If you've been paying attention to any of the Conservative or Right Wing, and even establishment
Democrat talking heads recently, then you are probably aware of the fact that socialism
is creeping into the United States, and that this country is essentially screwed because
of it.
Now, of course, none of that is true.
We're not screwed.
Socialism is not creeping up here in the United States, though it should be.
We just have a few politicians out there right now who are saying those radical things like,
"Hey, maybe we should have Medicare for all, for citizens of the United States.
Maybe a public option that people could buy into, rather than going to a private health
insurance company that's going to rip them off, or deny them coverage based on preexisting
That, according to these wealthy elite, is the socialism that's coming to the United
And here's the thing.
Meghan McCain on The View, is one of the leading voices of this anti-socialism movement.
She got all up in arms last week because she was furious about the fact that her grandkids,
her kids may end up having to grow up in a world where everybody is entitled to healthcare.
How horrible would that be for a man whose father can't even remember how many homes
he owns?
I'm sure we all remember that from the 2008 presidential primaries and debates.
John McCain didn't know how many houses he had.
He's so damn rich, he doesn't know.
And the same is true for people like Meghan McCain, born into this obscene amount of wealth
so they have no concept of reality anymore.
All she knows is that she wants to deny everybody else the same privileges that she has had
since the day she was born because her mother has a ton of money.
Socialism does need to creep into the United States.
But the reason we're hearing all of these scaremongering tactics that it's going to
destroy the country, or that it's completely unaffordable, or that it's going to give us
worse care, is because corporations want us to think that.
The health insurance companies, big pharma, all of those companies have a financial stake
in keeping things the way that they are and not improving them.
Because if we were to get a public option, that could open Congress up to be able to
negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies.
Oh, big pharma doesn't want that.
And if we're buying from the government instead of a place like Blue Cross, or Aetna, or any
of the other ones, they're going to lose money because they're not going to get our dollars
And to be honest, employers should be pushing for this kind of plan because it takes the
healthcare burden cost off of them and shifts it to the patient, the consumer, the worker,
and the government that they're paying into.
Seems like a pretty decent trade off to me, right.
And yet, here we are, still having to have these discussions about whether or not Medicare
for all, universal healthcare, a public option, whatever you want to refer to it as.
I know they're all different things, but you hear different things all the time about them.
Whatever you want to call it, we're still having to have the discussion about whether
or not it's viable.
And the worst part of the discussion is when these right-wingers and the establishment,
Democrats, like to talk about the cost.
"We just can't afford it."
I mean, how CNN did an analysis of it about a year and a half ago and they said, "It's
going to cost us $1.4 trillion a year to have universal healthcare here in the United States."
That is a lot.
$1.4 trillion a year.
If only there was a way to maybe come up with that money, like I don't know, not giving
the wealthy another tax cut.
That just paid for universal healthcare in the United States.
Did you know that?
The cost of the tax cut we just gave the wealthy would have paid for universal healthcare.
And of course, it actually would have been a lot cheaper because that cost of universal
healthcare does not count on the fact that every American citizen that is working would
be paying into it.
You want some more money?
Well, how about we not add $70 to $80 billion to an already bloated military budget each
A $770 to $780 billion per year on the military.
We could probably get by without all of that money going to that, and maybe put that instead,
since we've already paid for universal healthcare with the tax cut, remember.
So now, let's take half that military budget and make debt-free college.
Oh, look.
Everything stays the same, nobody gets screwed out of anything, and everything is paid for
without us having to pony up any extra dollars if we didn't want to.
That's what these people are saying.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Those are the ideas she's putting forward.
Bernie Sanders and so many others all throughout this country, those are the ideas they want
to implement.
Not tax us to hell and back so we could pay for all these socialistic ideas.
Just maybe not give money to the wealthy elite, not continue to feed the military industrial
complex, and if we do those two things, or should I say, stop doing those two things,
we can easily pay for these programs that are going to make the lives of millions upon
millions of American citizens so much better.
For more infomation >> Medicare For All Won't Destroy America – But It'll Hurt Corporate Profits - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
President Donald Trump Says He's Willing To Meet With Iran's President | NBC News - Duration: 1:46.
Final feliz: madre inmigrante celebrará los 15 de su hija en EE.UU. | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:58.
Opening Scene 'Parzival,Aech,Daito,Sho' | Ready Player One (2018) - Duration: 4:59.
Hello, Wade.
Hello, Mrs. Gilmore.
What's the matter? Life getting you down?
I was born in 2027.
After the Corn Syrup Droughts, after the Bandwidth Riots.
After people stopped trying to fix problems
and just tried to outlive them.
My parents, they didn't make it through those times,
so I live here in Columbus, Ohio, with my Aunt Alice.
In 2045, Columbus is the fastest-growing city on Earth.
It's where Halliday and Morrow started Gregarious Games.
These days, reality is a bummer.
Everyone is looking for a way to escape,
and that's why Halliday...
That's why he was such a hero to us.
He showed us that we could go somewhere without going anywhere at all.
You don't need a destination
when you're running on an omnidirectional treadmill
with quadraphonic, pressure-sensitive underlay.
