Google is great.
They make all sorts of cool and useful products and most people use them every day.
But what if you decided not to?
Could you?
Let's check it out.
Yep, you heard me.
It might sound like a pretty dumb question at first: yes, of course you can.
You just have to decide to do it.
But it might not be as easy as you think it is.
So let's go ahead and see what a normal day would look like if you were to put on
a protest and completely avoid any sort of google product.
So, here goes nothing.
It's early in the morning and you wake up.
You stop your alarm and reach for your phone, but wait.
Is it an android phone?
In that case, it's off limits.
Android is developed by google, so you'll have to settle for an iPhone or a Windows
But let's say you have an iPhone, so it's all good.
Do you want to use your computer?
Google chrome is a no-go zone, but that's ok, you'll just install Mozilla Firefox.
It's a great browser and it's pretty similar to its google counterpart.
You'll need a search engine that is not
At first, you might think "Oh no, not bing."... and you'd be right.
Not bing.
Instead, go for DuckDuckGo.
You might not have heard of it, but it comes up with results that are similar in quality
to the ones provided by everyone's favourite tech giant and, in addition to that, the interface
is pretty familiar looking as well, with a modern layout and all the functions that you
are used to.
So far you've been pretty successful, but what are you going to do now that you're
on the web?
YouTube is owned by google, so that isn't an option.
You'll have to go to some other site.
Maybe it's vimeo, maybe it's Twitch, maybe it's Facebook.
Who knows?
But you might want to install adblock, because Google also owns services like AdWords, AdSense
and Doubleclick, which are responisble for a huge percentage of the ads that you consume,
and that also applies to a lot of the ads that you see on your phone, even if it isn't
an android device.
Also, if you have to create an account or log in somewhere and the site requires you
to complete a CAPTCHA, bad luck.
Google owns reCAPTCHA.
But that's enough time wasted surfing the internet for now.
What do you have to do today?
Normally, you might check your google calendar, but that is definitely off limits.
So you have to reach for something else.
Let's say outlook; that's a pretty widespread option.
While you're dealing with outlook, you might as well create an email address over there
or on yahoo mail, if that's what floats your boat, because gmail, the most popular
email provider, is owned by Google.
Now you know where you have to get to, but how do you get over there?
Don't go to google maps, that's "no bueno".
Maybe Waze can help, only wait, it can't.
Google owns them as well.
An alternative is Here WeGo.
You probably haven't heard of them, because Google Maps is so unanimously accepted, but
they have great reviews and should be able to get you to your destination.
Do you need a file while you're away from home?
Google Drive is not an option, so try Dropbox or Microsoft's OneDrive instead.
They're pretty good and give you plenty of storage.
Pictures, however, are a bit of a different story.
Google Photos gives you free unlimited cloud storage for your photos so you can conveniently
access, sort and share them from anywhere.
But we're trying to avoid google, so Amazon Prime Photos is your best shot but only IF
you are already an amazon prime customer, which costs money.
Otherwise, you might want to try Flickr.
It's not unlimited, but the 1TB of cloud storage that they give you is quite a few
photos worth.
iCloud and iCloud Photos are also other options worth considering if you are a loyal Apple
customer and prefer those instead.
Some other random things that you can't use are, in no particular order:
Google Home (you'll have to go for Amazon Echo instead)
Google Keep (you'll have to use something like Evernote or Microsoft OneNote for your
random cross-platform note taking).
Google Images (try using the DuckDuckGo image search instead, or, dare i say it, bing)
Google Translate (again, try bing translate.
It's not quite as good, but it will do for simple things)
Google Hangouts, used by quite a few small companies.
If your workplace requires you to use this, bad luck.
Google Docs, Sheets and Slides.
For project colaborations you might have to look to Office Online or something similar.
Google Chromecast.
Google Firebase.
If you develop mobile applications, you might know what it is.
If you don't, then don't worry about it.
Chromebooks, the laptop of choice for a lot of students on a tight budget who just need
something that they can take to class.
They aren't produced by google, but they run ChromeOS, which obviously is.
Gboard, the google keyboard.
If you use it on your iOS device, you'll have to find something else.
I'd recommend SwiftKey as an alternative.
And the list just goes on and on
So, it's conclusion time.
