play store setting
For more infomation >> ►Google Playstore Hidden Setting|| যা আপনি এড়িয়ে গেছেন|| - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me | Nursery Rhymes | Cartoons For Toddlers | Kids Shows | Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:10:06.
This fly so annoying
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
Now there bug well
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
Where did this
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
Shoo Bug, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
Look at this bee
Shoo Bee, don't bother me,
Shoo Bee, don't bother me,
Shoo Bee, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo Bee, don't bother me,
Shoo Bee, don't bother me,
Shoo Bee, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
Scorpion - I'm No Genius - Duration: 4:54.
Without Breasts There is Paradise 2 | Episode 86 | Telemundo English - Duration: 14:43.
One week later
Valentina Fonseca.
-We made it. -This one's for Nana!
Congrats, sweetie!
Thank you, God! It's a dream come true.
Congrats. Bask in the moment!
It's a big step in life.
Thank you.
Congrats, miss.
Let's hope your attendance is better in college.
Thank you, sir. It will be.
You'll hear nothing but good things about me.
-I hope so. -Thanks.
Congrats again.
I want to thank my family
and I'd like to dedicate this moment and this diploma
to my friend and fellow classmate Adriana.
Lizette Muriel.
Lize, look over here! She's so pretty!
Oh, sweetie!
She really wants to go to college.
If that's what she wants, I'll help her out,
but she'll have to work with me on weekends.
It's only fair.
She's our youngest graduate and the valedictorian.
Give it up for her!
Thank you.
Isn't life ironic?
This girl is such an angel yet her sister's a demon.
Life's full of contradictions.
At least she's doing something for her family.
I want to thank the professors, the directors,
and the school for this award.
I want to dedicate it to my mom and sister for their support.
Bravo, honey!
Look at me, Lize!
Up next is Catalina Marin-Santana.
Go, Cata. You deserve it.
I'm so happy!
-It's so emotional. -No.
Everyone repeat after me...
Easy. Take it easy.
You're an example of resilience and strength.
-Well done. -Thank you.
Thank you very much, sir.
I've worked very hard to get here.
It's almost as if something didn't want me to be here,
but here I am.
-That's right. -Thanks.
Excuse me a second. I'm really thirsty.
Don't forget about our deal, Professor.
Please don't do this.
I'm not doing anything. You are.
The prosecutor's over there. You can talk to him later.
Mom, congratulations.
You were able to do with my sister
what you couldn't do with me.
Thank you, sweetie.
But you know something?
I still hope you'll graduate and have your own moment.
I've been saying it since you were young.
Mom, it's been a long time.
I enrolled at a US school and graduated.
I have a career.
I've been working with the TEA for a long time.
You should be proud of that.
I'm a well-rounded woman,
which is what you always wanted for me.
I love you so much, sweetie.
Excuse me! Pardon me!
Sorry. I'm very sorry.
-Jota! -Sorry for interrupting.
Mrs. Hilda, two quick questions.
First, did Albeiro graduate?
Oh, and why isn't he here? Do we know where he is?
I think he never finished school
and as for where he is...
I've no idea.
It's been a week since I last saw him.
He's been missing for days.
We should call someone.
Well, if I'm his best friend and I don't know.
Unless he found a new friend.
Alright, I'll be honest.
I've heard from him.
He's been calling me.
Know why?
-To insult me. -What?
He's said some horrible things.
Why hadn't you mentioned it? I had no idea.
He's been insulting Catalina, too.
He's told her terrible things.
-That's so strange. -I wonder why.
I don't know.
That's not like him.
I know. He didn't even come today.
Miss Daniela Barrera.
Did he say Daniela Barrera?
Is that the one we know?
Yeah, but she didn't go to school with us.
Is there a Daniela Barrera at our school?
Have you ever heard about her?
Nope. Never.
What's she doing here? She's never been to our school.
She doesn't even go here!
-Have you ever seen her here? -No.
How'd she do it?
It's Daniela. Yesica's daughter.
-She's never been to school. -She barely knows her ABCs!
-She must've paid someone off. -Yeah.
I can't believe the school allowed this.
We had to work so hard for this diploma
yet they gave it to her for a chunk of change.
Things will never change at this rate.
-Congratulations, miss. -Thank you.
What's she doing here?
Thank you.
Excuse me. May I say a few words?
Sure, go ahead. Just don't take long.
Fellow classmates and respective families,
I want to congratulate you, and myself too.
