I figured if I turned over enough stones you'd eventually find me.
Where are you from? What are you doing here?
Let me tell your story.
What if I don't want my story told?
It's going to come out eventually.
Somebody's going to get a photograph or figure out where you live.
- Then I'll disappear again. - The only way you could disappear...
...is to stop helping people altogether, and I sense that's not an option for you.
My father believed that if the world found out who I really was...
...they'd reject me...
...out of fear.
I'm tired of safe.
I just wanna do something useful with my life.
So farming, feeding people. That's not useful?
I didn't say that.
Our family's been farming for five generations.
Your family, not mine.
I don't even know why I'm listening to you. You're not my dad.
You're just some guy who found me in a field.
It's all right, Martha.
He's right. Clark has a point.
We're not your parents.
But we've been doing the best we can.
And we've been making this up as we go along, so maybe...
Maybe our best isn't good enough anymore.
Look, Dad...
Hold on.
Go for the overpass.
Go for the overpass!
Take cover! Take cover!
- Over there. Just follow them. - Take cover.
She's stuck.
Hank's still in the car.
Hank's in the car.
- I'll get him, I'll get him. - No, no.
Get your mom to the overpass.
Hank! Hank! Come!
- Jonathan! - Mom, it's okay.
- Jonathan! - Mom, stay here.
I let my father die because I trusted him.
Because he was convinced that I had to wait.
That the world was not ready.
What do you think?
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Wade before that.
I believe that someone is hunting down our old team.
- Anyone else? -As far as I know, Victor is safe.
But whoever it is has names, addresses.
I can take care of myself.
This is not about you, Logan.
Your country needs you.
I'm Canadian.
I know you, Logan! I know who you are!
- Miss Kayla, Miss Kayla, look what I did. -What did you do?
Bye, Miss Silverfox! Bye!
What's wrong?
Stryker came by today.
Don't worry. I said no.
Why is he bothering you after all these years?
Because I'm the best there is at what I do,
but what I do best isn't very nice.
You're not an animal, Logan. What you have is a gift.
A gift. You can return a gift.
Come on, fellas.
All right.
Stay in the car.
I'm just gonna ask nicely.
You mind letting us go by?
- You in some kind of a hurry there, pal? -Hey, hey, hey.
Are you?
Just move your truck so we can go by.
We're trying to have a conversation there, all right?
You start something, you'd better be ready to finish it.
Hey, guys, take it easy! Calm down.
- Your boyfriend's got a big mouth. -I know.
Big temper, too. So please let us pass.
- Thank you. -Come on, man, let's go.
How'd you do that?
Female powers of persuasion. It's a gift.
Oh, I see. Do you have those powers over me?
Well, you didn't stay in the car, did you?
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Obama Ally Breaks Silence, Reveals Clinton's Vicious Strategy to Silence Victims - Duration: 3:04.
Former Obama administration Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius took
an unexpected swipe at the Clintons this week, accusing them of having waged an "abusive"
campaign against the many women who accused former President Bill Clinton of sexual harassment/assault
in the 1990s.
She specifically slammed "Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton White House for what she called
a strategy of dismissing and besmirching the women who stepped forward," according to
She extended her criticism to the entire Democratic Party as well.
"Not only did people look the other way, but they went after the women who came forward
and accused him," Sebelius said to CNN political commentator David Alexrod during an appearance
on his podcast, "The Axe Files."
"And so it doubled down on not only bad behavior but abusive behavior, and then people
attacked the victims," she added.
When asked by Axelrod whether the recent hash of criticism against Clinton's wife, former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, over her role in attempting to cover up her husband's
illicit activities was fair, Sebelius replied, "Absolutely."
She was right, though some liberals continue to try and mitigate Clinton's deplorable
In a fake news report published earlier this month, Newsweek falsely claimed that "(t)here's
little evidence to support" testimony by Bill Clinton's accusers regarding Hillary
Clinton's efforts to besmirch and silence them.
Newsweek relied on PolitiFact for its sourcing: "The site found that while Hillary Clinton
certainly played a role in defending her husband against Broaddrick, Willey and Jones's accusations,
she was 'largely silent' about the alleged sexual misconduct.
That's 100 percent fake news, as evidenced by what Sebelius said, as well as countless
other reports from other news organizations, including even CNN, shockingly enough.
In a profile on Clinton last year, CNN admitted that she had publicly accused one of her husband's
accusers of being "some failed cabaret singer who doesn't have much of a resume to fall
back on" and another of being a "narcissistic loony tune."
Likewise, during her husband's election campaign in 1992, Clinton privately "embraced"
the "campaign's aggressive strategy of counterattack: Women who claimed to have had
sexual encounters with Mr. Clinton would become targets of digging and discrediting," as
reported last year by The New York Times.
Clinton had also reportedly gave the "greenlight" for a private investigator to be hired to
dig up dirt on one accuser for the purpose of destroying her "beyond all recognition."
