In this video we'll be covering file management using GAT Unlock. First
navigate to Drive
Audit in GAT+. Using the panel on the left side of the
screen. Next I'll click to create a filter button. In this example, I'll be
finding all video files owned by my marketing group that are being shared
out of my domain. I'll start by selecting to type and choosing 'User/Group/OU
/Search. I'll fill in the email for my group and make sure to check 'owned only'
In the definition section, I'll add two rules. One with a sharing flag set to
'shared out' and another that will look for file type which I've set to
'video' these two rules will work together to look for video files which are being
shared out of my domain. Click the 'Apply' button to proceed with the search. Now
that I have my results, I can begin managing them by selecting the button on
the left labeled 'toggle selectable' now you can select whatever files you wish
to manage selecting the box at the top will select all the files in the search.
By clicking the adjacent file operation button you will see a drop down menu.
Here you can select file management. In this example, we are removing external
access to the videos and making myself the owner of all the files. I'll make
sure to check both to 'remove all external editors and external reader'
boxes. Now I can send my request to my security officer. Your security officer
is another member of your organization or school that has been given the
responsibility of approving or denying an ominous request to change file
permissions. Upon sending a request, the security officer will receive an email
detailing two changes and will be given the choice to approve or deny your
request. If the security officer approves your request the action will be executed
and you will be notified if the request is denied you will be notified and there
will be no action taken. Don't forget to go to our website to get a free 15 day
trial of GAT+. If you enjoyed this how-to please give it a thumbs up and
subscribe. Make sure to turn on the bell so you never miss a video. And let us
know in the comments what you would like to see from us in the future that
concludes this GAT+ how-to. Thanks for watching.
For more infomation >> GAT Unlock: Google Drive File Management - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
Google Add URL: что это и зачем он нужен | SEMANTICA - Duration: 5:22.
Toots and the Maytals: Funky Kingston - Duration: 4:43.
-Tonight, performing their classic --
We are honored to have them here.
They're going to perform their classic "Funky Kingston."
Give it the up for Toots and the Maytals!
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Introduction plays ]
-♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
-♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
-We're gonna sing just one more time.
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
-♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
-♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ Got to believe every word I say ♪
♪ You got to believe everything I do now ♪
♪ I said, music is what I've got, baby ♪
♪ I've gotta find some way to make it ♪
♪ Music is all I've got, baby ♪
♪ And I want you to come on and... ♪
-♪ Play the funky reggae with me ♪
-♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
-♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
-♪ Oh-oh ♪
♪ A funky Kingston now ♪
-♪ A funky Kingston... ♪
-♪ what I've got for you now ♪
-♪ A funky Kingston ♪
-♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Somebody take it away from me ♪
-♪ A funky Kingston ♪
-♪ Got to go and buy yourself one ♪
♪ A funky Kingston, now ♪
-♪ A funky Kingston ♪
-♪ Whoa, yeah, oh ♪
♪ Ohhhh-oh-ohh ♪
-♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
-♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
-♪ I play from east to west ♪ -♪ East to west ♪
-♪ I just play from north to south, yeah ♪
-♪ North to south, yeah ♪
-♪ All over the world ♪
♪ People keep on wanting me to sing ♪
♪ Funky Kingston, yeah ♪
-♪ A funky Kingston ♪
-♪ But I ain't got none ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
-♪ A funky Kingston ♪
-♪ Somebody take it away from me ♪
-♪ A funky Kingston ♪
-♪ Got to go and buy yourself one ♪
[ Singing indistinctly ]
-♪ A funky Kingston ♪ -♪ Oh, hey, now, girl ♪
♪ Funky, funky reggae ♪
-♪ Funky, funky reggae ♪
-♪ Reggae, reggae, reggae ♪
-♪ Reggae, reggae, reggae ♪
♪ Funky, funky reggae ♪
-♪ Funky, funky reggae ♪
-♪ Reggae, reggae, reggae ♪
-♪ Reggae, reggae, reggae ♪
-♪ Ma mama ma mama ma ♪
[ Tempo increases ]
How'd that go?
♪ Hey ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ Reggae, reggae, reggae ♪
-♪ Reggae, reggae, reggae ♪
-♪ Funky, funky reggae ♪
-♪ Funky, funky reggae ♪
-♪ Ma mama ma mama ma ♪
-♪ Ma mama ma mama ma ♪
-God bless you. Thank you.