James Halliday saw the future.
And then he built it.
He gave us a place to go.
A place called
the OASIS.
This is the OASIS.
It's a place where the limits of reality are your own imagination.
You can do anything...
...go anywhere.
Like the vacation planet.
Surf a 50-foot monster wave in Hawaii.
You can ski down the pyramids.
You can climb Mount Everest
with Batman.
Check out this place. It's a casino the size of a planet.
You can lose your money there.
You can get married. You can get divorced.
You can... You can go in there.
People come to the OASIS for all the things they can do,
but they stay because of all the things they can be.
Tall, beautiful, scary, a different sex,
a different species, live-action, cartoon.
It's all your call.
Yeah, that's me. Well, that's my avatar.
At least, until I feel like changing it.
Except for eating, sleeping, and bathroom breaks,
whatever people wanna do, they do it in the OASIS.
And since everyone is here, this is where we meet each other.
It's where we make friends.
Locate Aech.
Locating Aech.
Aech located.
Sector 12. Planet Doom.
Planet Doom, the most dangerous place in the OASIS,
and a pretty great place to pick up coin.
Figures Aech would be there.
Aech is my best friend in the OASIS.
He's my best friend, period.
Even though I've never actually met him in the real world.
- WADWhat's up, Aech? - Hey, what up, Z?
Next race is in 20 minutes, and I can't do the late one.
What the hell are you up to?
Man, gettin' my kills on, bro.
Is that Daito?
Daito and Sho.
This an artifact hunt?
Yup. Gregarious 120.
Turn into any giant robot for two minutes. That's rad.
Those were key.
Halliday made sure the OASIS was littered
with enough randomly powerful stuff
that anyone could win if they had the skills.
Death matches and artifact hunts are a good way to coin-snatch,
but depending on your level of armor, they're risky.
You see, everyone starts the same,
but the more coin you make...
- Mom! Mom! - ...the more you level up.
If you get killed, your avatar can come back to life...
Go get your dad!
...but you lose all your stuff.
Everything you've ever worked for.
All your money.
Your clothes.
Your weapons.
Since people spend most of their time in the OASIS...
...losing your shit means...
Well, losing your shit.
Abogado opina sobre supuesto hijo peruano de Juan Gabriel | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:52.
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Does It Suck? - Duration: 14:33.
Hey ladies and jellyfish, wumbos of all sizes, welcome back to A.S.K.
Air's videos!
If you've been watching my videos for any amount of time, it should be clear I'm a
big fan of TMNT, at least the 2003 series I grew up with.
And I was going to do this review of the new Rise of the TMNT reboot series around late
August or early September when it was announced.
But after recently going on vacation to New York, I didn't realize that it was actually
released on July 20th.
My schedule has also been a little wacky lately, but that should all be sorted out soon.
Anyway, I originally planned to do a Super Review on the first episode, Mutant Mayhem,
but after watching the first few episodes that came out, I realized it might be more
fun to talk about the show as a whole and use the episodes as examples for points I
Since only the first few episodes have been released so far, that's all I'm using
So, let's jump into it.
THEME SONG So I guess where better to start than the
theme song, right?
The theme is very fast, catchy and colorful, introducing all the characters in a concise
manner and showing how fast the animation can be.
When I think of all the previous TMNT reboots, this theme song sways much more toward the
2012 fast-retro concise theme song, rather than the cool early 2000's style of the
'03 version, or the nice-sounding classic of 1987.
Once again, it's a fast 30 seconds of showing all the new things to look for in the series:
the new animation and art style, new character personalities, new villains, the action and
pretty much everything else, like the Turtles' weapons and vehicles.
The replay value of it is so much as well, as it seems non-repetitive before every episode
as there's always something new to see.
It just sums up the entire series into a nutshell for you to understand, and I think that's
a good structure every theme song should have.
PLOTS Of what I've seen of this show, the plots
The new 11-minute run time is a new thing, especially because the other series all had
22-minute run times.
It did make the few episodes that have come out, excluding the 22-minute pilot episode,
feel honestly a little rushed and incomplete.
Like how the third episode, War and Pizza, just ended randomly after the Turtles barely
did anything.
A little more time in the episode honestly wouldn't've hurt anything or done anything!
The writers had less to do and obviously were more easy-going than if it were 22-minutes
of writing.
The plots for the most part are okay.
Literally no synopsis have been released for any other episode, heck, not even the episode
list has been released yet, and that does make this a little more difficult.
So, judging this on what we know, the first few episodes, I'd say there's potential.
Each episode has introduced a new villain or atmosphere, but the plots themselves may
have been a lot cooler on paper than in execution.
CHARACTERS The characters are what have me a little on
the down-side.
The characters all got an overhaul for the most part.
I guess the biggest one was Raph becoming leader of the Turtles.
As a big fan of Raph myself, I thought this was the coolest fricking thing ever!
But then I saw what they did to him, and ehhhh.
Raph is now much less caring about winning, along with all the other turtles, kind of
like the '87 version, but like not with the amazing style that show had.
