Is that even a bottle flip?
We don't have any more bottles...
So class dismissed!
For more infomation >> Monster School : BOTTLE FLIP CHALLENGE Minecraft Animation - Duration: 10:48.-------------------------------------------
11 Celebrity Couples Who Have Been Dating For Long And Getting Married In 2018 - Duration: 6:11.
11 Celebrity Couples Who Have Been Dating For Long And Getting Married In 2018
American Workers Are Dropping Dead At Work And The Government Doesn't Care - Duration: 3:34.
This week, 130 different organizations here in the United States sent a letter to the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, begging them to do something about the
fact that American workers are dropping dead on the job, right here in the United States.
The reason these people are dying at work isn't necessarily just because equipment is
falling apart, safety standards have been thrown out the windows.
No, no, no.
We have a very real problem of people dying on the job in the United States from extreme
Everyone from airport workers to farmers to factory floor workers are dying from the excessive
heat that the United States is experiencing, thanks to climate change.
And thanks to climate change, those deaths are going to increase as temperatures continue
to increase every single year.
Here's a startling statistic from Public Citizen, here.
"Approximately 130 million workers around this country lack any protection from a heat
stress standards."
So we've got 130 million workers in this country, a third of the population, that is not protected
in any way from extreme temperatures while they are on the job.
130 million, and it's because OSHA doesn't have any kind of requirements for that.
They go on, "According to the government, 69374 workers were seriously injured from
heat between 1992 and 2016, and 783 U.S. workers died from heat exposure."
783 American lives lost while on the job, just because of extreme heat.
And, because of the government's failure to do anything about it and to require corporations
to take care of their workers.
Again, this affects a lot more industries than just those who work directly in a farm,
because a lot of people who read this story seemed to think that's all who we're talking
about here.
These are professionals.
Some of these are very high paying careers that also happen to do most of their work
outdoors, or most of their work in areas where air conditioning is unfeasible because of
the size of the operating area.
They're dying.
The big question at this point it, Will OSHA, will the Federal Government finally step in
and require employers to do something about the people that are dropping dead at the job?
Are they going to continue as they have for years upon years, ignore the problem, pretend
it doesn't exist, and when worker A dies, they just shove their body out of the way
so that worker B can move over and take their spot until they also drop dead?
That's what corporations want.
Because any one of them at any point could actually enact their own safety standards.
They could say, "Hey, you know what?
We have a real problem of people getting heat exposure, heat stroke.
Here at the office, we could probably fix that."
But no.
Because it costs a couple of dollars.
They have to spend a little bit of money.
To a corporation, pretty much any corporation in this country, your life is not worth any
expense to them.
Showtime at Venice Beach VLOG | Vloggin' USA - Duration: 5:55.
How Will We Save the Apollo & Other Lunar Landing Sites? - Duration: 6:15.
With the 50th anniversary of the first moon landings coming up and the prospect
of having new lunar explorers both state-sponsored and private companies
how do you protect what are arguably some of the most important scientific
and cultural historic sites in human history.
You would think that the very position of the Apollo landing sites, the Russian
lunokhods and the Chinese Jade rabbit would be enough to keep them safe but
there is a similar parallel with a wreck of a Titanic. That sank in 1912 in 3800
meters, roughly 12,500 feet of water, its exact
position unknown in what was thought to be an unattainable place, that was until
its discovery in 1985 and within just a few years treasure hunters were
recovering artifacts in what many compared to as grave robbing or the
plundering of the pyramids. Now obviously it's far more difficult to get to the
moon than it is to the Titanic but these days it's not beyond the rich and
powerful or other similarly advanced countries, you can imagine what a piece
of Apollo 11 would be worth to a rich collector or finding Buzz Aldrin's boots
on ebay, the ones which he had to leave behind to help compensate for the extra
22 kilograms of moon rocks and soil they brought back, not the ones he might use
to kick moon hoax believers with. But it's not just for Salvage of the parts
which might be an issue Apollo 12 did just that when they achieved a precise
landing next to the Surveyor 3 probe and removed its TV camera and other
parts and brought them back to earth for examination. As Apollo 12 found out, just
being in the vicinity of a landing site could damage not only the physical
objects left behind but also things like those first footprints and trails left
by Armstrong and Aldrin as they traversed of a lunar surface. Without
weather, wind, rain or volcanic activity those footprints could stay there
undisturbed for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years unless of course
they were hit by a meteor or filled in with dust from a nearby spacecraft
landing. Landing on the lunar surface can launch the highly abrasive lunar dust to
speeds of several kilometers per second and with no air resistance to slow it
down or much gravity to pull it back to the surface it can easily travel tens or
hundreds of kilometers and effectively sandblast
anything it hits. Any robotic Rovers, astronauts or even future space tourists
in a historic landing area could inadvertently contaminate or damage the
original trails with extra dust or biological elements whilst they move
around and even hovering above the sites could also damage them. Whilst this all
might seem a bit far off consider the Google X PRIZE which ran from 2007 and
ended unresolved in March 2018. It offered a prize of $20 Million
for the first private team to land a spacecraft on the moon, travel at
least 500 meters and send back high-res pictures or video. That had 10 registered
entrants from different countries around the world they even offered a bonus
prize if they could get pictures of an Apollo site, although that was a bit of a
contentious issue with NASA. One of the things which scientists are very
interested in is seeing how objects which were left behind fared. Even now we
have very little hard data on how harsh solar radiation, wide swings of
temperature and even micro meteors have affected the man-made objects over the
decades since they were left. So with a possibility of a new wave of lunar
explorers, NASA and the US government have issued guidelines for both US
foreign space agencies and private companies. Now the Landers, Rovers and
other equipment left behind are still the property of the governments which
place them there and woe betide any American company that might want to get
a piece of any American lunar mission leave at Apollo or previous ones like
the Ranger or surveyor ones. But it's not like there's any guards there to stop
anyone from trying be that in person or by remote control. But the land on which
they are currently placed is a different matter under. The 1967 Outer Space Treaty
of the OST, the moon, the planets the asteroids and comets are all common land
and are not owned by anyone and are effectively open to everyone. This was
agreed upon to stop the land grab so often seen here on earth and the ensuing
battles be that legal or physical but followed. The problem now is that even if
the U.S. attempts to amend or create new treaties that cover the protection of
the Apollo sites for the scientific good, others will see it as the beginning of a
way in which the U.S. could justify claiming land for itself and if the U.S.
