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Today my video is
18+ Apps In Google Play Store - Teenagers At Risk.Tutorial#234
For more infomation >> 18+ Apps In Google Play Store - Teenagers At Risk.Tutorial#234 - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
How to replace suspension strut top mount on FORD FIESTA 5 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:35.
Use an end bit №5 and a combination spanner №15
Use a socket №15
Use a combination spanner №13
Using a special tool to compress the spring
Use a socket №19 and a hex wrench №6
Avengers: Infinity War | Trailer OFICIAL en Español (HD) Scarlett Johansson - Duration: 2:43.
There was an idea...
- ...to bring together a group of remarkable people...
-...to see if we could become something more...
-...so when they needed us we could fight the battles...
-...that they never could.
- In time you'll know what it's like to lose.
To feel so desperately that you're right, that to fail all the same.
Dread it, run from it. Destiny still arrives.
- Evacuate the city.
Engage all defences and get this man a shield.
- Fun isn't something one considers the balance in the universe
But this does put a smile on my face.
- Who the hell are you guys?
BNSF at Ancient Railroad Crossing - Duration: 4:56.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, so I'm over here at
State road 60
at the old Seaboard crossing
over here
and there's a train rumbling down the tracks
right over there
These gates are about to come down at any moment now
I wanted to catch a glimpse of this guy over here
You can already hear the crossings
in the distance there
but yeah i wanted to
Look at this old US&S relay case over here
train horn
train horn
there you go
train horn
train horn
train horn
train horn
train horn
train horn
I can actually walk down to the next
there's 5, 1 2 3 4 5 crossings
at consecutive streets here
There's a lot of train activity in this area
That over there is an ungated crossing
and lets see
this ancient crossing in action here
this is a WRRS
mechanical bell
and signal base over here
with safe tran gate mechanism
guess the bells don't sound on the way up
ill take it
alright guys, please Subscribe or Like
Thank you very much for viewing, over and out
Gertrude Jekyll: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 10:57.
Gertrude Jekyll: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Gertrude Jekyll is being celebrated with a Google Doodle. Legendary British horticulturist and garden designer Gertrude Jekyll is being celebrated with a Google Doodle on what would have been her 174th birthday.
"A woman of innumerable talents, Jekyll was also an accomplished musician, composer, woodworker, metalworker, and botanist. Her foundation as a budding artist greatly influenced her breathtaking creations," Google says.
"Today's Doodle was created by British artist Ben Giles. Giles unites the hot and cool colors the horticulturist favored to create a lush and brilliant garden collage. From the corner of the illustration, Jekyll watches her garden grow.".
Here's what you need to know:.
She Was Born in London & Raised in Surrey as One of 7 Children, Including a Younger Brother Whose Name Inspired the Dr.
Gertrude Jekyll was born November 2, 1843, in London, according to the official website of her estate. She was the fifth of seven children of Edward and Julia Jekyll.
In 1848, the family moved to Surrey, 30 miles southeast of London. "The large garden was paradise for a small girl; her vivid childhood memories never faded and were the foundation of her later achievements," the biography states.
Her brother, Walter, was close friends with the author Robert Louis Stevenson, and Stevenson asked Walter to lend his family name, Jekyll, to the character of Dr.
Jekyll in his famed book, "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde," according to The Guardian.
"Gertrude's family had always pronounced their name 'Jeekyll,' with a long 'e,' as do her garden enthusiast followers, so the link to the novel is not usually made," Jill Sinclair wrote.
Jekyll Was a Talented Painter & Studied Botany at South Kensington School of Art in London. Jekyll was a talented painter and was part of the "Arts and Crafts Movement" in Surreyprior to her work as a horticulturalist and garden designer.
She began to lose her eye site when she was in her 50s, and took up a new field.
"In 1868, the Jekylls moved from Bramley to Wargrave in Berkshire, 40 miles west of London, Gertrude then had her first chance to focus on the decoration of a home and the creation of a garden.
She also began to exhibit her paintings, embroidery and craft work. Admiring neighbours and friends gave her commissions," according to her biography on her estate's website.
"Gradually, Gertrude's original ambitions as a painter fell away, particularly as she suffered from poor eyesight; thereafter, her artistic talent and creative drive were primarily channelled towards garden design, though she continued to draw and paint for the rest of her life.
Gertrude Jekyll's paintings of Parma, Italy and Wargrave above.". She studied botany, anatomy, optics and the science of colour at South Kensington School of Art in London, according to The Guardian.
She Designed More Than 400 Gardens, Treating Them Like an 'Artist Working on a Canvas'.
Jekyll designed more than 400 gardens, treating them like an "artist working on a canvas," according to The Guardian, which wrote that she once said, "A border may be brilliant with bright-coloured flowers alone, but if it is to be a picture, it wants some of its brightness to be relieved by something quiet, in good harmony, but comparatively neutral.
She was known to work alongside Sir Edwin Lutyens, an architect. "Jekyll became increasingly involved in the gardens Lutyens was designing for his houses, advising him on the materials to be used and supplying detailed planting plans.
An example of their work together is Orchards in Munstead built entirely of local material: other examples of the partnership are at Tigbourne Court, Witley, and Goddards in Abinger, where the Lutyens Trust is based," according to the Godlaming Museum.
Jekyll had a plant nursery at her home in Munstead Wood and completed most of her work from there. "Gertrude Jekyll was obviously quite a severe character, not suffering fools at all.
