Paid promotion for Google.
Google Home is an audio-only product.
Should we play with Mickey Mouse?
Hey, Google, play Mickey Mouse Adventure.
Sure. Let's get Mickey Mouse Adventure.
Hi-ya, pal.
It's me, Mickey Mouse and boy am I glad you stopped by.
I'm performing a sold-out magic show tonight,
but I took a nap and accidentally overslept.
The show starts in 10 minutes and the theater's all the way across town.
Will you help me make it to the theater on time?
Sure, Mickey.
Hot dog.
I knew I could count on you.
Uh oh, looks like the bus is starting to pull away.
Uh, quick, yell, "Wait" real loud.
It worked. The bus stopped.
Oh, nice going, pal.
Hello, Mr. Bus Driver. Let's go.
Wait, uh, um, the bus just pulled off to the side of the road.
The bus driver's getting off.
What? He's ordering food?
We don't have time for this.
Well, good thing is, we've stopped in front of a bicycle rental store.
Or I guess I could just drive the bus myself.
I am a certified bus driver.
Should we use the bike or drive the bus?
Drive the bus.
Okay, I'll do my best.
Well, hi, everybody.
My name's Mickey and I'll be your bus driver.
Just ring the bell when it's time for your stop.
Oh, this is the stop for everybody, huh?
Oh, well, gosh, then that's convenient.
We're making great time.
I think we're almost at the theater.
Oh, no, we're about to hit a dead end.
Should we go left or right?
You got it.
Wow, we crashed right through the theater wall
and onto the stage.
And the audience thinks it's part of the show.
Well, hot dog.
We did it.
For more infomation >> Choose Your Own Adventure With Mickey Mouse & Google Home - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Jane Austen's Emma – Thug Notes Summary & Analysis - Duration: 9:57.
Yo yo whatup?
This week on Thug Notes we on the come up with Emma by Jane Austen.
21 year old Emma Woodhouse is finest lil thang in Highbury.
Girl got it all - hella brains, high class rep, and PHAT stacks.
Thang is, this dime piece wanna keep livin da single life.
One night, she goin on bout how she hooked up her Governess with a rich playboy named
Mr. Weston, when her brutha-in-law Knightley roll up to the crib.
Emma tell him she gonna play matchmaker one final time for this holy roller cat named
Mr. Elton.
Later, the Woodhouse fam throw a bangin' party where Emma start conversatin' with
a sweet lil girl named Harriet Smith.
Harriet ain't exactly packin mad brains, so Emma decide she gonna coach her to live
the high life like she do.
While she kickin' it with Emma, Harriet peep game at the the son of a family of farmers:
Robert Martin- and her panties immediately hit the FLO.
"Damn he FINE!"
But Emma like: "Ugh you don't wanna mess with no scrub-a** farmer, girl!"
Emma thinkin she gotta hook her up with a REAL playboy- like Elton.
So Emma get her Cupid on and thangs lookin good between Harriet and Elton, but when word
come dat Robert Martin wanna get wit Harriet, Emma like " NUH-UH!
You can't be slummin it on a farm yo whole life!"
When Knightley recognize that Emma told Harriet to dog Robert Martin, he like "Girl.
You musta lost yo mind if you think Elton care bout Harriet.
He only care about rich b****es."
I mean women.
Matta fact, Emma so blind, she don't even recognize dat Elton might be jonezin for HER a**.
One night, Elton start throwin game at Emma, and she all "Hold up!
I thought you was eye-f***in Harriet on the reg." but he like, "oh that b****?
I only talk to her cuz she tight with you."
Emma tell him "Boy please"
Harriet all to' up bout Elton not wantin' her, but she beast through the pain and head
off to visit some homies called The Bateses.
Turns out, there's a new gal on the block- The Bateses niece Jane Fairfax.
Jane is foxy, smart, and can bust a sick flow on the pianoforte.
EMMA is used to bein' the one always turnin heads, so she gettin all turnt that errbody
diggin' Jane's game instead of hers; ESPECIALLY since Jane ain't got the phat stacks or
rep she got.
Soon, Mr. Weston's son Frank Churchill drop in and start choppin it up with Emma.
Afta' some good laughs, Frank gotta bounce cuz his auntie sick, but from da looks of it-
brutha might be gettin sweet on Emma.
Emma like "Meh- he prolly better for Harriet."
Meanwhile, Mr. Elton end up gettin' hitched to some rich hussy that ain't nobody can
Later, Frank come back to town, but Emma put his a** in the friendzone.
They decide hit the club anyway and when Harriet rollin solo on the dance floor, Knightely
step up and start freakin on her.
A few days later, Harriet say she's moved on from Elton to someone way flyer.
Emma thinkin it's dat cat Frank since he got her back when she was gettin mad dogged
by a crew of gypsies couple days ago.
Thang is, over the next two days, Frank start dirty mackin Emma in front of the whole hood!
Knightley say he gonna skip town for a few days.
But before he leave, it look like he bout to kiss Emma's hand, but he pull out at
the last second.
I know that move!
Emma still geeked that he thought bout it, though.
Next day - Frank's auntie take that long dirt nap, so now Emma thinkin he can stop
the bullshit and get with Harriet.
Emma get word that Jane and Frank got engaged on the low low!
What about Harriet?
And this jabroni been smooth talkin me while he's engaged?
AW Haeeel Naw!"
When news come to Harriet, she like "Psh.
Girl I ain't in to b**** a** chumps like Frank- I got this other dude and IT. IS ON."
Emma like "Hold up girl.
You talkin bout Knightley?"
"Daaamn straight."
Emma start buggin HARD- cuz she start realizing that SHE want to be with Knightley.
Now Emma thinkin she shoulda never takin Harriet outta the hood.
Soon, Knightley come by and Emma thinkin he probably gonna jabber bout Harriet's booty.
But SURPRISE B****- Knightley say he love HER.
Emma like: "Psh dat girl Harriet lost her god damn mind."
