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There are some things Apple just loves, design, aluminum, excuse me... and secrecy.
To keep a surprise, it hires former FBI agents, searches more bags than TSA, and disguises
its products with fake companies like "IP Application Development Ltd" - IPAD.
But there are some things even the world's most profitable company can't hide.
This is a list of companies acquired by Apple.
Most make perfect sense - Authentec became Touch ID, Siri, well, Siri, But, around two
thousand fourteen, you start to see a pattern:
First, a company creating tiny, super-bright, high-density displays.,
Then one specializing in eye-tracking, an augmented reality headset, and a couple AR
software startups.
Plus a handful of patents and job descriptions, all suggesting the same thing: smart, augmented
reality glasses.
Directions, the weather, really anything, projected right onto your vision.
The technology may not seem ready, we may not seem ready, and others have already tried
and failed.
All of which could be said about the iPhone in 2007.
Of course, acquisitions are just, acquisitions, there are no guarantees, and Apple loves saying
no, it doesn't very often release a new product.
But there's good reason to think smart glasses are coming, Apple is the perfect company to
make them, and now is the time to do it.
If you're at all skeptical, well, you should be.
Every other week we hear a new version of the same madlib: Blank technology is on the
verge of radically disrupting blank industry.
Watch out!
We're about to reinvent wearable blockchains, or leverage proactive mesh networks, and the
world will never be the same
The few experts who see where an industry is really going get drowned out by a sea of
companies promoting their "world changing" idea.
Which makes it pretty tough to predict the future.
So when I say smart glasses, and you say I've heard this before, well, I can't really
blame you.
But there are still ways of separating a hero from a zero.
The Gartner Hype Cycle explains why new technology seems to come out of nowhere and then disappear
with no explanation.
Progress is never a straight line, but it's also not random, it tends to follow a pattern:
First, a very primitive prototype gets some attention.
The media, desperate for clicks, jumps right over its flaws to its best-case scenario,
10, 15 years from now.
And not just in tech, A dietary study with a tiny sample size became the headline "Why
You Must Eat Chocolate Daily".
That's what you and I see.
So we're inevitably disappointed when we get a glimpse of reality.
Then, while we've mostly forgotten about it, real progress is made.
This is where r/Futurology claims it can cure cancer, This is where you add "Blockchain"
to the name of your Ice Tea company, boosting its stock 200%, and this is when we're told
it's coming in 3-5 years, every…
3-5 years.
Some technologies die trying to get attention, some are only hype.
Virtual Reality is somewhere around here, Far enough we know its viable for games and
But while it steals our attention, Augmented Reality quietly moves forward.
Sure, it's earlier and more uncertain.
But its potential is much, much bigger.
And Apple seems to agree:
It's been a huge focus of the company since iOS 11.
Tim Cook even compared its promise to the smartphone.
I mean, listen to how their website describes it: "Imagine if the line between the virtual
and the real simply didn't exist.
Your classroom could become the cosmos.
The past could be as vivid as the present.
And this is just the beginning.
Welcome to a new world."
That's pretty… bold for what's currently just a few games and the ability to sample
IKEA furniture.
Of course, all of this is brand new, But even if there are really great apps in a year or
There's one, huge problem: For it to work, you constantly have to hold up your phone,
or dare I say, 13 inch iPad.
It's just… awkward.
AR is kind of the new drone - incredibly hyped, And sure, it's fun for a minute or two,
but only practical for a few, specific applications.
Unless, Apple knows this.
Why invest so much time and money?
Because they know what we don't:
This is just an intermediary between today's phones and tomorrow's glasses.
It's a very clever solution to a big problem:
If Apple wants to keep its glasses secret, it can't tell developers, and apps won't
be ready when it launches.
But what if they could have their cake and eat it too?
That's ARKit.
Developers can start working now, without knowing what's coming.
Meanwhile, Apple collects feedback and improves the technology.
By the time glasses arrive, they'll have already proven their value:
Directions projected right onto the street, Translation of the world around you, Context
for your day, and so on.
