-Making his TV debut, performing "Rock 'N' Roll"
from his new EP, "Be Yourself," give it up for Taylor Bennett!
[ Cheers and applause ]
-♪ Looks gon' kill Light blue teal ♪
♪ Heart can't feel, loves rock 'n' roll ♪
♪ But ain't got no soul and can't pay no bills ♪
♪ And it's all downhill from here, all downhill from here ♪
♪ For real, for real, and it's all downhill from here ♪
♪ All downhill from here, for real, for real ♪
♪ Looks gon' kill Light blue teal ♪
♪ Heart can't feel, loves rock 'n' roll ♪
♪ But ain't got no soul and can't pay no bills ♪
♪ So it's all downhill from here ♪
♪ All downhill from here ♪
♪ For real, for real, it's all downhill from here ♪
♪ Am I wrong for thinking baby girl could be a lady? ♪
♪ Party on the daily and turn up in my Mercedes ♪
♪ If she really wanna turn up, then turn up and have a baby ♪
♪ 'Cause I've been waitin' on somebody to make somebody ♪
♪ Go crazy It's so crazy how somebody ♪
♪ was fallin' from every angle Now I'm cuffed up ♪
♪ All my plans got entangled and it's still messed up ♪
♪ 'Cause all my homies is faded but I'm still turnt up ♪
♪ All my homies is faded and I'm still blessed up ♪
♪ Me and Chanel was famous New shoes, good food ♪
♪ Right on your plate You ain't no one-night ♪
♪ And this ain't no date ♪
♪ I take all my best friends back to the place ♪
♪ Let's watch a movie or open a safe ♪
♪ You could have both if you wanted to stay ♪
♪ She mellow, walk the line at Cirque Du Soleil ♪
♪ She wanna vacay, live in my place ♪
♪ Got my last feelin' some type of way ♪
♪ Got the homies sayin' "Taylor, be safe" ♪
♪ But honestly, I really wanted to stay ♪
♪ Looks gon' kill Light blue teal ♪
♪ Heart can't feel, loves rock 'n' roll ♪
♪ But ain't got no soul and can't pay no bills ♪
♪ And it's all downhill from here, all downhill from here ♪
♪ For real, for real, and it's all downhill from here ♪
♪ All downhill from here, for real, for real ♪
♪ Looks gon' kill Light blue teal ♪
♪ Heart can't feel, loves rock 'n' roll ♪
♪ But ain't got no soul and can't pay no bills ♪
♪ And it's all downhill from here ♪
♪ All downhill from here ♪
♪ Oh, no, I ain't see you in parts of town ♪
♪ Oh, man, so secret, so cautious now ♪
♪ Who took your world and replaced your style ♪
♪ Who stole your soul and replaced your wow ♪
♪ Wow, I'm in LA boolin' with some liquor ♪
♪ And a lotta woes I don't even gotta phone ♪
♪ Whoo ♪
♪ Pull up in that whatcha wanna call it ♪
♪ You can hop up onboard even when I'm off the torque ♪
♪ For sho' ♪
♪ All this ice on me, baby, I'm lookin' like an ice star ♪
♪ Rock star, hundred thousand lights ♪
♪ Yah, everything I drop, ha, you know get my blocks hot ♪
♪ I think 'bout you nonstop You think that I got guap ♪
♪ You ♪
♪ That's for sure, ooh ♪
Looks gon' kill Light blue teal
Heart can't feel, loves rock 'n' roll
But ain't got no soul, can't pay no bills
And it's all downhill from here, all downhill from here
For real, for real All downhill from here
It's all downhill from here
Looks gon' kill Light blue teal
Heart can't feel, loves rock 'n' roll
But ain't got no soul and it can't pay no bills
And it's all downhill from here, all downhill from here
For real, for real, and it's all downhill from here
All downhill from here, for real, for real
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Well done, hot damn!
Thank you, buddy. Thank you.
Taylor Bennett! "Be Yourself" is out now!
For more infomation >> Taylor Bennett: Rock 'N' Roll (TV Debut) - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Mila Kunis Spent Her Honeymoon in an RV Park with Ashton Kutcher's Parents - Duration: 5:48.
-Last time you were here, in fact,
you were having your second -- -I was knocked up, yeah.
[ Laughter ]
-I was pregnant, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-So cute. -Thank you.
-And now, how old's the baby? -My daughter's almost 4.
My son's almost 2. -Wow.
-I know. Isn't it crazy?
-2 is different, right? -Well, yeah.
Two kids? -Two kids.
-Oh, boy. Yeah.
Yeah, it's very different. I mean, it's --
First of all, you don't really appreciate
having just one until you have two.
And then hindsight 20/20, you're like, "Oof.
One kid was so much easier."
-Are they pals? Do they play around?
-Yeah. They're actually good, yes.
My daughter's very sweet to him.
She's actually really nice.
Like, there are times where she's, like, an a-hole,
but more times than not... [ Laughter ]
...she's actually really kind and really generous.
-Oh, it's so cute.
-He's a little bit more, um, a boy.
-Yes. Exactly right. Yeah.
Are you watching a lot of "Paw Patrol" in the house?
-God. Oh, every night.
-That's all I watch. -Yeah, all the time.
If there's a treat, it is "Paw Patrol" time.
"Paw Patrol" and "Bubble Guppies."
Listen, "Paw Patrol," "Bubble Guppies," we are in,
so if you want to send me some swag, totally cool.
-Wait. What? [ Laughter ]
Don't come on here and ask them for "Bubble Guppies" swag.
[ Laughter ]
Might as well. I mean, dude, have you seen --
-I'll take "Bubble Guppies", "Paw Patrol," and "Peppa Pig."
[ Laughter ]
Bring it on, Nickelodeon. -Have you seen --
Have you seen "Paw Patrol Live"? -Yes, of course.
Yes -- with the pirates, with the flag.
-Pirates, wave the flag. Yeah, I did that, too.
-Yeah, we saw it in Iowa, which, by the way, is really awesome.
-Wow. -Yeah.
