My name is Christine Israel. My name is Bill Rossier and I'm a release
engineer. A release engineer helps provide an environment for thousands of
engineers to combine their work together and ensure integrity across doing builds
and finally releasing out to the public. Currently I'm working in the Daydream
team, that's the virtual reality branch of Google. Most of my time is actually on
automating the actual release pipeline to make sure that what we are releasing
is good quality and the whole process is secure and repeatable. We also work on
lots of code to improve what we're doing and make it faster, more automated, more
accurate. The release engineer community at Google overall I think is a little
more senior and do tend to be the adults in the eng department and tell
people you know I know what you want to do but this is the right way to do it.
The culture at Google is very open. For example when something bad happens we're
open and honest about it and it's actually a joy to see the improvements
over time when we learn from stuff we should have done better. I think at
Google even the Impossibles are possible. I think that was one of the things that
really attracted me to Google as a company is that they had these
outrageous ideas and they're not afraid to think. I'm helping support the Android
platform which is being used right now today on over a billion devices in the
world and I love that.
For more infomation >> Meet Release Engineers at Google - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
Extension de Google Chrome que te lee los textos de Internet para Windows Linux MacOS X - Duration: 5:46.
Telenovelas Are Hell: Maria La Del Barrio - Duration: 6:06.
- [Narrator] Would you rather get poisoned by a witch,
go through two fires in less than 24 hours,
or have your firstborn stolen by a woman
who sells sausages on the street?
Well, folks, you don't need to make up your mind.
Because in the 90s Mexican telenovela, Maria la del Barrio,
all those things happened to one person.
And why is that?
Well, because in a telenovela, everyone's life is hell.
(dramatic music)
(fire blasting)
Maria's life is straight up diarrhea.
She's poor as hell, she makes money picking trash
from the ground,
and her entire family is dead,
except for her godmother who looks like a frog,
and eventually dies in Maria's arms on her 15th birthday
after choking on a piece of ham.
Maria is left homeless and alone,
until one of the richest dudes in Mexico sees her,
and is like hey Maria, you're a hot vulnerable teen,
and I'm gonna adopt you and be your daddy now.
He takes her to live in his mansion,
where she meets his wife, who's like
if you touch me with those gross dirty fingers,
I will call the police.
In her new home, Maria gets hooked up with a sick ass room
that as a bidet, which is like a little bathtub
but only for your ass.
She quickly meets her adopted brother, Luis Fernando,
who is a raging alcoholic bro that likes to show off
his rock hard breasts, and she's like you're hot,
and he's like nice ass.
And the two of them fall in love.
Unfortunately, Soraya Montenegro,
the villain of this telenovela,
who is evil and a piece of shit,
gets in the way of the couple.
Soraya is so horny for her cousin,
that she roofies him and convinces him
to have nasty cousin intercourse with her,
hoping that he'll fall in love with her.
Except he doesn't, 'cause all he can think about
is how much he loves his step sister Maria.
If you're gonna do incest, you may as well skip your cousin
and go directly for your step sister.
Anyways, Soraya gets so pissed
that she wants to kill Maria.
Luckily, her nanny, who happens to be standing around
hears her and is like my side hustle is doing witchcraft.
So she prepares a poison that will kill Maria.
Maria drinks the shit outta the poison water.
Unfortunately for Soraya, it doesn't kill Maria.
It just gives her diarrhea
and makes her fart a bunch of pedos.
When Soraya finds out that Maria isn't dead,
she loses her god damn mind and beats her nanny
for not making the poison strong enough.
This is next level crazy.
One day later, some creepy ass dude
that has a broken arm for unexplained reasons,
threatens Soraya.
He's like I know you wanted to poison Maria.
Gimme $50 or I'll call the police.
And she's like hell no, I'm not giving you $50.
So, they fight and he pushes her out the window.
She falls 20 stories onto concrete with her shoe landing
directly above her head and well, she dies.
Maria quickly gets knocked up by her step brother,
and you're like yay Maria's life is finally good and happy.
Except that doesn't happen in telenovelas.
Out of the blue, she becomes schizophrenic,
and runs away from the house.