I'm sure all of you know I'm Miss Pereira
and since the state pageant is coming up,
I'd like to ask all of you to attend the pageant
so you can show your queen your support.
How disrespectful!
I'm not done.
-Get off the stage! -That's a fake diploma!
I'm not done talking.
Phony... phony!
Thank you.
I want to dedicate this diploma to my mom...
wherever she is.
Oh, please. That's enough.
Thank you, Aunt Amparo, for being here today.
You phony bitch!
She cheated!
This is why we can't have nice things!
Over here, girls.
Come on.
Let's take a photo!
Jota, Hernan Dario, Vane? Just my mom and sister.
-You go, Cata. -Wait.
Okay! One, two, three.
The three of us now.
Jota, take one with my phone too.
- SÍ.
Just the three of us first.
So pretty.
-Alright. -Is it okay?
Yeah. Can I go now?
What's wrong, Cata? You didn't even smile!
I did, a bit.
It's just that my dad isn't here.
He said he'd come.
It's weird that he isn't here.
He'd be so happy right now. Right, Mom?
We've sacrificed so much for this.
It's unbelievable.
It doesn't make sense for him not to be here.
We talked yesterday and he said he'd come.
He sounded weird, though.
But Mom said he called to insult you.
That's enough. We can't let him ruin our day.
This is an important day for you and we need to celebrate.
Let's forget about him. Come here.
Right, Mrs. Hilda.
One last picture for the paper.
Mom in the middle.
No, I don't want to...
Come here.
Alright, you two. Smile!
It's like we both graduated.
One, two...
Alright. Smile!
This is for Daniel's paper.
Okay, wait! Just a sec...
You look so pretty!
It's great!
We need to frame this, sweetie.
Careful or it'll get wrinkled.
Wait, wait...
Catalina, I've done my part.
Don't humiliate me any further in front of my family.
We made a deal. Vale, give me the phone.
-Mom, the phone. -Just a sec.
We made a deal.
Look. These are all the files.
Thank you, Catalina. I'm sorry.
Come on.
Apology accepted.
We did it. He confessed.
Cata! The diploma!
My dad's here!
Go, go!
Alright, that's enough. Let go of my dad.
Excuse us.
Dad, what's wrong?
Dad, look! I graduated!
Let's celebrate.
What's wrong?
Dad, what is it? Let's go home.
I can't go with you. You aren't my family anymore.
They're my new family.
Go tell your mother and sister
I don't ever want to see them again.
Let's go, Dad.
Come on, sweetheart.
Cata, come on.
-What's wrong with him? -Let's go.
No. What's wrong with him?
-What's the matter with him? -What is it?
What was that all about? Why'd he go with them?
I don't know...
He said to let go. He's acting strange.
He said we're not his family anymore.
-What the heck? -Albeiro said that?
He called them sweetheart.
-Those two? -Yeah.
-Are you sure? -I am, right, Vale?
I showed him the diploma...
Something's wrong with him. This isn't normal.
What'd they do to him? Why would they do this?
Mom, why'd it have to happen today?
You can eat whatever you want.
Watch it!
You deserve a good meal... Out of my way!
Let's go.
What's she doing here?
She was poisoning my daughter's head the other day..
She's a vulgar bitch.
How rude! Can you believe that?
What's wrong with him?
I'm pregnant!
I'm pregnant!
I promise we'll be with your father forever.
Woman of Steel 4 | Episode 16 | Telemundo English - Duration: 14:38.
We're offering a reward to whoever can bring us
the heads of the bastard who kidnapped our son.
I'm going to teach that copper not to mess with me.
I'm not playing around, Domingo!
Tell me Mario Casas' address!
The only thing I asked of you so you could see your girl
is to be back before headcount.
In this business, if you don't keep your word,
you're worthless.
I want to meet with the Colombian
and see if he can lie to my face.
Cut out his heart and send it to the gringa.
You didn't hesitate to kill Teca
or Montero, the Colombian.
How do you know that?
I really don't want to cause a bad impression.
<i> I want you to know the truth</i> <i> because I like you.</i>
I feel like an idiot because I couldn't protect you.
Please forgive me.
What are you talking about? There's no need to apologize.
I've always wanted to live in Rio Grande, Matamoros.
Because a ton of people cross through this border
and we can help them.
Border Patrol has been more active here
ever since your president tightened up on immigration.
We can make friends here.
Maybe someone from the gulf who can help us reach Brownsville.
Maybe someone who can traverse the reservations...
What's wrong?
What is it?
I'm just surprised.
The Colombian could be working with the president
and that could spell trouble for us.
