Ready, aim...
Wake me when it's over.!
Freaks! You're animals! Freaks!
My name is Major William Stryker.
You've been charged with killing a senior officer.
Is that correct?
Apparently, we have some issues with authority...
- Just keep a lid on it. ...sir.
The warden tells me that your sentence was carried out by a firing squad
at 1000 hours.
- How'd that go? - It tickled.
You boys tired of running? Tired of denying your true nature?
- What do you care? - Oh, I care.
I care because I know how special you are.
How valuable.
Look, you can stay here locked up like freaks of nature,
or you can join me.
I'm putting together a special team with special privileges.
Now, tell me, how would you like to really serve your country?
For more infomation >> Wolverine & Victor Join Team X | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
Meet The Incredible Mother Behind Caroline's Cart | Southern Living - Duration: 1:34.
(upbeat, lively music)
One in five under the age of 17
have some registered form of disability.
We should have accessible shopping
just like everyone else does.
I'm not the only mom out there
that has a special needs child.
It started at my dining room table with a drawing.
So when Caroline was born I left the hospital
with what I thought and was told
was a perfectly healthy baby girl.
She was diagnosed with a genetic condition called Rett.
It is a genetic disorder
that has nothing to do with my husband or myself.
Nobody's a carrier.
It's like hitting the lottery.
It just happened.
Being a stay-at-home mom with three children,
where was I many times a week?
I was at the grocery store.
It didn't take me long to realize
once Caroline outgrew the traditional shopping cart,
I begin to wonder, "Okay well what am I gonna do next?"
That's when I really dug into this and started looking
for a special needs shopping cart
and there never was one.
Just from the napkin to the prototype
was almost two years.
I thought Caroline's Cart
would be in stores within six to nine months
from my cute little drawing,
and it was almost 10 years.
When you are trying to do something
that's never been done before, it's not easy!
You have to make that happen.
You have to figure it out.
So don't give up the fight.
No one's gonna do it.
And take ownership of your own hopes and dreams.
"Cop For A Day" aims to bring police, community closer together - Duration: 1:32.
Counterfeit money makes rounds in southern Indiana - Duration: 1:27.
Private bus companies speak out against Metro, USM deal - Duration: 0:53.
We live in a fabricated world.
We are living in a world where everything is rigged and every American institution is
sold out and corrupted, along with being rigged in favor of the big business and big government.
Paul Craig Roberts said that America is a lost country and the corruption of private
institutions and public ones is complete and there is nothing but tyranny and endless lies.
The Associated Press, CNN and Reuters are all shamelessly promoting big lies over every
sector of society and this includes vaccines, elections, GMOs and politics.
The federal government is incapable of doing anything else but lies and they have corrupted
the whole realm of science as they pull the strings of funding through the NSF and National
Institute of Health.
He went on to say that the whole of the FDS is corrupt, along with the USDA, with both
of them functioning as marketing propaganda pushers from the Big Biotech and Big Pharma.
Facebook, Google and Twitter are also rigged and they censor the voice and do not want
people to hear when they are highlighting the lies of the establishment that they want
to promote.
He said that when he talks about everything being rigged, he means everything.
All of the official sources are said to constantly lie about anything and everything.
They weave illusions to push a narrative that is rooted in fiction, including no Islamic
terrorists and telling people that carbon dioxide is poisoning the planet.
and voices of reason are silenced and only the irrational most insane voices are allowed
to get magnified through media.
The same is said to be true about sciences and real science is said to be all but dead
thanks to political agendas.
Propaganda has obliterated all facts and facts do not have a place in debate and anyone who
invokes facts is them silenced, shamed, fired, bullied on social media or expelled from schools.
People who try to invoke facts about things such as actual statistics about police shooting
are told that they are just part of the problem due to the fact that they have the wrong attitude
when it comes to social justice.
Each government branch is said to be weaponized against people and then used as a tool against
political enemies who then make threats to the status quo, the FDA, IRS, DEA, EPA and
Science has been distorted and is now absurd politically motivated conclusions about everything
the government uses in order to be able to control the masses.
This includes climate change, vaccines, flu shots, GMOs, fluoride, carbon dioxide and
Each branch of the medicine has been hijacked by globalist agendas to ensure that medicine
does not in fact make people healthier, cognitively capable of being able to think for themselves
or more alert.
Each and every item of news that is reported from official sources has been distorted to
the point where it is insane and turns away facts while at the same time attacks those
who could offer something constructive to the world.
An example being, when Clinton was given clearance by the FBI, when she had been indicted by
the facts that were presented by the FBI.
All voices that speak the truth are silenced and then taken over by distracting and meaningless
babble or tribal sports competitions such as the Rio Olympics that are meaningless.
The whole point, to dumb down the population to reach the point of cultural lunacy.
