See, unlike y'all, I get my news from a reliable news source.
Google Translate is keeping it real. They're telling me exactly what's up and
how it is. Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Dante, and welcome to another
episode of Y'all Messed Up. I know. I'm wearing the same exact shirt as last
episode, which if you didn't see it, you should definitely check it out. I'll
float it up in an end card up there. It's about the McDonald's fight that happened
recently, so.. yeah and I know this video is not going to be about the Instagram
one like I promised last time, because this is an article that was sent to me
by one of my friends, and I just thought it's so ridiculous that I just have to
cover it. I have to talk about this, because look at this. It's... Google stop
suggesting people "sit on my face." Why did... okay, that's, you know, honestly this
girl's picture right here... that's my mood right now. That's exactly
how I feel. So in my Samsung episode of Y'All Messed Up, I said that divorce
lawyers need to be in their quarterly budget because there were gonna be lots
of things ruined by that photo leak, and now we've got auto correcting "sit on
my face." This is the year of the divorce lawyer. Let's call it that. 2018 is the
Year of the Divorce Lawyer, and you know how there's like different, you know, like
there are zodiac signs and all that stuff. Well no, 2018, this time of the year, I
dubbed thee... Year of the Divorce Lawyer. So let's dive right into this article,
and I'll go ahead and leave a link in the description below if you want to
read it for yourself.
Google has promised to fix a bug that auto-completes
to "sit on my face." One Twitter user said they were messaging their babysitter
and asked, "hey, are you free to sit," and came close to sending a dodgy message
after Google offered up "on my face" as a suggestion. I apologize if you hear my
dogs growling in the background. I got a lab/boxer mix and a chihuahua puppy in here.
*puppy growling*
I was SMSing... what? Who even says that anymore?
Who says SMSing? This is not 1990. This... nobody says that anymore. It's texting.
I was SMSing our babysitter with the default Android SMS app. I typed, "hey! Are
you free to sit" and autocomplete came up "with on my face."
Needless to say, I have never entered that string into my Android device. Me
too. Are you free to sit on "my face and" I love how it just casually just adds it
in there like an "and," like you're about to continue the conversation like normal
like... "UM, are you free to sit on... my face and possibly come over for dinner on
Thursday night?" Like no, like, I don't get it bro. Earlier this month, Google Translate
sparked fears of an imminent apocalypse after the translation at beginning... WHAT?
Began issuing a mysterious warning... what are you talking about bro?! Typing the
word dog into Google Translate 22 times while translating from Yoruba, a
Western African language, to English produced a sinister message about the
end of the world. What is this, 2012 all over again?
The Doomsday Clock is three minutes at 12:00. We are experiencing characters and
a dramatic developments in the world which indicate that we are increasingly
approaching the end times and Jesus's return. See unlike y'all, I get my news
from a reliable news source. Google Translate is keeping it real. They're
telling me exactly what's up and how it is. You heard it here first.
You know, everybody else is fake news, Google Translate... If you reduce the
number of times you type "dog," the message warned over an appearance from
the Antichrist. I don't even know how to end this video, bro. Because this is such
a crazy thing, and you know it just goes to show though that errors like this
happen to anybody. I mean, Samsung had a huge bug leak
earlier, and then now Google's had problems with their AI and everything,
auto predicting text, it just goes to show that it can happen to anybody and
these are errors that they are gonna pop up it's stuff that's gonna happen and,
you know, it's good that they're working on it very quickly to get it solved so
good on them for recognizing the issue and immediately fixing it. I mean, it's
Google so you can kind of expect that from an established
organization like that. So that's where I'm gonna go ahead and end this video, so
let me know what you think in the comments below and if you enjoyed this,
consider hitting subscribe and dropping a like. So thank you all for watching, and
as always, the most important part, have yourself a blessed day.
Now imma over here float the subscribe button, and over here I'm gonna float
some more episodes of Y'all Messed Up. Up here is gonna be the previous episode
about the McDonald's fight and down here is gonna be the playlist, so yeah that's
what I'm gonna do.
For more infomation >> Google - Sit "On My Face" Bug | Y'ALL MESSED UP - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
After Plane Crash, Marine Veteran Shares Her Road To Recovery And New Mission | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 9:59.
'It's Curiosity': Andrea Mitchell Reflects On 40 Years At NBC News | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 11:12.
Mom Who Lost Her Son In Drowning Accident Joins Morgan Miller To Tell Her Story | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 6:07.
Phil Coulson's Death Scene | Marvel's The Avengers (2012) - Duration: 3:27.
Sorry, boss.
The god rabbited.