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Finale plays ]
-Whoo, yeah!
Oh! That's how you do it! Come on!
[ Laughs ]
Thank you, brother. Thank you so much.
The one and only Toots and the Maytals!
[ Cheers and applause continue ]
Check them on tour right now!
Nikki and Brie Bella Pulled Twin Switches to Help Dump Each Other's Boyfriends - Duration: 5:17.
-Nikki and Brie Bella, welcome to the show.
-Thank you. -Thank you.
-Thank you so much for being here.
Okay, identical -- identical twins.
-Yes. -Yes.
-Oh, my gosh. Don't, twin.
-You both said it at the exact same time, wow.
-It's weird. -Who was born first?
-Me. -You were.
-I'm the boss. More the boss.
-She thinks she's years older than me.
-16 minutes. -She's only 16 minutes.
-Only? In twin world, that's like forever.
[ Laughter ] -In twin world.
-Whatever. -Did you --
-Here's a picture of you guys when you were 2.
-Yeah. -Aww.
-Come on. [ Audience "Awws" ]
-Did you guys -- did you have a special twin language
when you were growing up? -Um, we did.
And my mom said it was really creepy.
It's, like, we had our own little gibberish.
And, like, we understood what we were saying but mom was like,
"They're not speaking English,
but they're having a conversation.
-But it was more with our eyes.
Like, even now, Brie and I could totally be in a situation,
and we just like -- and we could totally look,
and I know exactly what she's saying.
-Just now you just said something to each other.
Like, "Yeah, I got it." Really?
-What's the advantages of having an identical twin?
Is there any things you can get away with stuff?
-Well, when we were young,
we'd break up with boyfriends for each other.
-Oh, all the time. -You're kidding me.
-I swear. -Yeah.
We never had to go through, like, the emotions of a breakup.
Because I was like, "You wanna dump the guy? Cool."
I'd be like, "Hello? Yeah, I'm not into you, sorry."
And then I would just go on with my day,
no hurt feelings, and she'd be like, "Did you do it?"
I'm like, "Yeah, you're good." [ Laughter ]
-Where were you a few months ago?
Just kidding. Sorry.
[ Audience "Oohs" ]
-Well, that would've been a hard phone call.
I want to get into that whole thing.
'Cause I saw the season finale. It airs this Sunday.
-Yeah. -And, man, oh, man.
I mean, with both of your lives, very emotional.
-Yeah, we're -- I would say, Brie and I,
we're just beyond open books.
But we feel like, if you want, you know,
to have a reality show, like, you can't have the fake stuff.
Like, you really have to let people into your life.
And that's how you connect with people.
-But is it odd to have the cameras around
and be mic'd up the whole time? -Yeah.
-Yeah. -Makeup on the whole day?
-For the first few months. -Yeah.
And then after five years, they become family.
-Right. -And you're like, "Shoot.
I probably shouldn't have drank that much while I was filming."
-Yeah. -Or go into Brie mode.
-And I gave birth on camera. So, after that I'm like, "Okay.
Free-for-all, everything." -That was kind of crazy.
I was like, "Whoa, they're right there."
-Really. You went for it. But, congrats.
Look at beautiful baby you have right there.
-Oh, my BirBir. -There's Birdie.
[ Audience "Awws" ]
-So, little Birdie. Is she 1 right now?
-Yeah, 14 months. -Oh, 14 months, okay, yeah.
-Yeah. -We did that, too, yeah.
After a certain time -- -I know. I'm sorry. New mom.
-You stop counting months.
Yeah, you're like, "How old's your baby?"
They're like, "394 months." [ Laughter ]
"Is he in his 20s?" -Yeah.
[ Laughter ]
-But you -- you get over that, eventually stop saying months.
But, man, what an emotional story
with your husband, too, as well. -I know.
-Coming back to wrestling,
and, like, seeing if doctors will let him come back.
-Yeah. -Honestly, I was like --
I knew a little bit of the story.
But everyone's chanting, "Yes, yes, yes!"
-Oh. -Right.
-Gives you chills, right?
-It was like watching "Rocky" or something.
I go, "Oh, my gosh." -That's what it totally was.
-And then, it just gets emotional.
