Hello everyone!
Today we will be talking about budgeting in college and some general tips to save your
money wisely.
Although I am no expert at this topic in particular, I will be talking about how I have been managing
my finances and a few tricks to save more money than you are expecting.
This is the third video on my Back to School series and, just like I did last year, I will
be providing the schedule for all the videos you might expect during this summer, plus
a few unannounced bonus videos and surprise giveaways that may pop up any day of the week.
If you want to stay in touch, it is very important to subscribe and click the bell button to
get notified whenever there is a surprise giveaway or a freebie coming up in a new video.
For even more bonus content I will be posting study tips on my Instagram and a new blog
post up on my website each Sunday.
All the links will be provided down below so let's get started with today's video.
Even if you think of yourself as someone who is naturally able to manage money well, it
is fundamental to start your financial journey with a solid budget.
This budget should be detailed and contain all of your income and expenses for a certain
amount of time, depending on your own individual deadlines or goals.
The goal is to measure your expenses to your income, so you can understand when and how
much you can spend, and what your absolute limit is.
You should start by tracking all of your expenses, including that daily Starbucks cup of coffee,
and any passive expenses like entertainment subscriptions.
You can gather this data by keeping track of all the money you are spending during the
month or using your bank statements if you are used to paying most of your things with
a debit or credit card.
After you have gathered all of this information, organize those expenses by category and start
adding up.
This will give you a very precise idea of how much you are spending during the month
and will also categorize all of the items you could be cutting back to achieve your
financial goals.
After you have tracked your expenses, be practical about the true scope of your income.
Your income can be an allowance, a part-time job or a grant, but always remember to subtract
taxes and deductions to be fully aware of how much actually goes into your account.
This is called your net income and should be the basis of your workable budget.
After this exercise you should already have an idea of how balanced (or not) your current
financial situation is.
If your income is lower than your expenses, it's time to start cutting back.
The way you cut back on these expenses can be further defined by your goals – do you
want to cover your living costs, save money in the end of the year or simply tackle your
student debt?
Whatever your goal is, it should be summarized into a tangible value that should be planned
out into your budget.
You can also establish multiple objectives, defined as short and long-term goals.
This will allow you to have a solid notion of the next couple of years according to your
Always try to calculate your budget by encompassing the worst-case scenario so you are prepared
in case there is instability in your future.
Now is the time to adjust your habits.
Numbers are numbers, and if your expenses are higher than your net income, you should
rethink the things you buy and consume or find a way to earn more money.
You should also readjust your habits regarding your financial life.
For instance, allow yourself to track your expenses on a regular basis so you avoid surprises
in the end of the month.
Be practical and rational about the values you are seeing in your worksheet and find
new ways to reduce the amount you are spending.
The following 5 tips have really made a difference in my financial situation and they may help
you cut back on some of those hidden expenses that we take for granted.
One of the first things you can do to start saving money is automating your regular payments
and subscribing to electronic bills.
Most companies give a discount whenever you ditch the paper bill and when automating your
payments you can make sure that you will not be spending money in the future to pay penalties
related to any delays.
Another good way to save some money is to be smart when buying and selling your textbooks.
First of all, do your homework and make sure you actually need that textbook to start off
Sometimes, professors refer textbooks that are not considered mandatory materials for
that class.
If you have to buy a new textbook or sell your old textbooks, you can use a service
to compare the best prices for that particular type of book.
Bookscouter, who has partnered with me today to help me deliver this video, is a platform
where people can buy and sell textbooks at the best possible prices.
You can search your required textbook in this website by using its ISBN number and find
a direct comparison between tons of different vendors and find the best possible price to
purchase a new textbook or sell the old books you don't need anymore.
Basically, Bookscouter allows you to quickly search all the websites where you can buy
and sell used textbooks and it then displays the prices in one place so you can check the
range of offers and decide where you want to buy or sell your book.
Although you can find great deals when buying books, you can see the biggest difference
when trying to sell books, as these dealers allow you to sell the book for a much higher
price than the college bookstore.
Also, the shipping is included!
For instance, this very expensive book of Contract Law is being sold at Amazon for more
than two hundred dollars.
By inserting the ISBN of the book in Bookscouter I quickly find a couple of offers less expensive
than Amazon's used offers.
Then you just pick according to rating and price and you're done!
