Michael Avenatti, the attorney who's basically taking on Michael Cohen, Donald Trump, Rudy
[Gulianni 00:00:05] everybody that he can get his hands on, tweeted out something very
explosive on Thursday morning and that explosive Tweet was this, "Breaking, Donald Trump conspired
with Michael Cohen to pay off multiple other women prior to election day in 2016.
They were also concerned about a pregnancy.
Cohen has evidence and info in his possession and it must be released to the public."
Now here's the thing about Avenatti's claim right here, so far since Avenatti became a
public icon here, he's been honest.
That's what should scare Trump supporters.
Avenatti's track record which he actually Tweeted about after sending this one, pretty
much 100% right now on being accurate with the things that he's saying.
I can not think of a single instance nor have I seen any specific article calling him out
for lying.
So if Avenatti says that this happened, we kind of need to trust him at the moment.
I'm not saying believe him, I'm saying trust him.
We also know for a fact that there are hundreds of other Trump, Cohen tapes that could very
soon be released to the public.
Hopefully not all at once, that's a lot of audio to go through and a lot of Trump conversations
to listen to, but nonetheless, Avenatti has a phenomenal track record.
So let's get to the heart of what he's claiming here, they were worried about a pregnancy.
What does that mean?
Does it mean that they knew somebody was pregnant and the had to pay to terminate it?
Is Donal Trump or did Donald Trump make a massive payment to basically act as 18 years
worth of child support?
How many other women were paid off?
How many potential pregnancies were there?
What happened to the pregnancy if it did exist?
All of these are questions that the American public doesn't really care about, right?
We don't need to know because none of that is necessarily relevant other than the payment
The people who should be asking those questions though are those evangelical one issue voters
who think that things like abortion are the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.
Maybe you guys need to start looking at your own guy and find out what has happened here.
You are the ones who should be the most upset by this.
The rest of us pretty much expected it, but you guys, you hypocrites, you charlatans and
you false prophets, where are you on this issue?
Where are you asking, demanding that we get the rest of those tapes released so that you
can see if the man you're throwing your support behind blindly is in fact the kind of person
you absolutely claim to hate?
For the rest of us, let's worry about the criminality of it.
If these payments were made and Trump knew about them and they exceeded the $25,000 limit,
they are in kind contributions to the Trump campaign which would make every single payment
an individual felony.
That's the important part that we need to focus on, let the single issue voters deal
with the fact that they've put a man who may have paid for abortions in the White House.
That's a moral issue that they need to work out for themselves.
The rest of us, we'll focus on the criminality and work on getting this man behind bars where
he belongs.
For more infomation >> Avenatti Says Trump & Cohen Were "Worried About A Pregnancy" In 2016 - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Why Cancer Labels Are Super Misleading - Duration: 11:37.
Sometimes, it seems like everything around me causes cancer,
or at least somebody's saying that.
There's my tasty steak, my morning latte,
half the chemicals floating around in the air.
Not to mention the sun.
Sunlight. I love you!
You're great; you're the reason life exists.
But I'm worried about this mole.
And it doesn't help that the agencies that do risk assessments for carcinogens,
or the things that cause cancer, aren't always very clear about what they mean.
Sure, we know that cigarettes are bad,
but bacon is in the same category as cigarettes. Really?
The confusion comes from the fact that most of the labels on substances really are only
talking about the quality of the evidence that it does or doesn't cause cancer, not
how likely it is to sprout a tumor on you.
And some of the determinations you hear about are more legal than scientific.
I'm looking at you, California.
The first step to understanding what these labels really mean, and how to interpret them,
is to establish what cancer actually is.
Cells are considered cancerous when they grow uncontrollably, which can cause tumors.
And in many cases, rogue cells will
break off to form new tumors in other parts of the body.
Figuring out the environmental exposures and lifestyle factors that increase your risk
for cancer can be complicated, especially because each person might have different genetic
predispositions to various types of the disease.
But with careful studies, scientists have been able to identify dozens of things that
are a good idea to avoid.
In many cases, clues to what might be harmful come from noticing patterns.
One of the first times doctors did this was back in 1775, when a London surgeon named
Percivall Pott noticed an alarming number of former chimney sweeps
developing skin cancer on their scrotums.
