This is a search ad. It's really simple to set up, and allows you to connect your business
with the people making related searches.
Remember our florist example from the last video?
Let's imagine you have lots of flowers to sell, and we know people love flowers.
Your search ads connect them to your flower site. To start running search ads,
you need an AdWords account with an active campaign.
So let's create your first campaign together. Start by clicking the plus button on the campaign's page.
Step 1: Pick 'Search Network' as your campaign type.
This just means you can show ads in Google search results.
Step 2: Give your search ad campaign a goal.
For example, let's start with website traffic.
Go ahead and enter in your business's website.
Step 3: It's time to give your campaign a name.
You might end up running multiple campaigns at one time, so try to be as descriptive as possible.
Step 4: You can show your ads to people interested in your products or services
as they browse sites on the Search and Display Networks. You can choose to run on both networks.
And if you want to run search-only campaigns, you can always change these settings.
Step 5: You can also pick locations where you want your ads to show.
For example, try starting with the United States if your ads and website are only in English.
And if you only want to reach potential customers near your flower shop,
you can narrow your location to a city or region. You can always come back to this later and change it.
Step 6: Choose your target language.
Pick all the languages your potential customers speak and that your website can support.
Let's stick with English for now.
Step 7: Time to pick a bid strategy.
Remember: you'll pay each time someone clicks on your ad.
There are a number of options here.
If your goal is to drive website traffic, a recommended bid strategy is "maximize clicks."
This strategy is all about getting you the most clicks within your campaign's average daily budget.
You can come back here later to try another bid strategy.
Step 8: Enter in your average daily budget.
To figure out your average daily budget, divide what you normally spend per month
by the average number of days in a month. That's roughly 30.4.
You'll see a bunch of other settings like sitelink or call extensions. Ad extensions are important and can help
show your customers additional information in your ads. We'll go into those in later videos.
Step 9: Don't forget to save your campaign!
And that's it. You've created your first campaign. Congratulations!
Now, the onscreen wizard will immediately take you to a page to set up ad groups and pick keywords.
So what are you waiting for? Let's get to it.
For more infomation >> Get Started with Google AdWords: Create a Campaign - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
Get Started with Google AdWords: What are Search Ads? - Duration: 2:01.
So you're ready to advertise on Google. You've come to the right place.
We know it can seem complicated at first. That's why we're here to help.
Before we jump in, let's go over what search ads are. Imagine you're a florist.
At any given moment, someone somewhere is using Google to search for what your business offers.
They start by typing a search query into the Google search box.
Oh dear, this one's cutting it a bit close. So we have our problem.
Someone needs red roses fast. And we have our solution: your business.
How do we match the two up and make sure they get the flowers in time? Let's look at the search results.
First, there are what we call organic search results.
These match their search but aren't paid ads. Then, there are search ads.
These usually show above the organic results and provide helpful info that matches the search.
You've probably seen these before. They have a small tag that says "ad" on them.
"What's the point of search ads?" you ask. Well they help businesses just like yours
stand out within the search results and get noticed by the people who are searching.
So if your business can get them out of trouble with some speedy flower delivery,
this is where you want to pop up.
It looks like you've saved the day. But this is just the first step in our journey.
We've created a series of short step-by-step videos to walk you through the process.
You'll learn how to create a campaign, pick the right keywords, write great text ads,
track your goals, and review your performance.
Before you start the lessons ahead, you'll need to have an AdWords account.
If you don't have one yet you can go to to create one now.
Once you've opened your account, it's time for the next step.
Just keep watching to learn how to create your first campaign.
Get Started with Google AdWords: Pick The Right Keywords - Duration: 2:26.
So you've created your first search campaign. So, you've created your first search campaign.
The next step is to set up ad groups, keywords and ads. Let's get started.
Now, a campaign is a collection of ad groups.
"What's that?" we hear you say. An ad group is just a collection of keywords and their ads.
Going back to our flower shop example, you might have a campaign for flowers
and an ad group for each flower type.
