It's been said to be one of the most challenging things that man can have to
possibly do in his life! Go up start a conversation with a complete stranger!
But there are three different ways that you can do it and right now we're gonna
tell you them so right after this video is over you can go out and use them
that's right now let's jump right in with the first one so the first
technique is a basic observation so something that you see about the
environment something that you see that she's doing that you can just comment on
because you need to understand when you're going up to someone that you
don't know you're not gonna have some magical line there's nobody that has
some genius line in their pocket they're just gonna start a conversation that
everybody cuz you don't know anything about them so what can we do we can go
off what we can observe and what we know and the first technique is to go off a
simple observation so if I see her at a party or a networking event I want to go
talk to her what my I observe well she's got a nice ice-cold toe pacheco which is
a water that's popular here in Texas coke actually just bought a few weeks
ago so hopefully you'll see it around the country I'm excited about that but
you're gonna go up and make a comment on an observation that you have now it
could be an observation about yes it could be an observation in the
environment an example I used last time was if you're at a party there's an ice
sculpture like hey what about that ice sculpture right it's an observation
around so here's what that might look like going up to her and talk to her
about something that I can see that I can physically observe hey there is how
you drinking a topo Chico it's funny cuz before I moved to Texas I literally had
never even heard of it and the thing I love about it is you can go to a taco
shop like a grimy taco shop on East 6th people who drink it to of Chico you go
to the fancy restaurant of west 6 if people are drinking that so what do you
like about it well what I love about it is you know it's carbonated obviously
and if you're a big coke drinker and you're trying to get away from you know
the artificial flavors and the colorings like topo Chico's just you know
something great yeah I agree I drink a lot of coke zero
and so I know like that fast for tanks I know yeah I know I know it's not I don't
you know that's better than normal sugar but having one of those as opposed maybe
it's 70% as good as a Coke Zero oh okay so after watching that are you confident
that you can go up and do that could you start a conversation with somebody based
on a basic observation now if not what I would suggest you do is before you go
out think about a few things that you might see okay if you're going to a bar
well people are gonna have drinks people are gonna have wine people are gonna
have the same kind of things so go in knowing a couple things that are likely
to be options for you to bring it up now I'm gonna talk to you about the next way
to start a conversation here in just a second but if you're watching this and
you're thinking man I just want to be able to go out in public and just be
social just like everybody else I want to be comfortable when I'm out I want to
understand what's going on around me socially why people react the way they
do and I do certain things I suggest you touch or click up here in the right
corner and download the social invincibility checklist it's completely
free it's gonna go through five things that are gonna help you get a better
understanding of what's going on around you socially so when you go out you can
enjoy the experience and really focus on these things as opposed to just trying
to fight to keep your head above water against the quickly coming tide it
sounds like a bit of a poem and in this next strategy what I'm gonna show you
how to do is to open a conversation based on what I call a clear commonality
now these next two videos are coming out in the next two weeks so if this video
has been out for more than a week by clicking right here it'll take you to
the video if this videos been out by less than a week it's just gonna take
you to another video and check back next Thursday and you'll be able to see that
one I'll talk to you soon
For more infomation >> 3 Lines To Start Conversation With ANYONE - "The Simple Observation" (#1) - Duration: 3:48. -------------------------------------------
Here are the Louisiana artists nominated for 2017 Grammy awards - Duration: 0:35.
For more infomation >> Here are the Louisiana artists nominated for 2017 Grammy awards - Duration: 0:35. -------------------------------------------
Artificial Intelligence Solved This Audio Illusion. Can You? - Duration: 5:12.
Now, did you hear what I was saying?
Clearly enough that you could, say, write it in dow the comments?
If so, you just experienced a phenomenon called
The Cocktail Party Effect.
You can hear me while there's people talking right next to us or if there's a jazz band
across the room.
This is because of selective attention – our ability to focus on one particular thing while
tuning out our surroundings.
And it's the same effect that allows us to separate the vocals from the background
music in a song
This comes so naturally to us, but machines find these tasks extremely hard.
To a machine, a voice singing is just another track in a song that isn't easily discernible
from the piano track or the violin track or the harmonica track.