Then, I'm like, "Dude this is --
You're watching 'Total Bellas' on e!
All right, it's all good. Have --
Please, just calm it down, Jimmy."
Do you watch the shows after you're done
and you go like... Or is it too painful?
-This season's been really painful for me.
To like, just to relive, it's been super tough.
I always love watching her back. It's always fun for me.
-Oh, thanks. -'Cause I'm like, "You did not!"
Or, "Oh, my gosh." -Your grammar is bad, too.
-Whatever. We have like our own --
We should have our own diction. -I'm, like, always embarrassed.
-I swear -- -For me or for you?
-More for you. But also for me.
-Wow. -Wait -- wow.
Like, yeah.
-By the way, that's one of Birdie's first words.
Because we always say wow to everything,
so she does something, she looks at us, she goes, "Wow."
-It wasn't one of her first but...
It's what she says now. -"Dada" was her first.
-No, I love this. "Dada" was her first.
-Dada's everything.
-Like, she'll look at me and be like, "Dada."
And I'm like, "No, mama." And then she'll go, "Dada."
And I'm like... -I know.
Well, this scene that we're about to see right now
is actually little Birdie
seeing dada wrestle for the first time.
But, I mean, he never thought that he would...
He never thought that it would actually happen.
And so it's really emotional to know that his daughter
can now watch him wrestle.
She's in front of the TV, watching him wrestle.
Here's a clip from this Sunday's season finale
of "Total Bellas" on E! Take a look.
-By the way, your daughter got to watch you wrestle.
-Oh, my gosh.
-Is that not the cutest thing?
-Oh, I know.
-It's incredible seeing the picture of Birdie
watching me doing something that I love.
And to see my mom holding her,
it kind of tears me up right now.
And this is a moment
that I'll remember for the rest of my life.
[ Cheers and applause ] -Oh, my gosh.
I, like, wanna cry.
-I'm telling you it was a good -- it was a great episode.
Nikki and Brie Bella, everybody.
Check out the season finale of "Total Bellas,"
this Sunday night on E!
谷歌翻譯超低級錯誤讓台獨樂傻:谷歌果然偏愛台灣 - Duration: 4:50.
Amy Poehler Reveals How She First Met Nick Offerman - Duration: 6:58.
-Your partner in crime on this show, Nick Offerman,
obviously your co-star in "Parks and Rec."
You've known him for a long time, though.
-Yeah, we met in Chicago.
We met at a really weird house party.
And Nick was in a production of "Clockwork Orange."
And he had a dyed red beard
and his hair was shaped into devil horns.
-Wow. [ Laughter ]
And you saw that and thought that was interesting?
-I was like, "My man." [ Laughter ]
But that was during a time when if you remember in Chicago,
there was some factions. -Yeah.
-Because there were the improvisers and the sketch
and -- like, you know, stand-up's kind of
in the same group.
And then the Goodman Theatre, Steppenwolf,
like, professional actors. -Yeah. Actor actors. Yeah.
-And then the alternative theater Chicago actors,
of which I think Nick was one.
So everybody -- they didn't run in the same circles.
-Did you have any -- did you feel any crossover comfort
with those other circles?
-I felt like I could do everything they could do
and they couldn't do what I could do.
-Okay, gotcha. [ Laughter ]
-Is that bad to say out loud? -No, no, that's good.
-Okay. But no.
They were amazing and I never -- you know, I never --
I never went to Steppenwolf or --
Did you go to any --
-I think I went to like three Steppenwolf shows
the entire time I was there.
-Yeah, I --
-I will say they were -- it was expensive.
-It was expensive. -Yeah.
-But it was like Laurie Metcalf and Gary Sinise,
all these amazing actors that were there.
But we were...
-We were just, like, scraping it by.
-We were just throwing hot dog buns into the audience.
[ Laughter ]
In some basement theater.
-Obviously Nick is sort of famously good
at building things. -Yeah.
-And he's a craftsman.
You are not. -No.
-Does he take advantage of -- on the show,
of the fact that you know very little about crafting?
-Yeah. He could say pretty much anything and he would just --
I would just nod. -Yeah.
-As if I know what it -- [ Laughter ]
Like, there is a couple times in it that,
it was kind of like a little bit of a living stress dream,
where people would say,
"Well, all you need to do is just plane this
and then it'll be in good shape."