In this video we'll show you how to pick the right keywords. But before we jump in,
let's go over what they are and how they work with people's searches.
Let's say someone types a search query into the Google search box and are then shown search results.
Keywords give you the chance to show your ads as part of those answers.
Think of them as words which trigger your ads to appear.
The key is to pick keywords that match searches relevant to your business.
So if someone's search matches some special flowers you're selling, your ad can show.
The easiest way to find keywords related to your business is with the Keyword Planner tool in AdWords.
The on-screen wizard takes you here after you create a new campaign.
Take a look at the get keyword ideas section.
You can also find the keyword planner in Adwords by clicking on the tool icon in the upper right corner.
Start off by telling the keyword planner a little bit about the business:
all the important stuff like your website's URL and that you sell flowers in San Francisco.
Go ahead and enter your website's URL as the landing page.
You can add some keywords too while you're at it.
You'll then see a table of suggested keywords related to your business.
Just add the keyword suggestions by clicking the plus sign to the left of the keyword ideas.
Remember to keep related keywords together in their own ad group.
Finally, all you have to do is name your ad group
and click Save these suggestions to your account.
That's it. You're done. You've added keywords that people can use to search for the things you offer,
namely really nice flowers. And you've learned how campaigns, ad groups and keywords all work together,
which is an important concept.
Remember: a campaign is a collection of ad groups and an ad group is a collection of keywords and ads.
Now it's time to talk about writing the ads associated with those keywords.
Check out our next video: "Write great text ads".
Justice League trailer EXCEPT there's no Justice League - Duration: 1:31.
Is this movie good? I mean, doesn't it feel like super rushed? God damn I just want a good batman/superman movie. Don't get me wrong I LOVE the Avengers but the batbutt will always hold a spot in my heart.
Videocast: Unseasonably warm for now - Duration: 2:24.
Get Started with Google AdWords: Track Your Goals - Duration: 2:38.
So you've written some great text ads. Now imagine your goal is to sell 100 bouquets with your search campaigns
To reach your goal you'll, need to track how you're doing: which keywords or ads drove the most flower sales.
You can do this with something called conversion tracking.
Remember, a conversion is an action you want someone to take.
That could be a website sale, phone call, app download, or even a new lead.
Conversion tracking helps AdWords find you valuable clicks
so that you can make the most of your advertising budget.
The key here is to start with one clear goal.
So let's set up conversion tracking in AdWords together. Begin by clicking on the tool icon
in the top right corner and select conversions. Then click the plus button on the conversions page.
You'll be asked to pick the kind of conversion you want to track.
You sell flowers on your website, so we can try starting with website conversions.
It's the most basic source for tracking sales for your blooming business.
There are two steps here. First, you'll create a conversion action in AdWords.
The on-screen wizard will talk you through the simple setup process.
You'll name your conversion, categorize it and choose a value.
Then, click 'Create and Continue'. But, you're not done yet. To make this work,
you'll need to add the global site tag and an event snippet on your website.
They tell AdWords when someone lands on your page. For example, let's say you want to track purchases.
You should add your event snippet to the page someone lands on immediately after making a purchase.
In most cases, that's your thank you page. Don't worry, this is simpler than it looks.
Now if you're already using Google Analytics, and have goals or transactions set up in your GA account,
you can also import conversions from there.
You can link Google Analytics and AdWords by clicking on the Import conversions from another system option.
Remember: Google Analytics tracks what users do after they visit your site, so you can understand your visitors,
even those that don't convert.
Congratulations! You've just set up conversion tracking.
You're ready to launch your campaign and start running some ads. 100 bouquets, easy peasy.
Now that you set up your tracking, you're able to see how well your campaign is doing.
To learn more, check out our next video: "Review your performance".
Get Started with Google AdWords: Write Great Text Ads - Duration: 3:17.
So you've picked some keywords from the keyword planner, and you've learned how
campaigns, ad groups, and keywords work together. Remember: a campaign is a set of ad groups,
and an ad group is a set of keywords and ads. To start showing ads for your campaign,
you'll need to write ads that are associated with those keywords.
