Two technological giants, Google and Facebook, are part of our daily lives whether we like
it or not.
For many Generation Z's, it would be almost impossible to imagine day to day life without
both of these seemingly essential internet tools.
Both make our lives easier in many ways from connecting socially, to advertising, to conducting
But which is the most successful to date, and who will last the longest as new technologies
break onto the market?
From simple search engines and social network tools to innovative artificial intelligence
and virtual reality platforms- which team has what it takes to lead us through to the
next wave of technical evolution?
That's what we'll find out, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Google vs Facebook.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin were both PHD students at Stanford University when they founded Google
in 1998 as a privately held company.
At that time, conventional search engines did not take into consideration the number
of times a page had been 'hit' by users, and instead listed websites that contained
the searched item word the most amount of times.
The pair developed the Page-rank system, whereby the pages that were most relevant and most
popular appeared first on any Google search.
The name Google came about as a misspelling of the word googol, which represents the number
1 followed by a 100 zeros.
The name was meant to represent the sheer volume of information held by a Google search
An initial public offering occurred in 2004, and Google moved to a new headquarters in
Mountain View, California.
Primarily a search engine, Google's rapid growth since its inception has led to a number
of offshoot products including office tools such as email, document cloud services, sheets,
and slide presentation tools.
In addition, Google brought to the world Google maps and Google translation services, bringing
the world closer together in communications.
It has most recently partnered with electronic manufacturers producing smartphones, speakers,
and virtual reality headsets.
Facebook also began life at college.
Students Mark Zuckerberg and roommates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz,
and Chris Hughes launched the social network service on the February 4th, 2004.
Facebook started out life with membership limited to fellow Harvard students before
expanding the network to include other colleges and universities and high school students.
Popularity grew, and by 2006, anyone over the age of 13 was permitted access to the
social network.
By February 2012, the company was valued at $10.4 billion, breaking the record for the
largest valuation for a newly listed public company.
The primary revenue generated through Facebook is through advertisements hosted on the site.
A move of HQ to Dublin in October 2008 meant that in the following year, Facebook announced
that it was making some real cash - owing no doubt to its new tax haven status.
In 2009, Facebook was ranked as the most active social network site in the world, with an
estimated 500 million users.
In 2010, Facebook was valued to the tune of $41 billion.
Facebook had moved by this time to the third largest internet company after Google and
Facebook entered the Fortune 500 list at number 462 based on an income of $5 billion.
The Fortune 500 2017 list, meanwhile, puts Google's parent company at number 22, while
Facebook moved to 76.
In the tech world, business acquisitions are rife, and Google's parent company, Alphabet,
has snapped up Blogger, Youtube, Skybox, Maps, Wallet, Earth, and Hangouts.
On the other hand, Facebook has swallowed up Ozio, Wavegroup Sound, Oculus VR, Whatsapp,, and Instagram.
Alexa lists Google as the world's most visited website.
And without a doubt, Google is one of the world's most valuable brands, but it has
come under scrutiny owing to the alleged breaches of privacy experienced by its users.
Facebook also came under scrutiny for the ownership and exploitation of user's personal
Legal cases ensued against both sites, but both Google and Facebook have seemed to weather
the storm of litigation and controversy surrounding the sharing of their users personal content,
locations, buying habits, and search histories.
And speaking of searches, it is obvious that as a search engine, Google is king, but what
about as a social network tool?
Facebook wins for now as a social network platform, owing to its bigger user base, but
Google plus has its own advantages, including a slick interface and the ability to send
larger files with its cloud services and file sharing capability.
Google also has the benefit of sharing larger high resolution photographs which is important
for those working as media professionals.
Google keeps files safer, whereas Facebook's messenger service seems to lose older information
which, for business purposes, is a major disadvantage.
Also, Facebook has those annoying advertisements, while Google cleverly commutes it's advertisements
via AdSense to other websites.