She gives birth to the baby while in a catatonic state,
and then roams the streets, mentally ill
and talking to walls.
Until she meets the lady that sells sausages,
and is like I'll trade you my baby for a sausage.
And gives her newborn away.
14 years pass, and we know this because Luis Fernando
has grown a stunning stache
that looks like it's made out of of flat ironed pubic hairs.
We come to find out that Maria and Luis Fernando's son
is alive, and he's a ginger.
Maria and Luis Fernando get reunited with their son
when he tries to rob their house,
because he needs a little extra money to buy weed.
Even though she hasn't seen him since he was a fetus,
Maria knows it's her son.
Look at that artistic shot.
Tell me this wasn't worthy of an Oscar.
Okay, so remember when the villain of this novela died,
well, she didn't die.
She survived and married a super rich dude
with a disabled daughter with huge wet braces.
She immediately has him killed a super painless death,
by having him run over by a semi truck,
and inherits all his money.
But is stuck caring for his daughter
whom she abuses in one of the most dramatic scenes
in television history, where she knocks over her wheelchair.
Just when you think you can't handle any more drama,
Maria goes to jail for a crime which is never explained.
As if her life wasn't garbage enough,
the prison immediately catches on fire,
and Maria disappears into the flames.
Maria doesn't die in the fire of course,
she survives, but is kidnapped by Soraya
who takes her to a shack which she then lights on fire.
Yes, folks, that's two fires in one god damn day.
Luckily, Luis Fernando just so happens
to be standing near the cabin and rescues her.
They watch Soraya burn alive,
and are like burn, queen, burn.
One day later, everyone is super happy,
and not traumatized at all by the insane shit
that's just happened.
And the disabled girl is walking again.
The novela ends with Maria announcing that she's knocked up
while she and her step brother suck face
in front of this parrot. (slurping)
(parrot squawking)
The end.
(happy music)
Live PD: Begging to Be Arrested (Season 2) | A&E - Duration: 3:32.
Funny Cats & Dogs Compilation July 2018 | TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:16.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
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How To Change Gboard Keyboard Theme in Android - Duration: 2:25.
hello all welcome to tech mirages and I'm back again with another awesome
video in this video I will show you how to change google keyboard theme in
Android if you look at my keypad in Android it's green in color I replace
the default Google theme with this green color keypad theme and it really looks
good if you're looking for the same thing this video is for you but before
going forward make sure to subscribe to my channel so that you never miss any of my
tech videos and as the stage has been set let's get started
so if you see my keyboard theme it's not the default one so if you look at this
Google keyboard in my Android it's really better and looks good and it's
not the default theme I replaced the default theme with this and if you want
to do that just tap on the G icon in the Google keyboard and you could see
different options like smiley,gif, Google Translator, paint and you could
see three dots beside that options tap on the three dots and you could see an
option called settings just tap on the settings and you could see some settings
such as languages, preferences, theme and many more just tap on the theme and it
was lot of themes like my themes, colors and landscapes you can have any of this as a
Google keyboard theme so I've chosen green color that's why you could see
green color keypad in my android mobile if I choose some red color scheme and
even has an options like whether you want to apply this theme for borders for keys
not if I disable it you could say that key borders are not added now if I enable
it key borders are added and looks good with the keyboard as enable just click
on apply now come back and as you could see that my Google keyboard theme is
changed to red color. Apart from selecting the themes which are already
available by default you can add your own image and use it as a Google
keyboard team let me show you how to do that go to theme section in settings as
described before and you could see a first option with plus icon it means
that you can add your own image let's tap on it select the image from your
gallery and adjust the location or position this tap on next button and
that is a brightness next click on done having two options like edit and delete
you can modify brightness by clicking on the edit button or you can
delete the theme permanently by clicking on the delete button I want to apply it
just click on apply and come back and you could see that your uploaded image
has been set as a Google keyboard theme so there's a simple and easy way to
change Google keyboard theme in Android hope you find this video useful if you
find this video useful please like and share the video and if you anything more
to add please comment below the video thanks for watching this video and
please subscribe to my channel for more videos like this see you soon.
