hi everyone J7409 here with watches and warnings we got a whole lot going on
please pay attention and I'd like to remind everyone if you just scroll down
a little bit after you watch this video you'll see if anyone is having problems
receiving my videos or not getting notifications all you have to do is. to
Google # weather j7409 and you will be able to receive it that way what
is all of this yellow right in here tornado watches
we've got tornado watches up we've got severe thunderstorm watches up all the
way over in here all the way up and down lots going on people let's get right to
it now if you actually watched my weather
news forecast all the way through this morning I said Nebraska was going to
probably go in but have some of these storms that could turn into tornadoes
well now Nebraska tornado watch until 8 p.m. mountain Daylight Time this evening
and here it is 5 counties in the panhandle of Nebraska there Cheyenne in
western Nebraska banner Scottsbluff Kimball more L in Y ooh me I said
Wyoming me this morning also in east central Wyoming conversed in southeast
whoom we have all of these right here you know if you live in these areas here
are the cities that are included in this tornado watch and it is in effect until
8:00 p.m. mountain Daylight Time also as we move on down we have a tornado watch
that's in effect until 9:00 p.m. mountain Daylight Time
for these Nebraska counties right in here
some of those were mentioned in the other that have been extended for
another hour here are more Kansas counties till 9
p.m. tonight as you can see all of these counties in Kansas are
included Colorado Colorado yours is till 9:00 p.m. mountain Daylight Time tornado
watch if you live in any any of these counties please be aware of this now as
we move east early on the map of the US the severe thunderstorm watches or just
about well there's a lot of them let's get with it
in Virginia until 10:00 p.m. this evening these are the counties in
central Virginia in eastern Virginia and some of those have got more included in
them now and here are the cities that are included in these watches you can
stop the video check make sure you live in some of these places okay and this
watch includes the following adjacent coastal waters the Chesapeake Bay from
Smith Point to windmill Point Virginia okay
Marilyn you are under this watch also till 10:00 p.m. this evening in south
eastern Maryland Dorchester Worchester Somerset Virginia watch another County
in southeast is included with the cities Delaware you have two counties this is
until 10:00 p.m. this evening under the severe thunderstorm watch in central
Delaware it's Kent southern Delaware Sussex and Maryland
you got five counties in Northeast Maryland right here which include those
cities right underneath and as we move on along Delaware and northern Delaware
Newcastle this is until 10:00 p.m. this evening
in central New Jersey mersa mom mouth in northern New Jersey in southern New
Jersey more have been included and then we go to Pennsylvania you have ten
counties in east central Pennsylvania we've got three counties in Northeast
Pennsylvania you see them right there southeast Pennsylvania and it includes
all of the cities and there's some more watches for the water Delaware Bay
waters are north of East Point to the slaughter Beach Delaware area so keep
that in mind you don't want to be out in this okay Marylin counties
here's some more till 10:00 p.m. this evening you see them right here it goes
on and on Virginia counties are included but you live in any of these this is
severe thunderstorm watch till 10:00 p.m. this evening
Charlottesville I got a cousin who lives in Charlottesville all of these counties
in Virginia or towns rather in Virginia these are the cities here are the
counties you know if you live in one or not West Virginia 10:00 p.m. tonight
severe thunderstorm watch there's the counties do you live in one if you do be
aware of the situation and of course this goes on more now to the adjacent
coastal water areas down to the District of Columbia counties 10:00 p.m. tonight
the District of Columbia central Massachusetts you're in it okay in
Massachusetts in central Massachusetts as one County and there's the towns and
cities right there Connecticut you got a watch till 10:00 p.m. this evening
northern Connecticut in Massachusetts there's three counties there and it goes
on and on we go up to Maine can you believe this people everybody's under
severe thunderstorm watch in these areas till 10:00 p.m. this evening here are
the counties that are included New Hampshire 10:00 p.m. this evening
here are your counties Vermont look at this can you believe this people
everybody in this area of the United States is under severe thunderstorm
watch until 10:00 p.m. this evening New York here are the
counties in New York please be aware Pennsylvania counties and all of this
for everyone is till 10:00 p.m. tonight along with all of the adjacent waters
okay for New Jersey here are all of your counties once again Massachusetts and
more counties have been added Connecticut there you have it
people I cannot stress enough I'm not going to make this long and drawn-out