Leo is now the goofball rather than Mikey, which I think is pretty disappointing, it
would've been cool if Leo was more serious and he disagreed with Raph's decision making
and that could've led to some drama, but looking at Leo from the examples available,
I'd say it's unlikely.
Master Splinter has become much more unlikable, being a big slob who doesn't do anything,
but does remind me a little of The Ancient One from the 2003 series.
Although I'm guessing Splinter here won't be as helpful, wise and admirable as he was
in the other series.
(video on nick.com) ANIMATION
The animation is what people like most about this
And I guess I'll have the unpopular opinion on that.
The thin-line colorful art style is good.
It's not great, but the comic-booky classic art style is fine.
The animation on the other hand, is interesting, to say the least.
The jumpy, 90's esk, concise animation isn't the smoothest thing ever, but makes the action
scenes look more professionally 90's and classic esk in terms of animation.
Something people claim to like about it is that all the turtles have distinct art styles
to themselves.
Okay, but are you really trying to tell me this oaf is brothers with this kid?
I do admit that this is very subjective, I think the art style and animation is mediocre,
nothing special, but nothing bad, and this is very opinionated, but I'd personally
say that it's just fine.
VOICE ACTING So, I really dislike the voice acting in this
So, there's the new Shredder hybrid, Barrum Draxum, voiced by JOHN CENA, really?
Really Nickelodeon?
The Turtles' voices are also a little too distracting.
We'll start with Leo, voiced by Ben Schwartz, and I think his voice is great.
For Leo, I prefer this over the 2012 and 1987 series, but I do think it can go against the
2003 series.
Raph, being so freaking huge, has a pretty good voice, by Omar Benson Miller, that matches
the character pretty well.
But then we have Mikey and more importantly Donnie (wrong with my voice clip).
Their voices are honestly pretty old, for 14 and 13 year olds.
Because a 14 year old teenager should be voiced by a 34 year old man, right?
But I know what you're saying: the voice of Raph is also a 40 year old man, but to
be fair, Raph's voice is deeper, and the voice actor at least tries to disguise or
change his voice.
OTHER STUFF Some other things I just wanted to touch on
are the action scenes, which are all good, but less commonly shown, making the episodes
slightly boring and underwhelming, and the comedy, which is fine, but could've been
a bit more plentiful, like action.
Their weapons are also, well… (video)
CONCLUSION So, all in all, I think this show has a long
way to go before it is even a good show.
Make of that what you will.
I do think it will improve, obviously I'm judging off like 3 episodes for God's sake,
but I do think the team working on this has potential with this concept.
There's a lot of room for improvement because of the big changes they made in
the franchise, and I hope they improve a lot, because change is a great thing, especially
in a reboot.
Anyways, don't forget to leave your thoughts on Rise of the TMNT and this video in the
comments down below, like the video if you enjoyed, and subscribe if you like what you
If you're new, feel free to check out my YouTube homepage for more videos, and check
out my website for links and tons of spoilers!
now have a discord, so
join that out too!
I'm very active on it, and answer all your chats.
Links as always in the description below and card up above!
Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you guys next time!
What happens when you stop paying credit card bills - Duration: 2:19.
What happens when you stop paying your credit-card bills?
With overall US household debt increasing by 11% in the past decade debt is a way of life for
many Americans. While don't spend above your means will always be sound advice
it can be difficult to put into practice since household debt keeps increasing
while income just doesn't keep up. The cost of living and rapid growth in
medical and housing costs is dwarfing income growth making it challenging to
meet obligations without leaning on credit cards and loans. But, if you are
overwhelmed by credit card debt you may wonder what happens if you simply stop
paying your credit card bills? Well your minimum payments will increase because
you have to make up the payments you've missed plus late fees are added making
your balances rise even faster your interest rates can increase the penalty
rate after your account become 60 days past due each month your minimum payment
gets larger as more late fees added to your balance. When the penalty rate kicks
in your finance charges will also increase the result is that your
outstanding balance and payments you need to catch up gets larger every month
you're late it gets more expensive to catch up the more behind you are.
Even after you catch up the penalty rate will remain in effect until you've made six
consecutive payments on time. After that the interest rate must go down for your
existing balance but can remain in effect for new purchases. If you have
multiple credit cards with the same company those interest rates may
increase too, if you wind up in collections due to non-payment it will
stay in your credit reports for seven years from the date the account
originally became delinquent. Unpaid collections accounts may eventually land
you in court or at least with the court summons. Lawsuits for collection accounts
are a common and efficient way for collection agencies to get payment
never ignore of court summons about debt. These lawsuits can result in wage
garnishment a bank levy or lien on your property if you are struggling with debt
we have solutions that can help you simply fill out our form or better yet
call us now and we'll match you with the best solution for your situation we are
A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and have helped thousands of
people become financially stable and we can help you too. So don't struggle any
longer give us a call when life happens we're here for you.
Sales Tips: Cut Inbound Response Time to Under 4 Mins with Sales Ops - Duration: 2:05.
Hi everyone.
My name is Evelyn Fayad, I'm on the revenue operations team here at SalesLoft.
