Hey! Don't worry, alright?
Don't panic; this will just take a few minutes!
All I'm going to do is bring out some regular Singaporeans
and let you see them through the eyes of people we all know!
Time to test the first filter!
Am I talking with an accent?
Do I sound Indian?
Great, that means the filter is working!
Filter off!
Great! Filter works!
Time to bring out the first Singaporean.
And second: budding musician!
Now for the next filter!
With a surprise guest!
Actually, I think we've had enough of him.
Time for the next guest.
Onto the next filter!
Er... wait.
Hang on.
Actually I'm kind of warm. Is it OK if I take off my jacket?
Sure, just be quick.
Ah OK, let's give it another shot.
I don't know what happened; just give me a minute.
Hey, let me help you.
Shame on you! I would never
"grind" a woman.
Because I'm in love with a man.
Will you marry me?
Time for the next filter!
Since they're "empathy goggles"
the next character I'm going to bring out is someone everyone can empathise with.
Just squeeze a little.
OK, I know we dampened the mood, and I know we touched on
a lot of serious topics today, but
let's do what Singaporeans do best, with the next filter.
Because ignorance is bliss!!!
Alright guys!
Thanks for watching our 360 degree video!
Big shoutout to June and Luke for joining us on the shoot.
As always, remember to subscribe by clicking the red button over there
Check out our other videos at the links in the description.
For more infomation >> Singapore Stereotypes in 360!!! | 360 Video (Google Jump) - Duration: 3:46.
Comment faire 10 000 vues sur une vidéo YouTube ? - Duration: 10:12.
Hey guys and welcome to my new FAQ video before I start I just want to say thank you so much
You know, I've had it tough lately, in the sense that I've not been able to answer all your messages and emails
It's sad that I've come to this turning point, because this was the way for me to interact with you guys
You know, with emails and messages, but thankfully I have this YouTube thing going on and ...
We can interact this way instead. So I just want to say thank you so much for understanding
And yeah, just letting me do my own thing
Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to make all this content and just upload videos all the time
and you know, manage Solar Guitars and manage my life
So, thank you so much, okay?
"Hey, if you could attend any concert from the past, which would it be? Also, can you flash your ankles?"
Look at that beautiful thing right there.
This is gonna be a great thumbnail by the way
if you could have attended one concert from the past ...
You know, I probably wanted to go to that Nirvana concert that I had tickets to in 94
Before he committed suicide, I had the tickets
It would have been kind of cool to have attended that concert
because that would be the first time I would have seen Nirvana
And I was really into Nirvana at that time. So yeah, that's it, thank you.
"Hi, I'm from Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, one of the city where was World Cup
"and here were fans from any country, but most memorable were Swedish fans
"They are drank all beer, destroyed two cafes and sleep right on lawn, great people"
Sounds about right.
"Dude, you're such a breath of-
... fresh air?
Say that again.
"You're so real. I appreciate this."
Thank you so much. I appreciate you, you guys, okay?
Thank you for just keeping with me and you know understand my needs and ...
that you understand my sarcasm and my jokes
What was that? Was that the cat?
"Dear Ola, Fallout or Witcher?"
I would have said that, if you asked me two years ago, it would definitely have been fallout
I'm a big Bethesda fan, you know, Fallout and Skyrim and you know, Elder Scrolls but ...
Since ... what the hell?
It's a good day for burps, I guess. I'm sorry.
I'm gonna ... I probably have to edit a few of those away
But since like 2 years ago, I'm sold on Witcher and The Witcher series
I only played through Witcher 3 and it's amazing, it's an amazing game.
and it basically makes all the Bethesda Fallout and Skyrim games unplayable, in my opinion.
I bought Skyrim for my Nintendo switch and I just cannot play it, it's so ... it's such a flawed game
And I mean, there's no soul in it, if you compare it to Witcher
They're still enjoyable, but I mean, The Witcher games are just ... they're just something else, alright?
