Tim Geithner is in charge of a company called Mariner.
They are predatory, ugly predatory lenders.
Tim Geithner, you might remember, was in charge of our money under the Obama administration.
The predatory lending story has been outrageous.
Fortunately, I'm here with Farron Cousins, who has followed this story more than anybody
I know.
It's an outrageous story.
Tell us how predatory lending works, first of all.
Then tell us how this DNC sweetheart, okay, DNC sweetheart Tim Geithner, pals with Larry
Summers, who is also kind of a DNC sweetheart.
How is he now one of the predatory jackals, I'll call him?
It's really what he is.
He's a-
Not only has Geithner become one of the jackals, he has revolutionized these predatory payday
lending scams because, rather than set up these rundown offices in the poorest parts
of neighborhoods like the cash advance, things like that that we've seen in the past with
predatory lenders, he has tried to make it into more of an upscale venture.
He gives out larger loans, higher interest rates, but larger loans for more money.
Now what he and Mariner are doing, which they now have 450 branches in 22 different states,
they're just ... and I wish there was a more sophisticated way to say this, but there's
They're just mailing checks to poor people hoping that the poor people cash the check
so that they can catch them, and now they've got them in this loan that this person may
not have known.
Plenty of times-
Now, wait, wait.
Farron, that sounds so incredible, but it's the truth.
Again, the poor person doesn't ask for the check.
They do background checks.
They see, sometimes, that the person may have equity in their home.
They do all their homework, but the person is living subsistence existence, barely making
payments, barely staying alive, and the Tim Geithner crew ... Tim Geithner, Obama's financial
guy, now says, "Well, I got a good idea.
We're going to mail them a check, and if they cash it, we got them."
Isn't that it?
Here's what they do as well.
This is part of the scheme.
They go through, they look through hospital billing databases, they look through any kind
of car repair database, anywhere where you've given your name and phone number, things like
They can see who gets popped with a big bill.
You just had a surgery.
Your insurance covered most of it, but now you have a hospital bill for $5,000.
Couple days later, a $5,000 check shows up, and you say, "Okay, well, I could really use
this right now to pay this and be done with it before that goes to collections."
They also work with collection agencies to find out who owes what, so it is very targeted.
It is very sophisticated.
These checks do not come with very much explanation, a little bit of fine print that nobody reads.
They think, "Oh, well, this is a good thing.
I'm probably 5% interest, better than a credit card."
Reality, almost 40% interest on these things, and they lock them in, and then-
As a matter of fact, let me just tell you something.
Finally, the king of predatory lending went to prison, one of the kings.
Now there's so many out there right now.
Now the new king is Tim Geithner.
This is the DNC golden boy who is now running this pathetic, ugly scam.
Let me back up just a second.
Before they send the check, they have abilities to find out everything they want to about
They can find out where do you shop?
What do you buy?
Who do you owe money to?
Are you behind on your rent?
Are you behind on your house payment?
They do all of that, and they target.
They have a matrix that targets this is the right person.
This person hits all of the matrix just right.
It's like throwing a dart and hitting bull's eye.
You're a bull's eye.
You owe the hospital $5,000.
You can't pay it.
You get a $5,000 check, and they've got you for the rest of your life.
These are people who would not ordinarily even consider doing one of these payday loan
scams, but when you're sitting there, and you've got that check in your hand, and you
know all you have to do is sign the back of it and it's in the bank, and in the other
hand you're looking at that bill, and you're getting the phone calls from the debt collectors,
this check is a lot more likely to get cashed than if you had to get in your car, go find
one of those lending places, hand over your car title or whatever it is.
Tim Geithner should be in prison.
Tim Geithner should be in prison.
That's the bottom line here.
I saw a great article that basically said that what's happened to the Democratic party
is the new face is Wall Street contrasted with the face of Maxine Waters, crazy woman.
It mean that's how they ... It was really well done.
It was well thought out.
It was well presented.
That's really what it is.
I mean you've got these Wall Street Tim Geithners now in charge of the Democratic party, and
on the other side you've got ... I don't even know how to describe it, it's gotten so crazy.
Corporate Democrats recently held a private conference to figure out how they could stop
the party from moving further to the left and further away from the very kind of corporate
control we're talking here.
This meeting, I got to tell you, didn't go well, did it?
