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For more infomation >> Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2017 | Top Best Funny Kids Fails of All Time - by Life Awesome - Duration: 10:05.-------------------------------------------
How to Make Amazing Remote Control Fire Truck from Cardboard - Duration: 8:38.
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THE POKEMÓN LOCOS - A "pinche" suegro (EP1) | ANIMATION | Pokémon - Duration: 3:21.
Come on Ludicolo, don't leave the city, Xatu...
Don't stop me, morra.
I lost everything and the decision is made, no más.
I think with trying to convince him once it's enough.
What else, Xatu...
Ey Xatu...
So, why do you accompany me to the bank?
I'm going to ask for a loan.
Yeah wey, feather insurance is through the roof.
Oh wey!
This Pokémon row is huge!
Oh oh!
Mister father in law is here...
You also around here...
Don't be afraid, mr. father in law...
I come to the bank to get money that I have left to start new life outside of the city.
"I don't give a Nidorino" what you do as long as it's away from my daughter.
Sorry, gentlemen...
...but when I get bored I don't hesitate to scream.
Uh, what a family tension!
For moments like this, I'm glad to be single and independent...
I thought I saw an another Xatu...
And as you will know, is rare to saw others Xatu...
See you, Xatu...
Well, mr. father in law, what are you doing here?
I'm going to take my money out to build a wall against people like you.
Oh wey, It's the third time that they have built a wall for Ludicolo...
Damn mister Donald Trump...
...and that dirty beaver...
Everybody... the suelo! ("suelo" is "floor" in spanish)
Hey, but... what are you doing!?
No, no, no!
At the Swellow no!
Id say "suelo", floor in spanish! the floor!
("Swellow" sounds like "suelo")
That's right, at the suelo.
Oh oh, this does not look good...
But of course, chavos.
You will ask yourselves: What happened for this to happen no más?
So... If you are interested...
I'll tell you what happened...
Learn Italian with Italy Made Easy - Welcome to the Channel (Trailer) [English Subtitles] - Duration: 1:43.
Open Talk With Tamil Tech (aka HowiSiT) [Part- 2] | Video Podcast | TechDipper - Duration: 15:21.
So, you are the biggest tech channel in Tamil.
How do you feel about it?
The First thing is that Tamil Tech is biggest tech channel
in Tamil, at least as of now
and that's a big thing for me.
And that brings a huge responsibility.
So, the people who supported me
and who is still supporting me,
they are the biggest reason for being a tech channel
in Tamil or if not, for being the biggest tech channel till date.
I asked this question in Tamil, why are speaking in English?
So, let me speak in Tamil now.
So, our channel is the biggest tech channel in Tamil,
it is not because of me, it's because of my friends,
who supported Tamil Tech and also because
of the friends, who will join in the future too.
each and every part of Tamil Tech is because of my friends.
That's how I bring in the status
2 men killed in homicide in Independence - Duration: 0:32.
Kansas City family gets live saving surprise - Duration: 1:19.
🎮 Animal Hair Salon Baby Jungle - Animals Care Makeover Dress Up Fun Games - Duration: 11:36.
🎮 Animal Hair Salon Baby Jungle - Animals Care Makeover Dress Up Fun Games
American Freed by Jimmy Carter from North Korean Prison Found Burned to Death - Duration: 3:13.
An American man that had been freed from a North Korean prison with the help of former
U.S. President Jimmy Carter died last weekend after being found ablaze in a dirt lot in
San Diego.
Aijalon Mahli Gomes, 38, made headlines when Carter helped negotiate his release after
he was sentenced to eight years of hard labor in 2010 for illegally crossing into North
Korea from China.
Gomes was accused of committing an unspecified "hostile act" and fined approximately
$600,000 in addition to his prison sentence, the U.K. Independent reported.
Gomes' uncle, Michael Farrow, said that Gomes lived in South Korea for nine years
prior to his arrest, according to CNN.
Farrow said that he was unaware of the circumstances of Gomes' entry into North Korea, but noted
that his nephew's actions were "not in his character."
"He did not take things to the extreme.