everyone from Maine all the way down to parts of West Virginia Virginia all the
way back up Delaware Maryland New Jersey all the way up to New York up to Vermont
New Hampshire and Maine you are under a severe thunderstorm watch until 10:00
p.m. this evening these storms some have already happened
you see that little dot of orange right there 60 mile-per-hour winds hail and
drenching downpour rains which can cause flooding and coming up next week more
rain is coming I'll get to that in another video but as up for now please
don't mess with these storms if they happen
Waja they can produce water spouts along the coast and tornadoes inland and what
else do we have of course right in this area as we move up from Wyoming Colorado
Nebraska and Kansas tornado watches until 9:00 p.m. this evening everybody
stay safe please keep your eyes on your sky situations around you wherever you
are if you're in these particular areas make sure you got a safe place to go to
if you need to I love you guys please subscribe please please subscribe tell
your friends tell your neighbors tell your family and especially if you live
in this area or this area to make sure that they know they
may have some severe weather you may have it you may not there's a good
chance especially right out in here that some of these people in the yellow are
going to have some severe weather and there is a very good chance up in here
you guys are going to have some severe thunderstorms pop up so please subscribe
make sure this word gets out to help keep people safe I love you thanks for
your comments your likes your donation anything and everything I'm just thank
you for watching my videos everybody stay safe and much peace loving kindness
to each of you
For more infomation >> PEOPLE LARGE AMOUT of Watches & Warnings. PAY ATTENTION! - Duration: 9:30.-------------------------------------------
My Scars: a personal story about what language meant to me - Duration: 4:39.
At the end of the last animation, I asked you to share your own stories of uneven understanding.
Share you did, more than I could've imagined.
We built one of the web's largest collections of asymmetric intelligibility
stories right there in the comments!
You also called me out.
Could I maybe share something personal about my journey into language?
That's something patrons have asked for, too.
Since we have a bit of downtime, today's a good day to do that.
In my life, there hasn't just been one thing that connected me to language.
It's been a bunch of small moments, little experiences.
Some of these end up in my videos, so I guess keep watching to get the full story.
But if I'm sharing personal experiences, it might have to be this one.
It's not what I expected today, but there are events... struggles... things in my earlier
life I wouldn't be here without.
These are my scars.
Literal scars at the time.
It's so superficial, but, as a kid, I was kind of shy.
It's something I slowly grew out of thanks to a happy family, team sports, great friends.
Until I ran into that life wall called adolescence.
That means different things to different teens.
I got some of the normal awkwardness and acne, but on top of that I began to get serious
scabs and rashes and worse all over my face, my hands, my neck...
I tried to cover it up or at least play it off.
I couldn't always find ways to cope.
I'd make it through a school day and I'd rush to be alone: study or draw or ride my bike
off on my own.
On tough days, I remember sitting behind bus benches instead of waiting up front like a
normal person just so my latest scars weren't out there for everyone to see.
Why am I telling you this?
Because it mattered.
I was uncomfortable and struggling to find worth in my own skin, and that made it tough
to connect superficially.
I had to look past my skin and lean on ways I knew to connect on a deeper level.
I did this with language.
It helped me relate to people, people with their own scars, people who, past and present,
opened up and shared stories of languages and cultures with me.
They gave me riches more meaningful than if I'd never had this struggle.
Eventually, it took years, but eventually I got a diagnosis: my skin was sensitive
to fragrances.
Laundry, deodorant, cologne, shampoo, hair products, washing dishes,
they were all leaving scars.
I made changes and the scars healed.
That's what they do.
I remember the day my mom helped me take off my sheets and wash everything in
fragrance-free detergent.
I got to leave it behind, usually for my skin and definitely for my mind.
Clocks tick, scars fade.
I get to make up for lost time.
For the most part I've moved on, which is one reason why these videos take a while.
Yes, animation is a thing that takes time.
I've learned how true that is.
But there's more to my story.
In an effort to be a productive part of our future world and pay for those handbaskets
of food, I've been on my own years-long journey to be a better programmer.
Maybe a bit later in life than I expected, but while you've been watching, I've been
putting in the work: taking classes, getting certified, coding projects.