Part of Google's success historically is the early decision to not place ads on its
search engine which set it apart from the likes of Yahoo and other search engines.
It has always maintained a clear user-friendly interface, but arguably so has Facebook.
As a business tool, it is fair to say that Google has the edge over Facebook, but as
a social media tool, Facebook is still the most widely used and therefore the hands down
winner- particularly in the Far Eastern territories.
As businesses, they have both succeeded tremendously, although Google was there first and has remained
The truth is, most internet users use both Facebook and Google and see them as equally
But how about looking into the future?
In 2016, Mark Zuckerberg unveiled his plans for Facebook for the next 10 years.
In Facebook's ideal world, everyone will be chatting with artificial computers, and
virtual reality goggles will be as commonplace as cell phones.
Picture a world where individuals sit at home wearing cyber glasses while connecting with
imaginary humans.
In a recent demonstration, Zuckerberg used an Oculus Rift headset with a 360-degree camera
to create a version of the real world inside virtual reality.
This brings to the technological arena a form of entertainment that the world has never
seen before.
The potential for VR as an educational tool is also very promising.
The trouble with VR though that techies have yet to be able to solve is it tends to make
people feel physically sick while using it.
In response, Google unveiled their plans for a Brave New World later in the same year.
While Facebook has yet to break into the search markets, Google is making inroads with their
social networking innovations; one of the key tools in Google's kitbag is Youtube,
the undisputed champion of web video distribution.
Youtube also has a community who socially interact as those on Facebook.
With one eye on the virtual future, Google CEO Sundar Pichai revealed that the company
is employing artificial intelligence to "build a personal Google for each and every user."
So the true winner in this Google vs Facebook battle could rest on who is first to tackle
and solve the problems surrounding current VR and AI models.
However, these visions are very forward thinking, as Artificial Intelligence is still in its
infancy, and Virtual Reality has a long way to go before becoming an everyday household
But one thing's for sure: both Google and Facebook are stockpiling their engineering
talent and acquiring new companies in their efforts to make sure they walk away as victors
in these new technological fields.
In the meantime, the average internet user will remain, without a doubt, using the two
tech giants in tandem and looking forward to what both offer in
the future.
So, what do you think?
Is Facebook superior to Google?
Are they both equally useful?
What do you think the future for both Google and Facebook will be?
Let us know in the comments!
Also, be sure to watch our other video called – What is the Dark Web?!
Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
See you next time!
For more infomation >> Google vs Facebook - How Do They Compare? - Duration: 7:59.-------------------------------------------
Shakira's Love Life With Partner | 2018 - Duration: 2:07.
Shakira And Gerard Piqué Love Life | 2018
I Ate A Weed Brownie At School - Duration: 3:26.
So this incident happened when I was in high school when I was a sophomore.
My boyfriend at the time which is my boyfriend still right now, had a weed
brownie that he got from that morning from his cousin. And he freaked out
because he saw the k-9 unit in front of the school and he thought that he
was gonna be caught. So I said, "okay let's take it. " And I was foolish because I have
never taken a weed brownie before, so I didn't know how they worked or how they
affect you. So we took it and I took a little less than half and I felt fine at
the moment I thought it was an instant thing. So we walked the first period and
which was PE and we're playing tennis when I started feeling a little woozy
and I was laughing at everything. And once first period ended I went to the
girls locker room and once I got in there the whole room started going in
circles. I started getting dizzy and I felt like I was on a boat. And I told my
friend, "oh my god I think the brownie hit." And she was like "really?" I'm like "yes" and
I couldn't stand straight. I was freaking out so I walked a second period in my
mouth started getting so dry instantly as if there was sandpaper in my mouth.