Knightley proposes and Emma say "hell yeah playa."
Put a ring on it!
I mean... yeah, this one...this one
Emma send Harriet a letter sayin "Sorry, girl.
Knightley is MY MAN now."
But later she find out Harriet gonna marry dat farmer boy Robert Martin anyway, so she
end up gettin her freak nasty on too.
So both couples get married and it's all good in the hood.
Like all fresh jams laid down by my girl Jane Austen, this text got an a**load to say about
women and society back in the day.
Emma is a choice example of what an empowered woman of the time looks like.
Whereas most gals had to rely on men fo' errything, Emma don't need nuthin from nobody!
She got da money and the power to control her own life- both in the crib and in the
Sounds all good, right?
Cept, dat control AIN'T all it's cracked up to be.
Matta' fact, it just turn her into an miserable hater.
"The real evils, indeed, of Emma's situation were the power of having rather too much her
own way, and a disposition to think a little too well of herself: these were the disadvantages
which threatened alloy to her many enjoyments.
The danger, however, was at present so unperceived, that they did not by any means rank as misfortunes
with her."
Funny thang is, Knightley always tellin Emma that it's the duty of fat cats to look
out for the po' folk since they the leaders of the hood.
But like my girl Jane Austen do, she just slangin irony up in here.
Cuz money sho as hell don't make people act right toward ANYBODY.
Check out dat f***boy Elton's sugar mama.
She JUST came up in the game and got PAID, but STILL be actin like a fool: always actin
nasty and sayin stoopid things in front of errybody.
Dat new money didn't give her no cla**.
But even without swole pockets, people still actin out.
Elton think he can get with Emma, but say Harriet too much of a hood rat to marry.
So it's cool for Emma to slum it with you but you're too good for Harriet?
F*** that, playa.
Truth is, Austen hatin' on ANYONE who obsessed with rank or status- no matter what yo money
look like.
But she throw the MOST shade at Emma, who spend her time thinkin dat people gotta stay
in their place and anybody who try to better themselves is just clownin.
Just check what she say when Elton try to put a ring on it: "...he must know that
in fortune and consequence she was greatly his superior.
He must know that the Woodhouses had been settled for several generations at Hartfield,
the younger branch of a very ancient family, and that the Eltons were nobody."
So if Emma such a hater, how can the reader tolerate her stank a**?
Well that's when my girl Jane Austen's pro writing skillz come in to play.
She slangin this technique called free indirect discourse.
Basically, da narration is hella CLOSE to Emma's thoughts, but it also include some
outside commentary, letting us step back from her whack-a** perspective.
So the audience can follow her motivations, but not have to deal with all the shallow
bulls*** up in her dome.
You feel me?
Thang is, though, Austen don't use free indirect discourse with da more righteous
characters like Mrs. Weston and Knightely.
Since Mrs. W and K-money too legit to quit, Austen just let their words speak for themselves.
It's only when Emma learn that Harriet is gonna marry da farmer boy, dat she recognize
all this social status jive don't mean nuthin.
You can get rich like Mrs. Elton and still act like a chump.
Or you can be a low level hustler like Robert Martin and still be classy.
Even if you got humble beginnings like Mr. Weston, high society gonna treat you right
if you act real.
If you SHOW respect, you gonna GET respect.
Straight up.
It don't matter if you got cash or street certified status- it's all how you act that
gonna git you where you goin.
No matter where yo family come from or how much you got in the bank, you should always
focus on how you TREAT people.
And if bein on the social comeup is da only thing on yo mind, then you best check you'self,
son, cuz you lookin in the wrrrrrooooong places, yo.
Dat s*** ain't gonna make you a better person.
Only yo actions can do that, ya feel me?
Yo! Catch y'all next time, my well read ballas.
Kim Loses Her Diamond Earrings - Duration: 1:43.
- Why did you guys call me over here?
- Just know that I love you more,
and I'm your favorite sister.
- What?
- Kim, don't get mad.
- Don't get mad about what?
What the hell is going on?
- You know how you let me borrow your new diamond earrings?
- No.
- We were looking at them and then --
- We accidentally dropped them.
- In the pool?
- Kim.
- Oh my God, not again!
- But we dropped them in the toilet.
- We'll tell her.
In an hour.
- [Kim] Where are they?
(light music)
- I got three likes on my last post.
- Amazing.
- I'm killing it.
- Who's that?
- Oh, that's the new girl, Scar.
We should go say hi.
Make friends.
- I'll pass.
- Hi, I'm Prudence, and this is my brother Zack.
- Oh, hi.
- So you're new here?
- Obviously.
- Shut up bitch.
- It's my first day.
- I saw you earlier in my English class when we were talking
about that one guy.
Who was it?
Oh, yeah.
- My dad. Hades.
- Did you just say your dad?
- What?
- You just called Hades your dad.
- No, I didn't.
- Yes, you did.
- No, I --
(stomach growls)
- What the --
- Is there something I can eat around here?
- Well it's not lunchtime yet, but yeah there's something.
You can get a snack here.
- Wait.
Are you guys being serious?
- Well, yeah.
- Why wouldn't we be?
- Eat up.
- Okay.
(snarls and growls)
- Holy (beeps).
♪ Sim ♪
♪ GM Productions ♪
♪ Sim ♪
♪ GM Productions ♪
♪ Sim ♪
♪ GM Productions ♪
♪ Sim ♪
♪ GM Productions ♪
Smoked Breakfast Frittata | Eggs, Bacon, Goat Cheese, Spinach and More! - Duration: 4:30.
Good morning food fans, Shane Draper here Grilla Grills.
Taking it up a couple notches, and we are going to do a spinach, mushroom, and goat
cheese frittata.
As long as you got some eggs, got some cheese, and got some other stuff you want to put in
there, you got the stuff you need for a frittata.
So we are going to start with breaking down our 8 ounces of baby spinach.
I hit it with just a little bit of oil or butter to help it along.
We are going to take baby portabella mushrooms and throw them in there.