In this video we'll go over some top tips on creating great ads.
Before we jump in though, let's explore what ads are and how they work with queries and keywords.
If a search query is a question someone asks Google,
think of the search results as the answers to that question.
Then keywords are triggers for your ad to appear amongst those answers.
When someone's search matches a keyword in your ad group, the keywords tell your ad to show.
So when you're writing ads remember to keep them related to the keywords they're grouped with.
For instance: let's say your account has an ad group named 'Flower Bouquet Kit'.
Within that ad group you might have the keyword 'DIY bouquet kit'.
If you do, be sure your ads also mention 'DIY bouquet kit'.
It's best to write at least three ads per ad group. Different messages work with different people.
The more ads you provide, the more likely you'll be able to show the right message.
So let's write an ad together.
Step 1: provide a Final URL.
The Final URL is the actual page someone lands on after they click your ad.
This webpage should be related to the keywords of your ad group,
like say a page on your site with all the DIY kits you offer.
Step 2: Write Headline 1.
The Headline 1 field is the first thing people see in your ad.
Focus on writing the best headline possible,
since this has the most potential to make a big difference in your performance.
Then, try relating this to the ad group's theme and keywords. And why not make it catchy too?
Step 3: Write Headline 2.
Headline 2 is separated by a dash from Headline 1 in the ad.
The best way to show value to someone is to think about their benefits and needs.
You can highlight a benefit like "Free Shipping" or your website's reliability with "Official Site."
Step 4: Provide display paths.
Your ad's Display URL is the webpage address that appears in your ad.
This is an option to further connect your ad to a user's search so that it's not just a totally forgettable collection
of numbers and characters. Use the path fields to give people more information about
where they'll go once they click.
Step 5: Write a description.
Use the description field to tell someone more about your business: why they should do business with you?
Try to stick with one clear message here. If you have more than one thing to say, you can always
create another ad or save that messaging for an ad extension, which we'll talk about later.
Remember: keep what you say in your ad simple.
Once you have keywords and ads, your ads can start showing in Google.
But that's only part of the journey.
Once your ads are live, you'll need to look at your data to see how your ads are meeting your goals,
and how you can do better.
Check out our next video: "Track your goals".
Get Started with Google AdWords: Review Your Performance - Duration: 2:02.
So you've launched your campaign and started tracking conversions. What's next?
To start hitting your goals you'll need to know how well you're doing,
namely the number of shiny tulips you're selling.
In this video we'll show you how to review your performance in AdWords.
This is the Overview page. It's the first place you land after logging into Adwords.
See the line chart on the cards below it?
They show you important details on how your campaigns are doing.
For example, your campaigns that drove the most flower sales, or which days of the week people
click on your search ads. The fastest way to spot trends and see how you're doing is with the line chart.
Let's walk through how to use it.
You start by customizing the chart to focus on your most important metrics.
This makes it easier for you to see performance changes right away.
You can start by focusing on conversions and cost per conversion.
Another good metric to include is conversion rate, which tells you the average number of conversions per click.
Then pick a date range to look at. Make sure you pick a range long enough for you to spot a trend.
Let's look at the last few months.
Now your line chart will update based on the key metrics and date range you choose.
As you review your data be aware of things that can impact performance:
things like holidays, sales, or even changes you make to your account.
If you sell flowers you'll probably see a big bump in sales on Mother's Day.
A quick way to find out the most interesting insights are the cards below the line chart.
They show you patterns in your data that you might have missed.
Let's take a look at this card. It says your tulips campaign drove 20% fewer clicks today
compared to the past few Monday's. Based on this insight, you might decide to change your bids or budget.
And that's it! You know how to check your performance in Adwords. You're a lean, mean analyzing machine.
Remember: looking at the data is only part of the work. You also need to take action.
Dynasty | Inside: A Taste of Your Own Medicine | The CW - Duration: 1:44.
