Hello, guys.
And welcome to this English course on adjectives.
In today's video, I'm going to tell you everything there is to know about adjectives.
And what they are exactly.
The best way to describe an adjective in English is to say that
it's a word that describes or clarifies a noun.
It gives you information on people, things, ideas, nouns, or pronouns.
It is very important to understand what adjectives are
and to know how to use them.
Because they are essential when you speak English.
Let's get started.
Adjectives give us so much information about nouns.
Let's, for example, take a common noun, 'cup'.
And see how many ways there are in English to describe a cup
using different kinds of adjectives.
Let's see.
We can say, "It's a great cup."
Just give your opinion.
"It's a big cup."
Talking about the size of the cup.
If you want to talk about the shape of the cup you could say,
"It's a round cup."
"It's an old cup."
If you want to talk about age.
Or if you want to say what color it is, "It's a white cup."
Or talking about temperature, "It's a cold cup."
"It's a broken cup."
If you make observations.
"It's a Korean cup."
Talking about origins.
Or you can mention the material.
"It's a plastic cup."
Or "It's a coffee cup."
Talking about the purpose of the cup.
Now 'coffee' as you know is a noun.
But in this case, it can be used as an adjective.
All these adjectives are places before the noun.
Let's learn more about adjectives.
Adjectives can found before the noun.
It's called the attribute position.
Or after the noun.
Which is called the predicative position.
And it's just as common.
Adjectives which are found after a verb, describe the subject of this verb.
Usually a noun or a pronoun.
So if we take the sentence, "The girl is nice."
The adjective, 'nice', refers to the subject of the sentence, 'the girl'.
But it is placed after the verb 'to be'.
"My students are happy."
Same thing.
The adjective, 'happy', describes the subject of the sentence, 'my students'.
But it is placed after the verb.
I hope you understand guys.
Let's move on to practice now.
Let's now practice finding adjectives in a few sentences.
"I'm a tall woman."
Can you see the adjective in this sentence?
I hope you can.
The adjective is 'tall'.
It gives you the height of the woman.
"I'm a British woman."
Now where is the adjective?
The adjective is 'British'.
Gives you the origins of this woman.
"I have blonde hair."
Now what's the adjective in this sentence?
Of course guys, it is 'blonde'.
It gives you the color of the hair.
"My eyes are blue."
Now that's a different sentence.
Can you spot the adjective?
The adjective is 'blue.
What's blue?
My eyes.
'My eyes' is the subject of the sentence and the adjective is 'blue'.
"I'm nice."
Again, can you spot the adjective?
It's 'nice'.
And finally, "The weather is cold."
What's the adjective?
Where is it?
Can you see it?
The adjective is 'cold'.
What's cold?
The weather.
'The weather' is the subject and the adjective is 'cold'.
Now in the first three sentences, it's the attribute position.
The adjective comes before the noun.
And in the last three sentences, it's the predicative position.
The adjective comes after the noun.
And in this case, after the verb 'to be'.
I hope you understand this.
Good job.
Okay, guys.
Let's go through the sentences again.
This time focusing on pronunciation.
It's very important that you repeat the sentences after me
to practice saying these adjectives in a sentence.
Okay, let's get started.
"I'm a tall woman."
Can you repeat after me?
First, "I'm a tall woman."
"I'm a tall woman."
Very good.
Moving on.
"I'm a British woman."
Repeat after me.
"I'm a British woman."
"I'm a British woman."
Third sentence "I have blonde hair."
So repeat after me please.
"I have blonde hair."
"I have blonde hair."
Very good.
"My eyes are blue."
Repeat after me.
"My eyes are blue."
"My eyes are blue."
Next one.
"I'm nice."
Repeat after me.
"I'm nice."
"I'm nice."
Good job.
And finally, "The weather is cold."
Please repeat.
"The weather is cold."
"The weather is cold."
Excellent job, guys.
Ok, guys.