Today I'm going to talk to you about improving the process of your inbound sales team by
combining Salesforce data with SalesLoft automation rules.
As a sales leader, your focused on improving your process every single day.
From a technical aspect, that's what I love about sales operations.
A recent win we've had at SalesLoft is building automation rules that reduced our team's
inbound response time to below four minutes.
Today I'll share with you how we did it and what you can do to improve your sales
teams response time.
Let's start by examining the importance of response time to those inbound leads.
Based on research, prospects are seven times more likely to have a meaningful conversation
when a sales rep reaches out within an hour of initial contact.
But even an hour leaves time for a prospect to move on to other tasks.
It begins with automation rules which are very similar to workflow rules inside of Salesforce
in that they allow you to perform an action based on specific criteria.
In this case, we setup an automation rule that's triggered every single time someone
fills out a demo request form on our website.
It passes the new Salesforce lead into SalesLoft so immediate action can be taken and then
the next step brings in cadences to the mix.
With a lead successfully created in Salesforce, in person information now created in SalesLoft,
the information rule drops that person into a cadence and automatically kicks off an email
beginning of the sales conversation.
Automating this first step is crucial to inbound response time, but leaves tons of room for
personalizing those next cadence steps.
Combine it all and you're delivering a top of the line experience for those inbound leads.
That entire process takes only about three and a half minutes on average.
Thanks for watching, I hope you learned something about SalesLoft automation rules with inbound
response time.
Happy Lofting and have a great rest of the day.
WATC - BEST of Episodes 301-400 !!! - Duration: 18:34.
Derek: Honey I need an introduction for my walk on the compound webcast, quick!
Heidi singing: Walk around the compound
Derek: That's good, that's great!
Heidi singing: see some tigers and stuff yeah
Hello all you big cat lovers out there, Gah!
And we - *Bobbie Trills*
And we start with Miss Bobbie!
Syd, look at that belly! It is full of meat and poop!
*snickering* Look at you!
She just can't contain it! Hagedega!
She can't contain it! Look at her! Look at her energy! Look at it! Daaaarrrrhh
Kill! kill kill kill kill kill kill stuff
*massive hiss*
*additional hiss*
What is the matter with you Lakai? I'm sorry! Did I approach you..did I approached you to quickly?
He's like "I'm gonna be watching you over from this angle now"
*generic rambling*
*laughs* Hi, yeah go back to sleep
What kind of grapes are these?! *giant moo*
Oh my gosh! *awesome moo* oh my gosh!!
Who's peeing over there? Someone's peeing
Secret pee
Secret tiger garden pee
Gah! I am so dead! I am so dead!
You still got it!
Prime hunter!
*Bindie Squeaks*
*laughs* You goofy!
Rachel: Isn't she just the cutest thing?!
*kitten meow*
Rachel: I named her Piper
What are you doing?
She's like, I'm just peeing in my house!
*gasp* Is that your duck? Aww is that your duck?
*whisper moo*
Is that your duck? He loves his duck!
*whisper snuffle*
Aww he makes his biscuits on his duck
You're so ferocious!
Uh oh!
Gotta do the belly song, everyone do the belly - everyone do the belly song! bellybellybelly
bellybellyBELLYBELLYBELLYBELLY! YAY!!! We did it guys!
I might as well not even go and visit the other cats I
I don't think that they're going to match this level of cuteness! Then again, the fleabees they are...
...they are quite the hams. I don't know if you've noticed this, look at these guys!
You too! You too!!
*snuffles* You're getting sneaky Oh my gosh! I thought that maybe I could trust you, that your butt was fuzzy
And I thought that maybe since your butt was so fuzzy that maybe thinking that there's one, at least one!
Then I could finally put my trust in
Look at that beautiful girl!
You don't want to kill me *squeaks* Nooooo, you just squeaked me to death
*Epic Mwali Roar*
oh no, keep going!
Nooooo, don't stop, keep going!
He saw me he's like, "hmmm no. I'm gonna button up. Gonna button up!"
"'Cause it just got chilly in here"
*adorable moo*
Just...*big adorable moo*
Ah! Do you even have any idea, I mean really, the effect that you're having on people *snuffle*
*Derek snuffle* *Ezra moo*
You wanna comb each other's hair?
*laughs at own joke*
You wanna put lipstick on each other?
"You see this proteins, these are my proteins"
"I make a' u ded."
"I make a' u ded if you get close to my proteins"
"I got my eye on u"
Oh boy, alright alright, well...
There's just a point where dorbs just becomes vulgar!
Where's Momo?
There she is!
Lie down.
Poopy, lie down.
That's not lie down!
Ya know, look at the majestic lion, full of poise
She just got mad at the ball. Oh my gosh. I don't know if that's Craig. Is that Craig?!
Was Craig saying some stuff?!
Ya know, Craig's like, "ya well.."
it's that thing where you know Craig lost the love of his life and then he tried to..
Tried to forge a new relationship, but he's always bringing up Tabula, you know, like well, you know..
At least she was able to keep this place clean! And then Savanna is just like "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!"
Just ya know being mean and personal
Everyone's got so much meat in their bellies, oh my gosh
The pooping is gonna be pretty epic this week.
