Heal your dental cavities naturally once the dental enamel and dentin becomes
affected by tooth decay caused by the proliferation of bacteria on and between
the teeth a cavity or hole begins to form teeth or a multi-layered hardened
the tissue buried in the gums dental cavities can be potentially improved
through home remedies such as dietary changes most importantly proper oral
hygiene and regular dental care can prevent most cavities in the first place
prevent your cavities naturally by following these simple remedies brush
your teeth regularly you should brush your teeth at least twice a day ideally
you should brush your teeth 15 to 20 minutes after eating keep the toothbrush
at a 45 degree angle to your gums and gently move the toothbrush back and
forth in short strokes make sure your brush the inner outer and chewing
surfaces of the teeth don't forget to brush your tongue as the tongue can also
carry bacteria and food particles use a soft toothbrush your teeth can be
damaged by brushing too hard are using toothbrushes with hard bristles you
should replace your toothbrush every two to three months leave the toothpaste in
your mouth without rinsing spit out the extra form
but don't rinse your mouth out with water you want to give the minerals in
the toothpaste some time to be absorbed onto your teeth
if your teeth are sensitive use toothpaste for sensitive teeth this can
also help reduce gum inflammation reduce your intake of carbohydrates
cavity-causing bacteria need carbohydrates and sugar to survive they
turn that food into acid which weakens the teeth limit your intake of carbs and
sugar so that the bacteria do not have anything on feed on you should also
avoid soda and any other sweetened drinks because the
sports tend to contain a lot of added sugar in addition sodas are very acidic
and can damage the enamel on your teeth when you do intel in carbohydrates or
sugar be sure to brush your teeth afterwards to clean them off which can
stick to your teeth and has in the development of decay oil pulling oil has
the ability to cut right through plaque and get to the surface of your teeth
coconut oil is most effective at attacking bacteria which causes cavities
it is also rich in medium chain triglycerides and high in oleic acid oil
pulling is believed to strengthen teeth by disposing toxins by reversing the
flow and by pulling bacteria out of the teeth not only does this fight cavities
but it whitens teeth sweetens the breathe
combats genitive ities and improves the health of your gums clove oil clothes or
an unsent remedy for oral infection issues and with damaged or decaying
teeth a strong antiseptic antimicrobial and antifungal agent of clove oil helps
to cleans the oral cavity and also it helps to repair receding gums and other
damage with oral tissues if used frequently it can effectively stop a
bacterial infection to combat an icky tooth you can apply two or three drops
of clove to a cotton ball place the cotton ball on your painful tooth by
down to hold the cotton ball in place after 15 minutes you should feel a
reduction in pain and can remove the cotton ball
repeat this process daily for effective results thank you for watching this video
like and subscribe for more videos
For more infomation >> How to Treat and Prevent Cavities in Teeth - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
Rachel Bloom and Seth Swap Pre-Show Nervous Dump Stories - Duration: 4:09.
Adding Horsepower to a 6.0L LS! #66ChevHell Gets Some Serious Power! - Hot Rod Garage Ep. 58 - Duration: 24:05.
(engine rumbling)
- On this episode of Hot Rod Garage,
the Chev Hell sees some boost.
(engine revving)
(tires squealing)
(rock music)
Welcome back to Hot Rod Garage presented by Lincoln Tech.
We're here today with Lucky's Chevelle.
It's a '66 Chevelle he calls Chev Hell.
It's one of my favorite driving hot rods.
This thing was super reliable.
Handled awesome.
Stopped great.
Six liter LS truck motor with a TG-6.
Super fun car.
And you've used it up?
- I've worn out the transmission.
Worn out the motor.
Worn out everything.
Broke suspension parts,
so this is the complete redo.
- This car has been all over.
Power tour a couple times.
- Couple times.
- We've taken it to the drag strip a couple times.
We've done dyno runs.
- To and from Vegas, yeah.
- Everything.
Lucky basically drove this thing into the ground.
- To the ground.
- Into the ground.
You've already upgraded the suspension.
- Yep. - Motor and trans
is out and it's time to make some horsepower.
- [Lucky] That's right we're going to do
the Magnuson supercharger and some AFR heads.
- So cylinder heads,
and a rude supercharger.
- Yes; very happy man
is having a hard time containing myself.
- You look excited.
- I am. - All right
let's get started.
(blues music)
So here it is, the six liter out of your Chevelle.
- [Lucky] Yes it is.
- This thing made 415 wheel horsepower.
And what did you do to it to make that kind of power.
- Well this thing was a DOD motor displacement on demand.
It used to have a gadgetry that went on
the top right here that would shut off pistons
at cruise.
Took that all that off, changed the cam.
Timing cover, oil pump.
I put ARP head bolts in it and some new head gaskets.
And we have taken turns beating
the crap out of it ever since.
- We sure have.
We had a ton of fun at 400 horsepower,
how much are we going to have at six or 700 horsepower?
- Yeah I don't know.
- The answer is lots.
So let's get these heads off and put the other ones on.
- All right let's go.
(blues music)
So when we were putting in the head studs everything
went in fine except for the short ones at the top,
so we have the tap.
We're going to just chase all the threads
with a nice clean little tap.
And I'm taping it up so that none
of the metal shavings go into the motor.
Join us won't you.
(drum beat)
- I don't really know if I should,
recommend this or just have a disclaimer
that this is, not something I would probably do myself.
- But cars with muscle.
- Yeah more than-- - Cars with muscle.
- Two minutes to spare.
- Engines with muscle. - Do it by hand.
The LS nine is a multi-layer gasket.
So it's going to seal a little bit better
and since this will have increased cylinder pressure
from all that air flow and the boost
to the supercharger in these should help out.
So what are these AFR heads?
- These are the 72 CC.
- And the intake valve is a 2.080
and the exhaust valve is a 1.6,
230 three three CC intake port.
Flows up to 328 CFM.
- So we got the studs in, we got the washers all installed.
They give you an assembly lube
that you just put on the bottom side of the nut.
It stops metal from metal basically,
this stops it from galling and still allows you
to have an accurate torque specification.
(jazz beat)
- So it's time to torque down these AFR heads
with the ARP studs.