Plus, I mean, the product names itself: iSight, EyePod, EyePhone, iGlasses, iWear…come on.
Except - none of this is exclusive to Apple.
In fact, some company called "Google" kinda already tried this.
Why would Apple be any more successful?
Apple is rarely the first to do something, and glasses would be no exception,
Microsoft introduced the Hololens in 2015, there's Magic Leap
And Intel Vaunt, Snapchat Spectacles, sold from a vending machine somehow uglier than
the app itself, and the Vue, Get it?
Because vue… rhymes with blew, as in they really blew it, naming their company a pun
Okay, look at their websight: "your glasses will be able to do more than meets the eye."
I See, This is not a business, it's just an excuse to make puns.
What a sorry sight/site.
But most interesting, is Google Glass, and the million reasons why it failed:
Like, to do anything, you tilt your head 30 degrees and speak - OK Glass, discreetly take
a photo, or, use a touchpad on the side of your head.
Both equally terrible.
It was expensive, poorly marketed, and lacked a compelling feature.
But, most of all, it just looks… well, let's say there's room for improvement
The challenge of all these is just as much design as technology.
Like, I think this joke writes itself
But if there's any company that can turn a tool you have to wear into an accessory
you want to, it's Apple.
Glass spent years being developed in public.
But glasses should be released for quick, mass adoption and acceptance - something Apple
might know a thing or two about.
They should also be demoed in person - giving Apple's 500 retail stores a huge advantage
over, say Microsoft's hundred.
I even know the perfect year to release it, although, we'll see, hindsight is…well,
you get it.
But seriously: isn't it just way too early?
Technology arrives in waves, first, early adopters, then the public, eventually, even
the luddites.
But between these is an invisible hole, To see it, we have to remember the Hype Cycle.
Here at peak excitement, it's very easy to get a few users - these are early adopters
- and they give the illusion of momentum.
The hole is the steep descent that follows - after the hype, getting users is much, much
It takes a lot of kinetic energy for a product to pass this filter.
A journalist will wear any piece of glass with a camera taped to it,
But Apple designs for the masses - only what can survive the gap.
Which creates two challenges for glasses:
First, the technology has to be really good.
The Watch proves they can make small batteries last a whole day and design a tiny but mighty
It would need a bright, high-density display like microLED - which it's already developing.
But then there's the camera - which brings us to the second challenge: The other kind
of optics:
it has to be, well… not creepy.
Consumers will think Black Mirror, The Circle , Wall-E, and so on.
Even with Apple's focus on privacy, these are very real challenges, and could delay
its release.
But glasses are more than a new product - they're a critical part of Apple's strategy:
Moving in the direction of more transparent, more personal technology,
Because, the smartphone won't last forever.
The only way a company so dependent on one product can survive is to replace itself,
not wait for someone else to.
It's a philosophy rooted in the company by Steve Jobs, and one reason I recommend
his official biography.
With Audible, you can listen on your way to school or work, at the gym, or whenever else.
I started listening to audiobooks in high school and it really changed my habits - It
turns the necessary but very boring moments of your life into the ones you look forward
I'm almost always listening to at least one book, and one of my favorite things is
reading about the CEO of a company I like:
For the Grand Theory of Apple, Amazon, and this video, I learned much of the content
by understanding the person behind the company - their personality, what motivates them,
and how they came to start their business.
And because this author talked for hours with Steve Jobs and the people around him, it has
a lot of detail you just won't find anywhere else.
Another is The Everything Store - the story of Jeff Bezos and Amazon.
I'm convinced there's no human on earth like Bezos, his mindset is really interesting
to hear about.
And speaking of Amazon, prime members can listen to Audible for only $4.95 a month for
their first three months.
You can pick any book they have every month, and if you don't like it, and I absolutely
love this, you just click return and pick another.
Go to or text polymatter to 500500.
Again that's or text polymatter to 5-0-0-5-0-0.
For more infomation >> Apple Glasses Are Coming - Here's Why - Duration: 10:20.-------------------------------------------
First Things You Should Do When You Check Into a Hotel Room - Duration: 6:44.
