You want to know how you can do for free
a study of keywords in google
It is a few seconds
on the featured video you what I tell
Hello my name is juan merodio and
Welcome to the new video if your
first b
If you want to learn all the tricks
on digital marketing and entrepreneurs
Started same subscribing to
My Channel to not miss any of the
videos he published daily get
words key associated with a
or industry specific search for
to know not by whom we
posicionarnos en google cuáles son las
más adecuadas que nos darán negocio
desde hace algún tiempo ya no es 100%
gratis no puesto que google con su
herramienta de análisis
ahora mismo ya sólo permite acceder a
ella a los usuarios que tengan al menos
una campaña activa dentro de google
adwords ya que si no no podrás ver esta
esto puede provocar una limitación no
para muchos usuarios que actualmente no
tienen esas campañas activas
gracias al profesional se 8 y saw al
cual pues sigo desde hace algún tiempo
no porque personalmente creo que publica
un contenido de real valor por lo tanto
te digo si quieres saber más sobre seo
debe ser una de las personas a las que
debes poner en tu lista a seguir sus
contenidos no de hecho te dejo en la
descripción del video el enlace a su
blog o no pero hace unas semanas
publicó un video donde hablaba de una
herramienta que aunque tenía
limitaciones es cierto pero te permitía
hacer este estudio de palabras clave
totalmente gratuito
la herramienta se llama aquí wall cirer
de hecho te dejo la descripción del
video el enlace a la misma para que lo
puedas encontrar directamente no quiero
mostraros cómo funciona y va a saber
que es muy sencillo no y el beneficio
que podéis obtener con ella
bueno acá estamos ya dentro de de la
herramienta y como puedes ver la
herramienta es muy sencilla lo único
que tienes que poner aquí es la palabra
clave sobre la que quieres que te busque
palabra relacionadas no es por ejemplo
pues fijar vamos a poner una búsqueda
imaginamos qué te dedicas al mundo de
los seguros de coches bien simplemente
pongo seguros de coches
llegamos aquí así keywords iba a saber
cómo automáticamente fija de que
empieza a generar decenas cientos y
miles de palabras relacionadas además
interesante es que te indica el número
de volumen de búsquedas mensuales que
tiene esa palabra y el coste por clic
dio dentro de google adwords o en este
caso pues fíjate estamos viendo para
seguros de coches casi 50 mil búsquedas
entre el 0 97 dólares
16 05 dólares habrá unas búsquedas
donde bueno pues a muerte de algún dato
bajó incluso erróneo pero fijaos toda
la cantidad de búsqueda sigue
trabajando ya vamos por 456 y y sigue
obviamente tiene limitaciones respecto a
la propia herramienta de adwords no
puesto por ejemplo no podemos segmentar
por determinado país las búsquedas
concretas pero creo que para un estudio
inicial que necesita es hacer un poco
más y más global puede ser una
herramienta muy muy interesante no
bueno pues aquí sería dejarlo hasta
que te detectan las palabras clave y a
partir de aquí hace es el estudio como
éste te las pone todas de golpe pero
nos permite también hacer una descarga
fijados voy a parar a que siga haciendo
la búsqueda y le digo yo quiero
descargarme todas estas palabras clave
las 637 le di a descargar y fijaos que
automáticamente me genera un archivo de
texto así lo tenemos con todas las
palabras clave relacionadas para poder
utilizarlas tiene una herramienta muy
sencilla totalmente gratis y de la que
puedes obtener muchísimo valor ha
gustado el video
dale me gusta y quiero hacerte
partícipe de él por lo que dejan los
comentarios con el hashtag análisis
palabras clave
qué opinión te merece esta herramienta
y otras herramientas usadas para
análisis de estas palabras clave entre
todos los comentarios que reciba los
distintos vídeos del mes soltar en mi
curso on line de estrategia de marketing
digital valorada en 995 euros por lo que
cuanto más convenientes en mis videos
diarios más oportunidades vas a tener
de ganarlo así que deja ahora tu
si llueve para mí
For more infomation >> Cómo hacer GRATIS un estudio de palabras clave en Google - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
ITW GOOGLE par Cécile Dejoux - Le CNAM - Duration: 7:04.
How To Create App Install Campaigns In Google Adwords | Increase Android or iOS App Installs - Duration: 3:13.