Just stay awake.
Eyes on me.
No, I'm clocking out here.
Not an option.
It's okay, boss.
This was never gonna work
if they didn't have something
Agent Coulson is down.
A medical team is on its way to your location.
They're here.
They called it.
These were in Phil Coulson's jacket.
I guess he never did get you to sign them.
We're dead in the air up here.
Our communications, the location of the Cube,
Banner, Thor...
I got nothing for you.
I lost my one good eye.
Maybe I had that coming.
we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract.
I never put all my chips on that number, though
because I was playing something even riskier.
There was an idea, Stark knows this,
called the Avengers Initiative.
The idea was to bring together a group
of remarkable people
to see if they could become something more.
To see if they could work together when we needed them to,
to fight the battles that we never could.
Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea.
In heroes.
it's an old-fashioned notion.
10 tricks how to get a girlfriend impress a girl easy tricks - Duration: 7:09.
10 Tricks to Impress your Girlfriend
impress, How to impress your classmate
Woman Runs National Parks For The Rare Cancer That Took Her Daughter's Life | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 3:36.
How to Use a Glass Dip Pen & How to Draw a Hibiscus - Duration: 3:52.
Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!
I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw Hibiscus flowers
with this strange and beautiful glass dip pen.
Each is hand-made and therefore unique, however, I got it very inexpensive
from Amazon, under 10 dollars, and we will use this Indian or Chinese
red ink.
You simply need to dip the part with the grooves in the ink, and then you
can write or draw with it.
Like so.
We begin with the petals.
Hibiscus have five petals.
Wow, this draws smoother than what I thought.
Since it is glass I thought it would be a little scratchy but it isn't…
pretty smooth.
Very good!
The pistils,
and let's draw another one back here.
We can give some texture, some color, and shade at the same time by making lines.
Wow, this is really enjoyable!
I never thought it would feel this good!
These pens can be pretty expensive like even up to 150 dollars, but as I said
some go pretty inexpensive.
I leave you the link for this one, and all the materials I used, in the description
bellow the video.
In some cases these petals are darker toward the center
and very light at the edges.
Additionally by the center they may catch more shadow,
so we go over those areas again and more tightly.
However just having this color makes it in monotone, and I would
like it to be even darker at the center, so I mixed some of this ink
with a tiny bit of blue to make it darker and use it
for the center of the petals
and toward the center of the flowers.
That's looking better, don't you think?
It gives it a little bit more volume.
Now since I don't have a green Indian ink to hand, I will try out this fountain pen ink.
And with this we do the leaves and the stem.
It actually works perfectly!
It feels very smooth too.
I was a little bit concerned because I read that since it is of a different viscosity
maybe it wouldn't work as well.
Ok good!
But I want the center of the flowers much darker, so I use the blue to go
over them.
Since this ink is transparent, the blue over the red looks like a very dark purple. And we
add some more red
for intensity!
To clean the pen between colors it is super easy, you just rinse it
for a second and then wipe it dry
and dip it on the new color.
Very good!
Let´s just do this final last petal, and shade it, the last touches,
and its ready!
If you enjoyed this video please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends
and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.
And I will see you, on Tuesday ;)
Subtitled by Grethel Trejo
El horóscopo de hoy, 31 de julio de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:20.
El Mimoso pensó en hacer el reto de "La Chona Challenge" | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:38.
Descubre cómo puedes aumentar el volumen de tus labios | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:46.
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Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Pastel de Fresas o Pavlova | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 7:32.
Stars rally around liberal James Gunn after offensive tweets, unlike reaction to Trump - Duration: 7:01.
ROI Search Certification - 3.3 Optimizing Search campaign structures [Spaceboost Academy] - Duration: 6:32.
This section of the course will discuss the importance of PPC campaign structures and
their deep impact on the success of ROI Search campaigns.
This chapter is probably one of the most important in the course, as the structuring of our campaigns
sets the basis for their future automated management and the entire optimization of
our search advertising investment.
So ... Keep your eyes wide open for this!
Put simply, the way you structure your account allows you to control how your ads are triggered,
as well as when and where you want them to appear.
Lacking a well-structured account is like attempting to drive a car that's not properly
built – accidents are bound to happen.
ROI Search Architecture has a significant impact on:
Reporting: since you can report on different category levels easily if you have an organized
campaign structure.
Also, the visual aspect is highly important.
Labeling your campaign names with the campaign type (e.g., "USA_Search_English_Mobile_Spain
Hotels" or "UK_Search_English_Brand_Samsung") makes it easier to filter and report on specific
campaign types.