I sat down to my second period and again the whole room started going around and
around and in slow motion. My teacher walked up to me in slow motion and he
said are, "you okay?" And I said "no, can I please go to the nurse?" I was just
freaking out on the way. And once I got to the nurse they sat me down and gave
me ice cold water. And my arm just jerked and I accidentally threw the water on
the floor and the nurses got mad. And I started crying and they asked me "what do
you feel have you taken any medication?" And me being in not the right state of
mind said, "I took a weed brownie this morning." So they freaked out and they
called the vice-principal in. And the vice-principal was mad. She had a stern
look on her face and I don't remember anything she told me to this day. All I
remember was holding her hand because I thought I was gonna fall off the
two-foot chair I was sitting on. I just remember seeing myself out of my body.
Once my mom got there to pick me up, she didn't
know what was going on and when she found out she was so mad. And on the way
home I was crying and sobbing. And still everything was going in slow motion.
Me and my grandma at the time were in a fight and once I got home I just ran to
her and hugged her and cried and said "I'm sorry I'm sorry I was wrong I'm
sorry." And the whole day and I just felt the same way I did it in the morning.
Do I regret it? Yes at school. But do I regret it?
No, because if it wasn't for that brownie I probably would have still not talked to
my grandma and that helped rekindle our relationship. So please don't do drugs kids
especially at school because you would have a really bad reaction like I did.
Trump Is Scheduling Staff Meetings Based On What Fox & Friends Reports Each Day - Duration: 3:56.
General John Kelly just finished his very first year as Donald Trump's official Chief
of Staff.
It's been one year, since we were told that this man was gonna come in, and reign in Donald
Trump, and be the real leader that this administration needs ... whip him into shape.
Get him back on the right course.
He has failed in every possible way.
Here's what a new report from Politico says, and this report actually comes from reporters
from Politico speaking to people inside the White House.
It's not only that John Kelly has failed, but, John Kelly at this point, admits he has
no influence over Trump whatsoever.
He's given up trying to change Trump's mind, trying to get Trump to get off Twitter.
He has stopped.
More importantly, the reason he has stopped, is 'cause he realizes that there is one advisor
that has more say than John Kelly ever will.
That advisor happens to be Fox News.
According to insiders in the White House, who spoke to Politico, Donald Trump is basing
his daily meetings off of what he hears, first and foremost, in phone calls with Sean Hannity
the night before.
Two, on what he sees on Fox & Friends, every single morning.
Staffers say that Donald Trump will go upstairs, watch TV, Fox & Friends, and then, he comes
down and calls meetings with topics based solely on what he just saw on Fox & Friends.
At this point Fox News is 100% running this country.
They're dictating the agenda, whether it's Sean Hannity and his private phone calls to
the President, or what those morons on the Fox & Friends couch say every morning.
They're the ones who are driving the agenda of this country.
It's absolutely terrifying, unless, of course, you happen to be a Fox News viewer, and you
think the network does no wrong.
For the rest of us, you know, the 328 million Americans who don't watch the network, it's
a pretty terrifying thought.
These people have no idea what they're talking about, on a daily basis.
These are some of the dumbest human beings, you could ever imagine being put on television.
Yet, somehow, Donald Trump has put 100% of his faith in these idiots, to tell him what's
important for the day.
This is a network that has an agenda.
That agenda is, to make Democrats look like idiots, and make Donald Trump look like God,
I guess that explains why Donald Trump seems to love them so much.
If the fact that policy, that meetings at the White House, that his agenda, is being
driven by what is covered each morning on Fox & Friends ... if that doesn't leave you
with a bad taste in your mouth, then you must not understand how dangerous, both Donald
Trump, and Fox News can be, since they teamed up to create this unholy alliance of evil.
That's what's happening in this country today.
I'm sure that Sean Hannity loves his little pillow talk with Donald Trump.
He loves telling him what he should or shouldn't do, or how he should frame a certain issue.
But, that's not Sean Hannity's job.
Sean Hannity's job, is to just go on TV and be an idiot.
He should have no say, whatsoever, in US policy, but he does.