Hey everybody this is Viren and welcome back to another Google AdWords tutorial
on my youtube channel. In this video I'm going to show you how to create google
Play ads. That's right if you have an app on Google Play you can use Google Play
ads and create app campaigns. So to get started, let me just go under campaigns
and create a new campaign. Click on universal app campaigns. Are you trying to promote
an Android app or an iOS app? Let me select Android and here we'll have to
look for the app. So I've selected this app, this game that I had made and let me
hit continue. Give your campaign a name.
Now what you need to do is give a few text ideas. These four ideas that you
will add in and they have to be independent of each other because on a
lot of platforms Google will end up showing just one or two of these texts,
so make sure all these four text areas that you enter are independent of each
Once you're done adding the ideas, you can add a video which is optional, I
don't have a video here so I'm not gonna add one. You can add images if you want
but again that's optional. You can upload entire HTML files for your
campaign if you want but that's optional as well. Here's how your ad is gonna look
like on Google search, on Google Display Network, on YouTube and finally on the
Play Store. So these are the four places your ads are going to be displayed in and
now you can go ahead and select the location. Let the location be India,
the languages English. Campaign optimisation - what's our focus - install
volume? I do not have any in-app actions installed yet so install volume is the
only option. What kind of users do you want to target - all the users. Now let's
decide on a bidding. How much am I willing to spend per install? So let me
keep this at 10 rupees. Let's have a daily budget of about 200 rupees, so I'm
looking at 20 installs per day, that's about it. Let me click on save and
continue and the campaign is ready. This would have looked much more better if
we had added some images or videos to the campaign as well. But that's about it,
you have the app install campaign ready. That's about it for this
tutorial. I hope I was able to teach you something new and I'd value to you. If I
did please hit the thumbs up button, comment and let me know and subscribe to
my channel for more marketing content. If you're looking to have a one-on-one
session with me the best way to reach me is through Instagram. The link is right
here. Thank you.
Daisy Ridley Bartended a Star Wars Wrap Party - Duration: 6:00.
Jim Belushi Got Arrested While Dressed as Santa Claus - Duration: 5:26.
Michelle Wolf Still Writes Extreme Dog Shaming Jokes for Late Night - Duration: 7:11.
Rachel Brosnahan Would Never Do Stand-Up - Duration: 6:48.
How to Meet Like-minded People - Duration: 2:05.
Robbery suspect in custody after crashing into pool - Duration: 1:47.
Video: Quiet this afternoon but cooler 11/29/17 - Duration: 2:07.
IN_ Bagaimana Mendapatkan update Chrome saat tersedia - Duration: 1:14.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,
How to Update Google Chrome. To make sure you're protected by the latest security updates,
Google Chrome can automatically update when a new version of the browser is available on your device.
At the top right, look at more. If an update is pending, the icon will be colored: Green: An update's been available for 2 days.
Orange: An update's been available for 4 days. Red: An update's been available for 7 days. To update Google Chrome,
On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click more. Click Update Google Chrome. If you don't see
this button, you're on the latest version. Click Relaunch. The next time you restart your browser, the
update will be applied. Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy,
Please, like, Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,
స్త్రీ పెళ్ళైయినా తర్వాత పుట్టింట్లో దీపారాధన చెయ్యవచ్చా..? | Deeparadhana | Deeparadhana Vidhanam - Duration: 5:22.
The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.41 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.11.29] - Duration: 33:27.
(Episode 41)
It's me, Miryeong.
Jaeuk, you were alive.
How are you here?
Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?
Do you have any side effects?
Get out.
I don't remember you,
so get out.
What's wrong, Jaeuk?
It's me, Miryeong. Don't you remember me?
Get out of here right now
before I call the security.
This man isn't Kang Jaeuk.
He's my husband, Han Jiseop.
What are you doing?
You're not Jaeuk, are you?
I know Jaeuk.
You're not him!
What is the security doing and
letting this crazy woman in here?
- Call security now. / - You!
You're the errand lady's husband, aren't you?
What was your name again?
Han Jiseop, right?
Where's my Jaeuk?
Where did you hide Jaeuk?
Tell me! Tell me right now!
I heard you were delusional
but this is pretty serious.
Let me make myself clear.