I see you, I see you!
"No you don't"
"you don't"
Maybe if I look oh, oh, oh, oh "you blew my cover! You blew my cover!"
Well this is good!
This is good! See? We can get good Melita!
And it's wonderful and it's very nice
Ummm, and I guess "made to prove"
*Noey Disapproves*
Whoa, whoa whoa. Whoa, sorry, you didn't like the fingers? Didn't like the fingers. She did not like..
Air quotes! Noey doesn't like air quotes.
Hi baby! You're pretty!
Very pretty, very pretty and you have your little blep!
You have your little bleppy tongue *Fire Confused*
I revisited it....AHHHH!
Gaaaah, there was red wasps!
*Long Moo*
Oh he likes that! He's like "that is a nice butt massage!"
Look at him!
Don't pee on me!
UHHHHH, That was right in the face!
What are you doing?
Is she trying... I think she's trying to catch rats
Or mice?
Or bugs?
or maybe she just, she hates grass
Derek: Doin' some pest control?
Derek: Well, I'm still here so I guess it wasn't that successful!
Heidi: We don't have a fly swatter that big!
Do you have peets?
Raven: HUH?!
Raven: WHU?!
Raven: I remember when this was all orange groves
He's got that pointy top part of his head
*in Conehead voice* France. We come from, WE COME FROM FRANCE!!!
That's it!!
Chompers is a conehead!!!
That's the French Connection! Oh my gosh! We're making....oh my gosh!
Chompers is a conehead
From France!
I get up here *Ace Growls* to film your pretty face
and uh, you know, 'tude
Look at that belly!
Look at that Milo belly!
capture capture capture
*light hiss*
What! Don't be mad at me just because - I didn't put that there, you did!
Hi stink! Hi stink face!
Potato...meh...potato man, tiger-stripey butt, potato butt
Snuffle tato snuffle spud
Look at him holding his little peets together, I think he's praying..
"and please..
...bless all of the chickens so that they grow up healthy and strong so that I can't eat them...
*Selena Bark*
I knew it!
*Selena Bark*
I knew it!
*multiple moss*
Oh my gosh, Lucia wants to get in on this smoosh-sesh - nope, actually, she's just like "eww"
She's like, "I'm leaving. You guys are just being weird."
Oh! He put his little peet! He's like no - don't go!
*Momo Chirp*
Oh my gosh!
Oh boy...*Mika yells* oh boy, oh boy!
I know Ezzie!
She's going up over there and she's rolling around and she's being flirty and stuff like that. Right? I know mixed signals
*little growl*
Uh, don't!
*imitating Milo* "hey step away from the peets mister, u stay away from them peets...
..these are my peets! Not yo peets!"
Heidi: Want me to form your balls so you can hold the camera? *squeaks*
Derek: yeah, can you please just reach down and form my balls, please
Heidi: children. *squeaks*
Derek: You said it
No more, I gotta go
Ok, just a little bit more, I gotta go webcast. I gotta go, I gotta go film
Starting to get a little bit demanding Puppus.
You think that just because you're pretty and adorable and you can - you can possess sweetness at times,
that I'm just gonna automatically forgive you? Because I mean you're right.
My gosh, Shaanti, you're a mess. You're a mess!
But you're our mess
*singing* Zubi, Prince of the Stump!
I am Prince of the Stump
*Ra Moo*
You're Prince of the Chub!
You don't know, You don't know me..
You don't know what happens when I turn these cameras off!
Rub myself in olive oil. For all you know!
I mean, ewwwwww
Hi Ace, how are you? You feeling ok?
*Solid Hiss*
Yes he is, he is feeling very normal
She's like "if I see any artificial intelligence, I'm gonna eat it"
"I'm gonna eat it, because my name is SELENA!"
"Get out of here robots!" *barks* "Get out of here robots!"
I smell sex and candy here...
*Rasa growls with skepticism*
"ok I'm going to get my ball and put it over here...."
"Oh my, ahhh scary!"
Awww, look at these boys, look at them!
*Dirk starts singing* brotherly smooches now sniff my wiener
*beebee crank*
*continues singing* You won't do it, now I'm annoyed! Now I'm annoyed!
I'll do it later
I'll do it later
Okay, I'll lick your head
Let me hump to you
Oh stinky face!
Oh stinky snuffle! A stinky snuffle!
Your ex is like "why are you sending me a picture of a waffle iron?" I'm like I didn't mean to
Does this mean you want to get back together? Nooooo!!!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Sidney. Jeez, jeez! Calm your tits.
Do tigers have tits?
*eh ble mlehm*
*eh euh*
Hi, oh my gosh, are you smooching on your bear? You're smooching on your bear?
Aw that's not exactly smooching, but I think it's kind of affectionate
She's like "yes, I bite! I bite my boyfriend's!"
Awww look at him, look at him go! Yay!!
Ooo buzzard! *lemur screech*
Yep. They saw that Buzzard
*tiny baby snuffles*
Oh my gosh
No, no, no very jealous
*adorable moo*
Oh my gosh, is that your friend? Is that your bestie?
hmmm first one. Oh you just stepped in a pile of poop!
