hello I'm Dennis from Sheetgo and today I'm going to show you how to preserve changes in Google sheets
For this you need Sheetgo, so if you don't have Sheetgo yet click on the link in the description
So here I have a spreadsheet and I want to put
this in another spreadsheet and have all the dates with all the temperatures like this:
this it goes to 13 September
So how are we goingto do that?
first we are going to a empty spreadsheet, than we're going to start Sheetgo than go to import, append
you'll select today's weather or the source sheet that you want
so you select the sheet you can set the automatic update for this sheet it's necessary to do it daily at midnight so it daily updates
So now it's connecting and if we're going here you see it here right now it's the date and temperature
and after a while it's updating daily at midnight it will look like this so
you have everything good to see and several days this is very easy to use
this is very easy to use and I hope you've learned something from it if any questions leave them in the
comments below this video is based on a blog post so if you want to read more
about it please click on the link in the description thank you for your time and
if you like the video please put a thumb up!
Have a good day! Bye
For more infomation >> Preserve changes in Google Sheets: How to do it? - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
Jimmy Gives the Tonight Show Audience an Amazon Echo Show Surprise - Duration: 2:24.
This Week in Memes: When the Edibles Kick In - Duration: 2:12.
Martin Short Explains How Canadians Celebrate Thanksgiving - Duration: 5:53.
Michael Showalter Explains What Drew Him to Working on The Big Sick - Duration: 2:29.
Will BMW's W-triple replace the Boxer twin? | New BMW R1200C cruiser 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 1:36.
Video: Bright but chilly day ahead - Duration: 2:40.
Wake Up Call from Nova Scotia - Duration: 0:48.
Kennebunk High naloxone training - Duration: 0:43.
Michael Showalter Reveals He's Not a Millennial - Duration: 5:01.
Midland: Make a Little - Duration: 4:28.
Jadi #PawangKuota dengan YouTube Go - Duration: 0:16.
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Giáng Sinh Ngọt Ngào Remix - Happy New Year - Nhạc Noel Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 7:41.
ఈ దీపం ఎవరైతే వెలిగిస్తారో వారికీ ధనానికిలోటుండదు| Aishwarya Deepam | Deeparadhana | Laxmi Kataksham - Duration: 2:49.
The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.40 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.11.27] - Duration: 33:47.
(Episode 40)
It is you, right?
You're Jiseop, right?
By any chance, if your mask comes off...
You and your family whom you love so dearly...
Will fall into the pits of hell.
You know that, right?
Who are you?
Why are you calling me by someone else's name?
It's me. Me.
Ki Seora. The mother of your child, Haesol.
Don't you know me?
Please stop.
I don't know who Haesol is,
and I've never seen you before.
Who's overseeing these businesses?
Get her out of here, right now!
No. I'm right.
You are my husband.
You're Han Jiseop.
Let go of me!
Jiseop. Honey.
Jiseop, why are you being like this?
I know it's you.
How could I not recognize you?
Will you keep watching?
- Get this woman out of here. Right now. / - Yes.
Let go. Let go of me.
Why are you doing this?
Let go of me.
Let go of me.
Let her go.
I know her, so that's enough.
Are you okay?
You should've been more careful.
What a shame.
You lost the greatest opportunity today.
He looks exactly like him.
He's a splitting image of Jiseop.
You did the right thing.
What do you mean?
J.K. is very grateful.
I told you.
Jaeuk will never disappoint you.
I'm ashamed at how frivolous I was
for doubting him for a moment.
J.K. will show their appreciation to the foundation.
It should help a little bit
with your scholarship business.
I'm always very grateful.
Excuse me for a minute.
Did you receive some good news or something?
I've been having many good things happen lately.
Yes, hello.
I heard from Mr. Ju.
I'm starting to have faith in you.
I expect more going forward.
You're still here?
I'm going now.
I'm sorry for troubling you.
What do you mean? You didn't trouble me.
The person you were rude to
wasn't me but Chief Director Kang Jaeuk.
I had my reasons.
Whatever the reason was, it's inexcusable.
Why must my fiance experience such
inconvenience because he resembles your husband?
That's enough, so stop.
If Director Kang Jaeuk was your husband,
why would he have pretended not to know you,
and why would he have done that to you?
I'll find out myself.