Stop, stop...
Could you please not bring the Colombian up?
Listen, Eladio Puertas is in prison,
Salvador's going to be released
and Rooster's going to be mayor.
We'll find out tomorrow at White Flag
if that Colombian is legit or not.
Who is it?
-Could you? -Sure.
Cover up!
How can I help you?
Here's everything you asked for, Phillips.
The documents, the ICE IDs...
You have a meeting tomorrow
with the director of White Flag here in Tamaulipas.
Got it.
Thanks, man.
Tuti, I need you to give me information
so I can help you.
You asked for my help with security,
and I agreed I wouldn't ask for any names,
but if the DEA is involved,
-that changes things. -No, it doesn't.
I'm sorry, but if Mrs. Tuti talks, she dies.
She wouldn't be the only one.
Everyone in her circle would.
This awful world follows me.
"Oh, it follows me..." Quit being such a hypocrite.
I like drug lords and so do you.
Just admit it.
It's your fate.
It's who you are.
Besides, if she didn't tell the DEA anything,
she might as well stay quiet.
At least give me the names of the agents who questioned you.
I can have my contacts in the agency look them up.
Are you seriously asking me for their names?
Have you been working as a part-time comic?
I told you I couldn't say a word 'cause I was scared.
I froze!
I almost peed myself in the car.
They were terrifying!
Did you really think I'd get to the office,
introduce myself as Marta Monica Restrepo
and ask for their names?
No way!
It's like my friend Alexis always says,
I was there, but I wasn't the main attraction.
I've learned when to keep quiet.
I have to! Don't give me that!
I've learned that sometimes it's best to keep quiet.
Listen, guys.
I'm going to be better than Mrs. Acero,
Indio Amaro, or that Griselda bitch.
People will only say nice things about me.
They'll write corridos for me and I'll be famous.
I'll have a show based on my life!
From now on, there will only be one name on people's lips.
Mrs. Tuti.
The ---- is this?
This watered down ---- is supposed to be coffee?
The Colombian bean reigns supreme, boss.
It's okay, guys.
How'd it go? What'd she say?
She didn't say anything.
She's crazy, but she's loyal.
She didn't blab.
Good. Very good.
Azuceno, please pay them.
Yes, sir.
Here you are, gentlemen.
One more thing, Mr. Romero.
An ex-DEA agent is protecting her.
What are you doing here?
This isn't right!
My ex-husband was a DEA agent
and I know the rights she's entitled to!
Would you like us to handle that too?
Boss, he's right. Mrs. Tuti has loose lips.
What if she blabs to the Aceros?
Relax, kids.
I know about Tuti and the DEA guy.
His name is Marcelo Doriga.
Do you think she'll blab after her outing with my friends?
I doubt it. That was the point of the test.
If she didn't sell me out, she won't sell him out.
You're stranger than pepper on strawberry ice cream.
I need a Mr. Romero manual just to figure you out.
I'm thrilled 'cause everything's going my way.
I'm very intrigued by this project.
The mother of Teca's grandson will have her empire.
But let's get back to what really matters.
You should start your own troupe.
You've hired some amazing actors!
-They're great, huh? -You like that stuff?
Ever since I was kid.
They make great telenovelas in Mexico.
-Should I take up acting? -Yeah.
[Suena un celular]
-Vicenta. -Oh, boy.
How may I help you?
See you at the White Flag office in Tamaulipas.
Don't let me down, Romero.
Only over my dead body.
I'll be there.
Take care, Vicenta.
Oh, baby!
What's with that face, boss?
Have you forgotten you want to kill Vicenta Acero?
You look like a lovesick puppy.
I doubt you want to kill that bitch.
I haven't forgotten anything, Azuceno.
I like Vicenta, but I like settling my scores a lot more.
The truth is, I'm winning her over.
The higher up you are... the harder the fall.
That's it. Period.
Where are my daughters, you bastard?
Get naked.
What are you talking about?
Undress, you ------- copper!
Do it or I'll have my men shoot your son!
-Now! -No!
Please don't!
Kill the kid!
Amaro, please!
-Hold on! -Please don't!
I changed my mind.
I'll call you back. Don't do anything yet.
Move over there.
You're beautiful, but you're dumb.
Onto the next step.
Get on your knees and beg me to spare your son.
Do it softly. Don't bite me, bitch!
<i> Help me, Mom!</i>
<i> They're going</i> <i> to electrocute me!</i>
<i> Mom, please!</i>
Come on, kid.