This is a very real threat to this country, because we have seen some of the horrid, disgusting,
deplorable things, that Fox News has said.
We've been talking about it for well over a decade, at this point.
Now, those people, those horrible, hate filled individuals, are the ones driving policy in
the US, today.
Moon Insiders Reveal ALL! NASA Eats Their Shorts 2018 - Duration: 16:26.
In part one of our Stanley Kubrik and the moon landing episode
We talked about the results we found through our research
and talking to various experts in this field
about what really happened during the Apollo 11 mission
In part two, we'll show our exclusive interviews with Ken Johnston
who was a NASA civilian astronaut from the Apollo moon program
A retired aerospace engineer and a U.S. Marine along with
Bret Sheppard - founder of LARS of the Lunar Anomaly Research Society
which we filmed at contact in the desert in June.
In this episode, they'll share their own understandings
of what they believe actually happened on July 20th, 1969
But wait
Before we begin, make sure to click that subscribe button and bell
so that you don't miss any of our awesome videos every week
Really curious about the Apollo mission with Buzz Aldrin
What we've heard is that it actually did happen
But they couldn't really record it because what was on video,
there was things on the video that they couldn't show so they recreated it
Is this true or...
You have to understand it
At that time we were in the middle of the Cold War with Russia, right
and it was a race to get to the moon technology
and who's the big movie guy that everybody...
So Stanley Kubrick is the one that everyone made this movie
Yes. Now, Stanley and them did create a backup
movie of the success of us landing on the moon and doing all of these fun things
in the event that we failed
okay, that we can prove we got there and did it. Now, what happened is those
fake movies, some people got a hold of that
"Oh, you never went to the moon did you?" and my answer to that is okay
now let me ask you a question. You know, what the Hubble telescope?
Okay, okay, and and you know about satellites going around the
moon taking pictures and sending them back to earth, right?
Okay, and they photographed each one of the landing sites Apollo and
their sets, the lunar module descent stage still sitting on the moon
And the, the rover after the Pala 14 was still there that they wrote on.
Now, how in the hell did they get there if we didn't go to the moon?
and you know that guy, "Oh well-
I'll have to think about that." That's the point.
Don't just listen to somebody else's crap
Do your own research and know the truth.
So long as you stick with the truth, you have nothing to fear, okay?
Yeah, and well I mean, well that's been the story
that some people are saying we did go there but they saw
aliens there or other beings on the moon.
So, so then it was like, okay, we can't show this footage
So let's recreate it because we can't show the original footage
Those those films and things were withheld.
Bret Shepherd can tell a lot more about how those records and the videos were
hidden so to speak
so that nobody could see them.
Now Buzz Aldrin, for instance,
when he and Neil and Mike were in the Apollo 11 command module on the way to the moon
they, they were looking at this light that kept following them
coming closer and closer and
but Buzz talked about it, he said they got to thinking about whether
they could call Mission Control and say
you know, "What is this thing that's following us out here?" and nobody knew.
He said so in reality it was an unidentified
flying object, right?
He said so they decided they would call Mission Control and ask for
you know,
What's the location of the s4b, the big second stage
of the rocket that got him going to the moon and long pause at NASA and they go um,
it's about
you know twenty thousand miles at this angle from the
Command module and okay
thank you, because that was their way of saying there was
something there and then he mentioned after that
it came close enough. They could see that it was an actual being of some sort
so it was an unidentified flying object. Interesting.
Most of the astronauts have been
unable to come forward or not.
The problem you run into is after each mission
We, the astronauts, had to go into quarantine at the lunar receiving laboratory and undergo
Debriefing, okay and the woman psychiatrist, psychologist
that did the debriefing and I've had information from sources that said that they put-
and not only telling them that they couldn't come forward and everything else -
they'll kind of give them a mental block such as through hypnosis.