She made it quite clear that she preferred cats to people, once saying: 'I do not like socializing, and do not wish to waste my time talking to people I do not care about on subjects which do not interest me," The Fruity Gardner wrote about her.
According to her writings, she would be in the nursery with her four gardeners and, "sit on a stool and point with her stick, issuing orders, surrounded by cats.
"The cats , whose numbers were into double figures, took precedence over visitors who had to play musical chairs in order to grab an unoccupied seat for themselves.
Often they'd find themselves having to stand whilst the cats sat!" The Fruity Gardner wrote.
She Also Wrote Books About Gardening Still Read Today & Contributed More Than 1,000 Articles to 'Country Life,' 'The Garden' & Other Magazines.
Jekyll wrote several books about gardening, which are still read today, and contributed more than 1,000 articles to "Country Life," "The Garden" and other magazines, according to her estate's website.
Some of her essays were recently compiled in a 2010 book, "The Unknown Gertrude Jekyll." In its review of the book, The Guardian wrote, "Loosely grouped together by theme, some are little more than a paragraph or two and many have no practical application, but they are all full of Jekyll's famous passion and the beautifully crafted prose which prompted one of her editors to remark that he 'would rather have clipped the wings of an archangel' than tamper with her work.
Despite the antiquated language and references to garden practices that are long forgotten there's no mistaking the ideas which made Jekyll such an innovative designer.". Jekyll Died in 1932 & Is Buried in the Churchyard of Busbridge Church.
Gertrude Jekyll died on December 10, 1932, at her home at Munstead Wood in Surrey at the age of 89, according to her obituary in The Times.
She is buried in the churchyard of Busbridge Church, where her tombstone reads, "Artist Gardener Craftswoman.". "She had been failing for some weeks and had felt the recent death of her brother, Sir Herbert Jekyll, very much," the newspaper wrote.
In the House of Nature there are many mansions, inhabited by widely divergent spirits.
Darwin and Wallace took continents and oceans as their laboratories wherein to study strange and living creations; Wordsworth and Tennyson, lifting their eyes to the hills and the sky, discoursed of religion and philosophy.
Gertrude Jekyll, to whom we now bid a grateful "Hail and Farewell," sought ever for practical knowledge allied to beauty, and in that quest, whereby she may truly be said to have transfigured the gardens of England, she never grew old at heart or wearied in mind, was never discouraged by difficulty or defeated by failure, neither did she cease to share widely the fruits of her long and loving apprenticeship to Nature.
She was involved in the community, according to The Godalming Museum. "Locally Jekyll was prominent in the campaign to save the Old Town Hall in Godalming from demolition.
She designed the garden for the Jack Phillips Memorial Cloister in Godalming, and supervised the transformation of Hydon Heath into an accessible public memorial for Octavia Hill, one of the founders of the National Trust," the museum wrote.
"She took an interest in female suffrage, creating an embroidered banner for the Godalming Branch of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS). A photograph shows the banner being paraded on a Suffrage Pilgrimage through Guildford in July 1913.".
Jekyll lives on through her gardens, as well as a collection of her works at the University of California Berkeley.
"The Jekyll collection includes presentation drawings, planting plans, plant lists, surveys, photographs, and correspondence relating to residential gardens throughout the United Kingdom. Photograph albums contain studies of landscapes, gardens, floral arts, plants and rural subjects, as well as portraits.
The greatest number of photographs represent Jekyll's own garden at Munstead Wood," the university says.
NS4L.TV - 69 - Scooter Giveaway at the University of Florida Basketball Game - Duration: 26:23.
Megyn Kelly On Matt Lauer's Dismissal: 'We Are In A Sea Change In The Country' | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 4:13.
10 Child Prodigies to Make You Feel Lazy - Duration: 9:57.
It's important to feel proud of yourself.
It's also important not to compare yourself negatively to others.
It's not you vs. the world; it's you vs. you.
But sometimes others can act as inspiration.
If you can look at others accomplishments without jealousy, as motivation, then they
can be helpful.
We hope you will try to keep that in mind as we list off these kids who have accomplished
stuff that the prime, adult version of you probably never could.
Shane Thomas
Music is full of impressive child prodigies.
Mozart, Beethoven, Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber.
Go ahead, get mad.
Those are the names we're going with.
But, let's add another less well-known name to the list: Shane Thomas.
Shane is an Irish kid who's really good at classical music.
He started playing piano at age seven, and according to his dad, he could play almost
instantly by ear.
Now, whether that part is true or not, he's clearly very talented.
You can check out some of his music on his website.
He released an album with a "major music publisher" as a teenager.
At age 15, he also composed a symphony for the BBC in only 3 weeks.
His dad claims he can write songs while playing computer games, and that many of his compositions
come to him in dreams.
This sounds made up to us.
Maybe his dad should chill out with the mystical claims of greatness?
But that's probably not gonna happen.
Here's another quote from his dad: "What he's doing for the BBC's Music Day is
right up there with the capability that Mozart demonstrated as a child prodigy."
We're not sure about that, but it is very impressive what he's accomplished at such
a young age.
Good job, Shane.
But try not to let your dad convince you you're a god or something.
Brighton Zeuner
How old were you the first time you won a medal at the X-Games?
Most skaters are probably in their 20s or late teens.
Some of you reading probably don't even have any medals!
This makes what this teen recently accomplished even more impressive.
Brighton is a 13-year-old skater from Encinitas, California, which sounds like the city that
all skateboarders come from.
