Hi friends! Welcome to IndianGirlChannel Trisha and if you are new in my channel, I am Trisha.
In today's video i will show you what products to add to your shampoo to make your hair more silky and shiny.
Also your scalp will become healthier. So without wasting anytime let's watch what should be added in your shampoo.
First of all take a container and add your favourite shampoo in it, according to your need.
Take another container and collect 2-3 teaspoon of lemon juice in it.
Now add this lemon juice with the shampoo.
Now take 2-3 teaspoon of aloe vera gel of your choice and add to it. You can also add fresh aloe vera gel if your want.
I have added lemon juice because it cleans dandruff and adds shine to lifeless hairs. It also has vitamin c, vitamin b, follic acid and other minerals which keeps your scalp and hair healthy.
I have added aloe vera gel as well because it has an enzyme named protyolytic which repairs your dead skin cells. It also serves as a conditioner which makes your hair soft and shiny.
This mixture is very amazing to wash your hair. After using it, my hair feels softer and shinier than before. So you should definitely try this out and share your experience with me.
I hope all of you have liked this small but effective home remedy. If you have liked the video then hit the like button and share it with your friends.
For more infomation >> ADD THIS TO YOUR SHAMPOO AND SEE THE MAGIC#GET SOFT, SHINY,SILKY HAIR - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Okinawa, Japan: Peace Billiards....A Poolhall Review! - Duration: 8:18.
Hey welcome to my first pool hall review vlog. I'm here in Okinawa Japan
and I'm excited to take you to one of my favorite places to go play pool when I'm
here. It's a nice little laid-back place outside of Kadena Air Base in the
Okinawa Prefecture. If you're looking for a place to practice or play this may be
the spot for you. To help you find the location I placed a Google Maps pin link
in the description below so without any further delay let's get going.
I,m here with the owner Yoshida.
And he's uh he's a he's a pretty avid pool player so
Yoshida how long have you been playing pool?
Ten years.
Ten years, okay and what cue do you play with?
Mezz cue with shaft 314-2.
Alright, so, Mezz cue with a 314-2 Predator shaft.
Nice. Who's your favorite pool player?
Poolplayer? Uh, Efren Reyes.
Efren Reyes yes. He's one of my favorite too.
How long has Peace Billiards been in business?
Two years.
Two years? Alright.
And um, what are your hours?
Hours, um 5 o'clock to 5 o'clock.
Ok, 5:00 PM to 5:00 AM every day a week.
Alright, and do you have any weekly tournaments that somebody might be able to join?
Every Monday.
Ok cool, every Monday.
So this is again, this is Yoshida.
He is the owner of Peace Billiards and we're gonna uh shoot, a few sets.
So sit back and enjoy.
Okay. One thing I forgot to tell you. Yoshida, he's really good.
In fact he's ranked 17th on the island which has a population of 1.4 million people.
A little bit more information about Peace Billiards.
If you couldn't tell from the video, they have five nine-foot tables.
They're all really level and the rails are in really good shape and they play fast.
Pool equipment is kept up and well maintained and the pool balls are cleaned
on a regular basis. As far as amenities go they have beer as well as most of your
common liquors they even have some bar food.
Well that's it. That's my first pool hall review.
It's been real interesting and I learned a lot.
I hope you enjoyed the video. If you did please hit the like button below and comment.
Also, subscribe to the channel so you can stay up to date
with some new and upcoming videos that will be coming out soon.
Until next time I'll see you guys later.
U16 Việt Nam nhọc nhằn đánh bại U16 Campuchia ở trận ra quân - Duration: 2:37.
The Best New Camera App For Android 2018! - Duration: 2:04.
3 dead, 7 injured in New Orleans shooting; killers on the loose - Duration: 3:21.
【Kman】鬼斧神工!狂拼6小時不間斷!夾15換鋼鐵人積木!ft.萬董#378 - Duration: 14:44.
Agriculture needs science, not politics - Duration: 7:22.
Homescapes Level 869 - How to complete Level 869 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:41.
"How to beat level 869 on Homescapes"
How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week - Lose Belly Fat Fast | Natural Drink For Weight Loss - Duration: 2:06.
reduce belly fat and lose weight in one week today we are going to learn about
preparation of most effective and 100% proven two different types of natural
drinks for weight loss let us see the preparation of first drink for this we
need 1/2 lemon ginger pieces glass of water and honey first boil the water
along with ginger pieces after changing water color of this towel and leave it
to cool down now strain this ginger water into a glass and squeeze half
lemon and add 1 TSP of honey consume this drink daily early in the morning
with empty stomach second drink for this simple and effective drink
we need a glass of water 1/2 lemon and 2 garlic cloves take fresh water in a
glass and squeeze lemon in it eat two peeled claws directly with empty stomach
and drink this lemon water repeat this process daily early in the
morning for effective results follow these two remedies alternatively and
regularly within one to two weeks you will see amazing results thank you for
watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
Science Says: Record heat, fires worsened by climate change - Duration: 7:20.