-Do you just travel, or is Ashton from --
-Family, yeah, yeah, yeah. Family's in Iowa.
-Yeah. How long -- You and Ashton just
have been married for three years now?
-We just celebrated our three-year anniversary.
-Hey, happy anniversary. We love him.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Tell him I said hello, please. -I will, I will.
-And I think I talked to him about this.
Do you honeymoon in your RV? -Oh, yeah.
Have you talked about this? Do you know the story?
-Well, not on the show. Backstage, I mean.
-Oh, oh. Oh, let me tell you, then.
Guys, this is a very long story,
and I'm gonna try to keep it as short as possible.
-It's a talk show. Go for it.
[ Laughter ] We got time.
-I started recording this, because it became absurd.
But if you've ever seen the "National Lampoon" movies...
-Yeah. -...our honeymoon was like
a real-life "National Lampoon's" honeymoon.
I'm not exaggerating. I'm not saying it for a laugh.
We also went honeymooning with my in-laws.
-Oh, my -- what? -Yeah. Uh-huh.
-In an RV?
-In an RV that I got my husband for his birthday.
So, here's what happened. I made -- I made a boo-boo.
I, for his birthday, was like, "You know what?
We love RV'ing. I'm gonna get him, like,
a gift card to..."
You know those RVs that you see that have, like,
a dog on the side of them?
Like, they're like, "RV America."
I'm not plugging anything,
but you know what I'm talking about, right?
-Yeah. Exactly, yeah. -Okay.
Not the most luxury of RVs but fine,
and I was like, "Clearly, this is a great birthday gift."
Gave it to him for his birthday,
not thinking that my husband's gonna go,
"Oh, that's our honeymoon."
And I was like, "Wait, no! No, no, no!"
-You're like, "No. I was thinking about you.
I'm not thinking about not us."
-Yes, this was not a honeymoon. -"That's your gift."
-He's like, "Honeymoon." And I was like, "Oh, boy."
So, we're in our, like, little tin can on wheels,
and my in-laws are in what my husband coined as, like,
the "Taj Mahal of RVs," okay? [ Laughter ]
It is, like, a double pop-out.
It's got Jacuzzis -- like, everything.
We, again, with our 10-month-old,
are in a tin can on wheels. That's how it starts.
Eight hours into RV trip, and then, you know, this continues,
our air conditioner breaks in Bakersfield,
in 110-degree weather.
The whole thing went, "Pop!" And I went, "What's that sound?"
And then Ashton literally goes, "Oh, no."
And I was like, "What could it be?"
It's like midnight, maybe 110 degrees.
-No. -RV breaks.
We have to go get a whole thing fixed.
We almost died on the side of the road when Apple Maps
took us on a road -- It wasn't a road.
It was a fire road on the side of a mountain.
We all had to jump out of the vehicle and walk
for like 3 miles while my father-in-law drove the van.
And Ashton, like, navigated him over gigantic boulders,
'cause there had just been a massive flood.
[ Laughter ]
-Guys, this was, like, day two. -What?
Then, long story short,
my wonderful, beautiful mother-in-law
picked the RV parks that we were staying in,
but didn't -- She didn't use the Internet.
She used, um...books. [ Laughter ]
And, um, uh...
Don't laugh. It's not funny.
It's not funny, guys. -But, like, recent books?
-No. [ Laughter ]
-Like... -Like, old travel books?
-And now, did these places still exist?
-Well, barely. [ Laughter ]
I wouldn't -- I'm not gonna recommend any place to stay.
-Any of the places you went to? -No.
Well, she's like, "We'll end in Napa.
It'll be beautiful." I was like, "You know what?
What could go wrong?" Let me tell you.
[ Laughter ]
An RV park, not in Napa but an hour outside of Napa,
with two prisons, okay?
[ Laughter ]
Yes, guys.
That is where our RV trip ended.
And my husband looks at me and goes, "I quit."
And I was like, "Me too." -"Me too."
[ Laughter ]
"We're meant for each other. We're meant for each other.
Let's go! Let's fly home with the baby."
-Yes. And that was our honeymoon.
-That is fantastic.
-And three years later, we really like each other.
-Yeah, you really do. -Yeah, yeah.
-That's proof. -Yeah.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-That's proof that you like each other.
-Yes. That's like -- I'm not kidding you --
a very short version of really what happened
over six days, and I started recording everything.
We drank a lot. -Would you ever...
-Every night. -...go RV'ing again?
-Yeah, absolutely. It was fantastic.
-Oh, really? -I wouldn't --
I would maybe splurge on a larger RV.
-'Cause I'm -- I'm thinking about getting into that RV game.
-It's so fun. -[ Man claps loudly ]
-Yeah. -That one guy supports...
[ Laughter ] -There's one guy.
-I don't know why, one guy's really psyched about me RV'ing.
[ Laughter ]
It was like, "That sounds awesome, man!"
-Just one guy, though. -Yeah, one guy.
Everyone else is like, "We don't care.
[ Laughter ] -It is really fun, though.
Brandon Flowers' Kids Fall Asleep at His Shows - Duration: 2:48.
-You have three boys. -Yes.
-You were saying backstage -- 11, 9, and 7. Right?
-Do they like that their dad's in a rock band?
Do they go to shows?
-They're into it.
They're so used to it, you know.
Since they were born, that's what I do.
And they -- you know, they love music and they've been to gigs.
But none of them have ever made it through an entire gig
without falling asleep.
-Oh, really?
-Because we go on at 9:00. -Yeah.
-And so -- I mean, that's already,
you know, that's bedtime. -Yeah.
[ Laughter ]
-So my wife's documented a couple instances
on her Instagram where they're just like dozing off.
And I'm, like, on fire on stage, like, giving it.
And it's pretty funny.
-You did the Panorama festival.
-Here in New York. [ Cheers and applause ]
And you -- you brought someone from the audience
up on stage to play drums.
-How does that happen? What happens?
-They bring signs.
-Okay, so someone was holding a sign saying --
-Yeah, we had never done it --
until November last year, this hadn't happened.
A kid in Dublin brought a sign.