Paper Dahlia Wreath | Darby Smart | Michaels - Duration: 1:05.
Make the Trend Michaels + Darby Smart
Cut 4 inch squares
Cut 3 inch squares
Fold squares into cones
Seal with glue
Glue cones to cake circle, darkest colors first
Glue next color
Add a ribbon
Find your supplies at Michaels glue gun, yardstick paper, ribbon, paper trimmer, cake circle
Michaels Make Creativity happen in partnership with Darby Smart
Subscribe to our channel and share your projects using the #MakeitwithMichaels
How to Cleanse The Liver Naturally - Duration: 10:48.
Top superfoods to prevent and cure liver disease
The liver weighing in at about 3 pounds in healthy adults is one of the body's vital organs
It is responsible for many important functions related to digestion
Metabolism immunity and the storage of nutrients that the body needs to survive
Because the liver performs so many vital functions. It is important to keep it healthy an
Unhealthy diet and poor lifestyle can overwork and overload the liver leaving it unable to process toxins and fat efficiently
to treat your liver disease
medications are needed
Medical treatment is a simple safe and effective option
However, certain foods can also help improve liver health and boost the effectiveness of your metabolism
Here's a list of some of the best foods and herbs to eat if your goal is to prevent and cure liver disease
1 garlic
Garlic is great for cleansing your liver
It helps activate enzymes in the liver that help clear out toxins
It also contains 2 natural compounds called a licen and selenium
Which aid in the liver cleansing process and protect the liver from toxic damage?
moreover garlic reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Which can overload the liver and hamper its functioning to promote liver health use fresh raw garlic instead of processed
minced garlic or powder
Eat 2 to 3 raw garlic cloves daily and include garlic in your cooking whenever possible
You can also take garlic supplements, but only after consulting your doctor
To brief fruit
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see if they're useful health videos
being a good source of vitamin C pectin and
Antioxidants grapefruit also eats the natural cleansing process of the liver
It also contains glutathione e a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and detoxifies the liver
Glutathione E. Also helps in the detoxification of heavy metals
moreover the flavonoid mare engine and in grapefruit helps break down fat
Drink a small glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or enjoy the whole fruit with your breakfast daily
Note if you are on medications consult your doctor before taking this food as it may interact with certain drugs
3 be fruits
Beet roots are another powerful food for cleansing and supporting liver function high in plant flavonoids and beta-carotene
They help stimulate and improve overall liver function
moreover beet roots are natural blood purifiers
simply add fresh beet roots or juice to your daily diet
make a powerful liver cleansing salad with 1 Cuban peso of chopped or grated beet roots 2 tablespoons of
cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil and the juice of 1/2 lemon
Mix all the ingredients together in eat 2 teaspoons of it every 2 hours during the day for a week
4 lemons
Lemons help detoxify the liver mainly due to the antioxidant D limonene present in it
Which helps activate enzymes in the liver that aid detoxification?
