hi this is a message to another one for Google YouTube I hope you watch this
video and if people like this video please share it around upload it on your
channel because this is very very important share it around like this
video and scribe to my youtube channel so recently YouTube has been doing a lot
of censoring and unfortunately is because whoa look at a cool insect that
come on come on don't be afraid look at a cool insect I don't know can you see
him look brightly colored amazing I'm gonna leave you right here okay I'm
gonna leave you right here on my laptop okay buddy maybe you should go in the
shade maybe you should go in the shaded come here we go in the shade good he
just wants to rest right on my laptop so by buying okay listen
sorry about that digression there I had to save this little insect and he's
beautifully colored multicolored Wow so don't kill any insects don't kill any
beings whatever you can do try to minimize your harm on this earth sorry
about that so Google has been censoring my videos and it's all because they have
this automatic system where certain words or certain phrases will be
considered to be not eligible for monetization also they have this policy
where if a few people or a lot of people don't like your video they will flag it
and they may you know give you either strike or put some kind of ads on it or
be monetize it or whatever the case may be so on my channel I just educate
people they basically on why it is wrong to be
abusing killing and consuming animals and animal products when I went and if I
do upload a video that has graphic footage of animal slaughter for example
there's nothing wrong with that even though and according to Google's
policies if it's education then it is all right to be even uploading these
graphic footage of animal slaughter now if it's animal slaughter and there is
absolutely no education you know pertinent to that video like
I'm not educating or that videos not educating you to stop killing animals or
maybe there's no like description talking about why we should stop you
know killing animals then that's a little different story but if you're
educating people and you're uploading these footages of animal slaughter for
example and those should be automatically monetized those should be
automatically not restricted and not age restricted because if even children are
eating animal products everyone everyone should be witness to the cruelty
children and adults families are witness to people picking apples in an orchard
for example and we actually even go to the apple orchard and we pick the apples
ourselves we let children pick the apples and or whatever fruit and maybe
blueberries or raspberries or strawberries and we teach our children
this is a natural thing to do we're picking and we're harvesting the fruit
to eat and these this is our natural attended food but we would never do this
do this when it comes to animals and animals we slaughter to eat so we feed
our children this we eat it ourselves and we never ever
slaughter-house footage and we never ever go to the slaughterhouses or the
farms and see how the animals are treated never ever and even if we are do
they fabricated they make this one barn maybe in this one farm they make this
one barn look so I Delek and so like compassionate and the people go in and
the farmers tell them lies and not the truth but when you see the truth bye-bye
my friend just robots Lou away so when you see the truth then you'll know and
there's a lot of truth out there there's a lot of videos out there
with undercover hidden cameras that show you what farmers do to these animals and
what the conditions these animals are in and not only that that we see them as
property we see them as beings to be used and to be exploited to be killed
and to be eaten and so forth so all my videos all my videos are either
educational or I talk about myself or wherever I am so majority of my videos
are educational nothing to do with copyright infringement
nothing to do with you know abuse of animals
yeah it's abusive animals because I want to educate people to stop abusing
animals to stop killing animals and Google you have the power to do this and
I know that you helped me in the past I just saw that I had a few days ago a
strike I put in my feedback or a counteracted the strike and Google right
away they removed that strike I thank you so much for doing hard work Google
and YouTube for doing hard work and I understand there's a lot of YouTube
channels out there and it's hard to get to each and every one of of the channels
to see you know to manually review each one each video and so forth but I thank
you for what you're doing and I mean I'm earning money through
Google I'm earning money through through Google YouTube I'm earning money but has
come to my attention and this is the second part of the video that I've been