He wanted to play keyboards on a song of ours
called "A Dustland Fairytale."
And we brought him up and it was -- it was amazing.
Because people are already, you know, coming together
at this concert and they all agree on something
and it's beautiful to have that sort of
congregation of people cheering.
But when that kid came on stage, everybody was rooting for him.
And we were rooting for him. And it was beautiful.
Then all of a sudden, it just took on a whole life of its own.
And now at every gig, there are people with signs.
-So you had a --
Let's take a look at the drummer you brought up here in New York.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-He's singing along. -That's fantastic!
[ Cheers and applause ]
So, how -- be honest.
How often is it good? -Okay.
[ Laughter ]
It is -- I think 60 -- 63% of the time.
-That's a good -- [ Laughter ]
-And I will say this is a photo, you know, obviously taken.
Here you are getting -- I mean, look at that crowd.
Look at the amount of people you got to perform with.
That's really incredible that you do that.
I do want to say, I know I told you this once before.
We met in 2008 when you did "SNL"
and my mom was at the show,
and I introduced you to my mom and you were so polite.
And this is sort of a famous story
because a lot of people overheard her.
And you went back to your dressing room
and we were walking down the hall and my mom said,
"I don't know why they call them The Killers.
They couldn't be nicer." [ Laughter ]
And it's as true today as it was then.
Thanks so much for being here, man. I really appreciate it.
Brandon Flowers, everybody!
Zachary Quinto Gets Heckled During The Boys in the Band - Duration: 5:52.
-Congrats on this. -Thanks.
-I mean, look at this. This is one of my favorite casts
ever to grace the stage. -It's a great group of guys.
-Yeah. "The Boys in the Band."
We've had almost everybody on our show.
-Yeah, exactly. -Yeah, exactly.
-We're hurtling toward the end. It's hard to believe.
We close in two weeks. -Wow.
I mean, crazy great reviews. So, congratulations on that.
-Yeah. Thanks. It's been a lot of fun.
-I mean, just -- we've had Jim Parsons come on...
-Yeah. -...and he came on with a cast?
-He broke his foot the first week of shows.
He was such a pro. -I mean, he's fine.
-He got right back -- yeah, he's fine.
He got right back on his feet. He barely missed --
he missed like one show, basically.
-But, I mean, doing live theater,
stuff like that can go down. -Things happen.
Audiences have interjections, and people -- we have --
It's a very funny play. -Yeah.
-So people tend to -- -People yell stuff?
-People have yelled things in this run of the show.
-Oh, no. You do not do that. If you're watching, don't --
-Not great. -It's not the best --
-It's not a great habit to get into.
-You shouldn't heckle the actors, no.
-We have one -- we have one moment in the play where,
it's, like, very -- it's very funny,
and then it gets very dark.
And there's, like, a very tense moment,
and my character, who's called Harold, breaks the tension
with, like, a one-liner, zinger joke that the audience
kind of usually, uproariously, laughs at.
So the audience laughs, and then the laugh wanes,
and then this one guy in the audience just goes,
"Oh, Harold! Oh, Harold!"
[ Laughter ] But, like, so loud...
-"Oh, Harold." -...at this moment of --
-"You card." -Yeah, totally.
I'm like, "Do you think we cannot hear you?"
Or this other moment when I say something
to Jim's character where -- somebody's --
my line is, "He's never loved anyone."
And someone in the audience goes, "Except himself!"
[ Laughter ] And, like, we're doing the play!
Like, we can hear you. -"Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the help. The play's already written, buddy."
-You got to learn how to roll with things like that.
And I think it's a testament to these
really incredible audiences that we've had
that are just so caught up in the action,
so you can't really complain. -Well, congrats on all of it.
-Thank you. -"The Boys in the Band,"
if you get a chance, it's a hot ticket.
But man, oh, man, congrats on that.
-Thanks. -Go check it out, everybody.
-And then I want to talk about "In Search Of."
-"In Search Of." Yeah.
-It's on History. -That's right.
-Now, "In Search Of," I remember as a kid --
-Me too.
-...Leonard Nimoy hosted it. -Mm-hmm.
Leonard, my dear, departed friend Leonard Nimoy
hosted the original series.
-That's cool that you're doing this.
-Yeah. It was great when they approached me about it.
You know, Leonard and I became, as we've have talked about
many times, very good friends in the last decade of his life.
I was always inspired by his curiosity.
-You came on our show with Leonard.
-Yeah, that's right. The -- yeah.
Totally, during the first movie, and he just --
he was such an incredible guy.
And so, when they approached me about doing this,
I was really interested in it, you know.
And there were some things that I wanted to make sure
we changed. -Yeah.
-Leonard was very, sort of, buttoned up
in a suit and a blazer in the studio
and sort of welcomed you to the show
and throw you to a prerecorded segment
about whatever they were searching for.
And I said, "I got to be on the ground.
I got to be in the field."
You know, so I got to travel all around the world.
-Really? -We did ten episodes.
Each episode is a different search.
Aliens, monsters of the deep, time travel, life after death,
mind control, Lost City of Atlantis.
Throwing it at you! -I'm in, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in.
-Yeah. -I think monsters of the deep
is the scariest thing.
-Monsters of the deep was pretty freaky.
We went to Australia.
I learned how to scuba dive for this show.
I'd never scuba dived before.
-Yeah, I don't know if I can do that.
-I went snorkeling in Australia, scuba diving in Greece.
I went skydiving.
-Couldn't scuba dive in Greece either.
-You couldn't?
-No. If I couldn't do it in the first place,
I couldn't do it in the other one.
-Yeah, that's true. That's true, that's true.
One precludes the other. But I went skydiving.
I mean, it was a real -- -Skydiving, too?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. -You're doing it up, man.
-For the time travel episode. It was amazing.
-But what was the -- how about the alien one?
-The alien one -- -Did you meet an alien?
-We interview a number of aliens.
Actually, we did meet this woman
who claims to have been abducted by aliens.
Well, we met three people who claimed to be
abducted by aliens. -Wow.