All the information regarding Bookscouter will be provided down below if you want to
get to save a few extra dollars in your school materials.
My third tip is to try as much as you can to detach yourself from any dependence from
external services or amenities.
For instance, if you are on a tight budget but still end up going out every single morning
to get a cup of coffee perhaps you should think about spending twenty or so dollars
on an inexpensive coffee maker and start perfecting your coffee skills at home.
This can end up saving you hundreds of dollars every year and can be a fun skill to start
The same principle applies to water – instead of relying on water bottles, you can get a
pitcher and filter system to save you almost a thousand dollars a year, depending on where
you live, as well as helping out the environment.
A cool challenge for you to try out is implementing one week without spending every single month.
If you live alone and buy your own food and groceries, this week can work like a purge,
forcing you to use the things you currently have in your pantry and freezer but that you
still haven't gotten to using yet.
This mindset will also allow you to resist to the temptation of shopping on an impulse,
as you will be postponing any shopping for the following week, and you will probably
forget what you wanted to buy in the first place.
Of course, take everything with a pinch of fault, so don't forget your weekly fresh
fruits and vegetables.
Tip number five is to share your expenses.
Instead of paying for your entire Netflix subscription, share it with a friend and split
the costs.
You can also find a roommate to save some money on rent, electricity and gas bills and
if you commute to college, there's nothing wrong with carpooling.
Same thing can even apply to simple things, like textbooks and printed materials – you
can share the costs with a classmate and schedule some study sessions so you can share the information
at half the price and even exchange some ideas on the subject.
If you want another incredible approach to budgeting in college, I highly recommend you
to read an article published in College Info Geek a couple of days ago, which I will link
in the description box below.
You can also check out an awesome channel called Financial Diet that delivers very regular
content on financial health and budgeting.
I hope you have enjoyed today's video and I will see you next week.
For more infomation >> HOW TO START BUDGETING & SAVING MONEY IN UNIVERSITY! // Back to School 2018 #3 - Duration: 8:28.-------------------------------------------
Annoying Orange - Ask Orange #43: Pear-achu! - Duration: 4:12.
Is Perfectionism Ruining Your Life? - Duration: 3:42.
Hi this is Phyllis Tarbox with Above & Beyond Christian Counseling and today I'd like to
ask you a question: is a spirit of perfection ruining your life. Are you a
person who treats their to-do list like it's a Bible do you blow up when you're
interrupted or your plans change suddenly our truth and order your
highest priorities excellence is essential perfectionism is not several
years back I had a client come in who is struggling with perfectionism to the
point of suicidal thoughts her to-do list was lengthy and she was over
scheduling her time she worked two jobs helped her mother
run the home watched her younger siblings and was attending college she
left no personal room to breathe and felt guilty at the end of every day when
she failed to complete her assignments she was tired overwhelmed and struggling
with spirits of death that wanted to kill her as a child she was left in
charge of her little sister her mother had health problems and she had to learn
at age 7 to be that other mother that was the entry point for a little girl
spirit of perfection that came in seeking the approval of her parents
through striving I find that when clients come in struggling with these
spirits of perfection during deliverance we'll see them manifest like a child
before they exit demons that gain access to your soul as a young age often take
on the personality of that age we believe these spirits enter as a
traumatized child disassociates seeks to hide or let someone else a demon take
the abuse hence the legal right for the demon is to stay and it's often not
addressed I've seen this scenario over and over in my office heavy
responsibilities leave a child overwhelmed they strive to survive
without any ability or direction they live in constant fear of failure and
punishment and perfectionism takes roots and produces failure and despair
I've written ten signs of perfection in an earlier article but I think it's time
for a little reminder of that so here they are the ten tell side ten telltale
signs of perfection your desire to be perfect results in anger and guilt when
you fall short of your goal - you set unrealistic standards for yourself
to feel accepted and worthwhile 3 you judge others by the same standards you
set for yourself or you get angry when people or situations interrupt your
timing and your goals 5 you're afraid your imperfections disappoint God and
those around you 6 you believe you're always right 7 your thinking is black
and white and there's no middle ground for compromise 8 you're strongly
opinionated and when others disagree with you or your opinion it angers you 9
you are incredibly organized self controlled until someone or something
interferes with your organization and causes anger that throws you into
confusion and 10 you are hurt by others who do not treat you with the same
perfection and the perfect concern but you set as a goal for dealing with them
if this sounds all too familiar it's likely that it's time you reached out
for help I see this as a growing concern among many of my clients and it's time
for that spirit of perfection to go just keep in mind we are only one phone call
away I pray this has helped you today god bless you and have a great week
Forgotten Marvel Movies | Yellow Syrup - Duration: 9:12.