Moreover the high amount of vitamin C in lemons helps your liver produce more enzymes to aid digestion
Lemons also boost mineral absorption by the liver make lemon water at home by adding the juice of one lemon to a jar of water
You can even add chopped lemons to it drink this water at regular intervals
If desired add a little honey
5 green tea
By drinking green tea daily. You can help your body flush out toxins and fat deposits while increasing hydration levels a
2002 study published in the International Journal of obesity found that the Kentuckians NT helps stimulate lipid catabolism in the liver
This in turn prevents fat accumulation in the liver
This healthy beverage also protects the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances like alcohol
Green tea is also beneficial in treating or preventing liver disease
according to a 2009 study published in cancer causes and controls
People who drink green tea have a lower risk of developing liver cancer
drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily if
Desired sweeten your tea with honey
Note avoid drinking green tea in excess as a can have an adverse impact on your liver and other body parts
6 avocados
Avocados contain potent chemicals that may reduce liver damage according to a 2000 study by the American Chemical Society
this fruit is rich in glutathione e a compound required by the liver to cleanse harmful toxins and to function properly the
high amount of monounsaturated fat in avocados helps reduce low-density
lipoproteins or bad cholesterol and increase high density lipoproteins or good cholesterol
the liver easily processes good cholesterol
Avocados contain many minerals vitamins and plant nutrients that support overall liver health and help break down fats
Eat one to two avocados per week for a couple of months to help reverse liver damage
Seven turmeric
Turmeric is another popular and affected liver cleansing food. It also improves the body's ability to digest fats
The compound or cumin in turmeric induces the formation of a primary liver detoxification enzyme called glutathione es transferase
It also helps regenerate damaged liver cells
Mix 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of water and boil it drink it twice daily for a couple of weeks
Also include the spice in your daily cooking
Eight apples an
Apple a day is the secret behind a healthy liver
apples are a good source of pectin a
Soluble fiber that helps remove toxins from the digestive tract in cholesterol from the blood in turn preventing the liver from being overworked
moreover apples contain malic acid a naturally
Cleansing nutrient that removes carcinogens and other toxins from the blood all types of apples are good for your liver
However for fast liver cleansing choose organic apples eat one organic apple or drink a glass of fresh apple juice daily
Here are the 10 early signs of liver damage
Yellowing of skin one of the early signs of liver damage is jaundice or yellowing of the skin eyes
Tongue and fingernails or fingertips is noticeable
Jaundice is caused by a buildup of bilirubin in the blood and body
Tissue that the liver normally would get rid of along with all red blood cells
Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that is formed by the breakdown of dead red blood cells in the liver
when bilirubin accumulates in your bloodstream and then on your skin, it takes on a yellowish hue as
Jaundice may also indicate a serious problem with your gallbladder or pancreas do not take it lightly and follow your doctor's advice
digestive issues
The liver plays an active role in the digestion process through the production of bile
Bile helps process the nutrients absorbed from the small intestine and plays an important role in digesting fat
Thus if the liver begins to malfunction it can result in digestive problems like diarrhea and in digestion
Abnormalities in bile production can also lead to gall stones
Abdominal bloating constipation irritable bowel syndrome and intolerance to fatty foods and alcohol
When the damage is severe it can cause severe abdominal pain that often sends people to the doctor
3 nausea and vomiting
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos
many people ignore nausea and vomiting as it is usually not considered to be a serious medical problem if
Nausea and vomiting occur separately or together without any known reason such as motion sickness
dizziness a migraine food poisoning early pregnancy
Anxiety and depression it can be due to a kidney or liver problem
People suffering from liver damage often have a persistent feeling of nausea
This arises due to the livers diminished ability to process and eliminate toxins
changes in metabolism and digestion also caused nausea and vomiting
Constant feelings of nausea or vomiting can wreak havoc on your health and should be investigated thoroughly by doctor
changes in stool color
changes in stool color may also indicate liver trouble a
Well-functioning liver releases bile into the stool giving it the normal brown color
Inflammation or scarring in the liver affects bile production which causes steel to appear gray pale yellow or clay colored?
Having pale or clay colored stools once in a while is fine
If it occurs frequently
Consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of liver damage or any other illness
Changes in the urine color. If you are drinking enough fluid and your urine has a darker color
It may be an indication of a liver problem
dark colored urine can look orange amber or brown
The change in urine color occurs due to an increased level of bilirubin in the blood stream
This happens when the liver is unable to eliminate bilirubin via excretion through the kidneys
dark urine can also be caused by dehydration taking vitamin D supplements side effects of antibiotics
Enzyme deficiencies a urinary tract infection and kidney problems if your urine is persistently dark
You should visit your doctor for a diagnosis
How To Live a More Fulfilling and Happy Life - Duration: 13:18.
Sunny Lenarduzzi: Coffee with my dad.
It seems so simple, but for years I found myself not being able to commit to having
a weekly coffee with my dad.
As an entrepreneur you have to make sacrifices, I totally get that, I understand it, but if
you're sacrificing the simple things that lead to true happiness and fulfillment, you
could achieve all of the success in the world and still feel empty.
And if there's one person in my life who's taught me a lot about balance, it's my dad.
He is a former pro athlete, he now runs a major league soccer team here in Vancouver.
