my balls are moving!
If that's true throw me one of those balls like the other kamikaze did...
Watch how my balls are moving...!
How sad...
Fuck this costume!
Those makeup retards have no idea about... about... to disguise a butt!
"How to disguise a butt"?
That's the dumbest thing I've heard.
Come with me, Smith Hog.
That machine will let some animals fall and you'll select some of them.
First you torture them and then you send them depending on the result.
Here you strip those who have a more fragile mind to end up being "robotized" like me.
Here you throw rebels are locked inside those capsules.
And the imperfect ones ... uh ... you throw them to the spikes.
Let's see... Let the first one come!
Hey, what's up?
Let me see this...
You're a Flicky!
I have to apply torture number 5 then.
No no, I actually want to be a robot.
I've chosen it myself.
Is that even possible?
How strange... Let me make a call...
Hey, Smith Hog, what's up?
There's a Flicky that want's to be a robot without torturing him...
Do I put him in a capsule or do I throw him to the spikes?
...Now that's weird...
Have you started torturing him?
Well, torture him!
It will be possible...
Okay, see ya.
Well, let's see Mr. Flicky...
Shit, he's gone.
Cool! I finally got a new job. Now I'll be able to feed my sons and even buy a color TV!
...This can't be happening...
This was my dream job...
I made everything in my power to reach this job!
...You will remember me, Sonic...
You will remember me!
The workday's over and Robotnik starts to analyze and compensate each one of his minions.
Oh boy, this pencil has no tip...
Anyway, please Motobug, come here.
Sorry master, but Sonic killed him.
Okey, so... tell Crabmeat to come.
You destroyed him.
What about Burrobot?
You killed him too.
Oh my god, Is anyone still up?
Ball Hog.
Then tell him to come immediately, no excuses!
Eat my balls, you little hedgehog bitch!
Master Eggman wants you to come with us.
Now? But I'm about to kill Sonic!
If I were you I'd leave him for later.
Okay... Come on...
Oh, Sonic! Help, save me!
Don' worry friends, it's me, Sonic! The trustafarian who never had shower!
This is your last stop, Robotnik!
You aren't killing anyone! This is my secret weapon!
Master: Ballhog, Buzz Bomber and Newtron have been all defeated.
Then who are still alive?
Just you because Sonic's going to the center of Scrap Brain Zone...
...and I'm about to blow!
God damm it, this show was a complete waste of time!
...You don't have to be a genious to know this is a trap...
You've gone... Too far...
This is your end!
I did it!
What a waste of time!
If you want to beat you number one enemy just do it yourself!
How didn't I thought about putting a ravine here before?
But master, this ravine does have a bottom.
Nice one!
No, I say the truth.
You ordered to bouild here a passage to your base.
So you're telling me that, after a thousand bottom-less ravines starting at Green Hill and ending here...
...and this is the only one that has a bottom!?
Hello Fire-Breathing Statue
My name's Jaws.
What's the problem?
It was the only robot who didn't appeared in this animation until now!
...This showis a swindle...
Beyond Scared Straight: Teens Enter the Detention Center (Season 2 Flashback | A&E - Duration: 2:59.
Dance Moms: Yvette Takes Over the Candy Apples Group Dance (Season 3 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:51.
Eric Holder Saved Opioid Peddlers From Being Thrown In Prison As Deaths Increased - Duration: 7:58.
One of the worst aspects of the opioid epidemic is the fact that it could have been fixed
years ago had it not been for corporate-owned politicians.
This story, to me, is nauseating, and I know we've told parts of this story.
This story is going to be told more and more, Farron, as the litigation continues, but the
thumbnail sketch is this.
In our effort to become tribal in our politics, that is that Democrats do no harm if you're
a Democrat, Republicans do no harm if you're a Republican, and we're incapable of actually
looking back and saying, "What's real and what's not real," and this is a perfect
So, let me not be tribal here as I tell this story.
Since I'm one of the people taking the depositions of these opioid distributors that distributed
opioids all over the country, it makes me a little angry because I'm seeing firsthand
what actually happened, and we want to believe that somewhere in the political scale in the
realm of politics, somebody says, "You know what?
Sometimes corporate money just isn't important to me, and I'm gonna do the right thing,"
and I wish we could've said that about the eight years during the Obama Administration.
Let me preface it by saying, as you probably know, I appeared on television show after
television show, everything from CNN to MSNBC to Fox News, supporting President Obama, but
I gotta call shots like I see them.
Now we learn that during the opioid crisis, the very worst time of the opioid crisis,
that the attorney general who had been appointed by Obama was Eric Holder, and Eric Holder
came from a law firm called the Covington Burling Law Firm in Washington DC, and he
worked for them in their white-collar criminal division, and he took care of handling the
cases of white-collar criminals, Wall Street white criminals, pharmaceutical white criminals,
environmental polluter white-collar criminals, you name it.
