what is up everybody this is Lyon with no hippie BBQ and I am here with the
biggest kettle grill I've ever seen in my life my boy Mike brought it up here
he has a Facebook page listen if you're on my channel and you have a kettle
grill or something like that you need to get on his page I'm telling you got good
stuff on there I don't know anything about this kettle grill but I'm gonna
let him get into it and tell us a little bit about it Thanks so my name is Mike
Allen I'm from the kettle crackers Facebook group you can also find me on
Instagram of the kettle cookers yeah this is the biggest grill that Weber
makes its Weber ranch kettle it's about 37 inches in diameter weighs about 150
pounds the cooking grade alone which is a hinge great
we have about 26 pounds I've got it set up today with the gentleman barbecue
ranch kettle slowest eater
you take a look at this it's got a great in the bottom so you can sift it out of
your charcoal and you're done if you don't use it on I've got a water
reservoir here so you can fill this up for slower cookie and it gives you
humidity in the grill and it also creates a barrier between your charcoal
so this is a close-up of this grill and I'm telling you when I first saw this
thing I couldn't believe how big it was as a matter of fact there was a 22 inch
kettle grill that was sitting next to it and I actually had to ask what the size
was because I thought it was almost like a 18 inch grill is America okay here's
the lid of a 22 inch kettle grill night a lot of you guys were on my youtube
channel know that I just bought a 26 and my 26 inch made this made that 22 looks
small and this just makes it look like infinitesimal I just can't believe how
big this thing is it jason ganahl his restaurant gque
barbecue in Colorado we're gonna be doing a little bit of a cook on it so I
might be able to get a little bit of footage on that so we'll kind of go from
there Parrish from a drillin barbecue we invented this Sloan's here ranch kettle
addition here that is in this very large ranch kettle grill I'm here with my boy
Mike Allen he is administrator for the Facebook group the
kettle cookers they're a sister-brother group with us on Facebook so you should
check them out if you're a member of our group by all means go join theirs theirs
as well I've never cooked on one of these before and later today we're going
to be doing a state cook might have some more experience with it I've noticed
there are some key differences between the ranch kettle and either the 22 inch
or the 26 inch and I thought I just hit it my cup with a couple of questions and
let him talk through why he thinks whoever designed this big boy the way
they did the way they did so the first thing I noticed is that there are no
handles on the drains I understand the greatest 26 inches in diameter
that thing is huge it's got some really nice openings for to get charcoal in but
there's no handles on it so why do you think they get bad
I think they handles with a just be a potential point of failure I'm such a
heavy-duty grill like this right it is the rest you're gonna stress those well
every time you pick it up and yeah I mean there's a guy that deals with that
kind of thing I can't I can sit down with it being so heavy I mean that's a
lot of weight on those handles yep it also just like your easy spin great it
allows this great to spin there getting inside for it to get
you know that's a good point is with the with the school we don't need this today
or just yet
so they molded the rancher to hold the top grade so there's no tabs built into
the kettle like they usually do with the with a 22 26 but they didn't put it to a
bin for this pot a charcoal grate so it it kind of moves it around what do you
what do you think that means it was for not having that and it does move around
you gotta kind of be careful to put it in level yeah but not having the tabs
again that's another failure point anywhere there's gonna be welds if you
look at people's kettles and you see spots where there's no porcelain right
it's almost always right are those great times are yeah and it's harder for this
machine to get under there and spray them under especially where the metal
curves away so yeah that makes sense that makes and you this would be a lot
of weight on those tabs so you would wonder if they could even that the
tablet was supported for long so yeah that makes sense
okay this Rancher still has the three let me see I don't know if it's on
camera but this branch er has three bit design of Weber days of old why do you
think they do that and there's no attribute system that's a great question
I mean if they had a OneTouch in here it'd definitely make it a lot easier to
clean out this thing's kind of a pain in the butt to clean out yeah but I think
specially for slow cooking having the three separate vents it just gives you a
lot more control you know I don't have any problems I can
usually get this thing going and keep it within 10 degrees once I get to been
silent without having to touch it there we go six eight hours of touching okay
that makes sense another thing I would think about is that a belated system
that covers this whole area you would need a very large arm to move it and
whenever you got grease on it it would it would be prone to bending away and we
know that's one of the problems with the OneTouch removal system is those blades
to eventually you know move away from the porcelain and they stopped working