So I figured, might as well go talk to him about this and bring you along for a coffee
I've learned that fulfillment doesn't come from what I do, it doesn't come from a job,
it doesn't come from a person, it doesn't come from money, it comes from knowing who
you really are and what you really need.
And a friend of mine recently shared an exercise with me that showed me that technically everything
you need can fit into four boxes.
And that's what I'm going to show you today.
Hit the like button if you're excited to dive in.
So, how do you live a more fulfilling and happy life?
Well, it seems like a pretty tall task.
Bob Lenarduzzi: Watch It's a Wonderful Life once a year.
It, clearly, it doesn't matter how many times you watch it and the fact that I still well
up when I get to that scene, when we get to that scene, it's a great message.
And the message is throughout your life you impact a lot of people, and in Jimmy Stewart's
case he didn't know until he was faced with, "I'm going to kill myself".
And then the ghosts do their job and take him back and look into the future, and it's
clear to him at the end of it all, "Wow.
You know what?
I actually did some pretty good things".
Sunny Lenarduzzi: What if all of the joy you need fits into four boxes?
That's it.
It's that simple.
Sometimes the simplest things are the things that actually bring us the most fulfillment.
And a friend of mine recently broke down this exercise for me after he had gone through
an experience in building a very successful business, he ran an agency.
But he went on vacation with his wife and his daughter and he was tied to his computer
the whole time.
It was their first real vacation as a family and he couldn't get away from his computer.
He was constantly tied to it, he felt like he had no freedom, and it really wasn't a
So it was his crux point of changing everything and finding a way to build a life that actually
fulfilled him outside of just his work, and something that didn't tie him to what he did
for a living.
So these four boxes, this exercise, is a game changer, truly.
I did it a few weeks ago and it really was so helpful for me in creating a full life
and a happier life that doesn't just rely on my business or relationship, and it's all
coming from what fills me up as an individual being.
So my four quadrants break down into this, freedom, first and foremost, which is the
freedom to create my schedule, to choose how I spend my day, to go for a walk or hop on
my bike at any time that I want.
I feel really sad and low when I get boxed into a very busy schedule and something where
I have to be places at all times.
That's why I can't work in an office, it doesn't work for me.
I tried it, doesn't work for me.
So I like to be able to have the freedom to create my own day.
So freedom looks like a bunch of different things.
It doesn't mean I'm traveling the world all the time, although I enjoy that from time
to time, that's not where I get my freedom from.
My freedom is just a freedom to do what I want, when I want, how I want.
The next part, the next box, on my four boxes is creativity, which is what I am doing right
now as we film this video.
So as I'm filming this, this makes me feel fulfilled.
Since I was a kid I've loved creating.
I've loved making things, I've loved creating content, even if it wasn't for a social media
I started making videos long before You Tube was even a thing.
And so that's been a hobby for me my whole life, and that's usually a big sign as to
what makes you feel alive.
A prime example of this is that ... Again, this doesn't have to be your job, it doesn't
have to be what you do every single day, but I have a lot of friends in my life who absolutely
love cooking.
And they're not professional chefs, but cooking for them is this creative outlet and it's
something that makes them feel fulfilled, it makes them feel happier, they like to provide
and create these dishes for their friends and family.
That fills them up.
So what's that thing?
I want you to comment below right now with a hobby or something that you do that lights
you up, and it has nothing to do necessarily with what you do for a living, it's just something
that makes you feel fulfilled.
And how can you integrate that into your life?
It doesn't mean you have to all of a sudden start join a professional ballet academy,
but it just means integrating it in some way, shape or form, and being okay with doing it
The next thing is growth.
So growth for me is reading a book.
I read about five pages a day.
I'm not reading an entire book a day, but even reading five pages a day of a book in
the morning or at night before I go to bed, makes me feel like I've learned something
So that's how I cultivate that growth in my day to day life.
So it's learning something new, it's chatting with a new friend or meeting a new person,
having a really interesting conversation, watching a TED video, reading an article online.
Whatever that might be, it's just growing my mindset and opening my mind to new ideas,
new opportunities, new things that I can learn every single day that makes me feel fulfilled.