Those are the people that he handled.
He had a partner named Houghton who was also a lawyer for Covington Burling, and Houghton
represented McKesson.
Pick it up from there.
Well, McKesson, what we know, during the Obama years, the DEA, actually, a local office,
really, of the DEA over in Colorado had been working around the clock.
They had kind of this consortium, 12 different DEAs from 11 different states.
They were ready to make the move on McKesson for creating these pill mills all over the
They had all the evidence.
They could show without a doubt McKesson knew they were shipping millions of pills to towns
with populations of a few thousand.
They knew McKesson knew what was happening.
They knew it was addictive.
They knew they were the problem.
So, before these DEA officials could make this move, they had everything ready, put
all their ducks in a row, it was a slam dunk, they found out that at the same time they
were doing this massive investigation, that Eric Holder had worked out this sweetheart
deal with McKesson to allow them basically to get off the hook.
They were gonna fine them one billion dollars, is what they were gonna do.
They were gonna strip their license and registration so that they couldn't distribute these narcotics,
basically, anymore, and they are, I believe, what, the third or fifth largest publicly-owned
corporation, or publicly-traded, in the country, McKesson is.
Right, right.
I mean, they're massive, but Eric Holder had gone behind their backs, made this deal, said,
"We're gonna fine you a little bit," a fine that actually only amounted to a few
million dollars more than what McKesson's CEO made last year.
That's how tiny it is.
Let me put that in terms of what's real here.
First of all, the lawyer for McKesson came from Covington & Burling, the same place that
Eric Holder came from.
They worked together.
It wasn't like they just were casual acquaintances.
They worked together on cases.
One had an office right down the hall from Eric Holder.
They socialized together.
They worked together.
They were friends.
All of a sudden, Houghton is the attorney for McKesson, and regardless of what the DEA
found, and they found conduct that was absolutely ... It was criminal conduct.
They were prepared to go forward with a criminal case.
They wanted a perp walk, is what they wanted, which has been long overdue in this business
in general.
So, all of a sudden, this goes from we're gonna do all these bad things secretly, without
the DEA even knowing about it, Eric Holden and Houghton, the Department of Justice, they
work out some secret deal, and all of it goes away, and by the way, the CEO of this company,
when they were fined 150 million dollars, the CEO's compensation package is 650 million
The CEO's compensation package is 650 million dollars.
So, okay.
Where does all this go?
It tells the story.
It tells in those years that they could've done something.
It was the absolute worst time for progression of death in America from opioids.
Kids were dying from opioids.
Day one, they would be injured because football injury, a cheerleading injury, minor injuries,
ankle sprains, things like that, and they're given these opioids because the doctors were
lied to about the safety of opioid.
The company that produced them, Purdue, told everybody, "This is safe.
They're not addictive.
Don't worry about it.
This is a special kind of narcotic," is what they were telling everybody.
So, you've seen it.
You've written about it in forms over the years.
You've kept up with this and national trial lawyers.
This is the comparison.
This is 1999.
This is the death map of 1999.
This shows ... If you look at the brown here, in 1999 this was the area people were dying.
That was in West Virginia.
Little bit of activity out here on the West Coast, but really, out of control over in
West Virginia.
By 2016, this is the death map.
What this represents, these brown areas that you see, just the brown area, represents 30
human lives, 30 deaths for every 100,000 people.
The tan area is kind of the mean.
It's only about 16 to 17 deaths per hundred-thousand people.
The tan, as you can see, by 2016 is all over the chart.
This is 1999.
This is the progression of death in America.
This was done by the CDC.
When I showed this in a deposition to one of the witnesses, my reaction was this.
He said he'd never seen it.
For somebody to have never seen the CDC's death map, every year they showed the progression
of death in the United States, every single year, and as we look at this, we understand
the problem is nobody did anything about it.
Hackers Using New Scam To Get Your Personal Info - Duration: 1:40.
Nightcore - Deep [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:15.
★SULTAN ESCAPE SURVIVAL★ Android GamePlay Download Link Below - Duration: 11:10.
Subliminal Advertising. 'IF' subliminal messages really work? - Duration: 9:06.
The British public and syrup lovers of the world were in shock after noticing a 'dark'
and 'depressing' detail on an iconic tins label.
How can something that has been in the public eye for so many years just be seen?
In this video, we look subliminal messages and the brand label that are hiding them
Welcome to IF………………………….
Lyle's Golden Syrup has been a sweet treat for generations the iconic tin has been hiding
a macabre detail for years. since 1885 the design of the tin has remained
vastly unchanged the images that adorn the front of the container largely ignored until
now. fans of the sticky treat have just discovered
that the label had something which left a few of them are a little traumatized.
In the center of the label is a yellow lion, most assumed the beast was sleeping but look
a little closer...are they flies circle a lions corpse?
