We're about to get super silly with letter sounds.
It's Nick Jr. Tongue Twisters.
This first one has a lot of "sh" sounds.
Shimmer and Shine shimmy
with their shiny shoes.
Shimmer and Shine shimmy with their shiny shoes.
Zahara Zlam!
Now say it again, but faster.
Shimmer and Shine shimmy with their shiny shoes.
Shimmer and Shine shimmer--
Shimmer and Shine shimmy with their shiny shoes.
Shimmer and Shine shimmy with their shiny shoes.
This next tongue twister has lots of words that start with the 'er' sound.
Rubble's tummy really rumbles for red raspberries.
Rubble's tummy really
rumbles for red raspberries.
Can you say it faster?
Rubble's tummy really--
Rubble's tummy really--
Rubble's tummy rumbles for--
For red raspberries.
Time for the last tongue twister.
Listen for the 'p' sound in this one.
I'm Penny, by the way.
Penny plays ping pong at a party with her pals.
Penny plays ping pong at a party with her pals.
Let's try it a little faster.
Penny plays ping pong at a party with her pals.
Penny plays ping pong--
Come on!
Penny plays ping pong
with a party with her pa--
What was that?
Penny plays ping pong at a party with her pals.
Penny plays ping pong at a party with her pals. Yes!
- I got it! - Terrific tongue twisting!
Have more fun with your friends
everywhere you find Nick Jr.
[music playing]
You can find full episodes of your favorite shows
in the free Nick Jr. app!
For more infomation >> Read-Along Tongue Twisters w/ PAW Patrol, Shimmer and Shine & Top Wing ✏️ | Nick Jr. - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Jeep Wrangler JK Tuffy Tailgate Security Enclosure (2007-2018) Review & Install - Duration: 4:32.
The Tuffy Tailgate Security Enclosure is for those of you that have a 2011 to 2018 2-door
JK that are looking for a way to add some security to that rear area of your Jeep.
That space between the rear seat and the tailgate itself is just left wide open if you don't
have something like this in place, but if you do add something like this, you're going
to be able to put some stuff in there, use the factory lock on the tailgate in order
to secure that area.
This is a very easy piece to install.
Very simplistic but it gets the job done.
As I said, very easy install here.
I'm gonna give this a one out of three wrenches.
You just have to remove a couple of the existing screws in the floor of your Jeep, add this
piece in, replace those bolts.
Very, very simple, and we'll show you how to get it installed in just a second.
So, Tuffy has been making security products for some time now, and they're known for making
some really high-quality stuff that cannot be broken into, and this is gonna be no different
from that.
Now, this isn't going to be a completely enclosed box with its own lock on it.
However, this is going to do a nice job of integrating into the factory tailgate so that
as you close that, as you lock it with your regular central locking system on your Jeep,
that area is now closed and secured.
So whether you have a hard top, you have a soft top, this is gonna add a secure place
to keep stuff in your Jeep, and it's going to do it all at what I think is a pretty fair
So if you are looking to add some security to your 2-door, this is going to be a pretty
good choice.
As for construction, this is going to be built out of a 16 gauge steel covered in a black
powder coat finish.
Everything is welded and riveted together, giving you a nice strong piece.
This does have weather stripping all the way around, so it is going to keep any sort of
moisture out.
You're also not going to get any kind of weird whistling or anything like that when you do
have the top down on your soft top or your hard top removed.
As I said, this is only one piece.
It bolts into your Jeep very, very easily, and it gives you a nice secure place to keep
your stuff.
I mentioned before that I think this is a pretty fair price for what you're getting.
This comes in at just over $200, and again, I think that's a really good deal if you're
going to be keeping anything of any value in your Jeep.
You want to keep it locked up.
$200 is a pretty low price to pay for the additional peace of mind and the additional
security of having a nice large secure cargo area behind the rear seat of your Jeep.
Now I'll have a member of the install team show you how you get this bolted up.
Alright, first thing we're gonna do is remove the two T30 Torx bolts located on each side
of the trunk.
We're now ready to install our security enclosure.
We need to make sure that these corners right here tuck under.
It's gonna give it a nice snug fit.