-Yeah. They're out there. -Any proof? Any proof?
-I mean, no hardcore tangible proof.
But, I will say, these three people we interviewed,
none of them knew each other.
None of them had ever met or had any knowledge
of the other one's stories, and yet, there were these, like,
haunting similarities between what they went through.
It was pretty shocking, I have to say.
-What? -I left that episode being like,
"Ooh, there may be aliens." [ Laughter ]
-Wow. -There may be aliens.
-And did they draw out the thing?
-One of the guys draws out the aliens,
which look very much like the aliens...
-The famous alien head?
-...you would expect them to look like, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. -Is it like -- I've never --
-You don't even have to draw it. I could tell you --
-You know what I'm saying? -Yeah.
-It's that -- -Precisely.
-And it's like -- -Big eyes. Big eyes.
-I forgot how the eyes work.
-They're big. They're just big.
-Like that? -Yeah. Pretty much.
-That's it? -Long fingers.
[ Laughter ]
-I've never been -- I've never been --
Well, actually, I don't know.
-Have you ever encountered a UFO or anything like that?
-No. -Well, the thing that's weird
about the aliens episode is that while we were shooting it,
there were all of these news reports about, like,
government -- like, Air Force pilots who were like...
-Oh, yeah. -"Yep, I've seen them."
-Yeah, I saw that somewhere. -And there was all this, like,
stuff about how there's these government documented --
-They said they saw them in the air.
-Yes. Yeah. And there's, like, videos of them and stuff.
-Yes. -I don't know. It seems --
-I love that you're doing it. I'm into this show.
-Yeah, it's pretty cool. It's cool.
-I love it. I want to show everyone a clip.
-It's a fun time, yep. -Here's Zachary Quinto
in this Friday's episode of "In Search Of" on History.
Take a look.
-We do have some of the most dangerous animals in the world.
-Venomous animals, dangerous.
Have you encountered any or all of that stuff?
-Yeah, I've seen stonefish, which can kill you really quick.
The box jellyfish is the most venomous animal on the planet.
It can kill you in under two minutes flat.
If we're really lucky today, we may see the blue-ringed octopus
that has a head the size of your thumb,
will bite its prey, and inject a neurotoxin
so then it can devour it.
-What if you were to get bitten by one?
'Cause it's so small. Would it still have a --
-It would have an impact. You'd go into cardiac arrest.
-What? -And when it gets really cranky,
it flashes these blue rings, so you know it's cranky.
-You're like... -That's great.
-"Let's get lunch first."
-"Let's get in the water!" That was the next thing.
-Zachary Quinto, everybody.
Check him out on Broadway in "The Boys in the Band"
and his TV series "In Search Of,"
Friday nights at 10pm on History.
Armie Hammer Reveals the Unique Way He Learns His Lines - Duration: 5:46.
-Welcome. -Thank you, dude.
Thank you for having me. -I'm so happy to you have here.
it is very nice when people on Broadway use their Monday off
to come visit us. -Yep.
-So, thank you so much. I did not realize this
until today, that we were in a movie together
about a decade ago.
-I like to consider us co-stars.
-Yes. -Really.
-We co-starred in a film. -Yeah.
-The film was called "Spring Breakdown."
It was a film with Amy Poehler and Rachel Dratch, among others.
And you -- you had one scene? is that correct?
-I had one scene. I play -- Oh, God.
I play "Abercrombie boy" in the movie.
[ Laughter ] -This is not --
that is not a description.
That is the character's name. "Abercrombie boy"
[ Laughter ] -That is actually -- that is me.
That is me. Very -- One of my very first jobs.
-And what would you say your character arc was?
-Oh, it was really complex and really interesting.
I basically am just there for Amy Poehler
to take body shots off of.
-And there you guys are working together.
That is fully exactly what that is.
-Yeah, yeah. -"Abercrombie boy."
-Another one of my co-stars. -Another one of your co-stars.
-Yeah, yeah. We're super tight. -There you go.
-Yeah. -And this is very exciting.
This is your Broadway debut. -Yeah.
-Terrifying to do a -- to debut on Broadway?
-Oh, for sure, but I mean, I guess that --
that's really the reason why I'm here.
-Yeah. -Anna Shapiro, our director,
called and said, "have you ever done a show on Broadway?"
And I said, "no." She said, "How do you feel about that?"
I go, "Scares the [bleep] out of me."
And she goes, "As it should. Good.
You should do it." And I was like, "I don't know.
That doesn't really sound like a good idea.
Uh, maybe that's exactly why it's a good idea.
[bleep] And then I was like,
you know what? As an artist and as someone
who wants to constantly grow, you can't be comfortable.
You've gotta be outside of your comfort zone.
And there is not much more of an area
outside of my comfort zone than standing in front of,
you know, 700 people 8 times a week.
-There you go. Now, in the -- as you've,
sort of, worked your way into the middle of the run, do you --
you must feel comfortable now?
Are the fears completely eradicated?
-Yeah, it's funny. it kinda comes and goes.
Like, sometimes I'm nervous. Sometimes I'm not.
And the times that I'm not nervous,
that then makes me nervous.
I'm like, "Why am I not nervous? I should be nervous."
-I know that feeling. -Yeah.
-When you don't have -- I always felt like
when you don't have butterflies,
that's a sign that something is about to go terribly wrong.
-You're like, "Am I a psychopath?"
-Yeah, exactly. -"Why am I not nervous?
I should be very nervous right now."
-This is a crazy thing for a human to do.
-You do -- it's a very serious play with very light moments,
as well, which is nice. -Yeah.
-There is a dance-off in the play.
-There is a dance-off.
-Josh Charles, who is a fantastic actor...
-Yes. ...you guys dance off.
You do a moonwalk in the show. -I do a moonwalk.
-Is moonwalk in the script,
or is that something that Armie brings to a production?
-No, it wasn't -- it wasn't in the script,
but there was a moment where I'm on one side of the stage
and they need me to get to the other.
And they're like, "Can you do, like, this dance?"
And they do this dance, and I was like,
"Oof, I don't really want to do that."