Could you avoid Google?
Would you find it easy?
Probably not.
Would it affect your daily tech experience in a negative way?
Probably yes.
Would I advise you to do it?
No, no way, no!
Like it or not, google products have pushed out competition in so many fields due to their
clean interface, user-friendly behaviour and widespread availability that avoiding them
completely would just add an unnecessary hassle to your otherwise probably already pretty
stressful life.
So, until something better shows up, just stick with the jolly tech giant.
So, I really do hope you enjoyed this video and if you want to see more you can click
on the right to watch my latest video or on the left to watch a random video or just click
the round channel icon in the middle to subscribe.
And as always, this has been vlad from goodsauce tech, and i'll catch you in the next one.
For more infomation >> Could you avoid Google products COMPLETELY? Is it possible? - Alternatives for Google Services - Duration: 6:04.-------------------------------------------
Alfred: Before Batman - Duration: 2:06.
(somber music)
- [Man] This is the boy.
Born here in the workhouse.
- What's your name, boy?
- Alfred.
- You have come here to be educated
and to be taught a useful trade.
- Whenever you stitch yourself up
you do make a bloody mess.
- Take down the shutters!
- Bats are nocturnal.
- Bats may be but even for billionaire playboys
three o'clock is pushing it.
- Dear me, he's very small.
- But he'll grow, Mrs. Salbury
- Yes, I dare say he will,
on our food and drink.
- What is the point of all those push ups
if you can't even lift a bloody log?
(fire roaring)
- [Young Woman] Let him alone.
- [Older Woman] Well everybody's let him alone,
his mother, father and all his relations has let him alone.
- Just you, sir?
- [Woman] He called me a liar.
(whip whooshing, hitting surface)
- Maybe it's time we all stop trying to outsmart the truth
and let it have it's day.
- [Bruce Wayne] Why do you give a damn, Alfred?
It's not your family.
- I give a damn because a good man
once made me responsible.
- Take the boy away
and treat him kindly.
He seems to want it.
- House boys always cost more to take than they're worth.
Get downstairs, you bag of bones.
Byron Morton's Sunday Weather Forecast - Duration: 1:07.
The Truth Behind Tiffany Trump (Donald Trump's Daughter) Boyfriend, Lifestyle, Net Worth, House, Car - Duration: 7:25.
The Truth Behind Tiffany Trump (Donald Trump's Daughter) Boyfriend, Lifestyle, Net Worth, House, Car
Tiffany Trump (Donald Trump's Daughter)
Tiffany Trump
Iran: Iranischer General verspricht die Raketenreichweite zu erhöhen, wenn Europa provoziert - Duration: 0:54.
Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter [Legendado PT/BR] - Duration: 3:39.
Dieter Bohlen & Carina: Nachwuchs-Überraschung! - Duration: 4:44.
Learn Colors with Robocar Poli - Colours for Kids to Learn - Learning Educational Video for Children - Duration: 2:03.
Learn Colors with Robocar Poli - Colours for Kids to Learn - Learning Educational Video for Children
Carmen Geiss: Rührende Liebeserklärung an Robert - Duration: 3:29.
Kuba: Havanna hält ein Jahr nach Castros Tod eine Mahnwache ab - Duration: 1:53.
Peter Zwegat: Wie krank ist er wirklich? - Duration: 8:52.
Helene Fischer: DIESE Fragen lassen Helene-Fans verzweifeln - Duration: 5:39.
BREAKING NEWS Out Of California… Holy HELL! - Duration: 2:53.
Most of us work for a living and some of us partake in a couple of beers or a cocktail
after work.
Others make their livings by being criminals- stealing, burglarizing, shoplifting etc- oh
and collect food stamps and welfare.
But this story is about 3 criminals that stole some vodka which seems like an ordinary crime
except for the fact that they didn't just rip off a couple bottles- no, these guys went
It's being reported that 3 thugs actually stole more than 1,800 gallons of vodka from
a distillery on Sunday!
That's insane!
Police in Los Angeles, Commiefornia are on the hunt for 3 thugs caught on surveillance
video which shows three people creeping around the property of Fog Shots distillery weeks
before the business was robbed, ABC 7 reported.