If he's confused about me,
I'll just prove who he is.
I can tell it's him
just from looking at his eyes
and listening to him breathe.
I'll solve that puzzle from now on.
I'm warning you.
If you do something like that to my man again...
I won't let you get away with it.
Director Kang Jaeuk
really does look a lot like my brother-in-law.
Does he?
But the world is full of people who look alike.
Seora has completely lost her mind
and is being a nuisance to everyone.
I completely understand but it does bother me.
I'm worried that she'll keep
bothering my fiance.
I'll do anything I can do to stop her.
What is going on in that head of hers?
How could she confuse the destitute Jiseop
for the chief director?
Regardless, I'm terribly sorry.
I guess not all siblings are alike.
You seem like a very good person.
You seem trustworthy.
That's a first.
What is?
What's a first?
I've never heard anyone say
I was better than Seora.
You must be surrounded by bad judges of character.
I have a feeling we can become very good friends.
I'd love that.
Are you down because of what happened earlier?
It's nothing I need to concern myself with. I'm fine.
Ki Seora's husband
really must look a lot like you.
I guess so. I'm curious now.
If possible, I'd like to meet her husband...
One of these days.
That's right. Are you free for dinner tonight?
The response to your interview is so good,
that my dad is on cloud nine.
He wants you to come over for dinner. Is that okay?
Of course. Let's go together.
Hi. Come in.
I'm trending online now too, thanks to you.
It feels pretty good, seeing my name go up the list.
I already told him that you've been
flooded with requests from TV shows
to make an appearance together.
If it'll help you, of course, I should do it.
With a son-in-law like you, I don't envy 10 sons.
Are you going to make him stand like that?
That's enough chit-chat. You should sit down.
Sure. Come, sit down. Let's sit.
Just a minute.
Hello, Assemblyman Song. Really?
Let me step away for a few minutes to take this call.
Let's eat once I'm done.
How have you been?
Why are alone?
Did your nurse go somewhere?
Something happened, so she quit.
You keep my mom company for a few minutes.
I'll help out in the kitchen. Is that okay?
Sure. Don't worry. Show me what you can do.
Yang Miryeong...
You still don't remember her, do you?
No, I don't.
The truth is, I thought Miryeong was
my real daughter but she wasn't.
I'm sorry for being rude to you because of that.
Please forget it.
Being earnest conquers all.
I'm sure your unwavering desire
will bring you what you seek eventually.
I'm sure you'll be able to meet Yeorim someday.
Would you like to see Yeorim?
Come with me.
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
She seems a little familiar.
Yeorim seems familiar?
Have you by any chance seen her before?
Look closely. Where did you see her?
Do you remember something?
No, but
She seems nice,
so I feel like I've seen her before.
I see.
Come right in.
What? Who is it?
Someone who comes at this hour.
I ordered something 2 days ago.
- Enjoy. / - Thank you.
What are you laughing at?
What is it?
We're looking at pictures of Seora when she was little.
Do you have nothing better to do?
Grandpa, don't we have any
baby pictures of mommy?
I have baby pictures like this.
How come mommy doesn't?
That's right. I forgot I'm doing laundry.
Wait right here, okay?
I don't know who Haesol is.
I've never seen you before either.
Let go of me!
He's right. He can't be Jiseop.
How could he do that?
There's no way Jiseop wouldn't recognize me.
But how could he look so much like him?
Seora, wake up.
Wake up.
No. No.
That man is definitely Jiseop.
I'll go and ask.
I need to check for myself.
Mommy, why don't you have baby pictures?
Later. Later, Haesol.
Why are you giving me your food with your saliva?
We've kissed, so we've already shared saliva.
What are you saying?
I have made a big decision.
What? Are you running for president?
I made this decision after a lot of thought.
I'm sure you'll agree it's the right decision.
Don't beat around the bush and get to it.
I'm more responsible than anyone I know.
That's one thing that I'm proud about
every single day.
Chara, you let me have your lips...
So I'll take responsibility for you.
So the point of that was
you'll take responsibility for me?
Because of one kiss?
I like it that you're quick.
You're right.
From now on, I, Do Rahui,
will be responsible for...
Stop getting ahead of yourself, will you?
You can just continue thinking I'm a guy
as you did 24 hours ago.
I'll be responsible for myself.
