good day everybody j7409 here with you with weather news. the name you know the
news that you can use! man oh man I've been having rain rain and heavy rain
just about off and on all night as a matter of fact it's doing it right now
I mean heavy rain people and what can you expect with the humidity levels
would you look at this look at this up into the 90 to 100% humidity all up and
down in here humidity is everywhere and when you have humidity so close down to
the ground when the humidity levels so high you can expect rain this is a check
of the latest GFS map courtesy of tropical tidbits and before I get going
this morning I hope that no one was in too bad of severe weather last night my
goodness we had watches watches from tornado watches to severe thunderstorm
watches up and down these coast and out in the Midwest and if you are having a
problem getting notices about receiving my weather videos all you have to do is
hashtag weather j7409 and I'll put that down in the show more down in the
description for you also if you click that you should be able to receive my
videos now let's turn this map on we have this risk of severe thunderstorms
today from southeast Wyoming Southwest Nebraska and eastern Colorado into
central Kansas so we're gonna turn it on right quick and let er roll now the
severe thunderstorms are going to be possible
initially across the central high plains by late this afternoon then spreading
into the central plains it's evening and perhaps even continuing into tonight
with isolated strong to severe storms that can be possible across eastern
Oklahoma to Arkansas and in the north-east now what I want to
talk about I want you're going to hear me see or say rather MCV well that
stands for miso scale convective vortex and what that is it pulls winds in a
circular pattern like a vortex okay you're going to hear me talk about meso
scale convective systems now they are thunderstorms that become larger than
regular individual thunderstorms but they're smaller than extra-tropical
cyclones and they usually last for several hours or more so here we go for
eastern Oklahoma Arkansas northeast Texas and northern Louisiana we have an
MC V now this is where it's pulled through pulling the wind in a circular
pattern attended to AMCs which is a very convicted thunderstorm okay now we've
got this this morning and it could develop new storms downstream across
Oklahoma into Arkansas in northeast Texas and even by north down around
northern Louisiana by this afternoon now all of the models are in strong
agreement showing that a decayed MCs over Oklahoma this morning now the
potential exists for pockets of moderate instability with mid-level wind shear in
the vicinity of the in CV and hence some to support storms organization the
outlooks going to have severe probabilities on the lower end though
with the potential for stronger storms being capable of producing locally
strong winds and hail now early day cloudiness could limit overall
destabilization of this and thus precludes the introduction of higher
severe probabilities at this so eastern Oklahoma Arkansas northeast
Texas and northern Louisiana you could be getting some rain rain rain rain rain
with possibility of some very storms headed your way now eastern New York and
a new engine we got a shortwave trough that will lift primarily across Canada
today and will result in neutral height changes across the Northeast however
strong southwesterly mid to upper level winds are going to extend across the
Northeast States resulting in effective bulk shear anywhere from 35 to 45 knots
now the models continue to suggest a narrow corridor strong boundary layer
eating it's going to occur across the Hudson Valley region ahead of a weak
surface front an instability will be marginal stronger instability is
forecast father east though low level convergence is weaker and scattered
thunderstorms should evolve across the Northeast with the potential for locally
strong wind gust if you happen to be in one of these storms so far as my area
where I live if you're anywhere let's cut this back on right quick if you're
anywhere and this area right up and down the seaboard so far as from down around
Florida Georgia South Carolina North Carolina up into eastern Virginia maybe
Washington DC expect rain off and on but when you have rain you're probably going
to have a pretty heavy rain shower I'm telling you folks it is raining so much
at my house and it's not just a little drizzle it's a hard rain for the last 12
hours we may even hear hitting my roof right now this is going to happen off
and on with breaks for the majority of today here we are at Hatteras this
morning letting you see what it looks like yeah
rain rain nasty nasty and besides it raining it's not a good day to go in the
water because the rip currents are still high they have not lifted the dirty
water ban yet that has all the bacteria in it working on it hopefully by this
afternoon it will be cleared but that's still under way but people please please
take the rip current warnings at heart do not go in the water if you go in the
water just wait around don't go out and swim
in it so many people have died if they say hi rip currents or even moderate rip
currents don't think you can overcome them so many people have died already to
prove that you can't here we are looking at thunderstorm activity going on around
8 a.m. this morning time right now 8 o 8 a.m. and of course today is Saturday the
28th of July 2018 we will move this on up to around 1 p.m. this afternoon it's
thundering it's lightning that's raining like crazy at my house and it will
continue as I've told you right through these areas also down in Florida you can
see where the rain is moving through with those systems I just spoke up that
may bring severe weather as we go to 4:00 p.m. this afternoon we can see how
it is going down into the Oklahoma area right in here all the way down to
Louisiana and portions of Arkansas also up in Nebraska especially along the
panhandle area from Wyoming Colorado and parts of Montana excuse me not just
about check there ok moving right along we will go to 8:00 p.m. this evening you
can see what's going on and we will move up to 1:00 a.m. in the morning with the
most severe of the thunderstorm activity out in
the lower part of the Nebraska a little bit of Colorado and down in to panja's
we'll take a quick look at the Cape map with all of the indices of how strong
severe energy is in the air that can produce these severe storms this is
around 10 a.m. for this morning you know the deal if you are in the red or the
purple that's the most severe however when you're in the green you still have
a chance when all of the conditions are just right for water spouts and
tornadoes to pop up on you so everyone be aware of that we will have to around
3 p.m. this afternoon on over to around 8 p.m. this evening and then we'll hop
up to 1 a.m. in the morning and that's what the Cape is looking like for today
we're gonna check out the thunderstorms and see how severe they may get
throughout the day and if this is your first time over to weather news with J
seven for a nine and you're into the weather like all the rest of us please
subscribe click the bell click the email notification click everything you can
sometimes YouTube don't put the videos out and people get them and I'm trying
to help people know what's going on and to keep them safe so please do that and
if you are one of those once again that are having problems receiving my videos
please google the hashtag all together and lower claps weather j7 409 and you
should get them ok here we are at 9 a.m. this morning we will move up to 1:00
p.m. this afternoon you can see how it's going let's back up just a hair to
around 11 this morning you can see how these storms are gaining a little
strength up in the Nebraska and Kansas area all the way down to Arkansas
they've moved through the Oklahoma area at this time we will move up to around 4
p.m. in this afternoon looks like Texas might be getting some
rain and relief that'll be a good thing and as we move on to 8 p.m. this evening
you can see how everything is progressing along and we will move up to
11 p.m. tonight that's when we have some real little nasty cells getting together
right up in here between Kansas and Colorado also a very good possibility of
some in the panhandle of Nebraska reaching over into Wyoming so we'll go
up just a little bit further to around 2 a.m. Sunday morning and a look out here
we go in Kansas the lower portion of Nebraska's just got out of this and this
is in the very high range wherever you see it purple these are storms for sure
okay like I've been talking about so please keep this in mind and stay safe
thank you so much for watching I appreciate everything you do for me
everybody have a good day a blessed day a safe day a lot of us are going to be
in and out of rain showers off and on so that's just the way it is but wherever
you've seen any of the severe weather also these are probably going to have
gusty winds and hail in them so be aware of that and the possibility of turning
into tornadoes I love you guys much peace loving kindness to each of you and
thank you so much for watching
For more infomation >> Weather News with J7409 Saturday July 28,2018 - Duration: 12:42.-------------------------------------------
Top Four Moments: Week Seven | Season 2 Ep. 7 | THE FOUR - Duration: 1:11.