Now every time you get a fastener kit
there's going to be specific torque instructions.
These guys are nice enough to give us
a cool procedure as well as the torque value.
Every car has a pattern.
Every manufacturer specs one out
and it's just to basically start from the inside
and sort of work your way to make sure
that the head lays down flat.
- Okay so we just got done torquing all the heads down,
that'll work out great.
Cleaned up all the push rods, checked the measurements,
they all checked out just fine.
I'm going to drop them all in
and then Tony's going to come in
with the rocker arm assembly and we're getting
a little bit closer every minute.
- [Tony] Every engine's different.
LS has separate pedestals, so you want to make sure
that every one is lined up close enough
to get on top of the push rod.
And we're going to spin the motor over
as we torque it in to make sure
that the cam is on the base circle of each rocker
as we tighten it down.
- So I just got done taking off the truck accessory drive
and the lower harmonic balancer.
This is the Corvette harmonic balancer.
This will move all the accessories,
belts, drive and everything closer to the engine block
which will allow us to put a heat exchanger
between the core support and the front of the engine.
We're going to have that much room.
- It's going to take a lot of power
from the crankshaft to drive that supercharger
and these things tend to spin,
especially on modern engines which aren't keyed,
they're just slip fit.
So there's a cool solution from Magnuson
and what we're going to do is use this little fixture,
drill a place to drive two pins
in between the crankshaft snout and the dampener.
So now we have these holes drilled,
when we install these pins there's no way
that one will be able to spin without the other one.
(rock music)
- Next stop, the water pump.
Called RockAuto, pretty sure we ordered the right stuff.
There it is.
(rock music)
(clicking tongue)
It's like a horse is going to come galloping in
when I do that.
(clicking tongue)
- So now it's time to put the valley pan on for real.
Lucky put some new O rings in the bottom
we were waiting on.
Here it goes.
Great job everybody.
(rock music)
Ready for the fun part?
- [Lucky] I'm ready buddy.
I've been ready.
- Crowd's going crazy.
This thing delivered they have an act like it's all heavy.
- Oh man.
All right one-- - Wait wait wait wait.
- Two. (grunting)
(gentle rock music)
- Perfect. - You're the one to look down.
So we've got the Magnuson supercharger laid
onto Lucky's six O,
now we're just going to bolt it down
and then we've got a couple different things
to figure out, but it went right into place.
Valve alignment looks good, we're well on our way.
So we just spent like 25 minutes goofing around
with different accessory spacers trying to get
everything all figured out.
- It was more like 45.
- It was a long time.
Water pump on off, on off, on off.
Short, mid length, long, blah blah blah.
Anyway we've got it all figured out.
Turns out we don't have the stuff we need.
Let's throw this motor in the car
while we have some stuff overnighted.
- Yes. - Yes.
- Let's do it.
(slow rock music)
- We've decided to put the clutch
and flywheel on
before we put the engine in which I like doing anyway,
but also it's going to be way easier
for you guys to see.
- Okay so this is the clutch by Hays.
It's a dual disc clutch.
This is the pressure plate.
These are the discs.
- Yeah and it's full metallic with a sprung hub
so it's like race plus street.
Best of both.
- [Lucky] Race plus street?
- [Tony] Yeah it's good.
- Is that even legal?
So I have to disassemble the whole thing
to install the flywheel,
then I have to reassemble everything obviously
underneath the car and so on and so forth.
And here we are.
It's an aluminum flywheel with a steel gear
and a clutch surface riveted to it.
I love this thing.
(slow rock music)
(slow rock music)
- [Tony] You're good, you're good.
- [Lucky] Oh we going down slow, this is my car.
Watch your digits.
Completely untrustworthy with this machinery right here.
- You're good.
(metallic rattling)
- [Lucky] Look at that.
- Lucky's got his T-56 rebuilt and upgraded trans-zilla
and since there's a fresh clutch
we are going to do the measurement again
to see exactly where the clutch fingers sit.
We use this information to figure out
how many spacers we want to put behind
the throw out bang so we can get just under
a quarter inch of space.
We've got the trans on the transmission jack,
it's going up into the car.
We've lowered the back end of the engine down
to get the most access possible
and hopefully it goes right it.
(jazz beat)
You have to get both discs perfectly aligned
so it's really tough to get these in.
Input shaft is brand new so it's even
a little bit tougher than a,
well worn set up.
- [Lucky] It's literally twice as hard.
- Yeah it's pretty tough.
But we got it all lined up just right
and it slid close enough that we can get bolts in it,
so we're in good shape.
- [Lucky] What else is going to fit while it's in the air?
- We'll do headers, exhaust.
- Starter motor yeah.
- Waiting on accessories.
Oh here they are.
- That's like magic.
- Look at that. - What was that?
That's crazy.
- [Tony] These are Hooker BlackHearts made for an LS
in a Chevelle.
- These are very complicated to install.
Allow me to demonstrate.
- Yeah mine's close too.
- Dude seriously mine is done.
- Op there it is.
- [Lucky] Do you see the welds on there?
- [Tony] It's a very nice piece.
I've spent hours putting headers in.
- Yeah I've spent putting headers on
and then got it all done and they drug on the ground.
- Yeah. - These are tucked nicely.
- The idea that we didn't have to jack the motor up
or take anything off, which is kind of amazing.
Lucky's throwing in the starter motor
and I am going to put the drive shaft in this thing
and we're going to keep working under the car.
(slow rock music)
There it is.
- So I went over and opened up the BlackHeart box
of the three inch exhaust that the guys
at Holley took it upon themselves to send me.
- [Tony] All right so let's try it like this.
- Let's try it.
- We think this is right.
- The header on that side's just a little bit higher.
I had the same issue before.
- It's not helping.
- That's 'cause you weigh like 90 pounds.
- So we've run into a little bit of interference
with Lucky's home made trans cross member
and this pipe.
It's no big deal.
Exhaust pipe is up into the cross member a little bit,
we'll figure something out.
No mercy.
- [Lucky] That looks sweet.
- [Tony] That should do it.
- K here we go.
Hold on, careful.
Little more to the left.