we had to replace it yeah and that would be you know if they did that like you
said it would be such a big thing it would probably be 75 bucks to replace it
right you know every couple of years where with this again less failure
moments this is kind of as close to commercial yeah exactly it's
meant to last for a while all right let's get this lit down there's one last
thing I'd like to do so it's got two handles I think it's kind of obvious why
those two handles it's a really big lid but there's no thermometer which I guess
maybe they just decide the lids too far away from the cooking great place to
work but we've got this one hanukkah's in it on the top instead of you know one
on the side or maybe a couple on the side like the the regular kettle one
you know I'm not sure of that you know when I first got it I kind of thought
the same thing I'm used to putting my pen over where the food is but I can
tell you that when I get it going and put some wood in here for smoke you know
just like all Weber's it's not super hair tight right and and you will see
smoke kind of leaking all the way around the lip which I'm okay with that
some people don't like a leaking fluid when I see smoke leaking out from under
my lid and I mean it doesn't come chlorine out of this grill right but
when I see smoke coming out of the front I know that I've got smoke on my feet up
there yeah I mean you've got a little probably a better seal than petal just
because you have that tab and then you've got a double fold here in the
metal but yeah it's it's I can tell just squeezing it down that it's not flush so
and you know my experience with the top events and one thing I'm kind of
surprised by those lower bits have very small holes but this one has very big
holes yeah it's the same exact man and yeah they're kennels I think they're
assuming some errands going to come in from around the lid that's the reason
they did that but my experience is the top lid versus the side that are top
that versus I bet it doesn't have it act on near your smug flavor Nanoka
mottos know their style grills are usually centered anyway so it's probably
not a big deal is this the second time yeah yeah so you need to be careful what
I use tongs yeah slide really easily so I mean it's easy to just kind of quick
yeah I have fun with this if I really want to get a pot if I leave it wide
open which is what you normally do in the kettle you're wanting to draw in as
much an error as you can this actually exhausts a little too much
to come up with the bottom of it so I'll usually close it down that's that's
where I've been for a hot alright so we will be leaving lid off today later when
we do some serious yeah all right well hey man I think you that was a big help
answers a little a lot of the questions I had from seeing this cooker I mean
I've seen it in stores before this is the first time I very ever looked at it
closely we invented this loaves here for it based on the feedback from customers
like I said today is going to be the first time I've ever cooking on one of
these things has to be a lot of fun and thanks I appreciate it yeah
so I promise you some special guests today the first one I want to introduce
you to is David Parrish David is the inventor of the slow in serum you guys
have probably seen it popping up on other people's YouTube channels it's got
the best techniques for making grilled meat on the Weber Kettle David what are
we gonna be cooking today alright today we're gonna be cooking the perfect New
York Strip we're going through slow smoke in followed by a cold great sear
Wow best in your hand that sounds absolutely delicious I cannot wait to
try it we have a giant Weber pit right here where do we get that from my region
to find that Weber Cadillac I found it on Craigslist
awesome well I cannot wait to see your techniques on that grill let's get
cooking 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt per pound of steak and the reason we do that
is to solve overtime goes the evening me and then it takes the muscle fibers and
unwinds the world that traps the water in between them and
gives you a contender more flavorful result and a lot more juicy
the right side is really
that misplace we're gonna probably
all right now that we've got all three probes in we're good to go so close
good sense one get back to the cold rate you see we had some flame up to pull ups
on the charcoal and now the enemy that's more the great alright now that we've
got another cold portion of the great expose the snake
look at the color we're already getting and that's after all in just a minute so
another minute then you spin
Weber Ranch Kettle Review
BBQ Grill Reviews
For more infomation >> Weber Ranch Kettle Review - Slow 'N Sear Review - BBQ Grill Review - Duration: 11:45.-------------------------------------------
3/8/2018 Yamaha Exciter 155 VVA, LCD, Smart Key Officially Launched | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.
Vira Talisa - Into Dust (with Lyrics) | BukaMusik - Duration: 2:32.
At times whenever you're around
You would come buy and show me your reckless mind
In time you will find a place where I
Wouldn't mind to have a piece for us to start
Sadly time would only tear us part
And I keep asking why it happens one day at a time
In time you'll come around and run
Nothing can hold you and you're no longer mine
Maybe in time I'll fade into you
But in time you'll fade into dust
Big Man In A Suit Of Armour..Take That Off,What Are You? | Marvel's The Avengers (2012) - Duration: 4:55.