I'll get you out of here.
I've no idea how, but I will.
This isn't a place for you, or any child for that matter.
You don't even have a phone. How are we going to escape?
Don't you realize we're hostages?
I'm not moving.
They'll cut my heart out just like they did to that man.
Quit talking nonsense!
Don't you want out of his hellhole?
After everything I've seen...
I'd rather die.
I know how you feel.
I've been there myself.
I thought this sort of thing only happened in movies,
but I guess it doesn't.
They say it's my mom's fault.
Quit thinking about that.
He wasn't the only who said it. I'd heard others say it too.
My mom sold me, just like she sold you.
Listen up, kid.
Listen well!
Your mother may be what you say she is,
but she loves you.
Look at me.
Your mother loves you!
You saw her on TV! She couldn't stop crying!
Don't let them fool you, kid.
Indio and the rest of them are all sons of bitches.
I'll never forget the day my mother died.
She died in my arms.
Yet I'm still standing.
We're all still standing!
Your parents are waiting for you out there.
Believe me when I tell you that there's nothing better
than having someone out there waiting for you.
Chin up.
The three of us will get through this.
---- everyone else.
And when we get out,
this will help us feel better.
We just have to bide our time.
The worst is over.
That's Carmencita!
-Help! -Stay here, kid!
You've seen too much.
Get off me!
Scorpion - A Bluff On A Bluff - Duration: 3:21.
Motu Patlu and Supercar Party, Motu Patlu Drives Supercar and Motorbike At Toy Park - Duration: 11:17.
Motu Patlu and Supercar Party, Motu Patlu Drives Supercar and Motorbike At Toy Park
Largest ever economic delegation could accompany President Moon on China trip - Duration: 0:49.
South Korea's business associations expect the largest ever economic delegation to accompany
President Moon Jae-in on his state visit to China next month.
The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry... and the Korea International Trade Association
have been receiving open, online applications from companies that want to join the delegation,...
breaking the tradition of receiving separate applications for previous trips.
It's not yet known which and how many companies have applied,... but the business associations
say it will likely be South Korea's biggest economic delegation ever.
Lots of small and mid-sized firms are also expected to make the short trip.
President Moon's trip comes as South Korea and China decided to end their row over Seoul's
deployment of the U.S. THAAD anti-missile system.
Самые эффективные методы при изучении корейского и других языков. - Duration: 4:52.
탤런트 도지원♥나이 몸매 결혼 미우새|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 9:31.
Bali volcano on brink of 'major' eruption - Duration: 1:40.
Thousands of people are evacuating their homes in Bali as a volcano spews heavy ash clouds,
with a major eruption expected soon.
However, the majority of people are refusing to leave, believing it's still safe.
Ro Aram reports.
The volcano alert is at its highest level of red, which has caused flights to be canceled
as the ash poses a deadly threat to planes.
The island's main airport is also closed, leaving thousands stranded.
It was meant to reopen on Tuesday morning, local time, but has been extended for a second
South Korea's foreign ministry has also urged citizens to stay away from the island for
the time being and reschedule any planned trips there.
Tens of thousands of residents have fled their homes as Mount Agung is hurling clouds of
ash into the atmosphere.
Lava is also welling up in the crater, with explosions being heard more than a dozen kilometers
As well as issuing the highest alert level, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency has
also expanded the danger zone to 10 kilometers from the previous seven and a half, as it
expects a larger and imminent eruption.
That means the danger zone now affects 22 villages and about 100-thousand people, but
only 40-thousand of them have evacuated.
Some say they still feel safe because areas within the exclusion zone were not affected
during the last major eruption in 1963.
Others do not want to abandon their livestock.
Indonesian authorities say they may have to force those staying put to leave the area,
adding officials were sweeping the exclusion zone to check for non-evacuees.
Ro Aram, Arirang News.
President Moon to chair first 'innovative growth strategy meeting' - Duration: 0:40.
President Moon Jae-in will head the very first "innovative growth strategy meeting" this
The meeting will involve about 120 people including the President's top aides, cabinet
members, and politicians.
They are expected to discuss on how to implement and materialize the relatively broad concept
when coming up with new policies.
President Moon first introduced innovative growth as one of the four pillars of the new
administration's 'People-centered economy' while delivering his second state of the nation
address earlier this month,... along with income-led growth, increased job creation,
and a fair economy.
Redes De Explotación Sexual Infantil 💁💰💃 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 23:20.
Trial for former president Park Geun-hye resumes - Duration: 0:49.
