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Kanye No Longer Accepting Advice (Even From People as Successful as He Is) - Duration: 1:29.For Complex News, I'm Pierce Simpson // It's no secret that Kanye West is one of the most
polarizing figures in the world due to his knack for making controversial statements
while also making some of the best music of his generation.
Kanye's imprint has been all over music this summer with his very own album being released
and executive producing his collab album with Kid Cudi, as well as Pusha T's Daytona and
Nas' long awaited album - not to mention, his alleged feud with Drake.
With 'Ye having an eventful 2017, that has been filled with highs and lows, he took to
Twitter today to let the world know, he's making some changes.
"I hate talking about things I'm supposed to talk about"
"I'm not taking no advice for the rest of my life."
Those statements sort of build on his lyrics from "No Mistakes" off his is latest album,
On the record Kanye states:
"I don't take advice from people less successful than me."
Kanye's stance is very interesting considering that some of the lows he's had this year,
like his incredibly problematic statements on TMZ Live, that led to the Grammy Award
winning artist seeking advice from those around him.
In fact, Charlamagne Tha God recently appeared on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen
and explained how 'Ye loves constructive criticism.
"'Ye is one of those people that likes constructive criticism.
I guess he has so many "yes people" around him, he likes people that gives it to him
So far, Kanye hasn't added any tweets since his latest run, but knowing Kanye he may ultimately
change his mind and start taking advice again.
This week alone, 'Ye has been in the news for previously unreleased footage being aired
of him working with A$AP Rocky to Kanye allegedly wanting to produce porn for his Life of Pablo
Let us know your thoughts on Kanye's latest twitter rant and keep it locked to Complex
News by subscribing to us on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Pierce Simpson
NASA Celebrates 2018 National Intern Day - Duration: 3:00.[music]
[If you're a million miles away,]
[look at the stars from where we live.]
[We're going to make it through the storm,]
[we'll find the Sun to keep us warm.]
Hi, my name is Kylie and I'm Todd.
We are all interns and we would like to welcome
you to the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center.
We're in Hampton, VA at NASA's first field
center, going strong for 100 years
and counting.
We are NASA Langley Research Center.
We're here at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
in Pasadena, CA
where interns are helping explore the solar
system and beyond.
Hello from Johnson Space Center.
Welcome to Hancock County, Mississippi.
home of America's premiere rocket
engine test complex.
Where next generation of rocket engines
are being tested that will carry
humans on-board the new space launch system.
Welcome to Stennis Space Center.
Hi we are interns here at
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
in Huntsville, Alabama.
We built the Saturn 5 that brought astronauts
to the moon and where we are now
building the space launch system to
bring astronauts back to the Moon,
Mars and beyond.
Greetings from NASA Ames Research Center
in Silicon Valley.
Welcome to Kennedy Space Center.
America's rich with space.
Hello from the nation's capital, we're interns
at NASA HQ in Washington, DC.
At NASA Glenn Research Center,
in Cleveland, Ohio.
Where we design and develop innovative technologies
to advance NASA's mission to
aeronautics and space exploration.
We design, build, and operate
missions that study the Earth, the Sun,
planets and the universe.
From here at Goddard Space Flight Center
in Greenbelt, Maryland.
to the Wallops Flight Facility in Chincoteague, Virginia.
The Independent Verification and Validation Facility
in Fairmont, West Virginia.
The Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City.
The White Sands Complex outside Las Cruces, New Mexico.
And the Columbia Balloon Facility in Palestine, Texas.
We are NASA Goddard.