could do it then the Russians, the Chinese and even private space companies
could try the same. Previous agreements have taken up to 15 years to set up and
if it takes that long again, the chances are that the new lunar visitors will
have already been there before they come into place. Also there is still no real
agreement in place for when private companies or foreign space agencies
start to prospect and mine the moon , other than to just leave the historic landing
sites well alone. But if anything is to go by it'll be able lawyers that will be
making as much of a killing as the future miners of the moon. So how do you
think we should protect our space heritage on the moon or in space, let me
know in the comments below and why not check out some of our other videos at
the same time. I'd also like to thank you all for watching and all our patrons for
their ongoing support and please don't forget to subscribe, thumbs up and share.
Parzival vs Sorrento - Holy Hand Grenade Scene | Ready Player One (2018) [Blu-ray] - Duration: 4:55.
Sorrento's crazy.He'll kill you.
What are you looking at?
There's nothing over there.
You're in trouble, aren't you?
Samantha, you know I love you.
Not the time, Z.
I can handle the challenge,
but I can't let you get hurt in the real world.
Get out of IOI, and meet us at River South.
Wade, no.
You'll forgive me for this, I promise.
Wade, no, no, no.
Get it together, Sixer. Back to respawn.
Let's go, move.
You're in.
Holy hand grenade! How much did that cost?
Less than it's gonna cost them.
What is that?
Sir, the gunters are approaching the challenge.
- I-R0k? - In position, sir.
Prepare my rig.
The ice is holding. Still going.
He's trying to win.
Yeah! I won.
He lost.
Not "Adventure".
Everyone who wins loses.
It's not about winning. It's about playing.
Remember Halliday's announcement.
"The keys are invisible, and they're hidden in a dark room"
"that's at the center of a maze".
Well, there's a secret in "Adventure", and you don't find it by winning.
You find it by wandering around in a dark room.
Until you get to the invisible dot.
It's pretty easy if you know what you're doing.
Let me finish it for you.
It's your last chance, Wade.
Last chance. Give me the key.
I give you 50 million in your account right now.
Why the hell would I ever do that?
Dude! That's the Cataclyst.
Now, personally, I don't care.
I'd just as soon never set foot in the OASIS again,
let alone have to deal with any of this absurdity.
But I know how important Halliday's competition is to you, so...
I will never let the future of the OASIS rest in your hands, Nolan Sorrento.
Well, that's fine. Three easy steps. One.
Wait, I thought you were bluffing. You know that kills all of us, right?
I've got 10 years' worth of shit inside of me.
Last chance. Two.
I'm not goin' out like that.
That's a camper move.
You don't even know how to activate an orb.
Yeah, I felt those.
But this is my world, Sorrento.
- No, no, no! - Step three.
No, no, no!
Nightcore - Blood Sweat & Tears (English cover / Female / Acoustic) BTS - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:25.
this video includes subtitles
BIG HARVESTS in a Small Cottage Garden | Garden Workday - Duration: 11:45.
Harvesting was the name of the game on Thursday.
This is the "Before." Right now
I'm harvesting the coriander seeds and we're gonna clean this out and see what
we can do in here. As I got started clipping the coriander to collect seeds,
I had a visitor. Damsel or dragonflies are welcome in the garden. Meanwhile, Eric
rounded up the tomato harvest. This was my second biggest harvest this year.
Remember those squash flowers I hand- pollinated in early June?
Those three volunteer vines produced one small pumpkin each. I got some big figs!
This is the easy way to get the seeds off the branches. Please watch my "How to
Grow Coriander" episode of Late Bloomer for much more information. I'm so glad
you saw that. Yes, this is the yellow Swallowtail. Mm-hmm, and it can have all
the fennel it wants, because.. It's hard to find it. ...I have plenty. It's exactly the color... but
you have good eyes, Eric, you saw that. I didn't see it. Okay, hold that for a
second. Let me give you a stake, cuz that's just laying over on the other
plants. Hold on. I asked Eric to clean up the fennel, which is right beside the
coriander. I've got, here. He discovered a yellow Swallowtail caterpillar, first one
then a second, then a third fifth instar. Put this one over on that wire, just on
that wire there, yeah the top, yeah, then we get it under control. Number two,
number three, and number three. That is gorgeous! Wow! Beautiful. Now that's the
head and that's the tail, in case anybody is seeing the Swallowtail larva, looks
like the fifth stage. And then he spotted two more in second instar. This a baby?
A baby, yes, that is a baby! I have a good eye. That is amazing. I find another one.