This balancing act doesn't pay well, but in many other ways it's been rewarding.
It even shapes the videos you watch.
Now, the part of my journey that would become NativLang is another story, one I shared with
patrons, but I'm compelled to keep coming back partly because of those earlier days
when language distracted me from my scars.
Well, I've talked about where I've been.
What about you?
What has language meant to you?
Was there a little moment or a meaningful experience?
I offer patrons much gratitude for all your support, and thank you for sticking around
and subscribing for language.
4 WHITNEY HOUSTON DIVA Looks Recreated By Gabrielle Dennis | The Bobby Brown Story - Duration: 2:56.
Gabrielle Dennis originally from Cincinnati Ohio
by way of D.C.
living in Los Angeles enjoying the life right now.
Right now we're doing a little shoot.
Do you recognize. Do you recognize.
This look. How will I know. How will you know?
You will know because you will tune in on BET.
That's where all the action goes down. The Magic.
My boy Woody McClain does his thing
and I hope you guys tune in.
We put a lot of heart soul in this
and we want you to enjoy it just as much as we enjoyed making it.
I'm a BET OG. Okay. I'm an original gangster.
Original playa from the Himalayas.
Yeah like I take it way back to teen summit
I've got a nice long history with BET
And now with the Bobby Brown story
it's like take my little baby steps
and I feel like I'm I'm a part of this family
that has embraced me and has rooted for me.
Has encouraged me to get to where I am now.
So it's it's great. I mean BET is like family to me.
So basic for me mean to prepare for Whitney
Houston. That involves a lot of prayer.
First and foremost luckily for me
there was a lot of footage
to watch by way of interview's music
videos behind the scenes touring.
But to watch her.
Like on youtube on my computer screen and still get goosebumps.
It was just like whoa. She's straight up magical.
There was some fun parts in researching her
and there was definitely some emotional
like heavy draining parts like playing her
was definitely an emotional rollercoaster.
She's so special to me now
and it's going from like a fan of her art
and her gifts and her talent to just a fan of her
as a person you know and understanding her more.
I mostly like earlier stages of her career
like where she was just trying stuff
and Whitney was very comfortable.
I feel like we have that a lot in common like Whitney
with with curly fun hair. I love her in like color.
She's obviously beautiful in gowns
but I feel like my favorite Whitney
is just Whitney being chill.
I feel like comfort is more important to me now than ever
before I think because when I play characters
it's all hair makeup heels tight clothes.
You know looking you know to the nines
and the like when I'm off I just want to be off.
Hey what's up everybody it's your girl
Gabrielle Dennis. I'am playing Whitney
Houston on the upcoming The Bobby Brown story
September 4th and 5th is right around the corner.
I'm telling you y'all are in for a treat alright.
Buckle up get ready but be sure you follow
@BobbyBrownBET and @BET for all the details.
They got you covered on everything you need to know
so I will see you September 4th and 5th. Yes?
Koch Brothers Launch Multi-Million Dollar Effort To Destroy Justice - Duration: 4:32.
With the 2018 Midterms right around the corner, everybody in this country kind of focusing
on what's gonna happen in 2018, it is officially election season now.
And as always, whenever it's election season, that means that there is a hell of a lot of
corporate money being thrown around to candidates that you have probably never even heard of.
And as usual, the main suspects here giving so much money are the Koch brothers.
Recently the Koch brothers, through their Americans for Prosperity front group, announced
that they were launching a new multi-million dollar campaign giveaway basically, so that
they could remake the court systems in the United States.
That's right, the Koch brothers aren't content just owning all of our politicians, now they're
going after the courts.
And actually, this is something they have been doing for many, many years, but because
it's the court system nobody every pays attention.
Here's what is happening so far in 2018 from Koch brothers, now this is money that's coming
from their front groups Americans for Prosperity, it's coming from the Koch Political Action
Committee, Koch-PAC, and it's coming in direct donations from Koch Industries itself to candidates
all throughout this country.
But again, we're not talking about your average, everyday politicians who end up in the news.
We're talking about the people behind the scenes, the people that can actually do something
about the rampant corruption in American corporations today.
Here are some of the races they're charging.
For State Attorney General races, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma, South Carolina,
Texas, and Wisconsin.
