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...with you!
The scene you're about to see
is Moniece going bananas at a pregnant mum.
A.D.'s event is cute.
You know, it's for her fashion show,
which I did help design.
I think she should put me on the payroll.
He got braids twisted in dreds?
What the (bleep) is that in hair?
Do this man got microbraids?
Is them crochet braids, boy?
Hey, I'm single and mingling right now,
so I don't have to pay nothin'.
I just pay for (bleep). I'll send you home, though.
Rachel is a mess.
This man Michael's braids just swing there
where I can't take him serious, cous.
I can't wait for you to hear these records, though.
I'm opening for Kimberly. I'ma need you there.
Kimberly? I don't know who--
Kimberly-- "K. Michelle."
Oh, I think that Bridget is so talented,
and I like to see her opening up for her friend.
This Bridget, Bridgy, whatever.
Baby, heh... I'ma need you.
Just call me, man.
I think it's a good idea to call Princess,
'cause she told me to drop the location.
Like, when a pregnant person ask you to do something,
you do it.
That was a very dangerous move she made
by inviting Princess.
I don't think that anybody there
is gonna be particularly pleased to see Princess.
Just a guess.
♪ Burn it down ♪
How's everybody doing tonight?
Pregnant gangsta.
We were doing just fine
until you walked your fat (bleep) into the room.
(Princess) What type of person announced to the world
that someone else is carrying somebody else's baby?
One that doesn't like you.
What did I do?
Paris, you kind of set that one up there,
because we all know that Princess wouldn't be coming
to have a cup of tea with her.
(Princess) Maybe the type of person
that would fake being a lesbian.
No, it could be the type of person
that tries to shame somebody's girlfriend
and release a sex tape.
A.D. better stand for bae, okay? Heh.
And when we got home,
we (bleep) the (bleep) out of each other,
'cause that was so sexy... mm-hmm.
We can revisit this conversation
in about 2 1/2 months, when I have my baby.
Just because you're pregnant
doesn't mean that you can't get popped in the mouth.
Okay, bitch? Your belly may be pregnant,
but your face is not.
Maybe I'll show you how to be a good mother, too.
Yo, it done went left!
You have to control that (bleep), man.
Princess is pregnant.
I'm sorry, I'm still not sorry about picking up the chair,
and I guess I'm not sorry 'cause I didn't make contact.
I think I'm sorry that I didn't, 'cause then I would actually
have something to be sorry about.
Hey, hey, get her! Get her, get her, get her!
She just tried to downplay it and downsize it,
but I don't think that worked.
Who tries to fight a pregnant person?
A bitch that doesn't give a (bleep) about the pregnant person.
A.K.A. me. Let the record show...
that the chair did not leave my hands.
So, I didn't hit a pregnant person.
I almost hit a pregnant person. Almost doesn't count.
Who tries to fight a pregnant person?
I (bleep) love that Wicked Witch of the West.
"Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!"
Princess, you're bad.
I held it together for a pretty long while.
I felt like I was standing on the judgment line,
waiting for Jesus to tell me whether I was coming to heaven
or being condemned to hell.
The next scene you're about to see
is K. Michelle's fake booty plugged up to the IV.
How you doin'?
Hi, baby.
I think K. Michelle pretty.
Pretty trash.
My single charted and...
You know, I got a big radio tour I did off of it.
You is spoiled.
You did the show with me,
and literally, you was a hour late.
It's two artists, there's a battle of egos.
And, you know, may the best one win.
I bet Lyrica was late.
She wasn't late.
You wrote some great songs.
But nobody give a (bleep).
Ooh... she back.
You are not serious right now.
I swear to God 'fore crackers and cheese,
you was an hour late!
Why you wanna be B.S.?
K, you told me about the show
three days before show!
Just say "sorry" and be done with it.
I definitely think Lyrica's entitled,
and this moment of hers
has definitely gone to her head.
You gotta fake it till you make it, bitch.
You fake it!
But till I make it, you got to.
But let me tell you one thing--
I don't fake (bleep)!
(laughing) If anybody knows fake,
it's definitely K. Michelle.
Say what you said, dog, that's all I want.
From the booty to the nose to the lips to the cheeks.
I'm not faking (bleep) like you fake your marriage.
I'm not faking (bleep).
I fake my marriage?
Okay, make (bleep) up.
It looked like that kind of hurt Lyrica.
She didn't-- she didn't like that.
If your (bleep)'s real, your (bleep)'s real, right?
And I feel like...
K's onto something with this fake marriage.
These bitches in La La Land,
they finna get a taste of the real.
She 'bout to get her IV.
Nah, she thirsty.