Loki is manipulating you.
And you've been doing what, exactly?
You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you.
Yes, and I'm not leaving
because suddenly you get a little twitchy.
I'd like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D.
Is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction.
Because of him.
Last year, Earth had a visitor from another planet
who had a grudge match that levelled a small town.
We learned that not only are we not alone
but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned.
My people want nothing but peace with your planet.
But you're not the only people out there, are you?
And you're not the only threat.
The world's filling up with people who can't be matched,
that can't be controlled.
Like you controlled the Cube?
Your work with the Tesseract
is what drew Loki to it, and his allies.
It is a signal to all the realms
that the Earth is ready for a higher form of war.
A higher form?
You forced our hand.
We had to come up with something.
A nuclear deterrent.
Because that always calms everything right down.
Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark.
I'm sure if he still made weapons, Stark would be neck-deep...
Hold on. How is this now about me?
I'm sorry, isn't everything?
I thought humans were more evolved than this.
Excuse me, did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?
You treat your champions with such mistrust.
Are you boys really that naïve?
S.H.I.E.L.D. Monitors potential threats.
Captain America's on threat watch?
We all are.
Wait, you're on that list?
Are you above or below angry bees?
Stark, so help me God, if you make one more wisecrack...
Threat! Verbal threat. I feel threatened.
- Show some respect. - Respect what?
Transport Six-Six-Bravo, please relay confirm codes.
I've got you on the computer, but not on the day log.
What is your haul? Over.
Arms and ammunition. Over.
You speak of control, yet you court chaos.
That's his M.O., isn't it?
I mean, what are we, a team?
No, we're a chemical mixture that makes chaos.
We're a time bomb.
You need to step away.
Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?
You know damn well why. Back off!
I'm starting to want you to make me.
Yeah. Big man in a suit of armour.
Take that off, what are you?
Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
I know guys with none of that worth ten of you.
I've seen the footage.
The only thing you really fight for is yourself.
You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play,
to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.
I think I would just cut the wire.
Always a way out.
You may not be a threat
but you better stop pretending to be a hero.
A hero? Like you?
You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers.
Everything special about you came out of a bottle.
Put on the suit. Let's go a few rounds.
You people are so petty and tiny.
Yeah, this is a team.
Agent Romanoff, would you escort
Dr Banner back to his...
Where? You rented my room.
The cell was just in case...
In case you needed to kill me.
But you can't. I know, I tried.
I got low. I didn't see an end.
So, I put a bullet in my mouth, and the other guy spit it out.
So I moved on.
I focused on helping other people. I was good.
Until you dragged me back into this freak show
and put everyone here at risk.
You want to know my secret, Agent Romanoff?
You want to know how I stay calm?
Dr Banner,
put down the sceptre.
Got it.
Sorry, kids,
you don't get to see my party trick after all.
You located the Tesseract?
I could get there fastest.
The Tesseract belongs on Asgard. No human is a match for it.
- You're not going alone. - You're gonna stop me?
Put on the suit, let's find out.
I'm not afraid to hit an old man.
Put on the suit.
Oh, my God.
Put on the suit.
LEGO Star Wars Imperial AT-Hauler review! 75219 - Duration: 14:00.