The best smartphone gimbals on a budget! - Duration: 8:01.
How To Make Bacon Wrapped Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Blackstone Griddle Recipes - Duration: 6:48.
what is up everybody this is Lila go hippie BBQ well we're gonna be cooking
today as a recipe that is so good that I only break it out like once a year we're
gonna be making some bacon-wrapped grilled cheese sandwiches we're gonna be
doing it on our black stone griddle and we're gonna be using kind of an Italian
theme with this come on in take a look while we're working with this
bacon-wrapped grilled cheese you can get as simple or as extravagant as you'd
like you could basically just throw some cheese in between two pieces of bread
wrap it and baking grill it off and you're good to go I'm gonna be going
with kind of an Italian theme on this so we're gonna be using some fresh basil
mozzarella cheese bacon then I have some artesian bread now I did this recipe in
a video a while back and I used some onions some basil tomatoes and a little
bit more complicated but with something like this I really think as simple as
you could be the better anyway these are our ingredients I'm gonna let this bacon
come to room temperature and the reason you want it to come to room temperature
is you want the bacon to be somewhat pliable so you can kind of stretch a
little bit if you need to around this bread so when this comes to room
temperature we'll get onto the next step and get cooking this bread toasted up a
little bit we're gonna start building this sandwich now part of the reason I
toasted this was a moist bread is gonna allow some of that well a lot more of
this bacon grease to soak into the bread so that toasting is going to kind of
keep that from happening so basically what we're going to do is we're just
going to go ahead and hit this with our cheese and this is gonna be a very
cheesy sandwich we need a lot of cheese to cut that bacon fat that's gonna be in
here so we got our cheese we got our basil
I'm gonna hit it again with some more cheese get our top on now we are going
to might be easier if I rotate this a little bit and we are going to start
wrapping this sandwich
so you have the one side done when I go ahead and lay some more bacon out we're
going to rotate the sandwich and get the other side or other strips laid out
we're going to place this right on top again and we're going to come back the
other direction
all right now that we have this flea wrapped in bacon let's get out to the
Blackstone and get this grilled up I'd like to apologize for all this noise in
the background so hopefully you can hear me
now one of the good things about doing this on a flattop griddle is that unlike
the last video I did a few years ago I did it in a skillet and sometimes that
bacon grease will have a have an opportunity to kind of pull and soak
back into your bread this should allow us to not have that same issue so let's
go ahead and get our grilled cheese sandwiches on
and we're gonna cook these on this side until they become crisp and then we're
going to flip them over and then we're going to get the edges as well gonna
flip this a couple times during the cook but I want to do my first flip once the
first once the bottom side to build a little bit of a crust to it what should
be about now
now keep in mind we're gonna sear these sides again but we're going to go ahead
and get these edges now we're just going to get it up on its side and don't worry
about any just baking this map to fold it all the way over we're gonna get to
that here in a little bit so let's go ahead and get this other side right
we're gonna go ahead and do all four sides we got all these sides crisp so
I'm gonna go ahead and take these off they're gonna continue to cook here for
just a little bit I'm gonna take them inside let it cool off a little bit and
we'll cut into it and see what we're working with
so let's get into this and see what we think now from an aesthetic standpoint I
did this probably three years ago and I added some red peppers onions and the
basil I think that aesthetically it looked a little bit better from the
inside just because there was some of that red pepper coming through but let's
just go ahead and see we think
here's my thoughts after doing this two times I think I will go with the more
vegetable version like I did in the previous one like I said I card above
take a look at that video you know hats of onions red peppers basil mozzarella
cheese but I did not toast the bread in that one and that's one thing that I've
learned over the course of doing three of these that that is definitely a good
rap to go so this bread is a little bit crisper on the inside than it was
another one so anyway if you do this recipe you know what take
that advice you can't go wrong on it either way that being said I'd like to
thank you guys for stopping my no hippie BBQ I appreciate it
try this out comment subscribe I'm out. Blackstone griddle recipes.
MISSION IMPOSSBILE 6 Fallout CONNECTIONS & ENDING Explained + MI7 Theory - Duration: 7:02.
Mission: Impossible Fallout is quite possibly the most spectacular entry in the series so
On top of another round of insanely awesome action sequences, this sixth instalment also
connects deeply to the past five movies in the franchise.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I'm explaining all the connections
between Fallout's characters and plot and the other Mission: Impossible movies, plus
how the ending sets up a seventh film.
I'll be talking White Widow, Ilsa Faust, Julia's return, Henry Cavill, Solomon Lane, the new
MI 7 team, and easter eggs.
Of course, Spoilers ahead if you've not seen the movie yet.
The end of Mission: Impossible Fallout sees the newly recaptured Solomon Lane handed over
to British intelligence by the CIA.
Taking care of that transaction is the White Widow who CIA boss Erica Sloan refers to as
the broker.
White Widow is actually the daughter of Max, the arms dealer from the very first movie,
and it appears that she's in charge of the same dubious organisation Max led.
And the "ongoing arrangement" that CIA boss Sloan mentions as Lane is handed over is a
reference to the deal that Max was forced to make at the end of the first Mission: Impossible
when she was caught and arrested on the train by the CIA.
It looks like White Widow will be a returning player in future Mission: Impossible movies
which could be interesting given her organisation's nefarious connections in the underworld.
I also noticed that Ethan and White Widow's relationship in Fallout mirrors Ethan's story
with Max in the first film.
In Fallout, Ethan pretends to be Lark in order to meet the White Widow, just like he pretended
to be Job to meet Max in the first movie.