Nesse Dia dos Pais, dê O Boticário. - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Nesse Dia dos Pais, dê O Boticário. - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - Another Wheat Penny Harvest! - Duration: 8:00.we've had a nice run on Penny boxes so I've decided to hunt some more
hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and after finding my first
1909 I got that 1912 a lot of other early teens and early 20s wheat pennies
as well as that beautiful King George the fifth Canadian cent man I just want
to keep hunting these penny boxes in between my nickel my half-dollar my
other hunts as well as some currency searches and the occasional metal
detecting find when it's not a hundred and five degrees out there like it is
for the next three days that being said I've already opened this box as you can
see it is that in the car made sure it was circulated haven't checked the
Ender's but I saw that it was circulated so we're ready to crack into it let's
get to hunting roll number four got our first wheat cent of the box let's see
what it is
55d on the board roll number 17 guys caught a glimpse of a wheat penny back
here looks pretty old it's just a 44 d though still oldest one found in this
box so far 44 55 maybe I can get a 33... roll
twenty one's gonna have our third wheat cent here 1951 with some cool toning we like
it roll 22 got another wheat penny here
53 mixing up those fifties aren't we 53 Philadelphia roll 23 and say hello
to my little friend... just kidding we got another wheat penny a 56 d
we're not messing around on the 50s a 56 d a 55 d a 53 Philly a 51 Philly
alright let's get back to the hunt roll 24 another 50s wheatie and this one's
another one we didn't have in the 50s 57 d roll 31 guys and check this out we're going to
have our 7th wheat penny it's facing us and it's 52
52d so odd 57 d 56d 55 d 53 52 51 and as I was pulling that out right now in
front of you I just happen to noticed what could be an older one 52 d again
unbelievable 2 52 D's in that roll did we have any more since we've got two might
as well look with you I don't think so let's finish this roll and get on to the
next roll number 34 and I'm thinking this one's older than the 50s but it's
been a 50s kind of box it's another 44 so the only two pennies
we have that are not 1950s years are 2 44's and they're both Denver mints roll 40
and we're gonna have wheat cent number 10 and it already slid down and I
already saw it was another 52 so continuing on this box is really a box of 50s
Wheaties besides a couple of 44 D's and don't get me wrong I'm enjoying finding
10 wheat cents already with the row of rolls to go with the row of rolls to go
man that's hard to say anyway we're going back to the hunt we'll
loop you in if I we found another 50's wheatie in here
roll number 46 guys and I splayed them out and it looks like we got a
couple of old ones here I see a wheat penny there but look at the one in front
those look pretty old let's take a look together
first one 1946 it's another one from the 40s and we've got a 1 we get to reveal
another 44 d unbelievable still a good roll I guess I can look through it live
with you guys just real quickly see if anything stands out
I knew it was a wheat penny look at this it's pretty toasty it is is that a 1920?
1920 Philadelphia we'll do a little research on that but while I still got you here let
me just make sure there's not another one that's a three wheat cent roll for
us we don't find too many of those let alone one from the 20s are you kidding
me look at this a 1953 D that's a four wheat penny roll Wow a four wheat penny
roll let me do a little research on this nineteen twenty whoops this 1920 wheat
penny and get back to you... over 300 million minted but you don't find them
too often so I'll take it wow that was definitely a productive
roll we found four wheat pennies in one roll unbelievable so we definitely now
have moved up the charts with 14. Roll 49 guys and it's facing me and look at this one
is that a 34d sure is 1934 D wheat penny and it's not in bad shape look at that
detail so pretty happy with that one you know it's not a 31 32 or 33 d which
there's like around 10 million or less minted but this is still a semi key
mintage I mean it's one of the top or one of the lower mintages I think under
30 maybe 35 million minted so we'll take it this box was giving me a bunch of 50s
in the beginning but now it's starting to get me some good ones and while I
have you here I thought that one looked a little bit oh I just want to double
check it another 44 d unbelievable if I needed that for my set which I don't we
would have it is there anything else nope alright one more roll to go and
then we'll do a wrap-up all right everyone finished that box of
pennies we've got a nice amount of copper 2 '83 cracked dies - seem to be
finding those like crazy lately we got 10 '09 a couple of trashed ones we got
five coins in the 59 year which I always pull out 16 wheat cents I'll get to
those in a second a couple of pretty nice probably keeper coins that 71's
spotted pretty good but also take a look at it but that's a 73 s and I need to
look at a little further let's go back to the wheat cents a bunch in the fifties
you saw them all during the hunt but the finds of the box guys have got to be these
two coins right here a 1920 Philadelphia pretty common coin still cool to find
and the 1934 D, less than 30 million minted I'll take it all right
you saw the finds you saw the hunt it was fun for me
16 wheat pennies is always way better than my average matter of fact it's my
third best number of wheat pennies ever in a box hope you enjoyed the hunt if you
did please give the video a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for
watching and happy hunting
Sports News 27/7/2018 || Latest football news today - Duration: 8:40.-------------------------------------------
Race Course, Oracabessa, St Mary, Jamaica - Duration: 7:29.Travelling east from Ocho Rios to Port Maria
To James Bond Beach [Left]
Race Course begins about here
Goldeneye Resort [Left]
Goldeneye Resort was the retreat of Ian Fleming who penned the James Bond novels
GoldenEye is a 1995 British spy film, the seventeenth in the James Bond series.