So how do you train a machine to separate voices at a party or vocals from a song like
people can?
Well, the answer lies in algorithms and lots of data.
Recently, researchers developed an algorithm that can identify the vocals in multiple songs.
And this is thanks to breakthroughs in machine learning – a method used in artificial intelligence
to allow machines to learn by analysing data.
To do so, researchers used a deep neural network – these networks are software inspired by
how our brain works.
They can learn using a method called deep learning, a kind of machine learning technique
that works through a series of layers.
An input layer, an output layer and middle hidden layers.
These hidden layers are where the magic happens.
And to train an artificial neural network, you have to feed them a ton of data – just
like us, the more they know, the better they can learn.
So researchers trained their neural network by giving it 50 songs.
They let the neural network try to separate the vocals and the non-vocal components (the
other instruments), and compare its results with the correct answer – which is the particular
song already separated into the different components.
Every time the neural network gets closer to the correct result, it's rewarded.
So it improves with each run.
It was then tested with 13 new songs, and it correctly separated the vocals from the
background music in each one.
It taught itself to tell the vocals apart from the other instruments.
What separates deep learning from previous types of machine learning is this layered
structure, which is modelled specifically after the cortex, the wrinkly outer layer
of the brain.
It's the part responsible for higher-order brain function like sensory perception, cognition,
spatial reasoning and language.
Basically it's the part that makes you...
different from a lizard.
It's made up of 6 layers, and different aspects of processing happen at each level.
For example, when you see an apple, the first layer might identify the color red, the second
layer detects the round edges, and so on until finally the last layer puts it all together
and says hey, that's an apple!
Deep learning software tries to imitate this hierarchical structure of neurons in the cortex.
The first few layers of a deep neural network learn to identify simple patterns, like single
units sounds.
The next layers learn to recognize more complicated patterns, like words.
Eventually, the result is that extremely complicated patterns like the entire vocals of a song
can be recognized and distinguished from the other instruments.
This layered process is at the heart of deep learning's success.
Starting with simple ideas and making them become a more and more like a generalized
concept seems to capture something fundamental about intelligence.
Humans used to have a clear advantage in pattern recognition, but in 2015 a deep neural network
beat a human at image recognition for the first time.
This means we're able to make better and more sophisticated machines that can master
tasks we thought were unique to humans.
Machines are helping doctors make better diagnoses and robots are learning to cook by watching
YouTube videos.
And when a robot can learn to cook by watching YouTube videos – that makes you question
what it really
means to be human.
For more infomation >> Artificial Intelligence Solved This Audio Illusion. Can You? - Duration: 5:12. -------------------------------------------
Los científicos rusos revelan que la Antártida no es lo que se nos dice - Duration: 3:21.
For more infomation >> Los científicos rusos revelan que la Antártida no es lo que se nos dice - Duration: 3:21. -------------------------------------------
#CRUSHINGBUFFETS | Thai BBQ (+5000 kcal) - Duration: 7:48.
- What's up, guys? What're you up to? We are at a Thai bbq, where you have to cook the things.
- This is the most fucking difficult kind of buffet. Studying is required. It's very easy to starve here.
- I came with Boka so it was clear who was sitting with me, but if you come with more people...
...the most important thing is to sit in front of someone who eats very little. If possible, a girl. [ IT DEPENDS ]
- Someone who doesn't eat too much. Otherwise...
- You've gotta get as many plates as possible in your first trip, mostly meat. Then you start cooking it and come back to the buffet
- If you don't know how to carry lots of plates with two hands, you should learn. Let's go to the buffet!
- Alright, I got 4 little plates. I'll start cooking them and come back to the buffet while these're cooking.
- You should always have something in your plate or being cooked.
- You shouldn't run out of food in your plate or being cooked. When everything's alright you've gotta go to the buffet.
- I ran out of food here so I'll go to get some more from the buffet.
- So far I'm getting just meat. So lucky I like red meat. That makes everything easier.
- I like it like this. Red! If I liked it well done, this place would fucking suck.
- Chicken drumsticks.
- At some point, the bbq is full. Meanhile, you should get some food that's been cooked already.