They are not actually flies but bees and the image is taken from a biblical story.
In the tale, Samson kills a lion with his bare hands.
When he returns to the carcass a few days later he noticed a swarm of bees had built
a hive inside. So Samson took the honey and gave it to his
parents. When asked where he got it from, he said:
"Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet."
This image had been missed for years and it's not the only one.
logos stay with companies for many years often getting overhauled and redesigned but keep
a core design element for brand recognition Often the meaning of these logos or let's
say symbols are lost and people see the design and think of a product often not thinking
about any subliminal message it may contain. These messages can show something innocent
like a tribute to their hometown or influence us subconsciously into thinking about a product
in a certain way. Take a look at these 10 logos and their hidden
messages, and don't forget to let me know in the comments if you have spotted these
before. also stick around to see how the subliminal
messaging has been used over the years to manipulate and influence people like you!.
1. The first logo is that of NBC — The white space in the NBC logo forms a peacock — This
is thought to represent NBC's as a loud and proud news broadcaster.
The peacock is also a symbol of Incorruptibility, Awakening, and Royalty.
Are they trying to announce themselves as the Royalty of media?
2.another well-known brand is BMW —The white parts of the logo represent a propeller, while
the blue sections symbolize the sky. This because the car company rose out of the
ashes of a German aircraft manufacturing firm in 1917.
the Treaty of Versailles putting an end to its building of fighter planes and bombers,
but its heritage is still there in its logo.
3. and while we visit this part of Europe another world famous brand out Switzerland
Toblerone. — How many of you can see the See the dancing bear hidden in the mountain?
Could this symbol be interpreted a little differently, the bear a symbol of strength
trapped in the mountain? The company says that the design is a tribute
to the Swiss town where the chocolate was developed: Bern, which is also known as "The
City of the Bears."
4. Probably the biggest brand logo on the planet Coca-Cola.
A 2013 campaign in Denmark points out an unintended message (or so they say) hidden in the logo.
The Danish flag is nestled between the "O" and the "L." Maybe this is subliminally playing
on the feeling of patriotism in the country? 5. The London Symphony Orchestra logo is not
only an acronym but also appears to be the image of an abstract conductor.
6. this branding is not only found in consumer products how about religion? The Presbyterian
Church's logo is jam-packed with symbolism. eight different religious symbols hide in
the main image.
7. some more modern examples these hidden messages are the worlds biggest online e-commerce
provider Amazon — The arrow in the Amazon logo points from A to Z, this showing the
wide range of products available on the site, it also doubles as a happy smile. Maybe this
also suggest consumerism and buying things brings happiness?
8. One of the hottest selling product on the planet Beats has a hidden imagery. The "b"
in its logo looking like someone wearing headphones. 9. probably the most innocent example of this
subliminal messaging would be Baskin Robbins — the company's initials advertise its thirty
0ne flavors of ice-cream. 10. and finally The sony vios logo. The "VA"
is designed to reflect an analog waveform, the "IO" is binary code.
so How do Subliminal Messages work? Is it as powerful as say, the images made
famous by the movie "They Live"? Subliminal messages are thought to be so potent
because they have the ability to influence us without us being consciously aware they
are doing so. This influence or persuasion is similar to
auto-suggestion or hypnosis, this is when a person can be encouraged to relax. This
so s suggestions can be directed to deepest parts of the mind
Science says research doesn't show any effect on people subconscious. Maybe they have been
paid off because other research a case of Subliminal Advertising in 1957 at (New Jersey)
drive-in theater flashed the words 'Drink Coke Cola' and 'Eat Popcorn' every 5
seconds during a 6-week run of the film Picnic. The subliminal message was said to have increased
Coke sales in the lobby 58% and popcorn sales 18%. This manipulation led to an avalanche
of criticism from angry citizens. this gave rise in an inquest where congressmen produced
research on the subject and with conflicting results. It is said that this event is fiction
but it would seem like a strange story to rise out of a small cinema.
Do Subliminal Messages Work?
The truth is …. YES!
even if Scientists, Researchers, and Psychologists continually say NO!
In A. E. Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology it says that Subliminal perception occurs
whenever stimuli presented below the threshold or limen for awareness are found to influence
thoughts, feelings, or actions. This control may go beyond commercial applications,
are subliminal messages being used in other areas?
Is it another tool wielded by the powerful to control the masses?
Let me know what you think in the comments below?
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10 signs that your diet is having problems
Stomach pain or headache, constipation, can be traced back to your poor diet regime.
While dieting, you still need to load a variety of foods according to the nutritional tower.
Balanced diet is one of the keys, to have a healthy and happy life,
But for many people, finding out what they put into their bodies is good or not, is a problem.
Here are 10 signs that your diet may be unbalanced, and need to be rethought.
1. You always feel tired.
The food you consume provides energy to your body.