And the fourth part, funny enough, is teaching.
Connection and then I think one of yours is growth, which is developing the next generation,
especially in soccer.
I think growth for you too as you and mom are so active, you both work out every single
day and that's like developing and growing your ... So I would say fitness.
Bob Lenarduzzi: Yeah.
Sunny Lenarduzzi: I love teaching, and I never thought in my life that I would consider myself
a teacher, but I think that that's what I've become.
I live to teach you guys.
I live to share new ideas and the best part about this is that because I love teaching
things so much, when I learned this concept, which is part of growing and that growth fulfillment,
I immediately came home and I had a dinner with my family and I ended up telling my parents
and my boyfriend about this exercise.
And I had them all do it at the table and we all talked about our four boxes of fulfillment.
And so my dad called me the day after we did this exercise and he recognized that one of
his boxes of fulfillment that he likes to do on a daily basis is connection.
So he wants to go for a coffee with a friend, or he wants to meet a new person, or he wants
to go and have a chat with me or have lunch with me.
And so the funny thing about this was as I filled up my cup and I fulfilled what I needed
by teaching this to other people, which is my family, my dad had this light bulb moment
of, "Oh.
I need to have more connection in my life and I'm going to now make it a priority and
make sure that we're going for this weekly coffee every single week".
And what do I do every week when I have those coffees?
Generally, I'm sharing some sort of new idea or thing that I've learned that week with
my dad, so it fills us both up.
Bob Lenarduzzi: I can't even write something down.
Sunny Lenarduzzi: Well, also, your writing is so bad.
Bob Lenarduzzi: I know it is.
I'm like a doctor.
Sunny Lenarduzzi: You are like a doctor.
So how do you do this exercise and figure out what your four quadrants are?
You don't have to do it perfectly on the first try and this make some time for you to really
dial into what it is that makes you feel fulfilled on a daily basis, but just start to note the
times in your day when you feel that yes, I feel so good about this, I feel good in
my body, I feel at peace, I feel lit up by what I'm doing in this very moment.
It could be little teeny, tiny things that you're doing throughout the day and those
are a huge clues as to what makes you feel fulfilled.
It's nothing external, it's nothing that you do in your work or in a relationship, it's
just you as a human being, what makes you feel good.
Bob Lenarduzzi: Peace.
Sunny Lenarduzzi: Yeah.
Peace and quiet.
Bob Lenarduzzi: And under peace would be ...
Sunny Lenarduzzi: It would be cutting the grass.
So there's two ways to do it.
Figure out what those over-arching buckets or categories are first and then start populating
the activities you want to do within the boxes, or write down a bunch of different activities
and then figure out how they all can be organized into four different buckets.
So that's really the simple process to building a more fulfilled and happy life outside of
just work and outside of what you do for a living because that is not who you are, and
that is not going to fulfill you in the long run.
You have to find what you as a person enjoy in life and make more time for that.
If this is making sense to you, give me a like below and let me know that you're enjoying
this by commenting below this video.
And like I said, we created a little print out for you of this exact exercise.
So you can grab that below.
There's a link below to go download it.
And like I said, you can do it on the computer or you can do it with a print out version
and do it offline.
And hang it somewhere that you can see every day so you make sure that you do feel fulfilled
on a daily basis, which will ultimately lead to a happier life.
And what I would love, love, love for you to do is as you start filling these out, make
sure that you take pictures of them, screenshot them, and tag me on Instagram with your four
boxes of fulfillment and I can't wait to see what you come up with because this is such
a huge component of living a much happier life.
The next thing that I'm going to show you in next week's episode is how to find your
The people that are going to elevate you, the people you want to surround yourself with
to build a bigger, better, more successful life on your own terms.
It's so important and I can't wait to share the tips and tricks that I've learned in connecting
with some of the people that I've looked up to for years and years and years.
So it's going to be an amazing episode, can't wait for you to see it.
And on that note, I do have to give a shout out to my friend, Mikael, who is the guy who
gave me this exercise at a recent event that we went to.
