Ninh explains, The Rules of Roller Derby The object of the game is to score more points
than the opposing team.
Roller derby is a sport played on skates either on a flat track, or on a banked track where
the track is raised and angled.
A roller derby team consists of 14 players, with 5 players taking to the track at any
one time.
Look closely, and you'll notice a group of each teams players pushed together.
Both teams will field four blockers, and this is collectively known as the pack.
Teams cannot be more than 10ft apart in this pack.
The key person to look out for is the jammer.
These are the players with the stars on their helmets that start behind the pack.
When the whistle blows, the clock starts for a period of two minutes.
This is known as a jam.
The goal of the jammer is to race the opposing team's jammer to try and force their way
through the pack of players.
Once a jammer has beaten the other jammer, they become the 'lead jammer', and they
race around the track.
Each jammer gets one point for every opposing player that they lap or skate past.
Once two minutes have expired, the whistle blows and that is the end of the jam.
However, a jam can also be ended early by the lead jammer, by tapping her hips like
It pays to be the lead jammer as you effectively have control of the clock.
The whole process starts all over again, and the main strategy behind this game is for
a lead jammer to score as many points as possible, and to stop the clock before the other jammer
scores too many points.
The job of the blockers is to prevent the other jammer from getting past, whilst at
the same time trying to help their own jammer pass opposing players.
They are both the offence and the defence.
They are allowed to form walls with teammates, slow the opposing player down and use their
hips and shoulders to lever their opponents out of the way.
The game is played in two 30 minute halves for a combined playing time of 60 minutes.
Highest score at the end of time, wins.
That's the basics of Roller Derby, but there's a few other things you'll need to know before
playing or watching a game.
For example: Pivot
One of the blockers on each team will be wearing a stripe on their helmets.
These are the pivots.
As well as being a blocker, they dictate the pace of the pack and they direct team strategy.
They also have the special ability to become the jammer in the middle of the jam.
This is done by taking the star from the jammer.
Out of bounds.
You cannot skate out of the area of the track, accidentally or otherwise.
If you do, you must re-enter the track behind the opposing teams pivot.
Contrary to popular belief, you cannot punch, trip, kick, elbow, clothesline, hit or slam
your opponent into the floor.
Officially, players are allowed to make frontal and side body contact above the knees, but
sometimes players don't comply.
Players who make illegal contact are given penalties.
Penalty If found guilty of breaking the rules, the
referee may award a 30 second penalty against a player.
The offending player must sit in a penalty box for 30 seconds whilst a jam is in play.
If a skater accrues 7 penalties, they are immediately disqualified from the game.
Power Jam If a jammer is hit with a 30 second penalty,
the opposing jammer has 30 seconds to score as many points as she can, knowing that the
other team cannot score.
This is known as a power jam and can be a real advantage to a team.
If you have found this video helpful, please be sure to like share and subscribe.
It takes me ages to make one of these things and good karma is very much appreciated.
If you're on Reddit you can also post this video and discuss it there, but in the meantime,
enjoy roller derby.
Ninh Ly - - @NinhLyUK
For more infomation >> The Rules of Roller Derby - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
David Cassidy Family Photos With Daughter,Son and Wife Sue Shifrin 2017 - Duration: 2:23.
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POLVOS MÁGICOS DE LA NAVIDAD ~ Armonía y Paz - Duration: 8:57.
My Team for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon w/Monkiez! - Duration: 7:37.
So it's finally here, well, it was here about a week ago.
But Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon are finally out.
We're returning to the Alola region with new legendaries, new ultra beasts and an all
new expanded Pokedex.
With all these changes of course, comes a new team.
Now you could be that guy that uses the same team you used in Sun and Moon, or best team
or something but no, I'm different… and I never beat Sun and Moon either, I actually
didnt make it past aether paradise so I was going into these games as if it was my first
time ever playing in the Alola Region.
The games seemed to be relatively easy, and I was actually able to become the champion
this time so hey… thats cool.
For my team I had a two goals.
For one, I didn't want to make this an Alola Pokemon only Team as a lot of the new Alola
Pokemon are kinda boring in my opinion, and since they added all these Pokemon into the
dex, why not right?
My second goal for the team was to balance out the typings so my team wasn't specifically
weak to any single typing.
And of course I will be giving you my Team in the order in which I caught the Pokemon,
a lot of the Pokemon I used I caught early game so my team will be completed before I
finish the Second Island Grand Trial.
Well, with that being said, let's get started.
Much like every Pokemon journey, the player's journey begins with your first Pokemon the
starter, and for my starter I decided to go with Rowlet.
I decided to go with the nickname Hanzo since his final evolution is an archer and it just
sounds cool.
Now I understand Rowlet is probably the hardest starter to play the games with but I'm not
going for the best starter, what do I look like Eryizo?
But anyway, Rowlet the coolest of the bunch was my starter.
I really liked him due to him being the only of the three with a dual typing at the beginning
of the game being grass and flying.I also really liked his final evolutions unique Ghost/Grass
Typing, only three other Pokemon have that combination.