He may have just been trying to peek in and help others and teach them," Farrow said.
"He had good motives.
I know he had good intentions."
According to San Diego police, foul play was not suspected in Gomes' death.
"The preliminary investigation indicates the death is not a homicide but rather an
accidental death or a suicide," said San Diego police homicide lieutenant Todd Griffin
in a statement.
"A final determination cannot be made until the Medical Examiner's Office completes
its investigation," Griffin added.
Gomes wrote about his incarceration in North Korea in a self-published book, "Violence
and Humanity," which was released in 2015.
The book description notes that, for nine months Gomes had "remained detained in a
remote prison under strict supervision while friends and family in the United States were
kept in the dark about his health and location as tensions peaked in the region, leading
him to true tests of hope, faith and humanity."
Gomes taught English to middle school students in South Korea for two years before crossing
into China, "inspired by his faith and sense of universal equality," according to the
book's description.
Since his return from North Korea, Gomes, who recently moved from Boston to San Diego,
focused on recovering "from injuries sustained while being incarcerated in North Korea,"
said a statement from Gomes' book.
However, North Korean media claimed that Gomes attempted suicide in July 2010 while he was
still incarcerated.
In a 2015 interview with Charon QC, Gomes confirmed North Korea's claims and attributed
his survival to God's will.
"With the amount of blood I lost, my less than average physique and the pain, I can't
really give you a sensible account of how I survived," he said.
Gomes also revealed in the interview that, following his return from imprisonment in
North Korea, he experienced issues with anxiety due to the ordeal which made him "mostly
a recluse."
According to the U.K. Independent, if Gomes' death is ruled as a suicide by the San Diego
Medical Examiner's Office, he "will be the second American to have killed themselves
after being released from a North Korean prison."
HOW TO DANCE SALSA | CUBAN STYLE | BEGINNERS – Learn to Dance Salsa #2 - Duration: 10:23.
Hi Bailadores!.
We are Carlos and Claudia,… Welcome to ¡Deberías Estar Bailando!.
Today we bring you the second tutorial of our Series of Salsa for Beginners. Cuban Style.
And there is very little left to reach the 1.000 Likes that we asked in the previous tutorial.
You have strived and you deserve your reward. Also, we really want
to do a new Salsa tutorial.
In this tutorial we will teach you two new steps and their application in couple.
And they are two super useful steps to understand superior techniques,
like the turn of the woman and the "Dile Que No".
Are you ready?.
To make it very simple to understand, we are going to do the two steps first individually.
And then we will apply them in couple.
When we do them in couple, you will see that of the three options that we give you,
one will be very useful for your progress and learning.
Let's start with what we call the Lateral Basic.
This step has a total of 6 steps, and as its name indicates,
we will move laterally.
Starting with our left foot we move to our left, not too much.
We support the weight of the body and now we raise our right foot,
to tread again in the same place.
And we return to join the feet with our left foot, when returning to position.
First part,…
1, 2, 3, Pause
1, 2, 3, Pause
It is very important to support our weight on the left.
So now we can move our right foot to our right.
Supporting again the weight of the body to be able to raise our left foot,
and tread on the same place.
We ended joining the feet when returning to position with our right foot.
Second part,…
5, 6, 7, Pause
5, 6, 7, Pause
That way it would be complete,…
1, 2, 3, Pause, 5, 6, 7, Pause
1, 2, 3, Pause, 5, 6, 7, Pause
As we did in the first tutorial with the Basic Step,
we will start with the right foot,
and we will do the same actions as the man.
Move, step on the same place, join feets and pause.
Move, step on the same place, join feets and pause.
1, 2, 3, Pause, 5, 6, 7, Pause
1, 2, 3, Pause, 5, 6, 7, Pause
It is very important that in each step you support the weight of the body, if you don't do it, you'll be wrong.
Another very common error that you can easily avoid,
is when you unintentionally lose the position you are in,
that is, we go to left or right losing the center.
And the solution is very simple.
Imagine a red circle under your feet, and only your left or right foot
leave that circle.
Never both at once.
We are going to do this step with music.
