Now if you have space for a big beautiful showy tree you really can't go
past the native flame tree.
I mean look at this it's just so bright red it's
beautiful and everybody who sees this tree for weeks and weeks and weeks is
going to say wow look at that it's just stunning so this is Brachychiton acerifolius
the flame tree it's related to the bottle tree it's related to the
lacebark tree and the Little Kurrajong and they are all gorgeous native
trees so the flowers are made up of these tiny little bell shaped flowers
but they come on on mass to create a just magnificent performance and they're
a Spring time flowerer so they're briefly deciduous that will drop some, all, most of
their leaves during the Spring briefly for about three weeks and then they'll
produce this magnificent show of flowers and some trees will flower like this
every year and some trees may not ever flower and some trees might half flower
so there can be quite a lot of variation so if you want a really good flowering
specimen tree it's not a bad idea to select a grafted flame tree because the
Scion will have been collected from a magnificent flowering specimen like this
and you guaranteed a really good show if you grow a seedling you have to be
patient so you need to wait 15 years or so for your tree to mature and you don't
know what it's going to be like when it flowers so not to say you shouldn't
plant seedlings but if you want it to flower earlier and you want it to flower
like this choose a grafted tree and you're going
to be having a beautiful show like this in the Spring
For more infomation >> Why a Grafted Flame Tree? - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
President Donald Trump Speaks From WH After North Korea Missile Launch, Tax Meeting | NBC News - Duration: 17:05.
The bloodline of Jesus and Founders of Rosslyn Chapel !!! - Duration: 15:31.
ANYONE looking for a colourful family history, need only take a peek, at the Clan Sinclair.
There family have ties to William the Conqueror, A pre-Columbus voyage to the New World, and
liege lords to Robert the Bruce.
To top it all is their position as Scottish Grand Masters of the Knights Templar, and
legendary guardians of the secrets of Rosslyn.
I'm going to venture a guess, that there are more books, written about the sinclair family,
than there are most other families out there.
The daa Vinci Code, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, and The Templar Meridians, The Secret Mapping
of the New World.
to name just a few.
British genealogist Sir Bernard Burke, wrote.
No family in Europe, beneath the rank of royalty, boasts a higher antiquity, a nobler illustration,
or a more romantic interest, than that of Saint Clairs.
Sir Walter Scott, Scottish historical novelist, called the sinclairs, The Lordly line of high
Saint Clair.
Rosslyn Chapel was founded as a Catholic church by William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness
of the Sinclair Family in the mid fifteenth Century.
According to some accounts, the descendents of Jesus Christ and members of the Knights
Templar existed within the Sinclair family.
Dan Brown used this theory in his 2003 novel The daa Vinci Code, with the chapel being
used as a location in the film version which was released three years later.
Despite being dismissed by historians and the Catholic Church, the novel has sold over
80 million copies worldwide.
What is claimed as a carving on a glacial boulder in the town of Westford, in Massachusetts,
USA, is argued to be proof that an expedition, led by Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, landed
on the North American continent almost 100 years before Christopher Columbus.
The 'carving' is subject to much speculation over its authenticity, but it is said to depict
a Medieval knight with sword and shield who was a fallen member of Sinclair's party
who travelled to the 'New World' in 1398.
Evidence exists to support the Templar's involvement in the Oak Island Money Pit, but
to expand this theory further, it would be useful to consider the influence of the Freemasons
in this area, as the Templar were a precurser for this select group of individuals.
There remains a strong connection to this area with the Knights Templar, whether relative
to the treasure or not and further study may shed light on the mystery.
It is also said that Freemasonry, in the form we would recognise today, started at the building
of Rosslyn Chapel, There are three important pieces of evidence which support this statement.
Rosslyn links the Jewish Temple through the Knights Templar to Freemasonry.
The ground plan of Rosslyn is a copy of Herod's Temple and above ground it replicates the
Herodian Architecture of Jerusalem.
Rosslyn contains the oldest document showing a modern First Degree Ceremony being conducted
by a Knight Templar.
The layout of Rosslyn, which was started in 1440, is an exact replica of the ground plan
of the Third Temple, built in Jerusalem by Herod and destroyed in the First Century by
the Romans.
On the lower frame of the window in the South West corner of the Chapel there is a carving
which seems to be of a Freemasonic First Degree.
The figure shows a man kneeling between two pillars.
He is blindfolded and has a running noose about his neck.
His feet are in a strange and unnatural posture and in his left hand he holds a bible.
The end of the rope about his neck is held by another man who is wearing the mantle of
a Knight Templar.
Rosslyn was built by Sir William Saintt Clair Jarl of Orkney.
He was a direct descent of William de Saint Clair Last Temple Grand Master of Scotland,
who died taking the heart of the dead king, Robert de Bruce on a last crusade to Jerusalem.
Sir William, the chapel builder, is also the direct ancestor of First Grand Master Mason
of Scotland, also named William Sinclair.
Rosslyn was built To house artifacts brought by the Knights Templar to Scotland in 1126.
Between 1118 and 1128 the Templars excavated the ruins of Herod's Temple in Jerusalem.
Hugue de Payen, first Grand Master of the Knights Templar, served on the First Crusade
with Henri Saint Clair, First Earl of Roslin and Hugue visited Roslin in 1126 where he
was given land to build the first Templar Preceptory outside the Holy Land.
In 1860 the British Army Engineers mounted an expedition to Jersualem and two Lieutenants
,Wilson and Warren, mapped out the city to Ordnance Survey standards.
They excavated beneath Temple Mount and found many deep tunnels in which they also found
and recorded Templar artifacts.
In 1440 William St Clair was the most powerful man in Scotland.
He decided to build Rosslyn to house the treasures he had inherited from the Templars and establish
a seat of spiritual authority to rival James II who was dabbling in English politics and
finally got himself killed during the War of the Roses.
William brought in Masons to build Rosslyn and built the town of Roslin to house them.
When James II died (1460) his son, James III, thought William was posing to great a threat
to the Crown of Scotland so he stripped William of Orkney and broke up his estates
"If you peppered Scotland with dots across Lothian and Caithness in medieval times,"
says writer and Scots historian Ashley Cowie, "chances are you'd land within ten miles
of a Sinclair property."
Cowie has spent a decade researching the family and has discovered that if you follow a straight
line from Rosslyn directly due north you end up at the Castle of Mey, which was built in
the 16th Century by the 4th Earl of Caithness, George St Clair.
Ravenscraig and Keiss castles (also St Clair built) are on that grid line and so is Balmoral
Castle, which has at its core another castle built in the 14th Century by William Drummond
(married to a St Clair.)
This same line passes Holyrood - named after the sacred relic of the True Cross, or Holy
This was said to have been guarded on its journey from Hungary to Scotland by William
St Clair, cupbearer to Margaret Atheling.
Dozens of other St Clair castles and strongholds are alleged to follow a connecting geometric
pattern involving the re-usage of ancient megalithic and druidic sites.
This is used to demonstrate St Clair connections to the Knights Templar - who could have introduced
them to the teaching of sacred geometry.The remains of William St Clair, great-grandfather
of the founder of Rosslyn Chapel, are said to be buried in Rosslyn, Templar style, with
crossed leg bones placed beneath skull.
The proud and noble Scottish family of Sinclair (Saint Clair), is of hearty Viking stock with
duel roots extending more than a millennium back in time, to the ancient Norse earldoms
of Orkney, and Caithness and the dukedom of Normandy.
The surname of Sinclair in French is "de Sancto Claro" and in Latin, "Sanctus Clarus,"
meaning Holy Light.
The name derives from a town near Paris, close to the location of the hermit Saint Clare's
Saint Clair-sur-Epte was the scene of a treaty in 912 between Charles, King of the Franks,
and the Viking marauder Gange Rolf (or Rollo as he is also known) whereby Rollo was granted
that part of France now called Normandy in return for his acceptance of Charles as his
king and his embracement of Christianity.
Rollo was to become the first Duke of Normandy and those of his descendants who took the
name of Saint Clair later became cousins to a later Duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror.
As recorded in the battle roles and suggested in the Domesday Book, several Saint Clair
knights were likely companions of William at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and were
thus granted lands in England following the Conquest.
Other Norman knights of the surname Saint Clair are thought to have sought their fortunes
further north in Scotland.
Tradition has it that one of these Normans of lordly rank was William "The Seemly"
Saint Clair who joined the court of Malcolm Canmore.
William faithfully served the king's wife, Margaret, as her cup-bearer and for his services,
it is said that he was granted a charter of lands at Rosslyn.
Later, Sir William Saint Clair was to die fighting his cousin William the Conqueror.
In 1163 Henry de Saint Clair was granted a charter of the lands of Herdmanston near Haddington,
thus founding a line which later was raised to peerage status under the title of Lord
Saint Clair.