Oh my goodness. Like I said. I've never seen this stage. Fennel is a an umbel,
it has umbel-shaped flowers. Fennel grows wild here, so it's a perennial I
can count on year after year to produce big umbel flowers to attract beneficial
insects. Caterpillars freeze as a form of defense hoping predators will mistake
them for the plant. Oh and look there's a syrphid fly.
Where'd you go? So basically, what we're doing is just getting the fennel kind of
under control so it's not laying over on the garden. Then I just saw a Swallowtail
fly over and then the Monarchs flew over and then a yellow butterfly and it is
such an exciting day, and I can't believe my back is hurting.
What was that, oh that's a wasp! Check out my zinnias that we planted here. This
one on the left is going wild, absolutely stunning.
It's now five feet tall. I'd love to know what attracts butterflies to your garden.
There are probably a hundred cherry tomatoes that need to ripen on that vine,
but I'm leaning towards pulling the whole thing out and reclaiming my
trapezoid bed, harvesting the Sweet Annie, digging up the potato, and clearing all
that bed out. While Eric worked on the trapezoid bed, I went back to cleaning my
coriander seeds. Okay, that looks pretty clean.
Oh nice, I knew there were some big ones in there. Okay, oh boy. For one plant? Okay!
Oh, it's dry. Yeah everything's always dry. Okay, alright, not bad.
I ate one of those big potatoes that day. Okay that looks good. This is a
replacement tomato that I picked up from Liz Carpenter in Oceanside. Yeah, okay.
Number two. Yes, please, and you can just drop those leaves in the hole.
And what we've added is a crushed aspirin and some fertilizer and coffee
grounds in the hole. Good, yep.
Okay, number three, yeah. You're gonna plant it in the ground in this space
here right there. Good, okay, that's number three.
Good. Nice. I could have taken them out probably weeks ago - okay.
Yes, different than an onion, a little bit different, yeah. Beautiful. It's big. Yeah!
That has a bloom, though, see, those are
not going to be good to eat. Well, no, just leave those for the bees. Take this one,
yeah, separate it. Oh, let me see. The seed shallots I bought at the National
Heirloom Expo. And it looks like I have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Not bad for my first time, I guess. Very nice. Garlic? No, it's those little onions.
Smells good! Yeah, you can take some.
Let's take them all out we're gonna start over.
Very pretty. It's a Japanese bunching onion, so they bunch together. You'll never go
without onions. I discovered a big deposit of white fly
on the back of my baby lima beans. Got to take care of that. Okay, so we're pulling
this whole thing out and what we're gonna try to do is separate some of
these plants. Yeah, and we'll just take the biggest ones and separate it and
then we're going to plant some of them in this pot, in this planter, because it
can't continue like this. Well, this can only hold probably four. No,
no, not for, no, okay. Separate it. Go ahead, if you want to.
I was just gonna take it apart with.. Ooh! Wait, wait.
Isn't that interesting. We watered this today and the whole middle is dry.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying, see that's right. So that's one. So I think that's
actually two, but that's fine. So we'll put one here. Yeah, we need, we need more
pots. I don't want to waste it. Just peel it back. You need to cut it.
If you do like this, damage. Like cheese. Okay, celery is like cheese, okay, yeah.
Well, yeah, but that's okay. Hold it. That's like, take, take these two out. We
still gonna have to thin it cuz it's too many. Right, right, you can make them make
many and we just have to find a place to plant them, which I'm sure we can.
This is one plant? Yeah, yeah, hey, that's one plant. I like it like this, it's like cheese.
I've got a lot of yellow leaves on my peppers.
Putting those squash on the studio might have been one of the silliest things
I've done. They look like they're fried to a crisp.
Since my back is still problem, I'm not going to be getting that heavy ladder
and climbing up there to water them. Like I said it was Impractical, and when
something's impractical, it's impractical. If it's hot here at 6 p.m.,
I bet it's hot where you are. Which is why I'm wearing my kirti. I'm wearing my
kirti for my Indian friends, especially the one who sent it to me,
Mumbai Balcony Gardener. if you enjoyed this video, maybe you'll enjoy these.
Oh, and don't forget to hit that Like button. See you next time.
Why even have a sign-off? Ha, ha.
What Will Happen If You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed With Honey Every Morning! - Duration: 3:01.
Grey Reef Shark - 3:29 - Nature Meets Paper - Duration: 6:29.