Low quality foods can make you feel full, but will not provide the energy you need in a day.
If you always lack energy due to diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, especially apples.
2. You have gained too much weight.
There are many potential causes when you gain weight.
One of those reasons involves eating too much, or eating foods that are high in fat but low in nutrients.
Rapid weight gain is a sign that you need to keep in mind, to cut down on rations and avoid eating too much fried foods and salads.
3. You have lost too much weight.
Malnutrition is not a problem in developed countries, but it may be the result of excessive dieting.
Losing weight, especially if you show signs of losing weight fast, means that you have received insufficient energy and nutrients needed to affect your health.
4. You always have a cold.
The activity of the immune system depends very much on the quality of the diet.
Your immune system needs the vitamins, and antioxidants needed to function.
If you do not eat nutritious foods, your body will be more resistant to colds and other illnesses.
Stomach pain.
If your stomach is always uncomfortable, accompanied by nausea, most likely due to some foods,
or the interactions between foods you regularly eat may be the culprit.
Take a careful look at what you eat, and try to cut some kind of mismatch out of your diet.
6. Constipation.
Constipation is usually the result of a low fiber diet, or your body does not get enough water, so drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
Add more cereals, fruits and vegetables to your diet, which improves your digestive system.
7. You have been feeling depressed and tired.
What you eat can directly affect your mood.
Depression is sometimes the result of not getting enough fat and carbohydrates.
If you feel more depressed than normal, the cause may be due to your ineffective diet.
8. Eating does not seem to satisfy your hunger.
If you never feel satisfied after every meal, and often find yourself snacking too much between meals,
It may be the result of, eating food lacking essential nutrients.
Providing enough greens and whole grains is important, to satisfy your hunger.
9. Your diet is less diverse.
People need to consume a variety of foods, to get the full range of nutrients.
The variety of meals is necessary, as it helps to ensure adequate nutrition.
If your meal often lacks a food group in the nutrient tower, you need to add it immediately.
Frequent headaches.
Like stomach problems, headaches can be a result of poor eating habits.
You should consult a food journal, to determine exactly what can cause headaches in you, and remove that food and replace it with another one in the group.
A balanced diet is very important for health,
But you should always consult a specialist, if you feel that, there may be other underlying causes other than the above.
Listen to your body, and give it enough nutrients.
Mai Huong, according to Amerikanka.
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Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
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Lyudmila Rudenko: Five things you didn't know about the inspirational Soviet chess champion
Lyudmila Rudenko: Five things you didn't know about the inspirational Soviet chess champion. Lyudmila Rudenko, one of the world's most influential chess players, was born 114 years ago today.
Born in 1904 in the city of Lubny, then part of the Russian Empire and now in central Ukraine, she would go on to win the highest honour in the game.
Now, Google has celebrated the chess master's legacy with a Doodle which takes artistic inspiration from 1960's graphic art and posters. Here are five facts about the chess supremo. She was the first woman awarded the International Master title.
Introduced to the game by her father at the age of 10, Rudenko emerged as a world class player in the late 1920's, placing fifth in the 1928 Moscow Women's Championship.
She went onto become the second Women's World Chess Champion in 1950 and maintained her grip on the title for three years.
When she lost it to fellow Russian Elisaveta Bykova. she completed the tournament with a record of five wins, seven losses and two draws. Google said its doodle "reimagines a focused Rudenko's determination during the world championship game".
Rudenko was named an International Master of chess in 1950, and a Woman Grandmaster in 1976, 10 years before she died. She was inducted into the World Chess Hall of Fame in 2015.
She also had a great zeal for swimming. Rudenko was initially enthralled with swimming and won a local competition in the women's 400-meter breaststroke in Odessa.
It was after that triumphant swim that she set off to Moscow where she cultivated her flair for chess. By 1925 she had managed to become the swimming vice-champion of Ukraine in her chosen stroke.3. Economics.
After graduating from secondary school, Rudenko studied economics in Odessa and began a career as an economic planner in Moscow. She was married to a prominent scientist.
After winning her first competition in 1928 at the Moscow women's championship, she moved to Leningrad. It was there she married her husband Lev Davidovich Goldstein, with whom who she had a son, Vladimir, in 1931.
Goldstein was the founder of the department of cybernetics in the military academy named after Alexander Mozhaysky. There is reportedly still a plaque honouring him at the academy.
She organised a train to evacuate children from the siege of Leningrad during WWII. She believed her single greatest achievement to be organising children during the siege of Leningrad during the Second World War.
The city was subjected to a 900-day siege by invading German forces - resulting in the deaths of more than one million civilians.
The armament factory she was working in was evacuated ahead of the advancing Germans but the workers children were left behind. As the siege started she was placed in charge of rescuing them and organised a special train to save them.
She described this as the most important accomplishment in her life.
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