Okay we got our mushrooms done, we got out spinach wilted and now it's time to chop up
the stuff you want in your frittata.
You are going to put about 3/4 of whatever you chop up into the frittata itself.
We are going to chop up a about a half of a bell pepper.
You need just a good dice on these.
You are going to use 8 eggs or this frittata.
To our eggs we are going to add a1/4 cup of whole milk or heavy cream.
Then to that mixture, you are going to put about a table spoon of the AP rub.
We are just going take that and give it a nice wisk until well combined.
We have already pre-heated our Silverbac to 375f.
It's going to be a pretty quick cook.
It's going to take about 45 minutes.
We are going to use our loge cast iron pan and I like to put a little olive oil in here.
Kind of mix it around, get it up on the sides.
We are going to get our egg mixture pour'd in.
We are going to take all the ingredients and you are gonna just evenly distribute those.
Now here is where the magic happens.
Goat Cheese.
Goat cheese gets a bad rap.
A lot of people will say they like goat cheese, but they can't tell you why.
I like taking little over peas sized balls of it, and just kind of put pocket of cheese
in this.
Now I didn't give you a measurement of the goat cheese.
Use enough, put it in there till you are happy.
Okay, so the surprise that we are going to add to our frittata today is bacon.
And we going to just lay it right on top of the top rack.
Okay, so it's time to add our cheddar cheese to our frittata.
And who doesn't like a little bit extra cheese, and we are going to give that about 5-10 more
minutes and this thing will be ready to come off and cool down and eat.
Alright, so we got our frittata out of the Silverbac, it cooked up beautifully, I mean
we couldn't ask for anything better.
But, how does it taste?
Oh you can see the spinach in it, beautiful goat cheese, the cheddar cheese on top, I
got a mushroom back here.
Mmmhm that is awesome.
Now, Rob is the camera guy who is looking at me very longingly.
I think Rob wants a taste.
For everybody that don't know, Rob is the guy who works so hard to make all this look
I just cook the food, Rob's the artist man.
I don't know, you made all this.
I just cook, you are the guy that does all the camera stuff.
Let's see how you like this frittata and a little bit of that bacon.
Now Rob, you are pretty healthy guy, you are a runner so this might be a breakfast kind
of up your ally.
That, that is great.
I really like the goat cheese, I haven't had it before.
That little tang offsets the earthiness of the mushroom and that spinach.
Adds a little nice cream to it, yeah that is delicious, I'm going to take this back
up behind the camera while you finish up.
Okay guys so as you seen, the frittata is excellent, it's camera guy approved.
We want you to try it at home.
We want you to use this recipe and we want to see what it looks like.
So cook this, take a picture and you are going to tag us in it.
You are going to use the hashtag, SilverbacBreakfast.
We want to see it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram snapchat you name it, we want to see it.
We are going to pick a winner three weeks from the day this is posted and the winner
is going to get one of the coveted Grilla tumblers.
There is not too many of these out there.
We know this recipe is going to make you a star in your backyard.
I'm Shane Draper, this is Grilla Grills.
We will see you next time.
Videocast: Cold front brings more sunshine - Duration: 2:59.
Melania Trump Look Like a "ANGEL" Melania Trump's First Christmas In White House | Agent of Star - Duration: 4:13.
Melania Trump Look Like a "ANGEL" Melania Trump's First Christmas In White House | Agent of Star
Melania Trump Look Like a "ANGEL" Melania Trump's First Christmas In White House | Agent of Star
Melania Trump Look Like a "ANGEL" Melania Trump's First Christmas In White House | Agent of Star
Using the Preview window in HItfil;m Express 2017 Free Edition - Duration: 4:06.
Welcom to this Tutorial about the Preview Window in Hitfilm Express 2017 I am placing a clip into the timeline I have made a Proxy of it allready
This is a question about the project settings of the project vs video
This clip is 1920 x 1080 That's good so i click yes, and the project is changed
The Framerate ( Images pro second ) can be set lower , but you can get problems with editing ( Stuttering)
Ik place it back on 60 like the Original clip
The video is running smooth and therefore you can edit with more precision
The Preview Window shows you whatever there is in the timeline on the upperright
Default is RGB, RED add red in the clip etc.
Quality can be set to half, full or antialising. Choose the one for best performing during editing
Only Export is important here, here you can make a snapshot of the preview window
The snapshot can be saved. After that you can import it in the timeline
Choose a name
Thats him, we put it in the project
Can be used for many things Like transitions for example
Here is the Help function online
These are the Play Buttons, play, forward, skip frames etc.
With this function you can edit directly in the timeline
Most of the icoons are not important because you can do anything with the mouse
Like this
U can change the size of the Preview Window by scrolling with the mouse and changing these settings by value
By the RED and Green line you can make adjustments in you're video Like moving in all directions
When you change it to "Scale To Fit" you Always have the correct Preview
This was the video, hope you did learn something about the free Hitfilm Express 2017 software Thanx for watching
Independent News 29 November 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 14:46.
Independent News 29 November 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla
NEWS24 News 29 November 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 29:05.
bangla news, Bangla tv News, Bangla News today, Today Bangla News
Today Bangla Breaking News Update, Bangla News update,
Bangla News 29 November 2017 Bangla Latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 18:56.
Bangla News 29 November 2017 Bangla Latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla
BREAKING NEWS Out Of FLORIDA… Every American PISSED - Duration: 3:28.
The state of Florida is in the hot seat after news broke that they have paid a whopping
$11 million over the last 30 years to settle hundreds of cases involving state workers
who were sexually harassed by their supervisors and co-workers.
At a time when it seems a sort of mass cleansing is taking place in Hollywood and the political
realm, with top producers, actors, directors, and politicians being outed for sexual misconduct
of varying kinds, this revelation certainly hits hard.
A request was made by the Associated Press to obtain information tracking the payments
made in these settlements where lawsuits were filed against specific state agencies and
state colleges.
