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Gunman In Joseon | 朝鲜神枪手 | 조선총잡이 - EP 1 [SUB : ENG, CHN, IND, VI] - Duration: 58:33.
(The 3rd Year of King Gojong's Reign.)
(In Joseon, when conflicts between reformists)
(and conservatives are soaring high,)
(members of the reformists, who supported)
(King Gojong's Open Door Policy, are being)
(shot one by one by a mysterious gunman...)
He'll definitely turn up.
We'll catch him tonight no matter what.
Remember this.
He's a gunman.
He operates a new style of gun
from the West.
If you have courage, you can catch him.
I found out where they're gathering.
Let's go.
'Let's close the door and protect Joseon.'
Don't let that phrase fool you.
What they're protecting is neither the spirit
nor the tradition of Joseon.
You, go to the front. You, go inside.
Yes, sir!
What they really want is to keep their power
that they've enjoyed for generations,
and the wealth that they took
from the commoners.
Aye! Aye!
Opening the door is our only option.
Look how strong Japan has gotten.
Look how weak Joseon has gotten.
Joseon has to open its doors now.
We need to join the new world.
- Aye! / - Aye!
This is a critical time for Joseon.
Depending on how we prepare
for the new world,
the future of Joseon will be decided.
Opening the door will involve hardships,
but we have to overcome them,
no matter what.
Somebody's got to start,
and we can be those people.
Let's build a new Joseon.
Joseon has to go forward...
It's a gun!
Master! Master Hyeonam!
It's a gun!
Master! Master!
You can't die now, sir!
- Master! / - Master!
Sir! Sir!
Are you okay?
(Episode 1)
We've lost three people in the past month.
(King Gojong) Songha, Jeolgang, and recently Hyeonam.
They were the scholars I wanted to hire.
I needed them for the enlightenment
and reformation of Joseon.
What are you guys doing?
Answer me, Minister Kim!
Aren't you in charge of this case?
Your Majesty,
we're working hard to find this guy.
We'll catch him soon.
Don't be too concerned.
Don't be too concerned?
Is that all you have to say?
(Kim Byeongje / Minister, the Conservatives)
Listen to me carefully.
We'll catch this guy for sure, and find out
who he's working for, if there's anyone.
I can promise you this.
Your Majesty, you're absolutely right,
and I support you.
We'll do whatever we can to find him.
Please trust us, Your Majesty!
Who's left now?
Ogyeong Lee Namju is still alive,
but we don't know his whereabouts.
I'm sorry, Your Majesty!
On the day Hyeonam died,
I sent my men to his place,
but he was already gone.
Find him and protect him.
Catch the shooter as soon as possible.
Yes, Your Majesty!
Remember. This is an attack on me.
Those who want to defeat me are doing this.
I'll risk my life to find him, Your Majesty!
Please come again.
I'll see you later.
I haven't seen you for a long time, sir.
Question everyone!
We have to find even the smallest clue.
No matter how small it may seem,
if it's related to the gunman, check into it.
Yes, sir!
Don't worry. I'll only cut the flowers.
Relax and keep your eyes closed.
If you enjoyed yourselves,
why don't you pay for her top?
Of course.
Take it!
What do you think you're doing?
Did you learn how to use a sword to do this?
What have I done wrong?
At least I'm making money with my sword.
You've got to stop this.
If you have nothing more to say,
I'm going to go.
Behave yourself.
Serious crimes happen all the time.
Yes. I know.
I also know that you've wasted the entire month
trying to catch that gunman.
Don't worry about your foolish son,
and catch that criminal, why don't you?
If you'll excuse me.
Don't even think about doing
anything stupid.
He's way out of your league.
This is...
Take it.
You're disguised as a man
and have come to me.
I'm assuming you're up to no good.
Come on.
You don't know what you're getting into.
Thank you.
No worries.
It was a pleasure doing business with you, sir.
I'll see you around, ma'am.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry. Are you hurt?
I didn't think I hit you that hard.
What a wuss!
I heard that Ogyeong often comes here.
He does, but he wouldn't at a time like this.
Everybody's saying that it's his turn now.
If he ever comes here, can you give this to him?
Thank you.
We meet again.
Did I hurt you earlier?
I'm fine.
What are you doing?
I've followed you
from gisaeng houses to bookstores.