She's so thirsty for attention.
Why is K. Michelle randomly getting a drip
in the middle of her rehearsal?
This is what you're doing? You in L.A. being the same K?
The same K doing better than you, bitch!
Doing better than me?
Doing better than you!
What the (bleep) have you done?!
(both laughing)
Hollywood is so weird. (giggling)
Give me a mic!
Your album was brick.
Whatcha need a mic for?
Yeah, Lyrica!
Let's go, Lyrica!
Nah, security.
Yeah, you don't wanna get the mic.
Your mama's trash.
Lyrica just came out of nowhere.
"Your mum's trash"?
Ooh, "Your mama's trash."
Your nose is pinched.
Yeah, her nose is pinched.
Get the (bleep) out of here.
(bleep) you, K!
That's why you're trying to (bleep) Safaree.
Safaree, you're bad for that, if you did go there,
because A1 is your boy.
Bros over hoes.
You gotta (bleep)!
Why you taking me out?
Let's go.
Get the (bleep) out of her crunchy booty-ass bitch!
What did she just call her?
A crunchy what?
Crunchy booty-ass bitch.
Oh, my God!
You thirsty?
I am thirsty.
At the moment.
Can I have some water, please?
For more infomation >> Who Beats Up A Pregnant Woman? - Check Yourself: S5 E1 | Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood - Duration: 6:49.-------------------------------------------
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Afternoon Tea Music for Afternoon Tea & Afternoon Tea Party: Best of Afternoon Tea Music Playlist - Duration: 3:03:00.
Title: Afternoon Tea Music for Afternoon Tea & Afternoon Tea Party: Best of Afternoon Tea Music Playlist
LEGO Aquaman Black Manta Strike review! set 76095 - Duration: 10:31.
everybody this is the Lego DC superheroes Aquaman Black Manta strike
set this black manta sub looks very elegant in an evil way to me until I
turn it like this those protrusions there look really weird and it's kind of
blocking around the sides this was very striking to me upon seeing it from this
angle from these lower angles for the very first time having the thing
actually in person because all the pictures show it from angles that don't
let you see that weird shape I don't think that's Legos fault I think that's
just part of the cinematic universe adaptation of the thing that remains to
be seen as of the time the recording of this video the movies not out yet but
other than other than that I think this looks really nice and the thing about
this is that yeah it's supposed to be a submarine but it looks like it could be
a stealth based aircraft it looks like it could be a spaceship so I think this
is gonna be a very versatile toy for kids to play with it'll switch this
around and pretend to be flying with it and not just using it in an underwater
setting that's a really cool thing about this this type of fanciful design it
doesn't look like it has to be a submarine I think it's gonna just help
with imagination a lot this has the six stud shooter on the front you rotate
this manually to fire off the studs one by one there's no gear to mechanism
going through it and this also has the the spring-loaded shooters one on either
wing if you will which is good because I think these are much more useful more
accurate and less frustrating than the six stud shooters these you know fire
off the studs and the studs just go everywhere they give you they give you
spares of those but I mean especially in grey for a lot of surfaces those will
simply get lost whereas these are just brighter easier
to see and they work better they knock minifigures over very effectively
they shoot fairly straight I like those if you don't want to use them you don't
have to but I think it's a good play feature this actually looks whoops haha
this actually looks pretty respectable from the underside there are no weird
colors exposed down here the use the red color for the inverted tiles
on here and I think that's good it's a little bit weird that they didn't put
any of those inverted tiles on the on the very base on the lowest surfaces so
if you're just kind of scooting this around on carpet these corners will get
caught even though even on some harder surfaces those will get caught but yeah
it's just there for structure but I'm glad that you don't get a ton of Blues
stole a little bit in there but I'm not gonna complain about that you can see a
little bit of yellow from the back that's actually not bad but you know
it's not one of these cases where you have lots of green and tan and stuff is
showing through I hate it when they do that so I'm glad they're being a little
bit more thoughtful about that and this has a cockpit that holds just one single
figure of course they're took the hatch off so you can see in there a little bit
more easily I like the trans red colored windscreen
or just front window piece for that not necessarily a windscreen if it's being
used underground underwater right but there are a couple of consoles one on
either side just a small sticker sheet for this whole set and you don't need to
apply the stickers if you hate stickers it really doesn't take anything away to
leave them off and I'm glad that there's an actual compartment there for black
mantas weapon you know it's always nice when they consider that so just in
general I feel like this is a very considerate build it just thinks about
or the designer just thought about the kids that are actually gonna have this
in their hands and be playing with it it's very very switchable doesn't have
any small items that'll break off easily it's just a good toy I think and then
there's just this one side build with the shark on top of a bit of seaweed and
get a couple little outgrowths of treasure down there golden color and
this to me looks way better than it should I mean it's the simplest thing
but I really like the use of the dark blue I don't think Lego has ever used
dark blue for a seabed element before like that you know and it just I don't