"Hey there, what do you think about modern super techy death metal bands
"such as The Faceless, Archspire, Fallujah and such? Yay or nay? Greetings from Germany, wish you only the best"
I'm not too much into these bands that you mentioned
but you know, they're metal bands, I can appreciate what they're doing.
It's just that I don't really listen to them that much
I mean, sometimes I hear a song, it's like 'f*** yeah, this is really awesome' and then it's like 'yeah ...'
"My wife saw your hair thingy, then she said 'I wanna beat this guy up'
"Would you rethink your approach to acquire more female audience? It is not working apparently"
Well, your wife needs to chill out a little bit if she wants to beat me up.
Maybe give her some D, you know? She needs to get laid.
"I can't lie, those slow mo hair shots were pretty hot"
I know.
Unless you have a you know, a really angry wife that just wants to beat the shit out of you
Yeah, she needs a dick.
Put that dick in there, help her out, you know?
"Hi Ola, why do you think men are more into guitars and metal?"
I think that men in general just are more exposed to metal through friends ... it's always been like that.
They have bands and maybe males are just more angry and more attracted by angry emotions
And ... I don't know, it's a good question actually
Maybe females are into metal, it's just that they do not know it yet.
And if they knew about it, they would probably make metal bands with women members in it
And that would definitely inspire more women into the metal genre. So let's make that happen.
Let's just inform every women out there that they're into metal
but it's nice to see now at least that there are a lot of female fronted singer metal bands
and hopefully that will inspire a lot of you know teenagers and kids and women in general
to just, you know, understand and appreciate metal
so we can just be all about equality in this man-dominated world.
I just ... yeah.
Yeah, I don't know.
You know, there's always gonna be someone that's like 'F*** you Ola'
'Think about this, think about that.' Well, f*** you. I'm just trying to answer my questions here.
Take it a little bit easy, get laid.
"What's your increase percentage of wahmen in your channel
"since we have been giving you advice on women?
"I want to know if it actually helped."
Well, I just checked and it's 2.3% now
So, it's still ... from when I started it's been a 0.3% increase in women
or 0.3% decrease of male people on my channel, so ...
It's more equality at least, so that's a great thing, I like it.
"Ola, you are bonkers, I love it! Any advice for starting out a new guitar-based YouTube channel?"
I think you should do it like this: first you list your favorite youtube channel
which is probably my youtube channel, I know it.
and then you steal everything that's good about me
And make your own channel, but with your own voice
so I would say ... just do whatever you think would be fun to do and just try to be yourself while doing it
Obviously you need to have a lot of content, you need to put out ...
You need to put a lot of effort into making videos and, you know, being a constant uploader
which is not easy when you're starting out and you know ...
keeping some kind of motivation for going when you do not have that many viewers
But you know, we all have to start somewhere and I know you can do it.
I mean, I'm not anyone special, so I think that anyone with a brain can probably do what I'm doing right now.
So, good luck buddy.
"Ola, why don't you use the black Washburn 3ST Pro? I saw it on your Instagram a while back
"I may be getting one of those guitars soon"
Let me check the price for you real quick, I'm just gonna see the price for you, it's ...
Yeah, if you're lucky you'll probably get one for the incredibly cheap price of like 6000 dollars
They're really priceworthy right now. So good luck, buddy.
"Hey Ola, huge fan. I was lazily watching your latest FAQ and my wife walked and the first thing she mentioned ...
'where is the crotch cam?'
See? I'm putting my mark into all your girlfriends and your wives.
So I know I'm doing a good thing. They just come back for more.
That's awesome. Okay, what should I do?
That's why I have a new great idea right now. I put up this little ass cam right here.
Look at that. Oh, okay. Let's see how that works
I think I will attract a lot more female with this little camera right here.
"Hey Ola, would you do a Slayer tone video?"
"Hey man, are you planning to get new tattoos?"
"What do you think about Polyphia and instrumental proggy bands like them?"
I don't know.
"Do you have any other potential ongoing collaborations with other youtubers other than Delta?"
"Hello Ola, since when did you start playing guitar?