You've gone to places
where a scholar might visit.
You've been avoiding the patrol officers.
Who are you
and why are you following me?
I was curious.
What a guy with a gun would do.
Your wrist is slim,
so you can't be the assassin.
Who the heck are you?
Let go of me.
I guess he'd need someone like you,
to collect information for him.
Take me to the gunman.
I want to meet him.
You've got the wrong person.
I don't think so.
How dare he!
Let me go. Get off of me.
I'm Han Jeonghun from the Police Bureau.
What are you waiting for? Arrest them all.
Yes, sir!
(Police Bureau)
Sit down! Sit down!
Hey! Sit down!
Sit down!
Who are they?
This is a conflict between
two groups of peddlers.
They don't get along.
Why not?
It's a turf war. Let's go inside.
You met a spy for the gunman?
Yes. I'll catch that rat next time for sure.
Don't bother.
Stay out of it.
What if you meet the real gunman?
You're supposed to catch him.
I don't want to die.
I'll avoid him as long as I can.
He's using a modern style gun.
It's different than a matchlock.
It's hundred times stronger and faster.
Avoid it if you can.
What if I catch him?
Well, I'll give you Myeongwol.
Is Myeongwol yours?
She's not. That's why I'm giving her to you.
What are you doing?
You're pretty quick.
A modern style gun is slower than you.
I have to go.
Take me to the gunman.
Where are you going?
What have you done now?
I don't want to talk about it.
You've got to stop this.
You're making me nervous.
When your mother asked me to fetch you,
I didn't know what to do.
I had to lie through my teeth
to your mother.
Lady Suin, what's this?
It was given to me.
Who gave it to you?
You shouldn't have accepted
that hideous thing.
I got it because I'm scared.
I'm trying to find Master Ogyeong,
and I don't feel safe.
I feel like that gunman is following me.
That's why I want you to stop.
Don't risk your life over a book.
Stop it!
That's Master Hyeonam's book.
He left it to me.
I need to give it to him.
I'm just worried.
What if you actually run into that gunman?
Don't even say that.
I'm scared.
If those reformists take
important government positions,
our people will be kicked out of the palace.
That's not it.
It's easy to talk about reform and change.
Who's going to pay the expenses?
They're going to ask us, the nobility,
to pay for everything.
We've had enough.
You have to make your decision now.
Why don't we bring his father back...
(Kim Jwayeong) Don't be too impatient.
Enthroning a new king isn't hard,
but it'll take time to tame him.
That's a hassle that we don't want.
What are you suggesting?
Give him some time.
Let him learn on his own.
If he sees Ogyeong,
the last person he relies on, die,
he'll get discouraged.
Anything else?
(Kim Byungjae) His Majesty himself hired Park Jinhan,
as head of the Palace Patrol,
and he's digging deep into this case.
If we let him do that...
Those guys who we hired will
take care of him.
I told them to get rid of anyone
who gets in the way.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead and have some tea.
How's your foot?
It'll take a few days to get better.
You take care of this now.
Yes, sir.
Did you find out where Park Jinhan lives?
Yes, sir.
Get rid of him first.
Ogyeong is next.
Yes, sir.
(Muwiso) This is it.
This is the only modern gun we have.
We got it from America
during their invasion in 1871.
As you know...
The only thing you have to do is
pulling the trigger.
You don't have to ignite or
fill the gun powder
like you do with a matchlock.
Even if gets completely wet,
you can still fire it within a few minutes.
To beat this, what do we have to use?
We have nothing in Joseon that can beat this.
You know what happened in 1871.
They fired on us from where our arrows
and matchlocks couldn't reach.
While 350 of us dies, they only lost 3.
If you run into him again, you have to run.
You've been incredibly lucky so far.
Isn't he coming home today, either?
It's been over 10 days.
Aren't you worried about father?
Why should I be? It's only been 10 days.
While he was guarding the border,
he didn't come home for 10 months.
Even on the day you and I were born.
He was busy working.
But he's never done it
since we came to the capital.
I guess he's got a very important job to do.
There's a gunman around.
I hope he's not chasing him.
What is it?
Guess what it is.
A pot?
It's an owl.
No way.
It looks like a pot to me.
When an owl folds its wings,
it looks like a pot like this.
Look at this! It has eyes and ears as well.