A pathetic woman like you isn't in my memory.
A pathetic woman?
Be rational.
Why would Gangin's grandson Kang Jaeuk...
Give a lowlife gold digger like you...
- The time of day? / - No!
You're not Kang Jaeuk.
I know Jaeuk very well.
Take it off. Take your shirt off!
Take it off!
You're out of your mind!
You don't belong here. You belong in a hospital!
I said I'll prove it.
Just show me your back.
Jaeuk has a scar from surgery on his back.
Take it off! I said I want to check for myself!
What are you doing?
Stop right now.
Haerim, we meet again.
I missed you so much that it was driving me crazy.
This is good.
I'm going to destroy you.
I swear I'll kill you!
Are you insane?
Let go! Let go of her!
Are you okay?
Die. Die!
You... You're not Kang Jaeuk.
Jaeuk wouldn't do this to me.
He couldn't do this to me, Yang Miryeong!
You're not him!
Let go! Let go of me!
Where's Jaeuk?
What are you doing? Call an ambulance right now!
Miryeong caused a scene at the company?
Get her.
Break her legs if necessary
and bring her to me.
Let go! I'm going to kill her!
Let go of me! Let go!
I'm going to kill her!
Get her!
Stop right there!
Get back here!
(Missing Person)
This is insane.
How could Seora's husband...
And Jaeuk...
The phone is turned off...
Why now?
I'll head over there,
so go to the basement right this instant!
What happened?
What's her problem? She's right here.
Why is she saying she escaped?
Come in.
What brings you here?
Sit down. I'll make you noodles right away.
Is Seora home by any chance?
I need to talk to her
but I can't reach her.
She must be looking for her husband again.
She said she saw someone
who looked just like him at Gangin Group.
She must be there again.
- Gangin Group? / - Yes.
Thank you.
Wait. Don't just go.
Have some spicy seafood noodles first.
Another time.
What's going on?
They say he's the grandson of the conglomerate.
How could he possibly be Jiseop?
Did you and Miryeong know each other?
I put her to sleep to be safe.
Good thinking.
Let her sleep for now.
What? You lost Miryeong?
How could you not catch a girl like her?
She couldn't have gone far.
Search everywhere and bring her back.
Police? A woman is being kept hostage
in a basement in Yangpyeong.
Please hurry and save her.
Miryeong will not stay quiet.
Get ready.
Yes, madam.
Be patient.
It'll be brief.
Han Jiseop?
Who is that?
He's the son of Gu Mihong,
whose debt Ms. Wi repaid.
But he was overwhelmed by
his mother's debt with loan sharks
and committed suicide in the ocean.
What? He committed suicide?
The police concluded that it was suicide,
but they haven't found the body.
The strange thing is,
right after that son went missing...
Ms. Wi paid off Gu Mihong's debt on her behalf.
She paid off the mother's debt
after the son went missing?
Hospital? Why is he suddenly in the hospital?
Director Kang was injured in an incident.
An incident? What do you mean?
A woman named Yang Miryeong came by.
She tried to hurt Ms. Jin Haerim but
Director Kang got hit instead.
Thank goodness it isn't worse.
I'm fine. You should go.
You must be in shock too.
I can't leave you after you got hurt because of me.
Rest up.
The painkiller may make you sleepy.
Thanks, Haerim.
That's what I should say.
I'm alive thanks to you.
These days, I feel like you hold me precious.
Do you know how encouraging that is?
I need to lie down.
My eyes keep closing.
Okay. I'll stay until your mother gets home.
I'll have some tea.
What brings the police all the way here?
We received a call.
That a woman is being kept hostage
in the basement here.
May we look around?
- Sure. / - Thank you.
The basement is clear.
There's no sign that a person was there either.
No. We use it for storage.
I see.
What's in this room?
We have a sick person using the room.
A sick person?
May we check?
It looks like someone was here.
My niece suffering from depression
was resting here.
But she ran away while we weren't looking.
I see.
Could it be that woman, who called earlier then?
She's depressed and delusional,
so she was resting here.
I thought she had improved.
I never expected her to run away from home.
Was she diagnosed with a mental illness?
This is her prescription.
We gave her the medications as prescribed.
(Medication for delusions)
I understand.
We had to check, since someone made a report.