know it looks really grown-up to me and with the use of the dark green color for
the seaweed piece rather than like a bright green
you've moved to brighter and brighter colors and using these darker colors I
know it just feels yeah it feels more appropriate for the current cinematic DC
Universe or just DC universe in in general but especially relatively more
recent stuff I don't know it just looks it just looks good to me
here's the Momoa Aquaman complete with his gunmetal gray color Trident with
just a little extension for the handle and a power blast piece in the
transparent light blue they have a total of three of those power blast pieces in
this set and I think they're absolutely perfect for these characters and they
also work well you just aim where you want pull back push back on on the
little extension back here and then it'll just fire off they fire fairly
straight and it's just another very useful item for a play you can actually
shoot that you can actually aim and hit a target with them nice prints for this
guy for sure top to bottom I think and you have pretty good quality
overall you do see some seams in the the pattern for the goal that's just
something that's always gonna happen because they have the gold flakes and
they kind of flow into the mold and the print on the back of that torso is very
good the alternate face is very good let me show you what that looks like with
hair on it yeah that's that's actually excellent really really captures Jason
Momoa and captures the the essence of alcaman here I think that that torso
print with those scales looks just fantastic with the two different golds
and the different amounts of printing on them that's that's so well done it
almost looks three-dimensional there I love that and just looking at the front
let me take this weapon of wages so you can see that a little bit better from
some different angles really appreciate the scales and how they almost appear
iridescent yeah that's that's really good stuff and then
here's Mera actually Jang it should be pronounced "Mair-a" actually it should be
pronounced "Mair-a" but it's pronounced "Mee-ra" this figure looks great as well not just
because of the scale detailing on this one which features the blue color
actually I believe that's a blue color printed over silver you know with a
transparent coating on that but I might be mistaken they may have actually mixed
the colors together to get the metallic blue but whatever it is it looks good
but I just really appreciate the teal here the turquoise color and the use of
so much of it and it makes this whole figure stand out this when was the last
time you saw a Lego minifigure made with that much of that color
I mean they've only recently reintroduced that color period for use
at all I don't know about this this face and I might I might see in the movie
some some cases where that face shows through I can imagine
Amber Heard making that face but I don't know if it quite fits but I guess this
one's okay as well I think the faces for this one just don't match as well the
character as portrayed in live-action form as the Aquaman did but still a very
good figure a good toy figure fortunately for Lego they already had
this this mold for the Black Manta helmet
you know full head set up and breathing apparatus and everything so they just
needed to set this figure up with the color scheme and print for the movie
adaptation and they were done I think it looks fine I think it looks pretty good
definitely close enough the the prints on the torso are good I think they could
have been a little bit better if they had gone with a finer print for the
black they actually printed black on top of the black plastic which is a
technique that they've used a number of times before I think to better effect
than this there is no actual minifig head beneath there but yeah just if you
use finer lines for the black on black you can create some interesting
that when the light hits it right it really looks interesting and brings in
some some different depth and here they just used really thick outlining around
all of the the prints that are already there which is is okay but yeah I think
it just could have been a little bit better but it's not bad it's definitely
not bad and I think it's again pretty appropriate for the live-action
adaptation overall I think this is a very good set in every way to be honest
I'm not even an Aquaman fan not at all I've never been interested in anyway in
that character but I can still appreciate everything that they've done
here including with the Aquaman figure itself the price depart ratio is not the
best here but I think that's okay because to me the price to volume of
stuff ratio here is is very appropriate it just seems right for for the amount
of stuff that I see in front of me and also considering the quality I mean I'm
not putting too much weight on the fact that you know that figure looks looks
really nice it's still just a figure old really but I think the size of the sub
is good the number of figures is good and even that little side build is nice
and usually you know they bump up the price quite a bit when they include
include an animal as well but I feel like even beyond that just overall this
set gives you a proper value and good quality through and through there you go
those are my feelings and I'm sticking to them thank you very much for watching
and I will talk to you in as soon as I can
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California Fire Map: Fires Near Me Right Now [July 26] | Heavy.com - Duration: 10:57.
California Fire Map: Fires Near Me Right Now [July 26] | Heavy.com
NIFC California Fire Map Near Me.
The Cranston fire is a big problem in California right now, forcing the evacuations of thousands of people, but other fires like the Carr Fire and the Ferguson Fire are also issues.