The progenitor of the Saint Clairs of Roslin and the Sinclairs of Caithness is believed
to be the Norman immigrant Guillaume (William) de Saint Clair who acquired the lands of Rosslyn
by marriage to its heiress, Amecia de Rosskelyn, as documented by a charter issued in 1280
by King Alexander III of Scotland.
Sir William served as Ambassador to France before being taken captive at the Battle of
Dunbar and died a year later in 1297.
William's eldest son, Sir Edward Saint Clair, Edward's brother William (later made the
Bishop of Dunkeld), and Edward's son, William Saint Clair, gave faithful service to Robert
the Bruce in Scotland's Wars of Independence.
These three Roslin Saint Clairs, along with Sir William Saint Clair of Herdmanston, were
present on the field at Bannockburn on June 24, 1314 when the Scots soundly defeated the
Edward later was to be a signatory to the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320.
His son, William, died along with Sir James Douglas in 1330 at the Battle of Teba in Spain
on a mission to carry the heart of Robert the Bruce to the Holy Land.
This William's son, another William who died in Lithuania serving with the Teutonic
Knights, was the father of "Prince" Henry Saint Clair, the first Saint Clair Earl of
Orkney who is believed to have visited America in 1398 nearly a century before Columbus.
The 2nd Earl of Orkney, who lived lavishly like a king, was the guardian of James I of
Scotland during his minority.
The house of the "high Saint Clair reached its zenith with the 3rd and last Earl of Orkney,
William Saint Clair, who was the founder of Rosslyn Chapel in 1446.
Earl William was granted the earldom of Caithness in 1456, becoming the first Sinclair Earl
of this northern domain, but in 1471 he surrendered the earldom of Orkney to King James III.
The Earls of Caithness historically have been the chiefs of the Sinclairs of Caithness,
and like the Sutherlands, Gunns and Macleods, the family is regarded to be a highland clan
in every sense of the word.
Over the past 500 plus years there have been twenty Sinclair Earls of Caithness.
By several accounts, the history of the clan in its northern stronghold during the 16th
and 17th centuries was a bloody one.
William, the 2nd Earl, was slain along with his king, James IV, at the Battle of Flodden
in 1513.
Later, in 1529, John, the 3rd Earl and a large contingent of Caithness clansmen whom he led,
were slaughtered to the man in an ill fated invasion of Orkney.
At the Battle of Kringen in Norway in 1612, a large band of locals ambushed a mercenary
force of largely Wick volunteers on their way to assist the Swedes in the Kalmar war.
One of the Scots leaders, George Sinclair, along with more than half his company, was
Regarded by some to be the last clan war in Scotland, the Battle of Altimarlach in 1680
was fought between George Sinclair of Keiss and Sir John Campbell of Glenorchy in a dispute
over the earldom of Caithness.
The opposing sides met a mile west of Wick near the stream of Altimarlach where Sinclair's
small force was soundly defeated with more than a 100 casualties.
Years later, the northern Sinclairs were prepared to take part in the Rising of 1745, but disbanded
after the defeat of Bonnie Prince Charlie at Culloden.
The 9th Earl of Caithness, who died in 1765, was the last surviving peer to sit in the
Scottish Parliament.
Although Caithness and Orkney are considered the clan home for the Sinclairs, families
of this surname and their descendants can be found throughout the world, playing prominent
roles in the history of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States.
Clan Sinclair is represented worldwide by associations in Australia, Canada, Italy,
New Zealand, Scotland and the United States.
The Patron of these companion associations is the Right Honorable Malcolm Sinclair, 20th
Earl of Caithness, Hereditary Chief of the Clan Sinclair.
The clan's rich and colorful history, as represented by such iconic works in stone
as Sinclair Girnigoe Castle and the chapel at Rosslyn, is a legacy for which the family
of Sinclair today can be rightfully proud.
Places of Interest: Roslin, Midlothian.
This picturesque village sprang up beside the 14th century castle and 15th century chapel,
built by the St Clairs of Rosslyn.
Rosslyn Chapel has recently attracted world wide interest from featuring in the best-selling
novel, The Da Vinci Code.
Castle of Mey, Caithness.
Built in 1568 by George, 5th Earl of Caithness.
It is today probably best known for having been the private home and retreat of Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.
Keiss Castle, Keiss, Caithness.
Remnants of a small 16th century tower can be seen here.
The 19th century castle nearby was the home of Sir William Sinclair, Founder and Pastor
of the first Baptist Church in Scotland.
Noss Head, Wick, Caithness.
The ruins of castles Sinclair (15th century) and Girnigoe (17th century) can be seen here.
The estates were invaded in 1697 by Campbell of Glenorchy and both castles were destroyed.
Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist - Duration: 3:31:23.
Title: Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist
Meghan's Heartbreak as She is Forced to Leave One of Her Dogs in Canada | Because Her Fly to The UK - Duration: 2:08.
mehgan's heartbreak as she is forced to leave one of her dogs in Canada because
he is too old to fly to the UK kensington palace confirms megan
Markel's dog Bogart will not come to UK spokesman said the Labrador Shepherd
cross was living with Friends of actress but her beagle guy has travelled to the
UK and will live with the happy couple miss Marcal is well known for showing
your love of the pets on Instagram Megan Markel has made a heartbreaking decision
to leave one of her beloved dogs behind after moving to the UK to start her new
life with fiance Prince Harry the American actress has two rescued dogs a
biggle guy and a labrador Shepherd cross Bogart who she would keep in touch with
via FaceTime during her long stints away Kensington Palace confirmed guy has come
to the UK and has legal permission to stay here but Bogaerts has been left
behind Megan Markel is separating from one of
her beloved rescue dogs after Kensington Palace confirmed Labrador Shepherd
crossbow gar pictured top would not be coming to the UK the palace confirmed
Bogart would be staying in Canada with friends of miss Marcal while beagle guy
bottom would come to stay with a newly engaged couple it has prompted
speculation from fans on social media that Bogar may have been left behind
because he is too big or too old to fly to the UK many animal lovers have
expressed their sadness online at the pet being separated from miss Marcal the
princes Communications secretary Jason Knopf said Bogart is now living with
friends the palace refused to speculate as to why Bogart was not brought to the
UK and added the decision would have lots of complexity to it while
confirming miss Marcal remains fond of her dogs
Harry and Meghan Will Marry at Windsor Castle in MAY | Ceremony Paid For by the Royal Family - Duration: 5:29.
Harry and Meghan Will Marry at Windsor Castle in MAY | Ceremony Paid For by the Royal Family
Harry and Meghan Will Marry at Windsor Castle in MAY | Ceremony Paid For by the Royal Family
Harry and Meghan Will Marry at Windsor Castle in MAY | Ceremony Paid For by the Royal Family
Harry and Meghan Will Marry at Windsor Castle in MAY | Ceremony Paid For by the Royal Family
Harry and Meghan Will Marry at Windsor Castle in MAY | Ceremony Paid For by the Royal Family
Harry and Meghan Will Marry at Windsor Castle in MAY | Ceremony Paid For by the Royal Family
✍ Tony Robbins - A Fórmula para Aumentar a Performance - Duration: 1:16:31.
Onde quer que você olhe, busque e você ENCONTRARÁ.
É o que está escrito na Bíblia! Você não precisa ser
religioso para entender isso. Isto é um fato da vida. Então se você e eu
vamos levar as coisas para um nível diferente,
nós precisamos ver o que pode atrapalhar. A mente pode atrapalhar. Mas, qual aspecto da mente?
O quê te faz pensar deste jeito? Que emoções
estão atrapalhando? Absolutamente, é o medo. Mas é mais do que isso.
Todos os dias da nossa vida, nós vivemos em um mundo incrivelmente complexo.
Não é mais estressante que a segunda guerra mundial e nenhum de nós aqui
nos lembramos dessa época. Mas era como se a democracia estivesse desaparecendo e os
alemães iriam vencer. AQUILO era estressante! Ficar numa trincheira era
era estressante. Você não conseguir tanto dinheiro como queria,
ou estar um pouco acima do peso, ou alguém te xingando na internet . . . essa "merda" não é estressante.
Nós estamos tornando isto estressante. Nós perdemos a perspectiva. Quem concorda comigo, diga "EU"!
Então, precisamos identificar o que está bagunçando nossa vida.
E uma das coisas que mais bagunçam a gente, é a expectativa.
O que nós dissemos no outro dia? Mude sua expectativa por apreciação.
E sua vida toda mudará. Porque quando você espera por coisas que não acontecem,
você fica chateado., Então, o primeiro dia foi sobre isso: E se você viver sua vida
e tomar uma decisão? E a decisão é: A vida é curta demais para sofrer,
para ficar estressado, raivoso, com medo, preocupado... Quem concorda comigo, diga "EU"!
Mas a nossa mente é um software de sobrevivência, que sempre procura pelo que está errado.