Now, with Dr. Sasha Lessin,
they decided it was time to get more information out of my brain and
I agreed. Okay, we'll sit down and go through a hypnotic session of regression
and that's where my next book which is always
Oh there's one
This is it, I gotta save it until I get a-
I was hypnotized and I thought for about 15 minutes.
Two and a half hours later, they, they-
I came out of it and we discussed -
started discussing events and things that took place and a part was me -
Yeah, the, the metaphysical are they...
Up until this point everyone is in America, Canada, in England that all have been
programmed them to laugh at anybody that says well
I've seen a ET's or seen this stuff like that. Other countries in South America
and Europe and other nations have come forward with their data and information
Ninety percent of it has already been out to the public.
Us Americans have been programmed when someone says:
"Well in reality I was I was kidnapped or -
I was just taken here with aliens"
and everybody goes snicker, hehe, haha, you're a wacko, right?
Yeah, it's very true.
Most people that's what they get.
And even here when I start talking to people about things that - and the new book
I have not come forward with any of the metaphysical stuff because of
the credibility that was required being a civilian astronaut and information,
which is out in the first books
Or people just, you know, treat me like the rest of - you're a wacko
oh, you don't know crap, right, but now that they've got the evidence
and the documents and the proof of what's going on,
now they're going to do another hypnosis.
Bring more data out. You asked the question: have I seen -
if we go by what came out in the session the answer is yes
Haha, that's great.
Guys, I'm actually really excited.
We're about to interview Bret from contact in the desert.
Bret Shepherd, he's actually been involved in a lot of imagery
image work, uh
related to NASA
So he has actually a very interesting perspective on the moon
that I want you guys to hear.
So Bret, Bret Shepherd
Can you tell us a little bit about what you what you've done?
Well when I was when I was 15 years old
Stanford Research Institute came to me in 1982 in an art class
I was you know
I was very young and but I was a very good artist
and they knew I had a photographic memory.
Her name was Amin,
I remember it because my art teacher used to make fun of her and call her Noxzema
but she came and she showed me lunar images and Mars images, but she said that they were
extraterrestrial communication
And that I should pay attention to this.
And she proceeded to ask me what I thought about each and every image that she showed me
some were very provocative and and showed palaces and all kinds of different things.
Some were very cartoonish, some were
Like of gods and goddesses and stuff like that
Well, I didn't think much of it until 40 years later when I found them embedded in space images
So I found all of this artwork embedded in our space images in black and white
Where were these - where did you get these spaces images from?
Where did you find them?
Well, I ran into a wall because I founded the Lunar Anomaly Research Society
and we researched the heck out of all these images I've seen,
every single moon image there is. They all have the same -
trait. Something's missing from all of them and it's a -
it has to do with the digital process that they used
So we we clarified that
you know, that section of it and the thing is
About the lunar images is why did they tamper with them
to the point where it's propaganda for the public?
And why did they tamper with the videos or whatever
and they simply don't want us to know what's in space
and what's on the moon.
Okay. So, so let's talk about that for a minute.
You, having been someone involved in actually doctoring these images,
What is on the moon?
Well, I wasn't involved in actually doctoring images,
but I do know that process from Donna Hare and Ken Johnston
So, you know
I believe their story because they see the evidence, you know, literally
Donna said that, that they don't want us to know what's on the moon so they doctored the images
They said they used an old method that Chesley Bonestell
invented for Disney,
where they put acetate over the, the image
they doctored it up, do whatever they want to it and refilm it.
So it looks like an authentic original image and
that's what they do to debrief these images before they go out to the University or anywhere else
What is on the moon that no one's tell- like that they don't want us to know?
Well, William Tompkins, who I very much respect who's not with us anymore
told us exactly what's on the moon and I believe every word he said because of the TRW thing and his
explanation of the s-band antenna and how they got the signal,
the separate signal, back into that area where they were actually
witnessing spacecraft following Apollo 11 and landing on the craters on the moon
So if someone wants to know how did they get through the Van Allen belt,
probably secret technology or alien technology
Okay, now there has been a lot of discussion revolved around a
Stanley Kubrick video that was made that apparently shows a fake moon landing and there is
a lot of arguments as to whether or not they landed on the moon.
