-I want to talk about -- We have to talk about the movie.
I want to talk about your swimwear line.
-Yeah, so, my swimwear line, people always think that
it's something I did because, like, I modelled bathing suits.
I did "Sports Illustrated."
But I'm actually just a -- truly a Cali girl.
Like, I grew up in Encinitas, California,
which is a tiny town in San Diego.
-Public high school.
We didn't have a football team.
We had a surf team and skate P.E.
-Yeah! That is so California, man. Come on.
-Like, it's Cali. -That is Cali, all the way.
-My best friend went to the same high school and,
talk about a 13-year-old's dream,
we started this swimwear line together.
-Inamorata. -Yes. Ooh, look at you.
-Now, what -- now, what does this --
how do you -- what does it mean?
What's it mean by "inamorata"?
-It means siren --
-In amore? -Yeah, in amore.
-Inamorata? -Inamorata.
-No, but -- so, it's I-N-A-M-O-R-A-T-A?
-Yeah. -Inamorata?
-Swim Emrat -- I'm like, thanks, Jimmy.
-No, I'm sorry. Just, like, to clear it up.
Because people call you Emrata?
-Yeah. People call me Emrata,
which is also a nickname from my high school.
-Oh, that's where it's from. -That's how I got that. Yes.
-But you're running your own Instagram.
You're running the business's Instagram.
You're actually head of -- you're in charge of it --
-Yes. Inamorata swim. -And running it.
-People think I have, like, you know, some, like, intern, like,
uploading all these pictures.
It's actually me. -Right.
-It's my 13-year-old self, like, uploading my inspo.
-Yeah, exactly. -It's, like, basically a blog.
-'Cause I was wondering -- I was looking through the Instagram.
I go, okay. It just says "Moonstruck."
And I go, I don't quite understand why, what's going on.
-I love that movie. -Oh, me too.
But I mean I -- It's Inamorata swimwear,
so I just go, I don't -- [ Laughter ]
-But she's -- look at her. She's inamorata. You know?
-I know, it's in -- -She's inamorata.
I think Cher is, like, always goals.
So it doesn't matter what kind of, like, business
you're running, whatever, And especially in this movie.
-She's just always goals?
-Always. #Alwaysgoals.
-Always goals. -Yeah.
-So, if you have any question in life, you go -- what would --
-Be Cher. -Just be Cher.
What would Cher do? Just be Cher.
-Yeah. I mean, the woman would wake up and just be like,
"I'm putting on a sequined bathing suit top today
and I'm gonna feel good about it."
Like, that's who I want to be.
-And she would crush it. All right, good.
-Yeah, I'm trying to emulate her.
-'Cause I want to actually talk about your actual film,
because last time -- I don't know if you saw.
Pete Davidson was on our show. -Oh, I did. I did.
He gave my husband a shout-out
'cause my husband produced "Good Time,"
the movie he was talking about.
-Pete Davidson came on the show
and didn't talk about his movie at all.
-Yeah, no. I was watching it like this.
And then he said Sebo, and I was like, "oh!
Oh, that's my -- that's my husband."
-Yeah. -Yeah.
-And then he just talked about your husband's movie
the whole time. -Yeah. It was great.
-Then we showed a clip from your husband's movie.
-We're actually -- Pete and I are on a press tour
for my husband. [ Laughter ]
That's why I'm here,
is just to sell everyone on how great he is.
-Tell me about your movie, though.
-Yeah. -"Welcome Home."
-So, it's a movie with Aaron Paul, who I think we all love.
-"Breaking Bad," we love. -Yes.
I'm a huge fan.
-We love Aaron Paul. -I do, too.
And we shot this movie in Italy last summer.
So, I'm spoiled for life.
Like, between Aaron Paul being the nicest person ever
and then Italy being the most beautiful place ever, like --
every movie I've done since, I'm like,
"Wait. We're in -- Where are we?
Where's the gnocchi? Where's the red wine?"
-Oh, my God. Spoiled. -But it's -- it's a thriller.
It's about a couple who goes on vacation.
Goes to, kind of, like an Airbnb, VRBO situation.
-And slowly we sort of realize
that things aren't as perfect as they seem.