HAHA! Oh, she was about ready to pee on me. But then she went just like that. And she's like ahhh!
*sneaky snuffle* woah *laughs*
I don't even, did I catch that? I hope I kind of got that, I was focused a little bit more in Allie
But she kind of snuck up and she snuffled and then Archie was just like "UUAH!"
Hi sugar pie!
Aww you're snuffling! You're in a snuffly mood!
and now you're in kind of a cranky mood, you're kinda cranky snuffle
Oh my gosh lipstick! Pawi! Oh my goodness!
I thought that those things were supposed to be more limited in old age!
*cheers for banana*
Good baby
Did she just put it to the side?
Crowd: "yeah"
Oh my gosh, alright
Oh my gosh
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy
Gaaaah, I'm just..I'm just gonna puke right now
So much sweetness, so much sugar
You know that I have 90,000 subscribers on YouTube?!?
She's like, yeah. Great. Get out of here!
Come back when you have a hundred thousand!
Cassie, what's the meaning of life?
*whispers* Profound!
Ok *laughs*
I guess no visitors today
Look at your belly!
Just rotation is just it's a normal part of the conv...it's it's....
"I'm just gonna roll my way over to ya bro"
He's like "gah get away from my fort! Fort Paw-Paw! Fort Horse Head!
That's what ya..that's how you fill up content....Oh my gosh, Momo!
*giggles, caused dorbs, duh*
Hiii, squishybellysquishybellysquishybelly
You have such a squishy belly, you have such a squishy belly, you have such a tickle belly
Look at these guys, they were just being jerks to each other and now they're being so sweet, so sweet
Teegees, I tell ya
BTdubs, how cute is Noey right now? How cute is Noey right now?
I mean she's adorable, she's sunning
My gosh, oh my gosh
What a tricky guy!
Tricky boy!!
I should buy a boat.
Hi sugar butt!
Yeah, your butt is made of sugar!
*snuffles* I ran tests!
Did you know that William Dafoe has four nipples?
Just look at them, gross
Just stewing in their own juices
Oh my goodness
Fire is just like "I will not allow you to sing Cher next to my proteins"
"I go over, I say hello to Zubs..
..and then I see you and then I go "wuhublubbu"and then I say, and then I come over and I say hi"
"And then Zubs smells my butt"
What is going on? Oh my gosh, Archie!
Oh frisky pants, right?! Oh, look, look at these kitties! They're just messes!
Are you full of bites?
Will you bite things? *snuffles*
She's like, "yeah!"
She's like "me too!" I like biting stuff! Do you have things for us to bite?! Can we bite them, please?!
"We are very good at biting!"
Hi, are you being nice?
Woah! No, you're not! Oh my gosh, I thought maybe we were gonna turn a new leaf or something
What have I done to deserve such sweetness?!
I am gonna get *Layla Moo* I'm gonna get a mouthful of cavities
Oh my gosh, Solano just got some new toys
He's very happy. He is very happy with this development!
New ball
Life is good
gah.. zah! Zcha! What is happening? What is happening?!
I'm gonna grab your tail!
Oh oh oh oh, you knew I was coming you knew I was coming! Aaahh!
Pinch! Ahh!
She's like "stop pinching my tail!"
You girls are not fooling anyone, oh my gosh look at that...
Look at that... they are holding peets, they are holding peets. All right
Okay, all is forgiven.
This is not my achievement alone.
This is also the achievement of the facility.
This is the achievement of you as well, this is all of us
Kind of creating this thing
*Mwali love*
Weather Search Voice Over - Duration: 1:36.
[Weather in Mountain View California, search field] So now I do just a basic search here,
I understand I won't get the same vocal feedback as with the voice search but <swipe> [voice
search button <swipe> recent button <swipe> selected all] but sometimes I start going
down the interface and try to find <swipe> [images button <swipe> app button <swipe>
new button <swipe> video <swipe> shopping <swipe> book] the results <swipe> [Mountain
View, CA] There we go <swipe> [Tuesday <swipe> 12 pm <swipe> comma <swipe> mostly sunny <swipe>
comma] What's that doing there?
{laughter} That's not good <swipe> [mostly sunny <swipe> mostly sunny <swipe> image]
Hmm what's that doing there?
<swipe> [72] Okay. [mostly sunny] This kind of redundant image can be definitely hidden
from voiceover.
<swipe> [72] Same with the comma.
<swipe> [degrees Fahrenheit].
Oh, okay, so this is all broken up in a really weird way.
I shouldn't have to...
I shouldn't be going from a number to a degree.
<swipe> [degree Celsius] This should all be just contained in one container so voiceover
will read it all in one go.
Just like the voice search did; she was very quick and easy with the information as opposed
to now I have to go <swipe> [percent <swipe> zero percent <swipe> humidity <swipe> 63 per
cent <swipe> wind] like 63% wind, not <swipe> [7 miles per hour] not 63% and then swipe
to wind <swipe> [2 pm <swipe> 7 miles per hour] Oh, no, it's backwards, I'm sorry.