They have given tens of thousands of dollars total to the Republican Attorney General candidates
in those states.
Now particularly interesting there is the fact that they're giving a lot of money obviously
to Georgia and Texas.
Because according to reports here, in the state of Georgia, Koch employees 8300 people,
in Texas 7800 people.
Most of their business operations take place in Texas and Georgia, which also happens to
be where most of the Koch pollution, most of the Koch violations come from.
And if you want to avoid any kind of liability for poisoning people or killing them on the
job, then you have to buy off the State Attorney General.
And that's not the only place they're targeting here, we also have State Supreme Court Justices
that they're funding in Georgia, and three different ones in the state of Texas.
Again, Georgia and Texas, where most of their business is, they're trying to buy the State
Supreme Court.
And they're also buying the State Court of Appeals in the state of Georgia, with $1000
to Justice Steven Dillard.
Republicans for the last 18 months, basically since Donald Trump stepped into office, have
been working with conservative outside organizations, like the Koch brothers here funding all these
people, the Federalist Society, the Heritage Foundation, to get corporate friendly judicial
nominees so that they can vote on them in the Senate, and get them approved, and put
the on the bench.
Every single one of these people, including Brett Cavanaugh, which by the way Kochs are
spending over a million dollars just to get Brett Cavanaugh confirmed to the U.S. Supreme
But all of these people, every single one of them, has one thing in common.
That is, they consistently side with corporations over consumers.
Pro-corporate judges, anti-consumer Attorney Generals, people who are always going to side
with major corporations like Koch Industries, like Exxon, like Monsanto and Dow DuPont,
all of them.
Consumers lose, corporations win, and it's because they're the ones that have the money
to spread around to buy politicians, whether it's in the House, the Senate, the White House,
and now the Federal Judiciary.
They're buying it all up, leaving us, the average American consumer, with no recourse
when we're destroyed physically, mentally, emotionally, environmentally from these disgusting
corporations that think that money is the only thing that matters in this world.
How to turn Restricted Mode on and off - Duration: 1:03.
In this video, we'll show you how to turn on restricted mode on computers and phones.
This can help hide videos with potentially mature content, but note that filters might
not be 100% accurate.
Now we'll show you how to enable this.
On a computer, click your account icon at the top of the page.
Now click "Restricted mode" at the bottom of this menu.
Click "Activate restricted mode".
On a mobile device, tap your account icon at the top of the screen.
Now tap Settings.
Now tap the Restricted mode toggle to turn it on if you're on iOS.
For Android, you'll need to tap "General" to get to this.
By the way, you can always go back to these settings to enable or disable this.
If you'd like to learn more about restricted mode, visit the help center article in this video's
And that's it!
Subscribe for more YouTube tips and tricks.
NEW Get PAID & Hacked Apps FREE iOS 11 - 11.4.1 / 10 / 9 NO Jailbreak iPhone iPad iPod - Duration: 2:15.
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Seattle aprueba derechos para empleadas domésticas | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 3:29.
দক্ষিণেশ্বরে রাসমণির দিতিপ্রিয়া,কেন সেখানে গেলেন রানি মা | Rani rashmoni actress ditipriya roy news - Duration: 1:15.
حظك اليوم السبت 28-07-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 8:02.
First Alert Weather - Duration: 4:16.
Chatbot Basics: The Conceptual Stage of Bias Bot - Duration: 7:47.
Hey everybody! We're getting ready for our next session on bias bot. So just to
get you in the mood again, in the chilly climate mood that is, we are working on
professional development that will help us with these constructs of implicit
bias, chilly climate, microaggression and online disinhibition. What we're really
trying to do is flip the script and use AI, bots and algorithms to combat bias
racism, and sexism. We've come a long way from this first session and our next
session we're going to do an intro to chatbots. We have a little pre-work
before we get there. And it'll be fun. I promise, because we're going to be playing
with chat bots. Chat bots are a computer program and really what it's
trying to do is trying to simulate a conversation with a human user. Now how
it does that is through messaging. Messaging is that chat interface whether
you use it on your phone whether you have messaging through Facebook and maybe
you even use snapchat. But the whole idea is that it's
conversational. This really all became possible by
virtue of AI or artificial intelligence and it's through these two things. It's
through artificial intelligence through natural language processing and machine
learning. So because we've gone so far with this
we now have chatbots and we have lots of people developing chatbots. Those
simple chatbots, well they just work on pre-written keyword. Now business chatbots are a little further developed. Business chatbots while I'm talking
about this I want you to also think about in the context of a learning
management system. When we're doing discussion forums these business chatbots, they are usually case specific. They have a use case meaning. They're talking
to one particular kind of customer about one particular kind of thing. Now think
about how we'd be doing that if we develop a chat bot for a discussion
forum that's specifically supposed to be for doing implicit bias training. Now
these business chat BOTS, also they they pretty much know what might be asked. So
when we're thinking about our chat bot what is happening in that discussion
board. What would our chat bot as a student
need to be able to do? Business chatbots, hey, they're starting to get personality.
