🎮 Troll Face Quest TV Shows - Fun Games
For more infomation >> 🎮 Troll Face Quest TV Shows - Fun Games - Duration: 16:02.-------------------------------------------
Glitter Fantasy Looks for a Unicorn Pal | Episode 18 | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 2:28.
I totally forgot about the unicorn mating call!
That was like the troll mating call.
Get out of here, get out of here!
HI, I'm Glitter Fantasy.
Unicorn correspondent for Cosmopolitan.com.
I have a confession to make…
I'm extremely lonely.
You might look at me and say he's so fly and funny and sexy… but the truth is
that I really need some unicorn friends here in New York City.
So, I'm out here to find some STAT.
Are you a unicorn?
Are you guys unicorns?
No, no…
Do you know where the unicorns are located?
She's sworn to secrecy!
Do you have a unicorn horn underneath there sir?
I need friends!
Excuse me!
Take off your hats.
Take off your hat.
Show me your horn.
Is there a horn underneath that hat?
I hope not.
What do you mean you hope not?
Raise your hand if you're a unicorn!
What's underneath your hat?
Do you have a horn underneath there?
Ugh, my god.
Hello? Sparkle magic!
Creation station!
This is also a unicorn mating call used in ancient times to attract other unicorns
like this.
I need a friend.
I need a friend.
Oh unicorn!
Where are you unicorn?
I need you!!
I don't think I'll ever find a unicorn here.
I guess it's my fate to just wander the earth with sad humans and trolls and giants
and I just don't know...
[Unicorn Language]
Why aren't leaves falling off trees? - Duration: 1:07.
Beyonce's Pregnancy Announcement Photo Is the Most Liked Photo of 2017 | Breaking News Today - Duration: 2:19.
Beyonce's pregnancy announcement photo is the most liked photo of 2017 2017 has
been a depressing year from mass shootings to noxious political discourse
on platforms like Facebook and Twitter to the countless sexual harassment
stories that have come to light in recent weeks News has been a bit bleak
to say the least but there is one platform that's been an escape and
immune to the toxicity where a few taps and Scrolls will produce countless
photos of friends brunching and cute pugs and sweaters that's right
it's Instagram the Instagram community of 800 million users embraced the themes
of unity and family in 2017 according to the company's year and review data
Beyonce's iconic pregnancy photo received the most likes of the year with
11 point 1 million people double tapping the post she was the fourth most
followed celebrity 108 million followers behind singer / actress Selena Gomez who
topped the list with over 130 million followers
soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo 116 million and singer Ariana Grande 115
million Ronaldo had the second most liked photo of the year which celebrated
the birth of his twins tellingly the word love' was the most
used hashtag while instagrams most used face filter for stories was the puppy
the most Instagram cities or New York Moscow in London Disney Linden Anaheim
was the most popular place in the world for posts followed by Times Square
Central Park and the Eiffel Tower the most important list though the most
followed pets saw jiff boom 7.1 million followers beating out now is the cat 3.5
million and Doug the Pug 3 million poor Doug he likes nap cat was so clearly
Ekattor Tv Bangla News 30 November 2017 bangla Latest News Today bangla breaking News - Duration: 19:59.
Ekattor Tv Bangla News 30 November 2017 bangla Latest News Today bangla breaking News
Bangla Khobor 30 November 2017 bangla latest news Today Bangla Breaking News BD news all Bangla - Duration: 40:35.
Bangla Khobor 30 November 2017 bangla latest news Today Bangla Breaking News BD news all Bangla
Every Defiant Network Still Airing NFL Games Blindsided By Devastating News - Duration: 5:00.
It's been a long accepted fact that you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you because
if you do, they might not want to come back.
In other words, if someone is funneling you resources, you should treat them nicely.
This is apparently a concept that's easy to forget if you play for the National Football
League since they are doing just that.
The former fans of the NFL have completely severed ties this year because of the controversial
National Anthem protest that the players are insistent on being involved in.
Even though the league had the chance to stop it by just enforcing the laws that they already
had on the books, they decided not to, and they're paying the price.