-And who's the guy -- the guy that's so --
-Oh, there's -- there's a scary, but sort of sexy Italian man.
You know the type. You know.
[ Laughter ]
So, he's -- he's there.
He's there, kind of, confusing everyone.
And yeah.
What's really cool is, my character sort of
takes matters into her own hands, so...
-Here we go. You guys, we have a clip here.
It's Emily Ratajkowski and Aaron Paul
in the new thriller "Welcome Home."
Check this out.
-Yeah. -Hey. Talk to me.
-I know it's my fault, okay? I know.
I know what I did to you.
I know how I hurt you.
-I know you don't look at me the same way anymore.
-I can't stop seeing it.
-Seeing what?
-You and him.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-How beautifully shot, by the way.
-I mean --
-I wouldn't want to leave that set at all.
-That's -- that's what's crazy, is it looks like --
it looked like a set that someone would make
in an old movie or something.
And that was just where we were staying.
-I mean, how fun is that? -Yeah, I'm spoiled.
-Well, I know that you're a SoCal girl, so I figured --
-Yeah. -I want to get you a --
maybe, like, a burrito or a fish taco, so --
-Oh, my God. Thanks, Jimmy.
-We got the number-one fish taco in New York City from Eater.com.
-Okay. -From Tacombi.
When in New York, having -- have the best taco.
-I'll do it for you, Jimmy.
-Do you want lime on it?
-Yeah, actually, I would.
See, here's the thing is, I grew up with 99-cent tacos.
I feel like these ones might be a little more fancy.
-No, trust me. -Really?
-They're less than 99 cents.
-All right, I'm gonna try and make this look cute.
[ Laughter ] -50 cents.
-Mmm. [ Cheers and applause ]
Not bad. Honestly.
-Not bad? -Not bad. I'm impressed.
My thanks to Emily Ratajkowski!
[ Cheers and applause ]
"Welcome Home" is out this fall.
For more infomation >> Emily Ratajkowski Breaks Her Cali-Girl Rules to Taste an NYC Taco - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
Jonathan Rhys Meyers Reveals Why He Hasn't Pursued Theater - Duration: 5:30.
-This is very exciting, tomorrow is your birthday.
So when this airs, it's technically your birthday.
-Correct. -Happy birthday.
-You're so kind. Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ]
-And strangely, though, this counts as a birthday present
to Martha that you're here, so that's --
-Oh, and I do apologize for missing that show.
-Oh, I'm sorry you did. -I'm so sorry.
-It was so heartbreaking because it was genuinely
all "Tudor"-themed cooking.
We had to make hot cross buns.
It was really -- it was heartbreaking.
-Bloody Marys. -Bloody Marys.
Yeah, it was all there.
[ Laughter ]
-Yeah, it was like --
Yeah, it was like going on a date with someone
who just spent the whole time talking about their ex.
-Oh. [ Laughter ]
-So did you play -- -I've been on that date.
-Yeah, I think we've all been on that date.
So, you play a Mossad agent.
This is a film that takes place
right after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
-So you're -- we can tell in that clip
you are pretending to be a German businessman.
And do you think that after doing this,
do you think you would be a good spy in real life?
Because you're obviously very good with accents and dialects.
-No. I think possibly if I was recruited
straight out of high school. [ Laughter ]
-Yeah. You think it's too late?
-I think it's a little bit too late.
But at the same time,
wasn't there a movie called "A Dangerous Mind"?
-Oh, yeah.
-About a guy who was a very famous person,
and at the same time, he was an undercover agent for the CIA.
-Yeah, the Chuck Barris. We don't know if that's true.
-We don't know if that's true, but I love the concept.
Wouldn't it be great if, like, maybe sort of like Tom Cruise
was really a super spy
and he was really doing all of these great things?
-Let's be honest.
If there would a person that would be really exciting
if it was a spy, it would be Martha.
I think that that -- [ Laughter and applause ]
I mean, you have the greatest cover.
-Absolutely. -Yeah.
-I can go in and out of houses easily.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
-I know everybody. -Yeah.
You could take pictures of people cabbage.
They won't even think that's weird.
[ Laughter ]
You, now, you are --
Have you sort of always been good at dialects?
Is that something that as an actor came to you easily?