The Clintons — but especially Hillary Clinton — didn't just defend themselves against
the allegations against Bill, as claimed by Newsweek, but instead ran a full-fledged campaign
to destroy the accusers' lives.
This is the true nature of the Clintons — ruthless bullies and deviants.
Thank God they're out of office and, hopefully, never coming back.
9 great uses of tomatoes - Duration: 5:24.
Fired! One Democrat Is Facing An Ethics Sanction, Libs Can't Believe Their Eyes - Duration: 4:05.
You would surmise that that subsidiary with the media would understand that with the present
condition of the web, that keeping a top on stories is practically inconceivable.
One basic tweet and the ugly truth is out in the open as sites illuminate with the news,
regardless of the possibility that it is very theoretical.
That the story may not be right or have been misshaped is insignificant.
It will get free, and once that occurs there is no returning it in the jug.
Stories with sexual hints, particularly those including big names, are extremely unpredictable.
Individuals appear to desire this sort of news, so the web, as of now an effective power
for spreading news and chatter, goes into hyper-roll over such disclosures.
Best to fess up and attempt to get really out there than to leave the web to its own
with the unavoidable contortions and hypotheses that will be spread.
Democratic attorney David Boies evidently doesn't comprehend this as he attempted
to put a cover on the Harvey Weinstein story while his law office was working for The New
York Times.
Clearly, he fizzled.
How might anybody expect something else?
Anyway, the NYT has ended its association with Mr. Boies' law office, something that
shouldn't come as a lot of a shock either.
Mainstream media outlets, for example, The New York Times positively require no assistance
in depicting the picture that they are basically mouthpieces for the left.
This is an acknowledged actuality among conservatives and has helped start the "fake news" allegations
that have been heaved at media firms, for example, CNN.
That these assaults have stuck is a measure of the disappointment conservatives have had
with a news industry that is overpowering one-sided against their political perspectives.
"The New York Times dismissed the firm of famed Democratic lawyer David Boies after
Ronan Farrow's explosive report for the New Yorker put Boies at the center of Harvey
Weinstein's efforts to stamp out the Times' reporting on his sexual misconduct.
Mr. Boies and his law office have just exacerbated the situation, something the NYT has conceded.
So we have a law office controlled by Democrats, attempting to advance Democratic causes.
Up until this point, nothing amiss with that.
At that point, one of the principals of the law office stepped over the line by attempting
to control the arrival of news by one of its customers, The New York Times.
"Monday, immediately after Farrow's piece broke, the New York Times issued a statement
aghast at Boies, Schiller & Flexner's conduct, reading:
"'We learned today that the law firm of Boies Schiller and Flexner secretly worked
to stop our reporting on Harvey Weinstein at the same time as the firm's lawyers were
representing us in other matters … We consider this intolerable conduct, a grave betrayal
of trust, and a breach of the basic professional standards that all lawyers are required to
It is inexcusable and we will be pursuing appropriate remedies.'"
As the Times must know, this kind of disclosure just draws in more claims that the paper is
a purveyor of "fake news," or for this situation, no news in the event that it influences
Democrats to look terrible.
The inquiry remains what, assuming any, move the Times will make against Boies and his
law office.
There's a reasonable moral violation here.
What's more, what Boies did has done nothing to help the notoriety of the daily paper.
On the off chance that anything, it just affirmed what many as of now accept is a reality.
The greater inquiry is whether the Times will ever have the capacity to build up itself
as a reliable source.
Not to be cynical, but rather without a noteworthy possession change and an enormous shakeup
inside the paper, it's suspicious.
Paul Ryan Is Scared Stiff! He Just Got The Greatest Liberal Surprise Of His Life - Duration: 4:11.
With the governor's races in both New Jersey and Virginia lost to Democrats, numerous in
the media are giving what they demand is a look into the 2018 midterms.
On the Virginia front, there is definitely no motivation behind why the Democrats ought
to have trusted that this seat was ever in danger, however, maybe the election day nerves
of a year ago creeped in, similar to when the surveys demanded that Hillary had a 96%
possibility of being crowned.
As the Dems were doing their triumph lap, they never considered the way that Ed Gillespie
was a Bush man and just embraced President Trump's policies later in the game.
Actually, he shied far from having the president talk in the state for his benefit.
That, all by itself, could have been a major sign to Trump supporters that Gillespie was
simply playing the field and didn't generally grasp anything in the Trump plan.
We have, all things considered, been tricked much over and over again to be that confiding
at once more.
Regardless of the losses in the predominantly Leftist territory, the Republicans are dreadful
that their authoritative pace isn't satisfactory to Trump supporters.
With the Congress in virtual neutral gear since the inauguration, voters are to a great
degree annoyed with the Swamp RINOs who appear to be set up to do literally nothing to advance
the Trump agenda.
Paul Ryan is one of the individuals who are frightful.
What's more, now, with their energized base, Democrat leaders are cautioning the Speaker
that he is in the line of sight!
Via Daily Caller:
House Speaker Paul Ryan's congressional seat is a "new battleground," according
to a memo released Thursday by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
The memo highlighted Trump's low approval rating in several congressional districts.