I want it with its wings spread.
Wings spread?
Look! This is nice.
I said wings spread.
I think he's home.
How was work?
Good. How was your day?
Take her inside.
Yeonha, get inside.
So, we finally meet.
Stand back.
Stand back.
That's him.
Yes, sir.
This is it!
Surround the house.
Yes, sir.
Surround the house!
Yes, sir.
What's going on?
Move! We're with the Palace Patrol.
What's going on?
The guy we were chasing came into this place.
We need to search your premises.
This is the headquarters of Gyeonggi Peddlers
Guild and the house of the head.
You can't search without permission.
If you stop us, we'll kill you.
Who were you chasing, sir?
A gunman wearing a bamboo hat.
Will you cooperate?
Of course!
A guy like him isn't welcome here, either.
Open all the doors in the house.
Open all the big boxes where
a human could hide.
Please go ahead.
He's not here.
I couldn't find anything.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm glad that I'm off the hook.
Thank you for your cooperation.
No worries.
Thank you for working hard so late at night.
Take care.
Don't be too upset about it.
Let it go.
If that's what you want. I guess I should.
Why don't you go inside, father?
I think that bastard fooled us and escaped.
Divide into two teams and keep following him.
Check all the roads to the castle gates.
Yes, sir.
You shouldn't be alone from now on.
I think that bastard is after you now.
Come on out.
Don't enter this house ever again
even in case of being chased.
If you make the same mistake again,
I'm going to punish you both.
I'm so sorry.
Get out.
They've gone far enough.
Do you understand? Pack the essentials.
You, too.
It's too dangerous for you to stay here.
I'm staying here.
I'm not running away.
If you don't go, Yeonha won't go, either.
Do you think she'll go without you?
Where on earth are you taking us?
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Don't mention it. You're always welcome here.
This is Mr. Jeong Hoeryeong, an interpreter,
and his wife.
I'm Park Yungang.
I'm Park Yeonha.
Thank you for taking us in.
You're such a polite girl.
Make yourself at home.
Your father and I are very close.
I was attacked on my way to Qing while
traveling with envoys and your father,
who was guarding the border,
saved my life.
I'm trying to repay my debt.
Make yourself at home.
Thank you.
Excuse me, but Lady Suin is here.
Okay. Send her in.
My father's told me a lot about you.
I'm sorry. I was being rude.
You look like someone I know.
How do you know a young man like him?
I guess your son is so handsome
that she must've been shocked.
Stop joking.
Suin, why don't you show him around?
Sorry? Ah, okay.
This is your room.
Yeonha will share my room.
Thank you.
Get some rest.
Excuse me.
What is it?
Have we, by any chance, met before?
I don't think so.
I've never met you before.
You said I looked like someone you know,
and I think I feel the same way.
We might have bumped into
each other on the street.
Right. That must be it. Excuse me.
By the way.
Who's that guy who looks like me?
I'm just curious.
Never mind. It's not important.
Actually, I bumped into a scoundrel
a few days ago.
He was so violent and rude
that I don't even want to even mention it.
When I think of him, I start shaking.
But you're not him anyway.
Excuse me.
How dare she compare me to a scoundrel?
You seem excited.
He's so handsome
with tight lips, and penetrating eyes.
I'm sure he'll attract some girls.
He's not so interested in you?
What? Hey!
Nothing. Get some rest.
Hey! Stop right there!
Mother, I don't dislike him.
Why would I dislike him?
I didn't do anything.
You didn't do anything?
As soon as you saw Yungang's face,
you frowned.
I was so embarrassed in front of his father.
He saved your father's life.
Don't do anything
that might make them uncomfortable.
What does she want me to do?
I'm trying hard not to be rude.
Should I flirt with him or something?
Darn it!
Who's there?
It's me.
What are you doing hiding there?
I'm not hiding. I was just looking around.
These are the Lady's Quarters.
You're not allowed to come in here.
Didn't you know that?
Well... I was just...
I saw some interesting things here.
If you saw something interesting,
would you barge into my room?
Okay, okay. I'm leaving.
I'm sorry about what happened earlier.
I heard your mother giving you an earful.
Eavesdropping, hiding. What else?
I didn't mean to,
but I'll apologize if I offended you.
I didn't want to cause any inconvenience,
but my father was so adamant.