So now you can understand the relationship with James Bond Beach being in this area
Dor's Fist Pot Restaurant [Left]
The overgrowth to the left now hides the beautiful scenery of the Ocean.
Wilderness community
Race Course ends here
Now in Galina
Ataque sangriento en un velorio dejó siete víctimas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Chiquis Rivera se unió al reto de La Chona | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Quinceñeras revelan sus inspiradoras historias de vida | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Príncipe Harry y Meghan rompen el protocolo con un beso | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Otro Se Comió Mi Pastel 👨🏾👵🏻😡 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:58.-------------------------------------------
सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर के कथन "परमेश्वर और मनुष्य एक साथ विश्राम में प्रवेश करेंगे" (भाग एक) - Duration: 48:53.-------------------------------------------
Game Bầu Cua Tôm Cá trên điện thoại & Cách đánh bau cua đã giúp nhiều người chơi thắng CỜ BẠC BỊP VN - Duration: 10:48.-------------------------------------------
Mga Pagbigkas ng Makapangyarihang Diyos | "Walang Nasa Laman ang Makatatakas sa Araw ng Poot" - Duration: 29:28.-------------------------------------------
Primo Sign In Tutorial - Duration: 0:53.Welcome! This short presentation is a part of our Primo Tutorial series. This
session is about signing into Primo. In order to make full use of Primo
you'll need to sign in. This will give you access to tools like "My Space" in
Primo and interlibrary loan explained in another tutorial. The sign-in process
starts by clicking Sign In in the upper right corner of your webpage. You need
to click click Sign In again after doing that, then you type in your username and
password which are the same as they are from MyNCU and you click login or
just press enter. At this point you are ready to begin using Primo and all of the tools
that are available to you. See our next tutorial for that lesson
How to Jailbreak Nintendo Switch | Homebrew Launcher Appstore + Emulators | ALL FIRMWARES - Duration: 9:53.What's up guys I'm back again with another video and today
I'm actually going to be doing the part of switch hacking that people are probably most excited to see
and that's gonna be getting the homebrew running and the reason I waited to release this video was because the sleep mode on
The switch actually did not work until the you know the last week or so
And I wanted to make sure that it worked well enough that most people are gonna be happy using it
Before if you put your switch into sleep mode
It would actually freeze and then you'd have to retail break it or if you restarted your switch
It would not be able to use the homebrew launcher that was fixed
Thanks to the developers and really thank you to you guys. You guys are awesome. But let's go ahead and get started on this and
Move from there. So the first thing you have to do is put your SD card
Micro SD for the switch put it into your computer
and then what you're gonna do is copy the files that you need over to it and
I'll put a drive link. So you can download these files in the description. It'll have two folders will be the switch root
Folder which is your SD card files and then the fuse a launcher files
Which you'll be able to download them all so as simply as it is
Select all the files from the SD
Switch root folder files folder whatever you want to call it drop that on the root of your SD card
Should only take a couple seconds
Then all you have to do is run this command right here
sudo python 3 dot slash fuse a launcher pi and
the name of the payload in my case is payload op in and
Once you do that hit enter type in your password
then on
The computer side of things were actually done so we can go ahead and close that
But we're gonna continue on and on the switch
I'm actually gonna pull out my phone here so I can get a quick video of this
so once we get over to the switch after we get our successful message from a few say this is what you should see and
To control this menu, you just use the power button to select and then up to navigate the menu
So if you want to use some of the other tools that come in this payload
Such as dumping your nan stuff like that console info you can do that in here
You can reboot into recovery or normal mode or just shut off your console, which is also nice
but what we're gonna do is go up here to launch firmware and then scroll down using those volume keys again down to
cfw just make sure that you guys can see the
cfw click that power button again and
Then should go through that
And then your switch should boot up as normal or you know supposedly as normal
But we'll have the homebrew launcher enabled that I'm just putting up my other droidcon in
And then our switch should boot
Okay, so
Open your switch and then to launch
You my computer just
click on the album icon and launch it and
Then we should get successfully launched into the homebrew menu
So from here an app that's included in the SD card files folder that I have is the homegroup app store
so you can go in here and launch that and
Sometimes I've noticed that the switch apps tour won't launch
It's not always only sometimes if it hangs like this for too long
Just go ahead and click the home button and then try it again. And I don't know why it does this. It just does sometimes
if you tap the
icon again and