Thank you for watching this video.
I hope you now understand what adjectives are
and how to use them in English.
Please be sure to watch my next video as I continue talking about adjectives.
Thank you guys for watching my video.
If you like it, please show us your support.
Click on 'like', subscribe to out channel, comment below, and share the video.
Thank you.
See you.
For more infomation >> ADJECTIVES | Basic English Grammar Course - Duration: 8:17.-------------------------------------------
100 Beautiful Indoor Hanging Planters Ideas | DIY Garden - Duration: 12:28.
Five Naughty Fat Hens | Cartoons For Kids | Nursery Rhymes by Farmees - Duration: 1:00:52.
Look at this five naughty fat jumping hens
cluck cluck
Five naughty fat hens jumping on the bed!
One fell off and bumped his head..
Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said
No more fat hens jumping on the bed!
Four naughty fat hens jumping on the bed!
One fell off and bumped his head..
Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said
No more fat hens jumping on the bed!
Three naughty fat hens jumping on the bed!
One fell off and bumped his head..
Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said
No more fat hens jumping on the bed!
Two naughty fat hens jumping on the bed!
One fell off and bumped his head..
Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said
No more fat hens jumping on the bed!
One naughty fat hen jumping on the bed!
It fell off and bumped his head..
Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said
Put those fat hens right to bed!
Голос Духа Святого «Работа Бога и работа человека» Глава2 - Duration: 37:30.
「ミリシタ 4K60fps MV」Kuraki Hoshi, Tooi Tsuki 【昏き星、遠い月】『Event Dress Ver.』[EN/KR/RU Sub] - Duration: 2:48.
Gloomy Star, Distant Moon Translation by project-imas
Far away in the distance,
to the furthest lands,
to the place where darkness disappears into the light
The end won't come,
so I set off on a journey
"I'll take you with me, too."
I know what eternity is because I've always,
always been alone (for hundreds, thousands of years)
You tell me your dreams, your pained smile...
A lonely heart
"Hunt down the vampires. This is an order."
"They may be vampires, but weren't they originally human...?"
"If you don't do as I say, who knows what will happen to your little sister..."
The reason I had the resolve to take up the sword is to protect the peace of the humans
It's okay...All you have to do is carry it out,
everything will be over if you kill them
"Why are you trying to kill us!?"
I'll sacrifice everything if I can protect you
My world has been dyed in red
Are our lives really that different?
I don't want to...hurt the ones I cherish
Oh gloomy star,
distant moon
May this wish reach you
"We want to live!"
"Even vampires should be allowed to be happy!"
I'll sacrifice everything if I can protect you
The world has soon been dyed in red
Salvation invites us to the promised land
I'll definitely...take you there
By your side is where I belong
Until the final moment when my body rots away
Let's go together,
Let's stay together for eternity
I won't wish for anything else
Come, let's overcome this night...
Cleaning Sad - How to Keep Your Cleaning Business From Falling Apart - Duration: 6:20.
Cleaning sad, what is cleaning sad?
We're going to talk about that today.
Hi there I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now, today's show is brought to us by MyCleaningConnection.com
and on there there's a bunch of resource material
to help you get from point A to point B in your business and your career.
There are days that you'll have that are sad.
It's part of being a human.
You'll be depressed, you'll be discouraged, you'll be angry, you'll be frustrated and
you're expected to go clean a customer's house.
So there's a bunch of resources that will help you through those terrible moments on
All right, on to today's show which is from a house cleaner who wants to know the question,
what do I do when I'm sad and angry and frustrated
and I have to go to a customer's house and clean.
All right, so it goes back to, very first and foremost, what are the rules of your business?
Because the rules of your business will dictate what happens next.
So if you have rules in place and those rules are always the standard, you might deviate
a little bit from the rules, but the rules will guide you.
All right, having said that, we all have bad days.
If you did not ever have a bad day you would not be human.
Okay? So you're human and you will have bad days.