hello everyone this is Legos take on the star wars 80 hauler featured very
prominently in the solo movie but now we find out also canonically present just
off-screen in many are around and before many of the battles that were familiar
with that we liked very much in other parts of the Star Wars universe
now the proportions of this lego model are definitely off relative to the
actual in universe design but they're not bad I think that the designer did a
good job of capturing the essence of the 80 hauler and capturing kind of its
mechanical soul and when you look at it from most angles this is this is not a a
common angle I just I'm using it to show you some of the details a little bit
better but from most normal angles of play and display you look at it and you
immediately see what it is and it makes sense what I don't like is the view from
back around here where you just see so many of the different colored pieces the
Technic parts in red and blue and tan some of them just look unfinished
fortunately technically this is not supposed to be the landed pose for this
this is not how it's supposed to land in universe instead to take up less space
on the ground these side booms fold up and they also have landing skids or pads
that fold out that's a pretty cool little trick there and if I just bring
it over here so you can see a little bit easily they are semi linked together and
then that's the the proper stance for this on the ground which definitely
isn't as elegant but this was not designed to be pretty in universe it was
designed to be a crane it's something that just moves cargo around and and as
that you know it needed to have function over form but this Lego model still has
a lot of stuff that's again done for function over form but it really hurts
the form even more in this format for instance these
grappling claws or jaws which by default are able to just move about freely and
here's another thing it's a little bit awkward these booms are independent of
one another but it can get a little bit unwieldy sometimes when you're trying to
just kind of swish it around if you grab one side and it's kind of moving around
weird but these they just flop around all the time so if you're if you're
flying with this then they're always going to be kind of hanging down and
then when you bring it up into this upright position for a landing stick out
still quite a bit now the Union Universe models do have this sort of structure
but it's just much more subtle however those are important for the sake of play
and they have a weird function built into them there's there are all these
pieces that go down the core of each of these booms to allow you to open this up
from the side right right here from what looks like the pivot so that goes
through allows you to hook and that exists on either side and they include a
sample bit of cargo in this and the idea is that you would open up the claws the
jaws and then come underneath your cargo in this case it has a little adapter on
it line up with the holes on the little cargo adapter there and be able to pick
it up and fly off with it that's cool except to be honest you don't need to
use that feature at all you can just fly this thing right up line up the holes
don't even spread them out at all it's basically a spreader setup and that's it
and that actually is a lot more smooth and slick and cool so actually kind of
feel like this whole feature here is useless and there was a lot of
engineering that went into it and a lot of parts that went into it that were
unnecessary just add to the cost and complexity of the model maybe could have
been used to cover some things up and make it look a little bit nicer from
around the back now this is an important area you need to be able to have
people who can cross through there you can place minifigures in there and they
suggest that they've got a little handrails only on one side the the front
end of that but you can put fingers in there so you know about one on either
side is much of a boot you see some gearing in here that's not really used
that's just for the sake of adding friction to the system so there's a
friction acts axle pin there so the boom is able to kind of fall with gravity on
its own if you just leave it but it's just to slow it down to keep it from
doing anything weird you can also bring these down these are used for something
that wasn't seen in the solo movie that's actually used when these haulers
are transporting walkers they bring those down to kind of help Center the
whole thing in they they grab walkers from underneath this rear main fuselage
area so some of the concept art shows this and that's that's a pretty good
look right there although the scale isn't quite proper you can make it work
you just need to adapt it you definitely need to add in quite a number of pieces
to actually make something like this happen so that's that's a case where you
need to have your own parts and do a good amount of customization can't
really grab the 80s tees just directly from the top but these were also
intended to be used to drop 80 80s and I like that I like that idea I like that
general look but again you need to create the adaptors yourself and it's
not gonna be a simple affair to make that actually work it's too bad they
didn't have any consideration for that or even offer up you know instructions
online for how to to make that work but this is the intent in universe but what
about the 80 holler attack on the conveyux transport well that's what we
saw in the solo movie and that is one place where you need to use the opening
jaws to get a little bit more clearance around the ends of the train car
therefore this for the pickup and you just need to kind of work those ends in
there a bit and you do need to hold this from both booms
to make sure it's nice and steady if you just let go with one the other will
start to pull up an angle you know inconveniently so this is not the most
secure thing not the most confidence-inspiring things to do from
for the sake of play it's actually not even caught on there properly if I keep
messing around with this it's gonna fall off that's it's looking it's looking
yeah it's looking pretty pretty dicey there but yeah I mean it does the trick