Michael Cohen Claims President Donald Trump Knew In Advance Of 2016 Trump Tower Meet | TODAY - Duration: 2:54.
Wade Meets Samantha (Art3mis) Scene | Ready Player One (2018) [Blu-ray] - Duration: 4:58.
Pick up! Pick up! Alice!
This bootsuit's pretty awesome. Thanks for that.
Rick! Rick, the place is gonna blow!
Rick, is that Wade?
- Put Alice on! - Let me talk to him.
Don't call here anymore, you got me?
I don't wanna hear your voice ever again.
Contact Aech, Daito, Sho, and Art3mis.
IOI came for me in the real world.
They gotta be coming after you, so wherever you are...
Sorry about the blindfold.
My guys are a little paranoid.
Say that again.
My guys are a little paranoid.
My real name is Samantha, but yeah, I'm Art3mis.
Showers are that way, clean clothes, too.
Welcome to the rebellion, Wade.
That's IOI. So the stacks are over there?
We've been living this close to each other the whole time?
Next door,
around the world, it's... It's all the same in the OASIS.
For the record,
I'm not disappointed.
You said I... I would be disappointed when I met you, but...
I'm not.
I've lived with it my whole life. You don't have to pretend.
You have a birthmark, so what?
Why would that scare me?
Z, if I hurt you, I'm... I'm sorry.
No, it's...
Wait, did... did you just call me "Z"?
- Oh, my God. Did I? - I think you did.
Wade, I'm sorry.
Yeah, Wade, Z.
You can call me whatever you want. And I'll call you Sam.
Uh, Samantha?
Okay. Cool.
It's so much slower here.
I mean, the wind, the people...
We forget what it's like to be outside.
- Uh... - Oh, shit!
- I just figured it out. - Figured what out?
The second clue. I know what it means.
We've been thinking about it too literally.
"The leap not taken,"
the leap Halliday didn't take, is with Kira.
Yeah, but... I mean, he blamed her for breaking up him and Morrow.
No. Halliday was madly in love with her.
He had a chance with Kira. He had a chance to kiss her, but...
He didn't take the leap.
Right. So that's where we go next.
The place where the leap wasn't taken.
Where the date was.
At the movies!
Mountain Men: Morgan Navigates from Memory (Season 7, Episode 2) | History - Duration: 4:46.
Nightcore - Darkside (Alan Walker) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:16.
this video includes subtitles
making off d'un tuto - Duration: 3:51.
Hello everyone. It's Lou's screenshot tuto. Today I
proposes a making off of a tutorial because he takes on average from 1h to 4h to achieve
a tutorial like this tutorial. I hope you show today the one that concerned
7 file format extensions video, which took me four hours then
that it was relatively simple to realize since it only starts from
screenshot of still images that I could assemble to achieve it. Everything starts
always by searching on google to find articles related to
the theme to complete my knowledge and you can
return then. I'm doing a little synthesis of this information in my
google sites, the google channel site and then starts shooting or
mounting. This tutorial, I realized it not with screenshots
video but with powerpoint. I went to look for different images concerning
the extensions that interested me and I then assembled them, took a
part one, I realized small explanatory slides,
incidentally by making a mistake on the word codec, I wrote codex to the
place of codecs and of course in the audio version I got it wrong
so I had to fix that with a little bit of humor in the video.
Once I assembled everything in my
mounting bench. I add text to make it all a little bit alive,
my introduction and my conclusion, and I record this first file that me
will serve as a basis for doing my voiceover. The voiceover will come to arise
directly on the images I'm already doing a first audio recording in
watching the video. I clean this audio recording with audacity,
I take off all the heuuuu, all the little things a little bit parasitic the
background noise and then I'm going look for music that will stick
under the voice off. I will use the google library taking some
music or paternity is not required and the duration corresponds to the
duration of my tutorial. Then I make a voiceover mixing with
music so that music does not cover not the voice and once it's done,
I have my soundtrack, I add it to my final assembly, I have only
save in hd format. This video is then broadcast
I make a recording. The editing software is AVS.