And Fallout even plays up some flirtation between Ethan and White Widow, similar to
that hinted at between Max and Ethan.
I also thought it was incredible how Vanessa Kirby who plays White Widow sounded so similar
to Vanessa Redgrave's Max, even channelling a number of her mannerisms.
Also in Fallout's final scene is a big hint to Rebecca Ferguson's future in the franchise
when Sloan explains that the CIA's transaction with MI6, closes their "friend's account with
British Intelligence".
Earlier, Ilsa told Ethan she was being forced to continue working with the British Secret
Service in order to prove she wasn't a rogue agent.
However, now that Ilsa's free-and-clear of MI6, she'll be available to become a permanent
member of the IMF.
By the end of Fallout, Ilsa has also been confirmed as Ethan's love interest going forward,
with the movie having developed the relationship between them, showing they do actually care
for each other even if Ethan does run her over with a car!
There is, of course, the matter of Michelle Monaghan's Julia who returns for a small but
significant role.
She and Ethan open the movie in a call-back to their wedding scene in Mission: Impossible
This distorted nightmare-like sequence has Solomon Lane officiating at the wedding and
he begins to taunt Ethan about his lies to Julia and leading a double-life, blaming Ethan
for her abduction in M:I 3, their subsequent separation, and how she had to go into hiding
for her own safety in the fourth film.
This scene's important because it sets up Ethan's state of mind in Fallout where he's
troubled by visions of losing his moral compass and harming or killing innocent people in
the course of his missions.
The other purpose of this scene is to set up Julia's reintroduction later in the movie,
something which Tom Cruise had specifically requested.
'I asked Tom, "what's the one thing you wanna do?" and he said people are still asking me
about Julia.'
'You know, you can't be with Ilsa.
There's still Julia.'
'And he said, I wanna tie up that story.'
'So I said, OK, we can do that.'
'But we have to do it in a way that it's not just something we gonna cut out of the movie.'
'It has to be baked into the narrative.'
It's nice to see Michelle Monaghan back and properly integrated into the story after her
tiny cameo in the fourth film.
Her scene with Luther catches us up with what she's been doing since her split from Ethan,
and she has a tender reunion with her ex-husband at the very end where they come to terms with
why they have to be apart.
I think Julia's story is likely wrapped up now in the franchise, however, she could always
return if the story warranted it.
For example, we don't really know who her new husband is exactly, so there's always
a chance he could turn out to be one of Lane's Apostles!
Also, interestingly, at the end of the movie, Ilsa whispers something into Julia's ear.
Although Ilsa's words aren't audible, it does show a connection between the two who are,
to quote Luther, the only two women Ethan has ever been serious about.
And maybe Ethan himself knows what Ilsa said, given what a good lip reader we saw he was
in MI: 3.
But let me know if you've got any theories on what you think Ilsa said to Julia.
Similar to Alec Baldwin's Hunley in Rogue Nation, Angela Bassett's Erica Sloan progresses
from an adversarial view of the IMF at the start of the movie to a positive view of what
the team does by the end.
With Hunley's death in Fallout, I think the film heavily hinted that Sloan will become
the new Secretary for Mission: Impossible 7.
Still alive at the end of Fallout is Solomon Lane.
He could return as it's quite possible there are other Apostles out there who splintered
off from the Syndicate and are ready to take up arms.
Indeed, the original TV series featured the Syndicate as a recurring criminal organisation;
however, I suspect the film franchise will want to move on to a different villain.
The other villain whose future seems over is Henry Cavill's Walker.
After all, he did fall off a cliff after a huge hook smashed into his already burned
face; however, we never saw the body and crazy things have happened to bring back seemingly
dead villains in the movies.
Even if there's a small chance he's still alive, I really don't think we'll see him
return for the next movie as it would feel too repeaty, though maybe he could make a
surprise cameo down the road, perhaps as a horribly disfigured criminal mastermind.
So, this latest Mission: Impossible movie really feels like it's making a concerted
effort to build a more closely connected cinematic universe with recurring villains and new characters
like Ilsa and Benji returning in each film to build a bigger team.
It also felt like there were more call-backs and easter eggs to previous movies than usual.
For example, when Ilsa was gagged and tied up by Lane, it felt like a nod to when Phillip
Seymour Hoffman's villain bound and gagged Julia in the third movie.
In Fallout, Ethan pretends to be Lark with the hope that White Widow and Lark have never
met, a tactic the team previously used in Ghost Protocol.
This time Henry Cavill's Walker mocks the plan saying "hope isn't a strategy".
The scene where Luther, Ethan and Benji set up an elaborate fake hospital room and TV
show so the nuclear scientist will reveal his phone's passcode reminded me of the fake-out
opening scene in the first movie where the team use a similar scam to extract crucial
details from an adversary.
And the final scene of Ethan climbing up a rock face after his fight with Walker to be
rescued by a helicopter calls back to the beginning of Mission: Impossible 2 where Ethan's
rock climbing vacation is interrupted by an IMF helicopter.
So, what did you think of Mission: Impossible 6 and did it get you excited for the future
of the franchise?
Also were there any other interesting connections you spotted?
Let me know in the comments below.
If you enjoyed this video, I really appreciate a thumbs-up or a share.
Tap left for my other Mission: Impossible videos or tap right for another video you're
sure to like.
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Vira Talisa - If I See You Tomorrow (with Lyrics) | BukaMusik - Duration: 2:56.
If I see you tomorrow
Will the birds still singing like
The way they do
To greet me this morning
If I see you tomorrow
Will the wind blow softly like
The way they did
To wash my worries away
Will the crickets in the leaves
Make the same crackly song
Will the fire flash go blinking
To the shimmering star
Will you look at me
The way you did last night
When you were here
By my side
Will the crickets in the leaves
Make the same crackly song
Will the firefles go blinking
To the shimmering star
Will you look at me
The way you did last night
When you were here
By my side
By my side
New Suzuki GSX-R1000 Classic Stamp Edition 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.
10 Signs and Symptoms of Protein Deficiency - Duration: 11:10.
Signs and symptoms at protein deficiency
Protein is the building block of yourself
It's the building block of your muscles and also is present in the foods that are going to boost your metabolism and fat burning potential
Nothing is more important than protein
it really is the fuel that motivates and really supports your body in building healthy tissues and sounds
People often ignore the warning signs of protein deficiency until the problem becomes severe
It is important to be aware of these signs as addressing
the problem early can save you from future complications if
You have multiple signs and symptoms of protein deficiency
Ask your doctor to check your health levels and get the best treatment for protein deficiency
Here are the early warning signs of protein deficiency
lack of muscle growth
When the body isn't getting enough protein from food sources
The body tends to take protein from skeletal muscles to preserve more important tissues and body functions
This condition is known as muscle wasting which can lead to a loss of energy and strength and may make doing physical
Activities more challenging. Are you training hard and heavy but not seeing any substantial progress?