What do you think?
This is exactly what I think: it's propaganda.
They do not want you to know what is on the moon
so, of course they're going to hide it. So a lot of our, our
actual landing images were done in a studio. We do have a lot of fake images.
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter uses complete CGI -
graphics - to make their images at the University.
They were contracted to do that.
But officially,
Officially, we landed on the moon.
Officially, we not only landed on the moon, but we're still there.
Not only are we still there but what, like, can you tell me from your perspective
what happened when we landed on the moon?
When we landed on the moon we met a bit of our
intergalactic members and
When we met these people they told us that we weren't ready.
Not that we couldn't ever come back.
We were not ready.
What- why weren't we ready?
Because we're still blowing the crap out of each other.
See people,
blowing stuff up never helps anything.
Okay, that's great.
So, how do you, like, how- how can you verify this information for our audience?
Tell me like,
why do you believe that this is- this to be true?
and I believe you but I want to know, like, I want to verify
this for them.
I'm very experienced, gentle...I, I
listen to people, I look at all the facts and I listen to any leads that I have.
The one thing I want to say is there is no such thing as proof
I can set a brick in front of you and say that's the facts
but it doesn't tell the whole story of all the factory workers that made that brick
and and the factory that closed down and all-
everything else. This is something you would have to experience.
So along with this fact, there needs to be context,
there needs to be some kind of experience that, that
tells people hey, this is valid and this is authentic and this needs to be listened to.
There were three people
that saw the Peacekeeper missile go up and watched the video of a UFO
disabling the nuclear weapon.
I saw that it was crazy.
Yeah, and and there was Mr. Solace that
not Michael,
but the other guy that worked with the nuclear facilities and said that they came and landed by
the silos and disabled all of the nuclear weapons
So if you want to know what's going on and who's malevolent or benevolent?
I believe that we have been the malevolent race this whole time and that's why we're not ready to go
talk with our intergalactic community and I think we will be someday.
Eventually when we get over this whole like let's kill one another thing.
Oh, yes, absolutely.
Is there now- you're an experienced guy you've been looking at this stuff for a really long time
What do you want people to know more than anything?
What I want people to know more than anything is to use their own perception.
It's very important. This experiment with SRI was not an accident. They came to see
how, how someone that perceives everything
would react when they saw these, these embedded images and
lunar images and such so they are very concerned about perception and
they want to know if you're buying the fake images or not
So there- it's almost like- I mean would you say it's like a social experiment?
Yes. It's propaganda.
it's um, they needed us to
They wanted people to know that we needed a bunch of fuel to go to the moon so that they could sustain
You know their their lie about fuel. Yeah, while they had all the secret programs
They had neutral buoyancy already and they had ways to get to space without using all of that fuel
So jet like propulsion wasn't the way that they got to the moon.
It was a different type of technology
It was both, you know, they had to make it look real
Oh I see.
So they used the secret stuff to get the tin cans to the moon and back
Yeah, very interesting so do you know what technology they're
they're actually using, the other side of the technology?
Well, there are extraterrestrial
galactic people out there, you know and they helped us get to the moon
They thought it was a good step for us to show people
hey, that we're down to interest people and
going to space and become part of the galactic community
So they assigned it to- this was back in the Eisenhower days.
They had already discussed this
Eisenhower was commissioned by Hoover to invade Area 51
at one time because these people were so powerful they were above the government.
When Eisenhower went in there, they actually
Invited him in instead of having him take the army in there and causing a bunch of problems
So they invited him just like Independence Day
they invited a president to go into the secret area and see the aliens and spacecraft and
So that's when Eisenhower came out with that speech warning us about the military-industrial complex.