The second step we want to teach you is what we call Diagonal Basic.
It also has a total of 6 steps and is simpler than the previous one.
Since we only need to do our Salsa Basic but orienting ourselves to the diagonals.
Look, first the Basic Step.
1, 2, 3,… 5, 6, 7 and 8
During counts 7 and 8, 8 is the Pause, my whole body is oriented to the left.
I repeat it.
1, 2, 3,… 5, 6, 7 and 8
Now I continue with my Basic Step.
1, 2, 3 and 4
This time, during counts 3 and 4, my body is oriented to the right.
I repeat it from this position.
1, 2, 3 and 4.
Complete would be like this.
1, 2, 3, 4… 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4… 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4… 5, 6, 7, 8
For us, starting with the right foot.
And first we orient us to right and then to left.
I show you from the Basic.
1, 2, 3, 4… 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4… 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4… 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4… 5, 6, 7, 8
An important detail is that we should never support the heel of the foot that steps back,
or we will lose agility and the step will be more difficult.
And it is also very important to always make the change of weight in the feet.
When we step back, we must raise the foot in front to mark the step.
How can we do these two new steps in couple?.
This is the question that all our students ask us,
and that you, too, will be asking.
Well in 3 different ways.
Lateral of Man + Lateral of the Woman.
Diagonal of Man + Diagonal of the Woman.
And… Lateral of Man + Diagonal of the Woman.
If we combine the Lateral Basic of the man with the Lateral Basic of the woman,
we obtain this result.
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
If we combine the Diagonal Basic of the man with the Diagonal Basic of the woman,
we obtain this other result.
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
But these two options do not have great value for our development.
Since they do not help us understand superior techniques.
Thing that does happen with the third option.
When combining the Lateral Basic of the man with the Diagonal Basic of the woman,
arises a step that later we will use in superior techniques,
like the turn of the woman and the "Dile Que No".
And that's why it acquires a relevant importance for us.
Some teachers call this step "Para abajo", "Abajo" or other different names.
But the important thing is the technique itself.
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
1, 2, 3… 5, 6, 7
To indicate this step, nothing is easier than moving the woman to our right,
at the same time that we move to our left.
Nothing easier, huh?.
We will pull it with our right hand while we push it with left,
to open its position.
In this way.
Once again.
The fact of pushing it with left is reinforcement,
it is really the right hand that has all the control over the woman.
When man does this, we must perform our Diagonal Basic,
while he performs his Lateral Basic.
And without making our step too long, we will orient our body to one diagonal and the other.
Once indicated the step and initiated the movement, we will accompany the woman with our arms,
while still doing our Lateral Basic.
And if we want to go back to the Basic Step, we just need to brake the woman a bit,
so that she understands that we are going back to Basic.
But this "brake" is a temporary resource.
We show you everything with music.
So far the tutorial today, if we have taught you something,
a Like is the easiest way to thank it.
And share this video with someone like you, who wants to learn to dance Salsa.
One little thing I wanted to tell you,…
You can follow us on our social networks, Facebook, Instagram,… We publish things.
But above all on Twitter, because we are doing surveys on the upcoming tutorials.
Twitter… @deberias_bailar
If you have not subscribed yet, subscribe to be part of this amazing Community.
Because dancing will change your life,…
You should be dancing!.
See you in the next tutorial. A hug.
Stock Market This Week Nov 20-24 - The Death of Net Neutrality (How It Affects YOU) - Duration: 19:16.