Because the people ... It's the golden rule.
The rule is the people with the money make all the rules.
That's the golden rule that is dictating what's going to happen to the Democratic party in
the midterms.
Pick up from there, if you would.
I think the biggest takeaway from this meeting that took place in Ohio, last Friday I think
it was, is this quote from Representative Tim Ryan.
He's a Democrat from Ohio.
He said, "You're not going to make me hate somebody just because they're rich.
I want to be rich."
Tim doesn't understand.
Mr. Ryan here completely misrepresented what the anger in this country is about on both
the right and left.
Nobody is mad at anybody for being rich.
Nobody is mad at Jeff Bezos from Amazon because he has money.
They're mad because he's a thug.
I mean-
Yeah, they're mad because his workers have to pee in jars because they can't get breaks
and they make slave wages.
They're mad at Disney because they get billions of dollars while their workers are living
in their cars.
It's not that you have money.
It's that you've screwed over thousands of people to get it.
These Democrats, which this was put on by Third Way, that centrist think tank, they
put this meeting together because they said, "Wow, we have a real problem with people in
this country wanting ..."
They're socialists.
Yeah, that's the problem.
The problem is they believe that there's this influx of socialism and that they've lost
control of the party or will lose control of the party.
Well, real quick, what's happening too is we see too many Republicans out there warning
the Democrats, "Don't move to far left," because those Republicans are disaffected by Trump.
They want to remake the Democratic party into the new Republican party.
Right, right.
For more infomation >> Just Mail Checks To Poor People – The Newest Predatory Lending Trap - Duration: 7:30.-------------------------------------------
Star Wars Director Rian Johnson Deletes 20,000 Tweets Because of Trolls - Duration: 1:40.
Olga Jackowska Biography, Death & Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 1:41.
Olga Jackowska Lifestyle & Death 2018
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Go to install the pure streams go kodi build
it's a great bill from wiztech kodi wizard go right here to settings press on it and
here click on the system settings and
Hello, if you did if you disallow the announcer says like this, press on it to other way
click on add-ons ladies and gentlemans
then press on a load announcer says so right here, press on yes, and
Then press back
So here we got five manager as you can see click on it
if your Kodi is new you don't have anything to
kodi 17.6 just press on Add source
If you use to install bills, you will know your way press on double press on add source
Right here, press none and copy and paste the address right here to not miss any word
pull the video and
Make sure you copy the address and then paste it to your video press ok
Right here, press ok again one more time
here press back
back and
Then press on add-ons
You can see right here. My dear friends, press on this little box
So here press on install from zip file, so
You got it right here we got repo click on it and then you got plug-in program with step click on it
So you will get a notification of this amazing
Great kodi wizard is gonna be install it and add it to your kodi krypton
So I got it already installed it you will see it right here updated as you can see it's updated and
For you, it's gonna be installed install it for the first time
So right here get it on program add-ons
So click on it to open it
Open the with check wizard right here get builds maintenance YouTube helper
You got save data and contact on settings, press on the builds
So right here we got
three or four bills for kodi 18
So we're gonna review later this deception kodi build for kodi 18 on Xbox one
So right here today we're going to install and review the pure streams krypton for any
Version of kodi 17.6 krypton and kodi 17.6 builds if you got Amazon are sick or Nvidia shield or me box
Devices or anything you can get this great build install it. So press on it pure streams
So right here the fresh install if you have a previous build already install it to your kodi Krypton
You got a lot of problems you get a lot of Dame shit files, so press on fresh install
so the standard install if you don't have anything yet to your kodi and your QT is empty and
You want to install a build?
Press on the fresh install
So right here press on yes install it
So here you got the download process going as
I told you do not press on castle or press on right here this empty space if you put the
mouse, but the remote control
Near your legs your body or whatever
move it away from you because when you move you can
click on any button
and then you will cancel the download so you have to restart from zero just be careful and
Be patient until everything is done then restart Kodi to get this amazing code evil
as you can see guys, don't forget also if you have any
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So here my dear friends you get the download
process done and now it's installing your files as
I told you do not press right here on console or press on this empty space just
Hold on and wait until everything is done, right?