According to Fox News, the information revealed a stunning 300 plus setteled cases since 1987,
with payment amounts ranging from $5,500 made out to a Florida State University student
who claims they were harassed by a supervisor, to a $1.3 million payout for nurses who were
victimized while working at state prisons.
The ordeal with the prisons and the nurses was not an isolated incident either.
Close to 60 percent of the cases that were settled were filed by folks who woked for
the Department of Corrections.
Seems like prison just hardens criminals and creates more monsters, doesn't it?
If we as a nation would do a better job of upholding the law and making an example out
of our worst offenders, perhaps this wouldn't be the case.
Another lawsuit, filed by a woman, alleged that her boss at the Florida Department of
Health liked to talk dirty about sex acts he personally witnessed and dropped comments
about the physical appearance of women around him, making remarks about their breasts and
The woman who filed this lawsuit fought a two-year battle that ended with a $129,000
Her attorney, Marie Mattox, doesn't believe sexual harassment is more prevalent in the
state government than other areas, but that such behavior is simply more tolerated in
certain agencies and that it takes more time to resolve a lawsuit against a government
agency than it does a private company.
This is precisely why politicians just love all the bureaucracy and red tape nonsense.
It helps protect them from being hassled when they started to get busted with their hand
in the cookie jar.
A spokesman for Florida Gov. Rick Scott told the media that only two percent of the settlements
occured while he's been in office, making sure to highlight the bill the governor signed
this year to protect the name and identity of any state worker who alleges sexual harassment.
The governor wants every state employee to be able to work in an environment where they
feel safe," Tupps said in a statement.
"The overwhelming majority of these expenditures predate the governor's time in office and
are approved by the chief financial officer."
It seems the corruption in Florida's state government runs on both sides of the political
Republican State Sen. Jack Latvala is being investigated for allegedly groping and harassing
women while he was active in office.
Notable Democratic Sen. Jeff Clemens actually resigned from his seat earlier this month
after reports began to surface of an affair he was having with a lobbyist.
If this isn't enough proof to convince you that politicians are some of the most deceitful,
slimy wretches to ever grace the face of the earth, what will?
Funniest Homeland Security Clip Ever - Duration: 1:22.
BREAKING: Top Democrat Suddenly Leaves Congress, People Are Stunned - Duration: 3:24.
With all of the political scandals currently breaking in the United States, many are beginning
to lose faith in our Democratic party.
Dozens of high ranking politicians have been accused of sexual abuse, misconduct, and most
recently stealing $50,000 from taxpayer funds.
The left constantly goes on about income equality and socialism, but it's funny how you see
their true colors when they actually have the power to do what they want with our tax
It's very clear that they don't care about equality or egalitarianism, but just use it
as a ploy for power.
Daily Caller reports:
The top Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources used taxpayer dollars to
pay off a former staffer who threatened to sue, claiming the lawmaker was often drunk
and created a hostile workplace.
Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva's secret deal with a former female staffer was revealed
by The Washington Times on Monday.
The payout was negotiated by the House Employment Counsel, the body's attorney, and cost taxpayers
The settlement, however, may have violated House rules, The Times reported.
It's against House rules for a lawmaker to retain "an employee who does not perform
duties for the offices of the employing authority commensurate with the compensation such employee
Grijalva's payout also should have been handed over in a lump sum, not paid out in
monthly installments, The Times reported.
Taxpayers paid Grijalva's disgruntled staffer five month's severance.
The female staffer left her job after just three months, and didn't pursue the matter
after leaving Grijalva's employment.
"On the advice of House Employment Counsel, I provided a severance package to a former
employee who resigned," Grijalva told The Times in a statement.
"The severance did not involve the Office of Compliance and at no time was any allegation
of sexual harassment made, and no sexual harassment occurred," Grijalva said.
"Under the terms of the agreement, had there been an allegation of sexual harassment, the
employee would have been free to report it," he said.
"Regrettably, for me to provide any further details on this matter would violate the agreement."
News of Grijalva's payout comes amid debate over the $17.2 million in taxpayer funds used
to settle 264 complaints of sexual harassment and other issues in Congress.
The settlements are kept secret.
Grijalva is only the latest lawmaker to come under fire for paying off staffers for workplace
Michigan Democratic Rep. John Conyers paid a former staffer more than $27,000 after allegedly
firing her for spurning sexual advances.
Minnesota Democratic Sen. Al Franken has been accused of sexual harassment by four women
— two of them anonymous.
Franken has apologized, though he has refused to resign from office.
While the use of the funds for a settlement may not be a legal crime, the misuse of taxpayer
funds for secret uses without our knowledge certainly fits the definition of theft in
the eyes of those who paid the taxes.
10 Intriguing Strangest Historical Mysteries Solved In Recent Years - Duration: 14:27.
10 The Death Of Male Mammoths
In 2017, scientists believed they found the answer for a quirk in the fossil record: why
almost 70 percent of woolly mammoth remains were male.
The research team, led by the Swedish Museum of Natural History, concluded that while the
gender ratio was fairly equal at birth, it became skewed due to the hierarchy and living
arrangements of mammoth society.
Similar to modern elephants, their woolly counterparts lived in groups led by an older
These groups consisted mostly of female mammoths and their young.
Males, however, were kicked out when they reached adulthood and were sent to live on
their own or form bachelor groups.
Without the support of the herd and the experience of the matriarch, these young males engaged
in more "risk-taking behavior."
While this kind of behavior resulted in more deaths, it was also conducive toward preservation.
Lone male mammoths were more inclined to fall prey to natural death traps such as sinkholes,
bogs, and crevasses.
Their remains were buried and protected from weathering unlike most other Ice Age animals,
including a lot of their female counterparts.
9 The Missing Swiss Couple
One day, Marcelin Dumoulin and his wife, Francine, went to a meadow near the Swiss village of
Chandolin to feed and milk their cows.
They weren't seen again for 75 years.
The Dumoulins disappeared on August 15, 1942.
