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TRASH&co : why and how we enjoy BAD TASTE [+ ENG subs] ☘ Celeste - Duration: 18:47.
Dear weirdos, today we talk a lot about trash movies, trash novels trash TV
programs, but it is not easy to understand and explain why we enjoy
artworks that are as everyone can see poorly executed, why we enjoy bad taste.
What I am about to do today is not completely legit because I am about to
explain a sensibility, a taste, and as I have said in my video of about vaporwave
which I will probably link here, either you feel it or you don't
it is like explaining a joke: when you explain the joke you make it unlaughable
for the following centuries. And at the same time and I'm about to explain a
sensibility and a type of humor that is even nowadays, less than before, but even
nowadays subcultural, and this means betraying all the happy few who
recognized each other by their ability to understand and enjoy a certain kind
of content, as opposed to the great majority who couldn't. So I am doing both
a destroying and betrayal by explaining bad taste, but I allow myself to do it
because I know that, being sensibility something that cannot be completely
touched by words, it can't be completely explained, it can't be completely
betrayed and nor destroyed by logic and reasoning. First, the existence of bad
taste implies the existence of good taste, and this is why you will never
find bad taste enjoyment in a rural environment, in a country society
because you need - they belong to the city both bad and good taste. Good taste
implies the existence of a society that is complex and structured enough to
generate a set of rules, a certain sensibility about how an artwork should
and should not be done, about how a certain behavior even should be or
should not be done. But this is the big weak point of good taste, which is also
the big weak point of society. Societies, all societies, become who they are by
choosing in a completely unconscious way - well maybe not completely but greatly
unconscious way - of becoming a certain way and excluding all the other choices,
all the other values, much like when you grow up you decide to do certain things
you recognize you are a certain way and you aren't like anybody else.
And how do societies justify this choice? By trying to convince everybody who is a
part of this society that their choice is the best choice possible, and good
taste in a certain society exemplifies this choice, and this try to
convince everybody that it has been the best choice possible at an aesthetic
level. And this is why in a certain society you could find lifestyles and
behaviors which are completely accepted and then - but you find that the
same behavior would be completely taboo in other times or other places. And this
is why bad taste is born. Bad taste is usually enjoyed by groups of
people that don't have the power in a certain society which is, of course,
youth, young people for obvious reasons don't have the power, usually don't have
the power in a society, and then minorities, and we'll see certain
minorities more than others. But bad taste can be enjoyed in very different
ways, to bring on the table the seeds of a society that is not but could well be
because the choice made by the mainstream is arbitrary, so it can be
contested any time, or it is a way to destroy every choice a society has made
without bringing anything to the table, in a completely nihilistic way. There
are many words, consequently there are many words to address bad taste but they
are not used in a systematic way, you can read the books of a certain scholar and
find for example Kitsch used in a way, and then go to the books of another one
and find the same word used in a slightly or even completely different
way, and this is why I am doing a practical conventional choice here, I am
arbitrarily choosing three words, which are Trash, Kitsch and Camp, to describe
three different ways in which you can enjoy bad taste. There is a sort of
hierarchy among these three words, and this means that the first is the simple,
the peasant one, and the third is the more complex, the more aristocratic and
oligarchic, and the the one in the middle has some level
of complexity and sophistication but at the same time it has the anxieties middle
classes usually have.
Scenario: your grandma is watching Mexican soap operas, yay!