Kids Action Christmas Song LIVE Pop, Bang, Crack | Children Love to Sing - Duration: 1:25.
Pop, bang, crack
Goes the Christmas Cracker
Pop, bang, crack
Goes the Christmas Cracker
Pop, bang, crack
Goes the Christmas Cracker
When you pull it open!
Pop, bang, crack
Goes the Christmas Cracker
Pop, bang, crack
Goes the Christmas Cracker
Pop, bang, crack
Goes the Christmas Cracker
When you pull it open!
Pop, bang, crack
Goes the Christmas Cracker
Pop, bang, crack
Goes the Christmas Cracker
Pop, bang, crack
Goes the Christmas Cracker
When you pull it open!
Independent News 1 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 17:48.
Independent News 1 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla
Republicans Rush Push a Massive tax break for America's Wealthiest "Little Scrutiny" | Breaking News - Duration: 5:47.
Republicans rushed to push the massive tax break for America's wealthiest
through with little scrutiny who would have thought that the fate of the Senate
tax giveaway would rest on the shoulders of Arizona sends John McCain and Jeff
Flake yet here we are the Senate is planning to push a massive partisan tax
cut for the richest Americans through the Senate in as little time as possible
the GOP Senate plan would increase the deficit by a staggering 1.5 trillion
dollars dollars over ten years would raise taxes on many middle-class
Americans would hike taxes on college students in carved new loopholes into
the tax code instead of removing them tax breaks for private jets
really that's clearing the barnacles off the tax code McCain has proven that
he'll sink a major GOP initiative with his vote against the half-baked health
care plan earlier this year and he voted against the Bush tax cuts in 2001 and
2003 fearing that the benefits would largely go to America's wealthiest and
the deficit would explode which by the way is exactly what happened and it's
what's going to happen with this package too so it's possible that the old McCain
will reemerge for this vote although he's been making supportive noises about
cutting taxes this week flake is among the senators who are expressing concern
about the way the plan will increase the deficit especially because the way the
Senate has set up the legislation lawmakers will either have to raise
taxes on middle-income Americans in ten years or the cost of the proposal Rises
even more and since GOP senators are already promising that no politician
would allow taxes to rise on middle-class Americans it's obvious
they're just gaming the system to keep the technical cost within the arcane
rules of budget legislation so the deficit is going to increase by even
more than the projected 1.5 trillion dollars given how much Republican
lawmakers squawked about the deficit while President Barack Obama was an
office it's a bit astonishing to see how little they care about it today but in
the end this legislation shows they are far more concerned about helping out
corporate interests and the wealthiest of the wealthy than they are in
balancing the budget improving healthcare dealing with undocumented
youth or handling any other other real problems facing most Americans
it appears that voters have caught on to the Sham here though the tax bill is
remarkably unpopular a recent survey of 400 Arizona voters by heart Research
Associates showed just 26% of Arizonans approved of the tax plan while 44% are
opposed more than half of those surveyed 52% believe the plan will primarily
benefit the wealthy and 51% of Arizona Republicans say it's more important to
reduce the deficit then pass an across-the-board tax cut those numbers
mirror national polls that are showing that the idea of borrowing money to cut
taxes for people at the top of the food chain is and something voters are
clamoring for but don't expect representative Martha Moxley to raise a
peep about the budget-busting nature of this giveaway insulae who has her eyes
set on the Senate eagerly voted in favor of the House version of this bill how
bad does mcsoley wanted to make that leap to the Senate she tweeted out a
photo of herself in President Donald Trump's embrace raising a big thumbs up
at the thought of borrowing more money to give away to millionaires and
billionaires speaking of Representative martha mcsally's plans to move on to the
senate we hear the big contenders on the GOP side are Lee Marquez Peterson the
president and CEO of the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and former state
lawmaker Dan at vote who is now working as executive director of the Arizona
Corporation Commission on the Democratic side there's already a full lineup with
Ann Kirkpatrick the former representative of congressional district
1 former state lawmakers Matt Heinz and Bruce wheeler Mary Mattie Ella
a former Assistant Secretary of the army and Billy Kovacs a hotel manager making
his first foray into politics but if McCauley does indeed give up the
seat and run for the US Senate there's another Democrat who is thinking about
getting into the race Pima County Supervisor Richard de les if a lie of
senders the race it will likely spell trouble for Maddie
Ayla if congressman Raul Grijalva decides to shift his endorsement to his
old friend on the Pima County Board of Supervisors the televised edition of
zona politics with Jim nine solaris 6:30 p.m. Fridays on the creative Tucson
Network Cox channel 20 and Comcast channel 74 this week's guests are Nancy
Jones of Old Pueblo Community Services and Tyler Meyer executive director of
the a poetry Center the TV show repeats Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. the radio
edition of zona politics airs at 5:00 p.m. Sundays on community radio kxc i
91.3 FM this week's radio guest is former reagan administration official
Bruce Farland author of impostor how george w bush bankrupted America and
betrayed the Reagan legacy and the truth matters a citizen's guide to separating
facts from lands and stopping fake news in its tracks
Jamuna Tv news 1 December 2017 bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 17:22.