É nosso trabalho garantir a felicidade. E fazemos isto ao desenhar uma linha na areia
e dizer: Eu não vou sofrer. Quando eu me sentir estressado, vou respirar e perceber que somos a única criatura do planeta
que pode ter um pensamento e ficar nervoso. Um pensamento, e ficar alegre.
Um pensamento e me sentir amado. .
E isso a gente pode mudar com qual velocidade? Mas você tem que tomar o controle,
e treinar esse cérebro. Se você não treinar esse cérebro, ele vai te usar ao invés de você usa-lo.
Tem que se identificar com seu coração, sua alma ou seu espírito,
ao invés do cérebro. Na China, o coração é o imperador.
É a maior energia. É o que eles adoram! Porque quando você era um feto,
não havia cérebro. Seu coração começou a bater quando não havia cérebro.
Ele tem sua própria inteligência.
Ele produz hormônios que fortalecem os ossos, é a maior força
no seu sistema imunológico. Ele é o ticket. No cérebro, nos atrapalhamos. Precisamos usar
os dois juntos para termos o poder de ambos. No entanto, para isso
precisamos deixar a expectativa de que as pessoas vão se comportar do jeito que queremos.
we want them to because what are the chances if you have if your happiness is
dependent upon everyone around you your mother behaving the way you think she
should your father your brother your sister your co-workers your employees
what are the chances everybody living the way you think they should on a zero
to 100% scale what are the chances so why would we allow this to be because
it's just a bad habit and it's like my buddy Mike here with his daughter
instead of trying to control her he decides I'm gonna learn from her I'm
gonna love her I'm gonna grow me and that pulls her closer instead of pushing
her further away instead of working on them we're gonna work on us if I want to
change you the fastest way I can change you is change me because we're in a
cybernetic loop if I respond if Dad responds totally different than she can
predict she doesn't know how to deal with that anymore now he left the upper
hand now your love can penetrate her instead of the story in each other's
minds when he was talking to me on that first day about her he was in his head
how many saw that and then he left his head and got in his heart and that's
when he penetrated and look at mom of you're smiling from ear to ear go
nodding head on yeah that's cool and look at Mike's mix mom his face because
he can feel the difference so today we wanted to do our best to catch ourselves
in their head to get back in our heart and then here's the biggest thing you
need you don't want to make the assumption that says not done three days
and I'm done this is the beginning not the end who's with me on this ai
now it doesn't have to be the beginning with me if you want to do more than me
come to master University or you go do with someone else but you got to keep
growing if you don't keep growing none of this will matter and you can have
tremendous few months or half a year a year but why would you settle for six
months because we went to the program I remember one time I had a friend years
ago really good friend of mine it came to this seminar and he loved it and he
was on fire and he went back and he lost 32 pounds and he changed his business
got closer to his wife and then he ran to some challenges in one of us business
had to business one of his businesses and then their kid had some challenges
and he and his wife got stressed about and they started being stressed with
each other in reaction to the environment and so he you know I was
like six seven eight months in and I never and saying hey tell and I love
that seminar but dude it didn't last it was great for six months I said asshole
I said who made you think you could do some for three days and would even last
six months I said do you think I just like did three days and I've been this
way for the last forty no I said forty years ago I started a journey that has
never ended and so we need a daily practice right who's up for hearsay I
and so I want to show you how I do this for me and I want you to create your own
system based on it so if you're not gonna get lasting results you got to do
some things regularly the first thing I call this immersion coaching the first
thing that I do still myself is I schedule myself at least twice a year
sometimes three times a year to go to an event of some sort where I can make
myself better psychologically emotionally relationships finances
something I call it an event blast-off because most people learn a language in
high school in college who learned the language a high school in college let me
shake your hands how many of you don't speak a fuckin word of it now let me see
your hands what happened you spent years but you
did it like one hour a day five days a week
immersion is the way to learn when you're breathing like we're doing here
all night all day it's not comfortable but it's unbelievably fulfilling how
many experiencing right now say I you got to get over your mind going I can't
do this hard and all that shit you got to push
yourself through when you feel exhausted and say there's a second win in me I'm
gonna find it but if you go for immersion you will master things ten
times faster than you will do a little an hour a day or once a week or
something like that I mean think about it this seminar is 50 hours of the
course of the week weekend four days four hours I can make this so much
easier let's do an hour a week for a year we'll get two weeks off it'll be
easy would we get the same result yes or no no way
so I'll give an example my wife and I and we have an extended family member of
mine and they marry an area the three of us travel together marries my right arm
and so I drag merriweather's too cuz he's part of our family we've just
recently finished a date with destiny which is my most powerful seminar six
days and nights and it's an experience of
some grabs a date with sa cooool but it's one of my favorite things to do
on earth but it's not an easy thing on my body as you might imagine and it's
incredibly fulfilling but at the end of it my body is complete toast as you can
imagine and we were in Australia and the Gold Coast and I scheduled already some
Ozzy's here huh nice to see you guys and I I scheduled because my life is so full
there was only like one week I could do this and so I scheduled to go to this
place in Sedona Arizona with this man for 39 years has been a neurological
expert about how to wire your brain for alpha states Delta states if you're
familiar with those but alphas the expertise and I want it as great as my
life is I want to take another level so I have more to give for my family for my
friends for you for myself so we go for seven days and nights and this is what
it was like you got up first thing in morning 6:30 and you spend an hour and a
half getting your brain wired with this glue shit and they put like 180 these
electrodes on your head my wife looks so attractive and so did I it was amazing
and then after wiring you up with this group which by the way takes forever to
get out afterwards oh there's why we don't see the group
you see just our hair afterwards but the bottom line is we go in then you go in
individual rooms like I want to be with my family right I want to be with my
wife are with my family and I got to go in this dark little room that has no
light and all that and it's freezing cold
it must be my Karma for the shit did you peep on a regular basis right
and and sure enough I'm there for 14 hours in this room you get one break
sometimes two or in the restroom and the entire time you are learning to think
and how you think these electrodes create sounds and you learn how to put
yourself in the zone of alpha but it's a batch it's horrible I wouldn't recommend
it to anybody that wants easy experiences but I'd recommend to anybody
that wants to grow immensely and by the the first thing I'm like who do I gotta
shoot to get out of this thing oh it's me I'm the one that did this shit but by
the end of the week all three of us were able to go into this state of alpha and
if you're familiar alpha the best way I can describe alpha is there's no problem
that can't be solved in alpha because every problem that we have was created
by us destruction of the environment to the pissed-off myths that you may have
and since we create the problems any problem of human creates we can solve
but you can't do with the same level thinking - got you there so the science
of it and you can't cheat this thing measures you and then you take this
freaking test with 300 questions three times a day the same effing test and
takes forever and while you're answering it these electrodes are seeing what
you're doing and then the guy sits down with you it's called Sigma's and he goes
well this is - Sigma this is even this is ten Sigma's and the more Sigma sees
how far you are off from what you wrote from what was really going on in your
nervous system so I was like you know like you know said something to me like
that that I was demanding I'm like what the fuck I'm not demanding what are you
talking about right but I guess I guess I was right and you learned then how to
let go those old patterns great new ones so my point is I'm doing OK in my life
I'm not exactly hurting I'm having the most beautiful life I could possibly
have a beautiful mission a beautiful family beautiful children grandchildren
beautiful experience to live in life and yet I'm not willing to settle for that
because I'm here to deliver more for everyone I love including myself and so
what I do is I scheduled it because listen to me when
you talk about shit it's a dream when you envision it it's exciting when you
plan it it's possible when you schedule it it's real when this event became real
as when you enrolled yourself before that it was an idea and there's lots of
people who intended to be here intended but they never locked it in so I walk it
in advance because if I am locked it in after date with destiny there's no way I
got a plane flown all the way there and then put myself in a room for seven days
and nights but I'm grateful I did and I only did it because I already locked in
place so I encourage you to number one figure out at least twice a year what
are you gonna go to it's gonna make you grow and expand how would you feel like
these last couple days have been some of the most growth you have in a couple of
days here say I then why settle for this one time again I'm happy to do it with
you I have other programs if you want to come but you're not limited to me I
don't care where you go but before you leave here you should schedule what's
next you know why because how many were looking forward to this for a long time
and very excited about this I'm curious how many were quite scared about this
shit by the way I'm curious but here's what's interesting after you achieve a
goal have you ever done this worked your ass off achieved a goal and you feel
good and then there's kind of a drop because we need something compelling to
be going after so we keep growing so I always write before I achieve a goal I
neatly set what the next thing is and I lock it in my schedule because otherwise
there's that drop and if I help the next thing it's like you're going from peak
to peak as opposed to peak to drop the peak to drop how many fall I'm talking
about here say I and the other thing I've learned I taught this to all my
children that one time my daughter was talking means just like dad you know
you're so brilliant and I said you're absolutely right and I said honey you
know I am a smart human being I've worked hard to be a smart human being
but probably my greatest gift is I do not let opportunity escape my grasp
if there's an opportunity and it scares me if there's an opportunity that all
the time if there's an opportunity I know the money and the early days in my
life that was all free other I did have time the money and I was fearful I make
myself do it because I know that if I don't get myself to do that I'm not
gonna keep growing my teacher Jim Rohn used to teach me
this he said Tony if you have an amazing life you got to learn to
stretch yourself I said well I distress myself he goes but let me give you my
philosophy of stretching he said stretching means if you find yourself
saying I can't do something then you must say I must do it immediately and do
it with no hesitancy because if you hesitate it's like the firewalk if you
went up the firewalk most you got up there major move and rock somebody get