- ...and before creating the channel. Whenever I went to a buffet...
- Buffet, it's implicit in the word: BU - FFET!
- You eat a lot too. They must be happy today
- It's very hard to make a buffet lose money in Spain. How much is this buffet? 7 or 8 euros?
- I'm sure I'll eat more than 6 pounds of meat and fish. I will make them lose money.
- Good old fish.
Mandel Hey! Did you already hit the LIKE button? Thank you, pal!
- I'l make some room for you here.
- So far 8 plates.
#CRUSHINGBUFFETS Pasta buffet / Wok
- I still haven't drink any water. I'll grab something. I'm hungry now.
- Some squid. More fish, it was good. And some shrimps.
- It's always the same thing. Cook things, eating... You should always have something.
- Do you like my non-stop system?
- I was craving rice and fries because I never eat them.
- If I thought I did enough damage, I would get things like these in a buffet.
- But never the first thing!
Grabbing fries is really bad
But it's been months since the last time I tried them.
- Do you know what's this thing?
- Guts.
- At first I found them disgusting, but now...
- I still haven't drink any water, man!
- Sorry, sorry.
- What're you doing later? - Probably dying.
- They're scared about me. They still haven't take any plate from me. Do they take yours?
- No, no, don't let them take them. Shit!
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... about 12. Plus 13, 14... and I think after this I'll start with the desserts.
- I'm becoming full. How many plates did you eat? Imagine eating four times that.
- Usually, the challenge day is low protein, so the day before and the day after I raise it a little bit.
- Do you know what's the best part about this cheat meal? It's all protein.
- So, what will I do tomorrow to make up for it? All carbs, man. ALL CARBS!
- It's gonna be so hard. I don't know if I will be able to think about enough stuff.
- Fuck! I chose the worst one to show the cooking point. Like this! Perfect!
- I can eat more but from now on it's gonna be all sweets.
- There was only fruit and ice cream. - Maybe I'll eat another 2 pounds of meat.
- I took the kitchen clamps.
- If you have in front someone who eats like you... ...someone may die.
- The squid has its point. If you undercook it tastes like gum. Then it's perfect and later it becomes gum again.
- Curious, isn't it? Like if overcooked meat becomes raw again.
- I'm freaking full. I've been eating non stop for one hour.
- I can eat more but I'm making room for dessert.
- I got some ice cream. There was only vanilla left so...
- And lumit, my favourite sweet from Thailand. There's ice, condensed milk and your chose of toppings:
- bread, licorice, quince... It's really good. It tastes incredible.
- Very very good.
- This is so brutal!
- These ones are jellies.
- There was a burger challenge in Patong too, right?
- That one will have to wait as I can't eat that much now. It said «6 burgers»
- Now I eat too little. OH, THE RAT!
- Oh, boy! I'll grab another one of those and...
- I'm gonna push myself for this one.
- Bread, condensed milk, ice cream, pineapple, jelly beans...
- Mm! Everything mixes well together.
- I'm fine for 8 euros. Not bad for being untrained.
- Where's the toilet? My hands are sticky. In the end? Beyond the ice creams? So dangerous!
- Alright, guys. Phew, I never know how to say goodbye in the videos.
- I can say goodbye by showing my big belly!
For more infomation >> #CRUSHINGBUFFETS | Thai BBQ (+5000 kcal) - Duration: 7:48. -------------------------------------------
Ultimaker Cura: Faster, more efficient prints - Duration: 2:41.