-I play music, and I suppose it helps that you play music.
-But I'm also Irish,
and most of the parts that I have to play are not Irish.
So you have to constantly learn accents.
-You have -- So you mentioned Ireland.
You obviously -- you used to work on a farm, is that true,
when you were very young?
-Oh, yeah, I was a terrible farmer.
-And so it came -- Was it obvious to you right away?
-It was obvious to everybody. [ Laughter ]
-What is the dead giveaway that someone's bad at farming?
-Someone told me to go out and milk the bull
and I took a bucket and walked out,
and then they just started laughing.
[ Laughter ]
-Oh, yeah, that's true.
If you go out to milk a bull they'd probably say,
"You know what we'd love?
We'd love for you to sign up for acting class."
-Yeah. No, and that wasn't the worst one.
Then they told me to go look for a long stand.
-A long stand. -Yeah.
-What's a long stand?
-Just stand there for a long time.
[ Laughter ]
"Go out and get me a long stand," somebody said,
"and a glass hammer." [ Laughter ]
-So you -- you also were doing acting at a very young age?
Yes? -Yes.
I was -- I did my first film, my first-ever time on screen
with Albert Finney.
-Oh, wow! A fantastic actor.
-Magnificent actor, yes.
-So how young were you then when you were with Albert Finney?
-16 years old.
-Okay, that's pretty impressive. -Yeah, he was incredibly nice.
-But you obviously did stage work before then, right?
-No -- no, once.
-Just once? -Just once.
-What was your one stage experience?
-This is my one stage experience
and this is why I've never got any phone calls
from Bertolt Brecht.
But I was -- I was cast as Buttons in the school play
when I was 10 years old, in "Cinderella."
And so I, of course, I wanted to play the part.
And so my mother, my late mother, God rest her soul,
had made a red jacket for me
and this incredibly large, ugly dicky bow.
But previously I had made my first holy communion.
I was brought up Roman Catholic.
But they found out the day
before I made my first holy communion
that I had never had been baptized.
So I went to the church and I was the only boy
who answered back his own baptismal vows to the priest.
[ Laughter ]
He says this has never happened before in all his time.
So for my communion,
my mother bought me these red patent shoes.
I hated wearing them, but my mother that they were fabulous
because my mother really liked Boy George and Wham!
and all these bands.
[ Laughter ]
-And so did -- and so did the Roman Catholic church. Yeah.
-And so did the Roman Catholic church.
So I was a child of the '80s.
So what happened was, I had to go out on stage.
And as I went out on stage, the patent in the shoe
caught the wood of the floor,
and I slid across the entire length of the stage,
two legs up in the air, landed on the flat of my back.
[ Laughter ]
And for half a second, I thought I could just curl up and cry.
And because I'm 10 years old,
people will just find it adorable and charming
and maybe I'll get ice cream.
[ Laughter ]
But instead, I stood right up and I said,
"My God, it's icy out there."
[ Laughter and applause ]
-Bravo! Bravo!
I can't believe you haven't been back on stage.
That is a great shame.
-Yeah. -Or I guess you leave on top.
You got to just walk away on top.
-Sometimes you've just got to go out on top.
-There you go. Thank you so much for being here.
Martha Stewart's Chow Chow Puppies Have Really Pretentious Names - Duration: 5:52.
-This is your ninth time on the show.
-It is? -Yeah.
You're a record-setter over here.
-That's good. What record?
-Most times on the show. -Oh! Boy.
[ Laughter ] For me?
-I thought that was patently obvious from the setup.
[ Laughter ]
I'm very excited -- this is garden season for you.
-It is. Oh, my garden is so great.
Today I was photographing cabbages and string beans.
-And what do you do with those photos?
[ Laughter ] -I put them on Instagram.
-You put them on Instagram. Do you get a lot of likes?
Is there a lot of traffic on your Instagram?
Does, like, cabbage do better than, like, green beans,
or is it about the same? -Cabbages do really well.
-Cabbages do really well?
What do you attribute that to, the popularity of...
-Well, they're pretty. -Yeah.
-You know, they're prettier than string beans.
-Would you say there's a bigger gap
between how pretty cabbage looks and how bad it tastes?
[ Laughter ]
-I think it tastes great. -You like cabbage.