up there like oh shit shit oh what am I doing here and the longer you wait the
what it is harder it is he just train yourself to just do it instinctively
push yourself so if I say I can't then I must know he first told me this I said
well I can't I must as I can't jump off a cliff that I must he said no be
intelligent but he said if you find yourself saying I can't do something I
don't want to do something but you know if you made yourself do it you're gonna
be a better human being then you must do it don't hesitate do it immediately
and so some people say well that's not a very safe life I've got a very secure
life if you want security go to prison if you want freedom this is how you live
shit come on Bobby for 20 seconds face a partner face apartments there baby
no I are you know I own you well you say all you become without your
energy for 30 seconds one two three go
so one struck sit down a peach state so once you've got events where you're
gonna make huge growth the next thing you want to do throw up the number two
is you really want to get yourself a coach or a mentor why do you want to
coach your mentor you're smart well I got a series of mentors I've got three
men in my life who are the smartest humans I know some of most successful
people in the world in business spiritually emotionally well-developed
they're eighteen to twenty years my senior and guess what I come to them all
the time for accountability and feedback cuz as much as I know to drive myself
you don't do brain surgery on yourself even if you're a grain brain surgeon
does it make sense you need some feedback from the outside
because you're still in it and so getting a coach is critical and I get
paid a million dollars a year to coach someone my only take on seven clients
and I got now a five year waiting list so I'm not looking for any coaching
clients but I've trained all of my coaches to do the same things I do and
they don't try to million dollars a year not even close so you can use our
coaches if you want or someone else but what you don't want to do is have a
friend be your coach why I'll give an example a few years back I was on this
talk show that's in the morning I won't mention the name but it has a bunch of
ladies what's the name of the view that's right I won't mention it and I
was on the view and what some Barbara Walters was still on and I was a
brilliant amazing lady and they had me on in January and I was doing a piece on
new year new life how to transform your energy in your body and when I was done
talking I was a little seven-minute segments all four or five when I was
five woman followed me into the green room literally during the break and they
said listen before the TV comes back on we want to do this you know tell us more
how will you do this and we want to do this together and when they said they
wanted to do it together I was like hold it
I said can I be direct with you on this I said Barbara you know how much I
respect to you and all of you but can I be direct they said well yeah I said
well I respect you you're some of the best in the world will you do as
journalists I said you have an incredible show number the way to show
you've been in years Barbara your role model for anyone who wants to be
successful man or woman but there's an area of your life none of you have
mastered your body I'm not being harsh I have to tell the truth because the truth
is how you get to the things to change and you should have seen him look around
and be like oh my god he just said well that I didn't say they're fat I said you
haven't mastered this area life and I said here's the problem if you guys get
together now and none of you've mastered this area and you're all friends you'll
do this for two or three days but about the third or fourth day end when he's
going to go never mocha smoke or something some fuck whatever that shit's
gone right and someone else can say no we got to work on the Coppola can't we
just stop for a few minutes and then someone else to say well we can stop for
a few minutes and then you're fucked cuz you'll break the pattern I said have you
ever done this before and they start shaking hands they said it's Apple times
I said don't do this together I know you love each other that's why you shouldn't
do it together can a professional when you go I wanna mocha smoke little shut
the fuck up and you need someone who's not gonna listen to your bullshit and
it's gonna push you until you develop the discipline to develop the skill and
even then they're gonna know the little things the two millimeter things you
don't know that could save you a decade how many fathers say I so don't get a
good coach get an outstanding one and the problem is I created the coaching
industry before I came along no one called myself a coach in this industry
that wasn't this industry you had to be a therapist and you got approved by
insurance and I came along and said these therapists are sitting down with
people for 7fn years and I can wipe out that phobia in 20 minutes or an hour and
so I went around and I said I gotta figure Who I am I'm not a motivator I
never was you know I'm not a guru what am i I thought was an athlete who
influenced me the most of my coaches and many of them were not as good as I was
but I'm in the game I'm in the forest there outside of it they could see
things and give me cues and they cared about me so I said that's for that
forget athletics I'm a coach I love people I'm not better than they are but
I'm gonna see things they can't see because this is my focus right and so I
did that and for many years they call myself a coach no one did I remember I
was on Larry King Live and I just started coaching President Clinton and
he goes what is this coaching thing you're not a coach you don't coach
athletes I said well I actually I do but I said no here's what I mean by coach
and it's about to give it up and like well in the next six months everybody
was a coach therapists are call themself coaches financial planners Tuckahoe
himself coaches became a term of art now I hate it you know I there's no standard
right anybody say they're calling self a coach anybody go out there and do it
they go to some class some idiot teaches them three skills they've never produced
the fucking result in their lives and they're a coach so I feel like I created
a bastard industry and so like any industry there's good and bad you got to
find somebody's outstanding don't settle for some B's good and don't sell some
because you like them because why came it's a nice thing you need somebody who
has the skill to get you there who's with me on this AI and why do we want to
coach so you measure at least twice a month some of you three times them up
because if you don't measure you can't manage what you don't measure does that
make sense and you got to measure it and it's easy with your children with your
life with your businesses you're gonna get caught up you need somebody helping
you to stay on target for what you want for your life how many follow say ah and
it's cheap most coaching is inexpensive and the people that overcharge don't go
to them but get somebody's really great and then finally thirdly and this is
what I want to show you this morning you need a daily practice and a daily
practice that's gonna put you in the best state possible regularly and so
there's two parts of the naeli practice what is you want to feed your mind every
day for at least 30 minutes and when I say feed your mind my teacher Jim Rohn
used to say miss a meal but don't miss reading for 30 minutes and I don't mean
reading the web or your social media bullshit or Twitter I mean reading a
real book that you've selected because it's gonna make you grow spiritually
mentally emotionally financially something that makes you feel something
that gives you a strategy not someone cute little blog posts that you can read
in five minutes I mean something that's gonna make you not be mental candy some
that's gonna produce a different result because our lives of the result of the
input input a bunch of garbage to get garbage out so I I would like never miss
reading and then I started listening to audios when I was really young and the
great thing about audios is you can want to call net time no extra time so the
biggest challenge we have is a win am I gonna read what am I gonna do this women
do all these things the answer is it doesn't take any extra time if you use
net time you could do it while you're cleaning the house while you're working
out going for a walk when you're driving in your car should be your new
University where you're feeding your mother because if you don't feed your
mind weeds grow automatically you don't have to work on growing weeds they're
gonna be there if you don't do something to replace it so every day 30 minutes of
either audio or a book something that's gonna make you grow it'll feed your mind
it'll keep the momentum going so this won't be just the one burst this will be
the one that got you going and then you keep the momentum by doing this and then
finally and most importantly many people the most silly question I'm asked in the
media all the time for 40 years is don't you have bad days don't you get upset
don't these things happen of course but I said I don't stay there I've trained
myself like an athlete trains their muscles I've trained my emotional
muscles which by the way I think your emotional spiritual muscles are the most
important ones yet courage unused does it grow or shrink which one faith
unemployed unused does it grow or diminishe diminishes passion unexpressed
does it expand or shrink so the most important muscles that change your life
are those mental emotional spiritual muscles if we develop them more we're
going to experience more so the way I do that is to a process I call priming and
this is the part that I really want you to get because it's really simple most
of us have you ever thought seen someone do something and thought to yourself
what the f is wrong with this idiot who's ever have those thought how many
of you ever done something yourself and thought what the f am i doing okay many
times we think we're thinking our own thoughts
when we're not we've been primed by the environment to
think a certain way and we don't even realize it no sometimes that's done
consciously by marketers or advertisers that's a simplistic example but a more
powerful example is what happens in your daily life so let me give you a couple
examples so you become aware of the power of priming and then I want to show
you how you can consciously prime your own mind and body and emotion so you
naturally go where you want to go as opposed to hoping you go there so some
of the studies on priming have shown that what you think that your thoughts
actually got there because something in the environment that you're no longer
noticing so an example this would be they did a study and they took two
actors and they both approach 200 people each and the actors were designed to do
the exact same thing they walk up to people they have the same facial
expression and they'd say well your singer scuse me could you hold this
three for one second when I grab my phone and they hand you this cup of
coffee and then they reach in their pocket to get their phone for two
seconds and they put it back real fast they go thank you so much and they take
it back and every time they did it exactly the
same way with all the people two hundred people one hundred each each person did
a hundred people but fifty of those people they gave hot coffee to 50 the
people they gave iced coffee to now listen to this this is mind-boggling
after 35 to 45 minutes roughly a person walks by outdoors or at the mall
wherever they did this they have a check board clipboard and they go scuse me um
we'll give you $20 if you'll give us three minutes of your time to read these
three paragraphs to answer two questions ninety-five said people do it 20 bucks
three minutes I'll do it and they read these three paragraphs which is the
story about this main protagonist and then the two questions are tell us
what's the first emotion that you link to the main character and what's the
second one was the two questions when they do this with people they had hot
coffee to 80% of the people 81% to be exact
roughly 80 one say that the person they read the
story about is generous and warm sometimes they had the word loving but
generous and warm is always there the people have the exact same presentation