So you have wind <swipe> [7 miles per hour]and then 7 miles per hour <swipe> [2 pm] <swipe>
[7 pm] <swipe> [12 am] <swipe> 5 am <swipe> 10 am <swipe> Tuesday mostly sunny 77 degrees
54] okay so that I don't know what this is <swipe> [5 am <swipe> 10 am] there's no trait
it's just text <swipe> [Tuesday mostly sunny 77 degrees 50] {video cuts off}
First Alert Weather - Duration: 4:16.
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells [Updated] - Duration: 5:28.
Captions are on! Click CC at bottom right to turn off.
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I'll never forget a circular red spot I developed on my arm when I was in elementary
It left a lasting memory in my mind, because it was something called ringworm and, with
my active imagination, I thought I was now infected a ring-shaped worm.
I learned you've got to be careful about names, because ringworm isn't caused by
a worm at all.
It's actually a fungus which it turns out is pretty common and can be carried by many
things like pets or soil.
And since up to that point, I was used to antibiotics as a way to treat infections,
I assumed I'd be given antibiotics.
But I wasn't.
I was given an antifungal cream instead, and it went away.
So it made me wonder – what made it different from the bacteria that had made me sick in
the past?
Why wasn't I given antibiotics?
Well antibiotics target bacteria.
Antibiotics can destroy bacteria by affecting their ability to reproduce, damaging their
cell walls, or interfering with their ability to make proteins that they need to survive.
Just some examples.
But it turns out bacterial cells and fungal cells are very different cell types.
In fact, fungal cells have more in common with your cells- which are animal cells- than
they have in common with bacterial cells.
And that has a lot to do with the comparison of prokaryotic cells with eukaryotic cells
which is what we will focus on.
First, just a refresher---recall that the modern cell theory includes the statement
that all living things are made of one or more cells.
All living things.
In the three domains of life, prokaryotes are organisms that can be bacteria and archaea.
They are unicellular which means they are single-celled organisms.
Eukaryotes are organisms that all fit in this last domain Eukarya---eukaryotes may be protists,
plants, animals, or fungi.
They can be unicellular or they can be multicellular, which means they can be made up of many cells.
Like you!
By the way, just to clarify: the word "prokaryote" is typically used to refer to the organism
When you are describing its cell, you are describing a prokaryotic cell.
Same for eukaryote- "eukaryote" typically refers to the organism itself and when you
describe its cells, those are eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells do have a lot in common.
Both have DNA.
That's critical because DNA is the cells' genetic material.
Both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells have ribosomes, which are small organelles---an
organelle being like a "tiny" organ.
The ribosomes have the important job of making protein.
Got to make protein.
Both cell types have cytoplasm, the jelly like fluid within cells.
Both of them have a cell membrane- also known as a plasma membrane- which is critical because
it controls what goes in and out of the cell and therefore maintaining homeostasis.
All cells have a cell membrane!
Now as for cell walls---most prokaryotic cells have cell walls.
Many eukaryotic cells--- plant cells and fungus cells for example—can have cell walls.
But there are plenty of eukaryotic cells that don't have cell walls such as animal cells.
What makes prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells different is especially interesting.
Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells.
They tend to be larger than most prokaryotic cells.
And to help me remember some more differences in this next part, I like to remember that
"pro" in prokaryote rhymes with "no" and "eu" in eukaryote rhymes with "do."
Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus to contain their DNA.
So you will find their DNA is not contained within a nucleus; it's a bit messy here.
They have no membrane-bound organelles.
Membrane-bound organelles are fancy organelles that have their own membrane like the nucleus,
mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the golgi apparatus.
A big indicator of eukaryotic cells is this nucleus- eukaryotic cells DO have a nucleus
to contain their DNA.
Depending on what type of eukaryotic cell it is---it could have different types of membrane-bound
For example, a plant cell is likely to have chloroplasts while an animal cell would not.
Wow, look at all this alphabetized vocabulary.
If you want to try to practice your skills, pause the video and see how many of these
vocabulary words you can use to compare and contrast prokaryotic cells with eukaryotic
It's important to grasp that all cells of living things fall in one of these two categories.
And understanding the characteristics of these two cell types can help us better understand
the diversity of living things whether they are archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants,
or animals.
And in the case of my example- realizing whether an infection you're dealing with involves
prokaryotic cells (such as bacteria) or eukaryotic cells (such as the fungus).
Well that's it for the Amoeba Sisters, and we remind you to stay curious!
Sharp Objects 1x05 Promo "Closer" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:43.
Mahatma Gandhi Inspirational Video - The Power of Integrity and Forgiveness - Duration: 5:27.
Hi, I'm Olivia, and today's Happy Nugget! comes from Mahatma Gandhi, the great leader
of the Indian Independence movement against British rule.
I grew up listening to stories about Gandhi because my mom's great aunt Sucheta Kriplani
and her husband Acharya J.B. Kriplani
were devout disciples of Gandhi and important figures in India's independence
movement, helping Gandhi when he came back from South Africa.