Reports are now reflecting a decline in viewers to the tune of over 1 million viewers just
from the 2016 season until now.
This has put the NFL's television partners in a big money bind.
The most recent estimates state that the league's anthem stunt is losing broadcasters about
500 million dollars.
According to the Conservative Tribune, they might be looking for a solution that the NFL
won't like:
"Declining NFL ratings are set to cost the league's broadcast partner's half a billion
dollars this year alone, a new report reveals.
Outkick the Coverage, a website run by controversial sports radio host Clay Travis, notes that
the NFL's broadcasters — CBS, ESPN, Fox, and NBC — have already lost "several hundred
million" this year in ad revenue alone.
The report says the decline 'has the league's top executives and television partners scrambling
to figure out what went wrong.
How did a league that was setting ratings records in 2015 suddenly see its audience
fall by nearly 20 percent just two years later?
'While much of the attention has focused on the protests, according to ongoing conversations
with several people close to the league and its television partners over the past couple
of months, the ratings decline that will cost the TV partners up to $500 million can actually
be attributed to four primary factors,' the report reads."
Of course, everyone is desperate to blame anything and everything other than the anthem
protest for the decline in viewership, including the timing of the games, and the fact that
LA added extra teams.
While factors like those might make a little bit of difference, they're obviously a patsy.
If you know many football fans, you know that in the past, they rearrange their entire lives
just to catch a game.
And I've never seen anyone starting bonfires with their jerseys because new teams were
added to the league.
We all know exactly what is causing the problems, but the NFL bigwigs just don't want to admit
that American is that patriotic.
"Only one of those factors — and the last one in the article — are the national anthem
The others are (seriatim) the 'decimation of the one Eastern kickoff window on Sundays,'
'bad football,' and the two new teams in Los Angeles.
While the Rams are first in the NFC West, it's not like they're the most exciting
team in the world.
And then there's the Chargers, who are only in playoff contention because of the horrible
AFC and the plummeting leader of the Chargers' division, the Kansas City Chiefs.
However, the protests still play a part in the decline.
'While the protest has received the majority of the media attention and the league and
TV partners definitely believe it's an issue, they don't believe the protest is the reason
for the substantial drop in ratings by itself,' the report reads.
However, "(t)here is agreement that the NFL needs to find a resolution to the protests,"
the report reads.
The Outkick the Coverage piece comes one week after it was reported that the NFL had suffered
a worse-than-usual ratings slump, going from 5.6-5.7 percent declines in the three weeks
prior to a 6.3 percent year-over-year decline in week 11.
According to the New York Post, that took the NFL from 15.9 million viewers per game
a year ago to 14.9 million this year, a decline of one million viewers."
The new information about possible losses to the networks comes almost 3 months into
an abysmal season, and the top topic of conversation among anyone still talking about the NFL are
things like Marshawn Lynch's refusal to stand for the National Anthem but standing
for the Mexican anthem.
At a time when we should be asking ourselves who we're going to play in our fantasy lineup,
we're left fantasizing that Jerry Jones will be successful in dethroning Commissioner
Football has always been successful because it gave people an escape from issues that
weigh us down.
Now that the players have made the executive decision to let their own political opinions
tank their careers, and it's no longer a carefree experience.
This was obviously their decision to make, but since it's now costing the league and
broadcasters hundreds of millions of dollars, the protest will likely end one way or another,
and it might take the entire industry with it.
LA NARANJA + HECHIZO PARA LA SUERTE ~ La Magia de las Plantas - Duration: 7:53.
JP_ 出力デバイスに関係なく、autocad モノクロ印刷 - Duration: 2:00.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,
How to plot, all objects black regardless of output device In AutoCAD.
You want all objects to plot as solid black, When you plot to a print or plot device. Regardless of their color in the drawing,
To solve this problem. You must edit the plot style table, for the current drawing.
Type PAGESETUP into the command line and press Enter. In the Page Setup Manager Dialog box,
select the current layout and then select Modify. In the Page Setup dialog box, select the appropriate plot style from the drop-
down list and click Edit. In the Plot Style Table Editor Dialog box, click the Table View tab.