They were finally found in July 2017, when a shrinking glacier uncovered their frozen
The ice had preserved the remains, which were found with their belongings and their identity
papers intact.
Subsequent DNA tests positively confirmed that the bodies were those of Marcelin and
Francine Dumoulin.
It appears as though the couple fell into a crevasse, where they remained hidden away
for decades.
Once the Tsanfleuron Glacier started receding, it finally revealed their bodies.
According to regional authorities, this sort of thing is not unheard of.
Because of climate change, receding glaciers have regularly unveiled the frozen remains
of people who disappeared years or even decades ago.
8 Finding The USS Indianapolis
In 1945, the sinking of the USS Indianapolis led to the greatest loss of life from a single
ship in US Navy history.
The cruiser was on a classified mission to deliver parts for the "Little Boy" atomic
bomb at the US Army Air Force Base at Tinian.
Afterward, the ship entered training duty but was soon torpedoed by a Japanese submarine
on its way to the Philippines.
Of the 1,196 crewmen aboard, only 316 survived.
The ship firmly entered pop culture with the release of Jaws, in which Captain Quint, depicted
as a survivor of the Indianapolis, told the memorable story of how the men who went into
the water were preyed upon by sharks for four days before being rescued.
As for the vessel, it sank in just 12 minutes before sending a distress signal, resting
on the bottom of the ocean somewhere between Guam and the Philippines.
Over the last two decades, two expeditions tried and failed to find the wreckage using
modern technology.
In 2016, a new lead emerged when records showed that the Indianapolis passed by another ship
11 hours before being attacked.
Using the other vessel's known route, a new expedition bankrolled by Microsoft co-founder
Paul Allen estimated the location of the shipwreck.
Over a year later, they finally found the USS Indianapolis in the North Pacific Ocean
at a depth of 5,500 meters . 7 Painting The Terra-Cotta Army
Researchers in China believe they've solved the 2,200-year-old mystery behind the polychrome
paint of the famous Terra-Cotta Army.
Discovered back in 1974, the Terra-Cotta Army is a vast collection of almost 9,000 statues
representing soldiers, chariots, and horses buried with the first emperor of China, Qin
Shi Huang, to serve as his imperial guard in the afterlife.
When they were found, some of the sculptures still contained patches of colorful pigment
and minute remnants of binding material, something exceedingly rare in statues buried underground
in water-saturated sediment for over two millennia.
The pigments have previously been identified—inorganic compounds such as cinnabar, azurite, and malachite—but
the bonding agent and the precise method used to paint the Terra-Cotta Army remained elusive
until now.
To find their answer, Chinese scientists used a state-of-the-art technique called matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
The high levels of sensitivity provided accurate results despite trace amounts of bonding agent.
The results were then compared to "artificially aged" samples of period-accurate adhesives
through peptide mass fingerprinting, which identified the proteins in each specimen.
According to the study, ancient Qin dynasty artists first coated the sculptures in one
or two layers of lacquer obtained from a Toxicodendron tree, commonly known as the Chinese lacquer
Afterward, they either applied polychrome layers directly or, in most cases, used binding
media made out of animal glue.
6 The Mystery Of Blood Falls
In 1911, geographer Thomas Griffith Taylor came upon a curious course of water flowing
from the tongue of Taylor Glacier in East Antarctica.
It earned the name Blood Falls due to its ruddy color, which puzzled scientists for
over a century.
Initially, people believed the coloration was due to red algae.
However, this was disproved, and researchers realized it was iron oxides that turned the
water red, although they weren't sure how or why until 2017.
A joint study between Colorado College and University of Alaska Fairbanks used radio-echo
sounding radar to discover that the waterfall was connected to a large source of briny water
which could have been trapped under Taylor Glacier for over one million years.
Due to the high concentration of salts, the 91-meter path of brine stood out well against
the fresh ice surrounding it.
However, researchers were astounded to find liquid water at all, something they thought
impossible inside an extremely cold icy mass.
In fact, Taylor Glacier is now the coldest known glacier to have persistently flowing
The discovery has particularly intriguing implications for astrobiologists, who consider
harsh environments like that of Blood Falls similar to what we might encounter on other
worlds such as Jupiter's moon, Europa.
It provides them relatively easy access to extremophiles without having to drill through
ice caps, potentially contaminating intact environments.
5 Why The Largest Primate Went Extinct While it is generally agreed that Gigantopithecus
was the largest primate to ever roam the Earth, the few fossils we have provide us an unclear
picture of its true size.
Experts say it was anywhere between 1.8 to 3 meters tall and between 200 and 500 kilograms.
They also can't say for certain how long Gigantopithecus was around for, although they
opine that the giant ape existed between nine million and 100,000 years ago.
Despite all the uncertainty, researchers at the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution
and Palaeoenvironment (HEP) in Germany believe they have elucidated at least one mystery
surrounding the primate—why Gigantopithecus went extinct.
According to them, the ape died out due to its inability to adapt.
By studying the tooth enamel of fossils, they ascertained that Gigantopithecus was exclusively
a vegetarian, but it didn't eat only bamboo as others had suggested.
This diet restricted the primate's habitat to forests.
However, during the Pleistocene, large areas of wooded landscapes in China and Thailand
where Gigantopithecus lived turned to savannas.
This had a major impact on the ape's food sources, which led to its extinction before
it could adapt to a new diet.
4 The Flight Of Barry Troy
On February 25, 1958, Lieutenant William Thomas Barry Troy of the Royal Canadian Navy was
flying a F2H-3 Banshee jet to the naval air station in Mayport, Florida.
However, the 29-year-old pilot fell out of his four-plane formation and was never heard
from again.
Although he was presumed dead, all we ever recovered was his helmet and a wheel from
the aircraft.
In 2017, Hurricane Irma became one of the most destructive storms on record, causing
over 100 fatalities and tens of billions of dollars in damage.
Another thing it did was help to elucidate the 59-year-old mystery of Lt. Troy's disappearance.