And I would nod as if I knew what everybody is talking about.
And I would be afraid people would ask me to do it.
But, no, I can't make anything yet.
-The show is called "Making It."
You guys have a catch phrase that is very inventive.
-What is the catch phrase on the television show "Making It"?
-Make it!
[ Laughter and applause ] Yeah.
-Did you shop around for others? -We did.
-Or did you immediately --
-We went to -- We went to a bunch of clubs.
We tried out a bunch of catch phrases.
-Oh, like stand-up clubs? -Yeah.
-You did, like, open mikes? -We did open mike stuff.
We went on the road. [ Laughter ]
We worked really hard.
And what was great is we realized simple is better.
-Yeah. -Always.
-Did you have any failed ones?
-We didn't.
-Oh, really? -We didn't.
We just tried one and then we stuck with it.
[ Laughter ]
And then we also --
We could never quite say it at the same time.
-Oh, that was the issue.
Just syncing up and saying it together.
-Do you guys have a slogan here on your show?
-We do have a slogan.
It's also "make it."
[ Laughter ]
-"Late Night with Seth Meyers" and make it.
-Make it! -Yeah.
That's weird. -Make it!
-Oh, it's said differently.
-Yeah. Make it!
[ Laughter ]
We try to say it in a way that they don't know
if we're going to make something or they're supposed to.
-I like that. I like that.
It's really hard to think of a catch phrase, you know?
Like, to -- and we didn't want to do something like,
"Get out of here, loser." You know?
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
Well, it's a very -- Well, it's interesting
because you guys are the hosts of the show.
You're not judges on the show. -No.
I don't have to do any of that tough stuff.
-Do you wish you -- I mean, like --
I will say you are someone who has opinions about things.
-I -- Yes. -Yeah.
-I don't -- I would never want to -- A creative person who,
like, is very vulnerable and puts himself out there,
I would never want to be the one that says, like, you know,
"Hasta la vista, baby."
[ Laughter ]
You know, I would not want to do that.
-I think you could say, like, "Make it to the door."
[ Laughter ]
"Because you outta here."
-"Make it your business to get in the car."
[ Laughter ]
"And get out of here."
-"Make a door and then leave through it."
[ Laughter ]
-But, yeah. You're right.
I'm very judgmental and I do like to judge.
-But I can see that you wouldn't take pleasure from, like,
judging an artisanal --
-No, I enjoy doing it with you, like, just the two of us now.
-No one is watching or anything. -Right.
[ Laughter ] -But I like that.
But if it was on a, like, you Know, a TV show --
-Oh, yeah, no.
[ Laughter ]
Heaven forbid. That's the thing.
That's why I have a TV show, I try not to be judgmental at all.
[ Laughter ]
-Do you now? -You were on --
We had dinner last night with some of our friends.
-We did.
-And you then had to -- you were, like, kind of
the first one out the door because you had to do
the "Today" show.
-I did the "Today" show this morning, which was so fun.
And that show is amazing.
Like, it's a crazy circus.
-Yes. -As you know.
But I texted a friend of ours, because this morning
it was like an "SNL" sketch
that we had probably written a million times
because I was a little hungover. -Uh-huh.
-Not a lot of sleep, and I had to get up really early.
And I had to do crafts, which I don't do.
-Right. [ Laughter ]
-With Al Roker and Hoda.
And I followed a story about a giraffe getting pregnant.
[ Laughter ]
But it made me think about, we used to joke all the time
that there would always be sketches where we would think
it was really funny if it was like the local newscasters
in Tucson who were really hung over
and just trying to get through the morning.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
-They're like, "Good morning, T-- Good morning, Tucson."
[ Laughter ]
Just trying not to throw up the whole time.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
Well, I think we may have even talked about it here.
There was like a -- I remember there was a famous night
where we were out very late at "SNL."
And then you, Finesse Mitchell and Kenan Thompson had to leave.
Like, you had -- Well, you left a bar, like, an hour before
you got picked up to all go play the Black Eyed Peas in a sketch.
-Oh, that was such a dark, dark day.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
And you filmed it and it was really exciting
for the rest of us because you then all told us, like,
"We were so hung over
and we had to dance like the Black Eyed Peas.
And then when we all just got wait to watch the pre-tape."