He proposed that chimney soot was getting stuck on their
skin and eventually leading to tumors.
If you wanted another reason to not go into that particular field.
Pott's approach was essentially an early epidemiological study: looking at disease
rates in different populations to suss out potential causes.
Of course, the main problem with these types of studies is that they rely on correlations.
They can't prove that chimney soot is the culprit, rather than something else the chimney
sweeps might be prone to, say, elaborate song and dance numbers, but they can be suggestive.
And they can still play a huge role in public health, even if they're not definitive.
For instance, just three years after Pott published his observations, some clever Danes
decided to recommend daily baths for chimney sweeps.
Even 100 years later, continental Europe had much lower rates of scrotal cancer than the
UK, which did not adopt those bath recommendations.
Today, epidemiological studies are just one type of evidence scientists
use when evaluating potential carcinogens.
Another approach is to do testing in animals.
In the early 20th century, Japanese scientists tried putting various substances on rabbit
ears, and seeing whether those could form tumors.
In many cases they did.
We now often do similar experiments in rats and mice,
sometimes feeding them the chemicals or using other exposure routes.
This method is powerful, because it directly implicates whatever you put on the ear,
or feed to the animal, and it's much faster
than waiting for cancers to spontaneously develop in the population.
Scientists can also drill down and test different elements of substances to identify specific
molecules that might be a problem.
As we've learned a lot more about cancer in the last few decades,
we've come up with even faster methods.
Biologists now consider cancer a genetic disease.
That doesn't mean that it's necessarily tied to the genes you inherited from your
parents, although it sometimes is.
But no matter what causes it, cancer is considered genetic in the sense that something has to
happen to a cell's DNA to allow for that uncontrolled growth.
In many cases, those changes come from carcinogens mutating DNA, they're mutagenic.
So, scientists can do tests to see whether a compound might be a carcinogen, based on
what it does in cells.
One of the simplest tests is called the Ames test, which is done in bacteria.
You start with a strain of Salmonella that can't actually grow on its own;
it's a mutant.
You apply your test substance, mixed with some rat liver enzymes to mimic
how the human body would metabolize the chemical.
Then, you try to grow the bacteria in a petri dish.
If you don't get much, that's great, it means your test substance
isn't very good at mutating DNA.
If you see a lot of colonies, that's a sign that whatever you added was pretty good at
undoing the original mutation, and allowing the bacteria to grow again.
You might want to stay away from that.
In the 1970s, the Ames test was a huge advance, because it was super fast.
It's much faster than even the animal tests, and it also gives a rough estimate of
how mutagenic a compound is.
There are, however, flaws with each of these methods, which we'll get into.
But the basic idea of carcinogen evaluation is to synthesize all of the available information
on a substance, and make a conclusion about whether or not it can cause cancer.
The most famous and influential group that does this is the
International Agency for Research on Cancer, or IARC.
It's a part of the World Health Organization.
Over the past half century, they've evaluated 1004 potential carcinogens,
putting them in one of 5 categories.
If the scientific evidence is very strong and consistent that something can cause cancer,
it goes in group 1.
If there is less evidence, but it's still fairly strong, an item might get classified
in group 2A as 'probably' carcinogenic, and so on down the list.
Group 2B is 'possibly' carcinogenic, while 4 is 'probably not.'
Group 3 means there isn't enough evidence either way.
This actually includes half the items.
In the US, there's also the National Toxicology Program, or NTP, which puts out a list of
things either "known to be human carcinogens" or "reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogens."
Various other systems exist, but they tend to look a lot like these two,
where there's some attempt at putting a hierarchy on the strength of the evidence,
not the degree of risk.
Typically, human studies carry more weight than animal studies,
so if something is suspicious only in animals, it's ranked lower.
The main problem with this approach is that it's easily misinterpreted.
The agencies are evaluating the quality of the evidence,
not how carcinogenic something is.
This is how you end up with bacon being in IARC's top category, along with tobacco
smoke and things like chimney soot, asbestos, and plutonium, things you really want to avoid.
Bacon and other processed meats are way less carcinogenic than cigarettes.