Easy, careful easy.
Cheese and rice.
- Well get that side on.
That's fine.
It's a nice exhaust.
- Three inch.
(mechanical whining)
(mechanical humming)
(sizzling sound)
(mechanical whining)
So even though this Holley BlackHeart exhaust system
comes complete with everything to get all the way
over the rear axle and out the back of the car
where you don't smell anything,
unfortunately I got an aftermarket rear differential
in here and the housing's bigger than stock
so we're going to put some turn downs
just before the axle and then I'll modify
the over the axle tubes later and install them.
That's a muffler hanger.
(mechanical whir)
- [Tony] We've got this new inlet snout
and we changed this to push the throttle body out.
- [Lucky] Inlet snout?
- Yeah, that's your high school nickname?
- It's my street name.
Lucky wasn't weird enough.
Okay so the short bracket finally showed up
for us to use the Corvette accessory drive
and we're getting ready to install it right now.
Join me won't you.
(blues music)
- Hopefully the last time this water pump goes on.
(blues music)
Just taking a little gap out of these things.
(blues music)
Okay hold it, go around here,
go around here, over on this one.
We're just using a piece of scrap wire
to get the routing exactly how we want it.
We're going to just mark this piece of wire,
we'll cut it.
So now we know exactly how long our belt needs to be.
- Before the pre-tensioner is loaded so it needs to be,
the inch shorter than that at least.
- I usually get a size above and a size below
and man I go back at the parts store like two more times.
- Yeah.
- All right so these are our previous mistakes.
- And by ours you mean Roadkill.
- I think you know we can all take blame for some of this.
- No way.
- We've got a belt.
This one is 127 inches long.
There's not a whole lot of options in this size category.
- [Lucky] No there's two.
- [Tony] Yeah we'll see.
- [Lucky] This goes back up here.
- [Tony] And then you're going to go,
yeah right this exactly.
- [Lucky] Yeah that might work.
- Oh yeah, let go.
Yeah we just need to dial it down a little bit
but this'll work.
So we got some of these from Holley,
it's their new thin valve cover and we painted them black
and they look radical.
Let's see, like that.
(blues music)
- It fits, it's weird.
So originally the way the car was set up
they had the radiator inside the core support
which is stock, standard procedure,
and the AC condenser on the outside here
where the heat exchanger is now.
I modified some brackets and made the AC condenser
bolt to the front of the radiator
and then made a couple of spacers to put
the whole thing on the inside.
And, I'm surprised it actually fits.
I mean yeah, I meant for it to work like that.
That's how I roll.
- I'm changing over to a three bar map sensor,
this is an earlier GM style but it,
dudes have been using these things on race cars
for a million years.
I'm just going to have to change the connector
and run the, a boost reference line to it.
One tip: when you mount these things
you want to put them like this
with the vacuum source pointed up.
That way they won't fill with oil or anything
and they seem to read better that way.
- Okay I just got done mounting the coolant pump.
It actually pumps fluid from the heat exchanger in the front
to the intercooler under the supercharger.
Here's Tony with your Lincoln Tech tip
to tell you exactly what that does.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to another Lincoln Tech tip.
Today we're going to talk about the different types
of intercoolers and how they work.
There are two main types of intercoolers:
air to air and air to water.
Now air to air uses outside air to cool
the charged air in your system.
That means that the heat exchange happens
when the hot air in your charge pipes is cooled
by air running across an intercooler.
Now there are some pros and cons
to running an air to air system.
The pros are it doesn't take any power to run it,
there's no water involved so there's no chance of leaks,
and as long as there's good clean air flow
to the intercooler core there will be no heat soak
which is when an intercooler loses its ability
to cool and temperatures continue to climb and climb.
The cons of an air to air intercooler system
are the overall efficiency is limited
by both the outside ambient air temperature
flowing across the core, and where that intercooler core
is mounted in the car.
Another thing you have to consider
is that the intercooler core must be mounted somewhere
that sees fresh air, so your packaging options
are pretty limited.
So an air to water system like we have on Lucky's car
is quite different.
The heat exchange that's happening here
is between water and air.
Basically there is one single heat exchanger
that takes the heated air from your turbo
or your supercharger system and it is going to run it
through an intercooler that's full of cold water,
cooling down the intake charge and letting
your engine make more power.
Now that hot air that's been heated from that charge
is pumped to a second heat exchanger that sits
in the front of your car is going to see cold fresh air
cool that water down and send it back up
into the intercooler.
There are pros and cons to an air water system.
The pros being that it's super efficient
and it's going to make a lot of power,
and because of all the small different parts
don't need to necessarily be mounted anywhere specific.
You have a lot freedom with how you put it together.
Cons being that there's a lot more moving parts
so it's really complex, there's more points for failure
and it's more expensive.
As well as because where the intercooler is placed
it is more prone to becoming heat soaked
which basically negates the entire thing.
So now that you guys are experts on air to water
and air to air intercooler systems,
you can use your packaging options,
your money you have to spend, and the kind of driving
you're going to do to make a decision
on which intercooler system is right for you.
- [Commentator] Lincoln Tech can teach you
how to have a career working with cars.
See LincolnTech.edu.
- [Tony] I'm going to install this Holley 105 millimeter
throttle body.
- [Lucky] What they didn't make a bigger one?
- [Tony] I don't think anybody makes a bigger one.
- The computer makes it open and close
to bypass some air to basically control the idle.
That's why they call it an idle air control valve.
- This has to go to dyno tomorrow,
but as you can see we're really moving along.
Cooling system is done, supercharger's on.
Most of the wiring is done.
Lucky's got to bring his computer in so that we can set
it up for the new map sensor and injectors,
fire it up, and then get someone way more qualified
than us to properly tune it.
(rock music)
So it's the morning on our last day.
We've been here a few days hustling hard,
but we're not quite done yet
and the car has to go to dyno in a few hours.
- [Lucky] Where do you think this goes?
- Extra to me.
(blues music)
- This is actually the sub-harness that comes
with the coolant pump.
It circulates the fluid through the heat exchanger
and the intercooler.
It is pre-wired, pre-terminated,
pre put together.