gray reef sharks are more aggressive than the white tips
what's going on everybody it's been a while and happy Shark Week my name is
Brandon I'm a marine biologist and an artist and welcome to nature meets paper
the place where we go on an adventure to discover the world of marine biology I
love sharing my passion of the oceans and it's creatures with you through art
if you are new here welcome this place is for anyone and everyone who loves
adventure discoveries or connecting with nature if you are returning thank you so
much it's great to see you again in this episode we're gonna be discovering the
grey reef shark are you ready let's dive in the grey reef shark is found in
the indo-pacific from East Africa and the Red Sea to the west coast of South
America by Easter Island they prefer drop-off zones near coral
reefs in the leeward side of the currents this is the side opposite of
the direct current they're one of the most common shark
species found by coral reef habitat along with the white tip and black tip
reef sharks this species of shark prefers water that is above 60 meters or
200 feet and enjoy diverse terrain that has outcroppings and texture what are we
looking for when looking for the gray reef shark this part is important for my
diving friends why is that it is important to be able to tell the
difference between a relatively harmless white tip and an unpredictable black tip
or grey shark that's right this animal is beautiful but has a history of
attacking divers and swimmers when provoked at least they give you a
warning stance when they feel threatened apparently they will slump their back
and drop their pectoral fins when they feel threatened
this shark grows to 1.9 meters long or 6 feet 2 inches that's about my size they
have a range in color as well some sharks that are found in shallower
waters will tan and have a bronze or dark grey coloration so basically the
shallow water sharks are tanner then
deep-water sharks the deepwater sharks are lighter in color they have white
sides and a lighter stomach this is known as counter shading in my reference
photo that I took this is hard to see I was underneath and behind the light
source causing shadows to be present in this shark the gray reef shark has a
medium-sized dorsal fin in the middle of its body this dorsal fin does not have
any coloration on they have black accents on their pectoral fins and tail
this can make it easily mistaken for a black tip reef shark just be sure to
look for the first dorsal the shark has a short blunt nose and small round eyes
they also have a medium to small mouth with sharp pointed teeth the upper jaw
has flatter more serrated teeth where the bottom jaw has thin upward pointing
teeth for grasping I would not use this method for my first line of
identification of the shark there are other way easier to notice methods to
determine if it's a grey reef shark speaking of mouth and teeth that brings
us to the segment where we discover the diet and condition of the gray reef
shark what do these sharks eat the grey reef shark eats free-roaming
bony fish crustaceans and crabs and lobsters as well as cephalopods like
squids and octopuses they are prey to larger sharks like the Silvertip shark
and in some cases other gray sharks these sharks can feed solo or in small
groups they chase they chase fish and work with other animals for aid and
catching a meal they have been seen following dolphins and white tips who
can help them get tricky fish they're also known for causing feeding frenzies
this is how they can mistakenly eat another grey shark so how are the
gray reef sharks doing the IUCN Red List has them listed as near threat
this is because they they only breed every other year and are caught for fin
trade as well as bycatch from fishermen this low reproduction rate and high
mortality is causing declines in their population now it is my favorite part of
the adventure we get to discover how I got to see this animal I was in the Maui
Ocean Center they have an incredible aquarium this allows you to get a close
look at animals that would be hard to see it
well I should rephrase that it would be hard for me to see in the wild since I
am NOT a dive certified this shark was in the big shark and Ray tank at the end
of the aquarium it was in a huge tank with several species of fish sharks and
rays there are not many gray reef sharks in this tank so getting a photo of one
close to the class was special it was after feeding time in the tank
this cost the sharks to come up and swim around while feeding this one cruised
around a few times then went back to the rear of the exhibit I love sharks they
are so cool they demand respect but are amazing to watch I will call this
adventure finished
thank you so much for watching it means so much that you take time to discover
something new by watching this video if you think that I deserve it click that
subscribe button and ring the notification bell this will allow you to
know when I post new content I try to post every Saturday and Tuesday on my
patreon I also sell merchandise in the forms of ladies t-shirts men's t-shirts
and leggings I'm trying this out on teespring you can also purchase
some of my art that I make in these videos I sell the originals and prints
send me an email if you're interested I've been Brandon and I'll see you in
our next adventure
2 wildfires burning in Mendocino County, mandatory evcuations - Story - Duration: 3:39.
Top 5 BEST Pokemon GBA Rom-Hacks (2018) w/Monkiez! - Duration: 10:04.
Top 5 BEST Pokemon GBA Rom-Hacks w/Monkiez! Recently, as you guys can see I have been
talking about different main series Pokemon Games. I I recently talked about my favorite
of the main series in my Top 5 Best Pokemon Games "which you should probably check out
if you haven't. I told you guys I would be talking about different kinds of Pokemon
Games, and today I'm doing just that. I decided to step away from the core RPG's
to a group of games that are in some cases better. No, I'm not talking about Spinoff
Games or Mobile Games, I'm talking about Rom Hacks. Rom Hacks are unofficial versions
of the Main Series RPGs. Extremely talented developers use their skills to alter an already
existing Pokémon game. There are some Rom Hacks that are just enhancements of the original
games. For example these games might be a bit harder or have different Pokémon scattered
throughout the region. There are also Rom Hacks that are a completely different game.
There are games that feature completely new regions, a brand new story, and fanmade Pokémon
called Fakemon. I think lots of these games are great so I wanted to share some of my
favorites with all of you. However, there are way too many to narrow down into my top
5, so I decided to make this a two part series. Today we're taking a look at the GBA side
of things, so without further ado I'd like to welcome you all to the top 5 BEST GBA Rom
Hacks! Please be sure to note that this is my opinion and my opinion only so if you disagree,
please let me know. I will also be leaving the links to these games down in the description,
where you can download them and play them yourself. All credit goes to the amazing developers
of these games, who I will also be linking down below, be sure to show them your support.
And at the end of the video if you did enjoy be sure to leave a like, comment and maybe
even subscribe if you're new. But with that being said, let's get started!
5. Pokemon Gaia Starting off this list in the number 5 slot,
is Pokemon Gaia. This is actually a game that I did a let's play on around 2 years ago
on the channel. Gaia is a hack of Pokemon Fire Red, that in my opinion are beautiful.
The game features updated Pokemon sprites, and brand new custom trainer sprites that
are super appealing. The game adds Fairy types, and in battle Mega Evolution system. The game
also features Pokemon from Kanto to Kalos, with brand new moves all the way up until
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire . Pokemon Gaia takes place in the all new region of Orbtus.