Please be understanding.
Not at all.
I'm sorry for the trouble.
Bye then.
The prescription you wrote me
came in very handy.
If the police come by,
tell them what we agreed on.
- Did they leave? / - Yes.
I saw the police car leave.
What should I do with the woman?
I said I'll prove it.
Just show me your back.
Jaeuk has a scar from surgery on his back.
Hello, mother.
What happened?
Did you find Miryeong?
You must've been worried.
Don't worry about a thing
and think only about the wedding.
Then did you find Miryeong?
Yes, we found her.
We brought her safely to the vacation house already.
Thank goodness.
I was worried that she got away.
I'm with Jaeuk right now.
Okay. I'll be home soon.
What's the update? Did you find her?
What? You haven't?
Find her now.
Search the entire country if you must.
Bring her here now!
Over here.
Why did you want to meet?
Is something wrong?
Did Seora go to the company again
to look for her husband?
Why? Did she do something again?
That's not it. She's missing.
We assumed she was looking for her husband,
but we couldn't reach her all day. She's just gone.
I thought she went to you and
bugged you again.
I left the office early today, so I don't know
what happened afterward.
Where did this girl go?
She's such a pain in the neck.
It seems like you don't get along well with her.
It's not that we don't get along.
I just don't like her.
Really? She's very different,
both in appearance and personality.
Of course. She's a total fake.
I'm completely honest.
I can't say what I don't mean,
and I say what I see and feel.
Seora is a fake?
She acts all nice to your face
but she's so calculating behind your back.
Are we different because we have different parents?
What do you mean?
You have different parents?
Don't tell anyone else.
Seora isn't my real sister.
My dad found her on the streets when she was 5.
She was adopted?
- The phone is off. / - She won't pick up?
She won't.
Do you think she is in another accident again?
When she was hit by that bike and had
the miscarriage, she didn't answer her phone.
Watch what you say in front of the child.
I didn't know.
My little puppy. Don't cry. Why are you crying?
Don't cry.
Where did mommy go?
Why isn't she home?
What? Haesol, mommy went to work.
She'll be home soon.
Stop crying right now!
I'm upset already because of your mom.
Why are you adding to it?
Haesol, why are you crying?
What's wrong with her?
I don't know. Whatever. Move.
Haesol, do you want me to pick you up?
No! Tell mommy to come home!
Don't cry.
Seeing you cry makes me want to cry too.
I'm just as upset as you are.
Who is it? Who's making my puppy cry? My dear.
My poor puppy.
Were you crying because you missed grandma?
I won't leave you anymore.
I won't go anywhere, so stop crying. Stop.
In-law, what happened?
We haven't heard from you.
Grandma, you smell.
What? I smell?
Is it because I haven't washed my hair?
Who's here?
Hey, I'm home.
How dare you show your mug here?
From the looks of it,
you blew the compensation money
you stole from Seora too.
How did you know?
You must have a sixth sense.
Get out. I can't stand the sight of you, so get out.
Get out right now.
I have nowhere to go!
My home is where my granddaughter
and daughter-in-law are.
Jinja, I'll do whatever you say.
I'll be your housekeeper if you want.
Just let me live here.
Gu Mihong!
- Jinja... / - I'm really losing my mind!
Don't get up.
I heard there was an incident
at the office today.
It was nothing serious.
It was a little scratch. I got a few stitches.
I heard Yang Miryeong came by.
You must've been shocked.
It's a relief
that I don't remember her.
She's much worse
than I had expected.
Do you know...
Ki Seora?
Do you mean the woman looking for her husband?
She's the person I told you about a while back,
who runs an errand service business.
So she's the person you knew?
Is that woman
even in her right mind?
(Missing Person)
Han Jiseop.
Are you saying...
This is her husband?
I couldn't believe my eyes either.
Do you think...
Mom gave birth to twins?
That's very unlikely.
That means...
He's my doppelganger.
I'm speechless.
No wonder that woman did that to me.
Even still...
A sane person would back off when I say it isn't me.
I think
that woman is unstable.
I know Seora.
She's mentally fit and makes wise decisions.
There must be a reason
why she can't back off.
I don't know how to take that.
Are you saying...
I may not be Kang Jaeuk?
Is that it?
Don't overreact.
I'm not there yet.