hello everyone and thanks for tuning into the financial investor Channel
first of all I want to say happy Saturday happy belated Thanksgiving if
you didn't watch my previous video where I said the same thing we are doing our
weekly recap for November 20 20th through November 24th so in comparison
the last week I have last week's review here the weekly recap sp500 had moved
down 0.1 3 Dow Jones had moved down point to 7 Nasdaq had gone up and my F
and I portfolio had gone up now this week we can see the S&P 500 jumped back
up point 9 1% Dow Jones had an increase of 0.86% the Nasdaq second week in a row
now jumping forward 1.5 7% very nice there my F&I portfolio had an increase
of 0.3 7 so S&P 500 and the Dow Jones you know they did really well this week
to actually beat my portfolio but in comparison to last week's loss were
actually right around even you know I had right around point 7 ones for my
portfolios moved for the last two weeks they're right around that same area when
you - out there their changes so this week I was paid out two dollars and four
cents inside of my Roth IRA from New York Community Bancorp this is great
because those two dollars and four cents from dividends do not work do not count
against me as far as my contributions so in reality you can invest fifty five
hundred dollars inside of your Roth IRA every single month that $5,500 invested
and the other an ETF stocks can earn you dividends which don't count against your
contributions which can be reinvested so by the end of your very first year your
Roth IRA could have a net worth of 6,000 to 7,000 or higher depending on how you
trade inside your Roth IRA and it's completely tax free tax protected on
your dividends and your capital gains so that's amazing
I do have an affiliate link on my Facebook site it's an affiliate link for
a desk I am currently using standing up on right now it's an amazing desk buy
autonomous I have the bamboo top with the black legs looks very nice on my
office I currently have it affiliate link $25
off plus it's Black Friday so you get an additional $75 off and I checked it with
shipping you can get a standing desk you know sitting or standing for 273 dollars
I think that's an amazing deal so I honestly love my standing desk and thank
everyone should have one you know it's really nice for your back so actually do
have a picture here of my standing desk this is actually up in the up position
right now but I have a couple books this is one I I got my new computer set up
here in my new monitors so I do have some books now on my desk so let's go
ahead and jump into our main topic today as far as net neutrality goes and how
it'll affect every single one of you guys watching this in United States and
how it's affected you guys in the past we're gonna be talking about some
articles now that I think are important for everyone because this is going to be
a huge deal so again if you are brand new to my channel I do make stock market
investment financial dividend videos weekly pseudo consider subscribing for
that but in this case I think this is such an important topic that I wanted to
really discuss it and talk about how this has affected us in the past so
let's go ahead and get into it now ad jet beep I he is currently the chairman
for the FCC the Federal Communications Commission's now prior to his position
at the FCC he spent several years as a lawyer for Verizon so this thing's gonna
get eliminated come December 14th when this thing is voted it doesn't matter
what the citizens have you know what their opinion is this whole thing has
been a you know it's been planned for quite a while they put this guy in
position he's been a lawyer for Verizon he's now in this position as the
chairman for the FCC so there's really nothing a lot of people can do this
thing's gonna be knocking uh you know just knocking these rules out so
basically what is net neutrality and how is it going to affect all of us well
essentially once you overturn the net neutrality that Obama put in place it's
going to allow the ISPs the Internet service providers to
you have complete power over the internet they can change and adjust any
single thing that they want if you're going through their network doesn't
matter you know it can affect your ISP at home your internet service provider
at home your cell phone and essentially you know this was the policy that
prohibited the ISPs from discriminating against internet traffic as well as
different sites so basically they could block you on skype they could block you
on YouTube they could block you from facetiming accessing streaming sites
peer-to-peer so so what are your what you know what are their intentions once
they decommission and destroy the net neutrality bill so this is kind of like
a snippet here but they're gonna be imposing different sets of you know the
custom internet where you can access action sports kids news whole sorts of
like things for $64.99 now if you get the preferred bundle you're gonna be
able to access Amazon Yahoo being Facebook the social media package then
the extreme internet for HBO Google Instagram you know additional social
media then you have the ultimate internet so look at these tiers so this
is gonna be something it may not be implemented you know on the 15th of
December but going forward I could see this being a huge thing because these
ISPs they want to block you from going out there and buying Bitcoin they want
to block you from going out there and using the Google Wallet the Apple pay
wallet because they're competing with their own products now here's an
interesting article I'll have this on my description below if you would like to
take a read through it take a read through it I don't know if this is one
where you actually click on the link and you can email your governor but I know
there's quite a bit of those out there you can have like a pre draft of email
now continuing on it talks about how President Trump had elected the ad jia
in place from the sec and how he proposed the end net neutrality it talks