At Ultimaker, we are always refining our software to create the best 3D printing experience available
With each software update, the performance of your 3D printer will be enhanced
The latest version of Ultimaker Cura optimizes print settings
to significantly reduce print time and material use, compared to previous versions
Recommended mode simplifies your 3D printing workflow
and shows the most commonly used settings for quick and easy print preparation
Pre-configured material profiles offer optimized print settings for each Ultimaker material
to give you reliable, high-quality results, every time
Gradual support prints dissolvable support material more efficiently
drastically reducing print time and support material use
Using recommended mode, first-time users and experienced users
can achieve the same high-quality results
Just load a model into Ultimaker Cura, choose from the recommended settings, and print
If you are an experienced user, you can still take full control in custom mode
and manually configure over 200 custom settings to meet your needs
Gradual support is enabled by default in recommended mode
Gradual support uses less support material at the bottom of a print
and increases in density closer to the areas that need it
Support material layers will be printed at double the layer thickness of the build material
Using Gradual support means less support material is used compared to earlier versions of Cura
while producing the same reliable, high-quality results
Using less support material also means faster prints
To show this, we prepared this object using recommended mode in Cura 2.6
and this object using recommended mode in Ultimaker Cura 3.0
Using less support material means faster dissolving times
so you can have prints ready faster than ever
For more infomation >> Ultimaker Cura: Faster, more efficient prints - Duration: 2:41. -------------------------------------------
🎮 Little Fox Animal Doctor - Children, Toddlers Learn How to Take Care of Forest Animals - Duration: 12:22.
🎮 Little Fox Animal Doctor - Children, Toddlers Learn How to Take Care of Forest Animals
For more infomation >> 🎮 Little Fox Animal Doctor - Children, Toddlers Learn How to Take Care of Forest Animals - Duration: 12:22. -------------------------------------------
Russell Simmons Steps Down After "SEXUAL ASSAULT" Allegation | Breaking News Today - Duration: 5:06.
Russell Simmons steps down after sexual assault allegation Russell Simmons is
stepping down from his companies in the wake of an accusation of harassment and
sexual assault Simmons the founder of hip hop music label Def Jam Recordings
and CEO of rush communications released a statement on Thursday after
screenwriter Jenny Lumet accused him of forcing her to have sex with him in 1991
she detailed the encounter in the guest column published by The Hollywood
Reporter on Thursday I have been informed with great anguish of Jenny
Loomis recollection about our night together in 1991 Simmons said in a
statement I know Jenny and her family and have seen her several times over the
years since the evening she described while her memory of that evening is very
different from mine it is now clear to me that her feelings of fear and
intimidation are real while I have never been violent I have been thoughtless and
insensitive in some of my relationships over many decades and I sincerely and
humbly apologize the statement continued this is a time of great transition the
voices of the voiceless those who have been hurt or shamed deserve and need to
be heard as the corridors of power inevitably make way for a new generation
I don't want to be a distraction so I am removing myself from the businesses that
I founded the companies will now be run by a new and diverse generation of
extraordinary executives who are moving the culture and consciousness forward I
will convert the studio for yogic science into a not-for-profit center of
learning and healing as for me I will step aside and commit myself to
continuing my personal growth spiritual learning and above all to listening in
Lumet's column she wrote that maybe recalling of this incident can be
helpful to other women who have spoken out against Simmons but realizes there's
a lot at stake and coming forward with her story there is so much guilt and so
much shame Lumet wrote there is an excruciating internal reckoning as a
woman of I cannot express how wrenching it is to
write this about a successful man of color this latest accusation made by
lumen comes after a report by the Los Angeles Times published on November 19th
that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct made against director Brett
Ratner and Simmons a woman quoted in the story said Ratner and Simmons were in it
together Ratner and Simmons denied the allegations with Simmons adding that
abusing women in any way shape or form violates the very core of my being
Simmons 60 got his start in the music industry in the early 80s managing his
younger brother Joseph forever and run Simmons hip hop group Rhonda MDOT see
the group is widely hailed as an early pioneer of hip hop music Simmons
co-founded Def Jam Recordings alongside Rick Rubin in 1984 some of the biggest
names in hip-hop have at one point or another been signed to the label jay-z
Public Enemy LL Cool J and currently in use alien and Justin Bieber to name a
few but it's not just music that helped make Simmons a household name he went on
to create several successful clothing lines including fat farm RG LeCoultre
and tantras under his company rush communications incorporated Simmons has
also been heavily involved in philanthropy in 1995 he and his brothers
Reverend run and Danny Simmons co-founded the rush philanthropic hearts
foundation which helps expose inner-city youth to the Arts Simmons was named a
goodwill ambassador to the UN in 2009 and has also been a strong supporter of
gay rights and animal rights in recent years Simmons has been very vocal about
his spirituality calling himself a Christian yogi in 2016 he opened a yoga
studio in Los Angeles called tantras Simmons joins a long list of Hollywood
power players who have been accused of sexual misconduct in the last two months
to expose us published in October that detailed movie mogul Harvey Weinstein's
alleged harassment and assault against women opened the floodgates for others
come forward with their experiences Weinstein has denied all allegations of
non-consensual sex since then some of media's biggest names including Kevin
Spacey Louie CK Matt Lauer Charlie Rose and Mark Halpert
have been terminated from their jobs or lost lucrative deals over similar
allegations of sexual misconduct CNN reached out to some ins representatives
for comment who directed us to Simmons official statement
For more infomation >> Russell Simmons Steps Down After "SEXUAL ASSAULT" Allegation | Breaking News Today - Duration: 5:06. -------------------------------------------
Dog Cane Corso Derrek and laser pointer. #canecorso - Duration: 5:12.