We assume everyone there rides their skateboards to work.
We bet they pick the leaders of the town through a skateboarding event of some kind.
Well, there's a new sheriff in town, and her name is Brighton Zeuner.
Brighton competed in a X-Games skating event just 12 hours after she turned 13… and she
won the gold medal, becoming the youngest gold medalist ever.
Make sure you check out just how radical (is that a word skaters still use?) she is in
the video above.
It's got some pretty boring commentary, so we recommend you turn on some '90s rock
music in the background instead.
We recommend some Goldfinger.
Then you should probably go play one of the old Tony Hawk games.
Anthony Russo
Plenty of people tell themselves they're going to run a 5K, or 10K, or whatever…
But they never seem to get around to it.
If you're one of those people, prepare to feel really lazy.
Anthony Russo is one of those people who told themselves they were going to run a half-marathon.
The difference between him and most people is that he actually did it.
Oh, also, he was 5-years-old at the time, and he was actually pretty fast.
He's the youngest person in the US to complete a half-marathon in under two and a half hours.
According to his parents, he doesn't see running as work.
Apparently, he sees it as fun.
He really enjoys running amounts that would have the average adult wheezing like a motion
sick General Grievous.
And before the half-marathon, he was happily training like a madman, running up to 40 miles
per week.
When he was asked about it by a newspaper, he replied, "It's a cool thing to do."
Most of us would not be interested in running with him, but we admit that it is indeed cool.
Carissa Yip
Chess is a game usually dominated by men in their 30s, but 12-year-old Carissa Yip of
Massachusetts can beat most of them.
Carissa started learning chess from her father at age 6, and she's been breaking records
since she began playing competitively.
She's the youngest person to ever reach the National Master rank, which she achieved
at 11.
Two years earlier, she was the youngest person to ever reach the title of expert.
And right before her 11th birthday, she became the youngest female player to ever beat a
Among girls under 14, she's already ranked number 1 in the US, and 6th in the world.
She also won the North American Under 20 girls championship last year.
She's apparently so good she doesn't need to look at the board.
She showed an interviewer how she could play with her back to the board, keeping track
in her head and telling her dad where to move her pieces.
And, in the same spirit, we have decided to write the next paragraph with our backs facing
the computer.
Well, that didn't turn out so well.
Guess we need to practice more.
Jamie Edwards
Jamie Edwards is a normal teenage boy who happens to dabble in nuclear fission.
He calls himself an "amateur nuclear scientist."
At the age of 13, he broke a record, becoming the youngest "fusionner" in history.
What exactly does that mean?
It means he got the materials and did the science necessary to carry out atomic fusion.
How'd he even have the resources to do that?
He showed his school a presentation explaining why he should be allowed to build a nuclear
fusion reactor, and they gave him $3,350.
Wait, so he just asked his school for money, and they gave it to him?
If we knew about this back in middle school, we'd have probably have become scientists
Or at least we would have gotten an Xbox a lot earlier.
Duo Duo
How old would you guess the world's youngest pilot is?
Somewhere in the teens, probably.
Maybe 14?
Well, we should probably be safe and go ahead and guess 13.
Ok then, 13.
And we'd be wrong.
Duo Duo (a nickname) was the world's youngest pilot at the age of 5.
He successfully piloted a plane around 1,000 feet above Beijing, becoming the world's
youngest ever solo pilot.
He's also done a few other notable things, mostly as a result of his father (Eagle Dad,
as he likes to be called) meticulously planning his daily activities.
We'll admit that Eagle Dad's activities do sound more fun than those usually imposed
by Tiger Moms.
Duo Duo was also the world's youngest sailor and was planning to bike through the Tibetan
And apparently, he's "the youngest person to start an investment company."
These accomplishments come at a price, as Duo Duo wakes up at 6:30 a.m., a time usually
reserved for birds and old men who still read newspapers.
But, his dad says that he does it because "Chinese parents spoil their child too much."
His dad might be seen as going too far, but his motivations seem to be mostly good.
And also, he's not totally strict.
As Duo Duo says, "On Sunday, I can even watch movies."
Farhad Nouri
If you were a 10-year-old Afghan boy living in a migrant camp in Serbia, what do you think
you would spend your time doing?
If you said you'd get really good at drawing and painting and acquire the nickname 'Little
Picasso', you may in fact be Farhad Nouri.
Farhad learned some basic art from his father beginning at age 6, but he has recently been
learning more by watching YouTube videos.
He says he does plan to draw a portrait of Picasso, and he's already drawn Angela Merkel,
Salvador Dali, and Angelina Jolie.
He says that art has helped him to deal with being stuck in the refugee camp.
Not surprisingly, he hopes to be a painter when he grows up and wants to live in Switzerland
or the US.
He hasn't won any awards or anything, but there probably aren't many to be had for
a 10-year-old in Serbia.
His work is quite impressive, especially considering his circumstances.
Good job, Farhad.
Lots of Golfers
Golf is a game for retired people, right?
Well, that's the stereotype.
It is a game that can be played at an older age than most, it usually takes money to play
(which old people have), and if you play a round you'll probably see some grandparents
out there.
But of course there are exceptions.
Almost everyone's heard of Tiger Woods, who at age 2 went on The Mike Douglas Show,
then at age 8 was invited on Good Morning America to show off his skills, and later
became the youngest ever Masters champion at the age of 21, a time when many of us were
most well known for how many beers we could chug.