Hey, Chara. I said I'll be responsible for you.
Rahui will be responsible for you!
How many times must I tell you?
Everyone's gone home. Why are you so stubborn?
Please leave.
Leave already.
I'm begging you. Please, go home.
Came to ask you something.
Where did you come from?
Why are you so cold?
I went to Gangin Group.
Again? Why?
I was there this afternoon
and saw someone who looked just like my husband.
I went to a taste test,
and I saw my husband there.
I'm sure it was my husband Han Jiseop...
But he said he was someone else.
He treated me like he'd never seen me before.
I told you that they may just look alike.
It was definitely Jiseop.
I know what I saw.
Then how could he not recognize you?
I'm sure it was Jiseop but...
I know it was him but...
When he fell into the ocean,
maybe he lost his memory.
That's possible.
You said you knew someone at Gangin Group.
Did you talk to that person yet?
Please, help me.
Let me meet that person.
I'll help you.
Now that your wife recognized you,
it's just a matter of time before Haerim and Inuk
find out that Han Jiseop looks like Kang Jaeuk.
Haerim already knows.
She knows?
Did she say something to you?
She doesn't seem to suspect me yet. I think...
She brushed it off as two people who look alike.
Okay. I'll talk to Haerim.
Everyone will suspect you from now on.
I'm prepared.
You'll be under severe scrutiny from now.
You can't let your guard down for a moment.
You can't make a single tiny mistake,
or falter in any way.
I think you're worried for no reason.
I don't know who Han Jiseop is.
I'm your son, mother.
I'm Kang Jaeuk.
What are you waiting for? Have a seat.
Yes, sir.
Is the taste test going well?
All that remains is determining the final menu item.
what do you think about it?
The candidates have all proved market power,
so regardless of what we choose,
we expect it to do well.
Don't let your guard down and do your best.
Also, as I'm sure you've heard,
Inuk will be joining your team as the team's director.
Pool your brainpower
and come up with the best product.
Remove the respirator
from the dying Gangin Foods and give it wings.
Are you okay?
You should go.
You're young, so run quickly.
(Management and Planning Director Kang Inuk)
It's busy already, isn't it?
I came to work, so it's only natural that I'm busy.
This is the first report by our task force.
It's the result of yesterday's taste test.
It was unexpected, actually.
Why was it unexpected? It's as I predicted.
Let me take a look.
The reviews of the spicy seafood noodles
are very high.
That's right.
Based on these results, it's game over.
That's absurd.
There was an incident during the tasting
and it was a total mess.
That's correct. The taste test was ruined but
it was scored very high by those who tried it.
I guess the bottom line is, flavor governs.
Let's have a talk.
Why did you want to talk to me?
You know who Ki Seora is, don't you?
That errand lady?
I probably don't know her as much as you do.
It's strange hearing you say her name.
She says her husband is Kang Jaeuk.
Haven't you thought
Jaeuk seemed strange ever since his accident?
What are you trying to say?
Do you believe the woman who went crazy
after losing her husband and doubt Jaeuk,
who survived a near-death experience?
Not long ago,
I happened to see Jaeuk's back.
You know that he has a surgical scar
on his back.
That scar was completely gone.
That scar...
After you went to prison
and we announced our engagement,
he had it removed.
Don't entertain ridiculous suspicions. It isn't like you.
Please focus on making sure
you and I don't need to see each other too much.
Even if we're in the same room,
it's the same as if you aren't there to me,
so get over yourself and don't say things like that.
The results for the DNA tests
for Kang Jaeuk and Wi Seonae are available.
- You may pick it up yourself. / - Okay.
Mr. Jang is looking for me, so I need to go.
Kang Jaeuk.
If you're really not your mother's son...
That means you're Han Jiseop.
Can you handle the result,
no matter what it is?
What will you do if Jaeuk isn't mother's real son?
What will you do if Jaeuk is Han Jiseop?
You need to calm down.
Think about which result is more beneficial to you.
Think about what you need for you to become
the daughter-in-law of...
Gangin Group's owner.
I mean it.
I came because Kang Inuk told me to.
Is that true?
Yes, it is.
Then come with me.
You can't be in here. Please leave.
I'll be quick. I need to ask him something.
Please talk to me for one minute.
- Please, sir. / - I'm sorry.
I'll call security right away.