In the Color row, select the cell for Color 1. Select the Black option from the drop-down list that is displayed.
Right-click the text "Black" and click Apply to All Styles. Select the Enable Dithering check box for
Color1 column. Right-click the Enable Dithering check box for Color 1, and click Apply to All Styles.
Select the Convert to Grayscale check box for Color 1 column. Right-click the Convert to Grayscale check box
for Color 1, and click Apply to All Styles. When you have made the desired changes, click Save & Close,
and then modify the remainder of the options in the Page Setup dialog box as desired.
In the Plot dialog box, Plot Settings tab, make sure the Plot with Plot Styles option is selected.
Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,
Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com
Trump Did What Obama Never Could: He Took Away Putin's Biggest Bargaining Chip - Duration: 3:28.
Trump Did What Obama Never Could: He Took Away Putin's Biggest Bargaining Chip.
Spurred by a desire to acquire independence from Russian energy sources and buoyed by
support from President Donald Trump, Poland's state-owned gas and oil company has reportedly
signed a five-year deal to purchase American liquefied natural gas.
As noted by The Wall Street Journal, this move presents a huge headache to Russian President
Vladimir Putin, who has long prided himself on using Europe's dependence on his nation's
rich energy stores "as a diplomatic cudgel, threatening to cut off supplies" to any
country that disobeys him.
But because of America's ongoing fracking revolution — which the Obama administration
tried to rein in and Trump has helped boost — the age of Russian dominance may soon
be approaching an end.
"In 2015 — the year Moscow cut off gas supplies to Ukraine — the U.S. surpassed
Russia as the world's top natural-gas producer," the Journal reported.
"By February 2016 major shipments of American LNG were headed abroad for the first time."
According to the deal reached by Poland's PGNiG, the British utility company Centrica
will deliver deliver roughly 30 billion cubic feet of American-produced liquified natural
gas to Poland.
The liquified gas will be purchased from Cheniere Energy, a U.S.-based energy company that operates
several liquification plants throughout the states.
In a statement published Nov. 21, PGNiG CEO Piotr Woźniak noted that this deal will likely
only be the first of many more.
"This agreement is the first of its kind in PGNiG's planned portfolio of medium-term
LNG agreements," he said.
It's what he said next, though, that's especially noteworthy: "Most of these LNG
supply agreements will be dedicated to the gas markets of Poland and other Central European
countries in order to increase the energy security of this region, which has historically
been dominated by Russian gas."
It all boils down to Poland — and the rest of Europe — ridding itself of Putin's
unwanted influence.
Trump himself supports this mission.
"America stands ready to help Poland and other nations diversify their energy supplies
so that you can never be held hostage to a single supplier," he said on a visit to
Warsaw over the summer, according to the Washington Examiner.
Trump likewise deserves much of the credit for PGNiG's deal, in the opinion of conservative
political commentator Dan Calabrese.
"One of the most underreported stories of the Trump presidency has been the way he's
taken the shackles off domestic energy producers and cleared the way for these producers to
market their product across the globe," Calabrese wrote in a piece published by Canada
Free Press.
"Much of this required little more than Trump's reversing of Obama executive orders.
Some required Congress to get involved in lifting regulations," he wrote.
"But the effect has been extraordinary, and it recently put U.S. exporters in a position
to compete for the chance to service Poland's natural gas needs.
That has been an exclusive Russian gig in recent years."
Not anymore, though, thanks to the American fracking revolution and Donald Trump's support
for it
What do you think about Europe's desire to become independent of Russian energy?
Please share this story and let us know what you think about Poland's plan to begin importing
liquefied natural gas from the United States.
Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.
Kris Jenner Buys Massive $9.9 Million Mansion: See Pics Of The Lavish Estate|NVS News - Duration: 3:41.
Kris Jenner Buys Massive $9.9 Million Mansion: See Pics Of The Lavish Estate
Courtesy of Trulia.