The reason might be protein deficiency
When it comes to optimizing an athlete's diet, nothing is more important than adequate protein consumption
Since this is the fuel that supports your body in building healthy tissues and cells as well as repairing the damaged fibers
Not getting enough of it will leave your body
incapable of building muscle as well as increasing your risk of muscle loss and
The less muscle you have the less calories the body requires to function
so one of the major signs of protein deficiency in
Is an increased body fat level regardless of the amount of physical exercise and the strictness of dieting
Tune bone fractures or breaks
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos
Since protein is needed for calcium absorption
And supporting bone metabolism a diet low in protein will not only raise your risk of muscle loss
But it can also cause bone weakness slow bone healing and fractures aboard from the muscle loss
This is because protein is needed for calcium absorption and helping with bone metabolism in
addition protein is crucial for the post-workout repair and recovery process as
Protein is essential for healing as well as building new cells tissue and skin
So if you're not getting enough of it injuries will take longer to heal which will ultimately result with more frequent injuries
Three poor sleep
having trouble sleeping
it may be a sign that you're deficient in protein as a
Nutrient is crucial for helping to keep blood sugar levels stable
poor sleep
And insomnia can sometimes be linked to unstable blood sugar levels arise in cortisol and a decrease in serotonin production
Blood sugar swings during the day carry over through the night carbohydrates require much more insulin than fat or protein doze
Additionally protein access to building blocks of tryptophan an amino acid that causes drowsiness
Try eating protein rich foods near bedtime to help stimulate its production so you can get a better night's sleep
brain fog
Protein is needed to support many aspects of healthy neurological functioning
Your body requires a certain amount of protein in order to keep your brain functioning properly if you find yourself
experiencing brain fog lack of motivation poor
Concentration or trouble learning new things. It may be a sign that you're deficient in the nutrient
Specifically protein is essential to the production of dopamine epinephrine norepinephrine
Serotonin and neurotransmitters that are needed to help you focus
These neurotransmitters are synthesized in the brain using amino acids, which are created through when the body digests the nutrient
Lack of motivation and trouble learning new information can be signs that you're low in neurotransmitters
Studies show that balanced diets with enough protein can boost work performance learning and motor skills
digestion issues
many metabolic and digestive functions depend on amino acid intake
Amino acids which are created through the digestion of protein are essential to a variety of digestive system functions
Therefore if you're not consuming an adequate amount of protein, you may find yourself experiencing issues
These issues can include stomach pain guests diarrhea or sometimes constipation
Such problems occur because without enough protein enzyme production and muscle contractions in your gastrointestinal
tract will suffer
moodiness and anxiousness as
mentioned earlier when protein is digested in the body, it creates amino acids and
Amino acids are what comprise?
neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin
Which control your mood?
Proteins help the brain synthesize hormones like dopamine and serotonin that help bring on positive feelings like calm
excitement and positivity
So if you're not getting an adequate amount of protein
The production of these neurotransmitters can suffer resulting in mood changes and increased anxiousness
Simply increasing your intake can help to synthesize more of these hormones and help to bring on positive feelings like calm
excitement and positivity
Sugar cravings if you're low on protein you may find yourself battling constant cravings for snacks that are high in sugar
The reason for this is because protein helps to keep your blood sugar levels balanced
So if you're not getting enough your glucose levels will be all over the place
Encouraging you to reach for a quick fix like candy
The problem is that carbohydrates digest quite rapidly
So after consuming these sugary snacks, you'll experience a spike in blood sugar
Followed by a crash that causes you to reach for even more of them
Adding more protein to your diet will help to slow down digestion to avoid the cyclic oppress
weight gain as
mentioned previously
Sugar cravings are a common sign that you're deficient in protein
If you give in to those cravings on a consistent basis, it can oftentimes lead to weight gain
While high-protein food sources, sometimes have more calories than carbohydrates eating more of them can help to increase satiety
preventing overeating
They also help stabilize your blood sugar
Allow you to retain more muscle which burns more calories all day and can reduce cravings
Insufficient protein intake can also lead to a condition called edema where the skin becomes swollen and puffy due to fluid retention
This is especially common in the body's extremities such as the feet and ankles
citing Harvard Health publications Reader's Digest
Explains that this occurs because proteins help to hold salt and water in blood vessels
Without enough protein these fluids can seep into surrounding tissues
Edema is often characterized by skin that looks stretched in shiny and retains a fingerprint after being pressed for a moment
hair loss as
Hair is made up of 90% protein
Specifically a type called keratin if you're not getting enough of the nutrient it can cause hair to become thin or fall out
This happens because your body stops using protein for non-essential things like hair growth in an effort to preserve its stores
Although many different factors such as genetics and hormonal imbalances can contribute to hair loss
nutritional deficiencies are thought to have the most significant impact on hair health and
since hair is around 90% protein an adequate protein intake is a crucial requirement for maintaining healthy hair a
Diet lacking in protein can shut down hair growth reduce its quality and result with abnormal hair loss
So if you find that your hair has become dry
changed color or
Texture or that you're losing more of it than usual in the shower or when running your hands through it
It may be a sign that you need to up your protein intake
Ten frequent infections protein is essential to the functioning of the body's immune system
Protects your body and defense against foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses
Medical science has established that besides
antioxidants and fatty acids
One of the most important factors in supporting a healthy immune system is adequate protein consumption
In fact protein malnutrition can result in depletion of immune cells and a reduced ability of the body to make antibodies
Both of which severely compromised the effectiveness of the immune system
So if your protein consumption is less than optimal your body won't be able to defend itself
Against bacteria and viruses and will become more susceptible to illnesses
When you're not consuming an adequate amount of the nutrient your white blood cell count decreases
Weakening the immune system and making you more susceptible to illness such as influenza and the common cold
Helpline comm adds that these illnesses are often more severe in those who are low on protein
30 Weeks Pregnant - 30 Weeks Pregnant Baby Position and fetal development - Duration: 5:21.
30 Weeks Pregnant baby position.
This week, your baby's more proportional than ever, your dreams are getting weird and
there are many other bodily changes taking places for both mum and baby.