making a certain amount of money in it for me
that certain amount of money it's there for me to survive because basically I
earned my money through YouTube and a little bit through my book but I'm not
earning enough to my book yet and so Google is my prime source of income now
my expenses are very very low and so Google's able at Google YouTube is able
to pay for me living this lifestyle which is very very minimal and but
recently the monetization the amount of money that I had been making for more
than a year now maybe two years almost that has gone down drastically it's gone
down about oh there was another insect gone down about 80 or 90 percent eighty
or ninety percent and this is tragedy because I don't know why it's because of
but it's a tragedy and I know Google tries tries their best Google and
YouTube tries their best to try and fix these things and try to I don't know how
they come up with the exact amount of money that each youtuber makes and each
youtuber earns but whatever it is I've been making and earning so much money
and now it's like very very little and the views have gone down for some reason
as well so I don't know why drastically drop down at least 70 or 80 percent it's
it just doesn't make sense so please try to fix this I mean I'm trying to do my
best to make this world a heavenly place so everyone can live in it and to make
sure that this earth is not ruined for future generations and if we want to
leave this earth for our children our grandchildren we
got to really think about what we're doing to the animals to each other
entity into nature it's so beautiful and the beings on this earth are so
beautiful we don't want to kill and destroy and and and just like causing so
much destruction we don't want to do any of that so I plead with Google and plea
with everyone to look into their hearts to feel into their hearts their
intuition and through the universe to open their eyes to really what's
happening to all the violence that were causing around the world and say look I
don't want to be a part of this anymore and I want to help those who are doing
good and I want to also do good in my life that's what I'm trying to do I'm
trying to do good what can I do there's only so much I can do but at least I can
do that and then you can do that and then the next person the next person and
it's chain-reaction and then it's going to be a snowball effect so once again I
thank you google for and YouTube for doing what you're doing I love you I
loved the whole concept of YouTube and and the money being earned it's just
amazing so thank you so much but also when it comes to really good youtubers
are really doing their job to try and help promote the compassionate message
of love living in heart of living in harmony with all life these are the
people that you have to really focus on to try to get the videos to learn so
they're monetized so that they're not age restricted so they're shown to the
public you understand so that's my video for you and for everyone thanks for
joining me I don'ts a little long but thanks for joining me and I'll see you
soon everybody beautiful animals just dancing around and playing around that's
what we should be doing everyone that's create the Garden of Eden thanks for
watching I'll see you soon
For more infomation >> Another Important Message for Google-YouTube - Duration: 11:08.-------------------------------------------
Nickels - Coin Roll Hunting to Complete My Coin Collection - Duration: 7:13.
hey everyone its Rob with Rob Finds treasure and we've got a couple of
nickel boxes today but I'm gonna be hunting this one first the reason why
I'm hunting this nickel box is I went over to a chase bank and they had no
nickel boxes for me to look through and I said well do you have any loose rolls
the guys like I have 50 bucks the teller next to him Camile and I
really appreciate her she said I got a hundred and forty dollars in nickels but
they're they're just the loose rolls not in a box so I grabbed a Kroger bag out
of my car walked back in and said I'll buy a hundred $ in loose rolls she dumped
five trays into my bag twenty dollars per tray and I have never gotten these
kinds of rolls looks like we could have some wartime nickels in these things of
course everything looks good through this so we've got customer wrapped we've got like
three different kinds of rolls here we've got the container these kind of
Cointainer ones and then below these guys we've got those kinds of rolls so I
went ahead and uh since I had nickel boxes in stock like you guys know I do
grabbed all their rolls stuck them in a box to make a box huh now I was gonna do
a customer wrapped verse machine wrapped nickel hunt but I decided since these ten are
machine wrapped technically it's not really a customer verse machine wrapped and besides