Kris Jenner just bought whats possibly the most impressive home in the Kardashian family! See pics of her $9.
9 million mega-mansion!.
Leave it to Kris Jenner to do things bigger and better than ever before! The Kardashian-Jenner matriarch has just dropped major cash on a mega-mansion in Hidden Hills, California, the Los Angeles suburb where some of her children already live.
Closer to the grandchildren and a 10-person spa on site? Sign her up! Check out the gallery above to see photos of Kris massive new home.
Got $9.9 million to spare? Yeah, neither do we.
Good thing we have Kris to live through vicariously! The momager decided to upgrade her digs from her already unfathomably huge mansion, to one fit for a queen.
Its jaw-dropping.
The home, according to figures on real estate website Trulia, is 9400 square feet, features six bedrooms (one for each of her kids and their partners, presumably), eight bathrooms that look out onto the rolling hills in the backyard, an open floor plan and breezy balconies.
Some major perks? A zero-edge pool, a spa that fits 10 people, and whats basically the closet from Clueless.
Party at Kris place! Seriously, this home is so huge it makes Kylie Jenners $2 million home look like a Barbie dream house.
Even better? The home is located across the street from Kim Kardashian and Kanye West! That means tons of quality time with North and Saint West.
Yay! Its unclear if Kris is planning on making this place her new HQ, or if shes prepping it for resale.
Not like she doesnt have enough money already, but a property like this could score her major money.
So, are we invited over for a pool party with the family anytime soon?.
HollywoodLifers, are you shocked by the size of Kris new mansion? Let us know!.
Trump Just Unleashed Hell On Muslims By Exposing Horrifying Secret That's Way Worse Than We Thought - Duration: 4:25.
There was a time in society that when speaking the truth was an admired quality, but over
the years that has changed.
Now, telling the truth is shied away from after political correctness has reared its
ugly head in society.
People are afraid to speak up against radical Islam for fear of being called a racist, bigot,
or an Islamaphobic.
What is worse about this entire situation is that countries are now considering making
it a hate crime if you disparagingly speak about Muslims and anyone found guilty would
be subject to serving jail time.
We have seen this trend happening over the years in America, and even social media censors
conservatives on a regular basis for reporting the truth about radical Islam.
While the left would like to continue with censoring free speech, President Trump is
an advocate for speaking the truth even if it is considered offensive.
Trump in his effort to push back against political correctness in America has made it his mission
to expose the dangers of radical Islam and what he just shared shows how horrible it
has become.
It is no secret that Europe is now a cesspool of violent crime due to the massive influx
of Muslim refugees over the last several years.
Terrorist attacks are on the rise and the threat of Sharia Law becoming the law of the
land is a genuine possibility in the European world.
Women are attacked and raped on the streets by packs of Muslim men, Muslim refugees sexually
molest children, and the animal rapes have increased since the borders were opened.
With all that in mind, President Trump realizes the danger of censoring the truth of Islam,
and if it is already being edited in Europe, it will only be a matter of time before it
happens in America.
The left has done their best to censor the dangers of radical Islam by attempting to
paint the violent religion as one of peace and love.
So, when President Trump retweeted videos on his Twitter account showing Muslim refugees
committing heinous crimes in Europe, the left went into full meltdown mode.
Labour MPs in Britain are now disinviting President Trump for sharing these videos claiming
that he is only "spreading hate" about the Muslim religion.
However, is it really hate if Muslims committed these crimes?
Not at all, and it is about damn time the truth is revealed for all the world to see.
Here is more from Daily Mail:
US President Donald Trump was 'wrong' to share anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right
UK group, Downing Street said today.
Ministers today faced demands to cancel Mr. Trump's state visit as MPs insisted he was
'not welcome here' following the Twitter posts.
The storm over the posts – first shared by Britain First's deputy leader – deepened
as the widow of murdered MP Jo Cox accused him of 'spreading hatred'.
The furious backlash came after the 71-year-old President retweeted content posted by Britain
First's Jayda Fransen, from Penge in South East London.