'We are disgusted, we are infuriated,' New Orleans mayor says after pair fire into crowd, killing 3 - Duration: 4:21.
Palestinian protest icon Tamimi released from Israeli prison - Duration: 3:25.
Nothing Compares To You- Kamphor (Behind The Scenes/Recording Video) (Lyrics in Subtitles/CC) - Duration: 5:15.
I know world is against
But we have a little wind
When You sleep in his arms
Tell me Baby are you fine?
Matter of Words and Matters of Time
Lost in the Blink of eye
When I reach for your hands
Horizon's where you stand
Nothing Compares To You
If you say yes once
I'll come run into your arms
Nothing Compares To You
If you say yes once
I'll come hold you keep you warm
Nothing Compares To You
Nothing Compares To You
Are you happy in this Dream?
I can sleep with nightmares
If this is what it seems
I can choke on fresh air
Waiting on the pavements
Walking for a hundred miles
What is Derangement?
When you have lost your mind !!
Nothing Compares To You
If you say yes once
I'll come run into your arms
Nothing Compares To You
If you say yes once
I'll come hold you keep you warm
Nothing Compares To You
Nothing Compares To You
Nothing Compares To You..
If you say yes once
I'll come run into your arms
Nothing Compares To You
If you say yes once
I'll come hold you keep you warm
Nothing Compares To You
Nothing Compares To You
Nothing Compares To You
Nothing Compares To You
Nothing Compares To You
Nothing Compares To You
PORTAVELAS de ARCILLA en forma de FLOR - Duration: 2:50.
செல்ஃபீ எடுத்துக்கொண்டே கார் ஒட்டிய நண்பர்கள் ..நடந்த விபரீதத்தை பாருங்க KOLLYWOOD GOSSIPS - Duration: 1:00.
10 momenti di XX secolo - Duration: 5:26.
Antep için söyle. Ses Ver GAZİANTEP. Ferit Ginol Anısına. - Duration: 8:53.
How to be More Productive at Home - Duration: 4:26.
Being productive is crucial for achieving your goals and dreams.
Today I'm going to teach you 5 strategies to improve your
productivity at home. With so many
distractions at home such as social
media, shows, games and internet in general, it gets very hard to
be productive. After all who wouldn't
want to watch another episode of Game of Thrones or when the
last one ended on a cliffhanger. However, if you want to achieve
your dreams, some sacrifices will be required. So let's get started.
Number 1) The routine.
It's very important to make a good routine.
For example, if you're looking to make studying easier. You
could clean your desk before you study and watch your favourite tv
show or play your favourite video game as a reward at the end of
your study session. You could also start studying at a certain
time every day and study for a certain period of time
for this to be even more effective you could use the pomodoro technique
For those that do not know the Pomodoro technique implies that you
take 5-minute breaks for every 25 minutes of work. This 30-minute
session is called a Pomodoro and after you do four Pomodoros you
need to take a 15 to 30 minutes break. Now that we have covered
the routines let's go to strategy number 2) To do lists. People
often diminish the power of a to-do list, but writing down your
thoughts instead of having them float around your head whole day
helps a bucnh. Also, the satisfaction
of getting a task done and marking the checkbox as complete
can be a great motivator for some. I would also recommend making a
90-day plan where you write out all your goals for 3 months
why you want to achieve those goals
and how are you going to achieve them.
Break the goals into smaller steps that you can put into your daily to-do lists.
Number 3) Managing time. If you
spend a lot of time on the computer,
it's very easy to lose track of what you're actually doing.
But you don't want to track your every move online, fear not there
is a great app for that and it's called rescuetime. RescueTime
tracks all your usage on the computer
and labels it in several categories.
The 3 Biggest being,
Entertainment, Neutral and Productive.
By using Rescue time you can pinpoint what uses most of your
time and then avoid such source of entertainment. For example, if
youtube were to use 4 hours of your
time daily then you could try
lowering your time on youtube by 15
minutes each day. You could even use app to block you a website
after you spend a certain time on it.