"And when did you start playing well? Thanks and have a great day"
I started playing guitar when I was 13 years old
and I'm still not playing that well, I must say, so that's a little sad, I ...
"Hello Ola, I'm surprised by your age. You look a lot younger
"Is there something that concerns you about getting older? Like, are you afraid of being nearly 40?"
I think it's the burping that keeps me younger.
Is there something that concerns about me getting older...
I think the only thing that I'm concerned about, which is not really a concern
but that is that my hairline is slowly taking a walk backwards here
and eventually I'll have a skullet but you know, that's just what it is
I don't really care. Probably, at some point, I'll have to cut my hair, which is fine, you know?
I'm just gonna rock out in the meantime, okay?
"Ola, when you're on stage and there's a really powerful breakdown/riff
"would you rather headbang hard and screw a couple of notes
"or stay more reserved and play everything super cleanly?"
You know, I would probably still f*** up some notes if I was standing still
so I might as well headbang while f***ing up all my notes, that's how I look at it, you know?
So yeah, good talk.
"Ola, what do you think about the new God of War?"
Ah, I love the new God of War and I'm really taking my time with God of War, I'm playing it right now
And you know, I was in London this past weekend and I was missing God of War when I was there
I was like really ... I got abstinence.
We went outside a gaming store and I saw there was a bunch of God of War figurines in there
and I was like almost ... I almost started to cry
but now I'm back home, I'm playing it every night now, maybe like one or two hours and it's amazing
I'm really doing all the side quests and all that. It's just a great game, f*** yeah.
"Hola Ola, thanks for your signed picture last night at the 100 Club in London.
"This morning I've showed it to my girlfriend and she said you had nice muscles
"Do you do any special workouts to keep you fit? Any advice?
"As you're probably guessing, I'm feeling miserable now, no hard feelings"
That's nice to hear.
I don't really work out that ... I, you know, I lift my kids.
That's basically a simple workout for you, that I do every day.
So no, I don't really train or do anything like that. I can make ...
You know, oh, I just forgot I go to karate. Shit, I forgot about that.
Good, but it's summer break, so I forgot that I was training Karate for a second. But yeah ...
That's a good form of workout for you, it totally shapes up your legs
Alright, so Swedish word of the day: Gråtrunka.
It's an excellent word.
You know, when you're in a depressed state or you're just sad
And you know, you're just trying to help yourself feel better about yourself, you jerk off, okay?
You're trying to help your depressed situation or your sad state by jerking off and you cry at the same time
It's ... it's just ... it's a great Swedish word
I have not used it myself that much, but it's ... you know.
It's an important word and depressions are not to be taken lightly
So, a good jerk off every now and then while crying is definitely gonna help, I think so at least.
So there you go, "Gråtrunka", word of the day.
"Hello Ola, that picture you use on 'Swedish Word of the Day', What's the story? Where was the location?
"And what is the statue?"
That picture is from when I was on tour with Six 'Swede' Under and it was in Twin Falls, Idaho.
And I thought it was funny, because I called it 'Twin Balls'
You know Twin Balls Idaho, it's funny.
and that statue is in there and I just thought it was funny too, you know?
Because the statue was holding my balls.
Twinballs ... Idaho ... 'Youdaho'
"Do you have any plans to visit Dimebag and Vinnie's gravesite in Texas?"
This is something that's on my bucket list, and I'll see when, but it will happen for sure.
I will definitely go there one day, you know, it's one of my to-do things in life
And I just don't know when, maybe if I go to NAMM next year I'll swing by.
"Can't you stop making fun of metal? I would thank you for that.
"some of us musicians out there respect metal artists, but people like you make a kids' event out of it
"be serious and the metal artists wouldn't feel fooled
"It just hurts to see that as a musician student and musician"
Okay, okay.
Am I really making fun of metal? Or am I just having, you know, a good time?
In my opinion, I think a lot of people and musicians in the metal genre, they just need to lighten up a little bit.