then you can first close Cody and restart the game to enjoy watching movies TV shows a
lot of great stuffs for section also and enjoy your time with your kids and
You can enjoy whatever you want on Cody. It's all free without any problem
So right here as you can see you get it done without any
Single problem in your device if you have Amazon first sync or Nvidia shield or any other box
Under the box or any other box. You can press on first close to first close Cody and
Restart it again
So press on first close right here
Restart Cody to get this great bill install it and watch a lot of great movies and stuff
So right here the result as you can see is in front of you
You can see the home page is changed got everything new everything organized
You got TV shows section
Movies section got SportsZone. So right here on and this TV show section
You got all the greatest Kodi add-ons
You can watch anything if you missed any
TV show you can watch it on the catch-up TV
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TV shows section. So right here
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Just press on it
You can watch
orange in black the 100
Press on it
So we got the seasons you get season 1 season 2 season 3 season
4 and 5
So season 5 is the last season press on it to get it right here as you can see
So I got the dark here we got a lot of great amazing stuff pressed on any episode you want to watch it and you
Will get it
So right here we got a lot of links
Extract it or find it by placenta
So right here got a lot of great amazing stuff I got all the working links as you can see
So we can pick any channel or any link to watch this great amazing TV show
So right here back to the home page
And here we got the rest of TV shows
You can press on any TV show you want to watch it and you will get it
Get a huge library of TV shows and great stuff so
Here my dear friends you get movies as you can see right here we got all the popular
movies right now
You can watch Tom Cruise
You can watch rampage or whatever you want, so it's up to you
If you want to watch any movie, just click on it
You get the links you got incursion is finding your links to watch this great
so if you got any streaming problems, I suggest you to get a
It's better
Then you will be free to watch anything
in your device because
Sometimes the ISPs blocking streaming from your links, especially if you are in Canada or United
States or you you are on in England
So you got a lot of problems
So right here, we got the links. You can pick any link to watch this great amazing movie ladies and gentlemans
So here get a huge library of movies
You can pick any other movie to watch it with your friends or family or anyone
Just pick it and watch it and enjoy it
So right here we got movies
As you can see right here got a lot of movies. You can watch it with your friends or family or anyone
So here we got did streams
Down got all the work in Kodi add-ons and
Sections also in some add-ons like people watching right here
And here got some live TV or IPTV that's gonna check this live net if it's works
So right here it works you got some entertainment channels you got a lot of great channels
You can watch them in your box
So alright here get the rest of
Channels, you get a lot of channels. You can watch any channel you want so try it and enjoy it
We got a lot of working channels. I
Tried so many of them they are free without any problem
You can get them and watch them with your friends or anyone
So right here got jukebox as you can see you can listen to your great
Music without any single problems as you can have a lot of amazing things and stuff on this great pill
So if you want to watch any music, just press on it and click on it to get it to watch it. So
Right here. Got the top Kodi add-ons. You got your two right here if you don't have YouTube in your in your
Device, you can get it right here
And here my dear friends you got system
you can customize this great bill and
Do some changes on this skin or back to the normal skin of Cody if you want to do that press on
system then press on interface right here up then skin and
back to is to re as you can see right here, press on it to back to your normal skin of Cody and
Press yes to accept the change
Right here. We got supremacy
You got some greatest stuff from?
Cody add on you got some TV shows you got arrow and
You got a lot of more great TV shows, right?
Here got Nipton rising
So you can watch any amazing other movies get some horror movies right here
So you can enjoy your overtime with your friends
Right here get maverick as you got some kids
stuff on all these some old movies
Here got kids so in this kid section you can enjoy Peppa Pig you can enjoy any time
or any movie cartoon
Enjoy it with your kids your family
So right here you got a lot of things
Here you got sports on
You can watch any sport
in this sports section if you had a fan of football fan of the basketball or
WWE or any other stuff you can get it right here in this great section
So here this is the pure streams beauty bill do not forget to subscribe to my channel
Like the video share it with your friends family or anyone and don't forget also to visit my website
Visit my channel. I post daily videos. I wish you all. Happy holidays
I'm gonna take my holidays too. So soon. See you tomorrow for another Kodi bill
What's up guys it's Everything Kodi back with another video
so many of you are looking for a build with lot of different add-ons
and lot of different sources for content then you might want to check the bourbon build kodi
I've also tested on my fire TV and two other fire sticks the build works great
You will enjoy this kodi build on your amazon fire stick or nvidia shield or android tv box
now I'm gonna give you guys an overview of what it has to offer
offer if you like it I can show you how you can get it installed on your device.