Find out more about what else is happening to you and your baby at 30 weeks.
How big is my baby at 30 weeks?
This week, your baby's the size of a cabbage, weighing in at three pounds and measuring
nearly 16 inches long.
She'll keep gaining weight, at a rate of half a pound a week for the next seven weeks.
What's my baby doing at 30 weeks?
By now your baby's body parts will start to look more proportional.
The only exception is her head, which will still be quite large compared to the rest
of her body.
Her fingernails will be fully developed and will continue to grow in the womb, meaning
that when she's born, they could be quite long and need cutting to prevent her scratching
Your baby is currently surrounded by a pint and a half of amniotic fluid, but as she gets
bigger and takes up more room in your uterus, that volume will shrink.
As she grows, the space in your womb gets more cramped, so you may feel fewer hard kicks
than you used to a few weeks ago.
Her brain is changing too, not just growing, but changing in appearance, too.
Once smooth, the vital organ is now maturing and developing those grooves and indentations
you'd normally recognise in a brain.
These changes will allow more brain tissue to develop.
Thanks to your baby's developing brain and new fat cells regulating her body temperature
your baby's lanugo will start to disappear, too.
There's another change, too: your baby's bone marrow has taken over from the tissue
groups and spleen in producing red blood cells, another important step towards independence
once she's born.
What is my body doing at 30 weeks pregnant?
It's not the kind of thing you want to be overheard talking about on the bus to work,
but during pregnancy the amount of discharge produced can increase.
It should still look and smell the same as before.
If it changes and becomes thick, smelly, profuse or changes colour, see your doctor to check
if you have thrush or an infection.
It's important you get this checked out as some infections can increase the risk of
premature labour.
You may feel itchy down there too.
Luckily, thrush can be treated with over-the-counter medicines – usually a cream or pessary.
However, it's important that you tell your pharmacist that you're pregnant before asking
for it.
Prevention methods?
Wear breathable cotton underwear and avoid strong soaps or feminine washes as they disrupt
the natural pH and growth of health bacteria.
There might be some more unpleasant pregnancy symptoms, too, especially the ones you thought
you'd left behind in early pregnancy, such as needing to pee constantly, tender breasts
and heartburn.
30 Weeks Pregnant symptoms.
You need your pelvic muscles to relax so that you can give birth to your beautiful baby,
but unfortunately, the same hormones that relax those muscles also relax the muscles
that separate your stomach and oesophagus.
This is why you experience heartburn, as the food and digestive juices from your tummy
head upwards into your cheat and throat.
Avoid agitating foods like spicy, fried or fatty dishes, try to eat smaller meals, and
don't eat while lying down.
This won't last forever - there are only about ten weeks to go until you pop, and the
symptoms will disappear once you give birth.
Feeling clumsy.
We hope you've put away the high heels and invested in a pair of sensible flats, as you
may be feeling a little clumsy these days.
Not only are you heavier, but your centre of gravity will also shift thanks to the concentration
of weight in your belly.
And if that wasn't enough to throw you off balance, your ligaments are also more relaxed
thanks to pregnancy hormones, meaning your joints are looser, and you might lose balance
more than usual.
Feeling blue.
A tenth of pregnant women battle depression in pregnancy, and while it's normal to worry
about labour or becoming a parent, if you feel down a lot of the time, or feel agitated,
anxious, nervous or irritable, talk to your doctor before those blue feelings become all-consuming.
That energy you may have enjoyed during your second trimester has sadly departed by now,
and your growing baby and changing body may be leaving you exhausted.
Rope in friends, family and your partner for assistance with chores that leave you fatigued
- it's good to start practising asking for help now, as you'll need plenty more when
the baby arrives!
Where Did Cats Come From? The History of Domesticated Cats! - Duration: 5:59.
hi guys welcome back to relax my cat my name is Savannah and here with me is
Mia and today's video is a bit different but I think you're gonna enjoy
it it's a little bit of a history lesson that I actually really enjoyed making
and looking into these facts and things it's all about domestic cats and how
this relationship we have with cats and humans is beneficial to the both of us
and where this all started so yeah with all that said I'm going to
just get straight into it this video is all about the history of domesticated
cats oh I'm sorry kitty okay so to start this
off we're going way way back to 75,000 BCE in Cyprus which is where they think
the first kind of record of a domesticated cat or a cat as a pet the
very very first one that's where they think it was so we're talking like
Neolithic times Neolithic what it means so cats and humans have had this bond
for a really really long time and it did start off as a way for humans to protect
their grains and other things as they started farming because cats as we know
are excellent hunters and they would get the rats and all the other pests away
from the food which also meant that cats got food and humans got food too as we
all know about cats in Egyptian times they were loved the gods revered little
black cats just let you Mia and a lot of cats were actually mummified as well
not just humans a lot of cat statues that are found of doing x-rays on and found
actual cat skeletons inside so that's how much they were loved and pampered so
not only were they pampered in their life they were pampered in their death
too so yeah that's probably gonna be you you know you're
so spoiled you're gonna get pampered your life on your and death yes you are
And one of the most popular pets from this period this is Egyptian period I
can't pronounce it and I'm not gonna try cuz I don't wanna butcher but it means it's
it's probably gonna be here it means little mewer which is adorable this was
actually a cat of one of the crowned princes which is just fabulous little
mewer how cute is that so it wasn't just in Cyprus or Nordic
civilizations a lot of civilizations really took to cats for this mutual
relationship that they had with humans I mean even in the West they cats were
always on ships to help with rats especially after they kind of figured
out what was going on with the plague and super helpful and if you're
eliminating rats you're eliminating fleas that carry bacteria it's meaning
that the streets are cleaner and ultimately there's less disease and less
bacteria for humans so cats are really really helpful when it comes to having
them around and even today people buy cats to help with pest control I know my
mom first got cats because the house that we just moved into we thought could
have had rats and it happens all over the world you'll rarely find
a farm that doesn't have some kind of little pest hunter cat's are actually the
second most popular pet only coming second to fish so cats are always a good
choice it would seem even in today's society which I thought was quite
interesting they thought it was gonna be dogs I thought dogs were gonna top us
but no cats right up there I was a bit surprised at fish though I'll be honest
personally I think that cats have this relationship or we have this
relationship with cats this this long history because of this mutual
relationship the fact that we can both get something out of it I think that's
why cats have this personality that they have today we didn't change their nature
when we domesticated them so they still have this kind of I'm equal to you
personality to them I think that definitely shows that we didn't change
how they respond to their surroundings I think yeah yeah this is why they love
their alone time and they love hunting still because these are traits that have
always constantly been kind of reinforced I think that's really really
interesting so make sure with your cat that you're allowing them to hunt and
giving them their alone time feeding into those ancient roots those ancient cat
roots well that's it for this one thank you so so much for watching I'm gonna do
a t-shirt winner as soon as I let this cat free and give her a treat
alright so we have a t-shirt winner of our lovely relax my cat t-shirt
available which is very exciting and I'm gonna read outt the winner for you now
hold on okay so our winner this week is Raquelle Fernandez congratulations
don't forget to head over to instagram send us your address and your size so we
can get a shirt sent out for you and don't worry if you didn't win this week
you can always try again next week all you need to do is number one be
subscribed to relax my cat and hit the bell button beside it and then number
two leave a comment of my mind went blank for a second
leave a comment within sixty minutes of this video going up and that's it you're
entered you're in so again guys thank you so so much for watching I really
really appreciate it don't be shy to leave a comment tell me what kind of
videos you would like to see from me and Maya and we love love love reading = the
comments so thank you so much and I will see you next week bye bye
Modern Urban House Was Designed in 2017 by Y Designs | Beautiful Small House Design - Duration: 4:32.