You know, do not take yourself too seriously.
I'm not saying that this is a, you know, widespread problem in the metal genre
But I just think that a lot of people are way too stuck-up when it comes to, you know, protecting the metal genre
Who the f*** cares? I mean, it's my metal too. I do whatever I want with my genre.
You know what? I think I might Inspire people to actually go and start listening to the metal genre.
So, what is wrong with that?
So you should thank me for trying to be funny.
This is the beauty with metal, is that we're a big-ass family.
You know, a lot of us are just metal dorks, and that's fine.
and if you have to be a tough guy attitude, you know ... 'do not touch my metal' and you know ...
'Pantera is the best band and you suck'
You know, I hate that f***ing attitude, it sucks.
You should change your attitude a little bit, okay?
and if you want to have a discussion regarding this, please discuss it with me in the comment section, okay?
Thank you so much for participating in my discussion
Oh, that was the last question of this video. Thank you so much for watching.
And if you have any questions, 'pleaves', 'pleaves' leave them in the comment section
Making sure the ass cam is still there. Oh, it's there. Look at that, look at that.
Okay, so with that ass-crack on your mind, see you next time. Bye.
மெட்டிஒலி தனம் தற்போதைய நிலை அதிர்ச்சியில் ரசிகர்கள் | KOLLYWOOD GOSSIPS - Duration: 1:25.
Em gái ĐẠT VÕ hát NGÀY BUỒN hay như ca sĩ Hải Ngoại | Kim Ryna ( MV OFFICIAL ) - Duration: 4:49.
Vào bếp cùng loại rau trường thọ - Duration: 10:19.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
In the same kind of vegetables
Fast spinach rice with red spinach, rich in vitamins, minerals and protein, should be called "longevity vegetables."
1. They "longevity vegetables".
Amaranth has 3 different types:spinach, red spinach and spinach.
Red beetroot and spinach spinach are generally grouped into non-spiny amaranths, with no thorns on their bodies, unlike spinach, spinach with thorns growing throughout the tree.
White amber rice is very beautiful, and flowers are gathered on top, like small rice noodles,
Red, red, or purplish red spinach, and they do not have cups of rice such as white amaranth.
Vegetables are widely grown in Vietnam, China, India, Greece and some African countries.
In our country, this vegetable is grown to make vegetables.
The tops are young shoots, young leaves, young stalks and young trees (removed roots).
Medicines used in traditional medicine,
Stems and stalks, because these two parts contain many good substances and activates the body.
Amaranth rice together with red spinach, referred to collectively as "longevity vegetables".
As this vegetable is very nutritious, perhaps this utility topped the table, in the vegetable group,
It is rich in vitamins and minerals, compared to other vegetables, and it is also rich in protein.
The term life is also appropriate, because it also contains within itself, valuable biological active,
It eliminates and prevents chronic diseases, malignancy, and diseases that reduce human lifespan.
According to the study, nutritionally speaking, spinach is a good source of nutrients.
Of course, two important nutrients, water and fiber, always make up a large proportion (88% of water),
Beetroot is rich in calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.
Rice porridge also contains many vitamins such as:pre-vitamin A, B1, B3, C.
Protein content in spinach, accounting for 2.11% of total edible portion, was relatively high with vegetable and vegetable species.
Active antioxidants in rice veggies, active nearly 30, (in the IC50 scale, antioxidant activity scale).
Studies have concluded that spinach is a vegetable rich in protein, fiber, carbohydrates, energy and minerals.
In traditional medicine, sweet spinach has sweet taste, coolness.
Eat whole veggies should eat the body, if you eat away the body, it is considered wasted.
Amaranth rice has the effect of heat, low profit, cool blood, stop dysentery, stop bleeding,
treatment of heat in, caused by hot sun, inflammation of urinary incontinence, nosebleed.
According to some new research papers, leaves and saplings before flowering, diuretic effect,
Diarrhea, excretory excretion from the intestine, used in the new formulation, is the inflammation, abscess,
gonorrhea, dysentery, intestinal helminth infections, (especially worms, pinworms), inflammation of the testicles, hemorrhoids.