Here is a list, with maps, of the larger fires around the state, their current containment levels, and where they are located for July 26.
Read on for more details.
News is constantly changing, so call your local officials if you are concerned about evacuations near you.
General Map of California Fires.
This map below is an interactive map of some of the bigger fires in California on July 26, provided by CAL FIRE and Google.
Fires in red are active and fires in black are contained.
Read the next section for details about the fires listed on the map.
The California Governor's office has another active fire map for comparison, which is embedded below.
This map periodically is made available only to those with a login, so if it's not available when you're reading this story, it might be released to the public again later.
Below is another active fire map from Google's Crisis Map.
Zoom in to areas of interest.
List of Active Fires in California as of July 26.
Here are the active fires and updates about them, per CAL FIRE.
Most of these are in alphabetical order, but newer fires not yet listed on the CAL FIRE map may be included in a separate section at the end.
Carr Fire.
This fire is off Highway 299 and Carr Powerhouse Road in Whiskeytown (Shasta County.) It's now 20,000 acres and 10 percent contained.
192 structures are threatened.
The fire was caused by a vehicle's mechanical failure.
The following evacuation orders are in place, according to CAL FIRE:.
"The community of French Gulch is under an evacuation order.
Residents along SR 299 west of Trinity Mountain Rd to the base of Buckhorn Summit are also under evacuation order.
Residents along Whiskey Creek Rd to include the boat launch/day use areas are evacuated.
SR 299W closure for westbound traffic now at Buenaventura Blvd.
Closure to eastbound traffic remains at Buckhorn Summit.
Residents located east of Trinity Mountain Road use evacuation center located at Shasta High School 2500 Eureka Way in Redding.
Residents located west of Trinity Mountain Road use evacuation center located at Weaverville Elementary School 31020 HWY 3 in Weaverville.".
Here's a note about the evacuations from the City of Redding:.
You can also track the fire with this interactive map from Google, which includes road closures, evacuation centers, and more:.
Church Fire.
This fire is at Monterey Road and Church Avenue in San Martin in Santa Clara County.
It's 20 acres and 60 percent contained.
Cranston Fire.
This fire is off Highway 74 and Control Road.
Brandon McGlover was arrested and charged with starting this and four other fires in the area.
It's now 4,700 acres and 5 percent contained.
2,174 homes were evacuated and 3,200 people.
The following evacuations have been conducted by the Riverside Sheriff's station, according to Inciweb:.
Idyllwild Apple Canyon Area Lake Hemet Area Mountain Center Community Hurkey Creek Area Camp Scherman Girlscout Camp.
An evacuation center is set up at Banning High School.
The following road closures are in place:.
HWY 74 from City of Hemet to Lake Hemet HWY 243 from Banning to intersection of 243 and HWY 74.
The following hiking trails are closed:.
Desert View Trail Round Valley Wellmans Divide San Jacinto Peak.
The following animal shelters are available, according to Inciweb:.
Large animals can be dropped off to Dysart Equestrian Park – 2101 W Victory Ave in Banning.
Small Animals can also be dropped off at Dysart Equestrian Park – 2101 W.
Victory Ave. in Banning.
Animal Services will transfer them to the San Jacinto Valley Animal Campus.
All animals (large and small) also accepted at San Jacinto Valley Animal Campus.
Crestline Fire.
#RT @CAL_FIRE: #CrestlineFire [update] at Crestline Rd & Hunt Rd in Montgomery Creek (Shasta County) is now 51 acres and 70% contained.
https://t.co/F6zGNmtNTU pic.twitter.com/ZiBNWolWbW — MarinBuzz (@MarinBUZZ) July 26, 2018 .
This fire is at Crestline Road and Hunt Road in Montgomery Creek in Shasta County.
It's 51 acres and 70 percent contained.
Eagle Fire.
This fire is at County Road 40/County Road 1, southwest of Eagleville in Modoc County.
It's 2,100 acres and 95 percent contained, located at 41.285 latitude, -120.115 longitude.
Containment has been increasing, with no increase in acreage.
High temperatures might cause the fire to increase, even though minimal movement is expected.
It's 15 miles south of Cedarville.
Minimal movement is expected.
Ferguson Fire (Yosemite Fire).
This fire is off Highway 140 and Hite Cove, near El Portal in Mariposa County.
It's burning west of Yosemite National Park.
Just five days ago it was 27,129 acres and 7 percent contained, and now it is 43,299 acres and 27 percent contained.
Above is a map that marks the fire's progression over time since it began.
Below are more maps.
What happens Backlink | How To Create Backlink & Backlink Generator - Duration: 8:35.
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