It's fused and relayed and it is
a simple hook up.
- So I've extended the throttle position sensor wire
and the idle air control wire.
Plugging those in and we are just about ready
to fire this thing up.
What's left Lucky?
- [Lucky] The stuff in that one place and that thing.
- Oh perfect.
- The throttle body used to be here.
So the throttle cable was only this long
and now the throttle body's up here
so the throttle cable's this long.
This, is that all in the camera?
This long.
But luckily, Holley makes a great little plate
that bolts right on, holds everything.
- Moment of freedom right here.
- Yeah, sure runs quiet.
Thought there'd be more whistle.
- I know I thought we'd hear it, crazy.
Basically engine computer is going to take in
a bunch of inputs like crank and cam position sensor
that tells it where the engine is
and how fast it's spinning.
Throttle position, how much the throttle's open,
map sensor, stuff like that.
And then we should be able to get it fired up.
Okay go ahead give me some, gas.
- [Lucky] Offset it to one, or well let's see what it reads.
- [Tony] Let's see what it does.
- You done playing, what are you playing there?
- Contra.
- Here we go.
(engine starting)
(engine rumbling)
So basically we didn't break anything right?
- I don't think so.
It's rough but we have a pretty bad ass
tuner friend that's going to fix that.
- And his name is, Shawn at Church's dyno tune.
- His name's Shawn Church.
- Is it Shawn Church? - Yeah.
- Can I get a witness?
- Mm hmm, he's going to exorcize these demons
you know what I'm saying.
(blues music) (engine whistling)
(blues music)
We just arrived with Lucky's Chevelle
at Church's Automotive Testing.
They use a Dynapack style dyno.
These are mobile small units that bolt
to the drive hub and read the power
more or less at the wheels.
And our buddy Shawn is going to make that thing run awesome.
It's time to make a whole bunch of power.
(engine starting)
(engine revving)
- So Shawn just got done making another pull
with the Chevelle.
We got over 550 horse at the rear wheel.
Over 600 foot pounds of torque which is just
astronomical compared to what it used to do.
We ran out of gas at higher RPM,
it started to drop off which means we need
to replace the fuel pump,
which means there's more ponies in there.
Other than that I am stoked,
I am super stoked, I want to take this thing
out on the road and drive it around.
- That's what I'm saying, let's go.
- I didn't know he was standing right there.
- Time to go.
Let's party.
(engine revving)
- Hey you know when I said we're supposed
to break it in in 150 miles?
- Yeah. - I lied.
- I love it. (engine revving)
- Push me back.
- Let's see how she does.
(engine revving)
(engine revving)
It sounds cool. - It does.
- Take a tired out old six liter truck motor,
bolt on some AFR heads.
And a supercharger and it is bad ass.
(engine revving)
Yeah this thing screams huh?
- [Lucky] You want to get into a fight?
That's where you go.
- Those things look pretty tough
and they're already tired of our (beep)
I can tell you that much.
(engine revving)
Oh boy, points right there.
Side note: who is still using car alarms?
- [Lucky] I'm so fortunate they have
this closed course right here.
- Yeah.
(engine revving)
- She's got a little something.
- Yeah she's got some pepper.
(engine revving)
Man, we're out here raising hell in the streets.
That's it for this episode of Hot Rod Garage
presented by Lincoln Tech.
Was an awesome time--
- Unbelievable.
- Lucky's Chevelle is making big boy power now
and I'm going to get behind the wheel one of these days.
- Oh yeah, it's going to happen.
- It's going to happen.
Don't forget to check us out on social media
between episodes the show is Hot Rod Garage show
on Facebook and Instagram.
On Instagram I'm Tangelo96.
- I'm still MobileTechLucky.
- MobileTechLucky, we'll see you guys next time.
- See ya.
(mechanical humming)
(mechanical humming)
(mechanical humming)
(engines humming)
Kevin Nealon's DNA Test Confirmed His Feakle Ancestry - Duration: 6:03.
Old Macdonald Song | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers - Duration: 39:15.
Old Macdonald Song | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers
Rachel Bloom Reveals How a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Guest Star Almost Made Her Cry - Duration: 5:09.
The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.42 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.11.30] - Duration: 33:39.
Kang Jaeuk?
(Episode 42)
(DNA is not a match)
So the one in the vacation house is the real Jaeuk.
His mother switched Jaeuk with Han Jiseop.
She really transcends all imagination.
is daddy here?
Yes. Wait a minute.
You can see daddy soon.
It's really daddy.
Daddy, why didn't you come to see me?
I hate you, daddy! I hate you.
You won't leave me anymore, will you, daddy?
You'll live with me, right?
Little girl, what's your name?
I'm not even married yet.
I can't have anyone call me daddy.
No. That's not true.
You're daddy. You're Haesol's daddy.
If you act stubborn like this,
I may get very angry with you.
So stop playing around and go to your mommy.
You really are my daddy.
I know it's you, daddy.
Let's go to mommy. Please?
Let's go to mommy.
What are you waiting for?
Take this child to her mother.
Don't touch her.
It's okay.
It's okay. Don't cry.
What are you trying to pull?
Are you a panhandler?
How could you bring your child to do this?
A panhandler?
I said you had the wrong person but you
brought your child and harassed me.
That's beyond rude. It's assault.
What are you after?
What do you want from me?
What was that?
If you want money, here.
I even help poor people I don't know.
I can help someone like you.
Here. Happy now?
I don't need money.
I don't want anything.
I only wanted...
To check one last time.
You do something like this to
a man about to get married
and what? You wanted to check?
If not oh, well. Is that it?
This is defamation. Defamation.
I'm sorry.
I can see now, that I made a huge mistake.
My apologies.
If you do this again...
I'll report you for stalking me.
And I'll claim damages...
For defamation as well.
That's enough!
You don't need to be so harsh.
You're making her feel bad.
I've warned you.
Daddy! Daddy!
Haesol, he isn't daddy.
He's just a stranger.
He is not a stranger.
He is my daddy.
I want to go to daddy.
Stop it.
You and I were mistaken.
He just looks a lot like daddy.
He isn't daddy.
My son was too harsh.