In Nigeria, spinach is also made into a fluid,
(using high technology), blood transfer, blood purification.
Some modern research centers, also formulated into cream from vegetable spinach, to treat inflammation in the eye.
In some places medicine is also prescribed, to treat epilepsy and seizures,
For a number of different causes in children, including high febrile seizures, epilepsy, calcium deficiency.
Some other centers also showed that the leaves of amaranth rice also have the function of medicine to cool fever, so it is used as a medicine, a vegetable that helps support the treatment of high fever.
As the amaranth rice is more potassium, the ash of this vegetable, also used to produce drinking water, carbonated water.
2. 3 selective uses.
Since spinach has many nutritional uses, and different healing, we shorten the following:3 typical uses of spinach.
Cure urinary incontinence:
As spinach has the effect of diuretic, low chemistry, edema, should be very beneficial in cases, urine, water out of balance.
Drinking water, but not regularly, is uncommon.
In the form of urinary incontinence symptoms, there are many different diseases such as:urinary tract inflammation makes the urine,
urine that urine is not clear, kidney stones make urine not, water does not float, urinating stagnation.
Furthermore, spinach is also proven to be detrimental to E. coli, a bacterium that is commonly found in urinary tract infections, so useful.
Just eat fast vegetable veggies daily, about 100 to 300g of vegetables per day, was able to affect the urinary tract.
Same as this, but purple amaranth is even more effective.
Cure dysentery, intestinal parasitic infection:
As spinach is a vegetable, it is carcinogenic to dysentery, causes intestinal disease,
If the body is sick, eat raw spinach rice, such as medication.
The good thing is, this drug is very natural, non-toxic, does not affect the intestinal tract and nutrition, should be considered as not nutritional insecurity.
If you read any symptoms of constant abdominal pain, stools at a little sad, every moment is sad again,
Structural instability, as well as mucus at the end of the beach, though more or less, vegetable spinach is very worth eating vegetables.
The bactericidal effect, not as strong as special antibiotics, but combined with rice spinach,
Do not increase the toxic dose of the drug, and just get the interesting use, it is worth to eat.
Just take the amaranth rice, one day about 500 to 600g, divided into 2 meals.
Eat for a week, during treatment, will see the effect.
Poor eating, hot in, hot flashes:
This use is interesting, because people who are anorexia, poor eating, if actively eating spinach, can reverse the disease.
That's because, the synthetic effects, obtained from this vegetable.
Include:heat bar, should work to reduce heat in, help balance the body.
Heat dissipation, should be flushed out.
It also stimulates the new epidemic, creating enzyme digestion, gastric juice is full.
In summary, they create a great appetite effect.
To create this effect is not difficult, just hard to eat fast spinach, with 400g, in a day, for 10 days is enough.
Of course, severe cases, which can not be overcome, physical pathological conditions in the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestinal tract, need to be treated.
In the case of eating disorders, you just let the spinach rice hand.
In this way, be guided specifically in the application corner, which you can find in this newspaper about spinach.
3. Application Corner.
Mild spinach soup cooked shrimp.
Vegetable soup 400g, garlic 10g.
20g dried shrimp, oil 15ml, (3 teaspoons).
Tofu 250g, salt, noodles, just enough.
Preliminary treatment:
Mild amber rice choose white, white, big leaves, but not flowering.
Take the tops, young leaves.
Body stripping off the outer shell, then take the edible parts.
Rinse, drain, cut a knuckle.
Shrimp is dried, washed with water to make dust.
Then soak in hot water, about 5 minutes.
Then pick out, to 5 minutes to drain, minced.
Garlic peeled, crushed, chopped.
If you just slice, the garlic will not release the oil, and will not smell.
Wash the tofu with clean water, cut into small pieces of 1/4 of a matchbox.
Rinse the pot, put it on the stove, heat it up to dry.
Add all the oil, heat and boil.