I was like, "How about I just moonwalk across the stage?"
And they go, "Well, can you moonwalk?"
And as every actor has ever done when asked, "Can you do that?"
The answer is, "yes."
"Can you ride a horse?" "Yes."
"Can you sword fight?" "Yes."
"Can you steer a pirate ship?" "Yes."
If it gets me the job, "Yes."
So, then I say "Yes, I can moonwalk."
And -- and went home that night,
and the first thing I did is get on, like, YouTube
and type in "How do you moonwalk?"
-Yeah. -Like, what do you do?
And so now I'm doing it eight times a week
because I don't know when to shut my mouth.
-Yeah. I would have thought that your computer when you
Googled that would have said, "Armie, don't."
-Yeah, probably a better idea not to.
-Yeah. -Yeah.
-You also eat a lot in the show. -I do. Yeah.
-You have -- sometimes, you have to do two shows a night.
And you're actually eating the food, I'm assuming.
-I'm basically the only one on stage eating the whole time.
I have to eat a massive bowl of cheese puffs.
I eat a Chinese food meal. I eat an apple pie.
I eat a bagel, and I drink a glass of egg nog.
-Wow. -And this all kinda came around
in the beginning of the show when I was like,
"Oh, this'll be really interesting if, like,
one of my character choices is, he's just always eating."
Like, that's a really good idea.
Cut to now, I'm like, what was I thinking?
That's was so stupid. But now, the good thing is is it saves me
money because when I do two shows a day,
I just don't eat outside of the theater.
-That's fantastic. -Yeah.
-And also, you helped yourself out because you put in
the moonwalk to, like, burn those calories off.
-That's basically all I'm doing. Yeah.
I'm actually flexing the whole time trying to burn
those calories off. -You...
Was one of the reasons you were afraid
not just about the 700 people,
but obviously, memorizing a great deal of dialogue.
-Yes. Yeah. -You posted this on Instagram.
I was -- A couple things.
One, it just is very telling that obviously,
when you do a show, you have to learn your lines.
And this is you. you wrote your lines down, right there.
-Yeah. it's one of my, kind of, weird compulsions.
I write out every line in the script,
'cause I feel like it gives you more attention to detail.
-Even other people's lines? -Even other people's lines.
-Wow. -Everyone's lines.
'Cause writers are really specific.
if they put a comma in one place verse another,
it means something.
It means, like, a shift in idea or a pause or whatever,
like commas usually mean. But anyway --
[ Laughter ]
But, like, it -- it forces you to pay attention.
So I write out everybody's lines, my lines and their lines.
Then I switch to just writing out my lines.
Then I switch to only writing out the first letter
of every word of my lines. -Wow.
-Until I end up with a whole page
of just random letters.
And if I can't point to a letter and see the letters
on either side of it and know where I am,
hen I don't know it well enough. -That is very impressive.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Don't -- don't applaud. I mess up a line at least every night.
Like, it doesn't work. -But one thing I really want
to -- your penmanship, Armie, is just outstanding.
-Yeah. I think I'm just old enough to have missed --
like, my brother has messy handwriting...
-Yeah. ...but can type faster
than I can. -Got it.
-I think we fall, kind of, on that line when computers
were more ubiquitous. -Yep, yep.
-On the wrong side of things, yeah.
-But also, if I actually sit down and write in cursive,
it makes me focus even more. -Yes.
This is -- but this is either -- if I saw this, I would be like,
"this is either a Broadway actor preparing, or a serial killer."
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
Maybe both? -Yeah, maybe both.
-Maybe both. -It's just, like,
there is a very Hannibal Lecter-y type thing
about a very nice meal. -Yes.
-And then crazy, tight-written script.
-You don't want to know what the food is made of.
-Yeah, exactly. -Yeah.
Brandon Flowers Talks About The Killers' Early Days - Duration: 6:00.
-Welcome to the show.
-Thanks. Thank you.
-I'm so very, very happy you're here.
-Taking a chance on me. -I'm taking a chance on you.
I think this is going to work out really well for you.
-This is my first American couch.
-Oh, well, congratulations.
So I want to start with this.
I did not realize the origin of your band
was that you guys actually found each other via a classified ad?
-Yeah. It sounds -- its sounds old fashioned.
-Yeah. -Like where did you get
your instruments, at the Five-And-Dime?
-Yeah. -But that was in this century.
It wasn't that long ago. -Yeah.
-Things have progressed so fast.
-You know, the thought of saying,
"I'm going to be in a rock band" and sitting down at a diner
with the classifieds seems -- -Yeah.
-You're right, like 100 years ago.
-There were these two magazines, free weekly magazines in Vegas,
and they had at the back of them at each one there was
a classified section, and I would kind of scour through.
At the end of each ad,
they would put what influences you had.
And, so, I would just look at the band names,
look at the band names.
And there were a lot of new metal
and a lot of stuff that I wasn't really affiliated with.
At least I didn't affiliate myself with.
And then I saw the Beatles
and I saw Smashing Pumpkins and Oasis.
And I thought, "That's close enough for me."
-Yeah. -And that was how I met
our guitar player, yeah, Dave Keuning.
-That's fantastic. And I will say, like,
there's something really bold about having a classified ad
for a band which is so great that he did it and saying,
"I'm going to put Beatles in there."
- Yeah. [ Laughter ]
-You know? -It's an obvious one, I guess.
-So you guys -- What was your first show like?
How many people did you play for?
Did you feel like it was working right away?
-No. I mean, it wasn't. [ Laughter ]
We played an open mic night at a café
that was across the street from UNLV, the college.
And we just took -- you know, we had our slot,
and we played three songs.
And I was -- I say this and people don't --
you might think I'm just making it up.
But I was looking for a spot on the floor to throw up.
[ Laughter ]
I just didn't think I was going to make it through.
I was just totally open after that gig
to having another singer.
And then it just ended up, you know, by default,
I became the singer. Yeah. -That is -- it's very funny
to think of The Killers as a café band.
[ Laughter ]
And then -- do you remember what your three songs were?