But in terms of whether each item is at all cancer-causing,
IARC concluded that both have very firm backing.
So you should also know that IARC tends to be pretty conservative in their decisions.
Out of more than 1,000 items, only 120 made it to group 1,
where they're basically sure that it's a carcinogen.
Even more amazingly, there's just one thing in its least concerning
"probably not" category.
That honor goes to caprolactam, a chemical used in making synthetic fibers, like nylon.
The only thing that probably doesn't cause cancer.
But before you think, 'great, the people making my toothbrush are safe'!
Well, not quite.
Short term exposure to the chemical can burn your eyes and skin.
IARC is just assessing cancer risk, not overall safety.
So they're saying that it probably won't give you a tumor.
In broad strokes, these classifications are helpful.
But what most people want to know is: what stuff do I need to avoid, for what reason,
and how bad are those things?
To know that, you need to dig deeper than the category rating.
You could read the full IARC reports, but if you're not into 500-plus page monographs,
you could easily get good information from non-profit
cancer societies and government agencies.
So, for instance, the cancer drug tamoxifen is listed in IARC's group 1
because it increases the risk of uterine cancer.
But if you already have breast cancer, tamoxifen can be lifesaving.
Like if you're increasing your chances of getting one cancer by definitely getting rid
of the cancer you already have, that's a good deal.
The hormone estrogen also makes the cut, but that doesn't mean that everyone should try
to rid their bodies of estrogen, cuz your body makes estrogen and you need it.
Estrogen can actually protect against certain cancers, even if it raises the risk for others.
So don't assume that its classification means it's always bad in every single circumstance.
While the IARC and NTP systems are science-based, they still involve interpretation of data,
which can be hard to do, especially if it's contradictory.
In some cases, agencies get it wrong and have to issue changes.
Take the case of saccharin, an artificial sweetener.
In the 1970s, scientists found that male rats given high doses of the sugar substitute developed
bladder cancer, leading to IARC initially classifying it as a 'possible' human carcinogen.
But the effect was only seen in male rats.
There were no problems in mice or monkeys, and no epidemiological evidence that it did
anything to people, who had been enjoying it for quite a while in their food.
Eventually, scientists realized that saccharin was only a problem for male rats because they
happen to make lots of a certain type of protein that can form crystals when saccharin is around.
Those crystals then irritate the bladder, something that simply does not happen in humans.
In 1998, IARC lowered its rating.
This highlights the problem with putting too much stock in animal studies:
they're not human.
Plus, they're usually getting massive doses that are
way beyond what we would normally come into contact with.
So, while these tests are useful for screening, there could be a lot of reasons why substances
wouldn't affect us the same.
The super speedy Ames test has a similar problem.
It's very good at picking out substances that mutate DNA, but it misses things that
contribute to cancer in other ways.
For instance, take alcohol.
It's a well-established carcinogen, but it doesn't pop up as a
positive on the Ames test because it promotes cancer by killing cells,
causing the body to replace those cells more quickly.
That mechanism can only be detected in animals or humans.
So, depending on the test, some compounds won't get flagged as dangerous when they
are, and some will get flagged as dangerous when they aren't.
To get the best picture possible of what's actually happening, you need to consider a
wide range of evidence.
And as you can imagine, in weighing all of these different sorts of experiments, it's
only natural that scientists will sometimes disagree with one another.
Decisions on substances are usually roughly the same between organizations,
but there are discrepancies.
Then, of course, you have the decisions that aren't even all that science-based.
You know all those warning labels on everything from headphones to mugs that
say they contain a chemical 'known to the state of California to cause cancer,
birth defects, or other reproductive harm'?
They come from a 1986 law, known as proposition 65,
that was meant to help California protect its drinking water and its people from health hazards.
But anyone can file a lawsuit to get a warning label slapped on products that contain
even a negligible amount of a chemical on the state's list.
Including, now, coffee, since it contains a small amount of acrylamide.
The IARC labels it as a 'probable carcinogen,'
but acrylamide is found naturally in lots of cooked foods.
And the label is based on the results of animal studies; there's no clear evidence that
it affects cancer risk in humans.