A treat for tea for 25 minutes. Conquer simplicity and Taste! - Duration: 2:58.
Married at First Sight: Bobby is Open to Whatever Danielle Wants (S7, E4) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:35.
El planeta Marte será visible desde la Tierra | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 3:12.
MGM Sues The SURVIVORS Of Vegas Shooting - Duration: 7:33.
MGM Resorts has filed a lawsuit against the victims of last year's mass shooting that
took place during an outdoor concert.
I saw this article and I'm thinking where do you go from here?
Why does MGM think it's a good idea to sue the families of people who lost somebody,
how is this a good idea?
Give me your best spin on it, because I've been practicing law for 35 years and I can't
find the spin that seems to work for MGM.
What's happening here is that you've got basically these scumbag lawyers for MGM, who say, "You
are looking at a ton of liability here.
You've got the issue of you gave this guy who did the shooting a free pass, you let
him use your service elevators, you didn't question him.
You let him stay locked in his room for a week without checking on him.
So here's what we do, let's sue them first.
Let's go ahead and make that happen, say that their claims are baseless and you, MGM, have
no liability whatsoever."
Even though we know that this is a losing argument, what it's going to do is it's going
to bleed these people dry, I hate to use that phrase here for mass shooting survivors, but
that's what it is.
They want to prolong the suffering, perhaps make some of them drop out of the other lawsuit
because they can't afford to defend themselves against these massive suits coming from a
giant like MGM that could afford to have lawyers all day long, every day.
Okay, so the predicate is that the people bringing the case, the lawyers bringing the
case, are doing something wrong because they're bringing the case.
That's where it starts, correct?
And then the clients are doing something wrong because they're allowing these lawyers to
bring the case.
This, to me, if I'm trying this case, what I'm going to do is I'm going to make this
lawsuit part of the punitive damages.
I'm going to say not only do we have a case where these companies were responsible for
these deaths because of their negligence, because they clearly understood what was happening,
failed to do what they should have done, protect the public.
They were told that this was a problem ahead of time, they had plenty of notice of these
kinds of problems.
So the mother of a child who's killed here brings the lawsuit, the case takes place,
the trial takes place, and then comes something called punitive damages.
Most of the time punitive damages is the second phase of a trial and when that punitive damage
is decided, you're able to look at what's the conduct, the overall conduct, of the people
I'm suing, MGM.
What is their conduct?
Their conduct in this situation is so bad, not only have they been responsible for the
death of these people, but now they're suing the people, trying to get their money back.
I gotta tell you, there's no jury on earth that is not going to take this absurd step
that's made by MGM and make them suffer in punitive damages.
I mean, do you agree with that?
Unless I'm missing something here.
No, no, no, 100%.
Look, 58 people died, you had over 1,000 injured.
I actually had a good friend of mine who was there, she was at this concert, she fled.
She said you ran between the shots, when you stopped hearing the gunfire, you got up and
And as soon as you heard it again, you had to dive underneath or behind whatever it was.
She wasn't hit, she was safe, she survived, she was okay, but she still will talk, from
time to time, because there's a PTSD to it.
It comes back, you have these nightmares.
That's not going to go away.
And now, the people who have filed this lawsuit are going to deal with not just the horrifying
memories, not just the loss of the family, the loss of everybody else, or the fact that
you got shot and you live now with a permanent disability or physical pain every second of
your life, now they deal with this.
Let me tell, I'm going to take it this far, MGM, the shareholders for MGM, should sue
the lawyers who made this decision to bring this lawsuit.
They should sue them for malpractice because in the amount of malpractice that takes place
here is going to be determined at the punitive damage phase.
Because MGM's going to be punished for this move and then these idiot lawyers that represent
MGM have got to sit in a room and they've got to understand that the amount of that
punitive damages, which will be in the ... it'll be in the billions, the amount of that punitive
damages is what they're responsible for, for their malpractice.