If you're done talking, you can leave now.
Okay. Sorry for the inconvenience.
What a temper!
What did I do so terribly wrong?
Nothing. Nothing.
Thank you.
I'm so scared and worried.
Do you think father will be okay?
Don't worry.
He's the best swordsman in Joseon.
But he's got a gun.
You saw it yourself.
Yeonha, he's not only practicing
how to use a sword.
He also practices
how to win in any kind of battle.
He'll be okay.
You can trust me.
That was good.
Are you going out?
Yes, I'm meeting Jeonghun.
Come home early. This isn't our house.
Don't bother these people late at night.
I see you've come back.
Has he, by any chance, been in?
He, he hasn't.
Have you heard about him?
I heard that someone saw him in Banchon.
I think he's planning something up there.
Who are you?
(Ogyeong Lee Namju) Why have you been following me?
Master Hyeonam.
What did you just say?
I learned from Master Hyeonam.
Don't lie to me.
I know all of his students.
I'm one of his students. I'm Suin.
I'm the daughter of Jeong Hoeryeong.
Don't you recognize me?
We've seen each other several times.
What are you talking about? You're a guy.
I'm just dressed like a guy.
Look at me!
You're right.
You've gone through this much trouble
to find me?
I had to, to go where I needed to go.
Where's the book?
I kept it at my place, just in case.
Please come with me.
He wanted me to give it to you.
The night before he passed away.
Not now. I have a meeting to go to.
Everybody's waiting for me.
Come to Angol when the curfew ends
After you pass the Dongwon Bridge,
there's a big pine tree.
I'll meet you there.
Can you meet me there?
Of course, I'll meet you there.
Thank you.
So you moved to a new place?
I'm living in someone else's house now.
Anyway, I'm glad you're okay.
How is it living there?
Does the owner have a beautiful daughter?
You're unbelievable!
His daughter has a terrible temper.
Is she pretty?
I don't know.
Tell me.
I guess she's pretty.
How pretty?
but she's got a bad temper.
Don't judge her by her disposition.
That can change.
What about her face?
That never changes.
That's why I still recognize you
every time I see you.
You're being silly. Bottom's up.
I should visit you.
Was it hard to kill him, even with your gun?
Sorry. I'll get it done.
He's a tough one to deal with.
Take care of Ogyeong, first.
I also heard that
Hyeonam was writing a book.
I think he finished it before he died.
I want you to find it.
Yes, sir.
(Hyeonam) Take it.
This is...
I finished it. I want you to read it.
Is it okay for me to read it
before anybody else?
It's okay.
When you're done,
pass it on to Master Ogyeong.
I think it's best
for Master Ogyeong to keep it.
He's going to serve His Majesty.
Sir, what are you talking about?
Are you planning to go to that gathering?
It's dangerous.
Two of your friends have already...
Don't worry.
I don't think they'll find out
where the gathering is being held, this time.
If anything happens to me,
I've already finished the book.
I have pupils like you.
Please come again.
We'll see you around.
You're drunk all the time,
so how come you haven't been fired, yet?
I guess people think that I have bad breath.
If I were your boss, you'd be in jail.
If I have access to alcohol and women,
I can go anywhere.
You always have something to say.
I'm Officer Han Jeonghun
from the Police Bureau.
You're unbelievable!
It's late. Go home.
Okay. I'll see you around.
Okay. Bye.
Darn it.
I guess it's too early.
Sir, we found Master Ogyeong.
Are you sure?
Soldiers who were patrolling the Angol Area
saw Master Ogyeong.
What's the situation now?
One soldier is with him,
and the other came and reported to me.
That was a silly thing to do.
One soldier can't protect him.
I'll go.
Follow me with more soldiers.
Yes, sir.
I've been looking for you.
Where's that bastard?
What are you talking about?
The gunman?
I said I didn't know him.
Move. It's not what you think.
What about that gun?
This is just...
Put your gun down
and come with me to the Police Bureau.
If you do that, I might spare your life.
I have nothing to do with him.
If you're innocent, come with me.
Why can't you?
I have my own reasons.
I'll count to three. One!
Don't. Stay out of it.
It's dangerous.
Don't do anything stupid!
This is a gun. A mere sword can't beat it.
A mere sword?
Here I come.