34 or 40 minutes earlier who are given iced coffee
80% is a 1% difference which is statistically irrelevant 80 percent of
them say the person is cold and uncaring and the only different is 35 or 4
minutes earlier somebody handed you a hot or cold cup of coffee that's wild
isn't it I gave another example you know in America many of the other 72
countries here but in America a lot of people see individuals that come from
Asia as being superior in science and math and there's a different mindset in
those countries about science and math and when those people come here they
work incredibly hard an incredibly focused they believe and the belief
structure is they do really well if you're Asian
now in our culture in the past many times people have been focused on the
fact that if you are a man you do well with math and science but if you're a
woman it's just not your cup of tea you're not quite as strong in it and
there's no basis for that whatsoever but it's a cultural anchor that people have
begun to believe in so here's what's interesting they took the mast part of
the SAT test and they took a group of women at Harvard and all they did to
change the test has changed the first question of the test on half the test
they said what's your gender on the other half the tests they said what is
your nationality right what's your ethnicity well interesting when they're
asked what their sex was and they're all women they performed 11% lower and if
they are asked what is your ethnicity and they said Asian they were 11% higher
a 22% difference between the two and the only difference was the first question
was asked because it primed you either for your higher level of skill based on
your conditioning or a lower level of skill based on social conditioning
how many thought right um there's a million studies like this another
interesting one that's really simple is they didn't add where they show the
IBM logo and the Apple logo and they also did this with the commercial I
don't know if you remember the commercial think differently than Apple
made years ago so had people watch the commercials in both cases afterwards
they were given a creativity test the people that watched the 30-second Apple
commercial versus IBM scored 20 percent higher consistently across the board and
all they saw was 30 seconds about thinking differently that is the power
of priming so my point is really simple if you're gonna get the results that you
deserve and that you want you want to prime yourself for success prime
yourself or love prime yourself for courage rather than hope that you show
up that way based on the triggers of your environment does this make sense
and so I prime myself every single day for a minimum of 10 minutes it's the
first thing I do in the morning and I'd like to show you how you do it and have
you do it so you can have a daily discipline and if you do this every day
if you keep once or twice a year get yourself to an immersion experience it
makes you grow you get yourself a coach where twice a month 30 minutes even
you're just staying on target of measuring and you read 30 minutes a day
or an audio 30 minutes a day and you start with priming then this won't be a
three six twelve month thing this will be a lifetime thing does that make sense
so you're not gonna get a lifetime results unless you're lucky by one
experience but you can certainly have any to use this as the blast-off and
then you have a daily discipline to keep the momentum going so how are we gonna
prime well let me give you a story first a simple example first was one of my
boys my second youngest son's name is Josh loved his death amazing kid and
Josh came to live with me when his five years old member I told you I was 24 and
instantly I got married to live been married twice before with kids from two
different husbands and she wasn't living with her kids and so I met her fell in
love with her brought her into my life and then saw how sad she was without her
kids so I brought her kids away from both the other husbands they were happy
to give him to us and I adopted them as ours
and so I'm 24 and I got a 17 year old son because she was 13 years my senior
an 11 year old daughter of five year old and one on the way well
Josh was the five year old and josh is just such a sweet really incredibly
great kid but one of the challenges for Josh was he was afraid to even walk down
the driveway to get to the bus I'm mr. fear and the power rip shit open and my
son can't walk down to the bottom of the street and so I had to kind of try to
figure out how to deal with this how to figure it all out and figure what I was
going to do to try and make this thing happen to make a change and so one of
the things that happened was I started to realize that I needed to train his
nervous system to have courage instead of hoping it showed up I got a really
train it and I started doing these things with him and I watched him before
my eyes changed become more confident be more strong and all I was doing was
getting to program his own mind prime himself just really simple little things
to do and then one day Josh came home and he was laughing uncontrollably and
like over nothing and then I came in the room
and there was a new friend with him and this kid you know you know anybody
that's not really funny but they think they are
I don't know so like this somebody who cracks himself up you know I mean and
this kid was cracking himself up he wasn't funny but he laughed so hard I
found myself laughing at his silly jokes right and Josh laughing so much so when
he left I said to Josh that kid he's your friend
I said make him your friend for life he goes why dad I said because if you hang
out with him who you spend time with us who you become and when you're around
him there's so much more playful you just have so much more joy you so much
you have so much laughter and that young boy my son is 36 and I have three
grandkids with him and his best friend is still that young boy is now also 36
years old and Josh is
and to this day Josh is funny as shit when he was a little kid like he's seven
or eight years old he stole this dirty jokes book and memorized every frickin
joke in the damn thing and he got so much reward for it and his body was like
that the to this day if I want to laugh you know josh is my partner a couple of
my companies and he's not my partner I have four kids none of my others are
partners with me I love them all equally but he shows up differently and part of
it is things that stress other people out he breaks the pattern with his own
laughter has beautifully around him great time any problem so I'll give you
another example of priming when I first started my date with destiny seminar
decades ago I I did the seminar in my own house at a place called the Del Mar
castle and there were about I don't know 38 39 people to seminar a little
different now as you can see and I was delivering like my heart and soul into
this particular program and gradually I started looking around and going man I
can't keep doing this my house there's not enough room when I got to one
hundred people I had to move it but I wanted to keep it and you know I lived
in Del Mar California on the beach and I said well there's a hotel on the beach
and well it's a really nice hotel called L'Auberge LeBaron we'll go down the
birds will do it there and they have a room that'll hold 150 people which is a
giant seminar for me at those days and when they didn't count on I thought this
is great people work on their beliefs and their goals their values and then go
outside and they can sit on the beach during the breaks and breathe the fresh
air but what didn't think about is right there in Del Mar on the beach there's a
train station and so somehow my little brain didn't figure this out till it's
too late I'm in the middle of a seminar and someone is sharing this emotional
experience this woman was raped and she's going through it all and I'm
stepping in to help her and also her name you're this freaking brain in a
train whistle sir and they do it like five times so nobody misses the train
and so every time sirtaki interrupts again and people are getting pissed off
and it was happening so often cuz there's so many trains and at one point
I realized I know the scheduled whenever able to be pissed off 8:30 a.m. 10:15
11:30 12:10 they're gonna be yes because the trains gonna come so I
turn the audience and I said we gotta have a schedule for being pissed off
right now and I'd like us to train ourselves to feel differently how many
of you have something in your life or someone who can trigger you at times
annoy you it could be a family member you love but they have this little thing
they do it could be a husband or wife it could be your kids it could be a Cobra
how many got one of these say I I said what if we trained ourselves so the same
stimulus that was making us angry we trained our nervous system just using
basic science neuroscience train our nervous systems so the same stimulus
makes us feel great and people look to me like this is
bullshit what are you talking about I said here's what I want to do since the
trains gonna come a dozen times a day and we have three more days together
perhaps we should enjoy the Train how many of you when you're a kid when you
heard a train you wanted to see the Train maybe count the number of cars or
run down to be close to it how many how many were excited when you saw a train
raise your hand say hi now you're on the way to work or a meeting and a train
comes in your way freaking try I'll give you a clue the train didn't change so
the question is I said what if every time the train comes we train ourselves
to celebrate to feel good to enjoy I said so here's what I'm gonna ask you to
do every time your train I don't care from the middle the most
important conversation of your life I don't care for we're doing something but
you think it's so important if you're tired I don't give all the books on your
chair I want you to instantly just drop everything and I want you to jump and
start to celebrate like a little kid like it's the greatest gift of your life
and then we're gonna end with a low clap and then we're gonna laugh hysterically
into our chair and if you can't laugh I want you to fake laugh into your chair
because most of you know if you fake laugh what starts to happen real
laughter comes right and then you want your self to last more easily just like
with Josh I wanted people wouldn't be nice to laugh easier you didn't have to
have everything be perfectly funny for you to have a good time because most of
it doesn't have to be perfectly bad for you to be pissed off so train it so I
got it would agree and we did it so every time the train
came and some people I got freaking train that won't work
you gotta go it's a trap you got to be like a little kid and pretty soon people
look forward to the Train and by the way will this be useful to train yourself
around a person in your life or a situation yes or no so I don't have a
train nearby but I haven't reported a special train whistle and I'm gonna ask
you for the rest of today no matter how tired we are I'm a hard-working no
matter what we're in the middle of if we hear that train with so we're gonna jump
up and we're gonna celebrate like little kids make noise have fun
well clap will do the whoa clap and then we're going to have historically to our
Chairman appointed somebody else and laugh at them what we're doing it to
train our nervous system who's willing to go for it who's willing to go for it
then it could happen at any time you never
no laughing you're standing in your chair pointed the people have iron you
laugh at them yes now does that feel good wouldn't it be
better than being pissed off or worried could you do this enough could you do
this often enough that you could wire yourself to laugh easily over nothing
just celebrate little shit would that be helpful so throughout the day this could
happen it might happen multiple times
yes if that feels good say yes say yes say yes
so that's priming can we pry myself to feel good yes or no what if you knew you
would never have a really important conversation with your kid or your
spouse or your loved one and you're starting to feel a little tension
because you don't want to deal with this cuz you love them you don't do the
bullshit but you know you got to in this state of being primed about it how's it
gonna go but if you primed yourself a laughter or joy or playfulness and now