I'm recording in hd format for youtube, and once all this is done
I have to do the miniature. Until now I was doing it
under photofiltre is now I'm going to do it under powerpoint because there is
more character font that interest me, I can do anything
something a little more correct and once that the miniature is made and well after
I can upload everything on youtube. I now broadcasts the videos so
delayed. So much for this making off. A thumb I like if you liked this
video. Subscribe and activate the bell, if
you are subscribed See you soon for a new tutorial.
De Rosee Sa Uses Cobbled Courtyards To Bring Light Into West London House | Great Small House Design - Duration: 4:05.
De Rosee Sa Uses Cobbled Courtyards To Bring Light Into West London House
Waldbrandgefahr: Ist das Land gewappnet? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:44.
Piden eliminar las preguntas del censo sobre inmigración | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:43.
5 Ways Mamma Mia 2 IGNORED Mamma Mia & Why! - Duration: 6:48.
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again brings to life Donna and the Dynamos' backstory in gloriously
fun fashion, but hidden in that prequel story are many inconsistencies that contradict plot
points and details from the original movie.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I'm going to reveal and explain
five ways that Mamma Mia 2 completely ignored what happened in the first film!
Obviously, some spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the movie!
Apparently, resurrection is a thing in the Mamma Mia universe because in the original
movie, it's heavily implied that Donna's mother is already dead.
"Somebody up there's got it in for me.
I bet it's my mother."
"Wasn't she a ray of sunshine."
However, in the sequel, Donna's mother Ruby is still very much alive and kicking and makes
a late but show-stopping entrance in the form of Cher who reunites with her lost love Cienfuegos
while belting out Fernando.
At the end of the day, Ruby's revival for Mamma Mia 2 is basically down to writer-director
Ol Parker who wrote the part specifically for Cher and saw the chance to make the sequel
"deeper and moodier" by digging into the strained mother-daughter relationship briefly mentioned
in the first film.
As if raising the dead wasn't enough, Cher is actually only 3 years older in real life
than Meryl Streep who plays her on-screen daughter!
Still, Ol Parker says Cher "exists separate from time" and we should just enjoy the show
and not worry our heads about such things.
And I have to say I agree with him as frankly who doesn't want to see Cher lend her inimitable
style to ABBA classics while dressed in sparkly tops, white suits, and flowered flares?!
In the first movie, Colin Firth's Harry tells Sophie that when he was young he bought a
guitar for Donna and it cost him £10 and his Johnny Rotten T-shirt.
Now, in the sequel, Young Harry wears a Johnny Rotten T-shirt during his Parisian adventures
with Young Donna, but after he's bought the guitar, he's still wearing that same T-shirt.
Also, how did he ever actually give young Donna that guitar?
Because in the sequel, although Hugh Skinner's Harry does follow Donna to Greece, he misses
the ferry to the island and the last time we see him he's walking away from the dock,
lamenting his fate.
Maybe in this new version of the story, young Harry decided to leave the guitar for Donna
with someone on the island, like Omid Djalli's Greek Official; or perhaps there's a cut scene
that explains how it ended up with her.
Indeed, there does appear to be a missing part of the original Mamma Mia timeline in
the sequel because in the first film, Donna's diary says that "Harry turned up out of the
blue" so she said she'd show him the island.
Speaking of Donna's diary, in the first movie, it said she met and slept with Sam first on
July 17th, followed by Bill on August 4th, and finally Harry on August 11th.
However, that's not quite the way things happen in the sequel!
In Here We Go Again, Donna first meets and sleeps with a young Harry in Paris, then she
meets but doesn't sleep with a young Bill in Greece, after which she meets and falls
in love with a young Sam, and finally, she meets up with Bill again and this time sleeps
with him.
When Lily James was cast in the lead she says she "was so clear […] that [Young Donna's
sex life] had to be celebrated" but admits that at first she "was […] worried [the]
producers would try and dampen it down", so she was very glad when they "embrace[d] it."
For writer-director Ol Parker, although Donna's three relationships are relatively short,
it was important to make each one meaningful.