Former president Park Geun-hye's criminal trial has resumed,... following a one-day
postponement over her failure to appear in court.
The Seoul Central District Court pushed the first hearing from Monday,... saying it wanted
to give Park some time to carefully consider her attendance.
The court, did restart the trial today,... without Park's attendance,... who has clearly
expressed her will to not attend,... citing poor health.
The hearing comes around six weeks after Park's legal team resigned en masse to protest a
court's decision to extend her detention for another six months.
Park faces charges of bribery, abuse of power, leaking of state secrets and colluding with
her confidante, Choi Soon-sil, to extort millions of dollars from local conglomerates.
Myanmar's military chief tells Pope Francis there is "no religious discrimination" - Duration: 0:28.
Myanmar's army chief has insisted to Pope Francis that there is "no religious discrimination"
in the country.
The general said he told the visiting pope that the army was working for peace and stability.
It's not known how the pope responded, but ahead of his visit he was urged to put pressure
on Myanmar over its treatment of Rohingya Muslims.
Myanmar's army has denied what the UN has called "ethnic cleansing."
Korea to regulate diesel run railway vehicles to tackle fine dust - Duration: 1:52.
The Korean government is taking another big step toward cleaning up the nation's skies.
Under a revision approved on Tuesday,... from 2019,... newly-built or imported diesel trains
will be subject to much stricter emission standards.
It's hoped the move will contribute to reducing fine dust levels in the country.
Ji Myung-kil has the details.
The Korean government has given its final approval to the Clean Air Conversation Act
during Tuesday's Cabinet meeting... aimed at regulating emissions from diesel railway
(Korean) "The government should act now by securing
extra budgetary funds, if needed, or take additional measures."
Under the new law to help tackle fine dust, from 2019, all newly built or imported diesel-run
railway locomotives will be subject to emission controls.
The specific emission standards and authorization procedures will be stipulated under a subcategory
of the amended law.
The United States and European Union already regulate emission standards for diesel trains.
Joint research by Korea, Japan and China, led by Seoul National University, shows that
if a person is exposed to fine dust for nearly 7-days in Korea... the mortality risk will
increase by up to 3-point-4 percent.
The study showed that if a person is exposed to two days of fine dust pollution, the mortality
risk will increase half a percentage point.
Fine dust has been known to cause various respiratory diseases and undermine the body's
immune system.
The Seoul government has been making efforts to step up regional cooperation with neighboring
countries to fight air pollution and to improve air quality.
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.
Temps above norms with late night showers _ 112817 - Duration: 2:22.
Good afternoon.
Temperatures will be a couple notches higher than yesterday with more clouds and even light
Seoul will top out at 10 degrees this afternoon, those in Busan and Jeju will enjoy mild weather
under partly sunny skies.
But most regions will see high levels of fine dust during the day.
Some upper regions and Jeju Island will receive light showers late at night, so if you plan
to head home late... be sure to pack an umbrella before heading out.
Tonight's rain will bring colder air to the nation.
During the winter season, we can catch a cold, the flu and even the norovirus.
The norovirus infection is also known as the "winter vomiting bug"... and like the name
implies...symptoms include vomiting and abdominal pain.
To avoid catching the norovirus, cook raw food and shellfish thoroughly... and wash
your hands often.
With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.
While many regions in South Korea will have higher temperatures than Monday, with rain
in some upper regions, North Korea will have a mix of snow and rain with single digit highs.
As for major cities in Asia,.. it's rainy season in Bali, scattered thunderstorms with
rain will continue on the island.
Meanwhile, Melbourne's heatwave returns, temperatures today will rise to 29 with before hitting
34 on Wednesday.
Heading to North America, some of major cities in the U.S., including New York, Washington
DC and LA, will be under sunny skies.
As for South America, Sao Paulo will be covered with clouds, while Rio de Janeiro will be
Taking you to Europe,...snow, rain and sunshine are on tap depending on the region.
Lastly to Africa, those in Cape Town will have strong gusty winds on Tuesday afternoon.
That's all the weather update for now.
Ek Baat Kahoon Kya Ijazat Hai | ONE NIGHT STAND | Arijit Singh FT. Sunny Leone | Most Romantic Song - Duration: 3:51.
Kaise bataaye, kaise jataaye Subah tak tujhme jeena chahein
Bheege labon ki, geeli hansi ko Peene ka mausam hai peena chahein
Ik baat kahoon kya ijazat hai Tere ishq ki mujhko aadat hai
Ik baat kahoon kya ijazat hai Tere ishq ki mujhko..