And then it was so much fun to watch because you guys
all looked like really unhappy Black Eyed Peas.
[ Laughter ]
-And Kenan Thompson was doing the funniest bit
where he was pretending to take calls from himself
the night before.
And he was like, "Hello?" And he was like,
"You want me to go home? I don't think so."
[ Laughter ]
He was, like, going, "You got to go home, man.
You're going to be up all night.
And you got to be the Black Eyed Peas in the morning."
He's like, "Nice try, buddy."
-How about, by the way, our friend --
Our friend Kenan Thompson finally got an Emmy nomination.
-So great!
Give it up for Kenan Thompson, everybody!
[ Cheers and applause ]
-And still an American citizen, Kenan. Right?
-Yes, still -- no, no.
They took it away for Horatio. [ Laughter ]
Yeah. -So now he's --
-They had to split -- they switched it.
-Oh, makes sense. That makes sense. Yeah.
-And that's how it works. -That's how -- that's the biz.
-We don't add one more person!
-You know what, you want to be here?
You got to give us someone!
[ Laughter ]
A friend, preferably.
-A friend. Ideally a friend.
I love you so much. Thank you so much for being here.
-My pleasure always, friend.
Just a delight every single time.
Amy Poehler Is Obsessed with the Trapped Thai Soccer Team Story - Duration: 5:03.
-We have to talk about those boys in the cave, dude.
-Now, these are the Thai boys in the cave?
-Yes. Did you guys talk about that at all?
Can you believe that story?
Ask me anything about that story.
-Oh, are you fully up to date?
-I can't stop reading about that story, and it keeps going.
-Like, what's happening now? -Oh, what's happening now?
Oh, only the boys shaved their heads,
and they're going into a monastery
to honor the diver that died.
They're going to go to a monastery now.
-Oh, my God. -It's the most amazing story.
-How many kids was it?
-That I don't know. [ Laughter ]
I don't read the fine print.
-Well, you're not about, like, numbers.
You're feelings. -Yes.
They all got out. -Yep.
-They had to -- I'm gonna talk about this forever.
They had to be sedated. Did you know that?
-No. Before they went --
-I mean, you seriously didn't know that?
Why didn't you read this story?
-I was so worried it was gonna have an unhappy ending.
-I'm only talking about it
'cause it was a happy ending, of course.
I would never talk about it if it was a sad ending.
-So, they sedated them before they took them back?
-Yes. They put them to sleep.
They don't even remember getting traveled in the water.
Can you imagine?
And they were asleep, and there was a diver next to them
just watching them to make sure everything was going fine.
And it took hours, dude.
And it was -- The tunnel was like an "S."
So, at one point, they couldn't -- It's --
-They say that's, of the letters,
the worst one for your tunnel to be.
-And -- Wait. Oh!
And the coach that brought them there...
-...which, you know... [ Laughter ]
-Yeah, there was an outcome where he was not a hero, yeah.
-But he had studied to be a Buddhist monk
and he taught them to meditate to conserve energy.
So they all learned to meditate in the cave.
♪ And they lived off of rainwater ♪
Why isn't every --
-I heard the coach -- I did hear that the coach
didn't eat any of his food.
-Yes. He gave away his food. -Yeah.
-Ugh! -I mean, I guess you...
-I don't know why you don't talk about this every night.
Don't do any jokes about Trump.
Just talk seriously about this story,
'cause it never ends.
-Yeah. -It's amazing.
-Well, I remember, we were -- A very similar story.
We were working at "SNL" when the Chilean miners --
-That was another story that -- You loved that story.
-'Cause they all got out. -Yeah.
-And remember the Chilean miners?
Ask me anything about the Chilean miners.
-Well, I remember there was one Chilean miner
who, like, loved the camera.
Do you remember that?
-He got a little popular.
-And then I think we wrote a talk-show sketch
where Fred was that miner.
And then the band was, like, the other 31 miners.
I can't remember what it was. -Yeah.
And America never saw that sketch, right?
-No. Didn't see that. -No, no.
-I think I might have also written one where
there were 31 miners went in and 32 came out.
[ Laughter ]
I think that's maybe all I had, but --
-Was the 32nd miner Horatio? -Yeah, probably.
-Yeah, yeah.
-He was just a guy who lived down there.
He lived in a cave and then he saw that as his chance out.