Maybe you've also heard of Michelle Wie, who started playing at age 4 and joined the
LPGA when she was only 12.
She later became the youngest USGA Champion in an adult event.
She turned professional shortly before her 16th birthday.
She later attended Stanford, but was not allowed on the golf team as she was already a pro.
There are several other young golfers we could highlight, but there's not enough room in
this article for all of them.
So we're just going to include a link to one at random.
And the winner is…
Shubham Jaglan, a 13-year-old who has already won 100 tournaments, including the Junior
World Golf Championship.
So, we guess the lesson here is that even if a competition is meant for older people,
that doesn't mean you can't start earlier if you want.
We're excited to soon hear about the 8-year-old World Knitting Championship winner.
Tyler Armstrong
What did this kid do?
Did he run a 4 minute mile?
Is he a professional hockey player?
Nope, sorry.
OK, last guess: he boxes kangaroos.
Please tell us he fights kangaroos.
Unfortunately, he doesn't have time for kangaroos… because he's spending his time
climbing up freaking mountains.
He started out back when he was seven, when he decided to climb over 14,500 feet up Mount
Whitney, the tallest mountain in the US outside of Alaska.
He climbed it in one day, and was the youngest person to do so.
The year after that, he became the second youngest human to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.
And then, at 9-years-old, he became the youngest ever to climb 22,841 feet up Mount Aconcagua
in Argentina, the tallest mountain in both the western and southern hemisphere.
Wait a second… do they just let anyone climb mountains?
Are there not rules about this?
Actually, there are.
Tyler just doesn't care.
Mount Kilimanjaro's normal age limit is 10, but he applied for a special permit to
head up a year early, and they said yes.
So, we guess the lesson here is that if you don't like a rule, just ask and they'll
let you break it.
He did the same thing with Aconcagua.
The limit there is 14, but he asked for permission, so they let him climb it five years early.
Maybe we should have applied for a drinking permit at age 16.
So, why's he climbing mountains?
Just for fun?
He's doing it to raise money and awareness about Duchenne, a kind of muscular dystrophy.
To describe why he's doing it, Tyler said, "They can't walk, and that's like the
opposite of me … I want them to climb with me when we find a cure."
Kim Jong-un
Yes, that's right.
Kim Jong-un was a multitalented child prodigy with near magical levels of ability.
At least, that's what students in North Korea are learning.
In 2015, teachers were issued manuals that list many of Kim's great accomplishments.
We'll let you decide whether this manual should be trusted, but if so, Kim was one
truly amazing kid.
According to the books, Kim learned to drive at the age of 3 and was winning yacht races
by the time he was 9.
Apparently, he even won a race against a foreign yacht company CEO.
He's also supposedly a great artist and musical composer.
These claims are somewhat hard to believe, but they're nothing compared to the claims
about his father.
Kim Jong-il, according to official North Korean doctrine, wrote 1,500 books during his time
in college and also penned six operas, "all of which are better than any in the history
of music."
He also once golfed a 38 under par, making 11 holes in one.
And here's the catch: he never golfed before that and he never golfed after that.
That's right, that was the one and only time he picked up a golf club.
Truly incredible and inspiring.
What a family!
Criminologist Casey Jordan Doubts Missing 3-Year-Old Girl Was Abducted | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:20.
The Elder Scrolls Online – Tráiler 10 millones de historias - Duration: 1:48.
City officials approve financial incentive to lure Fortune 500 company - Duration: 2:06.
Trump Just PISSED OFF Richest Man In America With A Big Humiliating Boot In The Behind - Duration: 4:28.
One of the reasons an overwhelming amount of Americans picked Donald Trump as our next
president is he because he makes no apologies for the things he says and does no matter
who it offends.
After eight years of lame duck leadership, it's refreshing to have a powerhouse in
the White House and incredibly satisfying when he pisses off rich people who have gotten
a little too comfortable and think they have all the control and don't like the fact
that Trump is in charge now.
When you're as rich as Trump is and focused on making America great again, you don't
care about other people's money who try to bribe you with it.
President Barack Obama was quick to take in other people's cash and his presidency proved
to be very profitable for him since this former community organizer moved out of the White
House and into a multi-million dollar estate after just two years on $400,000 per year
president's salary.
The game has all changed with Trump in charge now who stuck it to one of his biggest and
richest detractors who showed up to his golf course and tried to throw his weight around
and got humiliated with a painful boot in the behind.
The list is long of people who think they're in power and hate that Trump is, after they
tried their hardest to keep him out of the White House and still lost.
Despite their best efforts and wads of cash to detract him from his goal, he won anyway
and is laughing every day that he's still their president, especially now that he just
got the opportunity to stick it to two men who led the charge against him, when they
decided to spend the afternoon at Trump's private golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida,
which has also been affectionately dubbed the "Winter White House."
Heading off the effort to prevent Trump from becoming president was the billionaire Koch
brothers who love amnesty and are big supporters of free trade — two things Trump is avidly
Charles and David Koch opposed Trump during the Republican primary season and refused
to help him during the general election, as Breitbart reports and they happen to have
a close friendship with Harry Hurt III, who wrote a slanderous book about Trump in 1993
that brimmed with disgusting rape accusations about the wealthy businessman who is now the
president of the United States.
Hoping to partake in a little rest and relaxation, David Koch and Hurt planned a day-long retreat
at Trump's exclusive golf resort which was suddenly cut short when Trump found out they
were there.