We must carve guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the
military-industrial complex.
I got you. This is actually starting to all
link in for me right now. This is awesome.
Okay. Is there anything else you want our audience to know?
I would just say hang in there the, the truth is coming and it has to do with your own
experiences don't rely or listen to anybody else except for-
listen to their story and see where it leads and adapt it to your own experiences
That's what proof is. Proof is on the inside.
Yeah, I can know these things
But unless someone experiences or has context it's very difficult
to get that person to believe and you should never believe anything,
Absolutely. These are very wise words from Brett right now.
Brett, thank you so much for being with us
So guys, what did you think of this episode with Ken Johnson and Brett Shepherd?
Do you have any of your own theories on what happened?
Let us know in the comments.
Also, make sure you hit like and subscribe for more videos on all sorts of interesting topics.
Until then, we'll see you out -
on the edge.
Hearthstone Funny Plays 22 - Duration: 11:10.
( 61 seconds :D )
Falco | Capítulo 02 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 13:12.
Who was Gerda Taro? "German Photographer" Gerda Taro Google Doodle Celebration. - Duration: 1:36.
Who was Gerda Taro?
"German Photographer" Gerda Taro celebrated by Google Doodle.
Gerda Taro was born in Stuttgart and educated in Leipzig.
She left Germany for Paris in 1933 when Hitler became chancellor, and the next year, met
Robert Capa.
They became lovers, and as she promoted and captioned Capa's photographs, he taught her
photographic technique.
When the Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936, they covered it as a team on assignment for
Vu magazine.
Siding with the Popular Front, they concentrated on the activities of Loyalist troops attempting
to defeat the Nationalist army.
By 1937, Capa had become famous for his documentation of the war, and Taro had emerged as an independent
photojournalist in her own right.
She and Capa covered several aspects of the war that year together, including the plight
of Spanish refugees in Almeria and Mucia.
By the summer, Taro was confident enough to make photographic excursions alone.
While covering the Republican offensive in Brunete in July 1937, she was crushed by a
Loyalist tank in the confusion of retreat, and died several days later.
Although Taro's photographs of the Spanish Civil War have been overshadowed by those
of Capa and other photographers, her pictures are effective portrayals of individuals at
Their graphic simplicity and emotional power make her small body of work a memorable chronicle
of a complex war.
To know more about Gerda Taro visit the following links:
Make Ringtone using iTunes 12.8 & Higher! [2018] - Duration: 4:41.
In this video you'll learn, how to make ringtone using iTunes 12.8 & higher.
So, let's begin!
Hello Friends!
Welcome back to AppleFrendly.
iTunes has been updated to version 12.8 and I thought of making a ringtone
using this latest version.
This tutorial will work for both Windows as well as Mac.
If you already know how to make ringtone on iTunes 12.7, you can skip this video.
There is no change in the method.
And with that being said, let's start with the tutorial.
Firstly you need to launch iTunes on your Computer or Mac.
Now make sure MUSIC is selected here and you're on the LIBRARY page.
Please note that you don't need to connect your iPhone to iTunes before making a ringtone.
So, you need to choose a song from iTunes Library.
If you want to know how to add songs to iTunes Library, checkout my tutorial in the cards
as well as in the description below.
And now supposedly, this is a song you want to make ringtone from.
So, right click the song.
And now here you have to change the song time.
First, you need to select these checkboxes.
Very important!
Then change the START TIME and STOP TIME.
Make sure the total length of the song is less than 30 seconds.
So, I'll set the start time to 0 seconds.
And stop time to 10 seconds.
Now let's hit OK.
Now keep the song selected and go ahead and select FILE option on the main menu bar.
Now select CONVERT
If you don't find this option, ask me in the comments below.
As soon as you hit that option, you should see iTunes creating new copy of the same song
with reduced time length.
So this is our AAC version of the song.
Right click the song,
And select SHOW IN FINDER.