-That should have been on the air.
-By the way, you know about what happened to Horatio today?
Our friend Horatio Sanz. -What?
-I think he became an American citizen today.
-[ Gasps ] Are you kidding me?
-I think that truly happened today.
Give it up for Horatio Sanz. [ Cheers and applause ]
-America is better for it.
-We'll have to fact-check that, of course.
-We'll have to have a party for him.
-Yeah, we have to have an American party for him.
-Oh, that's wonderful. -That's great news.
-I mean, it's no Thai boys in a cave, but it's --
'Cause it's one person.
-No, I would say, like, if you had to choose,
at a dinner party, what to bring up,
either Horatio becoming an American
or the Thai boys, you would talk about --
-I am not kidding when I've just been talking nonstop
to people about it, and it's been weeks now.
-It's kind of over as a story,
but it's just beginning...for me.
-You're just starting?
-They're entering a monastery now.
-Oh, no.
What if they get trapped in the monastery?
-Trapped in the monastery. They won't, they won't.
-They won't get trapped? -They would never.
-And then the divers have to get them out of the monastery.
'Cause they only -- They're only comfortable with the divers,
so even though there's no water...
-They're like, "You're the man I trust."
That would be --
They've got to check those doors, make sure they --
-Well, 'cause I believe most monasteries in Thailand
do have, like, the hallways like an "S."
-Do you know -- And you know what?
Elon Musk... -Oh, great. I want to hear this.
Well, Elon Musk sent a submarine.
-Yeah. Period. The end.
You know the guy that's always like, "I'll help,"
and it's like -- And he brings out some stupid tool
or something or, like, "unclogs your sink,"
by, like, taking it apart?
Like, I used to live above a bunch of meth-heads in Chicago,
and, one time, they were like, "We're gonna fix your sink."
And they just took it apart and they left for like two weeks.
That's what it felt like. [ Both laugh ]
US-EU trade agreement lacks detail and fails to end issues with China - Duration: 1:45.
These Actions Cause Kidney Failure - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 5:11.
These Actions Cause Kidney Failure - Tamil Health Tips
We think kidney only flushes out toxins and purifies blood but it helps to maintain blood pressure and electrolyte levels.
It also flushes off toxins through urine.
But most of the people are affect by kidney problem due to some of our habits and bad lifestyle.
If we don't take proper care on our health it can cause kidney problem.
In this video let us see what are the things that affect kidney.
Drinking can cause kidney damage as it gives more work to kidney and makes your body dehydrated.
It affects liver and affects blood circulation.
If you have drinking habit try to reduce or avoid it.
Drinking water is essential for proper functioning of kidney and we have share many videos on this topic.
The kidney can flush out toxins only if the body is hydrated and so develop the habit drinking enough water.
Controlling urination can cause kidney stones and so don't do this mistake.
Taking more sweets can cause kidney failure as take more fructose food increase uric acid and affects kidney.
If diabetes patient take sweet it can additionally cause kidney problem.
High blood pressure can cause kidney problem so consult your doctor and take medication to control your blood pressure.
Protein is good for health and some people take protein with through beaf and protein helps to flush out toxins from kidney.
Taking more protein food can increase toxins and affects kidney so limit the protein intake and choosing the correct food can prevent this problem.
Rice, bread and pasta are good food.
Sodium is more in salt and when you add more salt in your food it affects kidney.
Avoid salty food, snacks, junk food instead take fruits and 2300 milligram salt is the daily requirement for a person.
We take antibiotics to cure infections and when we don't take rest while we are affected by fever cold etc., it affects our kidney.
Drinking more coffee can affect kidney and create kidney stone.
There are so many side effects of smoking especially it affects heart health.
It thickens the blood vessels in kidney and if diabetic patients smoke it can damage kidney.
Why I QUIT Being a DIGITAL NOMAD and What The FUTURE HOLDS For Me - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 10:07.