But is there any food you don't like, though?
-Um, brains. -Okay.
-Livers. -Livers.
Oh, actual brains, like, yeah, you know...
I thought you were, like, doing comedy.
[ Laughter ]
-That's -- That's my garden.
See, look how pretty the tomatoes look.
-So those are -- those tomatoes --
[ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah, see how nice?
-Guys, if you like her vegetables,
please, on Instagram only. [ Laughter ]
Please only -- So, what are --
Have you tented your tomato plants?
-Well, they're all trellised on bamboo.
And we've tried a new method this year.
And it's working very well.
So, the bamboo criss-crosses,
and the tomatoes go up and then out.
-That's what we do. -Yeah.
[ Laughter ]
I am a little jealous.
I said this last time you were here
that you partnered up with Snoop Dogg
to do your "Potluck Dinner" show.
-Can I ask Nate to come on our show?
-Nate? You want Nate to come on your show?
-Yeah, yeah. -All right.
Nate, you just got invited... [ Cheers and applause ]
...to "Potluck Dinner."
Does Snoop bring stuff to the party
that, like, maybe, you don't bring?
-All guests stop in Snoop's...
-Dressing room. -...trailer.
-Trailer. Okay, gotcha.
At the end of the day, does Snoop's trailer
smell different than your trailer?
[ Laughter ]
-Not only the inside but the outside.
-Yeah. So it's -- -I just have to stand outside.
-Oh, gotcha. You have a couple of new dogs.
One "G." -I do. Look.
-Yeah, and these are puppies, right?
-Look, those are puppies. [ Audience awws ]
Those are the new chow puppies. We had a litter of four.
I kept Emperor Han. That's Emperor Han over here.
-Uh-huh. -And he's really great.
And his half-sister is with me, too.
And that's Empress Qin.
-Empress Qin and Emperor Han? -Yes.
-Um, those are some pretty pretentious names, Martha.
[ Laughter ]
-They're Chinese.
They are. They're the royal dogs.
-They're the royal dogs. -Yeah.
-And do you have baby peacocks? Is that true?
-I have baby peacocks.
I have one in my kitchen right now.
It hatched two days ago.
-Oh, and then, how long do they stay in the kitchen?
-Well, until they drive me crazy.
-How long does it take for a peacock to get old enough
to not be -- -Like about three weeks.
They chirp and chirp all night and all day.
-Do you tend to them?
Is that why they're in the kitchen?
-Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. But they have to stay warm.
You know, they're tiny when they're born,
and then they grow to about this big
and then you can put them out with the other peacocks.
When does the feather part of it start happening?
-That happens in two years. It's a long, tedious process.
-Well that's... [ Laughter ]
I just don't have the time for peacocks.
I don't know how... [ Laughter ]
-Until they get mature, they're just boring.
-They're just boring, yeah. -But they're very friendly.
-Kids are very similar. I would say about two is
when they come into their own.
You have a new line. I can't believe
this is the first -- Is this a new line of apparel?
-No, no, but it's a new line for now.
-Okay. -And it's so beautiful.
I brought you something. -I think it's right there.
-Oh, yeah. You even know where it is, see?
Look, I know you have a tiny dog.
-So this is the latest, coolest little jacket.
[ Audience awws ] it's a gold motorcycle jacket.
-A gold motorcycle jacket. -So when you...
-I think if my... -And the little collar.
Look at the collar. -Oh, my God, that's amazing.
[ Laughter and applause ]
I think if I -- if my dog Frisbee wore this,
people who would look at Frisbee
would be like, "That's a cool dog,"
and then they would look at me walking her
and be like, "And you're an ass[Bleep]."
[ Laughter ]
-No, no, no, no.
People will really want that jacket when they see it...
-Yeah. -...on your dog.
-On my dog? That's great.
Well, I mean, we're going to -- we'll have a photo.
Will you Instagram a photo of Frisbee if we send you one?
-Please do. -Okay, good. I will.
I'm very excited. So Jonathan Rhys Meyers is
our next guest, and you're going to stay.
You're a huge Jonathan Rhys Meyers fan.
-I am, I am. I'm still recovering
from "The Tudors." -Yeah.