Aadat hai o.. aadat hai..
Aadat hai o.. aadat hai..
Ehsaas tere aur mere toh Ik dooje se judd rahe
Ik teri talab mujhe aisi lagi Mere hosh bhi udne lage
Mujhe milta sukoon teri baahon mein Jannat jaisi ek raahat hai
Ik baat kahoon kya ijazat hai Tere ishq ki mujhko aadat hai
Ik baat kahoon kya ijazat hai Tere ishq ki mujhko..
Aadat hai o.. aadat hai..
Aadat hai o.. aadat hai..
Kyun sabse juda, kyun sabse alag Andaaz tere lagte..
Besaakh ta hum saaye se tere Har shaam lipat'te hain
Har waqt mera, qurbat mein teri Jab guzre toh ibadat hai
Ik baat kahoon kya ijazat hai Tere ishq ki mujhko aadat hai
Ik baat kahoon kya ijazat hai Tere ishq ki mujhko..
Aadat hai o.. aadat hai..
Aadat hai o.. teri aadat hai.
Korea's business sentiment index sluggish throughout 2017 - Duration: 1:46.
Korea's business sentiment ticked up this month on the back of strong exports and a
thaw in Seoul-Beijing relations.
But the outlook for December appears relatively dim, according to the Bank of Korea and the
Korea Economic Research Institute.
Kim Hyesung explains why.
Korea's overall business sentiment hit 80 in November,... inching up from the previous
According to the Bank of Korea Tuesday, the manufacturing Business Survey Index (BSI)
went up two points thanks to strong exports.
In particular, the BSI for the automobile sector jumped six points, hitting 76, on expectations
of stronger sales in China.
Non-manufacturing BSI also went up by three points on longer business days for November
compared to October with the nation's extra-long Chuseok harvest holiday, and a thaw in South
Korea-China relations.
But the central bank said the manufacturing BSI outlook for December edged down two points
due to growing concerns over the strengthening Korean won.
Another business survey on Korea's top 600 companies conducted by the Korea Economic
Research Institute also showed a gloomy business outlook.
The think tank said its business survey index for December marked 96-point-five.
It's the first time since the Asian financial crisis that the index has remained below 100
throughout the entire year.
The average BSI for this year came to 93-point-five, the lowest since the global financial crisis
in 2008.
The think tank said business sentiment has been eroded by structural problems like household
debt and external uncertainties, including trade disputes with the U.S., a possible U.S.
rate hike, and the North Korea threat.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle to get married next spring - Duration: 2:22.
There will be another royal wedding next year.
Prince Harry, fifth in line to the British throne, and American actress Meghan Markle
announced their engagement on Monday.
The two have rarely appeared together as a couple despite being an item for almost a
year and a half.
Lee Unshin has the story.
(SOV) It was this beautiful woman just sort of literally
tripped and fell into my life, I fell into her life.
Prince Harry is Queen Elizabeth's younger grandson, 5th in line to the British throne.
Meghan Markle is an American Actress best known for her role in the legal drama series
Earlier this month in London, the Prince popped the question during a typical date night,
while Miss Markle was preparing dinner in the kitchen.
They are due to marry in the spring of next year.
(English) "Just an amazing surprise, it was so sweet
and natural and very romantic."
(English) "She didn't even let me finish.
She said can I say yes, and then were was hugs and I had the ring in my finger and I
was like can I can I give you the ring?"
Since meeting on a blind date set up by a mutual friend last summer, the couple says
their relationship 'had blossomed incredibly quickly' they managed to endure a long
distance relationship.
(English) I think that very early on when we realized
we were going to commit to each other, that we knew we had to invest the time and energy
and whatever it took to make that happen.
So yeah, with the filming schedule, it was not the easiest.
(English) "Coming over here 4 days or a week or going
back and then straight into filming the next day."
The Queen says she is "delighted for the couple."
And what would've Harry's mother, the late Princess Diana thought about the engagement?
(English) "Over the moon, jumping up and down, you know
so excited for me, but then as I said, would have probably been best friends, best friends
with Meghan."
The engagement ring on Miss Markle's finger, which was designed by the Prince himself,
contains 2 diamonds that once belonged to her.
And its central stone is from Botswana - a place the couple took a five-day trip... just
weeks into their relationship.
(English) "It's incredibly special.
And you know to be able to have this which sort of links where you come from and Botswana
which is important to us and it's - it's perfect."
Lee Unshin Arirang News.
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