That's the way I see this case, we'll watch it develop.
A new environmental lawsuit has popped up in an attempt to stop the administration from
selling off more of Gulf of Mexico for oil drilling.
Okay, all right.
So here we are, we live on the Gulf of Mexico in Pensacola, Florida.
We've seen what happens with BP, we have an entire ecosystem absolutely devastated, that
really hasn't recovered.
We want to put a spin on it, it's recovered, our tourism is at an all time high, we're
doing great, we're back.
But if you go offshore far enough, you still see the remnants of this disaster.
What's your take?
It never ceases to amaze me, when we see the federal government ... And we saw it during
the Obama years, this is not something new-
No, we saw it with Bush, we saw it with Clinton, we see it Obama.
... that we come through this massive disaster, and we learn nothing from it.
We're talking about 78 million additional acres that are up for lease right now and-
Who put them up for lease?
The Trump administration?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is Ryan Zinke, Department of the Interior.
In the media, known as Stinky.
I mean, that's-
What's even dumber about this-
Not my words, that's-
But they're trying to make it to where it's not necessarily the deep water, which is what
Deepwater Horizon was, no, no, no.
These are closer inland because they think for some reason that's safer.
Now, could you imagine if we had the BP oil spill but-
It was happening on our beach.
... 10 miles out from shore.
This whole area would still be covered in oil, but they think it's smarter because it's
not as deep.
Yeah, their argument is we have less risk the shallower we go.
But if you've ever been to Pensacola or ever been to a resort beach area, and you understand
that you can drive a couple miles and see these oil derricks out there, you understand
what the risk really is.
It puts this community under huge risk, tourism is the only way that we have to survive in
this community and there's a lot of communities around the country.
Typically, what you'll see is you'll see these beach communities, also you'll see military
involved, there'll be military bases.
They typically like to operate out of an area like this.
And resorts, you take the resort part of it away and it's [inaudible 00:07:23].
The sad part is, this environmental lawsuit, they're going to lose.
They always lose unfortunately.
Yeah, yeah.
I agree, it's a very tough road.
Thank you for bringing it though, I mean, you've gotta try.
Yeah, absolutely.
¿Sabía Trump de la reunión de su hijo con abogada rusa? | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:44.
'Garden' by SZA | Cover Sessions: Ada | MTV - Duration: 3:06.
(mellow music)
♪ Need you for the old me ♪
♪ Need you for my sanity ♪
♪ Need you to remind me where I come from ♪
♪ Could you remind me of my gravity ♪
♪ Ground me when I'm tumbling, spiraling ♪
♪ Plummeting down to Earth ♪
♪ Keep me down to Earth ♪
♪ Call me on my bullshit ♪
♪ Lie to me and say my booty getting bigger even if it ain't ♪
♪ Love me even if it rain ♪
♪ Love me even if it pain you ♪
♪ I know I be difficult ♪
♪ You know it gets difficult ♪
♪ You know it get difficult to ♪
♪ Open your heart up ♪
♪ Hoping I never find out that you're anyone else ♪
♪ 'Cause I love you just how you are ♪
♪ Hope you never find out who I really am ♪
♪ 'Cause you'll never love me ♪
♪ You'll never love me ♪
♪ You'll never love me ♪
♪ But I believe you when you say it like that ♪
♪ Only you mean it when you say it like that ♪
♪ Oh, I believe you when you say it like that ♪
♪ Ohhh, for real, I'm not playing no games ♪
♪ Pull me back and forth ♪
♪ I need your support now, now, now ♪
♪ In case you call my phone, I don't care ♪
♪ Got no panties on ♪
♪ I need your support now ♪
♪ I know you'd rather be laid up with a big booty ♪
♪ Body hella positive 'cause she got a big booty ♪
♪ I know I'd rather be paid up ♪
♪ You know I'm sensitive about having no booty ♪
♪ Having nobody, only you, buddy ♪
♪ Can you hold me when nobody's around us ♪
♪ Open your heart up ♪
♪ Hoping I never find out that you're anyone else ♪
♪ 'Cause I love you just how you are ♪
♪ Hope you never find out that I really am ♪
♪ 'Cause you'll never love me ♪
♪ You'll never love me ♪
♪ You'll never love me ♪
♪ But I believe you when you say it like that ♪
♪ Only you mean it when you say it like that ♪
♪ Oh, I believe you when you say it like that ♪
♪ You must really love me ♪
♪ Yeah, you must really love me ♪
♪ Ohhh, I said you must really love me ♪
♪ Love me ♪
♪ Ohhhhhhhh ♪
♪ Oooooooooh ♪
♪ Mmmmmmmmmm ♪
Boat Steering System Check | BoatUS - Duration: 1:45.