Please be understanding.
He's getting married soon.
This could cause misunderstandings
and he's afraid it may hit the tabloids. That's why.
I'm sorry.
I know for sure now.
He isn't the man I'm looking for.
I'm sorry for troubling you.
I'm leaving now.
You didn't have to be so nasty.
You could've been nicer.
Did you have to humiliate her in front of her child?
Be nice?
Do I have nothing better to do?
I don't come to the office for fun like you do.
Kang Jaeuk.
If you feel so bad for her,
why don't you take care of her?
What happened?
Is he okay?
He's stable now.
What's wrong with him?
Why does this keep happening these days?
I think he had a heart attack.
It's rare but some comatose people
regain consciousness after
having a heart attack.
Are you saying Jaeuk may wake up?
It's too soon to say.
We'll just have to watch.
Then I'll go now.
I have appointments to tend to.
Did you want to remind your mom...
That you're still alive?
Is that why you keep scaring me?
Were you afraid I'd replace you with Jiseop forever?
Don't be afraid.
Jiseop is just a shell wearing your mask temporarily.
You just need to wake up.
Then grandpa's company...
And Haerim will be yours.
So relax and come back.
Did you go somewhere?
Yes. Hello.
It's been a while.
I came by to give you our wedding invitation.
It's an honor.
I didn't know you'd deliver the invitation to me yourself.
I had to.
I owe you so much.
Jaeuk had 10% chance
of survival but you turned it into 100%.
Jaeuk's miracle
is all thanks to you.
I'm ever so grateful. Thank you.
No need to thank me.
It was all Jaeuk's luck.
Was he?
You must be mother's accomplice.
It was impossible to pull off
without your help.
She did?
What did she say?
She asked some questions about Jaeuk.
It felt weird.
You should be cautious.
Okay. Thank you.
Don't tell me Haerim...
Haerim is here to see you, madam.
what do you mean?
What? Did you think I'd never find out?
Han Jiseop. You paid off his debt
and put him in Jaeuk's place as his substitute.
You are very impressive.
How did you...
You tricked me
and tried to get me to marry his fill-in.
What is your real objective?
My dad's wealth and power?
Or was it because of Gangin Group?
Why did you drag me into your ambition? Why?
Haerim, what are you thinking about?
Where's Miryeong now?
She's in the vacation house, right?
I told you.
We have her under control,
so you focus on the wedding.
Did you know that you are my role model?
You're too kind.
You're always wise and brave.
Someone like me
could never come close, even in my next life.
You take care of Miryeong for me.
I'll be eternally grateful.
Who knows?
I may end up giving you an even bigger gift.
A bigger gift?
I think you and I will become a great pair.
I think the same.
I'll pull you up when you're struggling.
And when I'm struggling, you push me forward.
Wouldn't it be a great relationship
if we could do that?
Don't you agree?
Of course. We're on the same side.
Thank you, Haerim.
I said you had the wrong person but
you brought your child and harassed me.
That's beyond rude. It's assault.
What are you after?
What do you want from me?
That's right. That man isn't Jiseop.
He can't be Jiseop.
No. He must not be.
Did you meet him?
Yes. I got my confirmation thanks to you.
He isn't my husband.
He looked so much like him, that I was mistaken.
From what I saw today,
although he looks the same,
his temper, personality and the way he talks
are way too different.
I was confused all by myself.
I searched for him all by myself.
I was disappointed all by myself.
And I was sad all by myself until now.
I'm such a joke.
Are you sad that it wasn't him?
Why are you crying?
I'm embarrassed.
I'm ashamed for mistaking a person like that
for my husband.
I'm hungry. Let's go eat.
If you want to cry, just cry.
I can lend you my shoulder whenever you want.
You'll make fun of me if I cry.
I will not.
But cry just for today.
Haesol, did you really see daddy at that company?
Then did Seora go there again?
I hugged him
but daddy said it wasn't him and got angry.
He said he didn't know me.
Haesol, did he really get angry
and say he wasn't your dad?
Yes. He was screaming
and was mean to mommy.
I would've done the same.
If it isn't him, that's fine.
But there's no need to get mad.
It's understandable if they look alike.
But it's strange.
He definitely smelled like daddy,
but he said he wasn't.
Look at this. She got Haesol doing it too now.
The mom's being all crazy,
so the kid became crazy too.
She is not! Mommy is not crazy!
How dare you raise your voice at the dinner table?
Is that how your mom taught you?
Don't say that about mommy.
Why are you making her cry?
She's already upset enough.
Don't cry.
That's right, Haesol.
Auntie was just kidding. Don't cry.
Come with grandpa.
I'll read you a story.
Why you!
How is it that everything you say
is so venomous?
Why are you always rubbing salt
into other people's wounds?
What did I do wrong?
I'm worried, that's why.
I think Seora's completely lost her mind too.
His family owns a conglomerate.
If she harasses him every day, they won't sit still.
What if that family does something in retaliation?
Retaliation? Like what?
It's nothing for a family like that to get rid of
a small family like us.
Haven't you seen the movies?
If you annoy them, they hire thugs
to bury you in the mountains somewhere.
She's totally right.
We need to stop Seora.
She is completely out of her mind.
We need to wake her up.
I understand Seora 1,000, even 10,000 times over.
A man who looks just like her
dead husband is found.
How could she not lose her mind?
I would do whatever it takes to check for myself too!
He says he isn't him.
It's because she keeps nagging him
and won't let go.
He has a fiancee from a wealthy family too.
He has a fiancee?
Then he must still be single.
That's common sense.
(Luxury Brand)
I've lost my appetite.
Clear the table.
What? Do you think I'm your maid?
I peel onions, wait on tables
and do the dishes all day long at the restaurant.
But you want me to work at home too?
Then don't. Don't lift a finger.
Just pack your things and get out.
Should I open the gate for you?
Fine. Fine! I'll do it.
Isn't this the English jewelry brand Elise?
You recognized it right away.
You have great taste.
Well, I really wanted it.
But why are you...
I need you to stop Seora.
That's right.
I heard she went and bugged him again.
I'm sorry.
I think she's worse because the man who resembles
her husband is the grandson of a conglomerate family.