In perfectly humiliating fashion, Trump instructed management to remove the pair from his property
and told them they weren't welcome back – ever.
Being escorted out had to be one of the most embarrassing moments for these billionaire
buddies in the presence of other rich people there enjoying their pricey membership, which
Koch and pals don't get to be a part of.
Trump proved that their money isn't important to him and no price can fix how stupid these
two look after earning this karma when they went against their own party to protect the
political establishment.
The sudden removal from ritzy golf resorts has become a theme since Trump took office,
starting with the former golfer-in-chief, Barack Obama, who also got the boot under
the most satisfying circumstances for conservatives.
Prissy Holly previously reported on the humiliating event for Barack who was ousted by other members
who don't have to deal with him now that he's a private citizen:
Throughout his presidency, the Rockville Woodmont Country Club has given Obama a membership
at their prestigious club free of charge, waiving the insane $80,000 initiation fee
and yearly membership dues of almost $10,000.
But after Obama's recent disgusting treatment towards Israel with his backing of the United
Nations' plan to give Israeli land to Palestinian terrorists, many Jewish members are raising
absolute hell, demanding that Obama be thrown the hell out of their club on his ear.
"In light of the votes at the UN and the Kerry speech and everything else, there's
this major uproar with having him part of the club, and a significant portion of the
club has opposed offering him membership," a source told The New York Post.
Obama was looking to join the elite Woodmont Country Club in Maryland as a private citizen,
but was swiftly denied access by members of the mostly Jewish club where many insisted
that he deserved to be snubbed for not blocking an anti-Israel vote at the United Nations.
It's the perfect dose of karma this arrogant man had coming since he loves himself as much
as he loves golf and got shot in the gut with this brutal reality check.
'Stranger Things' Actor Joe Keery On His Hair And Addresses Rumors On Season 3 | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 6:31.
OBS Studio 136 - Multi-Monitor Streaming & Recording - How to automatically switch multiple monitors - Duration: 11:54.
Most discussions about OBS, streaming, game recording, and so on tend to focus on a specific
use case - one monitor, one screen of computer desktop or gameplay.
One console input, one 16 by 9 image.
But what if you use multiple monitors for work you wish to stream or record?
What if you display your game across two monitors at once and want to stream that?
What about switching between monitors?
Let's discuss this in today's course video.
Any high-tier live production needs a variety of scenes to show and quick, precise switching
between them.
The Elgato Stream Deck gives you 15 keys with customizable LCD screens behind each, that
can execute macros, application launchers, scene switching and source muting for OBS
- and you can nest folders for more actions and UNLIMITED POWAHHHH.
Grab yours today via the link in the video description.
I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier and more fun, and welcome back to my OBS Studio
tutorial course.
I have many, many more videos on the software in the playlist linked in the description.
Check that before asking questions, and check the introduction video to learn how this course
works, if you get confused.
There's 3 different scenarios that I can imagine applying to multi-monitor streaming:
Just streaming with multiple monitors and sometimes needing to show what's on your
side monitors like I do, running games through surround gaming across multiple monitors at
once, or wanting to automatically switch between different monitors as you record or stream
a multi-monitor workflow.
Let's tackle these.
Timecodes will be in the video description for the 3 main topics here.
Multi-Monitor Gaming First, let's start with multi-monitor gaming.
This will depend a little, depending on how you have this set up.
Right-click your desktop and go to "Display Settings" or "Screen Resolution."
Or, open up your Nvidia or AMD control panel if you have surround set up that way.
You're looking here to find out whether your system is treating your multiple monitors
as one big monitor for gaming, or just multiple monitors with the game stretched across them.
Take note of this.
If your monitors are treated as one big monitor, then you also need to take note of the resolution
it reads.
For example, 3 1080p monitors combined into one horizontal virtual monitor would be 5760
by 1080 resolution.
If you just have multiple monitors side by side, just do the math for how they're set
If they're 3 wide, just add up the horizontal resolutions (i.e. 1920 times 3) and then take
note of the vertical resolution (i.e. 1080).
You'll need this for OBS.
In OBS Studio, you need to set your resolution to this weird resolution.
For our example here, 5760 by 1080.
Leave the base and scaled resolution the same in the "Video" settings tab.
For your streaming settings, you'll wanna scale it down a bit.
For example, for our current test resolution, I'd recommend streaming at half resolution
of 2880 by 540.
Now you'll need to set up the rest of your scenes to properly utilize this wider canvas
than the traditional 16:9 format.
You can probably have fun with placement of your overlay elements, facecam, and so on.
Here's the kicker, though.
Your stream WILL have what's often referred to as "black bars" on the top and bottom
because of this.
This kind of setup, obviously, produces a much wider image than what a normal 16:9 or
even a 21:9 ultrawide can display fully, so this is unavoidable.
While you can technically stretch your image to fill a 16:9 box, it will completely trash
your video and no one will watch it, so don't do that.
If you're going to commit to streaming this kind of super-wide format, you need to fully
commit and just deal with the issues.
Unfortunately, YouTube currently doesn't like streaming with oddball resolutions so
it won't take advantage of the new player's capabilities.
But if you're just recording and uploading this way, the new YouTube player will actually
adapt to your video's aspect ratio and display it nicely on your viewer's screens.
Just MAKE SURE if you're editing the video before uploading, you edit AND render in the
specific resolution of your recording, or you will ruin the viewing experience for EVERYONE.