Hey there, folks!
Lenny Rudow here for BoatUS Magazine.
Today we're going to talk about the different steering system checks that you, me, and every
trailer boater should make before they hit the road, in addition, of course, to following
all of the manufacturer's recommendations.
Come on, let's see what we've got.
First thing you want to check for, is get up in your boat, grab the wheel, and see if
there's any excessive play in the system.
Not only does excessive play make steering the boat tougher, it can also indicate loose
linkages and other issues in your steering system.
Second, if you have a hydraulic system, you'll want to check the lines and the fluid levels
every 50 hours or so.
Another item you want to check every 50 hours or so is the lubrication on your steering
Hit those Zerk fittings with a little bit of grease.
You'll want to give a visual inspection to all of your cables, make sure you don't spot
any kinks.
And also check all your connections, make sure everything is firm and tight.
Finally, take that wheel and give it a full lock to lock turn just to make sure that everything
is working smoothly.
These are pretty simple checks, folks.
The truth of the matter is you're most likely to recognize issues as they come up in your
steering system when you're out on the water using your boat, so naturally if anything
feels a little different or a little funny as you run your boat, take it in for service
Well, we hope this video's been helpful, and don't forget to subscribe to the BoatUS YouTube
Even leave us some comments in the box below, and let us know what you'd like to hear about
Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra Are Reportedly Engaged After Dating for 2 Months - Duration: 1:36.
For Complex News, I'm Frazier.
The new wave for celebrity romance appears to be dating for a few months tops, then popping
the question.
Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande are said to have gotten engaged just weeks into their
relationship, and Justin Bieber proposed to Hailey Baldwin not too long after they rekindled
their flame.
Not to be out done you can add fairly new couple Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra to the
list, based on news reports that hit Friday morning.
Nick and Priyanka have been reportedly dating since late May, and sources tell People magazine
that 25-year-old Nick popped the question during Chopra's 36th birthday party last
The source says they are celebrating their engagement in London, and reports imply that
Nick's been planning this for months, even shutting down a Tiffany store in New York
City to cop the ring.
Some say that Nick and Priyanka might pull the trigger very soon.
Priyanka was said to be a part of an Indian film, Bharat, but the film's director Ali
Abbas Zafar hopped on Twitter yesterday with an interesting tweet regarding the engagement
and Chopra dropping out of the film.
"Yes Priyanka Chopra is no more part of 'Bharat' and the reason is very very special,
she told us in the Nick of time about her decision and we are very happy for her ... Team
Bharat wishes @priyankachopra loads of love & happiness for life."
- Ali Abbas Zafar via Twitter
Could Priyanka have dipped from the film to get ready for a marriage that'll hit soon?
Time will tell.
Either way, the Jonas family is about to body wedding season; Nick's brother Joe is currently
engaged to Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner.
With the last couple of years giving us the feeling that love was dead in Hollywood, it's
good to hear that more celebrity couples are tying the knot.
We wish them all the best, congrats to one-time Complex cover stars Nick Jonas and Priyanka
Chopra, the latter of which written by yours truly.
For Complex News, I'm Frazier.
For more stories like these, keep it locked right here to Complex on YouTube.
Powerful Panel Discussion Tip #161 with Mark Sanborn: What To Do With a Hyper Panelist - Duration: 1:34.
Mark, what do you do with a hyper, energetic panelist who just can't seem to hold back
their thoughts?
Well, I think there's at least the two step approach.
Number one is just to acknowledge that person and say, "You know, Mark, I'll get to
you shortly.
Hold that thought."
And if they keep doing it then you use a little bit of humor and say, "Boy.
Mark's obviously had too much caffeine this morning!
I appreciate his willingness and interest in sharing, but I got to make sure that everybody
gets their fair share," which basically lets that person know without being mean spirited
they'd better calm their jets because everybody needs to contribute.