Hey Dan here and if you are a longtime subscriber, you've probably heard bits
and pieces of my story in terms of leaving Canada and traveling the world
before settling down here in Prague, but I've never really told that full story
in terms of where I went and my digital nomad life and so in this video I wanted
to go through a bit of my story but then get into why I quit being a digital
nomad, why I decided to settle down in one place and then what I see my future
the next five years looking like you know and I built a business that allows
me to be location independent to live where I want and so what does that
future look like for me so I first left Canada in 2012 in January and I started
off living in Costa Rica for four months why Costa Rica couldn't tell you seemed
safe tropical there were monkeys monkeys are very appealing to me and it was just
one of those things like I find when I talk to a lot of people who want to live
abroad move somewhere new there's always a country and they don't quite know why
sometimes it's just like I've just always wanted to go there that was Costa
Rica for me and then from Costa Rica I moved to New York this was still 2012
and well in New York my best friend mentioned he was going to be moving to
Europe to Hamburg first and then Italy for this master's degree program and I
thought hey I am planning and trying to live in five different countries before
I turn 30 that was my goal and so why not follow my friend to Europe and check
out Germany and that's exactly what I did so I lived in Hamburg Germany for
three months and then in Bologna Italy for three months and then from there
parted ways of my friend and made the move to Barcelona from there ended up
moving back to Hamburg there was a girl involved and then to Berlin and
eventually here to Prague generally I stayed in places for three to six months
a few were a little longer I think New York was more like two and a half months
but that was roughly the the timeline own places and it was an awesome
experience if I had to do it again I completely would but
I decided to stay in Prague and for good reason and I'm very happy with that
decision and there's a couple reasons why I decided to quit being this nomad
and actually settle down somewhere first is relationships relationships are one
of the most important things in my life I'm and by that I mean dating and I mean
friendships and probably more friendships in this case to be honest as
you might imagine being a writer traveling the world dating wasn't the
most difficult thing even if you were only in a place for a couple months at a
time I actually had a lot of wonderful relationships through my travel too to
say it politely but friendships was more of a struggle because when you're only
somewhere for a few months at least as a guy but I think this is for everyone
it's hard to really get to know someone like build a trusting friendship not
only because sometimes that takes a lot of time but also because you start to
think you know what's the point I'm only gonna be here a couple months why you
know become friends put in all that effort to meet people and that sort of
thing and I don't think I'm alone I've talked to a lot of friends about this
who have settled down or in one area I know in Prague for some of the former
nomads who now just live in Prague when there's people who are only visiting the
city for a couple weeks passing through most of us lean away
from you know spending a lot of time with them and building friendships
because we think hey you're gonna be here and then leave kind of what's the
point right and so after three years of traveling around to new places all the
time I was definitely feeling a need for some community and consistent
friendships and relationship when I lived back in Vancouver I had some
really good friends both in terms of you know humour having fun together
loyalty morality and also most of them were entrepreneurs as well so we had
similar ambitions and and pass in life in that so that was really cool as well
and that isn't something you're able to make usually when you're traveling
somewhere for a month or two you're not going to find those people just out of
the blue right you usually takes some time to to get to know really good
people and then the other part of settling down and one
thought was I thought about what's really important to me in terms of my
life and what I was looking for and really aside from the relationship side
it's my purpose doing what I'm doing here and it's my business these are
things that are really important to me and yes you can definitely grow a
business while you travel in fact my first year as a digital nomad my revenue
and profit in my business went way up so you can definitely do that but you get
to a certain level we're having some stability having one spot at least for
me was beneficial I do know people who've been permanent nomads and make
but loads of money and and are really well-organized and do that but for me I
thought I would have more focus and be able to accomplish more if I did stick
to one place so those are the core reasons why I quit being a digital nomad
but there was one other and it's something that I'm going to talk about
in another video on my number one travel secret but I discovered that having some
structure can actually give you more freedom now I've talked about this in
other videos in terms of being organized and getting things done and all that but
in this case what I found is whenever I wanted to move places I had two three
suitcases I was traveling with I was not one of those digital nomads who has like
a tiny backpack they live out of it just doesn't work for me I'm sorry and so
moving it created a bunch of hassle like I'd have to find a short-term apartment
to rent some cities at the at that point didn't have Airbnb and even if it they
did it tended to be quite expensive and you really really overpay for a long