it does what it's supposed to do it's it's able to pick it up which is which
is good but it doesn't feel there goes it doesn't feel right and it doesn't
work as well as it should in the jaw mechanism feels unnecessary they could
have just allowed these to pivot right here at the end and then they could have
had a I believe a simpler mechanism a simpler hook to get those to attach this
is just this is awkward honestly it's awkward the control cab
cockpit section of the model has a stud shooter on either side for basic point
defense and you just open up the whole roof to get access to the interior which
has a single seat and I have a couple of nice stickers there for console displays
the sample cargo box included with this set is a little bit under sized but
that's why they have the spreader there in in brown and that's it's just kind of
like you you need to think of this as a 20-foot container like an intermodal
container being connected to a crane that's designed to handle 40-foot
containers so this is just an adapter for that you can leave that off to make
it look a little bit more normal you also might want to remove these Technic
pin pieces the modified tiles I guess they are the sticker sheet that I got
with this set had a little bit of misalignment issue so the red line is
supposed to be consistent across the black line is supposed to be consistent
across but they're just again a bit a bit off there and you can open this up
and inside the cargo for this one is a little bit boring it's just a rifle rack
so for long guns nice to get those you know
those are definitely gonna be useful for especially folks who don't like the stud
shooters that come in some of the sets you can replace them with these
good-looking ones and there's just a single sticker on the top there and I
like the transparent red section of this it looks like it actually has light
inside we have some light coming from behind it four figures here are Qira and
Val I think that a lot of West world fans will be very glad to have an
official Lego Thandie Newton face at least you know swap that out for some
custom figures some easy custom figures the prints by design I think are good
but the quality of printing for the val figure is not that great just in the
white sections you get some some poor opacity you get some inconsistency there
definitely better quality on the Qirafigure in this case also it looks like
the alignment is again off between the two faces on each head here because when
I turn these around 180 degrees now they're looking off to the side whereas
they're facing directly towards you they're looking pretty much directly
toward you so I think that's a little slip that's occurring more and more
frequently in Lego and needs to do a little back end our recalibration these
are Dryden's guards and I am pleasantly surprised that they actually went ahead
with two separate phases those are two separate prints turning these into you
know two separate part IDs for those heads and that's cool it's so much
better than having two absolutely identical ones you know gives them I
guess more purpose to actually exist so they don't just look like clones there
are no minifigure heads to be seen under there because of the shaping that we
have to be narrower around the neck I actually like the printing on the backs
of the torsos as simple as it is just seems about right to me yeah these were
pretty well executed in my opinion and then here we have Ryo Durant a lot went
into this one because they had to come up with the new double arm piece which
is pretty cool and pretty right I think it's actually usable you have a
decent range of motion there you can use the the upper arm in a fairly normal way
but the lower arm is still usable when you have it at an angle like that they
basically just took the the model for a single arm copied it rotated one kept
them intersected and probably did a little bit of work in the intersection
area itself leaving that a little bit a little bit thicker and a little bit
smoother but it works and it functions as a standard arm you know fits into a
normal arm socket and then this headpiece is very cool it has the the
visor attachment uses just the standard visor system so that works out pretty
well and I think the printing on this is really good there's a lot of detail on
the torso print especially let me actually pull that up so you can see
that just a little bit a little bit better some of the additional you know
print that goes all the way up to the top that's normally obscured by the
facial here there's no minifig head underneath this
one either because it's a full sculpt but around the back you get more
printing as well this is a a well done little figure in the final analysis I
think this set is just over engineered I think the price is okay I think a little
bit cheaper would have been would have been better but given all the stuff
that's inside of this that you really build up you you have to build it I
think to to get a feel for just how much is involved here I think that the value
is actually pretty decent however given the fact that I think it's over
engineered I believe they could have left out a lot of that had a much
simpler build that would have been just as playable if if not possibly even a
little bit easier to play with especially if the booms weren't able to
move independently and it still would have done everything that you wanted
still could have picked up cargo and yeah just would have been just fine as
as a toy maybe even a little bit better as a display model than it is right now
because of all the the Technic pieces that are visible so yeah I think they
did a pretty good job but probably tried to do a little bit too much with it I
would have prefered our mechanisms and a little bit more
focus on the finishing details getting it to look a little bit nicer a little
bit more complete some of this stuff in here looks about 10 years old in terms
of the evolution of Legos design standards but there you have it those
are my thoughts thank you for watching and stay tuned for my next video which
is on the way soon
How To Get Sponsors On Your YouTube Channel - Duration: 5:26.