And I think that's the key to why he changed the order of events from Donna's original
The idea being that Harry was a charming vacation fling, then she fell in love with Sam but
he was already engaged and left her, at which point Bill was there to help her over her
broken heart.
Another miraculous thing about the Mamma Mia Universe is how people's eye colours seem
to completely change over the years.
So Alexa Davies's young Rosie has blue eyes compared to Julie Walters' brown eyes, Hugh
Skinner's eyes as young Harry are much lighter than Colin Firth's brown eyes, and while Meryl
Streep's Donna has blue eyes, Lily James has brown eyes.
Although the filmmakers wanted the younger characters to really remind audiences of their
older counterparts, they were never looking for a mirror image.
When Here We Go Again was casting, Lily James was actually busy on a publicity tour for
Baby Driver, but director Ol Parker insisted the Mamma Mia team wait till she had time
to meet with them.
That's because, as the filmmakers have said, "Lily transcends whether you think she looks
exactly like Meryl.
[…] She's a tour-de-force!" and "a natural storyteller in her singing".
For her part, James has said she tried to pick "a few characteristics, or expressions,
or a physicality that would make [us] hopefully believe [her] version of Donna would grow
into" Meryl Streep's.
And Streep herself has given James her seal of approval, saying she really did capture
Young Donna's spirit.
It's perhaps a little odd that James or the other actors didn't wear coloured contacts
to change their eye colour for the film, so I wonder if maybe one of them couldn't wear
them for some reason, or perhaps the filmmakers decided it wasn't a big deal.
Either way, their different eye colours totally pale into insignificance when you consider
their great performances, especially Lily James and the way she brings to life a Young
And let's not forget what Donna's three love interests looked like when they first met
her in the original movie compared to how they look in the sequel!
Gone are young Sam's long locks, headband, large moustache, and hippie clothes.
And young Bill has also had a bit of a haircut and a change of wardrobe from his more flower-power
style too.
Young Harry still has a leather jacket, but gone are his studded leather choker and eyeliner,
and his hairstyle's also less punky.
Of course, as Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan, and Stellan Skarsgard very briefly played
younger versions of themselves in the original movie, the costume and make-up departments
had a bit of fun with how they made those actors look different from their present-day
selves at the time.
However, the filmmakers obviously didn't want to extend that few-seconds-long joke from
the original film into a very lengthy joke in the sequel, and so when it came to clothes
and hairstyles, they went for less exaggerated looks that would appeal more generally to
modern audiences.
By the way, Omid Djalli's Greek official really did seem very interested in people's changing
hairstyles, perhaps a bit of meta-commentary and a wink to fans of the franchise.
When they made the original Mamma Mia, they didn't intend to make a sequel, so their creative
decisions didn't take into account what they might want to do in a second movie.
Ten years later, they didn't want to be constrained too much by choices made or throwaway lines
in the first film.
For me, the differences are interesting as they give us some insight into the filmmaker's
thought processes.
I still really love both the movies, they're made to be fun, enjoyable, and entertaining,
and they are!
So, did any of these changes bother you and did you spot any other differences between
the two movies?
Let me know in the comments below!
For a chance to win one of these awesome Mamma Mia 2 merch packs, make sure you subscribe,
leave me a comment about the film, and also tap the Gleam link in the video description
below to register your entry.
I'll have a brand new Mamma Mia video for you shortly, so tap left to watch the next
one or tap right for my full Mamma Mia and musicals playlist.
If you enjoyed this, I really appreciate a thumbs-up!
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
¿Un año sin intimidad o un año sin celular? ¡Tu decides! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 10:54.
A family adventure wherever you go - Duration: 2:10.
- When we'd go camping and the weekend was over,
I was always bummed to go back to normal life,
and I'd always think, how rad would it be
to just keep doing this?
(relaxing music)
- I'm Dave.
- I'm Tessa.
- I'm Casper and this is my little brother Raffi
and we're the Treadway family, oh yeah!
- Where do you want to go today?
- Way, Mom.
- Casper is a spitfire ball of energy,
and Raffi is a docile, loving bear.