All right, we're ready to bolt down that security enclosure now, and you wanna make sure that
you lift up on your plastic trim and you allow the security enclosure to slide underneath.
We're gonna do that on both sides.
Okay, now put our T30 Torx bolts back in place.
So, if you're looking to add some security to the cargo area of your 2-door JK, I would
recommend this option here from Tuffy, and you can find it right here at extremeterrain.com.
Live PD: Welfare Check'd Out (Season 2) | A&E - Duration: 3:26.
Bode And Morgan Miller Open Up About Drowning Death Of Daughter Emmy | TODAY - Duration: 10:45.
Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - July 28, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:42.
6 Free Keyword Research Tools for SEO (and How to Use Them) - Duration: 13:21.
Today, we're looking at the best free keyword research tools and how to use them to power
your keyword research.
And before I forget, we're giving away free Ahrefs accounts to not one....but three of
our subscribers.
Stay tuned.
What's up SEOs.
Sam Oh here with Ahrefs, the SEO tool that helps you grow your search traffic, research
your competitors, and dominate your niche.
Now, there are certain stigmas around the word "free?"
And to a certain extent, they're true.
With free keyword research tools, you may not get the "top-notch" features that
come with premium tools, but you can get quite a bit of value when using the tools together
and correctly.
So today, I'm going to show you how each of these keyword research tools work and then
I'll show you how you can use them in tandem for a solid keyword research process that
won't cost you a penny.
Make sure to watch this whole video, so you can get the full deets on the contest and
seeing some parts in the video can increase your chances of winning.
You'll see.
Let's dive in.
The first tool is Google Correlate.
Google correlate finds queries with a similar pattern to a target data series.
So if I type in "lose weight," then you can see that people are also interested in
exercises, fattening, they want to lose specifically 20 lbs, build muscle, lose belly fat, and
the list goes on.
So the main pro with Google Correlate is that you can find subtopics, which will help you
maximize coverage on the topic and possibly get more organic keyword rankings.
Plus, you can find hidden gems in here since the results are relational and not necessarily
bound by phrase match or keyword matching like many premium tools do.
The two major cons of this tool is that there are no search metrics that accompany these keywords.
And second, you'll often find keywords that apparently have a high correlation like this
one, but make absolutely no sense.
Next is Keyword Shitter.
This tool mines Google auto suggest keywords based on a seed keyword.
So if I type in "lose weight," then it'll start mining data.
The main pro of this tool is that you can generate thousands of related and long tail keywords.
They also have nice positive and negative filters you can use to narrow down your list.
For example, if I wanted to find modifier keywords, then I could enter in best, top,
and 2018, which narrows down our results quite nicely.
There are a couple major cons to this tool.
First, it can take quite a long time to find keywords that are actually meaningful.
And the very obvious con is that there are no search metrics which can take a while to
batch process in another tool.
But this can be solved with the next keyword research tool and that's Keywords Everywhere.
Keywords Everywhere is a Google Chrome browser extension that adds an inline view of search
metrics on popular websites.
You'll need to install the extension, sign up for a free account, and then enter your
API key into the settings.
Now, when you go to any of these sites, you'll get instant keyword metrics.
So if I go to Google search and type in a keyword phrase, then you'll see the various
metrics right beside your target search query as well as the auto suggestions.
You'll also see related keywords and other keywords that people search for on the right
side of the search results page.
The obvious pro is that you get all of the search metrics for free considering Google
Keyword Planner started restricting that data from users who aren't advertising on Adwords.
So that is awesome!
But there is one very serious issue.
As far as I know, they source their data through Google Keyword Planner alone.
The thing is that Keyword Planner uses "buckets" to group keywords.
Russ Jones gave a good example of this in one of his blog posts.
He said:
"When a keyword returns a traffic volume of 201,000, it isn't because the keyword was
actually visited that many times, but just that it was closer to 201,000 than the next
biggest bucket of 246,000."
Let me show you an example.
If you look at the keyword results for "chicken soup ingredients", you'll see that it
has a search volume of 2,900.
And if you look at the singular form of this, "chicken soup ingredient," you'll see
that it returns the exact same result, when you and I both know that that isn't true.