The name Gaia gives away a big part of the plot, as there is a mystery in the regions
seismic activity, and is believed to be caused by Regigigas. You as the trainer, with the
help of the professor Redwood and your rival have to prevent the region from being entirely
consumed. I would put this game higher on the list, however, this game is incomplete.
There are already 6 gyms of Gameplay, which is somewhat satisfiying, but there isnt enough
content for me to rate it higher than any other on this list. I feel as though if this
game was worked on a bit more, it could have been the best Rom Hack to date.
4. Pokemon Ash Grey My number 5 slot on this list goes to one
of the most innovative Rom Hacks out there, Pokemon Ash Grey. I played through this game
the first time a few years ago, before it was expanded. This is an eight year old game,
but unfortunately the last update was three years ago. The game is a hack of Pokemon Fire
Red that falls into the category of Games that are completely redone. It's a tribute
to Ash Ketchum, as the events of the Game Follow along with his journey in the Kanto
region. There are around 116 different events in the games that took place in the anime,
and even a scene of the intro of the Pokemon Movie 2000. Every Pokemon that Ash gets, you
will have the opportunity to catch. Just like in the anime, there are special events where
he caught squirtle, rescued charmander, and even released his butterfree. There are also
very specific references to the anime, as Charizard disobeys you all time time, and
Pikachu not being able to evolve. The game also has a ton of brand new cosmetic features,
such as new items, new Tiles, New areas on the map, Items that completely replace HM's
and brand new sprites to represent characters from the Anime. I really like these games
because you can tell lots of hard work and dedication were put into them. I had lots
of fun playing through these games, and I'm sure you all will too. It's a shame that
this game hasn't been updated in 3 years, and probably never will be, but as they are
right now, there is tons of content for you to enjoy. If you're a fan of the Pokemon
Anime, you'll definitely love this Game!
3. Pokemon Light Platinum Our number three slot on the list goes to
Pokemon Light Platinum. Pokemon light platinum is a hack of Pokemon Ruby that is nowhere
near similar to the original games. This game was originally put into development in 2008,
almost 10 years ago, and was released in 2012! The game has since then been completed and
is an amazing game. The game features all new beautiful sprites, a brand new engaging
story, and new sprites for Pokemon, including Pokemon from Sinnoh and Unova. Pokemon light
platinum also features 2 regions, the Zhery and Lauren region. Each region has 8 gym leaders,
an elite four, and at the end of the Game there's a world championship tournament. These
games are some of the most well received in the community with tons of let's plays being
done on the games, and even some going on currently. These games were so good, that
the rom hack developers are currently working on a version of the game for the Nintendo
DS. For anyone who's interested in Rom Hacks this is a must play!
2. Pokemon Glazed My next slot on the list goes to a very popular
game among Pokemon Let's Players. Pokemon Glazed. Pokemon Glazes is a hack of Pokemon
emerald, but is way more extensive than the original games. Pokemon Glazed features not
one, or two, but three regions. The Tunod Region which is a brand new Region, the Johto
Region, and the Rankor Region, another new Region. There are Pokemon from Kanto to Kalos
featured in these games, and all legendaries from Kanto to Sinnoh are available in the
games. These games are extremely challenging, with tons of hard trainers to face and an
extremely extensive story along with it. A mysterious force and evil team is in the Tunod
region and are planning on expanding to other regions, its up to your job to save them.
The game has tons of recurring characters, like the Pikachu trying to exact his revenge
on you. One of the things that I find really cool in these games is the selection of starters,
You have the choice of five starters, including Chimchar, Turtwig, Piplup, Shinx and Riolu.
The only thing that could've made these things better is the inclusion of mega evolution.
However, all game mechanics are updated to Generation 6, and they even include the fairy
typing. All in all, these games are really good, have a lot of hours of playtime, and
are 100% complete. I definitely recommend this if you're looking for a good game to
1. Pokemon Dark Rising The number one slot on this list goes to not
one, but two games. This is the Pokemon Dark Rising Series. The creators of this hack have
put so much workin into these games, Pokemon Dark Rising and Dark Rising 2, that it's hard
for people not to put them in their Top 5. Both games are hacks of Pokemon Fire Red that
have 2 completely new regions and characters, and are jam packed with over 6 generations
of Pokemon. Both games are set in the Core Region, while Dark Rising 2 also takes place
in what is known as the Omni region. Of course Dark Rising 2 takes place after the events
of Dark Rising. The story is extremely interesting, in depth, and very well thought out. However,
if I had to choose which of the two was better I would go with Pokemon Dark Rising 2. This
is mainly due to the fact that Dark Rising is an older game, but I would still recommend
playing it as you don't want to go into the story of Dark Rising 2 Blind. Dark rising
2 has so many extra features that make it more fun to play than any other rom hack.
There's a physical/special split, new moves that debuted post GBA, a region of 12 different
gym leaders, and new hidden abilities for your Pokemon. Another feature that really
makes me enjoy this game is the inclusion of brand new music tracks, and these are custom
made and unique. While it seems like I only have good things to say about these game,
the one downside as that they're extremely hard games. Trying to do a Nuzlocke run of
this series was very challenging for me, so of course, I just resorted to watching lets
plays. All in all these are extremely well put together Games, and are very much deserving
of my Number 1 spot.
Outro So that is going to be it for today's video
I hope you guys did enjoy, if you did be sure to leave a like, comment and maybe even subscribe
if youre new. Also, if you do disagree with me or want to leave your own list in the comments
below go ahead! And if you want to support me and my channel further, share this video
with a friend. But with that being said, I'll see you guys later, peace.