you're gonna be with them and somebody goes no you that'll fuck with him real
quick love it they don't a deal with you enjoying yourself so we are in charge
here's the point life changes the moment you make the decision that you're a
hundred percent responsible for your experience of life not responsible like
a heavy response able if you're responsible you're able to respond you
going respond and be able to do that if you own yourself
and if you know people can do anything but still you're the authority of what
it means to you you're the authority of your own emotions you're the authority
of your own actions who's with me on this AI and blaming other people which
the human mind is always looking to do will never make you happy never make you
fulfilled never bring you closer to people never make you grown so when
you're willing to take that level responsibility with your like making
judgments and you go on that person is such a bullshit or such a liar one of
things I always do is I do a reversal mat and go you're such a bullshitter so
no I'm not where are you a bullshitter well it did
bullshit about that once who's ever said something and after you
fuck yourself what I just said was total bullshit
I believe I bought this how many ever heard someone else say something about
yourself what they just said is fucking bullshit see if you can see it in
someone else they can see it you better to just own it let go cuz that's what
the mind does if we let the mind run us we're gonna have a tough time this mind
serves me I don't negotiate with the remember I told you I don't say well
I'll do this well maybe we can do it maybe we'll jump in the water now it's
like it knows I'm not here to negotiate when I say it we do it that's what we
want to train ourselves they do that who's up for that say ah so the first
step to that would be priming so let me show you exactly what I do for 10
minutes by the way my son he people burn him enough he laughs so much he is a
priming to other people when he shows up in the room cuz around Josh enough and
they know at any moment Josh could crack them up and there's an unconscious
anticipation of it does that make sense so either some is stressful they're
almost on their edge - josh is gonna do something of this nature it's an
incredible skill it's an incredible gift so here's how I pride myself I do three
things first before I do the three things whenever you want to make a
change or improve something the first place you want to prove it is in your
mental emotional state if you do something from the pissed off state from
an exhausted state from a frustrated state from a weak state you won't matter
what you do the thoughts are weak when you're in a weak place the actions are
weak so the first thing we're gonna do is I'm going to show you a simple
breathing pattern and the breathing pattern if you're familiar with yoga
it's like Breath of Fire is similar to Breath of Fire and it's a movement is
what's gonna look like is this you're gonna sit up in your chair with energy
I'll show you what we'll do and then we'll do it we're gonna raise your hands
up as we take the air in and then you're gonna blow it up only gonna blow it out
your nose now to do that if there's anything in there it may show up coming
out of your body so if it does just wipe it on your neighbor it's not a problem
whatsoever so if you do have some Kleenex you might want to grab your
Kleenex if you got some just in case something happens cuz you're gonna be
blowing out that nose strong in fact if you have some tissue or a sleeve
now it's the time to use it so here's we're gonna do you gotta take the breath
in your hands are gonna go where up and then as your hands go up like this and
we're gonna do that over and over again for 30 breaths all Cannibals you three
sets of 10 you're gonna do this with your eyes closed then you're gonna drop
your hands down palms up on your weight on your legs
and you're just gonna feel whatever you feel you might notice some tingling you
might notice a sense of peace you might just feel relaxed and then we'll do
another 3 sets of 10 another 30 will relax and then another so what are 3
sets of 30 3 sets of 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 10 with a break between when you're
done without you're ready to prime because it puts you in state priming is
three actions it's done in 10 minutes you can do more than 10 and many of you
will enjoy it so much you'll go longer but the reason I do 10 minutes of
priming is I wanted to come up with a daily discipline there was no excuse not
to do if you don't have 10 fucking minutes for your life you don't have a
life it was with me on this day I and by the way when you get on the airplane
what's the first thing they teach you when they get on the airplane they say
okay here's that up on your seat belt as if you don't know and then they say in
the result of the loss of oxygen what's gonna happen these masks gonna drop down
they have oxygen and the first thing to do it and put it on your child it's the
first thing you got to do is that what they tell you
what do they tell you put on yourself you selfish bastard what are you talking
about why do they tell you to do that because if you don't take care of you
you can't take care of them and what a good metaphor for our lives yes give it
up for that piece as well
so we're priming take care of ourselves so we can take everybody else - is it
make sense so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do our three sets of ten
three sets of ten three sets of ten then when their eyes closed the first three
and a third minutes of the ten minutes is we're gonna focus on three
experiences in our life that we can feel deeply grateful for three of them and
we're not gonna think am i close this this this we're gonna take them one
at a time spend about a minute each and step into that moment in your life that
you could feel grateful for it could be a little thing or a big thing it doesn't
matter what matters is that you go there you know if I ask you what's it like to
be on a roller coaster and you remember time you're in a roller coaster and you
picture yourself in a roller coaster over there you're gonna give me a very
different feedback than if I get you to imagine the moment you were going over
the edge and you're in the front seat then you're gonna show me a different
result you want your gratitude to be in the front seat not an intellectual
gratitude out there so I take three minutes a minute each I come up with
something different every time I think of a moment that I could feel so
grateful for a blessed moment a beautiful moment a loving moment a
sacred moment and I step in and feel it and flood myself with the gratitude now
if you remember why we use gratitude sounds corny right but why from a
scientific perspective remember what I showed you the other day when someone's
frustrated when they're angry we can measure your EKG in your ECG we can see
what your heart and your brain are both doing and they are all over the place
they don't match they're jagged you remember the image but when you breathe
in your heart and you put focus in your heart where focus goes energy and so
what happens is you get unified and all of a sudden the brain and the heart
become one tracing energy it's crazy and that's the flow state so when you're
grateful gratitude is the antidote to the two emotions that mess up most
people's lives what are they anger and what fear those
are two Biggie's you cannot be grateful and angry
simultaneously that's the beauty of it it's the antidote to anger
you can't be fearful and grateful simultaneously so the more you cultivate
and prime yourself for gratitude the more you can push through anger and fear
very quickly does that make sense so again its scientific this is not like
positive thinking bullshit it's about what actually changes biochemistry and
what will get you to wire and fire a new set of patterns that are more elegant
more rewarding more impactful than the ones that society will condition you to
do if you let it okay so three minutes a minute each and by the way when I do it
I usually pick two strong ones and then I pick something really simple and I
make myself really feel the gratitude like the wind on my face or the smell of
the ocean if I'm doing it outside by my house or the look on one of my
children's faces and I'll just fill that up and the reason is if all you do is
get grateful about big things you're gonna miss most of life you know the
guys that the astronauts that went to the moon think about that journey think
about as a child these guys dreamed of being an astronaut they competed with
hundreds of thousands of people and then a few of these guys get on that rocket
and go to the moon and imagine you walk on the moon you look back and you see
that picture we've all seen of the blue-green earth it's so beautiful and
it's not a photograph they were the ones they're seeing it talked about an
experience and then they face their fears and come in they land successfully
in the ocean and they're rescued and then there's a ticker tape parade in New
York they shake the president's hand and now what do you do you're 32 years old
and you walked on the fucking moon what do you do now for adventure and if you
study the astronauts Buzz Aldrin all these guys had a chance to interview
most of them not all but three of them almost all of them wrote about describe
what happened to them they no longer had a compelling future how do I have an
adventure I've walked on the moon everything else is small by nature and
as a result they got depressed most of them abused alcohol and drugs why
because they're looking for adventure on a moon run and they missed the adventure
and a smile so I trained myself daily prime myself to find those little things
that are so beautiful and feel them because the more I feel them the more
I can give that to someone else the more I can move that direction the more I can
enjoy as well it's putting the mask on me first who's with me on this aaaah
okay so that's after we do our breathing step one of the three steps first the
breathing then the three steps one gratitude three minutes roughly a minute
each three different moments you can feel grateful for and feel it enjoy it
savor it live in it next three in the third minutes second piece we're going
to do is you're gonna feel the energy in you and do a prayer or a blessing now I
know many of you are not religious I'm not suggesting you need to be but almost
all of us know there's the power in love you know if God was love and we didn't
come up with all the other names for God you wouldn't have much argument between
people so imagine that what you're gonna do is imagine energy of God the universe
whatever you want imagine coming down into you like a white light and
breathing it down the end through your body down your legs into the earth and
then coming back up and out again so it's and then comes back up and you have
to do this with your hands but I'm trying to show you what the feeling is
and while you're doing this what are you gonna do during those three minutes is
you're gonna give thanks it's like a prayer saying heal my body my mind my
emotions strengthen me make me the best I can be
strengthen my love my passion my courage whatever it is that you value in
yourself and you feel that happening of the three minutes I do that for about a
minute and a half and the other minute half I didn't take that energy through
me and I send it in a circle around to my children to my family to my friends
to my co-workers to my associates to my partners to the people I meet on the
street to my clients and so it's taking the energy and now you might sound like
Lewis stuff but the idea of allowing your nervous system to heal and
strengthen just the focus of that alone for you is strong and sending to others
as well so you can think it's all bullshit but try it and decide based on
the experience if you do in a while I think you're gonna find
it'll a deep in that sense of gratitude because it becomes not only gratitude
but healing or strengthening and a gift of those you love the last three minutes
I call three to thrive you're gonna think of three things that
you really want to accomplish or achieve but instead of like hoping it happens or
thinking about it happening you're gonna step in your mind and experience it as
if it's done you're gonna see it or feel it breathe it celebrate it like you've