Every one of my employees at some point will have a bad day.
Every one of your employees will too.
I promise you that.
All right, so that doesn't mean that you get to skip cleaning for the day because we don't
want to take out our grievances with us when we go.
And it's not always easy to turn it off.
There are things that happen in our lives that make us cry and make us sad and our heart
is hurting for some reason.
There are lots of different ways this might happen.
But if you wake up one day and this is the saddest day of your life
and you have to go clean sad it's okay to go clean sad.
You don't want to puke all of your problems on your customer when you get there because
your rules dictate that you don't.
Your rules dictate that you seal your lips and you keep your drama to yourself.
But when you get to your customer's house you have a job to do and this is where systems
fall into place.
You have systems and routines down at customer's homes.
And because you've been trained and you know how to clean you can go in even though you're
heartbroken and you can go in and do your job and clean and do a spectacular job.
It's called compartmentalization.
You compartmentalize this emotional side of whatever's going on and eating you up inside
with the spectacular job that you're about to do with your customers.
Now, I like to look at as pillars.
Pretend like we have eight different pillars and on those pillars our business stands.
We've built a foundation on those individual pillars.
Now what happens, one might be emotional, one might be physical, one might be spiritual,
one might be educational, and so on.
There are pillars that hold up our life.
And so if one of those pillars crumbles the foundation still stands, right?
There are pillars that will keep that standing.
But if you let one area or one pillar topple and you're not careful about compartmentalizing
what happens is all of the pillars weaken with the force of everything that's on top
of it and the whole kaleidoscope crumbles.
And so you want to make sure that you're able to compartmentalize and say, "Okay, this pillar
is toppling really fast and I'm having a really sad day and I'm about to cry my eyes out,
but I can come over and still do a spectacular job cleaning houses.", or "I can still come
out and put my running shoes on and still go running."
Because what happens is this, if you don't compartmentalize and you're very sad and you
say, "Well I'm going to take off work today because I need a mental health day."
And let me preface this by saying there will be days when that is the solution.
There will be days that you will be so sad that is, in fact, the solution, but on most
days you can work through it.
So you compartmentalize and you say, "Okay, now I'm going to still go to work."
Because if you don't and you say home and you're sad and sorrowful well you're sad and
sorrowful, but because you're so sad and sorrowful you don't eat.
So now you're physical pillar is starting to crumble.
And then you don't sleep because you're frustrated and stressed out and you have anxiety.
So you didn't eat and you didn't sleep and the physical part of it now crumbles.
Now it's not just emotional, but now it's physical that's toppling as well.
And then you took work off so now the financial pillar is in jeopardy.
So what happens then is you get all these different pillars that lean on each other
until finally pffgh... the whole thing implodes.
So instead of letting our lives implode when we have a really sad day, because you will
have a sad day, I promise you will have a sad day.
You want to make sure that you're able to compartmentalize that and say,
"Okay, I've got one pillar that's taking a hard hit today.
I need to be extra careful that I keep it to the one pillar."
And make sure that the other pillars are still intact because the other pillars are holding
up the foundation of everything you live by, you know, and you believe.
All right, so cleaning sad, is it a possibility?
Yes, it is.
In fact, it's a reality and it's going to happen to you.
And so whatever the pillar is you got to compartmentalize it.
It might be physical.
You might wake up one day and you just feel like ploougghgh...
"How am I supposed to go to work?"
Guess what?
Let it be just the physical.
Don't let it take down your financial and your emotional and your spiritual and your
educational, your social wellness, all these different areas.
Don't let it take down all the pillars, compartmentalize it.
It might be your relationships.
You're relationships might be in the doghouse.
Keep it to the relationships.
Let the other pillars stand tall so that your whole business does not crumble.
All righty, that's my two cents for today.
And until we meet again
leave the world a cleaner place then when you found it.
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Home Remedies for Leg Cramps during Pregnancy - Duration: 3:11.
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