Never mind that coffee as a whole is one of the best studied beverages on the planet,
and it's thought to be, if anything, protective against cancer.
So, if you're worried about product labels, use them as guideposts.
And when you see headlines claiming that some new thing has been found to be as
dangerous as cigarettes, it's almost definitely not; look into the context.
In some cases, like the state of California's warnings, there are clear reasons why you
don't need to heed them, which actually makes the whole idea of the warning weaker.
For the others, it's a matter of looking up the amount of risk associated with each one,
or asking your doctor for advice.
For the most part, you already know the things that you really need to stay away from, like
tobacco smoke, excessive drinking, and too much sun exposure.
And sometimes taking the new findings into account may just mean eating, like,
fewer hot dogs every year.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!
If you're interested in learning more about how cancer works,
you can check out our video on why we have not yet cured it.
Carmelo Anthony Breaks Down Why OKC 'Wasn't a Good Fit' - Duration: 1:28.
For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
Earlier this month, the Atlanta Hawks bought out Carmelo Anhony's Oklahoma City Thunder
contract, putting an end to what might be seen as the worst season of basketall in the
34-year-old's career.
Melo joined the Thunder extremely late in the game, with the Knicks trading Enes Kanter,
Doug McDermott, and a second-rounder for him.
Anthony didn't want to come off the bench, but if you saw him play and assumed he wasn't
able to gel with the Thunder's team, he'd agree with you.
At least he told Jemele Hill as much during an interview with ESPN.
"It wasn't a good fit...Everything was just so rushed, going to the team for media day
and the day before training camp.
Them guys already had something in place, and then I come along in the 25th hour like,
oh sh*t, 'Melo, just come on and join us.
Like, you can figure it out since you've been around the game for a long time.'
That's why it was so inconsistent.
At times, I had to figure it out on my own rather than somebody over there or people
over there helping me."
- Carmelo Anthony via ESPN
During his 2017-18 season with the Thunder, 'Melo averaged 16.2 points, 5.8 rebounds,
and 1.3 assists per game while shooting 35.7 percent from three-point range.
If reports are to be believed, 'Melo might end up doing better in the 2018-2019 season,
as many expect him to join Chris Paul and the Houston Rockets before the season kicks
Wherever 'Melo ends up, we hope that he finds a way to turn around the disappointing
season he had in Oklahoma City before it's too late.
For Complex News, I'm TK.
For more stories like these, keep it locked right here to Complex on YouTube.
Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 27 de julio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 21:38.
AOD Master Conversion Package | Monster Transmission - Duration: 11:20.
welcome them off the transmission sure Curt's corner today we're to go over an
eight oh D conversion package and you're like wow sounds pretty intense well it
is there's a lot of parts in a conversion package you know you get the
block plate inspection cover torque converter training mouth TV cable
brackets instructions yeah it's okay we got it under control okay we give you
all the bolts and screws that you need for this setup to make the conversion
from an older transmission let's say it's c4 or c6 transmission over to the
overdrive so it's a very very simple conversion we make it simple but giving
you everything you need to do this conversion now this is a condition you
should see it receive in in a nice big monster logo on the side of the box
before you sign the freight bill from the carrier you want to thoroughly
inspect the outside of this box to insure that it's in good condition you
don't want to get one in like this you know okay
there's a pretty good indication that there's a problem here okay if the boxes
have holes in it it's a it's obviously been opened before there may be parts
missing so in those situations you want to open the box unscrew the side of the
box slide it off to inspect the product before you sign the freight bill once
you've signed the freight bill from the carrier
you've now accepted the product and the condition they delivered it in so it's
very key step one when you receive a monster transmission check the condition
of the packaging before you sign it in another hand if you get a
transmission and it has no box there's obviously a problem that all of our
transmission shipped out come in a packaging like so so we're now going to
open this transmission up and the one worker opening today is specifically an
AO D conversion package so some additional components that come with
this package that don't normally come with just ordering a transmission so
we're going to open this up and we'll go over each item that comes in the monster
conversion package then we've done so there's not banding equipment to deal
with it's basically three to four screws that you unscrew from the power
getting at least one to two sometimes four screws on each side depending on
the unit so it's as simple as that slide the box off and guess what now you have
a nice table to check all your products out now on the first thing you're going
to notice is on the very top of your shipment will be your end voice the