I don't want to do two box at the same time tonight I just feel like hunting
one box I think this is gonna be a good one to hunt - that being said let me get it in
position and let me start hunting this box we'll start with these ten clear
rolled machine rolled nickel rolls it's a lot of rolls
roll number two of the fun to open plastic rolls that's a joke we have a
1941 here I almost missed it cuz it just didn't look like a forty one it didn't
have the forty one look but it is a forty one for sure and it's a forty one
Philadelphia on the board with the forty one and a fifty three so far there you
next roll guys roll three we're gonna have another forty one
and this was a 41 d so we've got a 41 Philly and a 41 Denver in the first
couple of rolls roll 14 has 39 nickels and two pennies lost three cents but
roll 14 also has a 49 nickel and look at that a 49 s unbelievable 49 s is less
than 10 million minted so it's a semi key date we'll definitely take that all
day every day roll 15 another penny... roll 16
another penny beginning to think the person that used these container wrappers or
container wrappers knew how to make some money so they probably hunted their
nickels or if they didn't hunt them they knew they're a few nickels short and
inserted some pennies into the rolls to make up for it that's a bummer because I
don't like being shorted but I'll be shorted if I could find some more 49
esses short me a penny or a nickel every roll with the penny and a 49 s
that's a good trade well they almost heard me in that same roll with this
penny again roll 16 we did find a 48 48 filly trying to give me a 49 but didn't
quite get one what year is this penny by the way 96 let's get back to the hunt
yeah roll 19 another penny but roll nineteen's also getting another 40's Nickel here
1940s a lot of S mint marks and so far a lot of forties nickels we've got five
already in the first nineteen rolls customer wrapped technically so we'll
see what happens roll 21 and this is almost comical guys
how did a bank teller accept this roll a penny ender unbelievable roll 22 and we
might've made up for it we've got a dime so we we're shorted five
cents or five nickels so that's 25 cents short
but we just made up five cents and now we're back to 20 cents short roll 26
another 41 nickel 41 Philadelphia so that's 3 41's and 6 40's already roll
29 another 40s nickel 1947 Philadelphia so pretty good finds in the 40s so far
if I can get these uh set up straight make two rows of those since we're
starting to stack them up a little bit seven coins in the 40s roll 38 guys got
another 40's nickel here 1948 Denver roll 42 another 40s nickel 1947 San
Francisco definitely we'll take another San Fran minted nickel for sure same
role another 40s nickel 1941 Denver roll 47 and yet another 41 nickel
Philadelphia crazy same roll guys and look at this we've got a 39 can it be
the 1939 Denver Mint
it's not it's just another Philadelphia but you know what we'll take a second
year Jefferson like I've always said every time all right guys that box of
nickels is complete here's the finds a dime seven pennies a couple of nice
keeper album coins kind of an odd toned 61 I'm probably gonna toss it look at
this 7 2009 D's crazy we ended up with 11 from the 50s and really the key finds
are a 52 s and a 52 D couple of 55 s in there some other good years in the 40s
we had one of my better for these boxes we got 11 and capped by a 40 and what is
that 5 41's and then a 49 s which is pretty semi key date and then we got a
39 philadelphia again so no super finds good amount of early Jefferson's with 11
and 11 that's 22 23 early Jefferson's that's a good box along with a bunch of
Oh nines hopefully you enjoyed this hunt with me if you did please give the video
a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for watching
Constant Spring Road Improvement Project Expansion - Duration: 14:04.
Norbrook Dr [Left]
Oliver Rd [Left]
Cassava Piece Rd [Right]
Left to Immaculate Conception High School
Mannings Hill Rd [Right]
West Ave [Right]
Oaklands Apartment Complex [Left]
Grants Pen Rd [Left]
Shortwood Rd [Left]
Road closed ahead - Detour onto Central Ave
Left turn onto East Ave
Left turn onto "unnamed rd"
Left onto Chesterfield Ave
Left turn onto Goodwood Terrace
Back on Constant Spring Rd
Dunrobin Ave [Right]
Crossing the Sandy Gully
Documentos secretos do Pentágono sobre ÓVNI vazados capas de invisibilidade e buracos de minhoca - Duration: 3:21.
Los 7 peores FRACASOS de MICROSOFT - Duration: 8:37.
How to check the balance 💲 of a Gift Card on your Xbox One - Duration: 4:32.
Anime Mix「AMV」- Everything remix - Duration: 3:07.
Gear S4 : The FIVE things you need to know about Samsung's new Galaxy Watch ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 3:03.
The Samsung Gear S4 is expected to get revealed with a new Galaxy Watch name at the company's
Unpacked event on August 9.