A park ranger from Florida's Hanna Park saw a pile of debris wash ashore.
Upon closer inspection, he noticed it contained parachute rigging with the words "Lt.Troy"
inscribed on the harness.
Most likely, the chute had been buried under sand dunes for decades before being brought
to the surface by the hurricane.
It appeared that the parachute was never deployed.
No human remains or substantial pieces of plane wreckage were found, so it's still
unclear if Lt. Troy's plane crashed in the same area.
3 The Tibetan Millet Mystery
A new agricultural study from Washington State University seeks to provide an answer for
the apparent mass exodus seen on the fringes of the Tibetan Plateau roughly 4,000 years
According to a team led by archaeologist Jade D'Alpoim Guedes, climate change could have
driven away the ancient people of the Eastern Tibetan Highlands by making it impossible
for them to grow millet, their primary food source.
Archaeological evidence shows us that millet was the main crop cultivated in the area toward
the end of the warm period known as the Holocene Climatic Optimum.
Afterward, global temperatures cooled down, which had an adverse impact on Tibetan agriculture.
Millet became very difficult to cultivate due to its high heat demands.
The food shortage caused more and more people to leave seeking greener pastures.
It wasn't until 300 years later that the region began to bounce back due to the introduction
of wheat and barley, which fared much better in cold weather and almost immediately became
the new preferred crops.
Curiously enough, the ancient millet seeds could make a comeback in the near future as
the Tibetan Plateau is now one of the areas with the fastest-rising temperatures on the
2 The Curious Extinction Of The Tasmanian Tiger
The last known thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, died in captivity in 1936.
Since then, thousands of people reported unverified sightings, but with no confirmed records,
the animal was declared officially extinct 50 years later.
While the continued existence of the thylacine is still up in the air, researchers believe
they have solved another mystery surrounding the animal: why it survived on the island
of Tasmania when it died out in mainland Australia thousands of years ago.
One hypothesis claimed a disease wrecked havoc on the mainland population.
Another said the thylacine went extinct due to its competition with the dingo, an animal
not found on Tasmania.
However, researchers at the University of Adelaide argue that it was climate change—specifically
drought caused by the El Niño weather pattern—which resulted in the mainland extinction.
Scientists at the Australian Center for Ancient DNA sequenced 51 new DNA genomes from thylacine
Their findings showed that Tasmanian tiger populations in Southern Australia split into
western and eastern divisions approximately 25,000 years ago.
They also showed that the drought had an adverse effect on thylacine numbers in Tasmania, but
the higher rainfall offered the island a degree of protection from the warm weather.
Therefore, the animal population was able to bounce back before Europeans arrived in
the 18th century.
1 Solving America's Oldest Unsolved Murder In 1607, Jamestown, Virginia, became the first
permanent English settlement in the Americas.
For the last two decades, it has also been at the forefront of Colonial America archaeology
since the Jamestown Rediscovery Project led to the reveal of the ruins of the original
James Fort.
Originally slated to last only ten years, the venture has been prolonged indefinitely
due to the continued discovery of new artifacts and knowledge.
Part of the findings in 1996 included the skeleton of a young man given the designation
He had been shot in the right leg, and the lead bullet was found alongside the remains.
His 400-year-old death became an unsolved murder.
It took over 17 years since his rediscovery, but in 2013, forensic archaeologists announced
that they had identified not only the victim but also his killer.
They believe JR102C was shot in a duel, as he was hit in the side of the knee, suggesting
he was positioned sideways.
Based on records and other evidence, researchers named George Harrison as JR102C and a merchant
named Richard Stephens as his killer.
The two took part in a duel in 1624, in which the latter shot the former in the leg, with
Harrison subsequently dying of blood loss.
New 17 Jurassic World Lego Dinosaur Toys (Knockoff) - Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex, Raptor, Unboxing - Duration: 15:25.
in terms of Jurassic Park and check out our awesome dinosaur zoo
to t-rexes particular eggs we gotta wait till they leave so we get the big
indominus rex mommy
New 17 Jurassic World Lego Dinosaur Toys (Knockoff) - Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex, Raptor, Unboxing
okay before they come back I gotta get to dance
coming hurry
never gonna get to show that I help somebody help he's got me
okay so we have to get these eggs together quickly before the mom and dad
dinosaur come back and realize we have taken their eggs Wow
let's get started
okay so we got our awesome dinosaur zoo all set up we're gonna go ahead and take
a look at the Dino sets we built and set them up in the zoo cool
so the first going to be half so the first time we have is this awesome
velociraptor with some type of leaf growing out of his back so let's go
ahead and set that guy up over here and then we have this dragon Velociraptor
breathing choir cool set this guy off over here and then we have the brand
Dominus rag with red tea been eating something go ahead and we're gonna set
him up here outside the Animal Planet then we have yellow indominus rex oh
cool go ahead and set this guy up right next to the dragon
meow Lego t-rex
and this guy we're gonna set up over here
in front of this Animal Planet PD and then from the Lego Dino sets we
have this awesome green t-rex which we're gonna set up in the back over
there and then one more big one we have what we built is this awesome huge
Triceratops so we're gonna go ahead and set this guy up over here by the volcano
and then let's see the other little guys we built we built this red one here cool
so this guy's gonna be here on the island
you built this green they'll officers here ah
these guys got weird stuff that came with this so I just detached it they're
back this is true I bought these from a company in China
and I have no idea why they had debt added the different stuff but I mean it
looks kind of cool red and blue lights and of each spider and talked with this
baby and um this Rex then we have this little green t-rex here this got to
new lights against to chase down the bad guys that he's eating some type of
chicken bone or maybe an arm of a dinosaur or something and then we have
this awesome white brown Triceratops with the blue and red light so he is
working for the police he's gonna join the t-rex on the island and then we have
this brown t-rex with blue light in the back and he is he mom he was eating
something I guess now he's just roaring because we
took his food away and then we have a few more we have this awesome brown and
white Triceratops we built with the red and blue light so we're gonna go ahead
and set this guy up here back here in the plants we got a few more so we got
this awesome Dilophosaurus with the red light and he has a holder here holding a
bone I have no idea absolutely no idea why they would put
that in there and then we have this green Pteranodon with clear Stan and
black lego beets for the base and go ahead and put that guy back in the tree
over there and then we have one more Pteranodon here with the dark gray and
red colors to do so we're gonna go ahead and place him back here on the volcano
like he's coming out of the plane Wow okay that was totally awesome I had
so much fun building these dinosaur LEGO sets for you and thanks for helping me
guys you guys were great help give yourselves a big hand and if you enjoyed
this video please go ahead and click like and also subscribe to see more fun
videos I do have over a thousand videos the majority are dinosaur King Kong
Godzilla and Power Rangers also keep watching to see more fun videos and
check out the cool playlist I got at the end of this video you guys are totally
awesome and I will see you tomorrow click the subscribe button below for a
waffle fun video also click the Bell button to be notified every time I make
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BREAKING: Nurse Who Said White Babies Should Be Fed To Wolves Just Got Unbelievable Dose Of Karma - Duration: 4:43.