Optimizing: Account updates become easier with a clean account structure, keeping you
organized and better able to optimize.
If your account is a mess, then you're likely to get lost in that mess and your results
will plummet – or even never arrive – so optimizing to get better results will be out
of the question.
Be sure to consider organization (and your own sanity) when structuring your account.
Remember that a cluttered campaign is a poorly optimized campaign.
Quality Scores: please note that Ad copy to keyword relevance hugely increases your quality
score, lowering Costs Per Click and setting the basis for better performance.A quality
score is essentially the scale of how much Google likes you, and trust me… you want
Google to love you!
By designing optimized search structures you'll understand much better which categories are
being activated and which are not, allowing you to grow not only in an orderly way, but
also much faster.
Now that we understand why it is important to properly structure our campaigns, let's
take a look at how to structure them.
What is the perfect account structure?
This question arises constantly: What is the perfect account structure?
I hate to break it to you, but there is truthfully no magic recipe for structuring your account,
and more than one strategy can prove successful.
Luckily, there are a few different methods that work well:
First, you can base your Search structure on the Structure of your Website: How is your
website structured?
Do you have different tabs or pages for different products or offerings?
Do you value different product pages over others?
If your website is well-structured (which it should be), then it makes sense to structure
your Search Campaigns in a strictly similar way.
You can also set the structure of your campaigns by Products or Services Offered: This is likely
the same as the structure of your website, but think about your different services or
products offered and structure your account in a similar way.
For example, let's say you sell tennis gear, you would want to create a campaign for tennis
rackets, tennis balls, tennis clothing, etc.
Then under the tennis rackets campaign you might create separate ad groups for the brands
you sell or perhaps for the size or gender the racket is for.
Take a look at your various offerings and decide which ones are most valuable.
Is there a very large demand for tennis bags online?
Then you might want to a campaign for tennis bags with a higher budget.
Spend some time mapping out your products, and deciding how you want to divvy up your
budget between campaigns.
Also, you can structure your campaigns based on locations: Is location important to your
Can campaigns have different value according to different geographic segments?
If location targeting is important then structure your search campaigns based on this.
Lastly and in generally speaking, I recommend you to hypersegmentate your campaigns in as
many adgroups as possible.
For example, a standard technique is to build Adgroups of 1 single keyword in 4 matches:
broad, broad match modifier, phrase and exact match.
Why so?
Because this way you can build ads strictly targeted and built based on those keywords,
which has immediate effects on improvements in the click-through ratio, quality scores
and, ultimately lowering cpc's.
In my particular case I do not usually build adgroups with more than 6 keywords, so I make
sure that each ad is specifically shown to its most relevant keywords.
And this way is how I build huge matrix of hyper-segmented campaigns, which allows us
to have a tighter control of the performance of each type of audience.
Of course, there are many other tactics to structuring your account, but it's all about
taking the time to come up with a rational structure that will be easy to manage, track,
and optimize to get the best results over time.
So take the time to ponder various structuring techniques, and decide on the one that works
best for your business.
Once you've decided I'd recommend actually mapping out the structure on an Excel document
to get a full visual of the campaigns and ad groups you'll be creating.
Later then you can use the Spaceboost Structures Builder to automate the design & creation
of your campaigns in a few seconds.
Por que nós temos que nos rebelar? - Duration: 0:52.
Angular Wood Home in Australia by Solomon Troup Architects | Incredible Small House Design - Duration: 3:02.
Angular Wood Home in Australia by Solomon Troup Architects
Aprende cómo tener labios "más grandes" con maquillaje | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:03.
🏁How to replace springs on VW GOLF 3 1H1 Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 7:52.
Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.
Use a drive socket No.10. Unscrew the brake hose fastening bracket from the shock strut.
Use a drive socket No.18 and a combination spanner No.18. Unscrew the nut and remove the shock absorber lower mounting bolt.
Use a drive socket No.22. Unscrew the upper fastening of the shock absorber strut.
Remove the suspension strut.
Set the shock absorber strut on the spring compressor tool.
Use a drive socket No.21. Unscrew the top fastening of the shock strut mount.
Remove the top mount, the support bearing and the upper spring cup.
Remove the spring.
Install the spring.
Install the spring top mount and the upper spring seat, the washer and the top strut mount.
Place the shock absorber in the wheel arch and secure it.
Use a drive socket No.21. Tighten the top shock absorber fastening.
Use a drive socket No.18 and a combination spanner No.18. Tighten the nut fastening the shock absorber strut to the steering knuckle.
Use a drive socket No.10. Tighten the brake hose fastening bracket to the shock strut.
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