a little bit about how they cannot discriminate on discriminate between
websites or apps so they have to give it the same speed the same
access they can't you know they can't ban anything people have actually been
fined in the past for doing this now they're gonna do this whole thing on
December 24th I think it was actually supposed to happen today or a Friday on
December 20 on November 24th but it got pushed out and we're actually gonna do
this whole thing while everybody was worrying about Black Friday while
everybody was worrying about Thanksgiving you know while everybody
hadn't you know any everything but this on their mind so you know this is a
little bit you know I'm put simply and that neutrality is a policy that
prohibits internet service providers from discriminating between internet
traffic as well as different sites so I already talked a little bit about that
any net neutrality would be a major victory for a Verizon Time Warner Cable
Comcast AT&T Charter CenturyLink now I'm in a position where I own Verizon AT&T
and CenturyLink and if it does go which I do believe it will happen those stocks
will kind of bound up actually I don't have the article here but CenturyLink
jumped up pre-market hours by what point six seven percent this morning because
of the whole talks with the killing off of the net neutrality bill come forward
so a lot of these bills right now a lot of these stocks AT&T Verizon CenturyLink
they'll get affected in a big way with allowing them to charge more for
accessing specific websites or services so here under the proposed rule some
sites could load more slowly at the discretion of your ISP AT&T could slow
Internet traffic for videos and asked Netflix or Netflix users to pay more
money if they want the service to run at useable speeds so where has this happen
in the past you know I gotta have this article in the description below there's
a lot of information to cover they talk about different packages and how it's
gonna look going forward you know everyone's against it I don't I can't
think of any normal person who uses the internet such as we do for you tubing
for social media for finding information this is going to cut off and basically
restrain you so as an example this is back in 2005
telecoil agrees to stop blocking VoIP calls they were blocking VoIP calls in
North Carolina they would not allow you to make a voice over IP call and they
were actually fine fifteen thousand dollars to the government it goes on and
talks about how they reported revenues from the calendar year because residents
were using VoIP instead of their business services they you know they
weren't using pot lines above phone over now what is it boy godness I can't think
of the pot definition is plain old telephone lines so P ot plain old
telephone that's the you know in the telecommunications we talk about pot
lines VoIP a sip so plain old telephone lines they were no longer using the
telephone lines they're using VoIP because it's an up-and-coming thing well
they cut that off they don't want anybody using VoIP because they wanted
them to use their services what's another example comcast blocks an
Internet traffic Comcast was blocking Internet traffic here Comcast was
denying access to peer-to-peer services without notifying so here you can talk
about here the other ISPs Comcast is using would be crippling blow to
BitTorrent edonkey file sharing websites anything related you know they could you
know I space can see every single thing you're doing on the Internet
and unless you're behind a VPN tunnel and if going forward you know I see a
lot of people out there telling you use a VPN tunnel there's a lot of free ones
there's a lot of paid ones I would suggest getting a paid VPN if you're
gonna get a VPN get a paid one because they come with bugs if you don't get the
right ones you could you can create a tunnel into
your own computer you don't want that so Comcast does not currently block
anything right now due to the rule that's currently in place but going
forward on December 15th they can begin blocking peer-to-peer stuff no more
BitTorrent no more edonkey you know all sorts of websites streaming websites
that are illegal in streaming website you know streaming Disney or Time Warner
movies and stuff like that those will no longer exist on the internet you will
not be able to access them from any of the major providers which is all of them
there's only if big ones five or six big ones so goodbye
to all that stuff so let's continue on AT&T relents
they finally open up the iPhone to Skype and VoIP
so AT&T for a while they were knocking out the ability to Skype and do voice
because you know it affected their calls it affected their bandwidth so AT&T
change of heart comes after the FCC controversial announced that its plan to
extend at the Internet open this rule to mobile networks so this thing was in
place but it was only affected in the Internet service providers
it wasn't affecting the mobile it wasn't until they extended the the net
neutrality rule that they had a pull back and allow so here in short Skype
and iPhone is now okayed by AT&T the company said so let's see they don't
let's see it's down here somewhere they were talking about how you know nobody
could place if you you if you were on Wi-Fi you could do it but if you were on
their network they don't want you using Skype or international calls because
they wanted you to use the carrier so they could make that money so that's it
interesting one what was this one metropolis o metro pcs
this is Walmart's brand I believe or some sort of affiliation with Walmart so
they were actually how was this one affected metro pcs they try to block all
streaming websites for a long time except for YouTube Google paid them to
block every single streaming website besides YouTube so here they restricted
SKYACTIV restricted voice they restricted streaming websites the new 4G
plans that block streaming video except for YouTube huge thing right there how