Jamuna Tv news 1 December 2017 bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla
Britney Schools Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, and Justin Bieber - Duration: 2:15.
- Hello, class.
- [All] Hello, Pop Princess.
- Let's get started.
Taylor, pretend that Kim Kardasim has upset you
with a tweet, what do you do?
- I sue her.
- No.
- I sue the (bleeping) out of her.
- No.
You take the high road.
Say it with me.
- Sue her. - High road.
We'll work on it.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
Do better.
(Britney laughs)
Yes, Nicki?
- What if Nicki Minaj--
- You don't have to say your name.
- Excuse me, Nicki Minaj is speaking.
- Don't do the third person.
- And it upsets Nicki Minaj when you interrupt.
- What's your question?
- What if Nicki Minaj doesn't want to be featured
in every song anymore?
- That's a good homework assignment.
Tonight, I want you to go to the studio and I want
Nicki Minaj to feature Nicki Minaj.
- Can I call someone like Drake to be a part of it?
- No just you.
- Katy? - No, just you.
- Fergie? - Just you.
- Beyonce?
- Only you.
No one else.
Now, Justin.
- I think I should be the Prince of Pop.
- No.
- Princess of Pop.
- That's me.
- King of Pop.
- That's taken.
- Justin the Prince of Pop.
- How many times do I have to tell you,
the fans name you, not you.
- I'm the new Princess of Pop.
- That's it, go to the Principal's office
and tell Madonna what you've done.
- Young money.
(dramatic music)
- Mmm (belches).
- You just ate the janitor.
- Yeah, so what?
- So, what?
You just ate the freaking janitor.
- You said I could.
- We were talking about the vending machine.
- Look, it was a mistake anyone could've easily made.
- Not really.
- Wait, wait, wait.
That thing about Hades, are you really his daughter?
- Maybe.
- You've gotta be (bleeping) kidding me.
- Hades is your dad.
- Yeah.
- Shouldn't you be like in hell or something.
- My dad said I could come up to Earth
and, you know, experience what it's like to be human.
- Oh, you're doing great so far.
- Please don't tell anyone.
If my dad finds out, I'll be banned from Earth forever.
- Like anyone would believe us anyway.
- Guys, what are we gonna do about the body?
(ominous music)
♪ SIM ♪
♪ GM ♪
♪ Production ♪
♪ SIM ♪
♪ GM ♪
♪ Production ♪
♪ SIM ♪
♪ GM ♪
♪ Production ♪
♪ SIM ♪
♪ GM ♪
♪ Production ♪
St1ka's Retro Corner - Senran Kagura Peach Beach Blast PS4 review - Duration: 9:27.
Turn your photos into videos using Photoshop - Duration: 10:39.
Hey guys
In today's video, you will see how a photo like this
You can stay like this.
Roll the intro !!