Now, compare that with Ahrefs' toolbar which shows you that the plural has around 1,000
monthly searches, while the singular has only 10 monthly searches.
So that's a major con in my books since we won't know if we can fully trust the
data that we're getting.
But in all fairness, even as an Adwords user, you would see similar results.
The next tool is search engine auto suggest.
And no, I'm not talking about Google.
There are numerous other search engines that you and I use every single day like Amazon,
Pinterest, YouTube and the list goes on.
So if you're in a niche business like making homemade cards, then you might head over to
Etsy and type in something like "cards."
And as the autosuggest populates, you can see all sorts of great keyword ideas like
cards box with nearly 15,000 monthly searches, cards for boyfriend with 2,900 monthly searches
and so on.
But remember, these search volumes beside the keyword are based on Google searches,
and not Etsy or whatever website you're looking at.
Suggestions from niche sites like this will likely produce better results than just using
Google where the keyword "cards" can also be related to a game, bakeries or even finance
like credit cards.
The next tool is Google Trends and this is one of my favorite tools.
Using Trends, you can see the past and present popularity of a keyword or topic.
For example, if I search for "selfie stick," you'll see that the trend seems pretty stable
over the past 12 months.
And Keywords Everywhere shows that it has a monthly search volume of over 200,000 monthly
But is that really so?
Remember, search volumes from Google Keyword Planner are rounded annual averages based
on those buckets of keywords.
So, if we change the Trends view to the past 5 years, you'll see that they were incredibly
popular for about half a year in 2015.
And then it spiked again, and again, and again.
But as each spike happened, you'll see that they were related to seasonality since most
happened around Christmas time.
But after each spike, the popularity continued to decrease.
And if you look at the search query in Keywords Explorer tool, you'll see that it has a
monthly search volume of 54,000 searches, and you can see the same trend in search volume
as it continues to decline.
What's even crazier is that if you scroll down to the SERP overview, you'll see that
the top pages only get around 7,000 visitors from organic search, which is around 13% of
the search volume.
So a solid pro to Google Trends is that you can do market research on a niche, product,
or topic and get an understanding if it's worth your time and effort to pursue.
A con is that since Google Trends is based on popularity among all keywords and all topics,
you won't really know anything about search volume or how much organic traffic this term
can generate for you.
In my opinion, this tool is indispensable, so use trend data to get an understanding
of whether your keywords and topics are worth targeting over the long haul.
But you'll would need to pair it with a keyword research tool that provides accurate
metrics to get a full scope.
And the final tool is a fan favorite.
And that's Answer the Public.
Just type in a seed keyword, run the search, and you'll see that it has hundreds of questions,
prepositions, comparisons, and more.
If we go to the questions section, and switch to the data view, you can see the search volumes
since we have the Keywords Everywhere extension installed.
So a solid pro is that you can find some nice long-tail keyword phrases here.
And it's a great way to get keyword ideas if you wanted to create an FAQ section on
your site to get traffic from potentially low competition keywords.
As for cons, the data is actually quite limited.
You might think that 170 or so questions seems like a lot.
But compare that to Ahrefs questions keywords report.
We found over 93,000 questions for the same seed keyword and have some awesome filters
that you can pair them with.
For example, we can set this to a maximum keyword difficulty score of zero and show
only keywords that have at least 50 searches per month.
And now we're down to a little bit more queries than Answer the Public tool showed.
But we know that these are easy to rank for keywords in the ultra competitive weight loss nice.
Now, when you're doing keyword research, you don't need to use all of these tools.
So, let me show you a simple workflow you can follow.
For our example, let's say that I sell homemade cards.
With Keywords Everywhere extension installed, I'll go to Google and search for my topic.
And if you look to the right for "people also search for", you can see that a
better keyword phrase might be "handmade cards," since the search volume is higher
and the meaning is pretty much the same, right?
From here, you can look for a common theme in Google's search results to understand
search intent.
And it looks like people searching for this are mostly looking for handmade card ideas.
So I might create my own list post of handmade card ideas.
Next, go to Google trends and type in the keyword phrase so you know that the topic
isn't or hasn't faded completely.