That's how she is.
I won't hold back anymore.
If she causes a scene at the office again,
we may demand compensation for defamation.
Compensation for defamation?
She defamed the future head of Gangin Group.
You could sell the house and the restaurant
but that won't even come close.
I understand.
I'll do whatever it takes to stop Seora.
Daera, are you really seeing a rich guy?
Geez. It's so bitter. It's very bitter.
Maybe it's because it's from Inuk
but you're drinking the tonic diligently...
- Even though you say it's bitter. / - Is Jaeuk home?
He must be discussing the wedding with Haerim.
Good night.
Aren't you leaving?
I'm sorry.
Good night then.
So? Did you look into it?
You couldn't find her?
You morons.
Search everyone who knows her
and find her no matter what!
Yes, madam.
There's something else to report.
I think the chairman hired someone
to look into Gu Mihong and Han Jiseop.
What was that?
Don't let that happen.
If that doesn't work,
stall them.
Not now. No.
That annoying old man.
Do you really want to challenge me?
Drink slowly. You don't want to get too drunk.
Why? It's been a while since I drank,
so this feels nice.
My head feels very clear now too.
Jiseop, are you that miserable about what you did
to Seora and your child?
Is it that hard?
You scumbag.
You human trash.
Haerim, you'll regret it too.
You'll regret choosing me.
No. I don't believe in regret.
I don't do anything I would regret.
So don't bother worrying about me.
Stop drinking.
Your mother's worried.
You have work tomorrow too.
This isn't like you.
Did something bad happen?
Smile a little.
I want to see you smile.
Be in agony for only today.
I'll make you laugh starting tomorrow.
Han Jiseop is dead now.
I must've lost my mind.
My husband is dead...
But I was being a fool with someone
completely unrelated.
Stop drinking.
You already drank more than enough.
Let me be.
I feel too bad to my husband.
I can't bear to be sober.
How could I have mistaken someone like that
for my husband?
I must've been out of my mind.
I want to be complimented.
Compliment me.
What is it?
Did you find a job or something?
You're a mind reader.
Where will you be working?
Gangin Group.
That's great.
Which department?
You said you knew someone in the security office.
Did that person get you in?
That's not it.
Regardless, congratulations.
Don't think about going to the U.S. anymore.
Settle down here
and get married.
Stop upsetting your grandfather.
While we're on the topic,
do you want me to find you a girl?
Just a minute.
I have a friend who's a good catch.
I have someone.
Then why didn't you tell me?
I met her recently.
I haven't even told her how I feel yet.
I may be rejected.
You will definitely not be rejected.
Because you are...
A kind, warm
and handsome klutz.
Is that a compliment or an insult?
But do you think I can tell her how I feel?
Yes, you can.
How warm.
your back is so warm.
I miss you.
The chairman?
His health isn't what it used to be.
He hasn't named his heir yet.
I'm concerned.
Why are you concerned?
From how things are now,
Jaeuk is favored to be the next chairman.
That's true,
but I'm still cautious and anxious.
You'll help us to ensure
Jaeuk will take over for him
if father passes away, won't you?
That goes without saying.
But I need to become
more powerful in order to do that.
I plan to run for the next leader of the party.
I'll need Jaeuk's help.
Of course.
He'll start taking action soon as well.
Thank you.
And here.
I think it's only right
that you hold onto this.
We are sharing children now.
Let's shake off the past
and be comfortable with each other.
Okay. I'll accept it with a carefree heart.
Thank you.
Lastly, may I ask you something from the past?
When you broke up with me
and dated Inuk's father...
Did you know that he was my friend?
Yes. I found out by chance.
Then by chance
did you choose him
to get revenge at me?
Did you intentionally approach Inuk's father
because you knew he and I were friends?
Of course, after you left me
to marry a rich family's daughter...
I wanted to marry a rich man and
show you I was better off.
But that wasn't all.
That wasn't all?
Let's eat.
You're going to the U.S.?
Yes. I'm going to the U.S.
That's good. You can't get into college
with your grades anyway.
That's the first wise decision you've made.
What? Hey, Chara!
I'm saying I'm going to the U.S., 11,000km away,
and you think it's wise?
I'm not deaf. Stop yelling.
Don't change your tune after I leave.
Why would I even think of you when I don't see you?
Out of sight,
out of mind.
Write down your feelings.
What do you mean?
Write down my feelings?
I know you're too embarrassed to say how you feel.
It's easier to organize your feelings if you write,
so write how you honestly feel about me.
Don't be embarrassed.
Sure. Why not?
This is how I feel. Nice and organized.
"Good luck in the U.S. I'm going to the army.
Don't visit. I'll return all mail."
Chara, why are you going to the army?
I won't go to the U.S., so don't go to the army either.
Hey, Chara!
29 years old?
Are you sure she got lost when she was a child?
How about the burn scar on the right thigh?
No. Let me meet her first.
I'll check myself.
Okay then.
I'll call you at this number when I head out.
Maid, maid.
Yes? Did you call?
Rahui. Call Rahui for me. Now.
He went out.
He went out?
Then call Mr. Jeong for me. Hurry.
The assemblyman sent him out of town
on an errand this morning.
Why today of all days?
Fine. You may go.
If Rahui and Mr. Jeong are away, what am I to do?
(Give Us A Call)
Please enjoy.
Hello, madam.
Yes, this is the errand service.
Right now?
What do you mean?
My mom called who?
Why are you home at this hour?
Where are you going?
I'll take you.
The housekeeper called, saying
Rahui and the driver are both out.
She shouldn't have done that.
Go with me.
I'll take you.
You may leave.
You must be busy. You should go back to the office.
I can go with this woman.
Let's go.
Okay. We'll go now.
I told you to leave.
I said I'll take her.
Madam hired me.
I'll leave if she tells me to.
I told you to go, so go.
Why are you talking back to me?
I called her!
Who are you to tell her to leave?
Mom, let's talk.
I have nothing to say to you.
I need to go out.
It'll be just a minute.
It's important.
Sorry but make us some tea.
You can do that much, right?
Why did you call that woman here?