We haven't talked much about it but I think humor is the great skill set of a good moderator.
Not having funny jokes that are prepared in advanced but just the ability to make light
of a situation.
It lightens the panel but it also can help with difficult or challenging situations where
you know something happens and you just need to lighten the mood or rather than respond
with anger or impatience you respond with humor.
Humor is the great diffuser.
BUTTER FLOWER BREAD - Lotus Flower Shaped - Duration: 7:28.
Written recipe in the link below
Summer 8 am Germany. Start with the concept...
375 (3 cups) all-purpose flour/plain flour, 1 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt.
1-1/2 tsp instant yeast, 1 tsp vanilla sugar. Stir.
3/4 cup warm bread. Continue stirring.
3 tbsp butter, melted.
Stir until the dough moist
Put the dough on the counter
The dough is sticky, add flour during the kneading process
Knead until the dough smooth, about 6-8 minutes.
Drizzle a little oil to coat the dough
Form a ball and cover for about an hour
After the dough expands, form back into a ball.
Divide into 6 pieces
Form a small ball
Cover the dough to prevent drying
2/3 cup (150g) unsalted butter, room temperature. 5 tbsp sugar.
Stir well, keep chill in the fridge.
Take 1 dough and roll out into a thin rectangular/square
Set aside while working on the next dough
Smear butter mixture over the dough evenly
Cover with the dough before
Stretch out the thin dough to cover the butter. Repeat the process.
The last layer, smooth the surface with a rolling pin.
Slide a flat board under it and keep in the fridge for 30 - 60 minutes
Smooth the dough and cut into a square
Use the remaining for different shape
Cut the dough into 8 pieces. Mine was a rectangle but the best is to cut into squares
Cut the square dough diagonally become a triangle
Give a mark in the middle for easy folding
Shape like petals and put on the baking sheet with baking mat, pointed side facing up
The inner circle similar to lotus flower shape, the rest are free shapes.
Egg wash
Bake at 180°C preheated oven, for 25 - 30 minutes. Top-bottom heat. An oven may vary.
Golden brown and blooming
Best to eat warm
New Jurassic World Dinosaur Toys Slimed! Giant Pool Slime Fallen Kingdom Mosasaurus Vs Velociraptor - Duration: 17:28.
Oh guys after we put together these three drastic world fallen Kingdom
dinosaur skeletons we are going to create a huge pool of slime and slime
are dinosaurs how cool okay guys we have our swimming pool full of slime and I'm
gonna have our assistant show you how gross it is okay let's go ahead and
slide that Triceratops I'll get him good get more slime than that Wow that is
disgusting New Jurassic World Dinosaur Toys Slimed! Giant Pool Slime Fallen Kingdom Mosasaurus Vs Velociraptor
this city pool into a swimming pool of slime using slime BAFF
so basically you pour the slime BAFF stuff in and you give it some time to
dissolve and it will turn the whole swimming pool into slime it is totally
awesome but they give you instructions on how
much to put so if all of these will do 120 liters so I believe if I use the
three I should be fun already you can see it
turning and just like that this one's a smaller
one so I'm gonna add this one to be on the safe side and then I'll
give it a little bit of time then we're gonna take some of us already you can
see the slime is starting to form so I will mix it up and give it some time
okay let's slime this Diggy that's disgusting
dip him in the water pull them out look at all that slime slime in I tried to
grab the Mosasaurus is in a pool of slime how disgusting assistant let's
picked it up and show everybody how gross it is ah turn him upside down oh
look at that the slimes coming right out of him
I'll look at on the slides just coming right out of him gross is that yeah I'm
gonna have two of my assistants help me slime the submarine let's go yeah come
on keep on climbing that guy I looked at sticking my lock is in the slime let's
pick them up and check them out ah look at all that slime okay let's check out
the Velociraptor in the Triceratops to go ahead and since then pick them up
okay okay it's great to see you again today today I've got three brand new
drastic world fallen Kingdom toys sets these are stem sets stem stands for
science technology engineering and math so these are skeletons you put together
ah and then they also move so we've got the Velociraptor if you look back here
says easy to assemble comes with like a picture some type of DNA strand thing
here it says build and strike awesome and then we also have a stigma lock and
same thing on the back and Triceratops awesome man same thing on the back cool
let's see what's inside and put these together okay so we're gonna start here
with this Diggy muwah
looks cool okay so here you've got it looks like it's some type of DNA strand
wow that's awesome blue and red DNA strand here you've got
a little displaced and you've got one bag of bones
two bag of bones three bag of bones four bags and five bags but not that many
pieces I mean just to quick look here probably about 15 to 20 pieces and then
you got this stigma lock with the head smash and a cool picture of him on this
side and this is a set of instructions