Modern Urban House Was Designed in 2017 by Y Designs
Game of Thrones Season 8 - COULD STANNIS HAVE HAD A DRAGON? - Duration: 9:59.
Have you ever wondered if Melisandre had been right?
Could she have woken a dragon out of Stone?
And how it might have changed things in the great war, if Stannis had gotten a dragon
before the WWs marched for the Wall?
The answer is, yes, she could have woken a dragon.
I'll explain it in this video, so stay tuned for that.
Hello Everyone.
Welcome to UBM.
Your one stop for book and TV series reviews.
I post new videos every Saturday at 07:00 pm IST or at 09:30 am EST.
So make sure to subscribe this channel and also click on the bell icon to get notifications
from my channel.
And I want to thank you Aaron Arguelles for contributing to my channel on Patreon.
At sometime before the start of the War of the Five Kings, Melisandre had travelled to
Dragonstone on her own, looking for Azor A'hai.
She believed that Dragonstone is the place of smoke and salt, amidst which, Azor A'hai
will be reborn.
Since Stannis was the lord of Dragonstone, she assumed that Stannis is Azor A'hai reborn,
who will be the one to face the darkness and defeat the whitewalkers in the Great war.
"When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor A'hai shall be born again
amidst smoke and salt, to wake dragons out of stone."
At Dragonstone, she convinced Stannis to burn the statues of the seven in sacrifice to R'hollor,
and had him pull a burning sword from the fire, declaring the sword to be Lightbringer
and Stannis to be Azor A'hai reborn.
"There will come a day after the long summer, when the stars bleed and the cold breath of
darkness falls heavy on the world.
In this dread hour, a warrior shall draw from the fire, a burning sword.
And that sword shall be lightbringer, the Red sword of heroes, and he who clasps it
shall be Azor A'hai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him."
I have already discussed these prophecies in my "Azor A'hai and the Prince that
was promised video.
Melisandre has seen the wights and the Others in her flames.
She had also showed it to Stannis.
They knew about the threat that was heading towards Westeros.
They knew they needed to be ready when the Whitewalker's army attacked them.
That's why they wanted to unite the kingdom so badly.
I'll read a couple of lines of Stannis from the books.
"The darkness will devour them all, she says.
The night that never ends.
She talks of prophecies..
A hero reborn in the sea, living dragons hatched from dead stone.. she speaks of signs and
swears they point to me.
I never asked for this, no more than I asked to be king?
Yet dare I disregard her?"
"Great or small, we must do our duty.
Melisandre swears that she has seen me in her flames, facing the dark with Lightbringer
raised on high."
So as you can see, Melisandre was quite convinced that Stannis is Azor A'hai, and she tried
her best to fulfil the prophecy.
Most of the prophecy had been fulfilled at that time.
A comet had blazed across the skies, and the dead had started rising again.
She gave Stannis a burning or rather a shining sword, and called it lightbringer.
She also convinced Stannis that just like Aegon the conqueror, having a dragon will
help him win and will unite Westeros again.
She has already proven R'hollor's powers when she had had Renly killed with Stannis's
But that was her shadow-binding power.
She always used to say "There's power in king's blood."
And she proved this fact when she had Stannis throw three leeches filled with Gendry's
or Edric's blood in the fire and say three names, and those three kings died.
I have also discussed the power of king's blood in my "Craster's Sons" theory
So by burning only a few drops of king's blood in a blood magic ritual, Melisandre
and Stannis were able to kill Robb Stark, Balon Greyjoy and Joffery Baratheon.
Imagine what could have happened if she had been able to burn a whole body filled with
King's blood.
I know it was wrong, and I agree with what Davos did.
But Melisandre had told Stannis, "A great gift requires a great sacrifice" and she
convinced him to give Gendry/Edric to her, so that she could burn him to wake dragons
out of stone.
I'll also read a few lines from the books.
"Give me the boy for R'hllor," the red woman said, "and the ancient prophecy shall
be fulfilled.
Your dragon shall awaken and spread his stony wings.
The kingdom shall be yours."
"The Lord of Light cherishes the innocent.
There is no sacrifice more precious.
From his king's blood and his untainted fire, a dragon shall be born."
"I am a small man," Davos admitted, "so tell me why you need this boy Edric Storm
to wake your great stone dragon, my lady."
"Only death can pay for life, my lord.
A great gift requires a great sacrifice."
"Where is the greatness in a baseborn child?"
"He has kings' blood in his veins.
You have seen what even a little of that blood could do -"
"I saw you burn some leeches."
"And two false kings are dead."
At that time, only Robb and Balon Greyjoy have died in the books, so Stannis had written
it off as a coincidence saying, "If Joffery should die.. what is the life of one bastard
boy against a kingdom?"
For some reason, I had never seriously believed that Melisandre could actually do it.
They didn't have dragon eggs.
But I was currently re-reading the books, and realized, she wanted to perform the same
blood magic ritual, that Dany had performed to bring the dragons back into the world.
I'd already discussed this ritual in my "Blood Magic" and "Symbols and their
importance" videos.
Melisandre already had a person's life to pay for the dragon's life.
She didn't have a dragon egg, but there were stone statues shaped like dragons all
over the castle at Dragonstone.
Melisandre knows all the spells, so she would have chanted during the ritual instead of
using a symbol.