I pity you, Inuk.
You lost your woman to your half-brother.
You lost your chief director position to him
and now you may lose the company too.
You think you received a miracle, don't you?
You're hoping...
Your brother Jaeuk is in fact Han Jiseop.
Then the tables would be turned.
What, you punk?
But you know...
That isn't hope.
It's delusion.
The miracle you wish for will never happen.
Why not?
Because I'm Kang Jaeuk,
the son of Wi Seonae, whom you despise.
The more you aggravate me,
the more...
I'll crush you little by little.
I overreacted.
It's true I doubted you at times
when you didn't seem like yourself after the accident.
But Kang Jaeuk really is Kang Jaeuk.
I'm relieved.
- What do you mean? / - Take care of yourself.
Why are you leaving already?
I made tea when I heard you were here.
You should go up.
I'm going to see grandpa before I go.
You will? Okay, then.
By any chance...
Is Jaeuk a twin?
What do you mean? That's so random.
I saw someone who looked like Jaeuk.
You did?
I'd like to see him as well.
Do you know him well?
No. He's missing...
Right now.
My dear.
How did that happen?
You should go up. The tea will get cold.
Does it look like Inuk suspects you?
For now...
He seems to be testing me.
I don't think we can avoid it any longer.
Given what it is...
We should confront it head-on.
And knock down all suspicions surrounding you.
That's the only way you,
your family...
Jaeuk and I can live.
Why were you sleeping for so long?
How did I end up here?
You must've been exhausted.
People wander in at times while thinking
the place is empty just like you did.
I wanted to let you go after checking a few things
but you wouldn't wake up.
What is it?
Yang Miryeong.
Why is she being locked up here?
You said she was in a care facility.
- Is this a care facility? / - Yes.
Yang Miryeong is a patient here.
She's delusional and a pathological liar.
She's suffering from depression as well.
She's a danger to herself, so she is being locked up.
She was being treated here by her family's request.
Is that true?
Didn't Yang Miryeong
say Gangin Group's Chief Director Kang Jaeuk
was her boyfriend?
Yes, she did.
Don't believe her.
They're all lies.
She broke out today to see him again.
She probably made you stay and
take her place, didn't she? Right?
Where is she now?
We're looking for her now.
You seem to have been deceived by her as well.
If you see her again,
don't believe anything she says.
It'll just put both of us in an awkward position again.
Why are you here while sitting in the dark?
What's wrong with you?
You should say if you're going somewhere
or will be late.
At least answer your phone.
I couldn't reach you all day long.
I thought you had been abducted or something!
Why are you getting angry?
How could I not?
I was so worried all day long.
Why would you worry about me?
Also, must I tell you everything I do
and everywhere I go?
It's because I'm nervous.
I get nervous if I can't reach you or see you.
Do you like me?
Can't I?
You're joking, right?
Did you think I was being serious?
How can you laugh right now?
Then should I cry?
Did you meet the person
who looks like your husband?
I don't think it's him.
He must just look like him.
Is that person...
Chief Director Kang Jaeuk at Gangin Group?
Yes, he is.
Do you know him?
I looked into it.
Kang Jaeuk
was Gangin Group's grandson
since the day he was born.
I understand he looks a lot like
your missing husband.
But he isn't Han Jiseop.
What is it?
Kang Jaeuk...
Is marrying Jin Haerim soon.
They've been dating for a while.
He's getting married soon...
Don't tell anyone else.
Seora isn't my real sister.
My dad found her on the streets when she was 5.
She was found on the streets?
Jin Haerim, get it together, will you?
What are you imagining?
Do Rahui, snap out of it.
She said not to get ahead of yourself.
Hypnotize yourself.
Yes. I'll hypnotize myself.
Ki Chara is a guy. A guy.
A guy.
A girl. A girl. She's a pretty girl.
Do Rahui, you're insane.
You're totally insane. Seriously.
Get lost. Get lost!
Rahui. That idiot.
Get lost. I told you to get lost!
(Kang Jaeuk, Jin Haerim)
Let go of me!
Get this woman out of here. Right this instant.
That's right.
He isn't Jiseop.
If he were, he wouldn't have done that.
Honey, wake up.
Wake up.
I know what I heard.
He definitely said honey.
That's right. Haesol.