already achieved the goal what you're doing is training your reticular
activating system and we talked about this the other day the part of your
brain that notices things when you didn't you know before you bought that
car outfit you never noticed them now you buy that car outfit those cars and
outfits are everywhere how come because your Ras now that you own one says this
is important I need to pay attention to this well when you get clear what you
want and you see this done and feel it and create it in your mind and your
heart and you celebrate it there's a sense of certainty than there's your
body and your reticular activating system starts to go to work on making it
happen so you spend a minute each one of those
so basically three minutes each three to the third minutes each and we're done
all right how many want to try all right then let's do it so before you do stand
up shake your body out and if you're gonna relax the faster way to relax is
first push yourself to a high level of energy then it allows you to drop deeper
so find a partner and go ionia when you say I own you it means I challenge you
I've got more energy than you old person oh yeah on a count of three hour two of
their energy with celebration like the little kid one let's do it
to usual for everybody
- our fathers are gonna see feeling great
put your notebook aside if you want to take a little sip of water if you've
been jumping around a bit grab some tissue might be time to blow your nose
be sure to do it your neighbors here so they fully appreciate the experience
alright put things aside here's we're going to do my hands are gonna come up
as they come up we take a breath in
we're gonna do with our eyes closed and we'll count three sets of ten all counts
you don't have to worry about it just do it explosively by the way your hands
come up when you explode out from the gut out the nose okay close your eyes
we'll begin ready lights down here we go
I should hear you come out your nose loud
stop your eyes closed put your hands pulls up on your lap
and just feel
feel if you feel any tingling in your body
feel if you feel maybe a sense of peace
maybe a hint of happiness every now and then for some of you just for no good
reason except you wanted we're gonna do three sets of thirty
again three sets of ten here we go hands come up as we breathe in
palms up eyes closed once again just feel whatever you feel
relaxation tingling perhaps a sense of peace
some of you that might be a little joy has the Gravesend
just cuz it's enjoyable why not
one more set of thirty three sets of ten here we go
breathing deep enjoying it you might just take your hands and put
them on your heart for a moment physically feel your heart and breathe
deep in your heart feel the power of your heart
the strength of your heart
the beauty of your heart
what are you proud your heart has guided you to feel or to give or to do or to
share what you enjoy
as long as that heart is beating you live and something something in the
universe God the universe some energy some infant intelligence whatever you
call it loved you enough to give you this heart you didn't have to earn it it
knew you were enough before you were born
so give thanks for this beautiful heart that beats a hundred thousand times a
day without you even having to think about it
it beats even when you sleep as long as it beats you live what a gift
now for three minutes a minute each start with one memory one moment in your
life you could feel incredibly grateful for if you wanted to what's a moment
good then with your kids so your husband or wife or friends or by yourself for
prayer or sporting or any moment all that you can feel so grateful for and
then step back in that moment as if you were there now
looking through your own demise seeing when you saw them as it was happening
now breathing hearing feeling that feeling
of gratitude as if you were there right now take a moment and fill up with that
memory like you're there
enjoy savoring
fill up with that gratitude moment you love the moment is precious
think of a second moment now you can feel deeply grateful for it could be
anything for your childhood as an adult could have been ten years
ago could have been yesterday here today any moment you can feel deeply grateful
stepped into that moment right now like you're there once again seeing hearing
while you're feeling that now
give thanks feel so grateful
think of a third moment now
you're deeply grateful for if you wanted to
see and feel it hear it experience it you might even feel it
smile any side that starts to show up slightly on your face if you wanted to
fill up with the beauty of that moment the love or the sacredness or the gift
of that magic moment
feels at that moment was a blessing and your life wasn't it
and then just for fun think of a coincidence that you're grateful for you
know we all love coincidences because we didn't make it happen it was life
happening for us not to us you're heading to a restaurant or to a meeting
and you met the love of your life we weren't planning on our business partner
or you've been exposed to an idea that changed your life and you didn't do it
life God the universe brought it to you it's really beautiful when we can start
the sea the life is always happening for us not to us even the problems our gifts
if we learn from them they lead to greater growth aliveness love certainty
strength what's a coincidence you're grateful for
that happened because it led to something
your treasure you value you appreciate your grateful
fill up with that gratitude was it a coincidence
Oh were you guys
we're gonna go to step two now imagine you can relax your hands off your heart
if you haven't already imagine an energy it can be the gold light the white light
that ice blue light coming from the sky from space and heavens down through the
top of your head the crown of your head and as it goes through that white or
gold or blue light penetrates your skull your neck your shoulders your arms your
chest your lower back your stomach your legs calves through the feet into the
ground circling the core of the earth imagine it and then imagine it's
circling back up to the top and out the top of your head back down on it as it
does feel the energy come in and imagine that your life your mind your emotion
your body are being healed and strengthened all the way into the earth
back up your legs through the chest through the top you have it out into the
sky bring it down for the game of energy
linked yourself as you do this heal my body heal my mind heal my spirit
strengthen me strengthen the best parts of me my courage my faith my
determination I love my passion my compassion my caring and then do it
again this feeling each time it's almost like a cleansing and strengthening of
your whole nervous system like every cell every nerve in your body feels
alive he'll strengthened like the best parts
of you are getting stronger you love your joy your playfulness your laughter
your faith your determination your persistence your love you feel really
the energy or trust affair it's like a prayer or a blessing
now take that energy in your heart and send it to the people closest to you
imagine they don't even have to know it that you're sitting energy into them
that heals their mind their heart their emotions their body
that is strengthens the best in them their joy their love their happiness
their determination to courage their faith their joy
and do it with those closest to you your husband wife boyfriend girlfriend
children close family members close friends co-workers business partners
strangers clients everyone and just feel then you want the best for them
want them to be blessed it's hard for us to be blessed that we don't want the
same blessings for others Rosalie louder moans we don't even know
just fill up with that energy that heals and strengthens you and those you love
and those you mean
energy comes down all the way through cleanses Street things comes back up
back into the sky touches all those you love
and you like a game that feels fun to keep feeling stronger and happier and
then spreading that strength and happiness through their prayer or love
or blessings or all the above whatever is appropriate for you whatever you
believe it I'm not here to tell you what to believe whatever you believe whatever
you feel let it flow
and finally our third step you're gonna think of three results three outcomes
three goals that you want to turn into reality take a minute each one at a time
I want you to imagine that you've already achieved that goal you've
already made it happen and you're feeling it
there should be a smile inside you you're celebrating it and how the
beautiful you're cheating that nully makes your life better but allows you to
touch others that you love care about reach out to so see it go or desire that
you really want to make happen but don't think about making it happen see it as
done feel it celebrate it like it's the ultimate victory feel grateful for like
you were guided to the result really feel the excitement of it the joy
of it awesome you're doing great great job then think of a second goal or
outcome but really see and feel yourself achieving it and then celebrating it and
see with that but it brings to your life for the people you care about and feel
the joy the excitement the fun of it the pride making it happen as if it's
happened already right now in this moment
finally think of a third outcome a result you want a goal you want to make
real step in it like you're there see and
feel yourself achieving it and being out of your mind with excitement and
gratitude and joy you might even just make yourself smile really you should
the sake of it or ass level one inside whatever you prefer
but really feeling the appreciation of this the gratitude the excitement of it
the joy of it it is done amen
then just say thank you thank you I love you thank you
love you think
to get a green feeling this gratitude feeling the joy feeling the blessings
your mind body heart and seal the blessings to those you love and meet and
start to feel the achievement the joy the excitement and start to build that
energy a little bit inside
like the energy is building up inside you and it's gonna build to a beat where
you're gonna expand and make a sound in a few minutes not just yet feel so
grateful so happy so blessed when you're ready you can open your eyes
when you're ready slowly when you're ready you can rise up and begin to
stretch your body and just feel that energy inside you building strengthening
feeling grateful and then let the energy rise up stand up and rise up extend your
body in a few moments we're gonna make a sound the loudest sound you've ever made
that you could enjoy making a sound of joy of excitement a playfulness of grace
of guidance and of sound to make up you are thinking the universe our God for
all it's inside all that you've lived and all that you're going to live all
that's coming get ready to build it up faith joy excitement energy passion more
excitement more energy more joy than ever get ready one
I'm too slow
the rigid sided double the intensity router and enjoy it
now bring it into your heart take the feelings inside feel it in you as you it
is you Tony Robbins didn't do any of this shit this is you your spirit and
soul awakened it's you that awakens you you're waking yourself with gratitude
you're making yourself with grace waking yourself with appreciation awaken
yourself by seeing and commanding and celebrating what you want not begging
for it like you're weak knowing it's in you as you this is you we're not made to
be small or less we're made to feel fully one two three bake the song
together W to you
and breathe it inside you it's in you as you this is the real you if you strip
away the conditioning it is strip away the fear and you prime yourself for your
true nature gratitude love strength caring passion aliveness this is what
we're made for this is who we are everything else is just fear and
conditioning and we are more than anything that could ever happen to us
more than anything we could ever face you are more than any problem no problem
is permanent only our souls are permanent problems are the gifts we
cloud from
turn to someone next to you and tell them what were you grateful for what did
you remember what did you achieve and how are you feeling right now go grab a
partner and tell them what did you remember what you appreciate
Tg Erve Piemonte - il peggio di ogni regione - Duration: 3:48.
