Hey what is up hustlers! Welcome back to episode 3 of this completely free
tutorial series where I take you through how to create a website and how to
monetize that website that you make so you guys really enjoyed the
print-on-demand series that I created a while ago where it was basically no
bullshit I take you through everything on my laptop and this is exactly what
I'm gonna do now that we're well and truly into the series so now that you've
created your our website you set up Bluehost you've set up your web host I
should say because it may not be Bluehost you set up web host you set up
WordPress let's go into the backend now and talk about the first thing being
themes the themes is really important because everyone thinks it's just an
appearance thing it's just a superficial thing but it's actually not now
again I don't want to get too technical here because I don't want to lose the
people that aren't tech savvy but the most important thing to picking a theme
is it has to be SEO friendly now when creating website keeping in mind that it
needs a rank on search engines that is the most vital thing because that's when
you're gonna get your free traffic that's how you're gonna get all this
targeted traffic within your niche to interact with your website and get your
website monetized because that's the end goal now it needs to be SEO friendly so
I've got a few recommendations and let's get stuck straight into it I give you my
recommendations here so now that you're in the backend of WordPress you set up
Bluehost you logged into WordPress you're gonna have a clean slate to start
off with so go ahead go click into appearances and click into themes and
you're gonna land on a page like this now my recommendation is quite simple
there is a lot of themes here you can choose from from from free themes to
paid themes now unlike shop flies back in you there's a lot of free themes you
can choose from it's very overwhelming where Shopify has like 12 3 themes you
can choose from which is the perk of WordPress in the perk of using things
like WooCommerce WooCommerce is infant more customizable than shop fire and I'm
gonna get into that in a later video where I compare WooCommerce and how I
found success through WooCommerce over shop fire but that's the video for later
now as you can see there's 3398 themes you can choose from and look they're all
really fancy they're all really pretty and but I'm gonna keep it simply I'm
just gonna give you one suggestion now go into your search bar and type in
twenty twenty something now you'll be brought to this page here with these
recommendations what these recommendations are is it's WordPress's
default themes now you might be like what the hell is and their default
themes that boring this stock standard and yeah they are a default in stock
standards but they're not exactly boring the reason being is because their
default themes for a reason WordPress has created these themes because they
are SEO friendly and that's the most important thing they tick all the boxes
in terms of layout compression and navigation um and these are all the
elements that Google and Bing and other search engines look for in order to find
a worthy site of ranking now the second element that's really important to this
theme that complements it is a domain name Google is not gonna rank your
website if it has a crappy bullshit domain name like and you know like
www.wordpress.com slash dogs and pups for example it needs to have a custom
domain name that's why I've recommended Bluehost because they give you a free
domain name and now that you set up your free domain name
hopefully that's which done go ahead and pick one of these themes and you can see
some of these are outdated so I stick I tend to stick to the more modern-looking
ones like 2011 20 2010 these themes were the default theme themes for WordPress
back in 2011 2010 dark so these have been outdated so I
wouldn't stick with these I'd go for like 2014 and above now I was initially
gonna go for a 2014 when I first started a few websites and it actually does look
really nice and but depending on the look that you're going for like for
example if you want an image heavy site guy for 2017 if you want more of
blogging pure blogging website go for like 2015 and 2014 is a really nice one
in terms of navigation getting that balance between navigation in images and
at the end of the day of course you can go for another custom another custom
theme but my recommendation to start off with is just stick with the 20-something
theme from WordPress because it works really well in terms of ranking your
website and Plus on top of that you can always still further customize it and
you can get that boring looking theme you could say boring looking WordPress
theme to look really nice through plugins so go ahead and select
one of these themes and install it it's a really easy way to install themes it's
one clicked in store so now that we started and picked a theme plugins is
sort of the blood-flow of WordPress this is how you get everything customisable
because WordPress is an open source platform open source in the sense that
it's collaborative so you can download all these plugins that other people have
created and really truly customize your platform so the top two top five starter
plugins that I'm going to start with and now again this is gonna be sort of this
is going to be quite nerdy and techie but I'm gonna try to simplify it for you
guys the first plug-in that you need to go for is accelerated mobile pages and
I'll get into why in a second but if you go into the plugins page and now scroll