And there would have been only one dragon instead of three, unless they had decided
to burn more people to wake more dragons out of stone, because as Melisandre has said,
"Only death can pay for life," which means one death equals one life.
Dany had paid with 3 lives to bring 3 dragons into this world.
So technically, Dany woke dragons out of stone too.
Once Stannis had dragons, he would have been able to defeat the Lannisters and unite Westeros
into a single Kingdom.
And once Westeros hadn't been divided or distracted, they would have been ready for
the night King.
Which means Jon wouldn't have needed to go beyond the wall to catch a wight to convince
Cersei, and Viserion would still have been alive.
And if Viserion hadn't died, the Night king couldn't have broken the wall using the
wight Viserion.
But Davos had let Gendry/Edric Storm escape.
He had good intentions and a noble heart, but now many people will die because the whitewalkers
have crossed the Wall.
I already discussed where they might go from Eastwatch and which path they will take, from
the hints shown in the opening credits of season 7.
You can watch my season 7 episode reviews to check them out.
So, what do you think of this theory?
Do you think Davos was indirectly responsible for the Whitewalkers crossing into Westeros?
Don't forget to tell us your thoughts in the comments.
If you liked this video, please click on the like button below, share the video and subscribe
to my channel.
Have a great Day.
Bye Bye..
First Alert Weather - Duration: 3:18.
100 Amazing Wooden Fountains You Need To See | DIY Garden Ideas - Duration: 10:06.
Amazing Wooden Fountains You Need To See
Homescapes Level 867 - How to complete Level 867 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:38.
"How to beat level 867 on Homescapes"
"How to play level 867 on Homescapes"
New T-Rex vs Suchomimus Playmobil Dinosaur Sets Unboxing Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Custom TRex - Duration: 19:07.
Wow watch what happens when the villains use mind control to make the dinosaurs
attack each other and so we go ahead and open up this awesome
Playmobil t-rex temple playset I hate dinos watch me use this mind control ray
New T-Rex vs Suchomimus Playmobil Dinosaur Sets Unboxing Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Custom TRex
come on power okay let's go ahead and just drive him look there's a
triceratops trying to get its baby out of the trappers cages perfect chance
look she's trying to get back up
oh they're sending them after the poor defenseless little baby no
oh she's eating the poor defenseless blobs
oh she ate that poor cute little baby
she opened the door maybe she's not bad after all
look I tried to think her the other Raptor tries to run for it
Stegosaurus is looking for her baby poor little Stiggy
Oh sue got her baby's gonna be an orphan
check her out guys she's completely under my control she
won't do anything without me telling her like me not you just poke her in the
stop like that just not doing anything haha this is awesome yeah that one is
not under my control whoops one guy down I'm gonna have to
find a new replacement oh well let's test this dino Wow
t-rex first sukima mass oh she's cut the first blow
I know this is gonna beat our girl Oh
something is coming
quick Bob stopper until I get the mind control ray ready oh there goes Bob
guns cool ray and that my friend is why you don't mess with Dinosaurs
because life will find away
no I shoulda came back to Jurassic world nice Dino nice Dino please don't eat me
okay it's great to see you again Playmobil sent me this awesome huge
explorers dinosaur toys playset it comes with a t-rex and a huge likes go looking
playset awesome Wow check out the options on the back so you got a firing
missile you got a cage here which the t-rex could attack a bunch of plants
this is the playset from the inside over here you've got like a working winch you
have like a light - like it's like some type of hieroglyphics there and these
are all the pieces that are actually in the set cool let's check it out and last
week I reviewed the other five Playmobil Dino sets so once again these have the
awesome boxes you cut three pieces of tape and the whole box opens up so you
got a nice storage box for one the sets so here is three pieces of the wall oh
wow that is a huge very heavy looking t-rex oh I like that one that one is
awesome and then back with some pieces some people treat pieces the more forest
stickers we've got boxes and a bunch of pieces from the fortress looks like
these are the pieces from the cage over here some more tree pieces you got like
the light and everything here looks like more pieces of the poor and some more
guys over here awesome oh and a set of instructions so we are going to use the
instructions and put this awesome set to okay so here is the Playmobil explorers
t-rex set wow this is a big set first I'm gonna go
ahead and take a look at what the accessories that come with this set then
we will take a look at the set itself so the first thing is t-rex this guy is
also super heavy really good quality I mean even better quality than some of
the earlier Playmobil dinosaur toys I have reviewed and tried out but anyways
the t-rex head moves up and down the mouth does so he is really cool looking
the mouth does open and close all the way really cool looking teeth yellow
eyes he's like a really like a maroon with red striping and spots on him the
arms will rotate I believe oh ok so they pop up so they don't go 360 ok so they
go a good amount but not 360 the legs will also build a good mom I don't want
to pop it off and the nails are painted like a tan color it's got like nails in
the back here so this is a really awesome looking Playmobil dinosaur and
then accessories this set is loaded with them it comes with three characters this
character here I've got a machete on her back she has a backpack with a laptop
attached which actually you could open up and pretend she is doing work on the
laptop this one comes with a pair of binoculars she's wearing a holster with
a pistol that comes out she's got a machete she is dressed for jungle
exploring and she could put another weapon into the back there
this one here this think this looks like a lady comes with
a rifle a camera she could take off around her
neck jungle Explorer outfit one of my kids put a lizard into her holster hey
why not and then a backpack here so you could actually you could push the
backpack but it doesn't look like I don't think it opens up but you could
push it so that is cool looking and then it comes with this little dog the head
moves up and down comes with like a little gold statue big huge it looks
like a snake well unless it's a double snake maybe it's two snakes intertwined
microscope bug a change of outfit so I believe this girl here could put this on
it's like some type of dress some beakers for scientific work comes with a
nice big box here you could put all the extra gear into which is cool don't even
fit the bug in there cool and if you want you could pull like the golden
statue in there those clothes and you got a little another little box here
that says danger in here I've got like looks like a satellite telephone you got
this like just be crate over here you could put all this stuff on because you
have a working lift there so you could lift this stuff up you got a work light
here you've got a plant here that opens and closes you did have this is like a
blue light you shine it on I and the tablet in there the letters would only
show up under this light but I put a triple-a battery that was good I tested
it but the light does not work so that's a little disappointing but anyways let's
go ahead and check out this fortress so this fortress is really awesome looking
we're gonna start from the top top you got a bunch of foilage trees growing out
of here okay they don't move I think yeah you