For more infomation >> Dog Cane Corso Derrek and laser pointer. #canecorso - Duration: 5:12. -------------------------------------------
Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling In Love (Audio) / Cover - Duration: 3:25.
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you
thank you very so much
young girls see you later and subsribe me okey
thank you for watching
For more infomation >> Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling In Love (Audio) / Cover - Duration: 3:25. -------------------------------------------
After McCain Bashed Trump, His Own Steamy Sex Scandal Just Leaked – This Is Going To Kill Him! - Duration: 4:51.
After McCain Bashed Trump, His Own Steamy Sex Scandal Just Leaked – This Is Going
To Kill Him!
Two-time presidential loser John McCain's obsessive jealousy of Trump has been on full
display since the day our new president was sworn into office.
The 81-year-old traitor should've been put out to pasture long ago, but because term
limits for US Senators don't exist, the dried up old schmuck has been spending every
waking hour plotting on ways to bring Trump down.
Several days ago, the brain-rotting old fart came out with his latest asinine claim against
President Trump, saying in an interview with Esquire that he doesn't support Trump as
president because he "doesn't think the president has a set of principles and beliefs."
But just days after McCain decided to throw mud at Trump from his ivory tower, a disturbing
skeleton from McCain's past is now starting to emerge, proving who really lacks "principles"
in Washington D.C.
The past several weeks have been ridden with sex scandals surrounding many well-known liberals.
We learned that Al Franken and Harvey Weinstein have sexually abused women for decades, and
over the past 24 hours, Matt Lauer of the Today Show was fired from the network, as
disgusting details surfaced about how he'd routinely turn his office into a "sex lair,"
and had a secret button under his desk installed so he could lock the doors from the inside.
Now it appears as though John McCain is the latest creep to join these sexual perverts,
at the same time that McCain hypocritically calls for Roy Moore to exit Alabama's U.S.
Senate race.
When it comes to John McCain's decisions, we've learned from his past antics that
he's always out for himself and he has little regard for his own political party, his family,
or his constituents.
Now it's being revealed how McCain allegedly cheated on his wife of 37 years, after having
an improper relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman.
"A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, visiting his offices
and accompanying him on a client's corporate jet.
Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect
the candidate from himself — instructing staff members to block the woman's access,
privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in
the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.
But this is just the beginning of John McCain's disgusting sexual escapades as you will soon
You're probably familiar with McCain's POW story, where in October of 1967, he was
shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese and kept as a prisoner of war until 1973.
McCain would use his POW story and veteran status to rise to political prominence, where
his image as a "Vietnam war hero" would go on to propel him to be elected as a United
States Senator.
But the real story about is about John McCain's first wife Carol, who toiled and waited for
6 years in torment, not knowing if her husband would ever return home.
As John McCain was held in captivity, his wife Carol was involved in a terrible car
crash that left her disfigured and wheelchair-bound, where she put on a considerable amount of
But John McCain would soon discard his first wife like a piece of trash, disgusted with
how she now looked.
The Daily Mail reported:
When McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from
Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three
years earlier.
Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.
Today, she stands at just 5 ft4in and still walks awkwardly, with a pronounced limp.