Let her be.
I'm fine.
Just leave her.
I'm sorry.
You're quite rude.
If I don't want to deal with this rudeness again,
I must talk to you, correct?
I'll give you exactly one minute.
Say what you want.
This is yours, isn't it?
You dropped it after my motorcycle accident, right?
I'm sure it was you.
You ran toward me.
I know it was you.
I should yell at my fiancee
who gave it to me as a gift.
She claimed it was
one-of-a-kind item
but I guess it's a common, mass-produced item.
I'm wearing my cufflinks...
That look just like that.
What's this?
You know, there are times
when you don't have a reason
but you want to give the same gift again.
Why is that...
I'm sure you dropped it.
So why...
You must be gravely mistaken about something.
Rather than coming here,
perhaps you should go to a hospital instead.
I don't have enough time on my hands...
To deal with crazy women like you.
Your minute is up.
I have to get to a meeting. Please leave.
If you do something this rude again,
you will...
End up in an ambulance.
You know, right?
Are you really not Jiseop?
You look exactly the same.
How could you not recognize me?
Please. Please do this for me.
He... He may have woken up,
so please.
Please contact Gangin Group's Director Kang Jaeuk
and tell him that I'm here.
Tell him Yang Miryeong is here!
If she knows Kang Jaeuk well...
Then she may have some answers.
Yes. I have to go see Yang Miryeong.
His breathing and pulse are stable.
I gave him his injection as scheduled.
Yes. Don't worry.
I'll call you again.
A delivery?
Well, the address is...
No. You'll probably get lost.
I'll go to the big road.
- Help. / - Miryeong.
- I'm the errand lady. / - Hey!
Hey, it's me. It's me, Yang Miryeong.
Please help me. Please get me out of here!
- Why are you in there? / - Go find the key.
I'm sure there's one upstairs. Please hurry.
You need to hurry.
Okay. Wait a minute.
Hurry. Please.
Hello? What is it?
Where are you?
I stopped by the office.
When will you be back?
Something urgent came up.
I'll go as soon as it's been resolved.
Okay, then. Take your time.
Let's have dinner.
Is she still searching for her husband?
Please let me out. Please hurry.
Hurry. Hurry.
What's going on?
Why are you locked up in here?
I'll explain later.
Did you really give that note
I gave you to Kang Jaeuk?
Yes. I left it with his secretary.
What's going on, Kang Jaeuk?
You know but didn't come?
Is Kang Jaeuk really your boyfriend?
Why? You don't believe me either?
Look at this photo.
Why do you have Jaeuk's photo?
This man isn't Kang Jaeuk.
He's my husband Han Jiseop.
What? What? No way.
But they look exactly the same.
My husband went missing.
But Kang Jaeuk looks exactly like my husband.
I'm sure it's my husband.
But Director Kang Jaeuk insists that it isn't him.
What? Don't tell me...
Why? Can you think of something?
Jaeuk's mother.
That woman can do anything dirty and frightening.
I'll know if I see him.
I'll go and confirm for myself.
Let's escape from here.
- No, we can't do that. / - What?
If I'm missing, they'll look for me right away.
Stay here in my place until I check who he is.
- But... / - If I can't return I'll call the police.
So don't worry.
Please pretend to be me for a little while.
Fine, let's do that.
I have my cell phone too, so don't worry.
What the...
Why is she so quiet today?
Is the medication finally kicking in?
Please behave like this more often.
If you stay calm and act smart like now...
You'll get better food.
Okay. I just got back to my office.
Come here then.
Who are you?
Why are you sitting in my seat?
I asked, who are you?
What's with that look?
You haven't seen your devoted wife in a while.
Shouldn't you give her a big smile?
(The Secret of My Love)
How could Ki Seora's husband...
A woman is being kept hostage in a basement.
Please rescue her.
What is her son's name?
It's Han Jiseop.
We heard a woman is being kept locked up.
- Different parents? / - Don't tell anyone else.
What are you trying to say?
It's true that I doubted you
when you weren't being yourself.
- Jaeuk isn't a twin, is he? / - What do you mean?
How could I not be angry?
Why are you worrying about me?
- Do you like me? / - Why? Can't I?
It's really daddy. Daddy!
Daddy, why didn't you come to see me?
I hate you, daddy! I hate you!