Labour politician Mrs. Cox was stabbed and shot outside her constituency office in Birstall,
West Yorkshire, in June 2016 by a man who shouted 'Britain First'.
The first video retweeted by Mr. Trump purportedly shows a 'Muslim migrant' beating up a
Dutch boy on crutches.
Mr. Trump also retweeted a video of a Muslim man 'destroy(ing) a statue of Virgin Mary',
and another where Ms. Fransen wrote: 'Islamist mob pushed teenage boy off the roof and beats
him to death!'
The provenance of the footage is unknown.
The row casts fresh doubt on the prospects for Mr. Trump's state visit, which has been
repeatedly pushed back since Prime Minister Theresa May extended the invite in January.
Speaker John Bercow has already made clear he would block the President from getting
the honour of addressing both Houses of Parliament if he does come.
The absurdity of these far-left morons in Europe is enough to make anyone sick.
These crimes were committed by Muslims and calling them out is somehow dangerous and
breeds hate beyond comprehension to anyone with common sense.
You can imagine if these crimes were done by a white Christian male they would be all
over the news, but since it is by Muslim, they will do their best to protect the savagery.
The people who were attacked by these gangs of Muslims were the ones on the receiving
end of hate, not the other way around.
President Trump is not retweeting falsified videos that didn't happen, but the truth
of what Islam really is and that it must be stopped before it is too late.
이상아 딸▼친아빠 전남편들|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 11:46.
Trump Goes Rogue, Calls Out Islamists in Early-Morning Tweetstorm - Duration: 3:05.
Refusing to cower to political correctness, President Donald Trump went rogue Wednesday,
taking dead aim at radical Islamic terrorists and the violence they sow.
Trump retweeted three separate videos from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of the right-wing
U.K. party Britain First, that reportedly show Muslims attacking innocent people.
At least one of the videos has been questioned about its authenticity, and whether the attacker
portrayed really was Muslim, but White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on
Wednesday said the president's intent was to spread the message of danger from abroad.
The retweets, she said, did that.
"Whether it's a real video, the threat is real," Sanders said, according to the
Washington Examiner.
"(Trump's) goal is to promote strong border security and strong national security."
In the first video — the one questioned by critics — Fransen said a Muslim migrant
was depicted attacking a Dutch boy who uses a crutch.
It's a disturbing scene.
The attacker approached the victim in a clearly threatening way, then stood briefly with his
arm around him.
The individual recording the attack can be heard saying, "let's go."
Around the 15-second mark, the attacker takes a step back, and then leaps forward to kick
the victim in the leg.
The attacker then punches and kicks the victim several times, while the man recording the
video can be heard laughing.
In the second video from Fransen, an apparently Muslim man can be seen destroying a statue
of the Virgin Mary.
After making a statement in Arabic, the man slams the statue to the ground, shattering
Mary, of course, was the mother of Jesus and serves as a symbol of strength and purity
for countless Christians.
Fransen claimed the third clip showed an Islamist mob assaulting several people after they were
pushed from a ledge on a rooftop.
In the video, a man can be seen with a flag that appears to be the banner used by the
Islamic State terrorist group.
Around the one-minute mark in the video, other men can be seen tossing several people off
a ledge down to the rooftop, where a group of men appears to be attacking them when they
According to Fransen, the victims included a teenage boy who was beaten to death.
The savagery of the scene is appalling.
As Sanders explained to the White House press corps, Trump's decision to retweet these
three videos reportedly showing Islamist violence was meant to show the American people how
crucial border security is — and how dangerous the threat of radical Islam really is.
By informing his millions of followers of these heinous attacks, Trump is definitely
taking a stand on the issue, and trying to show Americans why the country needs extreme
vetting, a border wall, and a travel ban on individuals trying to get into the U.S. from
terrorist-ridden nations.
No country can afford to normalize these violent attacks from radical jihadists.
Rather than cower to radical Islam like Barack Obama, Trump is putting the terrorism issue
front and center.
Persecution: MSNBC Host Claims Rural Americans Are "Core Threat" to Democracy - Duration: 1:57.