I have a dedicated, admittedly ranty, video about this subject linked in the video description.
We'll also touch a bit more on this in the next video talking about Ultrawide recording
and streaming and using oddball resolutions.
Multi Monitor Workflow If you just happen to utilize multiple monitors
and just want to be able to switch between them sometimes, depending on what you're
doing - things are much easier.
Simply make new scenes for each of your monitors and add them via Display Capture.
Add your facecam, if needed, and any overlays.
If you don't want to have to reposition and configure your overlays again and again
for this, you have two primary options.
Either you can start by duplicating your main Display Capture scene and then replacing the
actual Display Capture source with respective monitors, keeping all other sources in the
scene in tact.
OR, my preferred option, is to actually create a dedicated scene specifically for your overlays
and to "nest" that scene as a source in your other scenes.
So duplicate your main scene and remove any non-overlay elements.
So remove your facecam, display capture, whatever.
You're left with just your overlays.
Rename the scene to "Overlays."
Now, remove your overlays from your main scene, add a new Source - Scene Source, and choose
your new "Overlays" scene.
Now you have them all in one source that you can add to any scene, without having to mess
around with repositioning or anything like that.
Super handy!
If your monitors are different resolutions, simply use the transform tools to scale them
all to match your canvas resolution, and whammo.
Then you can set up hotkeys or use something like the Elgato Stream Deck to switch between
your different display scenes as desired when recording or streaming.
Automatic Multi-Monitor Switching There's another neat trick for multi-monitor
streaming and recording that I like to use from time to time - automatic scene switching.
This will let you automatically switch between your different Display Capture-based scenes
depending on where your cursor goes on your computer.
This is super handy for when I do editing streams and need to quickly switch between
my multi-monitor workflow.
Unfortunately, the built-in "Automatic Scene Switcher" tool in OBS Studio kinda… sucks.
Or rather, it doesn't work in the way I see most optimal.
So instead, I use an "Advanced Scene Switcher" plugin which I will have linked in the video
Open the zip file, open up to the Windows folder, then the "obs-studio" folder and
copy the "data" and "plugins" folders to your OBS install directory.
In Windows, the default is C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\.
Approve any prompts asking if you're sure you wanna copy to a program data folder, and
re-launch OBS Studio.
Now the Advanced Scene Switcher should be available under the "Tools" menu in OBS.
Open it up.
Now for setting up automatic monitor switching based on your cursor position, we will be
using the "Screen Region" tab.
Here, we need to set up our different "screen regions" to be detected by OBS for your
cursor positioning.
To get this to work properly, the numbers are going to be a little complicated.
This is only made worse if your monitors are different resolutions, like mine are.
Firstly, right-click your desktop and open up "Display Settings" or "Screen Resolution."
You need to know which monitor is number 1 for you, as this affects cursor positioning
You'll want to have your scenes set up again for your multiple displays, see the earlier
part of the tutorial for this.
Take a look at your Scene Switcher dialog box again.
You can see for each scene switching command, you need two sets of X and Y coordinates.
We will use the "Cursor is currently at:" feature to get these numbers, just keep in
mind it's a little delayed in showing your cursor location.
Now, this can be finicky.
Before, you would often need to min coordinates from the bottom-left corner of your screen
and max at the top right.
But now I need the top-left coordinates for min, and bottom-right for max.
So if it doesn't work consider re-doing this with these coordinates.
The numbers you want to pay attention to first come from the top left corner of your screen
and the bottom right.
Write these down from the display on the Scene Switcher dialog.
So for my main monitor, we want to say "If cursor is in" Min X: 0, Min Y 0 for my display,
then Max X: 3839 and Max Y: 2159 our numbers may be different.
Then, select the scene you wish to assign to this screen.
For me, that's "Desktop Facecam Overlays" or "Screen 1."
Then you can choose the transition.
For this, cut works best.
Once that's set, hit the plus sign at the bottom and it will add that command.
Now, you want to do the same thing for the next monitor.
Find the coordinates for the top left and input them into the dialog, and then the top
For me here, the min is 3840 and 0, with the max being 6399 and 1439.
Choose the scene to assign to this region - don't skip this step, I do that sometimes
and it screws things up.
Make sure you're assigning the right scene!
Then hit the plus at the bottom to add it.
Repeat this for however many screens you're switching between.
When you're done, click back to the "General" tab.
Towards the bottom it says "Scene Switcher is:" and should say "Inactive" if it's
turned off.
If so, hit "Start" to turn it on, and close the plugin dialog.
Once it's running, your scenes should automatically switch between your Display Capture scenes.
If it doesn't work the first try, don't panic!
Be patient.
Double check that you have the right coordinates, and that you chose the correct scenes for
it to switch to, and that you hit "Start" on the General tab, of course.
And again, if this set of coordinates isn't working, try inverting to the bottom left
and top right instead.
Something will work, you just have to be patient with it.
Now, this isn't going to work out well if you wanna keep using other scenes.
Switching to a webcam scene will put you right back at the scene where your cursor is.
There's some minor tweaks you can do for this.
In the "Pause Scenes" tab, you can pause the Scene Switcher if you manually switch
to specific scenes.
You can also go to your Hotkeys Settings and set up dedicated hotkeys for starting and
stopping the Scene Switcher, too.
You have some flexibility here.
The plugin also gives you lots of options for switching based on windows, switching
back after a certain amount of time, customizing transitions, and so on - but this is the basic,
main functionality here.