They're beginning to feel like you're texting with someone actually there.
Some mobile games are totally based on that, where you feel like you're texting
with someone. And the business chatbots adapt based on demographics. Aagain so we
should be thinking about how we we would be able to do this in a discussion forum
with faculty members. There's lots of chatbots.
I want you to go out there and start looking at some of them. I picked the top
three chatbots search engines to show you go in and play it. Take a look at
these things. The first one that pops up here is chat bottle. And why did I chose a bottle
, because chat bottle actually has chat bottle awards. So please go into
that search engine. Type some things. Type discussions. Type some other ways you
think a bot could be used. So for the pre-work also go to there.
for a bot. Come on, look at these pictures. You know you want to go in
there. You know you want to find that cat bot that's sitting right there on the
slideshow. Okay so go into thereisabot forthat. And I know this might sound
really geeky, but you know what go in with your family and friends. I do.
Go in and make it a shopping trip for chatbots. But I want
you to get a feel of what's out there and what's possible because we might be
able to do the same thing. I also want you to go ahead and take a look at botlist.
Okay they feature a lot of bots. Go ahead and see what they're pulling up. So
you see what's becoming popular. For the rest of your pre-work, first of all I
know you do slack or you know someone who does you slack. Okay what I want you to do go
into slack and make your own slack team. Feel free to invite some other people
too. Go ahead and test out. Yes it's a productivity chat bot so I really
want you to go in and see this. Take a look at at it and think about what
features from this would be great for us as we're developing our chatbot. Also
discord once again, I know you have discord or you know someone who who has
discord - that person in your family who plays minecraft or League of Legends or
Overwatch. They have discord. Go ahead make an account in discord. It gives you
what they call it a server. Go ahead and put a chatbot into
the server. Now I just pulled this up. just because here's the thing with discord. It is
a gamer Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP). They're going to be a lot different than
slack. Actually they're even chattier than slack. I just pulled this up because
there is an article out there on five dumb things you can do with discord. If you have time go ahead and take a look at that but what I'd really like
you to do in discord server. The one I really want you
to try out is something called Chatty Cathy. The reason why is it is solely
there for conversation. When you're doing this please keep remembering our
project. Our project is implicit bias and online microaggression. We're
doing the conceptual stage of creating a bias bot. Think about what the
user experience would be like when you go and play with these two bots. Think
about what your experience is like. Jot down some notes. Take some
screenshots. Invite some other people to come play with Chatty Cathy or obie. The
other thing is remember if we're going do this kind of training; we are going to
have to have the bot represent students. The bot is how going have to be rude
sometimes because we are doing online incivility. When it comes to this part
we're only doing stage two but I kind of want you to keep your eyes on the
goal at the very end. We want to build our own chatbots and to be able to do
that we are going to develop our goals. We're going to have to pick a
channel. We're going to choose. We could use some ready-made chat bot software or
build a chat bot from scratch. We're also going to be looking to develop the
algorithms of the chatbots and its action. We will definitely need a database of answers
and then we're going to have to find volunteers to test this chatbot. So for
this pre-work download and go and play with Obie. Remember that is slack
so that's productivity. Then go into discord with Chatty Cathy. That is your
pre-work. Go ahead and post screenshots on our Flickr account. Go ahead
and put things on your Twitter account. I will see you at the next session. Thanks
a lot. See you online.