And I'll set the date to the past 5 years to get a better representation of the topic
over time.
It looks a little volatile, but this is likely due to seasonality since the big spikes normally
come around Christmas and Valentines day.
So the idea seems good so far, so I'll go to Answer the Public and type in my topic idea.
And it doesn't look like there are any questions, but there are 60 or so prepositions.
So I'll click "data" for the list view and we can see search volumes and CPC data
because of the Keywords Everywhere extension.
Here, you can see "for boyfriend," "for teachers," and "for birthday" seem to
all get searches every month.
So an idea that comes to mind is that we can create a post of handmade card ideas with
different sections like "for your boyfriend" or "for your girlfriend", or "for birthdays"
so people can quickly filter through the section that they want to read through.
From here, I'd probably write up my post, do some further on-page SEO, and promote the
heck out of it.
Seems pretty solid, right?
But there are a few big problems and questions left unanswered.
#1. The idea seems great, but we don't know if Google wants to see one page or numerous
pages on these topics.
Meaning, we don't know if they're 100% related to a searcher's intent.
#2. We don't know what it will take to rank high for our target keyword or whether we
can rank at all.
And 3: We don't know whether people will actually click through to the pages on the
search engine results page, right.
And if people don't click, then you don't get any traffic.
The tools lack depth and having multiple pieces to a crazy puzzle like keyword research makes
it challenging to assemble the pieces together.
Now, I know this is a video about free keyword tools, but that also means I need to show
you the downsides compared to paid tools like Keywords Explorer.
If I type in a seed keyword like handmade cards, you can see a more recent search volume
because we use Clickstream to update and refine our search volume data every single week.
Plus you'll see the trend data right below.
Another big part is that we show the number of clicks that actually happen on the search
results page broken down by the percentage of clicks that go to paid vs. organic results.
And if we scroll down to the top 10 SERP overview, you can see all of the top ranking pages and
how much organic traffic that they get each month.
If you look at the "top keyword" column for this search query, you can see that the
ranking pages seem to rank for very different keywords, which tells me that the search intent
for something like this may be somewhat unclear.
Scrolling up a bit, you can see the SERP history graph which shows that this term is actually
highly volatile, which further proves that search intent for this keyword is unclear.
The results are jumping in and out of the top 10, so it may be an indication that Google
doesn't quite know which pages best serve the intention of the searchers.
So we could have potentially targeted a topic where it would be difficult to predict whether
we could rank and actually retain the spot.
If we modify the search a bit and go as generic as writing "cards" in our search, then
we can head on over to the phrase match report to find awesome keyword ideas fast.
But as expected, you'll see a lot of irrelevant topics like cards against humanity, business
cards, and house of cards.
We can laser in on relevant topics by using the "include" feature and type in handmade,
homemade, and other spelling variations separated by commas.
Then I'll click on this dropdown to show any of these keywords.
And right away, you can see a bunch of good stuff here.
The cool thing is that you can see that the word, "handmade," isn't always the most
frequently searched keyword.
Now this, would be a solid list of a keyword ideas that should fill up your content schedule
for months or maybe even years.
So while all of these free keyword research tools are great for quick overviews and tasks,
they tend to lack a lot of features that give you the full scope on a topic or keyword.
When you're just starting out, free keyword research tools are fine to use.
But as your website and business grow, you're disadvantaging yourself because there are
just so many more things you can do with premium tools.
So in the theme of free keyword research tools, we want to give away Ahrefs standard accounts
to three of our awesome subscribers for 30 days.
In addition to Keywords Explorer, you'll have access to all of our tools like our backlink
checker, Content Explorer, Site Audit, and more.
It's dead simple to enter.
First, subscribe to our YouTube channel and like this video.
Second, leave a comment and tell us which feature in Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer you
love or would love to use the most.
You've already seen some of the awesome features in this video, but if you really
want to dig deeper into Keywords Explorer, then I'll leave a link to our Keyword Research
series where you can really see the power of all of the features in action.
And we'll announce the winners next Monday so keep your eyes peeled and hopefully, you'll
see your name there.
I'll leave more details about the contest in the pinned comment.