True reports that are said to contradict the official stories given are censored and this
occurred with Michael Savage who was blocked from Facebook when he posted a story that
was true about an illegal alien committing murder in the USA.
The emotions of people are being used as weapons for manipulation of the masses.
A radical Muslim dad tried to bring Sharia Law to the US and he attacked Trump expressing
loss for his soldier son and became an instant celebrity and was praised by being courageous
and speaking out.
Everything, everywhere is rigged, food companies are corrupt, public universities, the FDA,
banks, singers, energy and oil industries and more, even Hollywood, is all rigged.
When considering where all of this might head you should look at Communist China, a country
where all independent news is outlawed.
Political prisoners have organs harvested so as to enrich the black market organ traders
and one out of three citizens is said to be a secret spy, snitching on friends.
Hillary Clinton is one embodiment of totalitarianism and the perfect fit for government corruption.
If Clinton had become president of the United States, the US would have been gone forever
and in its place would be a regime of totalitarians that did nothing but violate the RICO Act.
If the biased media is a system that is entirely rigged then censorship on Facebook along with
the search result manipulations of Google will end up putting the USA most terrifying
political criminal into the White House at some point and then it will be the end of
the US as we know it.
Trump Just PISSED OFF Richest Man In America With A Big Humiliating Boot In The Behind Breaking News - Duration: 4:44.
Trump just pissed o FF richest man in America with a big humiliating boot in the behind
One of the reasons an overwhelming amount of Americans picked Donald Trump as our next president is he because he makes no
Apologies for the things he says and does no matter who it offends after eight years of lame-duck leadership
it's refreshing to have a powerhouse in the White House and
satisfying when he pisses off rich people who have gotten a little too comfortable and think they have all the control and don't like the
Fact that Trump is in charge now when you're as rich as Trump isn't focused on making America great again
You don't care about other people's money who tried to bribe you with it
President Barack Obama was quick to take in other people's cash and the presidency proved to be very profitable for him since this former
Community organizer moved out of the White House and into a multi-million dollar estate after just two years on four hundred thousand dollars per year
Presidents salary the game has all changed with Trump in charge now who stuck it to one of his biggest and richest
Detractors who showed up to his golf course and tried to throw his weight around and got humiliated with a painful boot in the behind
The list is long of people who think they're in power and hate that Trump is
After they tried their hardest to keep him out in the White House and still lost
Despite their best efforts and wads of cash to detract him from his goal
He won anyway, and he's laughing every day that he's still their president
Especially now that he just got the opportunity to stick it to two men who led the charge against him when they decided to spend
the afternoon at Trump's private golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida
Which has also been affectionately dubbed the winter White House
Heading off the effort to prevent Trump from becoming
President was the billionaire Koch brothers who loved amnesty and are big supporters of free trade two things Trump is avidly against
Charles and David Koch oppose Trump during the Republican primary season and refused to help him during the general election
As brihat bard reports and they happen to have a close friendship with harry hurt 3 who wrote a slanderous book about Trump in
1993 that brimmed with disgusting rape accusations about the wealthy businessman who is now the President of the United States
Hoping to partake in a little rest and relaxation
David Koch and hurt planned a day-long retreat at trump's exclusive
Golf resort which was suddenly cut short when Trump found out they were there in
Perfectly humiliating fashion Trump instructed management to remove the pair from his property and told them they weren't too welcome back ever
Being escorted out had to be one of the most embarrassing moments for these billionaire buddies and the presence of other rich people
They're enjoying their pricey membership
Which Koch and pals don't get to be a part of?
Trump proved that their money isn't
important to him in no price can fix how stupid these two look after earning this karma when they went against their own party to
protect the political establishment
The sudden removal from ritzy golf resorts has become a theme since Trump took office starting with the former golfer in chief
Barack Obama who also got the boot under the most satisfying
circumstances for conservatives
Throughout his presidency the Rockville month Country Club has given Obama and membership at their prestigious Club free of charge
Waving the insane
$80,000 initiation fee and yearly membership dues of almost
$10,000 but after Obama's recent disgusting treatment towards Israel with his backing of the United Nations plan to give his railey land
To Palestinian terrorists many Jewish members are raising absolute hell
Demanding that Obama be thrown the hell out of their club on his ear in light of the votes at the UN into Kerry speech
and everything else there's this major uproar with having him part of the club and a
Significant portion of the club as opposed offering him membership a source told the New York Post
Obama was looking to join the elite menthe Country Club in Maryland as a private citizen
But was swiftly denied access by members of the mostly Jewish
Club where many insisted that he deserved to be snubbed for not blocking an anti his real vote at the nations
It's the perfect dose of karma this
Arrogant man had coming since he loves himself as much as he loves golf and got shot in the gut with this brutal reality check
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