🔥VITAL🔥 HOW TO SET UP FACEBOOK REMARKETING ADS (Shopify Drop Shipping) - Duration: 10:50.
what's going on guys my name is Jesse Eby if you're new to my channel welcome
I'll be releasing weekly content in regards to e-commerce Shopify drop
shipping and everything online entrepreneurship as some of you guys
have known I've been in the hospital so I apologize for being absent I missed a
few days there's traffic going by I'm just going to keep rolling with it and
as it turns out the hospital here actually scammed me so I'm gonna be
fighting with them and I'm gonna try to continue dropping weekly content
I'm YouTube for you guys all while running a business and helping people
directly online be sure to join my facebook group for free mentorship the
link is in the description and I wanna thank you guys for those that have
donated to my channel and those that are using my affiliate links in my
description the commission and the money that the channel receives from the
donations will go directly into investing into this YouTube channel and
being able to provide you guys additional more powerful content as time
goes on so thank you for that thank you for your support and thank you for the
kind words some of people that wish me well while I was in the hospital the
health issues it's not been resolved yet and I'm still dealing with that but I'm
gonna continue giving you guys as much powerful content as possible for those
they have not signed up for Shopify be sure to check the description and take
advantage of the extended free trial that only I'm allowed to offer it gives
you 30 days in step 14 so this video you saw the thumbnail I hope you appreciate
the clickbait I'm gonna be showing you guys how to run retargeting ads which is
one of the most important parts of Facebook ads so we're gonna be going
over retargeting ads for Shopify dropshipping and how to create Facebook
retargeting ads so aside from that that's enough rambling let's go ahead
and jump into the valuable content learning how to run Facebook retargeting
ads alright let's go
how to create Facebook retargeting ads or Facebook remarketing campaign set up
sometimes called Facebook retargeting ads sometimes called Facebook
remarketing ads it's all the same so first things first you want to create a
business manager account you don't want to use your personal account because you
will run the risk of having a business account shut down and if it's your
personal account it could potentially cause problems for your personal
Facebook account and as we know Facebook provides next to no customer service so
if you have any problems or just kind of screwed and just as a bonus tip you guys
you want to have multiple ad accounts because Facebook does shut down your
accounts often for no reason so make him multiple just in case so you're gonna go
to business stop facebook.com and you're gonna click up at the top left corner
here the hamburger menu you're gonna go right here to ads manager and this is
just a test account so I don't have any data in here I just made it for the
purposes of videos you'll go here click create now depending on your goal you
will have different marketing objectives but for retargeting for the most part
you're gonna want to retarget people for conversions because it's gonna be
targeting those people that visited your store but did not purchase anything and
you'll be creating a conversions ad to incentivize them to come back and make a
purchase just move this up here so we'll just name this something random test
conversions and if you haven't had an ad account yet I guess you'll have to enter
in the information here I just made this new one and of course you're gonna want
to have a Facebook pixel installed if this is the first video of mine that
you're seeing or you haven't seen my other videos I'll leave a link in the
description to the video that tell us about why you need a Facebook pixel
installed and I'll leave a video - how to install the Facebook pixel so go
ahead and learn how to do this but make sure you have your Facebook pixel
installed and you're gonna scroll down and you're gonna create a new custom
audience now there's lots of different ways you could create custom audiences
for but for retargeting in this particular situation you're gonna want
to create a custom audience based on website traffic so you could create a
list of people who visited your website and took specific actions on the
Facebook so if they visited a certain page you'd
be able to retarget those people that visited a certain page and since this is
a new example kind of test account we'll just name the pixel example pixel and by
following my other video you'll be able to learn how to install the pixel if you
need to so when it comes to this option that allows you to create your custom
audience you're going to want to change it to people who have visited specific
web pages for this particular retargeting ad and it gives you the
option you want to put it for 7days retargeting somebody that visited your
website longer than seven days ago just isn't gonna be very useful because they
might have already forgotten about your website and right here you're gonna
enter the website that they have visited so for example if you're selling a cat
necklace and you're promoting a cat necklace and you're running influencer
ads to this cat necklace sales page you're gonna want to run ads retargeting
people that have visited specifically that cat page sales page org so just for
example we'll just call it cat comm slash necklace so everybody that has
visited cat comm slash necklace which is the necklace that you would be running
promotions for will see this ad this retargeting ad you want to exclude
people that have already purchased so you would click there and when you have
actual purchases on your pixel and everything is set up then you would have