So grinding away, get results, and I'll see you in the next tutorial.
Kangana Ranaut And Her Loving Family With Brother, Sister And Parents - Duration: 6:27.
Kangana Ranaut And Her Loving Family With Brother, Sister And Parents
Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - July 29, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 19:50.
Is Everything A Joke To You? | Marvel's The Avengers (2012) - Duration: 4:28.
The gamma readings are definitely consistent
with Selvig's reports of the Tesseract.
But it's going to take weeks to process.
If we bypass their mainframe
and direct route to the Homer cluster,
we can clock this at around 600 teraflops.
All I packed was a toothbrush.
You know, you should come by Stark Tower sometime.
Top ten floors, all R&D.
You'd love it. It's Candy Land.
Thanks, but the last time I was in New York,
I kind of broke Harlem.
Well, I promise a stress-free environment.
No tension, no surprises.
- Hey! - Nothing?
Are you nuts?
Jury's out.
You really have got a lid on it, haven't you?
What's your secret?
Mellow jazz, bongo drums, huge bag of weed?
Is everything a joke to you?
Funny things are.
Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship
isn't funny.
No offence, Doc.
It's all right, I wouldn't have come aboard
if I couldn't handle pointy things.
You're tip-toeing, big man. You need to strut.
And you need to focus on the problem, Mr Stark.
Do you think I'm not?
Why did Fury call us in? Why now? Why not before?
What isn't he telling us?
I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables.
You think Fury's hiding something?
He's a spy. Captain, he's "the" spy.
His secrets have secrets.
It's bugging him, too. Isn't it?
I just want to finish my work here, and...
"A warm light for all mankind."
Loki's jab at Fury about the Cube.
I heard it.
I think that was meant for you.
Even if Barton didn't tell Loki about the tower,
it was still all over the news.
The Stark Tower? That big, ugly
building in New York?
It's powered by an arc reactor, a self-sustaining energy source.
That building will run itself for, what, a year?
It's just the prototype.
I'm kind of the only name in clean energy right now.
That's what he's getting at.
So, why didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. Bring him in on the Tesseract project?
What are they doing in the energy business
in the first place?
I should probably look into that once my decryption programme
finishes breaking into all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secure files.
I'm sorry. Did you say...
Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge.
In a few hours, I'll know every dirty secret
S.H.I.E.L.D. Has ever tried to hide.
Yet you're confused about why they didn't want you around.
An intelligence organisation that fears intelligence?
Historically, not awesome.
I think Loki's trying to wind us up.
This is a man who means to start a war
and if we don't stay focused, he'll succeed.
We have orders. We should follow them.
Following's not really my style.
And you're all about style, aren't you?
Of the people in this room,
which one is, A, wearing a spangly outfit,
and, B, not of use?
Steve, tell me none of this smells a little funky to you.
Just find the Cube.
That's the guy my dad never shut up about?
I'm wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice.
The guy's not wrong about Loki.
He does have the jump on us.
What he's got is an Acme dynamite kit.
It's going to blow up in his face.
And I'm going to be there when it does.
Yeah. I'll read all about it.
Or you'll be suiting up with the rest of us.
You see, I don't get a suit of armour.
I'm exposed. Like a nerve.
It's a nightmare.
I've got a cluster of shrapnel trying every second
to crawl its way into my heart.
This stops it.
This little circle of light, it's part of me now,
not just armour.
It's a terrible privilege.
- But you can control it. - Because I learned how.
It's different.
Hey, I read all about your accident.
That much gamma exposure should have killed you.
So you're saying that the Hulk...
The other guy saved my life?
That's nice.
It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?
I guess we'll find out.
You may not enjoy that.
And you just might.
Dance Moms: Chloe and Asia's Duet Is Confusing (Season 3 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:00.
★THE MOMO GAME★ Horror Android GamePlay Download Link Below - Duration: 12:27.
Mia Khalifa reveals she needs surgery on her breast after hockey puck slammed into her chest - Duration: 3:02.
AMD Will Fab Its 7nm 'Rome' Epyc CPUs at TSMC, Not GlobalFoundries - Duration: 5:03.