Her body is held together by screws and metal plates and, at 70, her face is worn by wrinkles
that speak of decades of silent suffering.
Carol was no longer the famous beauty and swimsuit model that McCain had married in
1965, and he callously kicked her to the curb for a younger wife.
McCain divorced Carol and married Cindy just one month later.
Cindy was not only beautiful and 18 years his junior, but also the heiress to an Arizona
brewing fortune.
"The Couple Met When John McCain Was Still Married to Ex-Wife Carol.
John McCain married Cindy five weeks after his divorce from Carol, who happened to be
close friends with the Reagans," reported.
John McCain is the last person on the face of the planet who needs to be lecturing anyone
about their "principles" given his shady past involving women.
Be sure to share this story and help expose John McCain for the crooked man that he is!
Not only is he a traitor to our country, but he's slime ball in his personal life as
What do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
For more infomation >> After McCain Bashed Trump, His Own Steamy Sex Scandal Just Leaked – This Is Going To Kill Him! - Duration: 4:51. -------------------------------------------
Health Online|علاج حكة العين - Duration: 8:00.
For more infomation >> Health Online|علاج حكة العين - Duration: 8:00. -------------------------------------------
حظك اليوم الجمعة 01-12-2017 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 5:51.
For more infomation >> حظك اليوم الجمعة 01-12-2017 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 5:51. -------------------------------------------
How to Make google Chrome Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator Bangla Tutorial - Duration: 3:29.
Logo Design
For more infomation >> How to Make google Chrome Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator Bangla Tutorial - Duration: 3:29. -------------------------------------------
Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 62 - Duration: 2:04.
For more infomation >> Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 62 - Duration: 2:04. -------------------------------------------
Unreal girls training fitness motivation | Female Fitness Motivation - "Amazing Sexy Workout" 2017 - Duration: 12:28.
Unreal girls training fitness motivation
Unreal girls training fitness motivation
For more infomation >> Unreal girls training fitness motivation | Female Fitness Motivation - "Amazing Sexy Workout" 2017 - Duration: 12:28. -------------------------------------------
Alaves vs Getafe -Full Match Highlights -l Copa del Rey 2017 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 17:29.
Alaves vs Getafe
We should have a fine game for you today, I'm Martin Tyler Allen Smith is with me welcome to you all
How much for you now is deportivo alavés against air traffic
This team that are at home today have been firing blanks for most of the season
And they need to get some ammunition going down Bay here confidence on the sound of it
He's really low in the manager before this match would have had his work cut out to lift the spirits
This is the 11 who will start for their poor to bow a Levesque
Responsibility for some of those five in midfield
To get forward, and I'm sure the main strike. It won't be isolated although it looks a bit like that or a screens
It could be a lonely man up top there if he doesn't get support that
He needs because he is the type of player that does need support. He can't do it all on his own
Here's the team for her taffy
Two banks of four four four two. Yeah, how it always used to be
don't see it quite so often these days, but
That's a classic formation and really capable of causing problems here today
And the referee for this important fixture today, Alvaro arias Romero
So here we go
They copied out
And tunas
Moving forward with some danger to the opposition now they're here
Come away with the pool cleaner great tackle
Take you on the defenders slipping it through
Knock hell on the attack hit now, can he take them on?