All in all, Deciueye is just a really cool Pokemon with a great typing and and a really
strong moveset.
So I finally made it to the first obstactle in the game, the Trainer School.
So I didn't really want to go into the trainer school with just Rowlet so I decided to catch
the first pokemon I ran into in the patch of grass next to the school, and low and behold
the first encounter was a Zorua.
After catching Zorua I went with the nickname Ana, because you know, she just looks like
an Ana.
Throughout a good portion of the games, Ana wasn't that much of a help but that was
until the Aether Paradise.
In the aether paradise so many trainers were using Psychic Type Pokemon, combined with
my newly evolved Zororark's speed, we got easy kills.
Ana also helped taking on the Mimikyu Trial and gave me easy KO's against the Gastlys,
Haunters and Gengars.
Her moveset wasn't really that great, but she was able to help me with a good portion
of the game which is what really counted.
So remember what I said about me wanting to be different?
I also had trouble facing Ilma's Smeargle MY GOD I HATED THAT THING.
But in order to resist it's normal type moves I decided to catch a magnemite.
I also really needed an electric type to help take on the upcoming araquanid trial, I knew
my rowlet would only be able to deal netural damage to it.
As my only options at the time were Pichu and Magnemite, I decided to go with Magnemite.
After carrying me through the water trial and taking a ton of hits from the Totem Lurantis
he finally evolved into an ever so strong magneton.
Magneton with his Super High special attack easily became the best member on my team.
He was able to take hits and deal massive amounts of damage.
At the Geothermal Power Plant he finally was able to evolve into a Magnezone, and he just
got stronger from there on after.
So before the first trial I had already caught 3 of my final 6 team members, and right after
I caught magnemite I ran into my fourth team member, Abra.
The story behind me catching him wasn't really that interesting.
I ran into Abra in the same place where I caught magnemite, and he just randomly appeared.
From past experiences with abra I knew he'd try to teleport away so immediately I threw
a ball at it, and what do you know I caught it first try, hell yeah.
I decided to go with the name Roshi for him as it was my go to name for Alakazam.
For a good portion of the games I had a Kadabra as nobody really wanted to trade with me to
evolve it.
He had a pretty mediocre moveset with confusion, disable, recover and kensis.
I was finally able to get the ™ for psychic and after evolving it into an Alakazam he
was one shotting poison and fighting types all over the place.
At this point in the game I was at the Lurantis trial, and I kept losing and losing and losing.
No matter how many hits magneton would tank her solar blade and the fire type moves used
by her Ally pokemon always ended up killing me.
I decided to go back to Wela Volcano Park and catch a cubone, and I named him rightfully
after the Fire Trial Captain, Kiawe.
getting Kiawe to evolve into a marowak was a pain.
To evolve him into a marowak I had to have him at level 28 at night, and being that my
Cubone was only at level 16 when I caught him, it took a lot of grinding.
After finally evolving him into the Alolan Marowak, my prayers were answered, I finally
had a counter to the totem lurantis… eeeeeexcept for when her ally Kecleon used ancient Power,
that just 2 shot him.
Marowak went on to being one of my least used Team Members and that kinda saddens me as
alolan marowaks concept was super cool.
His movepool was just extremely shallow and he was super slow, he couldn't live long
enough to kill anything.
For my final Pokemon I wanted to use something strong, but out of the ordinary.
I noticed that not a lot of people were using this Pokemon, so I wanted to show him some
My last Pokemon on the team is Mudsdale.
I caught Mudsdale as a Mudbray in Paniola Ranch, and I named him Calvin after… a good
friend of mine…
Calvin who started out as one of my weakest, easily killed Team members, slowly grew to
my strongest, bulkiest team member.
Mudsdale was kind of a diamond in the ruff for me.
His ability was Stamina, which boosted his defense after being hit with an attack.
This was extremely useful as it was hard for opponents to ko him as his defense would just
keep going higher and higher.
This ability paired with his base 125 attack and his base 100 HP make him a tank, one of
the best tanks in the game.
He was easily able to sweep through the electric trial, and helped me through the all of the
Po Town events as he was able to take many hits and dish out lots of damage at the same
So thats was my team that I used in Pokemon Ultra sun and Ultra Moon that is going to
be it for today's video I hope you guys did enjoy, if you did make sure you leave
a like, comment and subscribe if youre new, and let me know in the comments what team
you used in your playthrough of the games.
Well with that being said I'll see you guys later, peace.
OBS Studio 133 - How to use Graphics & Templates in OBS - Stream Graphics Tutorial & Twitch Panels! - Duration: 7:27.
Another important part to a good live stream is good visual graphics.
Whether it's an on-screen overlay to show your username or a little flair, or just the
avatar, banner, and information panels below the video player - graphics that connect with
your style and branding help polish off an overall great streaming experience.
Who.. what..
Orisa, where?
I just see a Rein...
DUDE will you just get a ModMic already?