warranty documentation paperwork as well as very detailed instructions the things
you need to check before you install the transmission and then accident thien's
installation procedure all the way up to how to adjust the TV cable on this
particular unit so all your instructions are in this package in this envelope as
well as your monster stickers and other information so that's step one step two
you'll notice you have a trans caller on top the trans cooler will come with its
own instructions cables brackets everything for the trans cooler kit is
inside this packaging so this is the cooler that comes in the conversion
package the next item because this is a OD they'll come with a multiple set of
brackets one set of brackets is actually for the carburetor or throttle body so
this will hold the cable on your intake for the TV cable the throttle valve
cable so this is the cable we do have separate video instructions on how to
set up the actual TV cable but it has its own printed instructions made by
Lokar and it shows you how to set up this TV cable and the critical operation
it does which sets the line pressure of the transmission so I highly suggest you
watch our monster AODA OD TV cable instructions I have a whole video just
dedicated to installing this cable next up you'll notice there is the fluid
which the customer ordered extra with this unit and then the torque converter
which was custom calibrated to his specific engine the size cubic in size
as well as the cam the lift and duration of cam and the tire size all those play
in the factors of determining the stall rate as a converter so this is a
converter that matches this particular application you also nose mouth alone
front is the actual transmission mount to go on the transmission itself also
attacks will be a whole bag of bolts and screws now we'll go over each set of
those because it's very important there's a whole bunch of bolts and
screws here okay first thing we're to start with is the actual speedometer
gear there's a nylon gear and you'll take this take their factory gear off
the speedo cable and you'll install the gear because this will be calibrated to
your vehicle tire size and rear-end gear ratio and the transmission so this is
the gear will come in the kit you'll also include four torque converter nuts
that match up for the four studs on the converter it'll include two transmission
mount bolts place this mount onto the bottom case of the transmission you'll
include two nuts which fit the two studs to go through the crossmember on your
application so these are nuts for the transmission mount it will also include
a smaller nut this nut actually goes on for your throttle cables the TV cable so
there's a rod that goes through the linkage and this nut fits that arm on
the transmission for the TV cable it'll come with two longer these are 3/8 16
thread bolts these are your starter bolts you'll include another bolt 3/8 16
a little shorter this actually is a bolt hole on the driver side of the casting
of the case to hold the TV cable or bracket to the transmission case then
you have the actual bolt for the speedometer housing these bolts go in
the front portion of the case that holds an inspection cover to make sure no
debris gets into the converter area of the transmission there's three bolts
there so it's a whole variety of bolts that come with the transmission so when
you do your conversion you pretty much everything except for the actual bell
housing bolts which you're reuse off the old transmission so that covers all
bolts and screws we also have on the transmission or in the bag or the two
coolant line fittings a lot of times because we just recently tested the unit
these coolant line fittings will be on the case of the transmission so the
coolant line fittings are here it also will come with the the multi-leveled
linkage arm so on the universal fits and that linkage arm it's adjustable so you
don't have to take the link it's out of the transmission and reinstall it in
different clock positions it comes with a universal linkage arm manual shift
lever arm on the transmission as well as a locking Dix dipstick tube so this here
has a locking mechanism so when this transmission builds up extra pressure it
will not pop the dipstick up and vent it onto your nice engine compartment we're
now going to remove the banding so we can show you the other brackets and
components that come in this kit it is the converter that came with this
particular unit you notice that the converter will have a hub cover okay to
prevent any debris from getting inside the converter as well as there are for
nylon caps which is protecting the threads of the converter so they're not
damaged in packaging or shipping so you can remove these covers before you
install a converter and talking about converters need to ensure that you watch
our video on how to install a torque converter because it's critical on
setting up these especially new transmissions that you pre-fill the
converter or at least one or two quarts of transmission fluid and that you
grease this hub prior to installing it on the transmission that's critical
there's also a whole list of tags all around the transmission reminding you
what to do during installation you make sure you tighten the coolant line
fittings that you install the speedo gears that you check the threads of the
starter bolts and you put the bolts in the case before you install the unit and
you ensured how you install the converter so there's a lot of tags