Easy Cactus Pop Up Card | Darby Smart | Michaels - Duration: 1:03.
Make the trend Michaels + Darby Smart
Fold your card in half
Cut slits into the card seam
Pop the slits forward
Decorate with stickers
Cut decorative paper to size
Glue cards together
Find your supplies at Michaels. Glue gun, gold cactus paper, stickers, cards
Michaels Make Creativity Happen in partnership with Darby Smart
subscribe to our channel and share your projects using the #MakeitwithMichaels
Phase Sequence | Explained | TheElectricalGuy - Duration: 4:38.
Phase sequence in 3 phase system determines the direction of rotation of 3 phase induction
Phase sequence also decided wether we can connect one 3 phase system parallel with another
or not.
And hence its is very important to understand what is phase sequence.
So, to get the details about phase sequence, watch the video.
Consider a winding of a 3 phase alternator as shown in this figure.
We know that phase difference is 120 deg in 3 phase system.
Why 120 deg?
That because the windings are placed 120 deg apart from each other.
So, if you would like to have phase difference of 90 deg, just place the windings 90 deg
apart from each other.
It's all about how you place the windings.
Let's say the magnet is rotating in clockwise direction that means, winding Y will reach
it's peak value first after winding R and then winding B will have it's peak.
As you might have guessed correctly, winding Y reached it's peak value right after the
magnet has rotated 120 deg from it's initial position.
Similarly when the magnet will rotate 240 deg from it's initial position, winding
B will reach it's peak value.
We can also say that, waveform of winding Y is leading the waveform of winding B by
an angle of 120 deg because winding Y is reaching it's peak value before 120 deg of winding
B, or we can say that waveform of winding Y is lagging the waveform of winding R by
120 deg because winding Y is reaching it's peak value after 120 deg of winding R.
So, if you observe the sequence of reaching peak values, you'll find that winding R
is reaching it's peak value first, and then winding Y and then winding B. And this sequence
will continue till the magnet is rotating in clockwise direction.
In polyphase system the order in which voltage waveform reaches their respective peak values
is called as phase sequence.
Let's hear it again.
In polyphase system the order in which voltage waveform reaches their respective peak values
is called as phase sequence.
so, in this case our phase sequence would be R-Y-B, as R phase reaches it's peak value
first and then Y and B. Phase sequence can sometimes also called as phase rotation so,
you need not to get confused between phase sequence and rotation as both are one and
the same.
Now, if I would like to reverse this phase sequence what should I do?
I only need to change the direction of rotation of my magnet.
Now we'll rotate it in anti-clockwise direction.
As we have changed the direction of rotation of magnet the sequence of reaching the peak
values will also change.
Now, winding B will reach it's peak value first and then winding Y and then winding
R. So, my phase sequence now is B-Y-R.
Of course changing the direction of rotation of magnet is not an option for end user, you
can change the phase sequence at your end also by interchanging the phase conductors.
So, for example this is your 3 phase load let's say induction motor.
If you connect your respective phase in their respective slots the phase sequence would
be R-Y-B.
If you want to change the phase sequence just interchange any of the phase, and the phase
sequence would also change.
Why phase sequence is important for induction motor?
Because the direction of rotation of motor can change with change in phase sequence.
So, if your motor is running in opposite direction, phase sequence could be one of the cause.
If your 3 phase load is purely resistive then change in phase sequence will not affect anything.
But it may affect the unbalanced inductive or capacitive loads.
So, I hope you have understood what is phase sequence.
Do check out the description of this video as I have mentioned some video recommendations
for you.
That's all for this video guys, I'll see you in my next one.
Till then keep watching keep learning.
Thanks For Watching !!!! Like, Share And Subscribe !!!!
TTAT Modern Single Family House in Tychy, Poland | Amazing Small House Design - Duration: 2:35.
TTAT Modern Single Family House in Tychy, Poland
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Nightcore - Spring Day (English / Female version / Piano) BTS (방탄소년단) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:09.
This video includes subtitles
Homescapes Level 873 - How to complete Level 873 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:24.
"How to complete Level 873 on Homescapes"
"Homescapes game"
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