It attaches to any headphone so you can use that good pair you like, but I'll actually
be able to understand your call-outs.
It also has a mute switch so I don't have to hear all those conversations with your
We gotta get serious to get out of Plat.
Yes, just order one tonight.
Head on over to to learn more and check it out.
I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier and more fun, and welcome back to my OBS Studio
tutorial course.
I have many, many more videos on the software in the playlist linked in the description.
Check that before asking questions, and check the introduction video to learn how this course
works, if you get confused.
Using graphics in OBS Studio are super easy.
They can be added via an "Image" source.
They generally should be a PNG file for the best quality and to maintain transparency
for overlays.
You can make the graphics yourself using a program like GIMP, Paint.Net, or Photoshop
- or anything really - and import them.
Or, you can hire out!
There are lots of aspiring graphics artists that are willing to create stream graphics
for cheap or free to get their name out there.
A guy I've commissioned channel and stream art in the past from is Quinn or @SlenderSlay
on Twitter.
You can check out his portfolio at and hit him up on Twitter for graphics work.
Whomever you commission will deliver your graphics in .PNG format for you to use in
OBS or Twitch.
Annoyingly, Twitch makes you change your channel graphics in very different places.
To upload an avatar and offline image, click your avatar in the bottom-left corner and
click "Settings."
You change your avatar, or profile picture, on the normal "Profile" tab, and your
offline image in the "Channel & Videos" tab.
Your banner needs changed by going to your actual Twitch channel page and clicking "Edit"
then "Change Cover Image."
You can also edit your panels and panel graphics below your stream video player.
On the OBS side of things, you can do a few different things, based on how you're wanting
to use graphics.
For most things, you're going to use an "Image" source.
To add an overlay showcasing your channel name, outlining your webcam, and so on.
Identifiers for your stream labels, backgrounds for non-widescreen views, and so on.
I utilize the "Image Slideshow" source for my "Stream Starting Soon", "Be Right
Back", and "Stream is Now Offline" graphics in OBS.
I've made a slide saying those things, and then a couple slides for some of my sponsors
and my top Patrons on Patreon.
I usually have music playing during these scenes, which combined with the active nature
of slide shows instead of still images, contributes a little to keeping viewers around during
these scenes.
If you're making your own graphics, they generally should be made in 16 by 9 aspect
ratio, generally at 1280x720 or 1920x1080 resolution to match your stream or recording
Just remember to save your original project files - the PSD in Photoshop, for example
- of your work.
That way when you need to make changes or updates, you can just edit the original file
instead of starting from scratch.
If you commissioned out, you can request the original PSD file or request an update from
whomever you commissioned it from.
I also wanted to reference you to this resource by NerdOrDie.
I don't know - they're someone.
But, this isn't sponsored or anything.
This is just something I stumbled upon from a subReddit or something like that.
But if you want basic graphics for under your Twitch panels, which I can actually show you.... - If you look below someone's Twitch channel here..
Where it says "About Me," "Specs," "Chat Rules," all that kind of stuff - You want a super
easy way to get that?
This site, which I will have linked in the video description - it's on NerdOrDie's website
so it's not an easy link for me to reference - But they have customizable panels here.
So you can customize the color of the icon for either preset colors or choose your own
You can choose the right side color, which I have left on the normal setting.
But you can customize it however you like.
You can choose the icon, and they do have many popular platforms and websites and games
and things like that.
So there's, DeviantArt, Extra Life, Facebook, Twitch, and so on - you can add
a little icon there.
You cannot add custom ones, but hey.
You can change the test font, of course it will eventually just crop off there.
You can vertically align the test to your liking.
You can choose whether that padding at the bottom is there or not.
I do not like it because then I have to crop it off on Twitch, which is a little annoying.
You can choose the font family.
If you have a font that you already have on your system.
Bam, you just type in the font and it pulls it from your system.
Which is... a little weird, so you have to have the exact name of the font.
But it does work, I can pull up my VCR font there.
And then you give it a file name.
So we'll call it BattleNetJK and then you click Download and it gives you a PNG file
for you to upload.
And then over on the Twitch side of things.
You go below your video player, click.
Click where it says "Edit Panels," and then you can customize the image by choosing "Add
Image" and adding some text.
This is Markdown formatting.
At the very bottom, if you don't actually have any, then you click Plus and hit "Add
a text or image panel" and so on.
And, of course, there are the options for Twitch Extensions, which I haven't messed
a whole lot with.
Once you've customized these to your liking, with the different images and text formatting,
hit submit under each change.
So if I put a space there... hit Submit.
It's submits the change to go public, and then you turn off Edit Panels and review your
I hope this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course has been helpful for you.
If it was, drop-kick that like button and subscribe for awesome tech videos.
If you like game streaming, come follow me on Twitch and drop a message in chat.
Until next time, I'm EposVox, Happy Streaming!
Thanks for watching this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course.
More videos like this and a full master class are linked in the playlist in the video description.
Click to learn more.
Also consider joining us on Patreon to help keep tech education free.
Go to to sign up.
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