How To Get People To View My YouTube Video - Duration: 13:12.
Alright so you've created a YouTube video, how do you get more views?
How do you people to watch your videos?
That's a head scratcher, that's what we're going to talk about today.
Yeah talking a little bit about how to actually get people watch your videos.
You've put in all these efforts, you've been creative or what ever it is that you do, maybe
you spend a lot of time editing, hopefully you don't.
There's another video about later, I'm sure we'll talk about.
But how do you get people to actually watch your videos?
We'll talk about 3 different ways that you can get views on your videos.
The first one is "how to get video to go viral".
An I just want to mention that first because that's what people are usually striving for.
Okay, "what can we do to make a video go viral?"
Because all of us has seen this videos that you look at it and by the time you're watching
it, it's got 11.5 million views.
How did that happen?
Now there are companies out there that's specialize in viral production.
Once I know they're actually successful, their budget is like a half million dollars per
So, just knowing that...So pay for it.
No, honestly like knowing that out of the gate and put a ton of obvious investment but
you put a ton of work into these videos and a lot of strategy like 6 months, there's hundreds
of people involved.
So if you don't have the resources of a network, that's probably not a really a viable.
And it's not a guaranteed thing either.
Just because you've spent a half million dollars, I mean you hope if you're going to spend that
much money but it's not guaranteed to go viral either.
In my realm, I actually never had a viral video go viral but I've had plenty of videos
spike and get viral like results, but just over a longer period of time or something
Here's the difference.
So it looks the same in terms of numbers.
But the real difference is where the traffic is coming from.
Oh okay.
To be viral it needs to be so popular that it get shared and people organically share
and it gets here on this website, on this news broadcast picks it up.
And so it goes viral like a virus spreading.
But you can actually have a video gets similar type growth and results by YouTube promoting
your video.
YouTube will get behind you and promote your video if it's a video that gets good watch
time, gets good retention rate.
Obviously people liked it, that's being suggested in suggested views.
I see okay.
Or on the homepage.
So basically like free promotion.
That's how yours have spiked by getting YouTube to promote them.
Yeah and we've actually just recently had a huge,huge spike, promoted by YouTube.
That cause one of our channels from 80,000 subscribers to 140,000 subscribers in 2 weeks.
Wow! almost doubling your subscription.
But this isn't a paid thing.
This isn't you saying YouTube, how much do we have to pay you.
Like on Facebook, you can boost your post.
You know you can spend $10 and send it to China or go wherever for people to watch it
but on YouTube this is just them deciding to do this for you?
It's because, we share revenue with YouTube.
And so if a video performs well, YouTube is going to do whatever they can to increase
their revenue and then we get paid the 55% of that.
So it's...Mutually beneficial.
It's not like just saying, "Hey, let us just help you out because you seem nice.
You got a nice face.
You know, if they think it's something they can get money off, they'll boost it.
So, we're talk about that specific example in another episode but those are the 2 ways
and then we'll talk about the third one that I'm going to recommend that's the easiest,
that's predictable but the 2 ways are to have your video go viral truly or to have your
video promoted by YouTube and they'll put it in suggested videos and they'll cause that
But the third way is to "Create Amp videos."
Now amp is the acronym that I created so it's the results.
There's 3 ingredients to get 3 results.
We'll talk about the results first.
A-M-P, automatic, you want your videos to automatically market themselves and I'll explain
that how you do that.
M is for magnetic.
You want your videos to magnetically pull in your target audience.
people that would naturally want to find your videos or would naturally looking for your
services or expertise.
So there's specific ways to magnetically pull in people.
Let me talk about a little bit more of that.Because if you put up a billboard, it's just broadcasting
to everybody.
Or if you put up a...Yeah, whoever might see it or pass by or whatever.
A radio commercial it's everyone who's listening to that.
Shotgun blast you call that.
Yeah, Uh-huh.
It's suppose to be on targeted and having just the people that you want are the people
that you ideally want find, they're the ones that be pulled in to watch this video.
Got you.
The targeted demographic.
So to speak.
And then the P is perpetual.
Meaning that your videos don't just get views and then die off and get buried they have
a life, and get continue living.
In fact they get better and stronger overtime.
And most people I imagine they just simply don't have the patience or just give up.
Or think or this one just tank.
I thought this was going to be great it's just didn't catch.
Fire like I thought.
So it's just over.
But you;re saying if you do things right, It's actually a gradual build.
Yeah, in fact on that channel that I mentioned, it's Limitless TV.
One of our first videos that really was a good driving force for the growth of our channel,
it was the fourth video that we published but it didn't really starts to gain real momentum
until about 8 or 9 months in.
And it got results in the beginning, it got gradually better and better but then by about
9 months, it's like ooh wow definite pivot point there.
So these videos, the more amp videos you create, and we'll talk about how to create an amp
video but that the videos get amp results, the more you create and build momentum and
they become machines that it's like you;re just adding a new machine that's driving your
YouTube channel.
Sounds technical.
Sounds difficult.
It's simple but it does take work.
The first 3 ingredients is you want to make your video topics searchable.
Understand that, yes.
On a topic that people are actually searching for.
right, okay.
Next one is specific.So if you're going to make a video and what we're going to make
another video that goes really in depth on how I do keyword research.
But if you're going to do a video on push ups, okay.
You can make a video on you know push ups by Scott Christopher.