would you how would you like to have your YouTube that's the only media
streaming website you can access there is no other media streaming access you
know website you can access out there if you're on metro pcs how would you feel
if that wasn't you know that's going you know that's gonna happen to you guys
what else oh horizon for a long time and the
iPhones you could jailbreak your phones and do tethering Android could also do
tethering right off the bat the Verizon wanted Android to stop doing tethering
altogether they had this whole thing you know AT&T was charging
customers $20 to allow tethering on their plans but androids once they came
out with this thing you know you could hit the button and they could tether and
it was completely free Verizon and like that any other did AT&T they would like
to charge people and this was actually they were trying to reach a settlement
so FCC said that had reached a settlement for resident require any
carrier to pay 1.25 million dollars to the Treasury a tiny amount and it took
from mobile data last quarter and notifying Google what no longer objects
to the tethering apps in its App Store now called Google Play so yeah quite a
bit you know I didn't read through all of these I just picked up some crazy
ones about how the FCC was restricted in the past when net neutrality was you
know that when that rule wasn't in place ISPs were doing some crazy things
knocking out your skype knocking out your voice knocking out your streaming
services knocking out your peer to peer services knocking out where you're able
to access websites you know where you're able to even go AT&T Verizon so Apple
Apple Apple pay so this was this article I believe was on Apple pay AT&T is not
breaking the SEC rules oh they blocked FaceTime so you can't
use FaceTime there are several third parties for iPhone such as Skype and
Ovoo and FaceTime and they didn't want anybody to use it because again they
have like their own they'll slap you with a charge if you went over the data
so man it was crazy I'm sure once the net neutrality thing goes out the wall
they're gonna be pulling back these unlimited plans you're not gonna see
unlimited data anymore they're gonna be charging you for this information 18
leave a TNC lifts the FaceTime restrictions on Apple iPhones for a long
time back in 2012 AT&T did not allow any Apple devices to FaceTime and that was
pretty crazy you know they did video and voice calling up will be available
subscribers of the older unlimited and tiered plans
I just thought they were so much informant you know there's so much out
there the FCC slapped them with a fine of
seven hundred thousand for switching customers to a monthly data plans
without them even knowing they were they could not retain they're in limited
plans and we're forced to pay into the monthly data tiers so these ISPs these
providers out there have done some shady stuff in the past for Rison refused to
change its stance on the Google Wallet so yeah Google Wallet I can tell you
that Verizon does not block applications Google Wallet is different from the
other widely available m-commerce services so they were blocking Google
Wallet because it I guess it was I don't know the whole reason behind them
blocking Google Wallet Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them
from favoring some content providers over other providers where's net
neutrality rules put in place so yeah there's a bunch of fun stuff here so
Verizon to allow third-party tethering apps on the Android phone so this is
just a little example of how this net neutrality thing it's going to be killed
off on the 14th of December how it's going to affect every single one of you
guys out there that's using one of these services and every one of us uses AT&T
Verizon metro pcs CenturyLink and the list goes on and on you know Time Warner
Comcast it's going to be a it's gonna be a big change going forward so we'll see
what happens after the 15th of December but I thought that was in the nursing
article interesting read interesting topic to discuss and go ahead and let me
know in the comments below what you think will happen do you think it'll
pass you think it'll get killed off and
removed do you think it'll get stopped by people rotating and such I don't know
what the other word was you know peaceful protests or whatnot go ahead
and let me know in the comments below what you think will happen what is your
stance on it so go ahead and do that of course we did
the weekly recaps we talked about the group I'll have a link in the
description in an upcoming video with the group once it's fully kind of filled
out you guys can always check it out if you just go to Facebook and type in
financial investors dividends it'll pop up in there it's an open group and then
if you guys are interested it and a standing desk go ahead and check out my
facebook site I actually have this link on the description below it is an
affiliate link so again I get about $5 if you got you guys get $25 off so but
you know I think it's a great product I've had it for over a year now it's
solid I have my ups have my computer have my monitor mount and my two
monitors on it with a bunch of other desks and a fan so it really worked out
nice and I like to just stand and record because you know your vocal and
everything is much more better so that is it for this video hopefully you found
it enlightening hopefully you know the FCC killing off
the whole net neutrality thing is gonna you know you have some opinion on that
so that is it for this video if you watch it up to this point go ahead and
like the video if you're brand new to my channel remember to subscribe for future
financial videos if you have any questions at all go ahead and leave it
in the comments below I will always reply go ahead and check
out the description below for these for these articles too what I've been
showing you guys today and thanks for tuning in and I will see you next time
have a great day
Eps5: Travelling is too hard when vegan - Duration: 6:52.