Nice return Pass
Anticipated the direction of the pass and was able to intervene
There's a dangerous feel to this attack it's looking good from their point of view good vision here
Well then it goes routine for the keeper
They took no chances there, it's a corner
And then it goes pulls it back now
Got it back again from his teammate crosses long towards the back post
They've had to work very hard to find a way through this defense
But when it came
It was superb ly taken
Absolutely thrilled with the way, they've got the lead here
Marvelous goal here coming in from the right. That was so inviting wonderful delivery great ball great. Goal well ELISA
He's a fantastic head over the ball, and he's Marcus stood no chance there
And that has opened the scoring one nil here
Thomas Tina there's some potential in this move
If I go
Whipped in from the wide area good defensive clearance their supporting player alongside could get the ball into the box now
Tried to tackle here, and he's done that
Neatly intercepted
Tell my subpoena
Now this looks promising
Giving the opposition a problem with their inter passing and we live partially away from danger
He's picked his pocket there, and he's away with the ball
Och hell
Now they've got a chance in this part of the pitch
Stopped him fat eclis and just as well the approach play looked very encouraging
Change of possession here on the move and able to cut out the pass
Torez coming on strong and looking to play their way through now. It's a good cross
Thomas peanut
That's great defending they're stopping that attack
I like the look of this attack och. Hell threads it through
I'll give him credit for having a go, but it was no near the target. Yeah. I took responsibility
Sydney and he'll be hoping it's a bit better next time
As a combination of skill and will to hold off the opposition
It's good play until they got that challenge in
Delivered into the box
And that's the referee's decision to added minutes and tunas
Pleasing on the eye, and no great risk at the moment in their own Hut well the referee is signaled for halftime
And it's one nil here
Well this has been a first half of the type, I think we all anticipated
With this poor scoring team having another poor day
Well trying to buy an awful lot but given their scoring fo s. They've still got a mountain to climb
Across his long towards the back post
So the referees happy and the second half gets underway
That will be a free-kick
Well you run the risk when you go to ground like that with a slide tackle of getting into serious trouble well
he's tried to go for the slide tackle and
He's a faction off getting the ball. It is a foul
Very good distance to the clearance
Moving forward with some danger to the opposition now the hair account
Now I throw it
Here we're going to have a substitution, and it seems as though it's for tactical reasons
Attackee well here
Och hell needs to clear his lines
Ebuy Gomez Thomas Tina
There's good progress with this attack could really get at the opposition here
Anticipated the direction of the pass and was able to intervene
Long overdue you feel this change beside this behind the switch of tactics now
Chiba sake
Worked really great the intention of the past
I've got numbers in this attack, and it looks dangerous. Here's Munir
Torres and a special occasion for him concentrating there on the match on his birthday
Turn over there that we didn't expect
Really trying to use the full width of the pitch here to make some progress
While time is ticking away, it's time for a change in here it comes
I decide able to dwell on the ball for very long here torez
Torez looking good this move excellent interception
And Tunis and now he's looking for some support
He went in well
Giving the opposition a problem with their inter passing
Volley now
There's a dangerous feel to this attack it's looking good from their point of view Jefferson Montero
No they could be jobs
Jefferson Montero miss Kabir Jones looks like okay trim the eye
You'll feel good about that a really free kick given
Well they've got a lead to hang on to the away team here, and they're trying to do it
I think by running down the clock whenever possible and you could tell the home fans are frustrated with their team and with the tactics
Here yeah, you can understand it. Yeah, every opportunity the away team gets they will slow the game down
Take time with it. That's a pretty comfortable save not the best set piece, but it was on target
It's a big support here for them and those supporters want to see just a little bit more in the time that remains well
There's always pressure on you
And you're playing in front of a big crowd your own fans and the players have shown a few nerves out there today
They've got to lose those
And tunas
Here's a chance to attack
Or. They could have been opened up there the interception stop that
Tried to tack cleverly done last score
That was a good chance to get level here. Well. He certainly was good move to and give him another chance
I think he might take
This is where substitutes are important though and wet
Fantastic game this and it's going to go right down to the wire
Lovely pool well they're in a good position here. It's not really away more clearance
That's really the way to get the ball out of the danger zone
That's what friends are for for the goalkeeper
Anyway his teammate got it off the line
And now he's able to actually recover the ball easily and that attack has petered out
But it was mighty close well hanging on their work night
But depending how you should do she say the defender drop it back onto the line helping out speaker
Maybe the chance to salvage something from this game
Using his physical power to protect the ball and the whistles gone for the last time today
That inability to get enough goals has been a liability
again for the home team and they've been thrashed well
It's difficult to see any end in sight for this team because I didn't give us much encouragement out there today
For more infomation >> Alaves vs Getafe -Full Match Highlights -l Copa del Rey 2017 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 17:29. -------------------------------------------
Valencia vs Real Zaragoza -Full Match Highlights -l Copa del Rey 2017 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 18:53.
Valencia vs Real Zaragoza