So you actually have quite a few solid options available to you when it comes to recording
and streaming multiple monitors with OBS Studio.
Pick what works best for you.
I hope this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course has been helpful for you.
If it was, drop-kick that like button and subscribe for awesome tech videos.
If you like game streaming, come follow me on Twitch and drop a message in chat.
Until next time, I'm EposVox, Happy Streaming!
Thanks for watching this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course.
More videos like this and a full master class are linked in the playlist in the video description.
Click to learn more.
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Furious Trump Hears Who Is Golfing At His Florida Resort And Has Him Forcibly Removed Immediately - Duration: 4:28.
One of the reasons an overwhelming amount of Americans picked Donald Trump as our next
president is he because he makes no apologies for the things he says and does no matter
who it offends.
After eight years of lame duck leadership, it's refreshing to have a powerhouse in
the White House and incredibly satisfying when he pisses off rich people who have gotten
a little too comfortable and think they have all the control and don't like the fact
that Trump is in charge now.
When you're as rich as Trump is and focused on making America great again, you don't
care about other people's money who try to bribe you with it.
President Barack Obama was quick to take in other people's cash and his presidency proved
to be very profitable for him since this former community organizer moved out of the White
House and into a multi-million dollar estate after just two years on $400,000 per year
president's salary.
The game has all changed with Trump in charge now who stuck it to one of his biggest and
richest detractors who showed up to his golf course and tried to throw his weight around
and got humiliated with a painful boot in the behind.
The list is long of people who think they're in power and hate that Trump is, after they
tried their hardest to keep him out of the White House and still lost.
Despite their best efforts and wads of cash to detract him from his goal, he won anyway
and is laughing every day that he's still their president, especially now that he just
got the opportunity to stick it to two men who led the charge against him, when they
decided to spend the afternoon at Trump's private golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida,
which has also been affectionately dubbed the "Winter White House."
Heading off the effort to prevent Trump from becoming president was the billionaire Koch
brothers who love amnesty and are big supporters of free trade — two things Trump is avidly
Charles and David Koch opposed Trump during the Republican primary season and refused
to help him during the general election, as Breitbart reports and they happen to have
a close friendship with Harry Hurt III, who wrote a slanderous book about Trump in 1993
that brimmed with disgusting rape accusations about the wealthy businessman who is now the
president of the United States.
Hoping to partake in a little rest and relaxation, David Koch and Hurt planned a day-long retreat
at Trump's exclusive golf resort which was suddenly cut short when Trump found out they
were there.
In perfectly humiliating fashion, Trump instructed management to remove the pair from his property
and told them they weren't welcome back – ever.
Being escorted out had to be one of the most embarrassing moments for these billionaire
buddies in the presence of other rich people there enjoying their pricey membership, which
Koch and pals don't get to be a part of.
Trump proved that their money isn't important to him and no price can fix how stupid these
two look after earning this karma when they went against their own party to protect the
political establishment.
The sudden removal from ritzy golf resorts has become a theme since Trump took office,
starting with the former golfer-in-chief, Barack Obama, who also got the boot under
the most satisfying circumstances for conservatives.
Prissy Holly previously reported on the humiliating event for Barack who was ousted by other members
who don't have to deal with him now that he's a private citizen:
Throughout his presidency, the Rockville Woodmont Country Club has given Obama a membership
at their prestigious club free of charge, waiving the insane $80,000 initiation fee
and yearly membership dues of almost $10,000.
But after Obama's recent disgusting treatment towards Israel with his backing of the United
Nations' plan to give Israeli land to Palestinian terrorists, many Jewish members are raising
absolute hell, demanding that Obama be thrown the hell out of their club on his ear.
"In light of the votes at the UN and the Kerry speech and everything else, there's
this major uproar with having him part of the club, and a significant portion of the
club has opposed offering him membership," a source told The New York Post.
Obama was looking to join the elite Woodmont Country Club in Maryland as a private citizen,
but was swiftly denied access by members of the mostly Jewish club where many insisted
that he deserved to be snubbed for not blocking an anti-Israel vote at the United Nations.
It's the perfect dose of karma this arrogant man had coming since he loves himself as much
as he loves golf and got shot in the gut with this brutal reality check.
W10754158 - Replacing Your Whirlpool Washer's Stator - Duration: 4:34.
Hi, I'm Jordan and today, I am going to show you how to replace the stator on your washer
The reason you might need to change this part is if your washer is not running properly.
For this repair you'll need pair of chanel locks, some duck tape, a T30 Torx Bit and 7ml nut driver.
Before doing any repairs, please disconnect your power source.
Before we begin this repair, make sure turn off your water.
So, this is our washer model.
The first thing were going to do is go to the back.
So with the Chanel locks were going to disconnect the hoses that are attached to the washer and also disconnect
the drain hose from the washer.
Just keep in mind you may run into some water.
Just tighten down on the clamp, push it forward and pull it out.
Were going to secure the door with some duck tape in order to prevent your door from opening up.
So we've turned over our washer our roater is located right here.
We're going to use our T30 Torx Bit and remove the nut.
Pull it out, just keep in mind you may need some assistance.
We're going to remove these screws holding on to the clutch.
We're going to disconnect the wires right here for this part you can remove this metal
piece by removing the belt but for us we're just going to slide through the wires, like that.
Next grab your new OEM replacement stator if you do not have one of these stators already you can find them
on our online store.