How to make a Pencil Sharpener Machine Using Cardboard at Home Diy Project - Duration: 4:01.
The Other Side
Bluespine Unicornfish - 3:8 - Nature Meets Paper - Duration: 4:34.
we have narwhals unicorns and now unicorn fish
hi I'm Brandon and welcome to nature meets paper the place where we go on an
adventure to discover the world of marine biology today we're going to be
discovering the unicornfish are you ready let's dive in the bluespine
unicornfish or the unicorn tang is found in the Indo-pacific I will insert
a map as a visual they prefer shallow reefs from 16 to 263
feet deep they swim along coasts where they can be protected by corals and
shelves how do you identify a unicorn tang the unicorn fish is blue green -
olive in color it has two stripes of brilliant blue on the dorsal and anal
fins there are also two blue spots near the peduncle spines
the fish is a disc-shaped fish which means it is thin with a tall body this
tall thin body style is perfect for a reef habitat reef fish use the coral as
protection so they need to be able to maneuver quickly they can turn sharply
with quick bursts of speed as the unicorn tang grows above 6 inches it
also grows a spine on the head protrudes forward this gives the look like a
unicorn or the spine does not grow past the snout in this species
the tail is a broad tail that does not have a fork
if there was a fork in the tail that would mean that the edges are longer
than the middle of the table so in this case the edge of the tail is flat to the
top from the bottom of the edges in some cases males have long ribbon like
protrusions from the top and bottom edges of the tale that's how you can tell the
difference between the sexes so what do the unicorn tang eat this
fish is a herbivore eating plant life and brown algae the IUCN Red List has the
unicorn fish listed as Least Concern there are plenty of fish out there and
they have a strong population there is an aquarium trade for this fish the
unicorn fish is a friendly fish that does well in community tanks
it is a schooling fish and likes being in schools up to 20 it is recommended
that you place this fish in a 200-gallon tank or larger it is time to talk about
my personal story I saw these fish in the Maui Ocean Center they have several
fish in several tanks that swim in and out of view it didn't take very long to
get this fish to cooperate I asked it to swim flat so I could get the most detail
in the picture the funny thing is that it actually listed it turned and stayed
still so I could get a clear photo I said thank you and then it's swam away
I don't know if that is what they meant by it being friendly fish or not but I
still enjoyed it I'm not always so lucky when it comes to photographing fish some
don't cooperate at all and some are just too fast for my camera to capture but
the unicorn tang seems to enjoy the attention they are graceful creatures
like the unicorn and the narwhal swimming with a swish of blue and
turning to hide into the coral I will call this adventure finished thanks so
much for going on this adventure with me it means so much that you take time to
watch this video to discover something new thanks for also being an active
member of this community by leaving likes comments sharing and subscribing
every little bit helps I love hearing your stories so leave them down below
remember share your discoveries and adventures with a friend
I've been Brandon and I'll see you in our next adventure
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