(Gunman in Joseon)
With a bamboo hat or
with ribbons in your pigtail,
you're the same person.
I don't care what you think.
How dare she?
Do you hate me that much?
Don't touch me.
It's getting late.
Get your hands off of me.
Hold it tight.
Park Yungang!
How dare he treat me like that?
What are you going to do from now on?
I'll take care of him myself.
It's a gun.
A book can change the world.
N. Korea fires ICBM, reaches highest altitude yet - Duration: 3:48.
North Korea test-fired a long-range missile Wednesday morning, which the South Korean
and U.S. militaries are saying was an ICBM.
It reached an altitude of four-and-a-half thousand kilometers -- far higher than any
of the North's previous missiles,... and came down in the East Sea... in Japan's territorial
It's believed this missile would be able to fly across the Pacific and reach just about
anywhere in the United States.
Oh Jung-hee has our top story.
North Korea fired a long-range ballistic missile early Wednesday morning,... identified by
the regime as a newly developed Hwasong-15 ICBM.
The missile was fired at around 3:17 a.m. from Pyongsong,... a city located 30 kilometers
north of Pyongyang.
It flew 960-kilometers eastward for about 50 minutes and landed in the waters west of
The missile was launched at a lofted angle... reaching 45-hundred kilometers -- higher than
any other previously launched North Korean missile.
Hwasong-15 is seen to be an upgraded version of the Hwasong-14 ICBM.
Compared to the Hwasong-14 ICBMs launched in July,... experts say...
Hwasong-15 seems to have a stronger engine... and so, flies farther.
(Korean) 1:03~2:02 "The previous Hwasong-14 missiles could fly
up to 8 or 9-thousand kilometers... reaching the western part of the U.S.
But Wednesday's missile will be able to fly 11 to 12 thousand kilometers.
That covers the whole United States, including the eastern area."
And Pyongyang aimed to make an even greater impact out of this missile launch,... launching
it at early dawn.
(Korean) (1:30~2:10) "Firing a missile at three o'clock in the
morning is indeed a "sudden attack" and helps the regime see how quick South Korea and the
U.S. are to respond.
Also, as it's daytime in the U.S. ... the North aimed to send an even more alarming
message to the U.S."
But in contrast to how a couple of the regime's missiles flew over Japan in August and September
and fell in the waters east of Japan,... this time, Pyongyang decided to step back.
(Korean) (2:23~2:35) "If the North makes its missile land near
the U.S., then the political shock it sends to the world will be too large for it to handle,...
which may possibly lead to stronger international pressure."
The other expert suggested... this may be rather because North Korea was not able to
make technological progress in other areas like re-entry technology.
(Korean) 4:00~5:09 "The North didn't mention re-entry technology
in today's announcement.
And instead of shooting the missile at a normal trajectory and let it pass over Japan, Pyongyang
once again fired its missile at a lofted angle.
This implies... that it may have not solved other technological issues like missile re-entry."
(Stand-up) "The Joint Chiefs of Staff say the recent
launch could be seen as a protest against the recent economic sanctions on the regime...
or against Washington reinstating North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism.
The South Korean military stressed... that it's never letting its guard down... and it
is always ready to strike back."
South Korean forces launched precision strike missiles near the Northern Limit Line in the
East Sea... just six minutes after the North Korean launch was detected.
The JCS says it involved the Army's missile unit, one of the Navy's Aegis destroyers and
one of the Air Force's KF-16 fighter jets... each firing at a simulated target... with
the distance calibrated... to match that of the location... where North Korea test-fired
its missile.
(Korean) "The South Korean military is keeping close
tabs on North Korea's military activities,... our military could destroy the origin of the
provocation and nuclear facilities with precision on any given day from the ground, sea or air."
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
3 DANGEROUS Android Apps YOU ARE USING (Uninstall them) - Wasting Your Time - Fake Apps - Duration: 12:04.
Was tun gegen die Einbruchserie im Hegau? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 4:27.
10 Years Ago... Matchday 14 LaLiga 2007/2008 - Duration: 2:59.
Ten years ago, the big game of the week was a Catalan derby with some unfinished business surrounding it,
following the famous Tamudazo that had cost Barcelona the league just months before.
Despite having several absentees, Barça had the better of the chances, thanks to another superb showing
from Leo Messi. He set up Andres Iniesta for the opening goal of the game.