If you want to know how to get sponsors on your YouTube channel then be sure to
watch till the end of this video as I go through all the steps you need to get
sponsors to advertise on your channel so you can make more money what's going on
My name is Devin Street helping you build your online presence and today
we're gonna be talking about how you can get sponsors on your YouTube channel but
if you're not already subscribed you may want to go ahead and click the subscribe
button because there's new videos every single Sunday that show you how you can
grow your YouTube channel so in the past I've done sponsorship deals with brands
like morning fame Amazon I'm currently doing a sponsorship with a company
called 5 fine that makes microphones and I've tried out a couple of their
microphones so I've kind of gotten a grasp for how I can get sponsorships for
my channel and how I can really use that to give value to my viewers while making
money and supporting myself my number one tip is only do sponsorships with
stuff that you enjoy and you use so you have a grasp for exactly what your
viewers are getting so you're offering them value instead of just shoving some
kind of product down their face that you can never even touch before I highly
recommend you actually use these products before you try to do
sponsorships with them for instance I use all my microphones before I show a
sponsorship with them I've used the morning fame service before before I've
done sponsorship with them and I've done stuff like Amazon music and Kindle
unlimited I definitely use those a lot before I actually sponsor them to my
viewers so I know exactly what kind of value they're getting if they go and
check this product out there's two main types of sponsorships and it's a feature
and a review and with your review you're gonna get this product for free and you
might get money with it and you're gonna actually take this product use it as
much as you can and then review it and talk about it I've done this with the
microphones as I've said but then there's also a feature where you plug
something in or you have something in your video for instance in the past I've
done plugs to where I plug Kindle unlimited to say hey you can go get a
free sponsorship by going here in the link in the description and that was
part of my video at the very end to show that plug of the
servus Kindle unlimited so people went and then clicked on that and we're able
to go and use that service another thing is to remember to feature disclaimers
this is a priority by the FCC that you have a disclaimer somewhere in your
video and in the description that says hey I make money off this product or
service by putting it in my video and trying to get you to go buy it so make
sure you have that in there and also it can let your subscribers know hey if you
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donate money to me through patreon or something and one other thing is you
want to have all your numbers ready you want to have how many active views per
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subscribers you're growing so these brands can look at this and say well
maybe right now they look small so we need to lock them in because we can see
this big price point to where they're growing a lot and getting tons and tons
of views over the past few months that they haven't gotten before so we have a
chance to lock in some true potential here for a cheap value so having all
these numbers ready can show a sponsor that hey I have the capability of
getting your product or service in front of a lot of eyes by simply showing them
the numbers of what you actually do in your videos and one thing I like to do
is you can track clicks on certain links so what I'll do is actually whenever
I've done past sponsorships is I'll track the link where people click on it
and I can see how many people I'm actually sending to that place that I'm
sponsoring so I can actually present that to new sponsors and say look this
is how many views this video got this is how many clicks it got converted from
that and that's how many people would be sent to your site if you sponsored me
it's a great way to show your value and finally do sponsorships that only makes
sense for your channel if you're a tech channel why in the world would you be
advertising makeup or something same for me I do stuff like I advertise equipment
that you could use to create better YouTube videos
and I advertise services that will help you grow on YouTube those are the kind
of things I want to sponsor to help people to grow their YouTube channel
because that's what my channel is all about it wouldn't make sense to go and
talk about a new ps4 system or some makeup or a diet program I'm only gonna
sponsor certain things that make sense to my audience and that way I'm gonna
get a lot more people going to that product because they are already
watching me and getting value so maybe sending them to more monetary value
would make sense too but shout-out to Jillian who commented telling me that
she really enjoyed the video and if you want to get a shout out all you have to
do is subscribe to the channel go down the comments telling me that you
subscribed and telling me what you like about the video just keep in mind
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Rachel Ong - Today, I threw your toothbrush away [Official Video] - Duration: 4:43.
Title: Kyou, anata no haburashi wo suteta
(I threw your toothbrush away today)
♫ You only come over when you've missed your last train
♫ You only call me when you have nothing to do
♫ It's always the same endless cycle
♫ We'll fight, and then we'll make up
♫ It's the same hurdle again today
♫ I'm always giving in..
♫ ..giving into your lies
♫ but not anymore
♫ cos today I threw away your toothbrush
♫ and never again will I let you into my room
♫ that's right, you know that picture of us I had in my wallet?
♫ well, I threw that away too
♫ I don't need no memories of you
♫ You subtly complain about me
♫ What will it be today? My hairstyle?
♫ Maybe my clothes?
♫ My shoes?
♫ You always seem unsatisfied
♫ You're nice in the night time
♫ Cold in the morning..
♫ If that's the kind of love you're giving me..
♫ I'm telling you I've reached my limit
♫ cos today I threw away your toothbrush
♫ and never again will I let you into my room
♫ that's right, you know that picture of us I had in my wallet?
♫ well, I threw that away too
♫ I done with keeping memories..
♫ I don't need memories
♫ I want to keep loving you..
♫ but I know you're not good for me
♫ that's why today.. I did it..
♫ I finally threw away your toothbrush
♫ Today, I threw away your toothbrush
♫ and never in my life again, will I let you into my room
♫ and that picture of us in my wallet?
♫ it's gone for good
♫ I'm done with memories of you
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