-You know, he kills five wives. I think it's five.
And he's -- -And you were drawn to that?
[ Laughter ]
-Henry VIII was sexy. -Yeah, Henry VIII was sexy.
-Especially as played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
-Well, now, this is bringing me back,
because I have a chip on my shoulder
about Jonathan Rhys Meyers. -Why?
-Well, it's your fault. -Oh, I'm sorry.
I know. I know what it is.
-Years ago, I'd never been on your show before.
It was the first time I was on your show as a guest.
I got asked, like, day of, "Will you do Martha Stewart?"
And then I showed up, and when I came out,
you just told the whole audience the reason I was there was
Jonathan Rhys Meyers cancelled. -He had cancelled.
[ Laughter ]
-And Meyers, Meyers -- he was the next Meyers on the list.
[ Laughter ]
We were just going down alphabetically.
-It's very big of me -- It's very big of me
to let you stay out, but you're gonna stay out.
-But you were such a great guest,
and you were on my show several times.
-Yeah, I was on your show several times.
-And Jonathan was on also several times.
-Don't do this again. Don't make this about Jonathan.
You're going to stick around. We're going to get to the bottom
of who you love the most. Martha Stewart, everybody.
President Moon invited to Indonesia to attend next month's Asian Games - Duration: 0:52.
President Moon Jae-in met with Indonesia's Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi... to talk
about the Asian Games, which starts on August 18th.
The visiting diplomat conveyed a personal invitation to the sporting event... from President
Joko Widodo.
"I would like to thank Indonesia for allowing South Korea and North Korea to march together
at the Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games and to form unified teams in certain events."
Seoul and Pyongyang are expected to field joint teams in three sporting events in Jakarta,
including women's basketball.
The South Korean President didn't immediately confirm if he'll be there, but wished for
the success of the Games, that it's a great chance to promote cooperation among Asian
55 cases containing remains of American soldiers arrive in S. Korea - Duration: 2:58.
When the leaders of Pyongyang and Washington sat down for the historic summit back in June,
one of the agreements reached was repatriating the remains of American soldiers who never
made it back from the Korean War.
After some delays and uncertainties, it finally happened.
The first such instance in over a decade marks a significant step forward in building trust,
and a strong validation of the regime's sincerity in changing its ways.
Lee Ji-won has our top story.
The remains of American soliders killed on the northern side of the Korean Peninsula
during the Korean war have been returned, after more than 60 years.
A U.S. Air Force C-17 aircraft took off from Osan Air Base in South Korea early Friday
morning bound for Wonsan, North Korea, and returned at about 11 a.m. with the remains
on board.
The 55 caskets draped in UN flags... were carried out of the plane and loaded onto vans
by honor guards from UN Command.
Though not a formal ceremony, some 1-thousand servicemembers, U.S. officials and their families
were at the site on Friday, to honor and show respect to the fallen heroes.
United States Forces Korea Commander General Vincent Brooks said that it was a successful
mission following extensive coordination and that they will now prepare to honor the fallen
before they're sent on their journey home.
In the next five days or so, a team of American forensic specialists will do an in-depth examination
of the remains,... looking for any identification like dog tags or uniforms.
An official repatriation ceremony will be held at the airbase on August 1st, just before
the remains are flown to Hawaii for DNA identification, which will take months.
With this, the number of soldiers whose remains have been recovered from the North since the
1990s... will be closer to 700,... up from the 635 already confirmed.
White House released a statement saying that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has fulfilled
part of the commitment he made to President Donald Trump and that the U.S. is encouraged
by Pyongyang's actions and the momentum for positive change.
Washington also noted that the event represents a significant first step toward resuming both
the repatriation of remains from North Korea and field operations to find the other 5-thousand
still there.
President Trump also thanked the North Korean leader on Twitter,... adding that after so
many years, this will be a great moment for so many families.
South Korea's Foreign Ministry also warmly welcomed the repatriation, and evaluated it
as a meaningful step in building trust between North Korea and the U.S., and hoped that this
would lead to work towards a settled peace on the Korean Peninsula..
The repatriation of remains is one of the points stipulated in the Joint Statement signed
by Kim Jong-un and Trump in Singapore last month.