Now if you haven't already go ahead and hit the subscribe button
and make sure you click the little bell icon right next to subscribe so you don't miss any of my posts
so let's go ahead and jump into the overview of the build.
Now once you install it the first section you're gonna run into is the movies section
so you have the widget here at the top
you can scroll through find a movie and tv shows you like.
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Six Exclusive Benefits of Investing In Real Estate - Duration: 6:46.
6 exclusive benefits of investing in real estate
3 ways technology is changing real estate
FAMC Real Estate Group Who we are
and what we do
It's Saturday the 28th of July and this
is issue #1 of FAMC Real Estate Weekly
Hi I'm Art Avington of FAMC Real Estate Group.com
Each week FAMC will give you a summary of the biggest
and most important news that impacts your business in the fast-moving world
of real estate the technology that affects real estate to the latest news
about selling, buying, investing in real estate
okay let's go let's get into it I want to introduce you to Michael Hyche
founder and owner of FAMC Real Estate Group LLC located in Indianapolis, IN.
Mike has been a real estate investor for the last 13 years he
started in residential with flipping homes after the market crash he has
rebuilt his company from the ground up
his company has the experience, relationships, and ability to uncover and capitalize on opportunities to create
long-term value for investors buyers and sellers FAMC works hard to make your
experience first-class we are a real estate investment company we are buyers
and sellers we want to buy your property this alone
sets us apart from others in the same industry
we will work with sellers, buyers, investors, real estate agents, and brokers
We also believe that a good partnership
is one where everyone wins together.
If you are a real estate investor, a whole seller, cash buyer, or simply looking to sell your property you can email Michael
Hyche at famcregroup@gmail.com
6 exclusive benefits of investing in real estate
In exciting news this week forbes states six exclusive benefits of
investing in real estate and the best part is that it is a prime example of an
asset with multiple income streams listed below are the six exclusive
benefits that real estate generates passive income for the investor in the
following ways #1 cash flow used in rental property is the difference in
rent and mortgage payment produces an instant and constant cash flow number
#2 equity capture or instant equity it's for finding a property below market
value and the appraisal comes in higher than your purchase price or position to
acquire equity capture or instant equity
More benefits includes #3 Appreciation #4 Principal pay-down #5 Tax write-off #6 inflation profiting
Always remember real estate generates passive income that
allows you to have more control and therefore a greater return versus the
traditional stocks bonds and mutual funds as they typically deliver a return
of 5 to 7% percent
Moving on 3 ways technology is changing real estate
This week RSImedia listed the three primary ways
to get ahead of your competition by leveraging these three emerging real
estate tech revolutions
#1 Artificial intelligence
real estate AI platforms can range from robots giving house tours to immersive
virtual tours offered from the comfort of your clients couch
#2 virtual reality VR and augmented reality AR this is a kind of unique try before you buy
model in real estate with aerial footage from drones 3d technology and VR
technology clients are able to personalize the tour with virtual furniture
Agents may soon no longer need to spend time and money staging space
The 3rd Tech affecting real estate is Bitcoin bitcoin chain technology bitcoin is a next-gen all digital currency that's already a global phenomenon
bitcoin is already in retail and restaurants so it's only a matter of
time before this cryptocurrency took on real estate
That time is now
There are several cities allowing real estate purchases with bitcoins including Miami
New York Los Angeles Lake Tahoe just to name a few
With over 70% of
customers looking for homes online and more than 50% of house tours a book tour a website
It is important for real estate professionals to adjust to these
technology advances and diversify their strategies ok so that's what's been
happening this week in the world of real estate if you haven't subscribed yet
make sure you click the link in the description and subscribe to
FAMC Real Estate Group right now! So next week you'll get the inside scoop on the
latest developments to keep you and your business on the leading edge of real estate marketing
If you enjoyed this edition of FAMC Weekly please
hit the love or share button we'd really appreciate it!
Are you still watching and want more
We offer free confidential consultation where we will help you explore all of your options
and help you determine the best solution for your specific situation
Join our VIP buyers list for off-market
residential and commercial real estate opportunity at www.famcrealestategroup.com
Bye for now
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