Here is the song.
Now just COPY this song.
Don't CUT, don't DELETE.
Just COPY it.
And now PASTE it to your desktop.
Now let me take it to the left.
Now launch iTunes again and let's adjust the window so that we can see the ringtone file.
Now DELETE the AAC version of the song from iTunes Library.
Right click and hit DELETE FROM LIBRARY.
Now you have to change the file extension of this song on the desktop.
So right click,
And just make this M4A to M4R
If you don't get this M4A File Extension, let me know in the comments below.
Now hit ENTER on your keyboard.
And you should get a pop-up.
Say USE .M4R
That's all!
Your ringtone file is ready.
Now go ahead and connect your iPhone to iTunes using Lightning Connector.
And select TONES option.
Now hold your ringtone file and drag it over this TONES folder OR DEVICES section.
If dragging doesn't work for you, you can also COPY and PASTE the ringtone file.
Now, tap little iPhone icon on the top bar
On the SUMMERY section,
go to bottom right corner and hit SYNC.
Let your iPhone sync with iTunes.
Once the syncing is over, disconnect your iPhone
And now when you launch SETTINGS, SOUNDS & RINGTONE,
you should find that your new ringtone file is ready to be used as your default ringtone.
So, that's how you can easily make ringtone using iTunes 12.8 and higher.
And do not forget to change the time of the original song to original time length
in your iTunes Library and delete the m4r file from your desktop.
And that's all for today!
If this video helped, like and share it with your friends and loved ones.
And If you want to watch more videos like this, please consider subscribing to the channel,
if you haven't already.
And please put the bell notifications ON.
I'll see you next week with a new tutorial.
Till then take good care of yourself.
This is your friend, VIKAS, signing off, Thank you so much for watching!
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131303300 - Replacing Your Frigidaire Dryer's Baffle Screw AP2106572 PS417463 - Duration: 1:57.
Hi my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the baffle screw
on your dryer the reason why you would have to do this is because the screw is either
lost or damaged for this repair all you'll need is a phillips head screwdriver
WARNING before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source
so this is the dryer we're
going to be using for this demonstration it's a Frigidaire keep in mind you might have one
that's not quite exactly the same as this but the same technique should still apply
so we're going to open up our door and as you can see right here we're missing one of
the screws that helps hold our hinge on now you can grab your new OEM replacement screw
and if you don't have one you can find one on our online store and now we'll take the
screw and screw it in with the phillips head screw driver and once you have that screwed
in all the way and it's nice and tight we'll close the door and your repair is complete
Finally don't forget to plug in your appliance
if you need to replace any parts for your
appliances you can find an OEM replacement part on our website
Thanks for watching and please don't forget to like comment and share our video also don't
forget to subscribe to our channel your support helps us make more videos just like these
so you can watch for free
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NECA Contra Bill and Lance Video Game Action Figures
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🏁Como substituir molas no VW GOLF 3 1H1 Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 7:52.
Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.
Use a drive socket No.10. Unscrew the brake hose fastening bracket from the shock strut.
Use a drive socket No.18 and a combination spanner No.18. Unscrew the nut and remove the shock absorber lower mounting bolt.
Use a drive socket No.22. Unscrew the upper fastening of the shock absorber strut.
Remove the suspension strut.
Set the shock absorber strut on the spring compressor tool.
Use a drive socket No.21. Unscrew the top fastening of the shock strut mount.
Remove the top mount, the support bearing and the upper spring cup.
Remove the spring.
Install the spring.
Install the spring top mount and the upper spring seat, the washer and the top strut mount.
Place the shock absorber in the wheel arch and secure it.
Use a drive socket No.21. Tighten the top shock absorber fastening.
Use a drive socket No.18 and a combination spanner No.18. Tighten the nut fastening the shock absorber strut to the steering knuckle.
Use a drive socket No.10. Tighten the brake hose fastening bracket to the shock strut.
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