Kylie Jenner Took Stormi Along To Buy Her GQ Cover
For more infomation >> Kylie Jenner Took Stormi Along To Buy Her GQ Cover - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
'Call Out My Name' by The Weeknd | Cover Sessions: Mack Keane | MTV - Duration: 4:29.
("Call Out My Name" by The Weeknd on piano)
♪ We found each other ♪
♪ I helped you out of a broken place ♪
♪ You gave me comfort ♪
♪ But falling for you was my mistake ♪
♪ I put you on top, I put you on top ♪
♪ I claimed you so proud and openly ♪
♪ And when times were rough, when times were rough ♪
♪ I made sure I held you close to me ♪
♪ So call out my name ♪
♪ Call out my name when I kiss you so gently ♪
♪ Girl, why can't you stay ♪
♪ I want you to stay, even though you don't want me ♪
♪ Girl, why can't you wait ♪
♪ Why can't you wait 'til I fall out of love, girl ♪
♪ Say, call out my name ♪
♪ Call out my name, even though you don't want me ♪
♪ Call out my ♪
♪ I know I said I didn't feel nothing, baby, but I lied ♪
♪ I almost cut a piece of myself now for your life ♪
♪ I guess I was just another pit stop ♪
♪ 'Til you made up your mind ♪
♪ You just wasted my time ♪
♪ I put you on top, I put you on top ♪
♪ I claimed you so proud and openly ♪
♪ And when times were rough, when times were rough ♪
♪ I made sure I held you close to me ♪
♪ So call out my name ♪
♪ Call out my name when I kiss you so gently ♪
♪ Girl, why can't you stay ♪
♪ I want you to stay even though you don't want me ♪
♪ Girl, why can't you wait, oh ♪
♪ Why can't you wait 'til I fall out of love, girl ♪
♪ Girl, call out my name ♪
♪ Call out my name, and I'll be on my way, girl ♪
♪ I'll be on my ♪
♪ Call out my name ♪
♪ Call out my name ♪
("Call Out My Name" by the Weeknd on piano)
Birth Control That Was Destroying Women's Bodies Pulled From Market - Duration: 7:26.
The Bayer HealthCare companies announced that they're going to stop selling their controversial
birth control called Essure.
The company says it's because it wasn't selling well, which is likely because it was destroying
the lives of women all over the country.
That's really why they're doing this.
This is a simple story to understand, okay?
This company, Bayer, has made this product.
They know it's a birth control, it's totally and unnecessary birth control.
There are more birth controls out there that whatever the problem is that a woman is having
with a particular kind of birth control, there are other alternative out there for them.
Essure was one of these lookalike kind of deals.
Other people are doing something similar, we want to try this ourselves.
Now what they're finding is the Essure that's embedded in the body is breaking off in the
body, migrating throughout the body and causing real serious injuries to people.
That's why they're pulling the product from the market.
As you know, I handled the, years ago, handled case against Bayer for another birth control
pill and the problem with it sometimes is, they're always looking for that cash cow.
They're always looking, this was called Yaz.
It was a pill called Yaz.
This is not a pill.
This is, it's implanted in the body, this Essure.
But they're always looking to get on the very edge of the new cash cow.
That's what happened here, isn't it, Farron?
It absolutely is and now they're saying well, this cash cow stopped giving us milk.
It has nothing to do with these 16,000 lawsuits we're facing over this product in the US alone.
No, no, no, it's because it wasn't selling well.
And there's a reason.
It's because, as you just pointed out, it's destroying the lives of women like so many
other products that we see.
Essure is a permanent form of birth control.
It's this implantable device and just like every other implantable, small, metallic device
we see in bodies, it breaks apart.
IVC filters, the same thing.
IVC filters is a great example.
Same kind of deal.
Breaks apart, moves systemically through the body.
Lodges in organ systems, including the brain, by the way.
The heart.
This is the same problem here with Essure.
They knew.
They've known the science of implant fracture for ages.
They know the science on it.
They know it's bad.
They know there's never been a good experience with this.
Due to the location of the device in the Fallopian tubes, most of the injuries that they're seeing
involve, there's a lot of kidney damage, a lot of abdominal pain, because usually when
it breaks off it'll embed almost immediately wherever it can get to.
Sometimes it will migrate.
It will go to the brain.
It will go to the heart.
If you're lucky enough, it's not going to go there and immediately kill you.
Instead, it'll ruin a kidney.
It'll ruin a bowel, a bladder.
Anything it can latch itself onto and Bayer knew it.
Actually pierce the bowel.
That's one of the bigger problems.
Let me tell you a quick story.
I think this is pretty instructional about Bayer as a company, generally.
I've been toe to toe with Bayer on several occasions that's the same culture.
It is a culture of, we want to follow the cash cow.
We're going to make as much money as we can.
We're going to leave what I call quick profits, horrible risks.
Quick profits for the company, horrible risks for the consumer.
This was in the Yaz case.
This woman that was testifying on Bayer, her name was North.
She was the number three PR person for Bayer.
Her job was to go across the country telling the story about how noble Bayer was.
Talk about the actual character of Bayer, which in a civil suit, it's important to know,
character of either party is never at issue.
You don't allow character into a discussion.
If somebody robbed a bank years before, yeah, maybe that comes in, but general character
doesn't come in.
Okay, so she testifies, Farron, and I think you've seen this.