term in Airbnb versus you know finding a local to rent from and there's a lot of
hassle like every time I move somewhere it would take a week or two to get
settled and find places and I'd have to pack and unpack and now that I have one
place I actually have a lot more freedom to take quick trips I just can pack like
you know 20 minutes throw what I need in a bag and go and so in many ways I've
had a lot more adventurous trips a lot more vacations and they
like that since settling down in one spot and then having that freedom to go
away for a week or two and actually have a proper vacation where I'm not you know
thinking about work or whatever it is so what does my future look like this is
actually something that I've thought about even before I was doing the
digital Nomad thing and moving around a bunch is what I would really like and
it's something I've been working towards is have like three home bases home base
is the term often people who are a location independent use this maybe we
have a place like my home base is Prague but I still do travel three months of
the year this year I've already been away for three months or so two months
maybe of the last five or six but having multiple home bases is what my end goal
is so I would love to and my plan has always been to have a home base in a
really diverse interesting City that I have a great community it turns out that
is Prague so I see Prague being a home base for me and then I like somewhere in
the winter I've been looking at buying a place like in Barcelona or maybe the
Canary Islands as a winter getaway somewhere I can go for a couple months
every year but by having it be in the same place have the ability to build a
community there and have friendships and things like that so it's not just
showing up as a stranger every time that's the appeal of the same place so
home base in Prague somewhere probably Spain but I'm open to other suggestions
that I could go every year for 2-3 months for this son and then doing a
month or two every year of more like adventure travel where I'm generally not
working maybe I'm filming videos and still doing some coaching but really
minimizing my work and being on a proper adventure or vacation maybe actually not
maybe definitely I also want to spend about a month every year in a really
large let's say ambitious City so places like New York Paris London maybe
somewhere like Sydney Tokyo something like that but I I like to get my ass
kicked a bit and be reminded that I am a small fish and I find when I go to a
city like New York or Paris it really up smile
and just reminds me of like the really big dreamers and that kind of thing and
I don't think I want to spend my whole life in that environment like living in
New York 12 months a year I don't think I could do or would want to do but I do
like going back every year or two and just getting that refresher I don't know
why but for me it's always been important so that's my ultimate plan I
share it with you because personally I've been moving closer and closer to my
ultimate plan but this is what I've been thinking about for like five years and
so I would definitely encourage you as well to think about what your plan is
and don't get you know distracted by the fact that maybe you're far off from it
now maybe you don't even have the freedom to travel for two weeks a year
don't let that stop you from actually coming up with what your your ultimate
plan would be the same way I have my ultimate plan and then gradually you
know taking steps working towards it thank you for watching if you haven't
already subscribed to the channel do subscribe I publish at least one often
more new videos every week and look forward to seeing you in some of the
next ones ciao
Welcome to the Orchard! - Duration: 1:50.
Homescapes Level 860 - How to complete Level 860 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:04.
"How to complete Level 860 on Homescapes"
"How to beat Level 860 on Homescapes"
Reduce Belly Fat and Lose Weight In 10 Days - Duration: 2:17.
reduce belly fat and lose weight from day one belly fat and overweight has
become major problem in present days belly fat looks aesthetically
displeasing not only that it's dangerous for your health as well the fat around
your abdomen can cause many health issues including diabetes heart disease
strokes and even cancer so before it going to damage your health melting that
fat is very important by following healthy lifestyle and natural remedies
will gives you 100% best results where many experts recommend today we are
going to learn about preparation of most effective 100 percent proven two types
of natural drinks for weight class let us say the preparation of first drink
for this we need 1/2 lemon ginger pieces glass of water and honey boil 1 glass of
water along with a few ginger pieces for 3 to 5 minutes after changing the color
of water turn off this town and leave it to cool down to room temperature now
strain this ginger water into your glass and squeeze half lemon and add 1 TSP
honey mix the ingredients well and consume this drink daily early in the
morning with empty stomach second drink for this drink
we need glass of water half lemon and two garlic cloves take fresh water in a
glass and squeeze half lemon in it
eat two peeled claws directly with empty stomach and drink this lemon water I
repeat this process daily early in the morning and in the evening for effective
results follow these two simple and most effective and recommended remedies
regularly within one to two weeks you will see shocking changes in your body
thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
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HIVI - Gadis Sampul (with Lyrics) | BukaMusik - Duration: 3:56.
Summer Festival ! COOKING MAMA let's cook! - Duration: 0:38.
তৃতীয় বিবাহবার্ষিকী ! কিন্তু এক সঙ্গে নেই সৌরভ-মধুমিতা | Saurav - Madhumita Marriage anniversary - Duration: 1:41.
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