Is mother home?
Yes, she's in her room.
I brought traditional red bean buns
that grandfather likes.
The chairman will be so happy.
- Go on in. / - Okay.
How could you still not catch one girl? That's absurd.
She's a ticking time bomb.
Catch her before she does something!
Is she talking about Miryeong?
What brings you here?
I was with a client nearby and thought I'd stop by.
Oh, no. What a shame.
I was just on my way out.
It's okay. You should go.
But mother,
you found Miryeong, didn't you?
Is that why you came? Because you were worried?
Yes. To be honest, it's bothering me.
I told you. You don't need to worry about anything.
Just focus on the wedding.
Okay. I will.
You're coming to the office?
Help me just one more time.
It'll be the last time.
There's something I need to check one last time.
I'll tell security.
Is daddy here?
Yes. Wait a minute.
You can see daddy soon.
It really is daddy.
Daddy, why didn't you come to see me?
I hate you, daddy! I hate you!
You won't leave me anymore, will you, daddy?
You'll live with me, right?
Yang Miryeong.
I need to see her with my own eyes.
Where's the key to the basement?
What was that?
Kang Jaeuk?
(The Secret of My Love)
If Han Jiseop is your husband,
I will not lose him to you.
Don't be overly confident.
There are cases of regaining consciousness
after heart seizures.
Are you saying Jaeuk may wake up?
What do you mean?
- Did you think I'd never find out? / - Stop it.
If you can't, stall for time.
- Not right now. / - You'll regret choosing me.
No. I don't believe in regret.
May I really tell you how I feel?
Your back is very warm.
You really do belong in a hospital, not here.
This scar...
Husqvarna 701 Vitpilen & Svartpilen concept | VITPILEN 701- Simple. Progressive. | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 1:26.
8 Ball Pool - HACK 100% AntiBan 😍 FULL HACK 3.12.1 Extended GuideLine MOD [NO ROOT+CHEATS] 2017 - Duration: 11:37.
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Oral-B Pro 2000 Cross Action Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush Unboxing and Review - Duration: 4:25.
hello everyone welcome back to another product review video here I will unbox
and review the oral-b pro 2000 cross action electric rechargeable toothbrush
I purchased this after being recommended by your dentist whom I visited recently
I had plaque deposition on teeth so the dentist told me to use this brush
and after buying and using this product it indeed solved my plaque problem would
This pro 2000 comes with various features which I will cover in later part of this
video also I will give a quick comparison with other such toothbrush of Oral-B
and provide you a link to buy this product if you are willing to
buy at discounted price so don't forget to check links in video description
now I am going to unbox this product
inside the package there is Oral-B Pro 2000 brush handle, brush heads and the battery
next thing to do is let's fix the brush head to thebrush handle
you have to first fix this ring band at the bottom of the brush head
now the oral-b pro 2000 is ready to use
for using it the battery have to be charged fully for 24 hours or
until you see the green light in the battery symbol is not blinking once the
battery is fully charged it can be used twice daily that is morning and night
for two minutes and it will last for a week or longer
to use this brush just
turn on by pressing the power button the brush head runs in two modes one with
constant rotation and the other with massaging mode for gums just place the
brush head to the teeth and move gently along it, the information booklet that it
comes with also clearly shows how to use it on teeth now one of the benefits are
using this toothbrush is that it removes plaques in between as well as on the
teeth that means it does remove under percent of the plaque it can reach
hard-to-reach places in the mouth for more efficient cleanup and provides 3d
cleaning on tooth sand gums it has pressure sensors that lights up when you
are brushing too hard it has variable oral care one for daily brushing and the
other mode is gum care Oral-B pro 2000 cross action Electric rechargeable
toothbrush alerts when you have done dentist recommended 2 minutes of
brushing and also alerts every 30 seconds to help you concentrate and
brush on other quadrant of your mouth it makes
brushing easier you will never feel bored to bridge twice daily
now other varieties of same brush are pro 600 pro 3500 and up to genius 8000
different types of this brush comes in different prices so based on your
requirement you can buy any suitable model of Oral-B cross action Electric
rechargeable toothbrush check links in the description to buy this product like
and share this video and subscribe this channel if you haven't to receive the
upcoming videos so until next video bye and take care and thanks for watching
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