MSNBC host Joy Reid on Saturday said that rural Americans pose a "core threat" to
democracy due to their "disproportionate power over the urban majority."
Reid's post was in response to MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin, who tweeted a link to a Wall
Street journal report and wrote, "By 2040, about 70% of Americans are expected to live
in the 15 largest states.
They will have only 30 senators representing them, while the remaining 30% of Americans
will have 70 senators representing them.
"This is the core threat to our democracy.
The rural minority — the people @JYSexton just wrote a long thread about — have and
will continue to have disproportionate power over the urban majority," Reid wrote.
In the same thread, Reid also said abolishing the Electoral College would be a "good start."
A good start to what?
Reid pointed to a string of tweets by Jared Yates Sexton, a self-described "associate
professor of creative writing," who also showed a strong dislike for Trump supporters.
Sexton posted: "With Trump's base showing strong preferences for authoritarianism, and
continuing to support a serial predator of children, it's time to look this problem
in its face."
"We cannot let them continue to build a base and have a seat at the table.
That only empowers them and furthers the danger," he said.
The comments in this thread are shocking, and they reveal just how much utter hatred
the left has for Trump and his supporters.
These ideas are dangerous to our country and its future.
Reid, along with a majority of Democrats, are still bitter that presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton lost the election.
While she rants about rural Americans being a core threat, she cannot see her own bigotry.
It sounds as though people like Reid and Sexton literally want to do away with Trump supporters,
which is a terrifying thought.
▼이미지 신장쇼크 고독사 이유▼|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:56.
Descendant Of Pocahontas Asked If Trump's Comment is 'Offensive,' Media Stunned By Answer - Duration: 4:28.
Debbie "White Dove" Porreco is a descendant of the real Pocahontas.
As such, she was recently asked if she finds it "offensive" when President Donald Trump
refers to Senator Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas."
The media was immediately stunned by her answer.
In the wake of the fresh controversy surrounding President Donald Trump's habit of referring
to Senator Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas," an interview has surfaced with none other
than a living descendant of the real Native American named Pocahontas who was made even
more famous when her story was popularized in a Disney movie.
Sen. Warren has a long and well-documented history of claiming that she is Native American
in order to advance her career, which led President Trump to begin calling her "Pocahontas"
as a joke.
In 1996, a Harvard Crimson article referred to Warren as Native American.
Warren claimed that she had no idea why the school was labeling her as such and that it
never came up during the hiring process.
Then, in 1997, a Fordham Law Review article described her as Harvard Law's "first
woman of color," based on a "telephone interview with Michael Chmura, News Director,
Harvard Law."
Warren later acknowledged that Harvard had singled her out as a Native American professor
because she identified herself as a minority in an Association of American Law Schools
directory from 1986-1994.
She stopped listing herself as such when she gained tenure at Harvard.
Warren claimed that she checked herself off as a Native American in the hopes of meeting
other people like herself, and had no intentions of using it to boost her employment options.
[Source: The Daily Caller] Democrats should be outraged that one of their
most prominent leaders has such a storied history of lying about her heritage, but instead,
they have aimed their outrage squarely at President Trump, claiming that it is "offensive"
for him to use a "racial slur" like "Pocahontas" when referring to Warren.
If liberals want something to be mad about then why aren't they mad that one of their
senators has been lying about her Native American heritage for years simply to get ahead in
her career?
It doesn't get more racist than that.
They'd rather pretend that Trump is racist and cause as much hysteria as possible.
[Source: America News Hub] However, as it turns out, an actual descendant
of Pocahontas does not take any offense at all to Trump jokingly referring to Elizabeth
Warren as "Pocahontas."
In an interview with Sky News, Debbie "White Dove" Porreco, a Native American who is
a direct descendant of the real Pocahontas, said that President Trump once asked her if
she was offended that he used the name "Pocahontas" to refer to Warren.
"I know that he uses 'Pocahontas' sometimes with Elizabeth Warren," Porreco explained.
"He said, 'Well does that offend you when I use that?'
And I told him, 'No, it doesn't offend me,'" Porreco recalled.