I heard that StayFocusd is good for that but I have not used
it personally yet. I will put links in the
description for both rescuetime and stayfocusd.
Now let's go onto Number 4) Focusing on one thing at a time.
Not many of you know this, but
Multitasking is a myth. By doing multiple things at a time you
are actually doing one thing at a time but switching between them.
By constantly switching between 2 or more tasks you are losing time
and focus. What you should do instead is
focus on one thing at a time. It will help you get tasks
done much faster. Try it for yourself and compare the results.
Number 5) Take a break. In society
working hard is praised, but it's a bad practice. Brad Stulber and
Steve Magness in their book
Peak Performance heavily emphasize this idea.
To grow you should alternate periods of stress and rest. Tackle
just manageable challenges you should not feel fully in control
on purpose, then rest on purpose. Every so often you
should just take a walk and disconnect from your work. If you
tackle challenges that are just manageable, you will be able to
handle those challenges with ease
in the future. Thus going to harder
challenges which you could not
complete when you started. To recap.
In order to increase productivity
at home, you should do these things.
Make a routine, make a to-do list, manage your time
better, focus only on one thing at a time and take breaks. If you
apply these things to your daily life, you will surely be more productive.
Thank you guys for watching this video
Please subscribe for more videos just like this one
If you enjoyed this video, leave a like and tell me in the comment section below
Which of these 5 strategies will you first apply?
If you're looking for additional knowledge the
pinned comment below this video contains more
tips and tricks on increasing your productivity
See you guys in the next video
Fortnite How To Get FREE SAVE The WORLD! (FREE Save The World) in Fortnite: Battle Royale! - Duration: 4:25.
in this video I'm gonna teach you guys how to get save the world for free let's
get into it
yo it's good YouTube its kanez and welcome back to my channel hopefully you
guys are all having an amazing day so far so what we're gonna be looking at in
today's video is a method that you guys could actually use to get save the world
for 100% free in foreign aid battery out whether you're on playstation or xbox
and of course PC but before the video does start I just like to let you guys
know about the giveaway that I am running on my channel for 1000v bucks
now if you guys do want to enter into that all you guys have to do is just
subscribe to my channel drop a like on this video and turn on post
notifications and make sure to stay active on the channel because the more
videos you watch in mind the more bonus entries you guys get so just continue
watching my videos and stay updated on the channel and you guys will have a way
higher percentage of winning this giveaway and just a disclaimer before I
actually show you guys the glitch this is only for educational purposes only so
just do whatever you want with it but I'm not forcing you guys to do
whatsoever you're in control of your own actions and also I do have gameplay of
the glitch and my friend life is good actually gave it to me for me to use in
this video so make sure goes drop him a sub his link will be down into the
description thank you guys don't want to do this just make sure to wait around
mid season 5 because it was liek that save the world is gonna be free mid
season 5 so if you could actually wait for it to come out then just do so so
let's finally get into this glitch so as you guys see on screen I'm just showing
you guys that there is no save in the world on this account it wasn't
purchased so now this is a very important part of the glitch so just
going to the Battle Royale version of the game and make sure you turn your
party privacy the public and press triangle or Y to apply it so lots of
mistake that a lot of people do and then they end up thinking that the glitch
doesn't work is because they didn't apply it so like if you had it on
private anything press triangle or Y then it will not be saved as public and
this is another important part of the glitch I make sure just send a couple of
invites to yourself more than one is gonna be important because if something
goes wrong with one of the invites you could obviously just do that part of the
glitch with another invite so once you did all of that just close the
application and once that happens you guys are just gonna to start up for a
night again so you guys are just gonna need to wait for it to load as you guys
the right word there's no way this is real life there's no
so once the game is loaded up before you do anything just make sure except one of
your invites to the game now as you guys seen the gameplay it actually ends up
messing up so it says like there was an error in trying to get into the lobby
cuz obviously it's your own invite so there's no Lobby available for you to
join I mean it is preferable about it it doesn't happen but if it does happen you
guys it's okay cuz just press confirm and go into the battle royale and as
you're loading into the battery I'll accept another invite that you sent to
yourself before so now the loading screen should take a little bit of time
but once it's done loading so you guys should pop up in the save-the-world
portion of the game so I just guys C can log-in and failed to join party and now
it glitches you into the save the world part of the game so you guys will
actually have forever and many of the other glitches that show you how to get
save the world for free you actually can't do missions on it but now this
glitch lets you do whatever you want on save the world so thank you guys so much
for watching today's video peace out you wanna have a great day
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