Why did you bring her into this house again?
Do I need your permission
to call people into my house now?
Don't you know who she is?
Tell me. Why do you hate that woman so much?
I told you.
She has a grudge against me.
Who knows what trouble she'll cause in our house?
So please don't bring that woman into this house.
If you need someone, you can call me.
How can I trust you?
All you do is lie.
I must've made a mistake.
When dad wanted to send you to the hospital,
I should've agreed.
Sure, that's right.
Now, you're being yourself.
Take off the good daughter mask
and live as yourself. That's who you really are.
You really do belong in a hospital, not here.
Oh, that's hot.
Oh, no. Are you okay?
Don't just stand there! Get some ice!
- It's okay. I'll just wash it off. / - Wait, let me see.
I'm really okay.
(The Secret of My Love)
Those people kept me hostage.
Report them to the police.
I'll help you.
There's a problem with the chairman's heart.
Chairman Kang will oppose if he finds out.
Leave Miryeong to me.
You take care of Seora.
Shall we see who does better?
This is my daddy. Isn't he very handsome?
Wait, how...
Are you interested in Ki Seora or something?
I like Seora very much.
Have you really lost your mind?
A guest has been waiting for a while now.
Who are you?
Por la Bahía | Rimas Para Niños | Para Bebes | Canciones Infantiles - Duration: 1:10:46.
🎶Kid Song Music Playing 🎶
🎶 Down by the bay 🎶
🎶 where the watermelons grow 🎶
🎶 Back to my home 🎶
🎶 I dare not go 🎶
🎶 For if I do 🎶
🎶 My mother would say 🎶
Did you ever see a snake
Baking a cake?
🎶 Down by the bay 🎶
🎶 Down by the bay 🎶
🎶 Where the watermellons grow 🎶
🎶 Back to my home 🎶
🎶 I dare not go 🎶
🎶 For if I do 🎶
🎶 My mother would say 🎶
Did you ever see a bee
Drinking some tea?
🎶 Down by the Bay 🎶
🎶Kids Music Playing 🎶
🎶 Down by the Bay 🎶
🎶 Where the watermellons grow 🎶
🎶 Back to my home 🎶
🎶 I dare not go 🎶
🎶 For if I do 🎶
🎶 My mother would say 🎶
Did you ever see a whale
with a polka dot tail?
🎶 Down by the Bay 🎶
🎶 Down by the Bay 🎶
🎶 Where the watermellons grow 🎶
🎶 Back to my home 🎶
🎶 I dare not go 🎶
🎶 For if I do 🎶
🎶 My mother would say 🎶
Did you ever see a cat
Wearing a hat?
🎶 Down by the Bay 🎶
10 Détails Incroyables Cachés Dans Les Films De DISNEY 4 - Duration: 4:57.
Animal Kingdom: Rivers of Light, Pandora, Tiffins - Disney World vlog - Duration: 17:00.
Jürgen Klopp on Stoke win, Salah and Solanke - Duration: 7:02.
Jürgen Klopp on Stoke win, Salah and Solanke
Jürgen Klopp reflected on Liverpools 3-0 win over Stoke City by saying: It was hard work, but we deserved it.
Sadio Mane gave the Reds an early lead at the Bet 365 Stadium with a deft dink over Lee Grant, and Mohamed Salah - who started on the bench as one of six changes made by the manager - rounded off the victory with two clinical finishes late on.
Afterwards, Klopp was asked to assess his sides performance, Dominic Solankes first Premier League start and Salahs impact, and also discussed Manes display and rotation.
Read on for a full transcript of the boss post-match press conference.
On the result and performance… It was hard work, but that's how football should be – especially when you go to places like Stoke, so it was no surprise.
I think we could have made it a little bit easier for ourselves in the first half if we'd used the two fantastic chances we had.
They were not lucky or anything; they were brilliant, brilliant play.
We didn't use them, so we needed a little bit of luck in the situation around the yellow card for Simon Mignolet – I don't think it was a red card, but of course they could have scored in that situation and then the free-kick from Shaqiri was another real threat.
Second half, it was still an open goal but we should have been clearer in different situations with better passing in this moment, or a little bit cooler in another situation.
The atmosphere was there and Crouchy as well, so that means you cannot defend these balls clearly because it's difficult.
After winning the ball, we should have done a little bit better.
Then we changed twice and could decide the game.
Two fantastic goals [from Salah], brilliant play – especially the second goal and the third one was a nice counter-attack a nice finish.
In the end, it was well deserved but it was hard work.
That's how it is and no problem with that.
On Salah's impact… It is obviously good for us.
It is difficult for all of the players coming on with this temperature.
Last week we had a little bit of a problem [with the players that came on against Chelsea] and the next day more problems than the players that started; obviously sitting on the bench is not too nice, but today it worked really well.
Two fantastic goals, to be honest.
On Mane's display… Good, good, good.
Very important for us.
He needs rhythm now.
He was in perfect rhythm then break.
Good rhythm and then break.
And now he needs a little bit of time, but that's no problem.
He was really happy and it was absolutely fine with him, we all know in one or two situations if he is in a click-moment then he can score as well.
It's all good, he is ready to work.
He is very important for us.
On Solanke's first Premier League start… He should have scored! A fantastic boy, well deserved and I am really happy for him that he could do that.
He is a fantastic player.
He can improve in pretty much everything, but he is already a good player.
That's probably the best news.
I am really happy I could give him this opportunity tonight.
He has to work like all the others, but everybody who is with England looked tonight and thought, 'oh, that looks good'.
He is a really good player.
On whether he feels he has enough strength in attack to rotate… We have to protect and I am happy about the options I have.
We thought about this option and that option.
Ragnar Klavan was ill and Dejan Lovren was not fit in this moment, so if Raggy is fit Dejan is today not in the squad.
Now he started and that's how things are.
Yes, we have options to change and I am happy about all of them – and Adam is not fit for another three or four days – but I am happy about the options.
Gút Nặng Đến Đâu Cũng Khỏi Khi Sử Dụng Loại Lá Mọc Đầy Cạnh Nhà Này - Duration: 4:18.