down to plugins and add new you hit this page here where you can add new plugins
so go ahead and search for accelerated mobile pages click
let it load up now you got to go with the first option here a mp4 WP so I'll
cellar a mobile pages for WordPress this is extremely important guys in terms of
ranking your website I'm giving you these startup plugins because the these
plugins will give you the best chance for optimization the best chance of rank
on Google these plugins aren't necessarily to make your website look
more fancy at the at the start of the process because that's not the aim here
the aim is to build a foundation where you are most likely to succeed and start
ranking on search engines so go ahead and click into this one what this app
does is essentially create a mobile cache version of your page and tells
Google that hey this website in this specific page is amp ready so this is a
big movement from Google about a year or two ago now they started rolling out
this amp functionality which basically caches without being too nerdy it caches
the page on the Google search engine so what it does for the end-user is it
gives the end-user a much much more faster and reliable experience on the
Google search engine so they click on a search engine page and they load your
specific page really really really quickly and this basically tells Google
hey this website is cooperating with our new projects our new infrastructure
we're gonna give this website in this page more more power in terms of
rankings so it will favor you when it comes to Google rankings so this is what
you want to do now you're gonna download this this
plugin here it's completely free which is awesome and all you need to do is
when you start creating post and posting about your niche that you love doing and
there's gonna be an option to create an amp page for that organic page and now
that's all you need to do you need to just click a button and they'll create
an amp page for that post and that will do you wonders pull the long term in
terms of ranking so that's the first first plug-in that I want you to
download now the second plugin that i want you download is insert header and
footers now you may not it's like as it is as it is this plugin is just very
very basic it just gives you a very easy way to insert headers and footers now
this is the plug-in that i'm talking about here what why i want you to
download this is it's very simple I want you to insert Google Analytics onto the
back end of your website Google Analytics is again basically the heart
of the Google suite now what Google Analytics will allow you to do is
exactly that it will let you analyze the analytics of your website the stats of
your website the people coming on to your websites through different sources
that way you can essentially you know optimize your website so this is very
simple and now I'm not going to get into how to sign up to Google Analytics how
to set that up per se because this video is gonna be super super long and I mean
this is a free tutorial series I don't have all the time in the world to guide
you guys through everything but I would do as much as I can Torah series
basically and that's why I'm talking so fast basically going to goo Anna leagues
sign up for an account and and it will ease or give you a tag or a line of code
that you need to copy and paste now you're gonna go into this app hit insert
headers and footer and click download now once you download it you'll get an
option and somewhere in your toolbar and you find that app and click into that
app it'll give you a box you copy and paste that code that you got from Google
Analytics into that box of this app and that's all you need to do now give it a
day or two and all the stats will start appearing on Google Analytics go ahead
and bookmark Google Analytics because Google Analytics is gonna be so
important to optimize your website on so that's the second app now the third app
is some more again I can't stress enough that that
how just how important these apps are so this is a very very popular plugin as
you can see there's 1 million active installations at the moment
now what Smosh does is it's very basic in terms of what it does but it's very
technical so every time you upload an image onto your website or even upload
an image onto your blog the blog post what Smosh does is it actively optimizes
your your image so it compresses the image because when you upload RAW images
it's very big now what that means for the end user is it takes them longer to
load your page and load that image so what Smosh does is you throwing that
image it automatically compresses the image on the fly meaning of much easier
and more faster web experience for you user that has landed on the page and the
end goal of that is Google recognizes that and says hey this website is
compressing its images it's giving its user faster loading experience and thus
it gives its user a better overall experience so that is the third that is
the third plug-in that I want you to download it's very simple to install
once again you just click install and then run the image compression tool and
in the background and start compressing all your images now it's better to get
this upfront like I said to save you some time later down the track
compressing all those images so that is the third start a plug-in that I want
you to download this the fourth plug-in is w3 total cache now this is again a
similar sort of a similar sort of plug-in that does the same purpose of
smoosh however it's not just with images now this gets extremely extremely nerdy