And he is the founder of Funnelytics, which is an amazing company as well for anyone in
online business.
You want to definitely check it out.
I'll link to that below in the description too.
So thank you so much for sharing this with me, and I'm so happy that I can share it with
you because this fulfills me.
So if you like this video, like I said, give it a like below.
Subscribe for new episodes every week.
Next week, like I said, we're talking all about building your tribe to elevate you and
attract the right people into your life.
And make sure you comment below with #BossClub to enter to win shout outs in my videos and
free BYO Boss swag.
New videos every week on how to be your own boss, build your own life.
We'll be back next Tuesday.
Can't wait to see you then.
Thanks for watching.
How do you define success?
Bob Lenarduzzi: I would refer back to Nono, your grandfather and what he actually said,
not on his deathbed, but close to.
I sat with him in the house and he was really struggling at that point.
And so I sat with him in the basement.
I was getting ready to go to Australia, wasn't sure I wanted to go or not 'cause I knew he
didn't have long left, and he was even struggling to converse.
I sat there for a minute and he looked over and he had a good moment and he said, "What's
And I said, "Well, you're obviously not in a good place".
And he said, "Don't worry about me.
I've had four good boys and never had any problems with them, and I know that they'll
be a legacy when I'm gone.
And if someone had said to me when I was 20 that I'd make it to 80, I would have snapped
their hands off".
So I was actually quite taken aback 'cause he was struggling to speak.
But not only did he speak, he actually provided some pretty succinct information at a time
where I didn't think he was capable of.
But that's stayed with me since then and I've repeated it on numerous occasions.
So back to the answer to your question, it's you, it's Ryan, it's now Leo, it's your mates.
And ideally hoping I'll be in a similar place when that time comes.
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How to Build Your Library of 5-Star Reviews - Duration: 2:03.
There are a lot of ways that we can work to elicit good reviews.
We want to build our library of those 5-star reviews for several reasons.
No. 1: We want to share our story and share the good experiences that our clients have
had and give us that social proof that so many clients are looking for when they're
choosing a veterinarian.
But the biggest way we need to work to gain these is to make it as easy as possible for
our clients to leave those reviews.
So, the fewer clicks the better.
One thing you can do is try to get the direct link to your Google reviews, to your Facebook
reviews, to your Yelp reviews, get that URL—it's going to be a weird URL, but you just copy
and paste that, and then you can embed that in any digital communication you have with
your clients.
So, if you're sending out a post-visit follow-up email, you're sending out a monthly newsletter,
you can even embed it in the bottom of your email signature.
But bottom-line, make it as easy as possible, 1 click and they're directed to your review
site so they can make it an easy trip for them to leave you that feedback.
It gets a little tricky when you're asking for reviews.
So, technically, asking for a review directly violates some of the platforms terms of service.
In particular, Yelp is going to be, that's a no-no.
But Google, on the other hand, has embraced it and there's a new tool out from Google—called
Small Thanks from Google—they actually help you share your reviews, they'll let you download
social media graphics that are pulling from your reviews that are making beautiful little
quotes, you can also print them out as posters, you can get them in the mail.
So, they're really encouraging us to, as small businesses, share that with our clients and
let them then give us that feedback, as well.
It makes it really easy to get a review when you're sharing that out there.
But, yeah, you want to be a little more subtle and say, "We'd love your feedback.
If you happen to be a Yelp user, we'd love you to share your story."
But I would never go to a client and say, "Hey, we need another 5-star review.
Will you leave us one?"
That's definitely not the way to go.
Morgan Miller, Fellow Mom Raise Awareness After Drowning Of Children | TODAY - Duration: 8:33.