Like, what did you do? -Yeah.
We did a cover of -- from a band called Travis
that we were into. -Sure.
-It was called "Side," a great song.
-Mm-hmm. -And "Under the Gun"
and "Mr. Brightside." -Now that's crazy to me
that you had "Mr. Brightside" for your first show.
-That seems like really a very good song
for your very first show. [ Laughter ]
-I had never -- I had never heard it with
a beat at that point.
And that was -- -You had written it --
-We didn't have a drummer yet. -Okay, I got you.
-And, so, I still remember playing it at a drummer's house.
We went to his house and he had the drums set up
in his living room and I was on bass
and Dave was on guitar and I remember the hairs
on my arm standing up.
It was the first time I'd heard it, you know, with a beat.
And it was an incredible moment for me.
And I didn't know it was going to grow into what it's become
since, but I knew that it was good.
-Was it -- you say you never heard it with a beat before.
Did you -- do you also get nervous when you meet a drummer
and he hasn't heard the song yet either when you're like,
"Hey, I need you to play the drums for this."
Is that -- within, like, other musicians,
do you feel the nerves of them something?
-You know, it's exciting.
You never know what you're going to get or if you're going to see
eye to eye with everybody.
But we've been lucky and we've had a few moments
where we've tapped into the universe,
and it has just been exciting.
-You, obviously by the art on your box set.
You guys care very deeply about your Vegas roots.
[ Laughter ]
There's no doubt about where you're from.
Would you have said that what your sound was
was a Vegas sound? -It is.
You know, we take all these influences that you've had
over your life. You can't help but take it in.
And then we funnel it through the strip, I think.
And I think that's what we sound like.
-Uh-huh. -Especially on our first record.
I think you take a lot of these British influences,
and then there's this shimmer
and pizzazz to them that those guys
weren't quite bringing from across the pond.
-[ Chuckles ] Yeah, and then did you --
Was Vegas, did they embrace you early on in your...?
-No. -No?
[ Laughter ]
What do you think their hesitation was
as far as owning you as a Vegas band?
-We wore makeup and -- a lot of makeup was happening.
-Okay, good.
- I was really into the New York Dolls.
-Yeah, okay, there you go. -A great New York band.
And so I gave that a shot.
So we would go to Walgreens
and pick up eyeliner and eye shadow and lip gloss
and stuff like that on the way to the bars
that we were playing at. -That's -- I mean, they do --
Walgreens, always, they do it best. Yeah?
[ Laughter ]
-I did not look great in it. -Yeah.
-I wasn't good at it. -Yeah.
I mean, I think everybody comes from Vegas has, you know,
more than -- if you grow up in the suburbs,
there are so many interesting jobs for young people.
You cleaned golf clubs?
-I scrubbed clubs. -Scrubbed clubs?
-Yeah. -You were a club scrubber.
-Yeah. Scrubbin' clubs.
-That doesn't seem like one of the better jobs
at a golf course.
-No, I mean, there were caddies,
and then there are the pros in the pro shop that were, like,
selling, you know, khakis and things like.
And I would -- I would wait for the guys to finish
and we'd clean their clubs and then clean the golf cart
when they were finished.
And it was just all about --
I kinda grew to love these kind of jobs.
Hustle and bustle and you'd feel your pocket filling, you know,
filling up with cash.
And I sort of thrived on it. -Yeah.
And was there a moment where you realized,
"Okay, you know what?
I'm going to try music and leave all this."
-I met a guy at the first golf course we worked at.
His name was Trevor. He was eccentric,
and he was from Olympia, Washington.
And he had the audacity to think that he could make short films
and start a band and I had never thought of that before.
And so it just opened up a whole new world to me.
I mean, I owe a lot to him.
-Do you -- -I can't find him.
-You can't find him? [ Laughter ]
-The last I heard, he was in China.
-Oh, wow. -And I can't --
Trevor, if you're out there, man.
[ Laughter ]
I love him. I owe so much to him.
-That's great. I hope we air in China.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
Armie Hammer Talks About the Bakery He and His Wife Own - Duration: 2:55.
-Your kids -- We were talking backstage.
You have a 3 1/2 and then 1 1/2? -Yes, sir.
-And they spent some time in New York.
Has that been nice? -Yeah, it's been great.
You know, I mean, we do all the fun, New York stuff.
You know, they went on a boat
to go look at the Statue of Liberty.
We take them to the park.
We get to do, like, all this fun stuff, and it's great.
-That's very exciting. I guess at 3 and --
Do they understand -- Does the 3 1/2-year-old
have an appreciation for what New York is,
or is it still too young to be...?
-I think she thinks the entirety of New York
is Central Park or, you know, fun restaurants.
-Well, she is in for a rude awakening.
-Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
[ Laughter ] Oh, yeah.
-Take her on the subway. [ Laughter ]
-Oh, by the way, I have. -You have?
How'd that go? -Mixed emotions.
She saw what she calls a "rascal," which is a rat.
-Okay. [ Light laughter ]
-And has not wanted to go on the subway since.
-That's such a cuter way of saying rat.
-Yeah, yeah. -I feel like if Bill de Blasio
just said, "Hey, I want to admit,
we have a rascal problem"... -Yeah, yeah.
-...people would say, "That doesn't sound so bad."
-"That's cute." Yeah.
-This is a very, very cute picture
of your children right here. -Yeah.
-That's gorgeous. [ Audience "Awws" ]
-That's them. That's -- That's actually --
My wife and I have a bakery. We have a couple bakeries.
That one is our location in Dallas.
It's at the Highland Park Village
in Dallas, Texas.
And they love to go and just grab everything
out of the display case they can reach and eat it.
-I have to say, that is a jackpot,
being that age and having parents who have a bakery.
-Yes. -Well, how did it come to be
that you have a bakery? -It's really --
Like, my wife and I started it together,
but now she is the business mastermind and genius.
-Here she is. She's in this photo here.
-Yeah. That's my wife there.
-Okay. -So, I literally have no idea
how she does it, and she thinks I'm an idiot,
and she runs it all, so, really, it's a win-win.