I actually put it in one of the books, the first book I wrote called, Law and Disorder.
It was a book about the Yaz case and several other cases.
A fiction.
It's a fiction book, but this is a true part of it.
Where I have her on cross-examination, I said, "Mrs. North, now you've been testifying here
about what a wonderful corporation this is, their honesty.
You testified about their integrity.
You testified how they just do things right and they always have the consumer in mind
and they would never..."
Basically her bottom line, we would never do anything wrong.
We would never hire people who do things wrong.
That's the catch.
So I said, "Well, Ms. North, have you seen this picture?"
I put a picture up of a fellow named Fritz ter Meer.
She says, "I've never seen that picture."
Well, the picture was Fritz ter Meer, who was CEO of Bayer at the time.
Actually, continued to be CEO of Bayer after this incident.
Fritz ter Meer was a war criminal.
In Auschwitz, he helped design the gas that killed hundreds of thousands of Jews in Auschwitz.
I said, "Well nobody ever told you, talking about the integrity of this company, nobody
ever told you about Fritz ter Meer?"
"No, I didn't know about Fritz ter Meer."
Well, she didn't know that I had another document.
And the other document was a document that showed that every year Bayer continues to
have a celebration for Sir Fritz ter Meer.
Literally a celebration, a graveside celebration, where they give a scholarship away to the
leading scientist of a university or a student in a university, and she had been there.
So first of all, she's lying about Fritz ter Meer.
The real story about Fritz ter Meer is that Bayer was so up to their eyeballs in the Nazi
movement in the second World War that they actually designed gas to kill people.
Those same people who did that went to work for Bayer after the war.
So it was a startling moment.
It was the kind of moment where you go, well it was so startling that when it came up right
before trial, they settled the case for all of the Yaz cases throughout the country.
So this'll be another opportunity to tell that story in the Essure Case.
Well you know, I think there's also another part to that story, though, because if I remember
correctly and I could be wrong, so feel free to correct me, but wasn't this Yaz, 'cause
I was here with you, wasn't that the story that when it first came out was pitched to
the New York Times-
... and the New York Times, after kicking it around for a few months, "Oh, we've got
this reporter.
They're working on this great, great, great story.
This is going to be huge, we're going to blow it out of the water."
Publication day came and they said, "We can't.
We don't want to ruffle any feathers."
That's exactly right.
Exactly right.
It's worse that that.
It was actually, I was actually working as a contributor for MSNBC.
Not regular, but I was a contributor.
I would appear once every couple of weeks until I went to work with Ed Schultz.
When he had his show, I would be there sometimes two or three times a week.
But I remember pitching this story and the producers couldn't do the story because the
advertisers wouldn't let them.
Ving Rhames Says He Was Held at Gunpoint by Police in His Own Home - Duration: 1:10.
For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch
On Friday's episode of SiriusXM's The Clay Cane Show, during a discussion on racism,
actor Ving Rhames revealed that he was held at gunpoint in his house by the police.
Apparently, the cops were responding to a purported burglary that happened in his Santa
Monica home and thought he was the thief.
"This happened this year I open the door and there is a red dot pointed at my face
from a 9-mm, and they say, 'Put up your hands.'
Rhames was then taken outside, where one of the responding policemen identified Rhames
not for his roles in Pulp Fiction or Mission: Impossible but because the officer's son
played basketball.
The cop and Rhames' sons had previously played each other in a game.
The episode frightened Rhames not just for his own life, but for his son's.
"What if it was my son and he had a video game remote or something, and you thought
it was a gun.
Just like, I don't know, Trayvon had a bag of Skittles."
Rhames said that according to the police, a neighbor called 911 to notify authorities
that a "large black man" was robbing Rhames' home.
Afterwards, police accompanied Rhames to the neighbor's house to find out what happened,
but she said she didn't make the call.
That's all for now for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube for Complex News, I'm
hanuman Welch.
Dance Moms: Kendall's Contemporary Solo - "The Luxor" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:11.
Experiencia Truvid |🏆¿Me pusieron un STRIKE por participar? Mi experiencia con truvid😎RESUMEN - Duration: 9:14.
6 Bad Habits that Cause Clogged Skin Pores - Duration: 6:07.
Super βραδιά:Μάγεψαν οι Πυξ Λαξ στη συναυλία για τους πυρόπληκτους - Duration: 1:47.
Με απειλές απάντησε ο Ερντογάν στις απειλές του Τραμπ - Duration: 1:47.
Βίσση και Ρέμος στη μεγάλη συναυλία για τους πυρόπληκτους - Duration: 0:42.
"Πάγωμα" των ερευνών στην ΑΟΖ επιδιώκει η Άγκυρα - Duration: 3:05.
Simple at home workout for wheelchair users. - Duration: 13:27.
Lançamentos: 22 a 28 de julho de 2018 - Duration: 20:40.
Der Eber und der Fuchs - Duration: 0:52.
Hello guys,today I will tell you „The Wild Boar and the Fox"
A fox saw a boar whetting its teeth
with a squirrel and asked him what he was doing,
seeing as there was no need, no enemy in front of him?
"True," said the boar,but that is precisely why I prepare myself for a fight
for when the enemy is there,
it is time to fight, not more time to whet teeth."
Get ready for the future
misfortune in your happiness;
collect and prepare in good days for the worse.
That`s it for today people if you like my videos
subscriebe and like.
Until the next week .Bay bay
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