How to find unclaimed money (for FREE) - Duration: 4:18.
if you're looking to find unclaimed money that might be owed to you without
having to pay any money to find out you're gonna love this video and you
just might be one of those lucky people who ends up finding thousands of dollars
so you just never know and that's why it's so important to check I got an
email from a reader recently who ended up finding over 400 dollars using this
technique so I hope you have tons of success as well and you find all kinds
of money but either way this just doesn't take much time so just stay
tuned we're gonna get started
if we haven't met my name is Bob Lotich in this channel we give you tips and
strategies just put more money in your pocket and we also talked about some of
the timeless biblical principles on how to handle that money so if that's
something that resonates with you definitely hit the subscribe button now
we're gonna have links to the website you should go to as well as the related
videos down below in the description so be sure to check that out and so my
suggestion would be to just pause this video as we're going through it so you
can just follow through with a step-by-step and then let us know down
in the comments if you actually found some money alright so with all that out
of the way let's get into it
hi everyone its Lauren wanted to take a couple minutes to show you this great
website called it's essentially a website that searches all
any states that participate to find any missing lost or unclaimed property money
or assets that you might have so it's super simple I'm just gonna walk through
this and show you how the process works again it's so you're
just gonna go here and I'm just gonna put my name in state of Missouri and hit
go and it'll tell me if I have any money out here waiting for me and so you'll
see these are all names that come up none of them are my name so I do not
have any money out here waiting for me but I'm gonna go ahead and try another
name just to see if I can show you what it looks like I'm gonna try my dad
Robert Lotich and lets pick Missouri and hit go alright so you're gonna see here
Robert Lotich is he has something out there reported by it's not saying who
it's reported by and it says it's under $50 so when you click on the
name you just have to answer some questions verifying that you are this
person that you've lived at the address if it says the company that it's
reported by that you have conducted business with them in the past and then
you just hit one of these buttons here either yes I can claim no I cannot claim
or email someone who can and I'm obviously not going to claim this
because this is not me it's my dad but I'm definitely gonna let him know that
it's out here so and then the process to do this it varies
you know depending on who the money is being reported by on what company owes
you or what agency owes you the money you might have to just answer some
questions on a website they might send you something in the mail like a form to
fill out and then you'll send that back and get the money via check in the mail
it just depends on who it's coming from so there's not a black-and-white way for
me to show you this is the exact process but this is at least the process to
enter your name see if you have anything out there and then you can follow the
steps after that so super simple definitely worth the 30 seconds that
it'll take to go to the website enter your name see if you have anything out
there like you saw I do not have anything so you very well might not but
it's worth a shot so hope you take a couple seconds and do that and hope you
all have some money waiting out there for you alright I hope you found this
helpful and if you did I'd love it if he keeps his thumbs up down below and like
I said before if you did find some money or if you didn't let us know down in the
comments down below I'd love to hear kind of what the success rates are for
different people watching this video and if you want more content like this
definitely hit that subscribe button as well alright and that is all for now so
have a great rest of your day and I'll see you in the next video
Sanam | Tu Yahaan | Official Music Video - Duration: 3:43.
Main Joh Hoon
Main Woh Hoon
Tere Bagair
Kuch Nahi Hoon
Ghumshuda Hoon
Kho Gaya Hoon
Sab Mit Gaya
Joh Bhi Tha Likha
Choona Tujhe Chaahoon
Main Agar
Choona Sakoon
Tu Joh Gayi Yun Chhod Kar
Hai Kheenchi Jo Lakeerein Yeh
Dono Main Baar-Baar
Gardish Mei Hai Khada
Hai Yahi Meri Khwaishein
Aau Tere Wahaan
Milti Khushi Magar
Hoti Jo Tu Yahaan
Kaise Sahoon
Dard jo Dharoon
Pal- Pal Unhe
Kis Tarah Se Piyoon
Choona Tujhe Chahoon
Main Agar
Choona Sakoon
Choota Jo Saanson ka Safar
Hai Kheenchi Jo Lakeerein Yeh
Dono Main Baar-Baar
Gardish Mei Hai Khada
Hai Yahi Meri Khwaishein
Aaun Tere Wahaan
Milti Khushi Magar
Hoti Jo Tu Yahaan
Tu Yahaan
Hoti Jo Tu Yahaan
Hai Yahi Meri Khwaishein
Aaun Tere Wahaan
Milti Khushi Magar
Hoti Jo Tu Yahaan
Tu Yahaan
Hoti Jo Tu Yahaan
Tu Yahaan
Hoti Jo Tu Yahaan
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