the option to exclude people that have already purchased and you'd want to
enter that here because obviously you don't want to retarget people that have
already purchased the cat necklace you want to offer incentive to people that
visited but did not purchase the cat necklace so they come back and buy it
you could also exclude people that have visited specific web pages you can put
the link of your thank-you page for example so that people that have visited
your website but eventually went to the Thank You page indicating that they made
a purchase because they cannot go to the Thank You page without making a purchase
if they visited your thank-you page they would be excluded from this
advertisement all right so the custom audience has been created and
want to remove locations because you're targeting specifically just people that
visited your store and not purchase so you don't need to narrow it down too
much and you can keep this completely broad just all ages all genders and I'd
probably uncheck this because you don't want any interests to be expanded you
just want it to be specifically the people they have visited but did not
purchase and then for placements I like to keep it on just the Facebook news
feeds for retargeting but you could do testing and you could figure out what
works best for you you leave all this the same you know you really want to
leave this broad because it's simply just retargeting people that have
visited your store already and for daily budget you want Eve about five dollars
that's a good way to start out it's probably not gonna really cost you any
more than that per day you want make sure this is optimized for conversions
and for the conversion window you want to set it up to be a one-day click so
that it tracks the conversion only if the person purchased on the same day
that they clicked on the ad link all right well click continue you got to
be careful because whenever you go to edit something sometimes a lot of things
get reset like I'm seeing here seven-day click or one day view because Facebook
will oftentimes have default settings that is more profitable for them because
that's how they make their money we'll click continue and this is where you
actually create the ad and remember how I said in other videos the reasoning why
video ads convert if you can you always want to go for a video ad if possible
because it does catch the attention of people more especially if you have an
action item to where it's something that does get on video we'll just do an image
ad right now and we'll just select a random picture here and right here is
kind of where you see what your advertisement will look like and for
your retargeting ad you're gonna want to offer them some kind of incentive to
come back something dumb like that come up with a better idea then I just made
up randomly but you get the idea you can add some emojis stuff that will catch
the attention make a nice little ad that looks professional but catches the eye
consider a video as tend to convert better and when you're
running ads that are videos with facebook ads you could actually get the
data to see and target accordingly the percentage of how much people have
watched of the video so you could run ads targeting people that watched only
3% of the video or you could run ads targeting people that have watched the
entire video because that kind of indicates the interest of the person
watching the video how interested they are in the product or at least
advertisement gives you the option to enter the the link of what your
retargeting for in this case it'd be Capcom / necklace and it gives the
option for a headline ball or cat necklace and it gives you the option for
what button you want to show there on the ad in this case it'd be SHOP NOW and
you could see here live kind of what the ad will look like and you can put a
little description here you can see how that appears right there and you'll want
the Facebook pixel turned on and you are rocking and rolling confirm the ad oh
it's giving me error go back and see what this is you want to select the
purchase for the conversion event because that is the purpose of all this
we are rockin rollin you have a little advertisement for retargeting and we'll
click confirm and I don't have any payment information set up in this
account since it's just a test account but that is pretty much all there is to
it and I just have some notes here if you guys want to take a screenshot or
anything I just have how to set up Facebook retargeting ads Facebook
retargeting pixel you guys remember please have that installed otherwise all
of this is useless it needs to be installed for Facebook remarketing ads
and like I said before the link is in the description for the previous video
on how to install it and why you need it installed all right you guys hopefully
that was beneficial I know my energy is kind of low but some of you guys know I
have that Hospital health junk going on with my heart so apologies for that but
I hope this was helpful I have had some questions people asking me how to create
retargeting ads it's pretty simple so hopefully that covered everything you
need to know in regards to retargeting ads there's so much that goes into
Facebook ads it's gonna have to be in multiple videos
but I'm going to do little bits and pieces of what I get questions on the
most I really saw this content for free and I'm not selling you a thing if you
appreciate that consider subscribing drop a like on the video and drop a
comment below it really helps my channel grow and it helps show my content to
more people and save as many people from being scammed by the scamming gurus as
possible all right so thanks for stopping by be sure to subscribe peace
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