"If Pocahontas were alive today, she would be very proud of President Trump," Porreco
"Just like Pocahontas was a heroine, Donald Trump is going to be our hero."
Sky News contrasted Porreco's comments with those of Irene Bedard, who voiced Pocahontas
in the Disney movie.
"Do I think Pocahontas would be a fan of Trump?
Oh no," said Bedard.
"Misogyny and bullying and name-calling at its finest.
It is not intelligent discourse."
Coincidentally, Sky News did not ask Bedard if it offended her that Sen. Warren has repeatedly
lied about having a Native American heritage, essentially taking advantage of a minority
group to further her own career.
Porreco has risen to prominence within her community and is now a frequent guest at President
Trump's luxury Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, despite her humble beginnings
on an Indian reservation.
"Sometimes when I'm dining at Mar-a-Lago, I think to myself, 'You've come a long
way from that Indian reservation you started in," she said.
"Pocahontas had dreams and went to England.
My dreams brought me to Palm Beach."
When you consider Porreco's background, it is really no surprise that she counts herself
among President Trump's supporters.
She's worked hard to get where she is today, just like Trump.
It truly is amazing how much can be accomplished when no time is wasted making excuses or getting
"offended" for ridiculous reasons.
Perhaps those on the left ought to look to Porreco as a role model instead of their beloved
Elizabeth Warren.
Was Taylor Swift's 'King Of My Heart' Inspired By Tom Hiddleston & Not Joe Alwyn? Fans Debate - Duration: 4:59.
Was Taylor Swift's 'King Of My Heart' Inspired By Tom Hiddleston & Not Joe Alwyn? Fans Debate
Broadimage/REX/Shutterstock/Ritchie B.
Tongo / Epa/REX/Shutterstock.
Taylor Swift released the making of video for King Of My Heart and clues are causing fans to debate on whether the song is about Tom Hiddleston or Joe Alwyn.
Find out why!.
Taylor Swift, 27, told fans that every love song on her new album Reputation is about her current beau Joe Alwyn, 26, but after releasing the making of video for King of My Heart fans spotted one particular clue that may prove it was actually originally about her ex Tom Hiddleston! At the end of the video, while Taylor is recording vocals for the song, shes wearing a white t-shirt and denim overalls.
This appears to be the same outfit Taylor wore while video chatting with squad member Karlie Kloss on her birthday in Aug.
Karlie posted the photo on her social media back then causing speculation it could have been the same day.
Whats the big deal about that? Well, Taylor apparently didnt meet Joe until Oct.
2016! She was dating Tom at the time of Karlies post so how could the song be about her blond hunky boyfriend if she hadnt even met him yet?! Before we jump to conclusions, lets observe a bit further: it is possible she could just be wearing the same outfit on different days, right? However, its also possible that it could have started out being about Tom, but Tay switched kings when she met Joe! Check out our take on who Taylors new songs are about here!.
Fans took to Twitter to point out that the song was indeed about Tom by posting side by side photos of the hitmaker in the same outfit and even pointed out that her hair was styled the exact same way.
Now, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, other fans arent buying into it and still insist the song is about Joe.
One fan compared the odd way Tay says Jaguar in the song to the way Tom says it in his advertisements for the expensive car brand.
Could this mean shes taking a jab at Tom while singing to Joe? The lyric does go: Cause all the boys and their expensive cars, With their Range Rovers and their Jaguars, Never took me quite where you do. Hmm… Then again, she could also say it that way because she imagines singing it to Tom, right? And how does Joe say the word? Theyre both British with heavy accents so its possible they pronounce it similarly.
Are you confused? We are a little too, but this whole debate leads to one definite conclusion: there are endless possibilities and only Taylor knows for sure!.
Taylors new album has continued to stay at the top of the charts and she just announced a stadium tour that starts in Spring 2018.
Its expected to sell out as usual, proving the singer continues to be the own ruler of her kingdom!.
HollywoodLifers, do you think King of My Heart is about Tom or Joe? We want to know your opinions here!.
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