-And is she someone that -- Does it make sense to you
that when you met her, did you think,
"We have bakeries in our future?"
[ Laughter ] -I knew it would be something.
This is actually true.
She might be embarrassed that I'm telling this.
She is what's called a "DECA dork."
-Okay. I don't know what that means.
-Okay. So, "DECA" is like a --
It's basically, like, a debate program
for after school, but instead of debate,
you come up with business ideas.
-Oh, interesting. -And so she was --
-My wife was Model U.N., so we're on the same page.
-Yeah, you get it. You get it.
But my wife was the national champion,
which means, out of all the other --
pardon me for saying this -- nerds who decide to do this
after school, she was smarter than all of them.
-Yeah. -So, there was some sort of --
-By the way, all those nerds who've started businesses
are like, "Uh, we're not writing down
our lines at a restaurant, buddy.
You can call us whatever you want."
-Yeah, "By the way..." [ Laughter ]
-Trust me, they're do-- they're all doing better than I am.
Like, trust me. Yeah.
-Me too, yeah.
-No, but she -- It was gonna be something,
and it just happened to be a bakery,
and now it's an extremely successful chain of bakeries.
-How many do you have? -We have two,
but we're looking at opening a third location right now.
-That's really exciting. What a good life for your kids.
-Yeah, yeah. -Bakeries everywhere they go.
That's not bad at all. -It's not bad.
-Hey, man, thanks so much for being here.
Congrats on the play.
-It's just such a pleasure to see you.
Инструкция, как реанимировать отношения с мужчиной - Duration: 8:24.
unknown - Duration: 0:54.
New York Yankees acquire Lance Lynn from Minnesota Twins for 2 prospects - Duration: 5:57.
Stargazers check out closeness of Mars at Griffith Observatory - Duration: 2:17.
বিশ্বকে অবাক করা জাপানের মোবাইল মসজিদ - Duration: 3:47.
The Japanese did not believe much in religion
They believe in work
But their sincerity and respect for others is very much appreciated around the world
The Japanese re-established itself a unique example
Olympic games will be held in Tokyo in 2020 in Tokyo
At that time many Muslims of the world will go to the country
But in their country there is a lot to say that the mosque is not too much for Muslims to pray
The number of mosques in Japan is about 200 in small and large
So the Japanese government has taken up a project called 'Mobile Mosque'
The Japanese government has created this 'Mobile Mosque' in front of one of the biggest sports events in the world
It took four years to build a mobile or mobile mosque
A ton of 25 tonsi is used for automatic automation and inside it is a very spacious place for prayers
You can read 50 prayers together at that place of 48 square meters
There are water for the ozum inside the mobile mosque
The direction of the Qibla is also indicated
Again, if the man is more than 50 people
Then, outside the new Qatar, prayers can be read
Al-Ajan is also provided for the Imamati and the arrangement of the mike
The Japan government spent 90 thousand dollars for this project
During the Olympics, the mobile mosque will be placed in front of different stadiums
Let's see the rest of the time together
Oil leak in Watertown prompting road closure – Boston News, Weather, Sports - Duration: 1:06.
S. Korea's nat'l security adviser met with Chinese Politburo member Yang Jiechi: Blue House - Duration: 0:27.
It's now official, National security adviser Chung Eui-yong... met with China's state councilor
in mid July.
The Presidential Office confirmed that Yang Jiechi's visit was kept unannounced, inorder
to allow for a smooth dialogue between the two.
Cheongwadae added, both parties discussed pending bilateral issues, but did not go into
There have been reports the duo touched on issues like putting a formal end to the Korean
War, as South and North are currently at an armistice.
S. Korea-Turkey FTA to take effect Aug. 1 covering services and investment - Duration: 0:39.
Come tomorrow a new free trade agreement will take effect.
The deal between South Korea and Turkey... covers the service and investment sectors.
The two sides will expand their existing pact which was limited only to goods.
Seoul and Ankara signed the expanded agreement back in 2015… but its implementation was
delayed by negotiations over amendments.
According to the nation's trade ministry, the new deal will not only promote trade,
but also encourage more South Korean companies to do business in Turkey..., a fast-growing
economy that expanded by more than 7 percent last year.
Most of its market will be opened to Korean firms,... including the construction and culture
Natural Fruit For Weight Loss | Guava For Weight Loss | Guava Juice For Weight Loss - Duration: 1:53.
go off or weightloss gava fruit is relatively inexpensive under rich source
of vitamin C and with the largest possible amount of vitamin C compared to
other fruit except for Indian gooseberry it contains 14 times more vitamin C in
some other citrus vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps neutralize
potentially harmful free radicals relatively lower content of calories
makes them suitable for diabetics and weight loss and died it is low in
cholesterol and lower number of digestible carbohydrates here is
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take gova cut into pieces put into the blender and add some milk and honey and
blend well now pour it into a serving glass now the gova juice is ready by
taking this juice you can reduce weight in a short time you can follow the diet
of go before slimming especially for people who follow a diet for diabetics
when it comes to fruits the Goa is on top of the fruit with great benefits of
Java control the diabetes are also very useful for constipation thank you for
watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
Northeast Asia Peace Festival: gateway to S. Korea-China economic cooperation - Duration: 2:57.
Over the weekend, Harbin, in northeastern China... hosted the 2018 Northeast Asia Peace
This year the highlight was a competition for amateur models from four different countries.
According to the organizers it was more than just a cultural exchange.
Hong Yoo takes us to the renowned 'Ice City'.
Thousands of people have gathered in Harbin to watch a contest for models from four countries
-- South Korea, China, Japan, and Russia.
With pose after pose, they showed off their individual beauty as representatives of their
From July 27th to 30th, the Northeast Asia Economic Cooperation Committee held the 2018
Northeast Asia Peace Festival.
By displaying their countries' traditional clothes, the models were part of an international
cultural exchange, and a big one.
As a whole, the festival attracted around 300,000 visitors.
"I'm not looking for a special prize out of this competition.