Art Gukasyan, the company's CEO, told KTLA 5 that nothing was taken the night of the
But he said he believes those people seen on it are likely to be involved in the robbery
that occurred three weeks later.
In the surveillance tape obtained by the outlet, a man with a cigarette hanging out of his
mouth can be seen climbing over a fence covered with barbed wire, with two other people below.
The shot then cuts to him crawling on all fours on the building's rooftop, Fox News
During the heist nearly a month later, the thieves cleared out a fully stocked storage
room, leaving behind boxes and broken shot glasses on the floor, ABC 7 said.
"We had alcohol stacked all the way to the ceiling," Gukasyan told the outlet, adding
that around 90% of the company's product was taken, worth almost $280,000.
It was not clear how the thieves managed to escape with their loot, which was more than
9,000 bottles.
That is a hell of a lot of booze!
Gukasyan also said he thinks the thieves gained access to the building through the front door
after sawing through the dead bolt locks, according to ABC 7.
Next to the entrance is the phrase, "Please do the right thing," which evidently did
not stop the burglars.
The company reportedly has insurance so their losses are expected to be covered but Gukasyan
told the outlet that "it definitely takes us out of the holiday stores."
Another issue he noted was the possibility that the looters could try to sell the stolen
alcohol to underage kids, according to KTLA 5.
All of the liquor bottles reportedly have barcodes and can easily be tracked, making
it difficult to re-sell.
"At the end of the day these guys who took the product didn't know what they were doing
because you really can't do anything with that product," Gukasyan told the outlet.
"You can't go to stores and sell it."
Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles Police Department.
Hopefully these idiots get arrested and tossed into a cage.
Can you imagine spending 40 years in prison for something you didn't do?
Unfortunately, it does happen.
The Judicial system is far from perfect and as a result many innocent people are behind
bars and many guilty people are set free.
Forensic science has come a long way in a relatively short period and by using DNA testing,
many people that were convicted of crimes they didn't commit are being set free from
For example, a man in California named Craig Richard Coley, 70, was finally vindicated
nearly 40 years after being wrongly convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend and her 4-year-old
son after DNA tests proved his innocence, Fox News reports.
Coley was immediately released from a state prison in Lancaster this week after California
Governor Jerry Brown issued a pardon of the wrongly convicted man.
Brown wrote in his pardon that Coley has been a model inmate for 38 years, avoided gangs
and violence, and dedicated himself to religion.
"The grace with which Mr. Coley has endured this lengthy and unjust incarceration is extraordinary,"
Brown wrote.
Coley has maintained his innocence throughout his nearly four-decade imprisonment.
Craig was arrested on Veteran's Day in 1978 (after serving his country honorably in the
Navy including several deployments to Viet Nam aboard the USS Enterprise; also was on
the USS Bainbridge and USS Bon Homme Richard).
He was arrested on Nov. 11, 1978 after 24-year-old Rhonda Wicht and her 4-year-old son, Donald
Wicht, were found dead in her Simi Valley apartment.
Rhonda Wicht was strangled, apparently with a macrame rope, and her son was suffocated.
Investigators quickly zeroed in on Coley, who had broken up with Wicht shortly before
she was killed.
Coley's first trial in 1979 resulted in a hung jury, with jurors unable to resolve
an impasse that left them 10-2 in favor of guilt, according to a news release issued
by the police chief and district attorney.
He was tried again in 1980, found guilty and sentenced to life without parole.
Brown said he asked the state parole board to look into Coley's conviction more than
two years ago, and former law-enforcement officials said they believed he was wrongfully
convicted or framed.
Simi Valley Police Chief David Livingstone and Ventura County District Attorney Gregory
Totten, who have supported Coley's request for clemency in past, said they cannot stand
by the evidence used in his conviction.
Livingstone and Totten said they began reviewing the case last year after a retired detective
raised concerns about Coley's guilt.
The trial court had ordered evidence destroyed after Coley exhausted his appeals, but investigators
retrieved records from Coley's relatives and located biological samples at a private
Using advanced techniques not available at the time of his trial, technicians did not
find Coley's DNA on one key piece of evidence used in the conviction, but they did find
DNA from other people, whom authorities have not publicly identified.
"As district attorney, I must tell you I look forward to the day when I can shake Mr.