Shotgun | Learn American Slang | Learning English Vocabulary Online - Duration: 0:59.
To ride shotgun! to ride shotgun means to ride in the front passenger seat of a
car. that means you are not driving! this term comes from the history of police
and gangs, when they would need to shoot while inside the car. the person in the
passenger seat would do that, not the driver. and there's a game that we still
play a lot in the US, called shotgun. all you have to do is when you exit a
building and you want to get the front seat, you yell "shotgun!" but after you yell
shotgun someone else can yell, "blitz!" after that, it turns into a race to see
who can get to the car and touch it first. the first person to touch the car
gets shotgun. to avoid the race just yell, "shotgun and no blitzes!" then it's yours.
do you have something similar to the American shotgun game? tell me about it
in the comments!
আন্তর্জাতিক খবর ৩০ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ - উত্তর কোরিয়ার সাথে সব সম্পর্ক ছিন্ন করতে আহব্বান জানালো আমেরিকা। - Duration: 11:40.
International news 30 November 2017 - America calls on to cut all relations with North Korea.
LFP 083 How to Play the Flute with Power | Learn Flute Online Video Podcast - Duration: 9:39.
Welcome to the Learn Flute Podcast where today I'll be sharing some big tips and hints
on how to play the flute with more power.
I'm Rebecca Fuller, and this is episode number eighty three!
Hello, hello, it's a great day here at Learn Flute Online- as usual.
When I said 'episode number eighty three' a minute ago, it surprised me that we've
already done this many episodes.
How exciting.
It has just flown by, hasn't it?
As you might already know, I work with many students of different age groups and ability,
so my job is fun fun and never boring.
One thing I particularly enjoy is helping trouble shoot someone's tone.
That means, I get to listen carefully to them play and then make a plan in my head for how
I can first of all, improve something about their tone quickly- right then.
And the next thing I do is make a game plan to help them strengthen their tone for the
Basically, I like to give them an immediate fix, and then send them home with a new skill
or exercise that will give them the tone they're looking for, and is achievable within a few
weeks with consistent effort.
There are different types of tones that I hear including dry, airy sounds as well as
shrill and sharp.
But there's one specific type of tone we're going to learn about today that could possibly
change your playing life on your flute if this is something you are needing.
And, this is quiet and possibly flat tone… usually pretty thin sounding.
Small tone that has no power lacks color and vibrancy as well as dynamic range and depth.
Basically, it's a higher level skill.
Want it for yourself?
Even if you're not aware of it, almost everyone can use tips to strengthen their
tone, which some people think of as learning how to play louder.
Which is kind of the same thing.
So, let's get started!
Before I share the special tips I have for you today on this subject, we need to examine
a little more carefully the symptoms..
Haha, I feel like a flute doctor right now.
The symptoms are: thin, quiet, and possibly or usually with intonation problems.
This means that the pitches played are oftentimes flat or sharp from where they should be.
Now, the reasons flute players get into this funk or habit of playing this way is almost
always for one reason.
They are really working hard at clearing up their tone and not having any fuzzies or whispy
sounds in their tone.
So, what happens is that the flute player discovers that if they use a combination of
a few things, their tone clears up - it's powerless, but it's clear.
And, especially for a school band player, this seems okay because they like their playing
to blend in anyway.
Well, the problem with all of this is that it's a very hard habit to break - and full,
strong, open tone just isn't a possibility anymore.
The players find that if they tip their head joint in towards their face a bit and pull
back with their cheeks to stretch the aperture - you know, the hole in their lips, then it
creates a smaller hole.
This combination creates a smaller, and slightly sweeter tone….
Or at least they think.
The big tip here is to learn to keep the flute more level so that the angle of your air stream
is not so closed off.
Also, pulling the cheeks back and pinching into a tiny little hole does make it more
possible to stay clear, but tiny also means a tiny airstream..
And no matter how hard you force it out, it can't have much power.
Check yourself next time you go to play your flute.
Stand in front of a mirror and play.
How many dimples are showing?
Are your cheeks pulled back, your lips in a long stretched line, and on the verge of
a pucker?
Yah, that's a clue that you can use these tips today.
I like to demonstrate this in the learning videos in the Learn Flute Online modules.
It's a really important skill.
It's not the only important skill, but it is definitely on the top of the list.
Also, try blowing a nice long tone while experimenting with rolling the head joint out and in…
listen carefully to the size of the tone.
If you have the habit of playing the flute tipped in, you can definitely hear a difference
in pitch as you roll it out.
But, I should mention that this has two parts to it.
If you roll out and can't make any noise at all anymore, then it means you're pulling
back with your cheeks and super tight.
Food for thought for sure.
The last tip I'll give you today is to realize that you can blow much, much harder on a flute
than you really thought was possible.
Really, if a student has properly done a study in forte (forte means loudly), then their
heart rate will probably be up, and they'll have an exhilarated feeling as if they just
did something really big and really cool.
Marcel Moyse, who is the father of modern flute playing was probably the first to put
into writing that we flute players need to use our abs.
It's true!
We need to engage the abs and this will force the air out at a faster speed, thus increasing
the 'loudness'.
The trick then is to teach your lips how to behave so that the correct octave will
Remember, those loose cheeks and lips.
Haha, well I think I could go on for three days straight on this subject, but let's
give it a rest here and let it bounce around your head for
a while.
Remember that the best way to make a new habit is to take small bites and chew often.
Quick review now: Number one: keep your lips supple, soft and
your cheeks loose instead of pinched and tight
Number two: Keep the head joint nice and level..
If your head joint is lined up perfectly with your keys, then the keys will be horizontal
and parallel to the flat ceiling not tipped back.
Number three: engage your abs.
Push in on your belly button so the air is forced out of your mouth at a faster rate.
And, number four: make these previous three things a habit, and then come back for more
and I'll tell you the rest of the recipe.
It's so good to have you here.
You're experimenting faithfully, hopefully having fun, and enjoying the process of being
a learner.
I invite you to come into the membership areas here at LearnFluteOnline.com, where you can
get 24/7 access to thousands of learning videos all designed in progressive order in a very
organized, systematic way that ensures your complete success as a
flute player.
See ya soon!
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