I'm happy just to have participated in it and made new friends."
"To be honest, the language barrier made it hard to communicate with the other models,
but the fact that we all have the same goal helped us bond quickly."
The festival was about more than the model contest.
It also opened up the doors to South Korean mid-size companies to expand their business
to China.
A special booth was set up for them to let people know what they're doing.
This time there were two South Korean companies taking part.
One of them was a cosmetics brand,... riding the wave of Korean beauty products that've
become famous all over the world.
"The cosmetics market in South Korea is pretty limited, so we wanted to expand our business
to the global market.
And through this festival we were able to do that by introducing our products to many
people here."
The South Korean committee that helped organize the event thinks its cultural exchanges will
help provide job opportunities to young people and help export Korean goods to China.
"It's usually hard for Korean brands to get a spot in a Chinese department store, and
when they do, they don't tend to last long.
So we are helping South Korean enterprises to get their products into the stores here."
The committee chairman added that North Korea also wants to be part of the Northeast Asia
Economic Cooperation Committee, and the process is underway.
He commented that the North's participation would allow South Korean enterprises to expand
their business in Asia, using the easier land route.
This festival, which aims at boosting South Korea and China's cooperation in culture,
economics and other fields, will next take place in Seoul in 2019.
And hopefully, the participation of North Korea next year will further strengthen regional
Hong Yoo, Arirang News, Harbin.
Color Song | Fun Learning Videos For Toddlers | Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:01:14.
Have you seen all color's in the world....
let sing the farmee's colors song....
''This are the color's bright''!
''This are the color's bright''!
You can mash them up and blast them around the flashing to the world...!
You can mash them up and blast them around the flashing to the world.............!
''This are the color's bright''!
''This are the color's bright''!
You can mash them up and blast them around the flashing to the world.............!
You can mash them up and blast them around the flashing to the world.............!
I love all the colors and how can I mix them together....
''This are the color's bright''!
''This are the color's bright''!
You can mash them up and blast them around the flashing to the world.............!
You can mash them up and blast them around the flashing to the world.............!
Seoul's FM leaves for ASEAN Regional Forum in Singapore - Duration: 1:44.
Seoul's top diplomat left for Singapore today to attend a series of meetings including the
annual ASEAN Regional Forum.
While rubbing shoulders with her counterparts from various countries, Kang Kyung-hwa will
discuss various issues, but a key subject of interest would be the developments between
the two Koreas.
Kim Mok-yeon outlines what to expect during the FM's visit to the island nation.
South Korean foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha left Tuesday for Singapore, where she'll spend
six days attending this year's regional forum of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
While there, Kang will engage in a series of talks with member states on regional security...
and economic and cultural cooperation.
As of Tuesday, she's scheduled to attend at least five sessions including the ASEAN Foreign
Ministers' Meeting and the ASEAN plus three meeting with her Japanese and Chinese counterparts.
But with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and North Korea's foregin minister Ri Yong-ho
also taking part in the forum,... the big question is whether the two Koreas might hold
bilateral or even possibly trilateral talks together with Washington.
Speaking to reporters ahead of her departure, Kang pointed out that North Korea will be
one of the main topics at the forum as a whole, and she hinted that her trip could yield fruitful
"I think a great deal of attention will be focused on the latest developments surrounding
the denuclearization of North Korea.
Regarding my bilateral meeting with the North's foreign minister, nothing is set.
But I'm hoping it will happen."
Pundits are hoping that the tripartite meeting happens as well... because of the possibility
it could pave the way towards North Korea's denuclearization and towards full-fledged
discussions about lasting peace on the Peninsula.
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.
Tuesday's Inter-Korean military talks continue into the afternoon - Duration: 3:08.
Seoul and Washington's generals are meeting to discuss easing military tensions, as agreed
in April at the inter-Korean summit.
Both sides were brimming with hope as they headed into the session.
The talks are still ongoing.
We connect to our Park Ji-won at the Office for Inter-Korean Dialogue.
Ji-won what do we have from the border village at this point.
Good evening, Daniel.
The general-level inter-Korean military talks are still ongoing at the Peace House on the
South Korean side of the truce village of Panmunjom.
The talks officially began at 10 a.m. Korea time,... and according to South Korea's defense
ministry press pool,... the first meeting was in a group setting, lasting until about
11 a.m.
That was followed by a one-on-one meeting between the chief negotiators, which ended
at around two p.m.,... meaning they skipped their lunch break.
The two sides held another one-on-one at around four p.m.,... and now the delegations have
gone back into discussions amongst themselves.
The talks started in a friendly atmosphere,.. with both sides expressing their hopes and
expectations... that today's talks could yield fruitful results.
The two delegations have five-members each,... and they are led by the same officials as
last month's talks -- Major General Kim Do-gyun from the South and Lieutenant General Ahn
Ik-san from the North,... who are both considered the same rank.
And now let's now hear what the heads of the two delegations told the media... right before
their closed-door meeting.
"I believe the seeds were already sown in the spring... with the April 27th Panmunjom
Putting our heads together, like we are now, in this scorching heat will surely lead to
a fruitful harvest in the fall.
I firmly believe that, through these talks,...
South and North Korea can achieve the goals that the international community has been
hoping for."
"Before going into the talks, I'd like to say that, by being earnest and sincere,...
we can bring joy to all those watching today's talks from both Koreas and from all over the
Let's work so that they say 'a ha, military cooperation is really at the forefront of
inter-Korean relations."
It's been nearly 50 days... since the two chief negotiators held marathon talks in mid-June.
At that time, the two sides agreed to restore the military communication lines on the western
and eastern sides of the Peninsula,... one of which, in the west, was completely restored
earlier this month.
According to a military source,... the two sides also likely discussed disarming South
and North Korean soldiers at the Joint Security Area in the DMZ,... and withdrawing troops
and equipment located at some guard posts as a pilot program.
The creation of a peace zone around the Northern Limit Line,... the de-facto maritime border
in the West Sea,... is also expected to be one of the key topics.
I will bring you more updates in our later newscasts.
Back to you, Daniel.
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