as you can see here if you read the description search engine SEO and
performance optimization vacation it's great occasion CDN minified page object
blah blah blah blah now this is the sort of stuff that I talk to clients with in
my day to day job and is what I recommend when we set up
websites and WordPress and whatnot for them we do all this compression nerdy
start setting up CD ends and all this sort of stuff but it's extremely
important now I'm trying to dumb it down for you guys here but what I want you to
do is simply just go ahead and download it you won't know exactly what it does
in the backend but as you can see here just take it take a look at the benefits
here and it's really important because things like SSL like I said in which in
the previous episode I recommended you to download that or not download it so
activate it on Bluehost straight away because all these elements will add up
to a better user experience and gives you a much better chance to rank on
Google and will give you long-term free organic traffic to come through over the
years so in in I guess long story short what this does is for users that come
onto the page of your website this app will this is this plugin will cache that
page on the local users machine now that may sound confusing but what happens is
if they revisit your website that page will load infinitely faster because
there's a local there's a local image of that page on their system
so to speak so you know without being too nerdy that's basically what it does
and the end goal is it creates a better faster loading experience for the end
user and Google will recognize that so that is the fourth app that I want you
to download now the fifth app that I want you to download and again guys
these are only the top five side of plugins there are so many plugins and
apps that I want you to download but again I'm keeping this tutorial series
super super simple so you can follow along the final one is WP dev art
facebook comments now what this is is it's literally facebook comments dev our
facebook comments so what this does is it enables sorry
dev arts it's all one word what this does is essentially allows you this one
here it allows you to activate Facebook comments on each of your blog posts now
this is very very useful in terms of getting engagement on your website and
your blog post because let's say you're blogging about fishing and you've you
know blogged about a certain fishing rod that you really like you want people to
give the back give comments give interactions because again this is
something that Google will recognize and yes even though even though WordPress
gives an organic comment box down there I usually buy personally like using
Facebook because firstly it it gives access to all users to comment and it
makes it really simple for them to comment because all you need is a
Facebook profile and look most people will these days know nine percent of
people these days have Facebook profiles so it's literally a one-click comment
rather than signing up for an obscure service to comment on your blog and
secondly it allows you to create a community therefore you can create a
Facebook page in community off the back of these comments so that is it guys
that is the fifth and final starter plugin that I want you to download all
these plugins are so important and that is why I love WordPress guys that is why
I love WooCommerce sometimes more so than Shopify that is one of the reasons
now all these all these themes and starter plugins that I've suggested will
really get you up and going so in the next few episodes it's gonna get super
exciting from here I'm gonna tell you how specifically to rank your blog posts
now I know a lot of you guys previously in the comments have said hey I really
like this tutorial because I get to blog about stuff that I like doing now this
is the biggest reason why I like you know creating websites and creating
content is because I like to blog about what I'm doing in life and make money
off that rather than selling items that sometimes doesn't
resonate with me so I'm really hoping you're enjoying the series so far there
is a lot to come like I said in the next few episodes it's go looking that gonna
be about how to rank your blog post SEO all that good stuff so you can get up
and running so hope you're enjoying this series like I said and as usual if you
like this video give it a thumbs up keep going on the content and for now keep on
For more infomation >> Must Have WordPress Plugins & Themes for SEO (Step-By-Step) – Episode 3 - Duration: 18:36.-------------------------------------------
Somebody Toucha My ASMR | 1 Hour - Duration: 1:00:00.
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🏁Cómo cambiar los discos de freno en VW GOLF 3 [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 3:28.
Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.
Use an HEX ı6. Unscrew the brake caliper fastening.
Remove the brake caliper.
Use a phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the brake disc mounting bolts and remove it.
Install the brake disc and secure it. Use a phillips screwdriver.
Install the brake caliper and fix it. Use an HEX ı6.
Nixon Was Guilty As Hell – And Trump Sounds Just Like Him - Duration: 4:52.
Donald Trump's strategy to fight back against Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and his
team of attorneys seems to be to basically discredit intelligence agencies here in the
United States, discredit Robert Mueller, attack him as a partisan hack and say that his special
prosecutor's team is packed with partisan democrats.
Well, it may play well to your republican base.