around the transmission that reviews the important areas to look for as you're
installing the transmission we now have the fluid it's 12 quarts but it exposes
two covers this is an actual engine block plate that will
come into conversion now this will go between the engine block and the front
of the transmission so you want to make sure that you if you don't have an
engine block plate then we provide you one in a conversion package you need to
ensure that you use this one even if you have a factory one it's a nice new plate
to install for the conversion package then there's this inspection cover I was
talking about this goes actually in the bottom part of this plate so you seal up
the whole front of the transmission so no debris rocks dirt mud can get up
inside the front of the transmission just like the factory unit so these are
out the last two components if you still have the transmission mount here what
we're going to do is we're going to remove the mount from the table now
you'll notice the actual transmission is strapped down to the table so I'm going
to cut that banding that kept it in place during transit and you notice that
that this actually went around a piece of wood and it's not actually clamping
down on the transmission case itself you remove these screws there's four legs
remove the top of this and then exposed to the transmission now the transmission
by removing the table you can simply lift it you can actually use this
converter bracket the bracket on the front of transmission this actually was
to secure the Box down as well as protect the front of the transmission
and the back legs actually core support and that's what the the packaging the
box was screwed to but you should be able to lift so make sure you have it
steamed lift your one person on the front can lift by this wood bracket
that's bolted to the case and then grab the tail housing and lift this up put
them on the transmission jack and then you install the torque over order after
you filled it with some fluid and you can go on by installing all your
apparatus onto the transmission case prior to installation there's a lot of
components in the AOD conversion package similar to the 700 other conversion
package that we offer but this is the most thorough one on the market there's
no extra there's no hidden parts everything comes in a conversion package
now if you have any questions on the conversion package are
team be more than happy to answer any questions that you have to give us a
call toll free
Abogado de Joao Aguilera reacciona ante resolución del juez | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:09.
Demi Lovato estuvo al borde de la muerte | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:39.
Maradona despotrica contra su sobrino | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:35.
Swallowfield Ave, Havendale, Kingston / St Andrew, Jamaica - Duration: 3:13.
Now travelling on Fairfax Dr
Right turn onto Swallowfield Ave
Coolshade Dr Intersection
Morningside Dr Intersection
Havendale Dr Intersection
Park Ave Intersection
Vybz Kartel Havendale House (Demolished) [Right]
Burbank Ave Intersection
It was at that house that Kartel and three other men reportedly killed Clive 'Lizard' Williams.
They are now serving life sentences for the murder.
Vermont Ave Intersection
Swallowfield Ave ends here
Making right turn onto Border Ave
Nick Jonas dio anillo de compromiso a Priyanka Chopra | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:28.
Nacho habló sobre el tema que compuso con Ozuna | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:09.
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So today we're gonna install a great build working well and safe for kodi krypton
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Android TV box or any other box you can get this great build working well and have a
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Right here. Click on the system settings and check if you allowed a noun sources right here press on add-ons
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press on OK
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Doesn't make a change. So right here, press on okay the most important stuff or thing you get to do or to write
the source
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Here, press back back one more time
To the home page and here press on add-ons
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Here we got a repository click on it
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It can install it so as you can see
repo install it to your repositories now, press on install from repository and
Here, we got silard or repo click on it. I'm here go down scroll down to program add-ons
Right here. Got the city TV wizard. I
Have installed it. So to install it press on it and press on install as
You can see you'll have it install it to your holy Cripe town
Click on it. I
pressed on open
As you can see right here if you have a slow slow internet
You will get a message right here. Check the log for more informations. So that means your internet is very
slow to run or to open
Folders from server on this build. So right here make sure you restart
Anything or turn off Wi-Fi until you install this build then you can back the Wi-Fi
So right here get builds click on it
So here we got
Tribals for sure. God I'm Fusion. You got the Dominus build and the new build the sonar build so
Right here. We got four servers if the first server doesn't work