Few know but in Adobe Photoshop it is possible to create animations
It has a basic video editor, and a timeline very similar to that of Premiere or After Effects
And today let's animate a photo by creating an effect called Parallax Cinema 2.5D, or Plotography
First, you need one where there is element that could be in motion,
A waterfall works great for this purpose.
The first thing we will do is select water from the waterfall and copy it into a new layer
I'm going to use the Photoshop masking system for this.
So we create the new layer only with water from the waterfall
Go to Window and then to Timeline
In your timeline click on create video
The timeline will use your layers with references to your video tracks
By clicking on the edges of the tracks you can control the duration of your video
Convert Waterfall Waterfall Layer to Smart Object, so you have access to more options in the Timeline
We will basically work with the Transformation of the layer to create the effect of movement
Increase the size of the layer in the direction of possible movement, so the effect will look much better
By clicking the Clock next to the transformation menu you activate the change points, so you can use different values during the layer size transitions
Create two transition points, one start with the original size, and another near the end of the lamination with the larger size to give the sensation of movement
Include the FADE effect to make the transition smoother.
If you want other things to move, create more layers and work them the same way you did the previous one.
With all layers in place and adjusted, it's time to create a repeating tradition
Group the layers of motion and make copies of them
Adjust them to the Timeline so that the second track starts in the middle of the first and third in the middle of the second and so on
Click export video, arrow in the lower left corner of the timeline
Set the video output the way you prefer
Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and leave your like in the video
DONE! Now just import your new video to Premiere and your photos will move!
Este Bebe Es De Otro Hombre 🚼😈😇 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:22.
JAY-Z Cheated On Beyonce Because He Says He Went Into "Survival Mode" | Breaking News Today - Duration: 3:14.
Jezzie cheated on Beyonce because he says he went into survival mode when
Beyonce released lemonade in 2016 fans couldn't stop talking about the
fact that she implied she'd been cheated on and now jay-z has finally talked
about his infidelity and what was going on in their lives behind the scenes when
it happened in an interview with the New York Times the rapper revealed the
circumstances that may have led him to be unfaithful to his wife admitting that
those rumors are true for the first time despite the fact that the lyrics from
the songs on lemonade were very telling like when Beyonce advised jay-z that
he'd better call Becky with the good hair the question of whether or not she
was drawing from her own real-life experiences had never truly been
answered of course for months the internet was abuzz with theories as well
as people wondering why jay-z would cheat on Beyonce in the first place he
didn't go into any specifics like who he cheated with or exactly when it happened
but he did offer up an explanation about what caused him to cheat as jay-z told
him yet his infidelity stemmed from the way he'd
been raised which caused him to go into what he called survival mode while
talking about his experiences in therapy jay-z said that he'd realized that he
and other men who had grown up in neighborhoods like his the Marcy
projects never wanted anyone else to see their pain he said it's certainly hard
for fans to hear that their marriage did in fact suffer such a huge blow but all
is definitely not lost he didn't go into the specifics of his infidelity but it
does sound like he and Beyonce have been able to work through a lot of their
issues together especially through making music together and separately we
were using our art almost like a therapy session jay-z said adding that it was
very very uncomfortable for them to both hear each other's pain in their
individual projects but if you're still rooting for jay-z and Beyonce to make it
in the long run it sounds like there's still hope for
yet he seemed to dismiss the idea that they'd ever get divorced no matter what
obstacles they had to overcome in their marriage he said thanks to their music
Beyonce and jay-z were forced to face that pain head-on and even though it was
hard to hear he said that the songs on lemonade or something he's proud of
their for creating he'd had to be a tough time in their lives
but they're putting in the work to make their marriage last it's hard to predict
what the future will look like for a Beyonce and jay-z but for now it sounds
like they're creating a stronger relationship by facing these difficult
issues head-on we may never know the finer details of what happens to inspire
certain lyrics in both lemonade and 444 but it's good that they're maintaining
some of their privacy in the face of something that had to be difficult to
work through
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