And just title it.
Yeah, right.
Or you can get really specific and do how to do the perfect push up...I have some examples
but I guess the perfect push up is specific type of push ups.
So how do you push ups for beginners.
I actually by the way would search for that.
Because I have never had a good chest.
That's just a side.Obviously, that's not something you would create.
But you know I would look for it.
But I would look for it with those terms.
Beginner, how to do a push up.
I'm sorry go head.
It's a lot more specific right?
Right for sure.
So there's some advantages to having to be that specific.
One, when people search for that, they're going to find it and it's an exact match.
Versus if you title the video, " How to do push ups", you don't know what, it might be
an expert, it might be a beginner, it might be a different style or push up that they're
looking for.
Or whatever.
And as probably in my case, it would simply get lost among the 900,000 other people who
have titled theirs "How to do a push up".
I mean you've been pushed to the bottom of the list which is 10 pages later or whatever.
That's an exactly right and that's actually a huge point because if you title your video
really specific you know like 8 or 9 or 10 words long, there's only one out there.
And in the first grade it was searchable, so you make sure that your 8 or 9 or 10 word
phrase is the phrase that people are still searching for.
When people type it in, you'll rank on the front page of YouTube on day 1 versus never,
"How to do push ups", we're not going to rank on how to do push ups.
No matter how good the video is.
No matter how brilliant my chest would appear with the shirt off.
So you mentioned there's 3 ingredients of this particular recipe.
Yeah so the third ingredient is one, you kind of test the time and took overtime but that's
to have a high retention rate.
You want to have...And another factor to look at is watch time.
You know videos that keep people's attention.
And that is retention rate, right?
Is watch time retention rate basically the same thing?
Well watch time is actual, the actual time.
So if you got a 10 minute video,...Oh I see what you're saying.
yes, yes.
And you have a 15% retention rate then your watch time is 5 minutes, right, okay.
So you can have a 3 minute video and have a 100% retention rate but then your watch
time is only 3 minutes.
Oh..So you do want longer videos to have a good retention or sorry, a good watch time.
So both of the videos factors figure into it.
And so ideally, a longer video with a high retention rate..Oh yeah.
Is going to get pushed to the top.
Or...Another example that we're going to cover in another episode but we'll link to it.
Is a video that we actually did.
It was 20 minutes long which is quite longer that we normally do but it had a real high
retention rate.
And we did it.Really did help our channel.
Oh men!
I got to do miss some of those.
So there's a lengthy discussion we could have how to make your videos a lot more compelling
or entertaining or whatnot.
But the cool thing about the YouTube analytics is they show you the stats and they show your
retention rate and you can see where people drop off.
So as you put up some videos, and you do it the best that you can, you kind of guess okay,
"Well, I think this is going to keep people's attention.
The you can go and watch it, you know give it a week of stats to accumulate.
You can go right in and just look, "Ooh this video just got only a 20% retention rate.
What did we do?
Where did they drop off or they drop off right in the beginning."
Maybe I need to improve my intro.
Or you know so a good retention rate to look for?
Is a 45% or higher.
If you get a 45% retention rate, I've seen some videos get some really good results.
It's pretty neat that YouTube provides, it comes up and then provides all these analytical
I mean like you say, it's their business as well so they're going to arm you as much I
imagine as you need to be able to determine which videos are going to work best.
Which ones are going to have the higher retention rate.
And all of those buttons and tools are easily findable for any, for Jimmy and Jane though,
you know.
With that, we're going to make another video on how to use YouTube analytics.Kind of what
to look for.
But yeah the answer is yes.
YouTube makes really make it really easy and they're a;ways improving it.
They're actually, there's a beta version that they're testing to show what the new one is
and work out the bugs and...Cool!
Well it is called YouTube after all.
You know it's about you.
So let's make it easy for you.
Alright, I got a bonus.
One bonus tips.
So we have the 3 ingredients to get the 3 amp results.
The 3 parts of the amp results.
The bonus is if you make amp videos like this to have that good retention rate, for 4 months,
in my experience, 4 months are something magic in the algorithm that will cause a those spike
to happen.
I've seen it happen just try it 4 months.
I've seen it happen like 4 months to the day.
Like the exact day.
So, if you want to have a spike, oh, did I mention it has to be daily videos, did I say
No you did not.
Now I'm glad I mention it.
So I was going to say.
Say 4 months it's not one video a month.
Or it's not 1 video a week, it's 5 or more videos per week.
So 20 a month or more?
We're talking 80 videos.
A lot of work, a lot of perseverance, a lot of endurance.
believe I can attest to these things.
Being right in the middle of the whole thing.
But you have just seen on a consistent basis out of around the month point.
With that many videos, spikes.
Spikes in all of the key indicators we've talked about or just subscribers or...YouTube
will start to show your videos in the suggested views.
Oh I see.
So your videos will start to be promoted by YouTube and get views outside of your own
I just...
So just compare that.
I mean you ask if it's as easy or as hard.
Well it's simple but it does take work.
Obviously 80 videos to get to that point is lot of work but compare that to get a video
to go viral.
Majority of the people out there, put all their effort into going viral and it never
Yeah, especially if they're spending as much money as you were talking about earlier.
Hopefully, if I have to spend like a half million, better go viral.
I had Scott Christopher on my videos, they would go viral.
Oh watch these things go.
Just burning right on fire.
Out of control.
So Scott, do you find this video helpful?
Are you kidding me?
Is that a joke or right now?
No it's a real question.