That North Korea is following through on that promise has given hope to many that Pyongyang
and Washington will progress also on denuclearization and a security guarantee.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
Rainbow Song | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Toddlers - Duration: 16:01.
Look at the beautiful colors of the rainbow!"
Violet Indigo Blue Green and Yellow
Orange and Red make a Rainbow
Violet Indigo Blue Green and Yellow
Orange and Red make a Rainbow
"Count the colors, there are seven!
Violet Indigo Blue Green and Yellow
Orange and Red make a Rainbow
Violet Indigo Blue Green and Yellow
Orange and Red make a Rainbow
"What the colors, there are seven!
Orange and Red
Violet Indigo Blue Green and Yellow
Orange and Red make a Rainbow
Violet Indigo Blue Green and Yellow
Orange and Red make a Rainbow
That was fun!
Let's wait for another rainbow to come out soon!"
"Jhanvi Kapoor" Aur "ishaan Khattar" Ne Dhadak Ki Success Par Is Tarah Jatayi Khushi |Dhadak - Duration: 1:44.
Совместный отдых: как не превратить отдых в кошмар - Duration: 11:19.
Cure Arthritis in 3 Days | Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain - Duration: 2:28.
Get Permanent Relief from joint pains joint pain can be very painful and
unpleasant it can be caused by a number of issues such as osteo arthritis gout
bursa tees tendinitis are an injury affecting the ligaments the oil is
prepared from red hot peppers unsuccessfully helps against radical her
pain neuralgia arthritis and joint pain this hot pepper oil spreads the
capillaries increases blood circulation in the upper parts of the skin increases
vitamin metabolism and axon the activation of regenerator processed in
the epidermis of the skin ingredients needed 5 to 10 fresh Red Hot Chili
Peppers one cup of cold pressed olive oil and Glassjaw
preparation wash the peppers cut the handles and grind them you will get one
cup of grounded mixture place it in a clean glass jar and put the oil oil
inside leave the jar in a dark place for one week after seven days strain the
mixture to a glass you're using any strainer the mixture of the red peppers
you can leave it in the fridge and use it as an additive when you cook and the
reddish oil you get will be used to relieve joint pain how to use the oil
against joint pain first of all apply the oil to these sore joints or other
body parts the tour in paint massage yourself several times during the day
once you rub it we have warm socks or tights if you
apply it on the legs or feet after applying the oil you will feel a skin
burning sensation but it would be bearable even enjoyable because they all
will deeply warm the skin without causing burns over time you can change
the intensity of application of the oil after using regularly for a month are to
do this procedure once a week if the pain appears again this natural joint
pain oil relieves pain and increases the blood
nation thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
Know How to Unblock Your #Fallopian Tubes Naturally 100% Working - Duration: 7:10.
The thought of not being able to bring a healthy baby into the world is something that few women can bear.
There are many reasons why some women cannot conceive
and one of the top causes is a blockage in the fallopian tubes, also known as tubal factor infertility.
In fact, blocked fallopian tubes are the reason behind almost 40 percent of infertility cases
Fertilization takes place in one of the fallopian tubes, and the embryo then develops in the uterus.
Any kind of blockage can prevent conception, as the egg cannot meet with the sperm for fertilization.
A blockage can occur in one or both fallopian tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus.
It can be due to inflammation, infection or even adhesions on a scar after healing from surgery.
Some common conditions or procedures that may cause blocked fallopian tubes are endometriosis
pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, tubal ligation removal
and complications from lower abdominal surgery, such as a cesarean section.
As blocked fallopian tubes are usually asymptomatic
they may go undiagnosed until a woman goes to the doctor to find out why she is not able to get pregnant.
There are some natural remedies and lifestyle factors that can help cure and reverse most cases of blocked fallopian tubes.
Here are the top 5 ways to unblock your fallopian tubes naturally.
1. Castor Oil Pack
To unblock your fallopian tubes, a natural option is castor oil.
Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, an element that carries powerful therapeutic effects.
It helps increase blood and lymphatic circulation around the fallopian tubes.
The increased blood supply promotes better functioning and aids removal of blockages from the fallopian tubes
Also, it triggers the lymphatic system, which is important for removing diseased cells, old cells and scar tissue.