So taking your clutch were going to wrap the wire along the tab right here and take the wire slide it in this tab
here too with the other wires, just like that.
Then just aline the staor and the clutch back on to the transmission then reattach the screws
with our 7ml nut driver.
Once youve reattached all those screws were going to take our roater place it inside
then just screw back in the nut we took off previously.
Then just reattach your wires.
Just like that.
Once everything is reassembled turn your washer back on.
Then were just going to reconnect the drain hose.
Then with your channel locks grasp on to it, pull it down just like that.
Reconnect the hoses.
Once you've done that, turn your water back on and your repair is complete.
Finally don't forget to plug in your appliance.
If you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find an OEM replacement
part on our website.
Thanks for watching, your support helps us to create these free videos for you to enjoy.
Please like, comment and share and if you really liked our videos please subscribe down
RPT технология - Ваш помощник на каждый день! Вы обретете внутреннюю свободу и счастье! - Duration: 3:41.
Warning Issued After Terrifying Find Discovered Off Gulf Of Mexico Following N. Korea Missile Launch - Duration: 5:31.
After months of threats, the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un launched an intercontinental
ballistic missile (ICBM) that has sent shockwaves around the world.
For the first time in decades, there is a real threat of World War III on the horizon,
and after what was just discovered off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico it could be sooner
than later.
For months, North Korea has been doing their best to goad the United States and other countries
into a massive world war.
However, that has not happened thanks to the level and strong leadership of President Trump
and his trusted administration.
Though, while North Korea is one real threat, there is another country out there vying for
the title of a world superpower as well, and that is Iran.
Under the failed leadership of Barack Obama, he allowed the Middle Eastern country to flourish
by lifting sanctions off Iran in his landmark nuclear deal with the Muslim nation.
Conservatives across America were irate after learning of this deal that came across as
too lenient for the predominately Muslim country.
Now, Iran appears to be pushing for war after Iranian ships were spotted in the Gulf of
Mexico, and if that is true, we could be in for a long winter.
Here is more from J Post:
As Iran continues to fight to become a global superpower, the Islamic Republic's flag
may soon be flying halfway across the globe on warships sent to the Gulf of Mexico, Iran's
new Navy commander has announced.
"Our fleet of warships will be sent to the Atlantic Ocean in the near future and will
visit one of the friendly states in South America and the Gulf of Mexico," Iranian
Navy Commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi was quoted by Iran's semi-official Tasnim
News Agency as saying.
Iran will likely use the warships' visit to Latin America to advance its relationship
with its ally Venezuela, a US adversary.
And while Iran's navy poses no real threat when up against the American navy, Khanzadi
added that new vessels and submarines will be introduced next year to bolster the country's
At a press conference in early November, outgoing Naval commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari
said that "sailing in open waters between Europe and the Americas should be the Navy's
goal, which will be realized in the near future."
Iran has increased its presence in international waters in recent years.
According to Sayyari, Iran has sent 47 flotillas of warships into international waters including
last November when an Iranian naval flotilla entered the Atlantic Ocean after sailing around
"No foreign military official could even imagine that the Iranian naval forces might
reach the Atlantic Ocean," Sayyari stated during a ceremony in August, adding that "no
one saw it likely that Iranian forces could sail around Africa or go to the Suez Canal,
but they proved to be capable of doing it."
In 2014 Iran said it would send warships into the Gulf of Mexico to protest the US Navy
presence in the Persian Gulf.
The US Navy's 5th fleet, based in Bahrain across the Persian Gulf, and Iranian vessels
have clashed in recent years in the Persian Gulf.
But the ships never made it, and according to Meir Javedanfar, Iran lecturer Interdisciplinary
Center (IDC) in Herzliya and researcher at Meir Ezri Center for Iran & Persian Gulf Studies
at Haifa University, "It's not clear if Iran is actually going to do it," this time
"Making an announcement is very different than actually being able to carry out such
a big and sophisticated task of sending Iranian ships all the way to the Gulf of Mexico,"
Javedanfar told The Jerusalem Post.
"And even if Iran succeeds I think it's going to be mostly for show for domestic purposes.
The Iranians have said that the Americans have no business being in the Persian Gulf
and therefore maybe by doing this they are trying to reciprocate by saying that 'just
as you come to our backyard we can come to your backyard.'"
While Iran has repeatedly warned that any act of transgression into the country's
territorial waters would be met with an immediate and befitting response, according to Javedanfar,
"The US Navy in the Persian Gulf has got far more sophisticated anti-aircraft weaponry
systems, aviation systems, and marines than the Iranians ships, so the two can't be
The Iranian navy is also currently taking part in the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium Multilateral
Maritime Search and Rescue Exercise-2017 (IMMSAREX-17) which began Monday, along with the navies
of 32 other countries.
According to Tasnim, Iran's naval military presence in international waters is "aimed
at demonstrating their naval power and extending a message of peace and friendship."
The growth of Iran's navy is concerning to Israel, especially after Iran's chief
of staff Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri said that setting up naval bases in Yemen
and Syria was "ten times more important" than nuclear technology.
With the latest development from North Korea firing off missiles and the discovery of Iranian
ships in the Gulf of Mexico, it could spell serious issues for America and our allies.
For years, Obama only emboldened our enemies to the point where now they think they can
do whatever the heck they want without any repercussions.
Thankfully, Trump is no one's fool and will do his best to quell the beat of war drums
before it is too late.
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