My great great aunt Sucheta was India's first woman Chief Minister, serving as the
head of Uttar Pradesh from 1963 to 1967.
Her husband held the presidency of the Indian National Congress during the transfer of power
in 1947.
I didn't pay much attention to this growing up because my mother's life in India is
filled with so many painful memories, and our lives in Peru were so far removed from that reality
However, I did read Gandhi's autobiography when I was fifteen years old.
Gandhi was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in 1869 in Porbandar, India.
He came from a very religious household, exposed early on to the tenets of non-violence.
His performance in school on the whole was below average.
When Ghandi was thirteen he was married in an arranged ceremony, eventually having four children.
His family was of humble origin, and when he was presented with the opportunity to travel
to England to become a lawyer he jumped at the chance in spite of his mother's objections
fearing her son would succumb to danger and temptation.
Three years later when Ghandi came back to India his professional prospects were not good.
Gandhi was very shy, unable to argue in court successfully, making a modest living by drafting
petitions for litigants.
In 1893 Ghandi was offered a better job in South Africa and he took it, spending twenty-one
years away from home.
It was in South Africa that Gandhi's outlook in life changed.
When he got there he thought of himself as British before Indian, but when he experienced
utter discrimination, being publicly beaten and humiliated, he began to question the Indian's
place in the British Empire.
Where he had once been shy, Ghandi took up the calling of fighting for the dignity and
rights of his people, becoming active in politics and developing many of the ideas that would
later characterize his independence movement in India, including non-violent resistance.
Almost four decades later, under the guidance and leadership of Gandhi and his followers,
India achieved her independence from the British Empire in 1947.
There are moments in life that are critical in shaping the characters of great men and women.
When Gandhi was a young adolescent he went through a rebellious streak, eating meat which
was a sin in his religious household, smoking and stealing money from servants to purchase
In his autobiography Ghandi wrote, "Well, it was done, and the debt cleared.
But this became more than I could bear.
I resolved never to steal again.
I also made up my mind to confess it to my father.
But I did not dare to speak.
Not that I was afraid of my father beating me…I was afraid of the pain that I should
cause him.
But I felt that the risk should be taken; that there could not be a cleansing without
a clean confession.
I decided at last to write out the confession, to submit it to my father, and ask his forgiveness.
I wrote it on a slip of paper and handed it to him myself.
In this note not only did I confess my guilt, but I asked adequate punishment for it, and
closed with a request to him not to punish himself for my offense.
I also pledged myself never to steal in the future.
I was trembling as I handed the confession to my father.
He was then suffering from a fistula and was confined to bed…He read it through and pearl
drops trickled down his cheeks, wetting the paper.
For a moment he closed his eyes in thought, and then tore up the note…I also cried.
I could see my father's agony…Those pearl-drops of love cleansed my heart and washed away
my sin.
Only he who has experienced such love can know what it is."
For all the political and social roles Gandhi was known for, at his core he was deeply rooted
in his religious beliefs, always looking to improve himself.
The word "Mahatma" used to honor Gandhi means "Great Soul."
Even the greatest among us, someone as noble and with such a grand destiny as Gandhi,
make mistakes.
The key is to be humble enough to accept those mistakes and courageous enough to take responsibility
for them, so that the true greatness that's inside of us can shine.
And that's today's Happy Nugget!
If you enjoyed this video please like it, share it, and subscribe.
As always, I link below the video anything I recommend.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Thanks for watching.
See you next time.
#Noticias #Mexico Ricardo Ferretti Rechaza a la Selección Mexicana - Duration: 1:41.
حظك اليوم الثلاثاء 31-07-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 7:09.
Samsung Galaxy S10 may feature the technology we have all been waiting for ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:23.
Samsung Display has announced that it has successfully created an unbreakable smartphone
panel, that could appear in the Galaxy S10.
The new type of screen uses a flexible OLED display overlaid with a fortified plastic
window instead of glass.
Current phone displays are more susceptible to cracking and breaking on impact.
This claim goes beyond the manufacturer though, as the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) has
certified this new panel technology.
The UL is an official testing company for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
of the U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA).
The OSHA testing standards are military grade as they were set by the US.
Department of Defense.
As such the panel was drop tested from 1.2 metres 26 times in a row at varying degrees
and temperatures.
The panel continued to function normally with no damage to its front, sides or edges.
The test was then taken to a level above military grade standards and dropped from 1.8 metres.
The panel still operated normally with no signs of damage.
Samsung has already used flexible OLED displays in devices to show off this tech in the past
but covered in a traditional glass window.
The display is expected to get used not only in smartphones but also in automobiles, mobile
military devices, portable games consoles and tablet PCs aimed at e-learning use.
The Samsung unbreakable display could be used in smartphones coming soon like the Galaxy
Although this may be saved for a new type of smartphone in the form of the foldable
Galaxy X.
The Samsung Galaxy X, rumoured to launch in early 2019, should feature a 7-inch display
that can fold over completely.
While the folding will be useful for portability of a larger display, this unbreakable screen
could be the real selling factor.
Samsung Display could supply this screen to multiple manufacturers, meaning we may see
this type of screen on lots of phones in the near future.
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