Castor oil therapy is also effective for problems like ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and endometriosis, which can cause a blockage.
1. Prepare a castor oil pack by soaking a piece of soft, clean cloth in castor oil.
2. Fold the cloth and heat it in the microwave until it is comfortably warm.
3. Place it on your lower abdomen. 4. Put a piece of plastic on top of the cloth.
5. Apply heat for 30 to 60 minutes by placing a hot water bottle on top of the plastic.
6. Remove the pack, then rinse off the oil with lukewarm water.
7. Do this daily for at least 1 to 2 months for good results.
Note: Do not use this remedy if you are menstruating or may be pregnant.
2. Yoga
Yoga helps channel your body's energies in a systematic manner, which is important for your reproductive as well as overall health.
With its unique combination of postures, breathing exercises and meditation
yoga increases oxygenation and blood circulation throughout your body.
It also helps fight infection and inflammation, two main culprits in blocking or damaging your fallopian tubes
With regular yoga practice, you can improve your fertility and increase your chance of getting pregnant.
To open blocked fallopian tubes, one of the best yoga poses is Setu Bandhasana (Supported Bridge pose).
Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall pose) also helps improve blockages of the fallopian tubes
To do the Setu Bandhasana pose:
1. Lie down flat on your back. 2. Bend your knees to place your feet close to your buttocks.
3. Inhale deeply, then exhale and lift your pelvis and buttocks off the floor, keeping your thighs parallel to the floor.
4. Stay in this pose for a few seconds, taking deep breaths. 5. Exhale and slowly come back to the initial lying position.
Note: Those suffering from neck and back injuries should not do this yoga pose.
3. Fertility Massage
Massaging the abdomen is a type of manual physical therapy that can help unblock your fallopian tubes
and improve their general health and functioning.
Massage leads to better blood circulation in and around the tubes,
which in turn leads to breaking up scar tissue and adhesions as well as decreasing inflammation.
A 2015 study published in Alternative Therapies found that manual physical therapy
helps reverse female infertility attributed to occluded fallopian tubes,
hormonal dysregulation, endometriosis and unexplained infertility and to increase successful in vitro cycles.
In this retrospective study of 1,392 infertile women
manual physical therapy treatment showed a 60 percent success rate in opening at least one fallopian tube
and a 57 percent pregnancy rate for women whose tubes had opened.
1. Lie down on your back and put a pillow under your lower back.
2. Relax and gently massage your lower abdomen with some warm olive oil.
3. While massaging, try to pull the area beneath your pelvic bone (where the uterus is located) toward your navel.
4. Hold this position, count to 10 and release your hands.
5. Repeat this procedure 10 to 20 times. 6. Do this daily.
You can also see a massage therapist specializing in abdominal massage for better results.
Note: Do not use this therapy if you are menstruating or may be pregnant.
4. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is another effective technique to improve the functioning of the fallopian tubes.
In acupressure, experts use precise finger placement and pressure over specific points along
the body to encourage relaxation and improve blood circulation.
Increased circulation helps break down scar tissue and adhesions around the fallopian tubes, in turn opening the blocked tubes.
For blocked fallopian tubes, the acupoints that need to be stimulated are Ren 14, Ren 12, Ren 6, Ren 4, Ren 3 and St 30.
When using acupuncture for blocked fallopian tubes, get it done by an expert.
5. Exercise
Exercise is a good way to reduce inflammation in the body and improve blood circulation,
which in turn can reduce a blockage in the fallopian tubes.
Stretching exercises are best to reduce scar tissue, one of the major reasons for tubal blockage.
A regular practice of simple stretching exercises can clear blockages in and around the fallopian tubes as well as relieve pelvic pain.
Another good option is energy exercises that improve blood circulation and vital energies throughout the body.
This in turn will rejuvenate your whole body, including the fallopian tubes
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Earn bitcoin by completing captcha $$ with payment proof $$ - Duration: 3:45.
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Aviva Drive App - Tutorial - Duration: 0:50.
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"How to complete Level 863 on Homescapes"
"Homescapes game"
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Phineas and Ferb - I'm Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun! (CZ) - Duration: 0:25.
♪ Only with him is life better, ♪ You loved her in the eighties,
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Um, nothing.
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