There we go now you can see it's actually loading something so it does take a second
But if the loading bar doesn't progress pretty quickly. I usually just try doing it again and then it continues up
All right, so what this basically is is
it's like Cydia for jailbroken devices is like the closest thing that I can relate it to and
All you need to do to download the things that you want. It's quite literally tap on it and then click download
So the two things that I'm gonna recommend that you download our FTP D
Which although this is a little bit buggy right now, you have to go and find the IP address of your switch in
Console settings the IP it reads out on certain versions of switch OS is incorrect
It has something to do with the library. Someone was trying to explain it to me, but I didn't quite follow
I just know you have to find the IP address in the switch settings and then it does work
but then the other one that I also know works is
Right here
And that is VBA next and you just want to make sure you get the version that's 0.6 as of right now
you know that might change but
Something that's really great about this switch app store call it is that it will actually update the apps when an update is released
So it is a really really awesome piece of software to have on your switch
Especially now that we have sleep mode so we don't need to really use a computer much anymore
So once that's done go ahead and click the home button. You can click
the album and
Then you should have the other apps that now show up here
so I'll show you quickly FTP D and
Then you see up here
It shows 0 0 0 0
That's not the correct IP address
You'd have to use the one that your switch has by checking system settings and then using an FTP server
To transfer files to and from your switch. If you don't know what I'm talking about stay away from it. That's all I'm gonna say
So as a quick afterthought, I figured I might as well show people how to use
FTP and
again, like I said
if you don't really know what FTP servers are you shouldn't be messing with this but it is a really nice way to
Wirelessly transfer files without having to take the SD card out of your switch, which would cause you to have to read
Install the payload
so to use this just open the like you saw me open in the video and then once it shows 0 dot 0 dot 0
Or if it does show your correct IP
You're gonna need to use a FTP client like filezilla and type in the IP address on
the client and
Then the port that it shows on there was 5,000
So you go ahead and connect and then if you actually look on your switch screen
You'll see some stuff pop up. And then if you go into the switch folder and into the roms folder
You can actually just download
files so
You know, I already have my key
What's it called my roms on there?
but if I were to copy say a zip file of one of the runs that I have and by the way
I do not support piracy
I have owned all of these games and if you don't believe me, yeah, that's a shame
but I've absolutely owned the free pokemons and
Medabots was a pretty fun game that I've actually I don't remember where I got it
I think I got it at a flea market. I
Was like and there's something like that
It was a long time ago and it just turned out to be a really good game and I've always enjoyed
so don't promote piracy the same but
Transfer a zip file on there just to show you guys and I actually don't think that files work
But right here you now see that the zip file shows up and then if we look on the switch itself
You'll see some messages that show that so it's really not too bad and you can actually delete files from here, too
Which is really great
Just like that. You can delete it
And now when you go you don't have to reboot or anything
You can just disconnect from here and go straight into the emulator and play the game. There's a really really great feature
So let's go back to the video and contend that the real thing that people are trying to see is right in here
The V being jump cut. I got a call of that
But what this is is your ROM directory
So once you're in here you would go and you would search for wherever it is
And if you use the folder that I gave you
You can just store your roms in this roms folder and then launch a game
So I don't have any games on here literally showing you with the exact stuff that I gave you
But if you want to avoid any hassle, just go ahead and throw some roms in that folder before you
Take your SD card out of your computer. And I know I'm not gonna show working, but I promise you it works
I'll throw in a quick little like screen shot or something to prove that it works
But this is just to show you guys how to get it running on your own
so as I said
It's really not too bad to get this running right now
the next video that I think I'm gonna release on this is gonna be actually
The custom firmware the full custom firmware called atmosphere that's being worked on right now
But until then unless there's anything really
Important or really? Cool that I think people should see I think that's all I'm gonna need to do for this
So enjoy your emulators. Enjoy your home brew
And like I said in the last video we're finally getting to enjoy the switch the way it should be. Peace out guys
Be sure to subscribe
If you guys like this content if you guys have any questions or want to toriel's on things leave a comment and let me know
And I will try to get on as fast as I can
Thanks for watching and peace out guys
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