According to the DCCC, Trump's favorability in Ryan's Wisconsin district is 52 percent
negative and 42 percent positive.
"Being an establishment Republican isn't any better in the eyes of voters," the memo
"In fact, Speaker Paul Ryan is even more viscerally disliked than Trump in many districts."
Ryan's favorability in his own district is 47 percent positive and 46 percent negative.
However, in Virginia's Tenth Congressional District, Ryan is only viewed favorably by
20 percent of voters.
Likewise, in Pennsylvania's Sixth Congressional District, just 21 percent of voters view the
House Speaker positively.
Ryan is being challenged in the Republican primary by Paul Nehlen.
Nehlen is an ally of former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.
"I've got three certainties in life: Death, taxes, and attacks from Breitbart," Ryan
has previously stated about Bannon's website.
Democrat Ryan Bryce is also seeking to unseat Ryan.
Bryce, nicknamed "Iron Stache," is a union iron worker who has accused Ryan of turning
his "back on our community."
"Across Southeastern Wisconsin, in places like Kenosha and Janesville; Racine and Elkhorn,
factories are closing down and our jobs are being shipped away," Bryce wrote on his
Just as of late, DC Clothesline posted a posting of 24 of the most pro-Trump, anti-Establishment
Republicans liable to go up against the officeholders in their states.
Paul Nehlen is an alluring hopeful and a no-nonsense Conservative.
Tragically, regardless of the possibility that he wins, the Speakership won't stay
with Wisconsin.
Nonetheless, that being stated, Ryan would best start to implement the Trump agenda with
a reestablished power inconspicuous in Congress since the Gingrich Revolution and the Contract
With America in the mid-1990s.
That kind of participation with the Oval Office would positively play well with Trump voters
and potentially promise him reelection.
দেখুন যমযমের পানি পানের বিষ্ময়কর উপকারিতা | Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Zamzam Water - Duration: 3:28.
Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Zamzam Water...
미운우리새끼 김건모 엄마 "딸같은 며느리 원해..내말에 토달지 마"|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:20.
BREAKING NEWS Out Of TEXAS… Black Cop Killing THUG Arrested And There's MORE! - Duration: 3:31.
A filthy black thug who fatally shot a Texas trooper with the Department of Public Safety
was captured after a massive manhunt on Thursday.
Officials in Limestone and Freestone counties conducted a massive, hours-long search for
the suspect, Darbrett Black, who fled the scene of the shooting in a grey Chevy Malibu.
He was arrested in a neighboring county after a stand-off with law enforcement, Fox News
"Suspect in today's fatal TXDPS trooper shooting in Freestone County has been captured
in Waller County near Prairie View.
Excellent operation by numerous agencies to take this suspect into custody with no additional
casualties," the Navarro County Office of Emergency Management said on Twitter.
According to police scanner traffic, two women may have also been in the suspect's vehicle
when the shooting happened, says a report on KBTX.com.
"Texas Highway Patrol Trooper Damon Allen was a loving husband and father of three."
The Texas Department of Public Safety said on Twitter that the shooting occurred before
4 p.m. Thursday on Interstate 45 south of Fairfield, about 90 miles (145 kilometers)
south of Dallas.
The agency said the suspect shot and killed the trooper with a rifle during a traffic
The suspect then fled the scene.
"Suspect info on officer shooting: Darbrett Black, black male, 5' 11", 175 lbs.
Left scene driving a Gray Chevy Malibu LP# JDN4273.
Incident occurred in Freestone county at approx 4:00 PM south of Fairfield on I45.
Contact law enforcement if spotted and do not approach.
Suspect in today's fatal TXDPS trooper shooting in Freestone County has been captured in Waller
County near Prairie View.
Excellent operation by numerous agencies to take this suspect into custody with no additional
Fox News reports that online jail records show that Black was last booked into the Smith
County jail in Tyler on September 7, 2017 on charges of evading arrest, aggravated assault
of a public servant and reckless driving, according to KBTX.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has released a statement that says: "I am saddened to
hear of the tragic death of a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper killed today in Freestone
This trooper died selflessly serving Texas."
Governor Greg Abbott also released a statement on Thursday evening during the height of the
"With heavy hearts on this Thanksgiving, Cecilia and I express our most sincere condolences
to the family, colleagues and friends of the trooper who was callously killed today in
the line of duty," he said in the statement.
"…The killer will face justice, and the State of Texas will continue to offer our
unwavering support for the men and women in law enforcement who keep our communities safe."
Thursday's shooting marked the second in the line duty death for the Texas DPS.
Senior Trooper Thomas Nipper, 62, was conducting a traffic stop on the southbound shoulder
of I-35 in Temple at approximately 3:05 p.m. on Saturday, November 4 when his patrol unit
was struck from behind by a Chevrolet pickup, according to Fox 7 Austin.
Our hearts and prayers go out to Texas Highway Patrol Trooper Damon Allen, his family and
fellow officers.
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