2017 Third Quarter Update - Duration: 2:04.
Hello, my name is Katherine Strutt and I'm the General Manager at SPP. My purpose
today is to provide you with an update on the Plan's investment performance as
of September 30th, 2017. Evidence of improving global growth and low
inflation continue to sustain the global equity market rally over the last
quarter. Canadian equities returned 3.7% in the quarter. Rising oil prices
supported the energy sector which accounts for over 20% of the
index. US equities returned 4 and a half percent in U.S. dollars and this
was reduced to 0.6% in Canadian dollars as the Canadian dollar
strengthened against the U.S. dollar in the quarter. Non-North American equities
rose 3.4% in local currency and 1.5% in Canadian dollar terms
during the quarter and this was predominantly driven by the Eurozone and
Japanese equities. In contrast, the Universe Bond Index returned a negative
1.8% in the quarter. Bond returns were negative over all sectors as
interest rates rose across the yield curve. Real estate increased 1.2%
in the quarter. The Balanced fund returned 1.3% for the quarter, 5.39%
year-to-date. The Short-term fund returned 0.069% in the
quarter and 0.48% year-to-date. This has been a very brief update on our 3rd
quarter performance. Please check out our website at or call
our office at 1-800-667-7153 for more information.
Current rates of return are always posted on our website.
Thank you for watching.
Trump Added Jaw-Dropping Detail To His First White House Christmas Card and Haters Screaming Mad - Duration: 4:29.
Trump Just Added Jaw-Dropping Detail To His First White House Christmas Card That Has
Haters Screaming Mad.
Throughout his 2 terms in office, Barack Hussein Obama did everything in his power to further
the mission of our enemies while tearing down the very fabric that made America great.
Whether it was hollowing out our military to pre-World War II capabilities, inviting
Muslim terrorists to the White House to dine, or putting our greatest enemies on a path
to nuclear weapons, Obama's treasonous antics truly knew now bounds.
As a head nod to the Muslim community, Obama's war on Christmas was constantly on full display,
where he'd throw lavish Ramadan festivities at the White House, but completely ignore
the Christian celebration of Christmas whenever the holiday season rolled around.
But thankfully, the war on Christians that defined the Obama Presidency is now over with
and is being replaced by a wonderful new tradition that President Trump has just brought to the
White House.
In addition to his vow to "make America great," one of Trump's promises on the
campaign trail was to bring Christmas back to the White House, pledging last October
that, if elected, "we're gonna be saying 'Merry Christmas' at every store."
Now Trump is making good on that promise, with the stark contrast that everyone immediately
noticed with the first annual Christmas card that was unveiled Monday as part of his and
First Lady Melania's White House Christmas decorations.
"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year," the card stated, with signatures at the bottom
of the First Family, including 11-year-old Barron Trump.
With many people believing that Hussein Obama was secretly a Muslim, it was always extremely
suspicious how "Christmas" was conveniently edited from his and Michelle's Christmas
cards for the past 8 years.
"The inclusion of the word "Christmas" in the first family's Christmas card is
in stark contrast to former President Barack Obama's Christmas cards," Western Journalism
"The word 'Christmas' was absent on all eight of the Obama's annual Christmas
cards, much to the frustration of social conservatives."
Western Journalism went on:
"Happy holidays," the Obama's 2016 card read.
"As our family reflects on our many happy years spent in the White House, we are grateful
for the friends we've made, the joy we've shared, and the gifts of kindness we've
We wish you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season and a wonderful new year."
Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin took issue with the Obama's
refusal to mention Christmas in their 2016 card.
It's not just the Christmas card that's raising eyebrows at the White House, but the
Trumps' over-the-top decorations that are making headlines everywhere.
Every inch of the White House is decorated with Christmas, with trees lighting up every
single hallway and room at the Trump's home.
Lifiesite news reported:
Gone were the 'Season's Greetings' that the Obama family placed on their Christmas
The Trump family's official Christmas card reads: "Merry Christmas and a Happy New
The dominant color scheme is an old-school red, green and gold.
And the official hashtag?
This year, visitors to the White House will find "a tribute to our service members and
their families with the Gold Star Family Tree, which has been decorated with gold stars and
patriotic ribbon," the First Lady's office explained of this year's decorations.
Next, the China Room "is set up for a family Christmas dinner, with the table displaying
the china from President Ronald Reagan.
Then, visitors will see the Library, which features President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
1866 edition of 'A Christmas Carol,' as they recall the time-honored custom of reading
Christmas stories to loved ones."
There are rooms and halls filled with cookies, Christmas trees, crafts, and classic decorations.
The White House gingerbread house this year is a mini replica of the actual building.
The 350-pound luxury treat shows the south facade of the White House and "features
Mrs. Trump's signature Christmas wreaths."
Children visiting the White House this year repeatedly told Melania, wearing a white dress,
that she looked like an angel.
It's so wonderful to finally have a president in office who truly represents America's
values and doesn't exist for the sole mission of furthering the Islamic agenda.
What do you think about this?
Share this story if you're HAPPY that President Trump is bringing CHRIST and CHRISTMAS back
to the White House!
Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.
Vasile Mardare - Ea mă iubește - Duration: 3:25.
충청샘물 생수 냄새 환불 방법|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 11:55.
미스코리아 진 서재원 프로필 성형전 과거|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 5:10.
Japon sahiline hayalet gemi vurdu - Duration: 1:13.
Japon sahiline hayalet gemi vurdu Geçtiğimiz Pazar günü Japonya
sahiline içinde 8 kişiye ait iskeletler bulunan bir tekne vurdu.
Kimi iskeletlerin kafatasının olmadığı kaydedildi.
Hayalet tekne, Japonya'nın Akita bölgesi sahilinde bulundu.
7 metre uzunluğundaki teknenin navigasyon cihazları ve rotor
kanadı olmadığı anlaşıldı.
Benzer olaylar bölgede sıklıkla yaşanıyor.
Japonya sahilleri kimi zaman Kuzey Kore'de ava çıkan
dalgalara kapılıp soluğu Japonya sahillerinde alan balıkçıların
son durağı, kimi zamansa Kuzey Koreli mültecilerin istikameti oluyor.
Yaşanan son "hayalet gemi" olayında da Kuzey Kore'de
denize açılan bir balıkçı teknesinin kontrolü kaybedip Japonya'ya
sürüklenmesi ihtimali üstünde duruluyor
5 Miss World Form India How They Look Now In 2017 | Priyanka Chopra to Reita Faria - Duration: 2:11.
Priyanka Chopra
Dora The Explorer and Diego - Kids Learn Words hands, arms, legs - Duration: 6:53.
Dora The Explorer and Diego - Kids Learn Words hands, arms, legs
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