I mean, I have seen people on Twitter talk about the 18 or 25 angry democrats that are
a part of Mueller's team even though Trump says there's only 13 angry democrats.
These idiots have taken and upped a number and upped a number again.
None the less, I wasn't alive during the time of Watergate but I do read and I do understand
history and recently there was a great report in NBC News that explained that Donald Trump
and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani are literally doing the exact same thing that Richard Nixon
did against the special prosecutors investigating him right before Nixon resigned.
You see Nixon was facing not Robert Mueller but a man named Archibald Cox and though he
ended up firing Cox, in the weeks and months before he fired him they were threatening
They were telling the public that he was a partisan hack who was only out to serve his
own party.
They were telling people that this was a witch hunt.
I'm sure we've all seen the old photos of those headlines, "Nixon sees Witch hunt",
a phrase that Donald Trump also likes to tweet out constantly.
So, Nixon eventually, in the Saturday Night Massacre, ends up firing Cox but then was
forced to appoint a new special prosecutor who then began the indictments and trials
of Nixon's closest aides which then presented a massive packet of impeachment materials
to the House and Senate.
When Nixon saw this he decided, "Well, I've got no other course of action, I have to resign".
But again, that came after months and months of attacks, calling it a witch hunt, calling
it a partisan disaster, attacking intelligence agencies, maintaining his innocence anytime
he got in front of the public and saying that this is all made up, this is politics, these
people are dirty and it is exactly what Donald Trump is doing right now.
I mean it's almost verbatim.
He is using almost the exact same words that Richard Nixon used to describe the investigations
against him.
I tell you that story to leave you with a little bit of hope here, okay.
A lot of people have been worried that what if Donald Trump fires Robert Mueller.
This whole thing's over, right?
No, he can't just end this whole thing.
And furthermore, even if the DOJ says we're shutting down the special prosecutor's investigation,
all of the evidence that has been collected still has to go to court.
They can't just throw that out or ignore it.
Prosecutions will still come they just may not have all the evidence that they wanted.
But a judge could also say well, due to this, we're going to extend it even further.
Trump doesn't have the power, nor does the federal government at this point, to completely
shut down this investigation.
Furthermore, Mueller has been very smart about this and he's farming out the prosecutions
for the people who have already made plea deals or the people who have already agreed
to go to trial.
Those have been farmed out to other offices so even if you shut down the special prosecutor,
those still happen.
Trump can't stop this.
And that's why he freaks out so much about it.
He doesn't know what evidence Mueller has, he doesn't know how many people have flipped
on him.
At this point, he doesn't even know who all has flipped on him.
The only ones we know publicly, are Popadopoulos, Manafort and Gates.
There could be tons more ... Excuse me, Flynn, Manafort and Gates.
There could be so many more.
There could be people working for Donald Trump today that have already turned over information
and he doesn't even know it.
That's why he's so terrified.
He doesn't know who's said anything and he doesn't know what they've said.
But, much like Nixon, he also refuses to meet with the special prosecutor.
He refuses to submit answers to questions from the special prosecutor.
Nixon did the exact same thing.
So, with any luck, with a little bit of hope this whole Robert Mueller special prosecutor
investigation for Donald Trump is going to end the same way that the Archibald Cox investigation
ended for Richard Nixon.
Betta Fish Tail Types and Names - Betta Fish Series - Duration: 3:29.
Betta Fish Tail Types and Names - Betta Fish Series
Last ride with the Freewind - Duration: 2:11.
Hello girls and boys, I'm Eddie and welcome you to a new video.
Yeah and here you see my freewind and that's the last ride we
do together, because today I bring it to its new
Owner, i. I hand them over in good hands and hope it will have a lot of fun
with her new owner and of course her new owner with her.
Yeah, that's it, that means last video from the freewind and then we see
of course, after the tests, something new is coming our way and yes, I'm looking forward to it.
Of course, I give her off with a laughing and a crying eye.
The laughing eye, because of course I'll buy a new one next year
and who is not happy about it and the weeping eye, because I really have a lot
of fun with her and she really did not let me down and I was really,
very, very happy with her and that's why my heart was crying and that's why
I have only one thing left to say, as always
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