Coley's hand, apologize to him for the injustice he suffered," Totten said at a news conference
40 years of hell.
Now he's 70 years old and the best part of his life was spent in a stinking prison
being treated like a pile of shit.
Learn Colors With BALL PIT SHOW for Children - Giant HULK Feet for Kids - Duration: 3:51.
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Mutual Fund Q&A, Tax Saving Mutual Funds, Hindi, November 25, 2017 - Duration: 3:36.
In this video, we answer the question of Neeraj Prasad who wants to make tax-saving investments of up to Rs 1.5 lakh annually under Section 80C in ELSS
Neeraj wants to make the investment with "minimum risk" and in a large-cap fund
Neeraj wants to invest in equity linked savings scheme or ELSS to save tax
We recommend three ELSS, They are Aditya Birla Tax Relief 96', Franklin India Taxshield and Axis Long Term Equity Fund
These are top performing ELSS schemes that are also large-cap funds as well
For our coverage on these ELSS, check out our ELSS playlist
Helene Fischer: Das gab es noch nie! - Duration: 3:41.
Kuinka vaihtaa takapyörän laakerit MERCEDES-BENZ C W204 -merkkiseen autoon OHJEVIDEO | AUTODOC - Duration: 34:28.
Use a socket №32
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a torx №T30
Use round-nose pliers
Use a socket №E10
Use a socket №8
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E18 and an open-end wrench №21
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E12
Press in the hub using a hydraulic press
Persahabatan Dalam Kepelbagaian Etnik - Duration: 12:15.
BREAKING NEWS Of Of ISRAEL… Look What They Found! Muslims PISSED OFF! - Duration: 3:08.
As radicals, atheists, and liberals continue to attack and disparage Christianity attempting
to dismiss it as little more than a fairy tale, archaeologists in Israel are proving
them wrong with yet another stunning historical discovery.
A 1,500-year-old Christian mosaic has been discovered that was once the floor of a church
or monastery.
Experts discovered the mosaic during an excavation of the ancient Mediterranean coastal city
of Ashdod-Yam.
This is now a part of the modern day city of Ashdod.
The discovery was made in August 2017 and was just announced this week by the Israel
Antiquities Authority.
Experts from the Israel Antiquities Authority, Tel Aviv University, and the University of
Gottingen and Leipzig University in Germany worked in partnership on this project.
They are working together to raise funds in the hopes of continuing the excavation.
An inscription written in Greek dedicated to the structure's builders mentions a date
on the ancient Georgian calendar allowing experts to definitively date the building.
Dr. Leah Di Segni of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem translated the inscription and
states of the incredible discovery –
"[By the grace of God (or Christ)], this work was done from the foundation under Procopius,
our most saintly and most holy bishop, in the month Dios of the 3rd indiction, year
292″ it reads.
The year 292 corresponds to 539 A.D.
"This is the earliest appearance of the use of the Georgian calendar in the Land of
Israel, many years before it was used in Georgia itself."
The city of Ashdod-Yam was known as a very important city during what history calls the
Byzantine period.
According to historical sources, the fifth-century Georgian Prince and Bishop Peter the Iberian
lived in Ashdod-Yam.
Dr. Alexander Fantalkin of Tel Aviv University, Dr. Balbina Bäbler of the University of Göttingen,
and Sa'ar Ganor of the Israel Antiquities Authority, in the statement –
"As far as we know, Ashdod is now home to the largest community of Jews of Georgian
origin in the world.
Testimony to the presence of the actual Georgians in the Land of Israel as far back as the Byzantine
period has been found dozens of kilometers from Ashdod – in Jerusalem and its surroundings.
But this is the first time that a Georgian church or monastery has been discovered on
the Israeli coast."
The discovery of the Ashdod-Yam mosaic floor is just the latest find in Christian archaeological
find in Israel.
Recently another ancient Greek inscription was found on a 1,500-year-old mosaic floor
near the Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem.
This inscription mentions 6th century A.D.
Byzantine emperor Justinian commemorating the building's founding by a priest named
Experts also believe they have found the lost Roman city of Julias, formerly the village
of Bethsaida – the home of Jesus' apostles Peter, Andrew, and Philip.
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