Photos: Reds train at rainy Melwood ahead of Stoke clash - Duration: 6:32.
Photos: Reds train at rainy Melwood ahead of Stoke clash
Liverpools first-team squad trained in wet conditions at Melwood on Monday as preparations for a midweek Premier League trip to Stoke City began.
The Reds head to the Potteries on Wednesday evening aiming to return to winning ways after being held to a draw by reigning champions Chelsea at Anfield over the weekend.
Jürgen Klopp and co will no doubt hope for kinder weather when they run out against Stoke after facing a downpour during this afternoons session.
Check out the best photographs from the Reds training base today in our gallery below.
Haunted - Photo Manipulation Tutorial | click3d - Duration: 12:43.
Document 3364p* 2688p, resolution 240px
color #30383c
drop this image in your document
duplicate the same image (ctrl + j)
rename 1st layer as "door"
rename 2nd layer as 'rays"
turn off the 1st layer "door"
select 2nd layer "rays" and align it to center
filter - blur - radial blur
use free transform tool and scale it as shown
turn on the "door" layer
now adjust the "rays" layer as shown
now add layer mask to "door" layer
use cloud brush
and paint the mask as shown
you can also use soft brush
now add new adjustment layer "selective color"
now take a new layer above all the layers
rename it as "smoke"
color #273441
use cloud brush
and paint as shown
now drop this model in your document
rename it as "model"
color balance
dont forget to apply clipping mask
now take a new layer
rename it as "dark"
color "black"
now add layer mask to same layer
take a soft brush
color "black"
and paint as shown
now take a new layer below "dark" layer
rename it as "color dodge"
color #345d83
use soft brush
and paint as shown
blending mode "color dodge"
take a new layer
rename it as "color"
blending mode "color"
and paint
take a new layer
rename it as "glow"
color "white"
use soft brush
and paint as shown
now take a new layer below "color dodge" layer
rename it as "screen"
create clipping mask
color #345d83
use soft brush
and paint as shown
blending mode "screen"
now drop this image in your document
rename it as "ghost"
place it below "dark" layer
take a new layer
create clipping mask
use soft brush, color #345d83
and paint as shown
blending mode "color dodge"
take a new layer
create clipping mask
use color white and paint as shown
take a new layer
create clipping mask
use color #345d83 and paint as shown
blending mode "color"
now group all the layers that we used for ghost
rename the group as "ghost"
add layer mask to the group
use soft brush, color black and paint as shown
now add new adjustment layer "color balance" to the overall scene
adjust the opacity if you want
now press (ctrl + shift + alt + e)
blending mode "linear light"
filter - other - high pass
GR_ Schwarze Balken auf Videos - Duration: 2:55.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,
Why you may notice some widescreen videos that have black bars on all sides. The video file includes horizontal black bars
(letterboxing) at the top and bottom of the video player in order to fit a 4:3 aspect ratio. YouTube 16:9 aspect ratio player then adds
vertical black bars (pillarboxing) to fit a 4:3 formatted video to YouTube player dimensions. The end result is black bars all around the video
(windowboxing). If you're uploading widescreen videos, you can
avoid windowboxing by cropping your video to the 16:9 format.
YouTube uses 16:9 aspect ratio players. The YouTube player automatically adds black bars to videos in the player so that videos are
displayed correctly, Without cropping or stretching, no matter the size of the video or the player.
If you upload a 16:9 video at its original aspect ratio (1280x720 recommended).The video will fill the YouTube widescreen 16x9 player.
If you upload a 4:3 video at its original aspect
ratio (640x480 recommended). The video will display in the widescreen player at the correct size and ratio with pillarbox bars.
If you add letterbox bars to the top and bottom before uploading so that the video fits a 4:3 player.
The YouTube player will add pillarbox bars so the 4:3 video fits widescreen. Bars will surround the video.
To fit the player perfectly, encode at these resolutions: 2160p: 3840x2160.
1440p: 2560x1440. 1080p: 1920x1080. 720p: 1280x720.
480p: 854x480. 360p: 640x360. 240p: 426x240.
Hope, this information, is helpful. Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,
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Melania Trump never wanted to be first lady – first lady says to family and friend - Duration: 4:47.
Jadi #PawangKuota dengan YouTube Go - Duration: 0:31.
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