Put garlic on the aroma, until golden garlic and incense.
Moderate fire.
Shrimp in, a little salt in stir fry.
When the shrimp to cut the tofu into slices, stir evenly, for about 1 to 2 minutes, for bean sprouts and oil.
Add about 1 liter of water for just enough to eat.
Boil, put spinach on, stir evenly, boil for half a minute then north.
Add the main noodles, salt to taste.
Eat when the soup is hot.
Product Requirements:
Clear water, light green, sweet of shrimp and spinach.
Shrimp and tofu soaked in taste.
Beans are not crushed in the soup, whole pieces.
Vegetables are not broken, crushed.
Cook has no taste, get up the smell of garlic.
Health benefits:
The general use of this dish is the heat bar, detoxification, new epidemic, stimulate digestion, strong intestinal enzyme, help people less food, more appetite.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
DUPONT CORAGENकी जगह ये इस्तेमाल करें/गन्ने में कीड़ों का सस्ता उपाय/Dupont Coragen use/AGRIL CAREER - Duration: 3:28.
🎙 Commentary de Match Duo 👥 🌀 Pokémon Ultra Soleil & Ultra Lune | Menil-Dylan - Duration: 7:19.
I wish you good viewing ➡ 👍🔁💬 🙏 Look at the cards 📝 the description 🙏 #SubREM27 in the comments, if you read this 😘
Play Dot Stamp - Duration: 2:34.
Spaghetti with Fresh Tomato Sauce Recipe - Duration: 4:49.
Fresh Tomato Pasta
Ingredients for 3 people: 500 g ripe tomatoes 30 g almonds 1 onion 1 clove of garlic 60 g extra virgin olive oil 2 dried tomatoes (soaked in 1 hour) 1 handful basil salt as required
Cut tomato and onion into pieces
Put all the ingredients in the blender
Blend the tomato sauce
Keep the sauce in the fridge
Meanwhile, cook the pasta
Season the pasta with the fresh tomato sauce
Thanks for watching!
Karaoke LK Thề Non Hẹn Biển - Tuyệt Phẩm nhạc sống đám cưới hay nhất về tình yêu - Duration: 1:41:34.
Part 5 Best Free Educational WebSites For Students & Job Holders - Duration: 7:49.
online ilm seekho Subscribe the channel.
ক্যারিবিয়ানে তামিমের অনন্য রেকর্ড || West Indies vs Bangladesh 2018 || 3rd ODI Highlights - Duration: 1:30.
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Trực Tiếp - LK Hòa tấu cha cha cha Bằng lòng đi em - Duration: 1:08:00.
Thai Fried Banana | Thai Street Food Recipe | Gluay Tod |थाई फ्राइड केला - Duration: 3:46.
Friends welcome to easyfoodmaking.com
today we are going to make famous dish of Thailand
fried banana. its street food.
Let see what ingredient we need
1 banana,
1 spoon maida, coconut powder, we have soaked
in child water, if you have fresh coconut then use that if you have coconut power soak
it in chilled water for 2 – 3 min it will become fresh, 1 spoon besan(gram flour) , 1
spoon roasted sesame seed(roasted Til ), 1 spoon sugar, if you eat more sweet then take
more, 1 bowl rice flour, coconut fresh milk according to need we will use this, for frying
we have taken refined oil.
Lets start making peel the banana and cut it, keep it aside and make
paste ready.
Take one bowl, put Rice flour, maida, sugar, besan, roasted til and coconut powder mix
all, 1 pinch salt and baking soda is optional, use coconut milk and make paste.
Paste is perfect; we will coat this paste on banana after that we will do the deep fry.
Dip the banana in the paste once fully covered do the deep fry, same way we will dip the
entire banana.
Put the flame medium, we will flip the entire banana so it will be fried both the side,
till it become dark we will do the deep fry, color is dark now we will switch off the flame
and take out the fried banana, Hot hot thia fried banana street food is ready
you can serve it hot or cold it will be taste in both way.
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