BREAKING: Racist Nurse Who Said White Babies Should Be Fed To Wolves Just Got Unbelievable
Dose Of Karma.
After 8 years of Barack Hussein Obama breeding his racism into the black community with his
manufactured race war, race relations in this country are at an all time low.
We now have domestic terrorists running around threatening to gut whites, and massacres on
police white officers occurring on almost a daily basis.
With Trump becoming president, we had hoped things would turn around, but sadly, his presidency
has only further infuriated blacks, who are now buying into the left's ridiculous narrative
that Trump is some sort of "white supremacist bigot."
As anti-white hatred becomes more and more apart of our society, with white people constantly
told to "check their white privilege" and made to feel guilty for the black slavery
they had nothing to do with, reverse racism is now becoming just an accepted part of our
Several days ago, one of Obama's minions decided to vomit her opinion about the white
race into the universe, with Taiyesha Baker declaring through a tweet that white babies
"should be sacrificed to the wolves," spreading more of that "love and tolerance"
that liberals love to preach to us about.
But unfortunately for this nasty racist, karma has just smacked her upside the head in the
best way possible, as she will now be unemployed right before the Christmas holidays.
According to Western Tribune:
An Indiana University Health nurse has been fired after posting a tweet in which she declared
that white male babies "should be sacrificed to the wolves."
In a statement released on Sunday, the health system said, "A recently hired IU Health
employee tied to troubling posts on social media this weekend is no longer an employee
of IU Health."
The post was linked to an employee of Indiana University Health named Taiyesha Baker.
The announcement of Baker's dismissal came just one day after the health system's human
resources department launched an investigation into the matter, the Indy Star reported.
Although Baker was not named in the Saturday statement from Indiana University Health,
Jason Fechner, a spokesman for the health system, confirmed that Baker was employed
by the organization when the tweet was posted.
The tweet itself was posted on an account with the username "Night Nurse."
Fechner did not specify where Baker worked, but the statement by Indiana University Health
indicated that she was not employed at Riley Hospital for Children.
"IU Health is aware of several troubling posts on social media which appear to be from
a recently hired IU Health employee," the statement read.
"Our HR department continues to investigate the situation and the authenticity of the
During the investigation, that employee (who does not work at Riley Hospital for Children)
will have no access to patient care."
According to state records, Baker was licensed as a registered nurse on Oct. 30 and claimed
to have worked in pediatrics, according to deleted social media posts cited by WXIN.
Fechner told the New York Post early Monday that Baker joined the health care system less
than a month ago.
"She was still going through orientation and wasn't caring for patients," Fechner
said in an email.
"She had no disciplinary issues prior to this matter."
Isn't it wonderful when people get the karma that they deserve?
It's pretty amazing how the modern-day liberal thinks they can say whatever the hell they
want under the guise of "freedom of speech."
Sorry liberals, the First Amendment doesn't mean you can go around inciting violence or
acts or terrorism, nor can you threaten to kill or behead the President of the Untied
States, all because you're a triggered snowflake.
It's pretty sickening the level of hate that exists in this country now thanks to
Hussein Obama's manufactured race war.
What's pretty ironic is how Obama's hatred for whites is now blowing up in his face,
as we reported earlier this week.
After two terms of dividing this country along racial lines, Obama probably never imagined
that one day his own daughter would be dating a white guy, after a picture of Malia went
viral several days ago.
But the greater irony is that the very same people Obama bred his racism into would then
viciously turn on his daughter, as Malia was savagely attacked by Black Lives Matter "activists"
shortly after kissing her white boyfriend on Yale's campus, where she's being called
the "N word" and being dubbed as a "traitor to her race."
As for Taiyesha Baker, hopefully this hateful racist getting her butt fired will send a
clear message that this type of hatred towards whites will no longer be tolerated.
Sorry liberals, racism will not be acceptable behavior, even if it's against the white
What do you think about this?
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Mexico vs. South Korea | Group D | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 23:54.
The debut of Group D of the 2017 JCA World Cup Germany: Mexico against South Korea.
Hello, Hello! How are you. I am JCA and they are watching JCATV: a real virtual world.
We are in Frankfurt, in the Commerzbank-Arena, hoping to enjoy the first meeting of this group.
As you know, in Group D we have Mexico, South Korea, South Africa and Hungary.
Tonight will debut the Aztecs, who are presented after a somewhat irregular participation in the qualifying round.
They will face the South Koreans, a fast and agile team.
It is clear that the main figure of Mexico is Javier Chicharito Hernández.
The Aztecs tend to be strengthened or weakened according to the team in front of them and the result of the encounter.
We are going to see what they present for Germany 2017 and, what we have today, against South Korea,
who will surely force them to play at a faster pace than they usually have.
South Korea may be presented with a 4-2-3-1, with defensive laterals open and the central ones at the ends of the area.