- [Tessa] Kids are way more adaptable
than we make them out to be sometimes,
and they make the space that they have work for them.
(relaxing music)
- They're so, so cute.
- [Tessa] Everything you'd need as a family
is right there with you.
- You've got everything in there from your sound system
to cooking stuff, to your normal life.
Wherever you go, you have everything with you.
- And so, we spend way more time as a couple
engaged with our kids.
- Those are the trails.
- You're about to turn purple, buddy.
- Good job.
- Always talk to strangers, howl at the moon,
It's an adventure wherever you go.
For people that are wanting to travel
and adventure with their kids,
the simple answer is just do it.
It's our own fears that hold us back from it.
Llevamos a Christian Jacobo a tomar clases de lucha libre | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:20.
Nació la hija de Michael Bublé y Luciana Lopilato | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:58.
Rocco sigue transformando la vida de nuestras fans (parte 2) | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:02.
¡Colombia le ganó a Estados Unidos en Exatlón! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:44.
Ancient Rome: The Beauty Habits Of The Ancient Romans (Video) 2018 - Duration: 10:03.
Hi guys!
Welcome to Archaeology And Travel With Zorica!
Today I am going to talk about beauty habits of the Ancient Romans.
You have probably heard about some of them but you have to prepare your stomach for what
comes next.
In order to better understand the beauty habits of the Ancient Romans we have to take a look
at historic facts.
From the time of Kings and Republic Rome has changed a lot and grown into deliberate conglomerate
of nation incorporating almost entire known world.
Conquering the ancient states like Greece and Egypt inevitably brought back the accomplishments
of these cultures to Rome.
To be precise, Rome was not the home of makeup nor perfumes but once the elite saw the opportunity
to accent to beauty ideal and to preserve the beauty they have accepted the beauty trends
from Greece and Egypt.
That way they started using some good products.
Afterwards came the tendency to distinguish the elite from poor, not just by the wealth but
using a personal display.
The idea to express the nobility through the white skin, led the Ancient Romans to some
dangerous practices which caused them to severe problems with health and in some cases even
The white skin was very important to Ancient Roman women because it was a sign of status.
The use of lead to bleach the skin cause them severe health issues.
The powder ladies used to whiten the skin was not durable nor thermoresistant and they
ended up as a subject of jokes during the hot summer days.
Another skin bleaching product was so called crocodilea, which was nothing but the crocodile
After successful face bleaching, Roman women applied moisturizer or anti wrinkle treatment.
Wrinkles, freckles and skin blemishes were not acceptable in the Ancient Roman
Ovid states that the Ancient Romans used swan fat, asses milk and axle geese to remove wrinkles.
Galen states that the Ancient Romans used honey to fix the skin imperfections.
This must have been a practice inherited from the Ancient Egyptians.
I will cover this subject in depth in one of the future videos.
The use of makeup was favorable in the Ancient Roman society even though there were many
sarcastic comments about using a makeup during the rainy or summer season.
Wearing a makeup was an essential activity in the life of Ancient Roman Patrician women.
Those of noble origin, even had a skillful attendant called ornatix to adorn them.
Blushing cheeks were considered as a proof of good health.
That is why they used cinnabar and minium to blush the cheeks.
The use of these two components cause them a severe health issues and social stigmatization.
Those with more experienced beauty stylists, used a mixture of rose and poppy petals to
blush the cheeks.
I would note here that the crocodile dung, so called crocodilea, was used as a base for
Can you imagine kissing a girl wearing that kind of lipstick?
White teeth were also a must when we talk about the wealthy Romans.
To get the idea about the importance of white teeth to the Ancient Romans, let me recall
the ancient statement of Ovid.
He said:"You can do yourself an untold damage if you laugh and your teeth are black, too
long or irregular.".
Black teeth were common for poor people.
Members of elite who have lost their teeth had an alternative.
From special cement paste, ivory and bone dentists made a fake teeth to make their clients
socially acceptable.
Patricians usually used a toothpaste, toothbrushes and pastilles to sweeten the breath.