you got a trouble with the first server pick the second server or the
Third or the fourth so, you know tried
the second server
To get this Sun or build install it
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Install it directly right here, press on standard install
To get this great amazing build added and install it to your Kodi crapped on the press on yes install it
And right here we got the download process going to
Get this great build
So as you can see
Do not press on
Cancel or press right here in this empty space. If you do that, you got to restart everything from zero
Just be patient and wait on hold on some seconds
To get this grave build working with you safe and fine
So right here as you can see my dear friends you get a download process done and now it's
installing your files as you can see do not press right here on this empty space or
Press on cancer right here on this empty space if you do that, you got to restart everything from zero
So just be patient and wait and hold on some seconds to get this great build
Working well and safe
With you without any problem
So right here it's almost done as you can see my dear friends you got it
Go do not press on cancel or press on this empty
space right here
just be patient until it's done like this and it asks you to first close Cody and
Restart it again. If you have Amazon first sick or Nvidia shield or any other box
You can restart Cody and get this great bill working well and safe with you without any
So after installing this great bill from the szilárd or TV wizard you get this amazing homepage
So right here got movies as you can see in this movies section
We got all the working movies
We got adventure movies as I like like this great phone as you can see right here in the menu
It's an amazing phone
So you can just change it if you want to change it
So right here, you got all the greatest widgets you get all
amazing movies right now
you can pick any movie to watch it with your friends family or anyone as
You can see
You got all the trending and the most popular movies right now
So right here press on any
If you press on movies you got another store of movies as you can see
It got a lot of great movies
So here can pick any
Movie to watch it with your friends with your family
So to watch any movie, just press on it
So right here you got it
we got some informations about some some stuff about a background of a movie and
Here when you click Play if you know what if you want to watch this movie
you got the streaming list if you want to stream it from a direct link from
aliens or books a door DG box flicks net or anchors and joshua
neptune rising or placenta or any Kodi add-on just
Select whatever where you want and the movie's gonna work with you without any single problem
I'm gonna let you with the review of this great build and put some music
To you to enjoy this amazing. Great Cody build
And here my dear friends
If you liked the video do not forget to press like share it with your friends and family
And join me in the social media links and thanks for watching me
See you tomorrow for another cody bill same time same place
Cody best bill is gathering us
Hija de Laura Bozzo recordó terribles momentos | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:28.
El Puma se presentará en "Don Francisco Te Invita" | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:44.
TWC9: Imagine Cup Winners, Visual Studio IntelliCode for Python, Knative in Azure, and more - Duration: 6:52.
>> Welcome back to
another edition of this week on Channel 9,
I'm your host Christina Warren.
I have to be honest,
I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get
more geek shirt recommendations,
in the comments last week.
So, if you have shirts you think I should buy,
even if it's just for your startup or company,
let me know in the show notes.
Also, a quick programming note,
next week we will likely not have a show,
because I'll be doing lots of work stuff and
flying out for a conference. I will miss you all.
All right, let's get into this week's dev news.
First up, the Imagine Cup was this week,
and the projects that students came up
with were truly mind blowing.
I'll have a link in the show notes
to all the winners nominees,
but the 2018 Imagine Cup champions,
are SmartARM of Canada.
Now, SmartARM created a robotic hand prosthetic,
using Microsoft Azure computer vision,
machine learning and cloud storage,
and it uses a camera embedded in its palm to
recognize objects and then calculate
the most appropriate grip for an object.
It's seriously cool, and
it makes me feel both inferior on
every single level and also so excited for the future.
As I said, check out the show notes
to links to the winning projects,
and all the finalists. Congrats SmartARM.
Next up, in Visual Studio Code news,
Visual Studio IntelliCode,
has expanded its AI assisted coding,
to the Python language via
a new visual studio code extension.
IntelliCode was first announced at Build 2018,
and the power of that technology has been expanded using
machine learning to train the extension on
over 2,000 open source Python repos.
So, when writing Python code,
the IntelliSense code completion,
a specific productivity by
providing suggestions as you type,
and you've got to try it out, cause it's very cool.
The extension was built on top
of the Microsoft Python Language Server,
which is now in preview.
A link to the blog post which explains
all the details and to
the extension are in the show notes.