It gives us to think that they will focus the exit of the ball by the ends,
forcing the central pivot of the opposite side to request the ball while the pivot of that end adds to the attack.
Already passing the midfield could close the gaps of the defense and push the team forward
to enter as a wedge in the Aztec defense.
So here we are, on this beautiful cold night in Frankfurt, waiting for the start of the match.
As always, do not forget to thumb up, subscribe, comment and share.
And if you want to see your comments on the show, do not forget to use the #SubscribersSay.
I leave you with Christian Martinoli and Luis García.
A bittersweet match.
Mexico scored the fastest goal of the tournament, until now.
However, South Korea reacted fairly quickly and tied thanks to a rebound in the Aztec area.
Then the game stalled.
The two teams did not have clarity in the plays, except for some other exception.
Lukewarm start of both nations that must now face South Africa and Hungary,
who, although they are not powers, although South Africa has a title of world champion,
could give some surprise.
Chicharito, as we expected, was the best of a somewhat poor game.
This is all friends! This is the 2017 JCA World Cup Germany.
I'm JCA and you're watching JCATV: a real virtual world.
Thumb up, subscribe, comment and share.
See you soon!
No Soy Inversión De Nadie 😭👎🤑 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 13:55.
☯ Inspirations: Music for Relaxation, Peace and Prosperity ☮ Deep Relaxation, Deep Sleep - Duration: 53:36.
Trump Just Took Over a Major News Outlet After They Grossly Insulted Him And Got Massive Stake In It - Duration: 5:34.
Liberal news outlets have walked the line for too long with what they publish that goes
against President Donald Trump and everything conservative Americans hold dear.
However, now they have just grossly crossed that line and it's come at a huge price
that their nemesis has claimed a major stake in.
It's the end of an era for the publication that's been a prominent part of media history
for decades, but they threw it all out the window when they recently called Trump a liar
then doubled down by giving an American terrorist a special honor for an absolutely foul reason.
TIME magazine has become notorious for giving anti-Americans the major honor and recognition
of being named "Person of the year."
Without a doubt, that title should have gone to our current president who has made massive
improvements in this country in his first year in office, that even the most hateful
liberals can't deny.
Not that anyone expected the deeply anti-Trump liberal rag that is Time magazine to do give
this title since they only put him on the cover with a slanderous headline, but they
reportedly plan to give it to his nemesis instead.
That proved to be a really bad idea after backlash immediately ensued when the last
people they wanted to see showed up and took over.
"Jew-killing terrorist and Women's March leader Linda Sarsour instantly became the
sweetheart of the left when she called for Trump's assassination several months back,
calling on her fellow Muslims and liberals to wage 'jihad' on the president in order
to permanently stop his agenda," Prissy Holly previously reported for Freedom Daily,
of the woman who is now set to been named Time's person of the year.
It's unclear why the publication would think it was an intelligent decision to give this
woman with a known radical anti-American agenda, who is the face of hate and division after
she was recently arrested for her crimes.
Perhaps the people at Time were impressed by Sarsour's nasty plot to cash in on the
hurricane victims, luring well-intentioned Americans to donate to her "hurricane relief
fund," which she later used for her radical extremist group that only exists to run left-wing
counter operations against Trump.
The Gateway Pundit explains more on this sick decision, with specific regards to it being
a move that was likely a huge middle finger to our president.
TIME Magazine says Trump was never in the running for 'Person of the Year' after
the President claimed the magazine told him he was being considered and requested an interview.
Perhaps calling for Jihad against the Trump administration while pushing for Sharia law
in the United States deems one a 'person of the year', says one report familiar with
TIME's editors.
"She is the picture, the image of everything gone to pot over the past nearly 12 months,"
Israel National News reported.
"TIME's editors won't put it that way of course.
They will ascribe to her, this so-called Palestinian American, all the glories of the women's
movement, whatever that is anymore.
But they do march for 'equality,' of the sort we find in certain Islamic countries
where all women are equally put to death for disobedience.
Like forgetting to wear that special veil, which Sarsour never forgets, even though some
might say it signifies bondage rather than emancipation."
"Sarsour is a leader in all that, and she is front and center in the resistance movement
against Trump," Israel National News added.
"TIME's editors love that about her.
She hates Trump.
What more can you ask when you are part of Old Media?"
This rumored nomination comes at the conclusion of a series of really bad decisions by the
magazine that seems to exist simply to stick it to conservatives and now our president,
which is why it's no surprise that the once respected publication has now gone the way
of the NFL.
With profits down, they needed someone to come in and save the day and the ones there
to do it were none other than the Koch brothers.
The New York Times reports (with upset) over this buyout:
The Meredith Corporation — the owner of Family Circle, Better Homes and Gardens and
AllRecipes — agreed to purchase Time Inc. in an all-cash transaction valued at nearly
$3 billion.
The deal was made possible, in part, by an infusion of $650 million from the private
equity arm of Charles G. and David H. Koch, the billionaire brothers known for using their
wealth and political connections to advance conservative causes.
The deal could represent the beginning of the end for one of the country's most celebrated
magazine publishers, whose titles commanded the attention of global leaders and chronicled
world events, sometimes with striking photography.
It also brings together two companies that have long courted different audiences, seeking
readerships that echoed the places they called home.
The funny thing about this move is that liberals should be celebrating the fact that the Koch
brothers are backing this buyout since they love some of the same things that lefties
do, such as amnesty and are big supporters of free trade — two things Trump is avidly
Charles and David Koch opposed Trump during the Republican primary season and refused
to help him during the general election, as Breitbart reports.
They also happen to have a close friendship with Harry Hurt III, who wrote a slanderous
book about Trump in 1993 that brimmed with disgusting rape accusations about the wealthy
businessman who is now our president-elect.
However, since they own a corporation with wholesome, family promoting publications,
they are upset that Time magazine, as we know it to be today, could be changed in a way
that actually supports many of the things Trump stands for, which is beautifully ironic.
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