She is completely involved on the emotional level and she doesn't notice
anything wrong on the intellectual, on the technical level, she doesn't notice
that the actor performances are over-the-top... and you come along and
wonder how she could possibly enjoy such a thing and you go away
disgusted. This, my dear, is Trash. Trash is paradoxically something that exists only
for those who don't enjoy it. If you enjoy trash it means you don't have the
cultural capital, Bourdieu would say, to recognise it as trash and you are
involved on both the emotional and intellectual level, while if you
recognize it as trash you follow the mainstream way, and are disgusted by it
you dislike it as an example of bad art, of bad entertainment. Then you have
Kitsch. Same scenario, same grandma, same Mexican soap operas, but you are amused
and mesmerised by how poorly executed it is, and you find it enjoyable and maybe
you could even sit next to your grandma and enjoy it, even if for completely
opposite reasons. This is the middle-class way, the mid bro way of
enjoying bad taste, and in my opinion it is the
most popular way of enjoying bad taste today, and well I have some, you know
criticism towards this way of enjoying bad taste. It is very easy to be
involved on the intellectual level but not involved on the emotional
level, it is very easy to criticise the failure of an artwork and its subsequent
drop into the trash bin of bad taste, without giving something yourself
because trying is easy, failing is easy, but not even trying is even easier. So it
is a very gratuitous way of laughing, and it's also a very, a completely nihilistic
way of laughing, because it doesn't create anything after having destroyed
what had been done by someone else, just like middle classes are terrified by the
thought of becoming peasants again, this way of laughing about bad taste is afraid
of going back to the Trash way of enjoying bad taste. And Camp, the third level
of bad taste enjoyment, is not afraid of this because it integrates the positive
aspects of both Trash and Kitsch, and mixes them together. Same scenario, same
grandma, same soap operas... Camp is being detached on the intellectual level
noticing how badly, poorly done an artwork
is, how fake it looks, how yeah, the concept itself should have been better
than this, how much it lacks style, it lacks the competence to be good taste
but at the same time you let yourself be emotionally involved by an artwork that
talks about humanity, even if it is not - even if it doesn't do it the right way.
While Kitsch was an earnest way of laughing, Kitsch is earnest, yes I am
quoting a play which will be useful at the end of the video, but is afraid of
seriousness, of emotional involvement, *CAMP is afraid of earnestness, of
frankness, it is elusive, it is ambiguous, but it might be serious in some way, in
an emotional way. It doesn't exactly destroy everything, every value,
everything that has been created and believed in by a certain society. It just
criticises the hierarchy between certain objects and between certain contents, and
you know, the hierarchy between serious and frivolous themselves, without
.destroying, without replacing them with anything else, because replacing
would mean being involved, and Camp is intellectual detachment itself. It is, for
some reasons, I find it similar to Zen sensibility. It is a highly
aristocratic and oligarchical and also paradoxical sensibility that questions
the parameters according to which we judge the form and the value we see in
the world, it stays on the thin line between creating a world and destroying
it without doing anything, without doing neither. Camp is tender, is compassionate
it doesn't - it isn't cruel like Kitsch usually is. Camp has been fuelled and
molded by the male homosexual sub cultural sensibility between the end of
the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, because it is a
compassionate way of laughing about anything that was created in an attempt
to be proper and failed to do so but even if it's not properly human it still
is human. We can laugh about it but not really exclude it from the borders of
humanity, because it has been done by humans and it is human, which is a
powerful metaphor for all the minorities who are people even if the majority
might not consider them as such.
There is a king of Camp, we all know him, even if
we might not consider him in these terms:
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde is the king of Camp and we can see it by his production: he was
capable of writing his plays, his comedic plays, which are very humorous, they are
very hilarious but they are - completely intellectual, they are cold, they
are not emotionally involved. I have said before "earnest", the importance of being
earnest is in itself a very Camp title, it is a statement about sincerity said
in an ambiguous way that questions the honesty of such a statement about
sincerity so it is - the most Camp or the Campest, I don't even know if this word
exists, to talk about sincerity and of putting into question the very concept
of sincerity. And at the opposite spectrum of his production you have the
fairy tales, the Happy Prince, the Gentle Giant, and they are so sad, so cruel, you
cry, even his most known book nowadays, which is the Picture Dorian Gray, has on one
side Lord Henry which is, as Wilde himself put it, how the world thinks me to
be and at the upset spectrum we have Basil which is, as he said, how I believe
I am how, I believe myself to be.
Wilde's aphorisms are known worldwide, they are
usually quoted as something humorous, while some of them can be looked from
another viewpoint and become the tenderest thing, and this is the heart of Camp.
You can overhear
it superficially, and laugh about the -
non-committal way in which the speaker talks about heaven and hell
and find it, you know, simple humor, a way to outrage those who take everything
seriously. But then you can look at this quote from another viewpoint and I think
this quote is actually taken from one of his letters, and understand how tender
and how courageous it was for a man in his position to say that he would have
rather - that he would rather go to hell than to heaven to follow his friends, in
a society as the Victorian one.
As you can see Camp is my favourite way of
enjoying bad taste, many things I like I actually like in a Camp way,
opera, ballet, many - classical shoujo manga, many gothic novels I enjoy in a purely
Camp way. Tell me about your way of enjoying bad taste, if you enjoy it, if
you don't, and how do you think you enjoy it, and see you in the next video!
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