Everytime I sit and listen to this quack talk.
I'm not quack.
I learned a lot.
good stuff though, yeah.
Make sure you like it and subscribe.
Yeah if you've watched this far, then definitely hit the subscribe button.
We'll give you more goo stuff like this.
We'll see you next time.
Dad Jokes, Mic Troubles and Congress for Dummies: Congressional Hits and Misses - Duration: 3:17.
Let me just show you something.
You remember this?
And I want to point to
this chart on the floor I'm gonna walk there ...
As we see from the chart, we see —
I remember when the Senate debated it. You know, call me a nerd, but I watched it on C-SPAN.
And if we don't do that, that uncertainty is going to continue going forward—
Sorry about that.
That's not my wife either.
If everyone of us—
Maybe it's my new wife
Better answer it!
We want to keep you married another 60 years.
All right Mr. Chairman.
I know my colleague and
my ranking member is here to say just a few words on —
[microphone scratching]
well not a few words he can say as many words as he would certainly like and I
welcome that but —
Paul Ryan could be a live-action Disney villain, #Widow'sPeak
They used to call me Eddie Munster so it's not too much of a stretch.
Madame President, who wants to eat bugs for lunch
Paul Ryan is proof
that you don't need a spine to do P90X
I'm hearing crickets.
Even among the pages here.
Now there's a reason for that.
Paul Ryan's the kind of guy who crashes your kegger drinks all your beer and
then calls the cops to make his noise complaint.
Pretty good idea.
The development of bug
based foods for human consumption.
This sounds like a headline straight out of The Onion, but it is not.
It's the first national scale nonprofit cultural
institution with a visitor experience dedicated to comedy outside of the US Senate.
I want a high five Paul Ryan's face with a shovel just hard enough to
make him see birdies. Hate that smug look.
This designation will not require
federal funds to be expended for any purpose related to the center. No joke.
Where do they keep coming from?
Are you recruiting them off the street?
Yes, there are some good members of Congress,
we just can't figure out what they're good for.
Let's start with a new class that we
call "Welcome to Congressional Oversight 101"
or as I like to call it
Congress for Dummies.
Okay so Lesson 1: Congress can actually pass legislation.
Isn't that hard?
Nope, you just need 218 votes in the House and 51 in the Senate.
Okay let's do it. Do I leave?
Yes sir, but don't leave the floor.
That's a bunch of bovine waste, Mr. President.
Sam Ryan came with dad for work today so therefore Sam Ryan gets the distinction
of that honor, today. All right.
Three EU countries need to increase the import of us gas to Europe to reduce dependence - Duration: 2:23.
How to Get Rid of a Pimple on Your Lip - Duration: 3:06.
Nobody wants to deal with pimples
especially when you've got one on your lip.
It not only looks unsightly but also can hurt immensely while talking or eating.
When it comes to a pimple on the lip,
it can easily be mistaken for a cold sore.
But these are two different things
If you have a cold sore, it will show up as a small and painful blister on or around your mouth area.
On the other hand, a pimple occurs on the lip when dead skin cells are attached to the hair follicles and become red lesions.
Just like other types of pimples, the most common causes of a pimple on the lip include hormonal changes
(such as during pregnancy, menopause and adolescence)
overproduction of sebaceous oil from the glands or buildup of bacteria
beneath the surface of the skin.
Apart from these causes, factors like heredity, your diet, exposure to pollutants
stress and the use of poor quality lip care products can trigger a pimple on the lip.
There are also some medications that can cause this problem. This is especially true of medications that contain lithium and corticosteroids.
Even fluoride in toothpaste may lead to the appearance of a pimple on your lip.
When your lip has a pimple, it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable
as you cannot conceal it with makeup
The primary option here is to wait for the pimple to heal
However, you can use some home remedies to help you get rid of that pimple faster.
Here are the top 5 ways to get rid of a pimple on the lip
1. Warm Compress
A warm compress helps get rid of a pimple on your lip by reducing the swelling and increasing blood flow to the affected site.
It will help the fluid and pus accumulated within the pimple to drain quickly, and the healing process will begin.
2. Cold Compress
Just like a warm compress, a cold compress is also very effective.
The cold temperature reduces swelling and constricts the oil glands,
which allows the excess oil and bacteria to be flushed out from the inflamed follicles.
3. Steam
Steaming is a wonderful technique to deal with a pimple on your lip
Steam opens up the infected pore and allows it to breathe. This helps get rid of oils,
dirt and bacteria trapped in the pores that can cause pimples.
4. Moist Tea Bag
Tea contains a good amount of tannins that help reduce swelling and inflammation due to a pimple on the lip.
Also, the warmth of a moist tea bag when applied onto the pimple helps open up the pores,
potentially drawing bacteria or pus to the surface, thus accelerating the healing process.
5. Aloe Vera Gel
Due to its antibacterial properties, aloe vera helps treat pimples on the lips faster.
Its anti-inflammatory and healing properties help combat the redness, swelling and inflammation of the affected skin.
Música de NANATSU NO TAIZAI: "7 Pecados" (Versão Metal) - Duration: 5:27.
🏁How to replace brake discs on VW GOLF 3 [TUTORIAL AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 3:28.
Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels/
Use an HEX ı6. Unscrew the brake caliper fastening/
Remove the brake caliper/
Use a phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the brake disc mounting bolts and remove it/
Install the brake disc and secure it. Use a phillips screwdriver/
Install the brake caliper and fix it. Use an HEX ı6/
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