could swivel it so you could put the tree branches in two different
directions here you have an action button if you push this the gate will
fall down which I will show you in a minute
it's got like jewels in the eyes so this looks almost like the whole front of the
fortress looks like some type of statues head so these jewels would be the eyes
you got a plant there and then if you push the action button BAM the door
falls down and locks into place and you simply go ahead push it back up here and
it is locked into place again to fall down again so you can slam a shot if the
t-rex tries to get into the opening you could slam it shot right to his head
although I wish they would made a little bigger fortress for the t-rex or made
the t-rex I don't want the t-rex smaller by me and I wish they'd have made the
fortress bigger because it almost seems too small compared to the size of the
t-rex so back here you got a ladder so you could have your guys climb up the
ladder to different sections of the platform there like she could be over
here this girl up top here and the other one could be on the bottom doing the
scientific work here you're seeing a rope that rope goes to this lift over
here if you go ahead and detach this rope you could lower the lift to the
ground to bring up equipment so you could pull this big box up there
and then you pull the rope it actually lifts the equipment up and you could put
it into different sections of the platform which is really cool and then
the platform has the bottom level here it shows like t-rex and the plant over
there if you're looking up here you've got swivel lights here swivel lights
there it would have been kind of cool if they would have made these lights to
actually work I'm if you to put a watch battery in there that would have been
really awesome and then that is the second level and then you've got the top
level so with this top level here you've got this big like ray gun thing that
actually works so if you push the button here it's actually flashing lights on
the top there it's a little harder there we go and it's a lot brighter than it
looks because my lights here are set up for really bright lighting so it is
really cool looking then here you've got I'm not exist this looks like some type
of a trap system that actually will close up so
you could push it too close so maybe that's the t-rex he's he's tall enough
to come here maybe you could have it lower and trap him in there so he can't
eat our friends awesome and I have reviewed the other five sets go ahead
and check out my episode terror go ahead and check out my episode last week it is
a five Playmobil dinosaur sets and in the description it's terror and zoo so
you have a breakout of animals in Jurassic world so that is awesome so
this set is really cool if you guys liked it
give me a thumbs up okay that was totally awesome if you enjoyed that
episode please go ahead click like and drop me comments also I do got over a
thousand videos the majority are drastic world Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong
Ninja Turtles Power Rangers and a lot more check out the playlist on my
channel or for more fun jurassic world playlist check out the playlist at the
end of this video you guys are awesome and i will see you tomorrow
subscribe below for a lot more fun video also click the bell button to be
notified every time i make a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun
videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button
Clash Of Clans - TOWN HALL 12 (TH12) BASE w/ PROOF ✅ Trophy Base / War Base / Troll Bases 2018 - Duration: 10:22.
Delete - Duration: 6:17.
Hello Greetings,
My name is Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi,
Rainy season is started & we are doing pakora stories
and making different types of pakora
This recipe is named as Bottle Gourd Fritters
and I am making in my own style.
My style is very simple, so that whole India can easily follow.
First of all, what we have to do is,
I have taken a small Bottle Gourd approximately 300gms & grated it.
Bottle Gourd has no flavor of its own, it is very blend in taste.
That is why we have to add more flavors & spices.
Add one large chopped onion,
3-4 chopped green chillies.
It is very necessary to have a spicy taste in the pakora,
especially during rainy seasons when you eat.
Add 2 table spoon chopped coriander,
1 table spoon chopped ginger,
1 tea spoon carom seeds,
It is very necessary to add carom seeds in pakora.
Add spices, 1 1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder,
1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder,
add salt to taste according to your health & taste by doing Namak Shamak,
along with that add 1 tea spoon black salt to give a punch
as I told before that bottle gourd has no taste of its own.
So to increase the taste we are adding all this ingredients
& I am adding 2 table spoons of a unique ingredient that is date & tamarind chutney.
Mix well so that the mixture gets an amazing flavor.
While mixing you will get a unique smell at that time you will get to know that you are doing correct in the recipe.
Bottle gourd has its own water so add water accordingly.
Now I will add 1 1/2 cup of gram flour
& 1/2 cup rice flour(optional).
Mix well.
Here I have mixed well.
While mixing I realized that water is not necessary to add.
The quantity which we have taken is approximately for 4 people, each one of can get at least 4 piece.
The mixture is ready.
Now when the oil is heated, take water in the bowl, wet your hand in the water
& drop small portions of the mixture in the hot oil.
Half fry the pakoras.
After half frying the pakoras, remove the pakoras in the absorbent paper plate.
Next step is to press the pakoras with the absorbent paper
I have pressed all the pakoras & re-heated the oil to fry the pakoras again to make it crisp.
When the oil is re-heated drop the pressed pakoras in the oil to fry it again.
Remove the pakoras which are browned.
Pakoras are ready, serve it in a plate.
Here is my bonus.
Interesting thing with this pakora is you can use it in Kadhi, gravy and you can also make a sabzi
You can also eat as a pakora.
it is very interesting, Bottle Gourd Pakora.
Important thing is the quantity of onions should be more which makes it interesting to eat.
The tamarind chutney is also very important because in end you will get the tamarind flavor which makes more interesting.
So make & eat it & enjoy the enjoy the rains
Lauki Ke Pakore unique stle by Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi
Just like this, I will bring new unique recipes every time just for you
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE my YOUTUBE Channel &
do press the BELL ICON for instant updates.
IstanbulPark YANDI! Körfez Pisti YIKILDI! | BMW M Test Drive & BMWRoadShow [English Subtitle] - Duration: 1:04:04.
Bro I am getting bored
Wanna click a pic of mine
Why not
Such a bored day
Bro can you smile
No I can't
Just a bit
Ok I am trying
Bro just smile a bit
Seems your Titanic drown
Oh its not working
Like this smile
Again same
Just stop it
I am going
Nothing to sad
Ok come on
Setting is done
Pic will be awesome for sure
Bro take care ok
Don't make me Gorilla
Yea bro I know
ISO and all are perfect
VIP click
Wait again
Let's try again
What happened bro
Seems like you clicked a pic of Dracula
Bro leave it
What happened?
Show my pic
What the? Pose was good
The fact is my camera don't have
Fair and Lovely Filter
Bro just stop it
Wait a minute
Just one pic
Click a pic
I am getting late you know
Ok bro I am
He is keep dragging me
Wanna do something
He just sucks me by clicking and clicking
I have to make a plan now
Bro you can't run
The day you also dragged me and
Now its your turn
Just wait till the night
Bro can you look back
Pose is great right there
Oh kay
Where did he go?
He tricked me again
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