In serverless news, my friend
and fellow CDA Jeremy Likness,
has released a free eBook at Docs.Microsoft.com called,
Serverless apps, Architecture,
patterns, and Azure implementation.
The guide does a great getting started point for anyone
who is looking at developing cloud native apps,
that use serverless, and it covers the pros and
cons of deploying serverless apps
depending on your scenario.
Anyway, it's a terrific read and you can
download a PDF or view it on the Web,
and the link is in the show notes.
On Channel 9 this week,
we have lots of great content including
the latest episode of The Open Source Show,
which features my friend and fellow CDA Bridget Kromhout,
and Justin Garrison who is the
co-author of Cloud Native Infrastructure.
They basically get into how to get started
with cloud native infrastructure. So, check that out.
Also on Channel 9, on the latest episode of Five Things,
John Papa and Brian Clarke discuss five things
about NLP or natural language processing.
If you're interested in building
apps for voice platforms like
Siri or Alexa and Cortana or Google home,
you want to check it out.
Speaking of John Papa, he was
recently on the.NET Rocks Podcast,
talking about Node and Azure.
Links to all the videos and Podcasts
are in the show notes.
In Blazor news, Blazor
0.5.0 Experimental Release is now available.
Now, if you're not familiar Blazor is
a single page web app framework that
basically lets developers run.NET code
in the browser, using WebAssembly.
WebAssembly as we know,
is totally the new hotness.
So, there's a lot of new stuff in this release,
but remember it is experimental,
and it includes the option to run Blazor on the server,
and then handle all the UI interactions
over a signal or connection,
and there's some very early browser debug support.
Check out the show notes for the very end of
blog post about this release and how to get started.
There's even a prototype project
that shows off how you can
use Blazor with Elektron for building
desktop apps, which is just wild.
In some Kubenetes news,
Kubenetes is now available in
the Docker Desktop stable channel,
for Mac and Windows,
offering a really easy way to get
a Kubenetes cluster running on your desktop machine.
An even bigger KN news,
Google just announced Knative which is being
dubbed as a Kubenetes 's based build platform to build,
deploy, and manage modern serverless apps.
It's basically a middleware components
that focus on solving
some of the more mundane
but difficult orchestration tasks.
Now, this project is largely driven by Google,
but because it's Kubenetes and open source,
Knative has been designed to be cloud agnostic.
In fact, the Azure team submitted
build instructions for installing Knative on Azure,
before the project was even formally announced.
That highlights exactly how open source
should work with everyone working together.
Links to the Azure instructions and to
the Knative pages on GitHub,
are in the comments.
In some Java news,
Azure app service now supports
Java SE on Linux in public preview.
This version supports Java SE 8 based apps,
and this and subsequent time released versions,
will be supported for an extended period as
well as upcoming LTS versions.
Also in Java news, our friend
Bruno Borges and Jonathan Giles,
both gave some presentations at
Devoxx Poland focusing on Java,
and links to those talks, are in the show notes.
Last week on TWC 9,
I mentioned that Gabriel Nepomuceno as
his excellent guide for receiving
email on a custom domain,
for supercheap using mail going to an azure DNS.
This week Gabriel added a second post to the series,
showing how easy it is to
send mail using the same configuration.
So, thanks again for writing those posts Gabriel.
Really appreciate it.
Now, it's time for my pick of the week.
Usually I try to choose
a non Microsoft pick for my pick of the week,
but when I saw this item,
I knew I had to highlight it.
Accusations of corporate shield and beatdowns.
A few months ago, we talked about
the Xbox adaptive controller
which is designed for gamers with disabilities,
and now the packaging by controller has been released,
and if possible, is actually
just as cool as the controller itself.
Why? Because it was designed to be easy to open,
in fact, you can even use your teeth to open the package.
I love how much detail and care was put into
this device and I look forward to
checking out the final controller,
when it ships in September.
Well, that does it for me,
let me know your geek shirt suggestions in the comments.
Also, if you're viewing this on YouTube,
I've added a poll to the video.
So, if you wouldn't mind
offering your feedback for the show,
I would really appreciate it.
While you're there, be sure to like
and subscribe for this show,
and all of our great developer content,
and turn on notifications
if you are in masochist. See you next time.
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