In Ancient Roman society, hair was considered favourable for both sexes.
Those who have lost their hair over time used several medicaments in order to make their
hair grow again.
Some of them included animal fat.
Especially of bear and sheep.
One of the weirdest prescriptions included rat's head, rat's excrement, hellebore
and pepper.
Even though they used everything mentioned above, many Romans, both sexes actually, lost
their hair which cause them to start wearing a wigs.
Now we have to bear in mind that those wigs were not looking natural and the owner of
these wigs ended up as a subject of jokes.
Ovid states that a lady should keep all the doors well guarded in order to prevent slipping
the wig of the head due to the draft.
For combing hair, Ancient Romans used wooden, ivory or tortoise shell combs.
Plautus states that the use of curling iron is attested in the 2nd century BC.
In fact, both sexes were using them.
Body hair was removed as a part of hygiene.
Women were using a blood of bats to get rid of body hair.
Sounds awkward?
They also used bryionia, pumice stone and razors to get rid of body hair.
During the early days of Republic, shaving beard was not popular and a man who would
spend much efforts in grooming would suffer a massive ridicule (jokes).
Later on, in the 2nd century BC aesthetic fashion has changed under the influence of
Scipio Africanus and shaving beard became popular, at least for the elite.
Plebeians and slaves (so called servi) kept their beards because it was almost impossible
for a man to shave himself without using any help.
Rome was famous as a home of many barber shops across the town.
Some of them popular as a masters of their crafts while the others like Antiochus and
Subura were on a very bad reputation.
Roman poet Martial, from the 1st century AD was not satisfied with a treatment at the
Antiochus barber shop.
He worte that the only those who "want to decent to the Underworld would went to Antiochus
barber shop".
Apparently, the scars he has got were "worse than he would suffer from a boxer or sharp
nails of fierce wife".
I wonder:"How did he knew that?!".
In one of his poems, Martial speaks about lady Galla.
He said:"You live at home, Galla, but not your beauty that lives at the chemics.
Your hair was made in far away Germany, and your teeth are in the boxes just like your
When you get into the bed, the rest of you is boxed up in the hundreds of boxes.
Even your face is somewhere else.".
To conclude the story about the Ancient Romans, I would note here that as the aesthetic fashion
changed many other traditions changed.
To follow the hairstyle fashion sculptors were forced to model the sculptures with removable
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Megyn Kelly Roundtable: 'Married At First Sight' Takes A Dramatic Turn | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 9:59.
A few months ago on my youtube channel I created one video discussing how to
calculate a continuous tube feed and ever since then my inbox has been flooded
with messages and requests to do parenteral nutrition as well as bolus
tube feeds.
do you remember this from a few months ago? My channel is your
one-stop shop where you'll find videos about life as a registered dietitian
solutions to your common dietitian intern and student problems such as
slain the RD exam finding a job TPN's, tube feedings... that point right there do
you have a hard time calculating tube feedings? Do you find the components of a
parenteral nutrition to be difficult? Well if you answered yes to any of these
questions you're not alone a few months ago I took a survey on one of my social
media platforms and a few new dietitians as well as future dietitians we're in
the same boat as you. Dietetics and my opinion is a very
fulfilling career it gives you the flexibility that you want when you're
actually in the field but before you become a dietitian you have to pass
through the clinical aspect of Dietetics which you may encounter during your
classes, your internship, the RD exam and even in the work field. A few months ago
on my YouTube channel I created one video discussing how to calculate a
continuous tube feed and ever since then my inbox has been flooded with messages
and requests to do parenteral nutrition as well as bolus tube feeds. For this
reason I've created my educational store on my website www.KimRoseDietitian. com
answering this very topic my philosophy let's make nutrition easy! Picture what
life will look like for you if you understood the basic components of a
tube feed as well as parental nutrition if you have a hard time with this
visualization let's look at some of these testimonials:
now can you fully imagine that grasping the components of a tube feed as well as
a parenteral nutrition well the videos and worksheets that I've created for you
help you do exactly that make sure you check out for
more details!
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