also you use that DNA decoder thing to actually put attach his head and that
will give you the strike action cool and then let's check out what is in the
Triceratops I believe these sets are about ten bucks so it's not it's not too
bad and for what I'm feeling they seem to be pretty good quality so DNA strand
few bags here looks like they separate like the arm bones the leg bones and
certain types of vertebrae so it's easier to put together then this one
also has the little sticker thing here you set on the stand and
the DNA strand pool and then our final one was the Velociraptor which in my
opinion is the coolest out of the three so again a set of instructions here how
to put it together it's like all numbered out and everything displaced
and card with like info DNA strand and a bunch of bone pieces cool let's put this
together okay so the first I know we're gonna put together is the Velociraptor
each one of these parts has a number on it and if you look at the instructions
they're all numbered the instructions so it's pretty self-explanatory
some of the pieces are a little hard to fit together but you know it is doable
so without further ado let's snap this thing together
so there is our Velociraptor all put together he is really cool
anyways the moth does open and close the arms move the legs move and swivel big
long tail okay so really cool they included third claw and everything yeah
you could go ahead and compare it to one of the jurassic world velociraptor toys
and it's very comparable in size so if you watched my last video you could have
this guy like drop into the slime and get dissolved cool okay then for the
thrashing action you simply replace this bone piece here with the action feature
piece attached the two arms you can pull the arms back and then if you push the
button the arms spring forward not much of an action feature but it's there okay
then when you're all done you have this nice little stand here who's got pegs on
the bottom of his legs you could go ahead in set him up here you got this
stand with the Velociraptor cart in the back and you could put alive
Velociraptor here that is awesome okay then our next one is distinct Moloch
same thing all the parts of numbered
so there is our stinky melaka put together and here he is next to a live
one so you could have like action battles with like the t-rex here okay so
anyways let's go ahead and check it out once again mouth does open and closed it
does look exactly like the digging roll off the arms move the legs move you
could pose it in two different positions even like yeah I even put it like in a
walking position if you use the stand so take the stand here he's got pegs at the
bottom of his feet and you could put him into a walking position and then put
like his sign behind him and everything cool
but anyway so let's go ahead and check out the action feature so for the action
feature this one you're just gonna take off his neck piece here
and you're gonna replace it with this piece here so it's just the same snap on
here and it snaps on here and then you have head striking action
so then what you do is you pull the head back like that you push this button and
it's head snaps forward cool okay and then finally we have our Triceratops
so there is our Triceratops right next to a live one so this one you could have
the Triceratops fight the two rags and t-rex
fight the master pull into his side yeah that's fun
okay so with the Triceratops - a really good detail like I said you can see it
next to a live one and they do a great job also with these skeletons I mean
they make them super secure I mean these you could shake it play with it I mean
they are they're a little bit hard to put together but once you put them
together they are really secure the mouth does open and close the head turns
the legs move the legs you could have them lift like some of the legs up
almost like he's walking or something really great detail on the tail does
move and it swivels and you could also put it on its stand for display
it has pegs so if you want you could probably even get this guy to stand off
once you put the bottom pegs in because that'll give it a lot of strength and
okay I mean you could get him to stand like that so it looks almost like he's
running and then hear you in the background you have his also stand you
put up this one - has the head action here the like head-butting action itself
if you go ahead and switch it out with this piece here simply switch that out
snap this piece in the sit it might need a dolt to help you put this together
together okay so anyways is this pull off the head there if we push the button
his head will snap you guys enjoyed that slamming video go ahead videos
our drastic growth transit bark Godzilla King Kong transformers Power Rangers
Ninja Turtles to be doing a lot more check out the playlist on my channel or
if you just want to see more falling Kingdom videos check out the playlist at
the end of this video you guys are awesome and I will see you in today
secret word is the word
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Nightcore - Don't Leave Me Alone (Anne-Marie) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:46.
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