Samsung was one of the first companies to launch a smartwatch and has been evolving
the wearable market ever since.
The new Galaxy Watch is expected to not only get a new name but also a set of fresh features
thanks to one big change.
Samsung is rumoured to use a new operating system on the Galaxy Watch provided by Google
in the form of Android Wear OS.
Here's how the Samsung Gear S4, or Galaxy Watch, will innovate this year.
Samsung Galaxy Watch: New Android Wear OS?
Samsung is rumoured to be abandoning its Tizen operating system in favour of the popular
Google Android Wear OS.
This is the operating system used by lots of smartwatch manufacturers like LG, Huawei
and Tag Heuer.
Despite this rumour, there are others who claim Samsung will stick with Tizen OS.
Another rumour suggests that Samsung is working with Google on the Pixel Watch.
This could be where the Samsung wearables running Wear OS rumour have come from.
Samsung Galaxy Watch: Smarter tracking
The Samsung Galaxy Watch is expected to come with GPS for location tracking and a heart
rate monitor for health tracking.
Rumours also suggest this new watch will be able to track blood pressure.
Apple is also rumoured to offer blood pressure tracking on its new Watch.
Samsung Galaxy Watch: Better connected
Expect Samsung Pay for mobile payments to appear thanks to NFC as standard on the new
While offline music stored locally will be played via Bluetooth headphones there should
also be live streaming available over LTE – potentially perfect for services like
Samsung Galaxy Watch: Bixby personal assistant
Samsung's own Bixby personal assistant is expected to get a 2.0 upgrade announced at
the Unpacked event where the Galaxy Note 9 should appear.
This updated assistant could appear on the Galaxy Watch also, allowing for greater levels
of voice controls which are ideal on a smaller device like a wearable.
Samsung Galaxy Watch: Price, release date and colours
While Samsung could unveil the Galaxy Watch at its Unpacked event on August 9, it may
reveal it earlier at the IFA trade show at the start of August.
The Samsung Galaxy Gear S3 was priced at £349, so expect the Galaxy Watch to be at least
that price or more.
Like previous Samsung wearables, it's likely the Galaxy Watch will come in classic and
rugged Frontier styles and there could even be a new gold model to choose from.
Aphorism by Darwin - Duration: 1:17.
10 beach snack bar names - the best names for your company - www.namesoftheworld.net - Duration: 1:18.
10 beach snack bar names
Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
حظك اليوم الاثنين 30-07-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 7:00.
Verikuu / Kuun pimennys (CC for foreigners) - Duration: 5:24.
Hi! Now that we had this "moon eclipse"
I took photos of it because sky was clear. But this bright northern night kind of spoiled a lot.
I managed to see and shoot only the few last minutes of the eclipse.
And they look like this.
So when I saw the moon, the shadow was that small.
I made an HDR out of these eight photos.
Choose all and make HDR.
And suddenly this combo turned yellowish.
As in from this colour to this colour.
But because this Darktable is not the best possible photo editor aka it can't auto align we see ghosts.
But we have Affinity Photo and it can auto align and much much more.
HDR merge.
Ok, now all eight raws are in there and everything is aligned.
And in this software the moon is not yellowish. So let's tune it a little bit.
So first we add some sharpness. Double the layer by pressing cmd+j and add unsharp mask.
And let's add some yellowish colour into it. At least it was so called blood moon, so it needs some colour.
A little bit of yellowish/brownish ocraish ground color.
And some cropping.
And a little bit of more sharpness. I choose high pass filter.
And change blend mode to overlay.
Okay, there we have the moon picture... of course we could add some more sharpness.
This is not the best possible eclipse photo because I could see only the end of the eclipse.
Too bright, it didn't last long enough, etc.
Next blood moon/eclipse is in november, at least I heard so, so I don't guarantee it.
But till then we gonna watch this photo and so on.
But we'll see in the next video and 'till that: good bye.
10 nombres de bares playeros - nombres para empresas - www.nombresparamiempresa.com - Duration: 1:14.
10 beach snack bar names
Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
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