The response from Albert Riera in the second half was a great assist for Coro, and at the other end
Carlos Kameni's saves were enough to earn Espanyol a point against their eternal rivals.
In the other derby of the matchday, Sevilla played their first ever game at the Juegos Mediterraneos.
It was an epic game in which UD Almeria took the win, thanks to a late goal from se Santi Acasiete.
The most memorable aspect of the game, however, was the debut of Diego Alves,
who displayed his full repertoire of saves for the home side.
The performances by Kameni and Alves weren't the only ones of note that weekend.
Notario, Ricardo Lopez and Leo Franco all put their bodies on the line, literally, for their teams.
In fact, the latter two were unable to complete the full 90 minutes after their efforts.
Impressive goals from Plasil, Carlos Martins, Raul Garcia,
Yeste and Raul Gonzalez proved to be unstoppable for any goalkeeper.
The Real Madrid striker found the net twice to keep Real Madrid top of the table and catch Luis Fabiano
and Messi in the top scorer chart.
He wasn't the only player to bag a brace, either: Braulio for Getafe and Fernando Llorente for Athletic,
as well as Carlos Martins for Recreativo de Huelva, sent their teams to victory with their goals.
Real Betis again missed out on a win at the Ruiz de Lopera, in what was Hector Cuper's last game in charge.
He was replaced by youth team coach Paco Chaparro after the game.
North Korea announces new Hwasong-15 ICBM... in measured provocation - Duration: 2:24.
Several hours after the launch, at noon, the North acknowledged the launch in a televised
statement, confirming it successfully tested a new type of ICBM.
But despite that claim, there are still question marks over the technology and the regime's
Our Kwon Jang-ho explains.
At 12-noon, local North Korean time, a special announcement was broadcast on North Korea's
state media TV.
It declared that a brand new weapon had been successfully launched early Wednesday morning,
the Hwasong-15 ICBM.
More advanced than the previous Hwasong-14 model, according to the state media, the missile
could reach all of the mainland United States.
It declared that this rocket meant that the regime had met its goal of completing its
nuclear weapons development program.
Leader Kim Jong-un, who oversaw the launch, added that the North had realized the completion
of its state nuclear force.
However, although this rocket suggests a leap forward in the regime's ballistic weapons
technology, there is still further to go.
(Korean) "No one has ever declared that they have completed
ICBM development after performing high-trajectory launches.
Unless North Korea fires this new Hwasong-15 at a regular trajectory, successfully re-enters
the atmosphere and hits a specific target, it cannot be said to have a fully formed ICBM."
Pyongyang's statement also said the missile was a victory achieved by the people, despite
difficulties imposed on the regime.
However, the statement concludes by saying North Korea is a responsible nuclear power
that loves peace, and that would not pose a threat to anyone... as long as the interests
of North Korea are not infringed upon.
This statement, and the nature of the launch, suggest that while Pyongyang wanted to carry
out a provocation, they were also wary of too strong a reaction.
(Korean) "It is a provocation, but it is a very measured
It didn't fly over Japan like before, and there is not enough evidence to say it is
a completed ICBM.
It's not enough for a UN Security Council resolution, especially with China and Russia's
vetos on their side, and it's not enough for the U.S. to mount a military response."
So far, no footage or photos have been released of Wednesday's launch, but they are expected
to come within the next day or two, whereupon they will be scrutinized to verify just how
far the regime has come in its nuclear weapons technology.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.
Strong cold wind brings down temperature _ 112917 - Duration: 1:39.
Hello I'm Michelle Park here with the weather update.
Cold air is blowing hard from north of the peninsula.
Over the course of the evening,... we'll get subzero readings, so make sure to layer up
when you commute back home.
By tomorrow morning, you can expect even colder conditions.
Seoul will begin the morning at minus 4 degrees Celsius, while the southern region will still
be bearable with Daegu and Busan beginning at 0 and 6 degrees.
By the time we reach noon, it'll get sunnier across the country with Seoul topping out
at 3 degrees while Gwangju and Busan rise up to 7 and 11 degrees.
Clear skies will stay with us until Saturday in most places including Seoul,... but with
freezing temperatures in the morning.
And on Sunday, rain or even snow is expected to fall on the central region.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
U.S., China, Japan condemn North Korea missile launch - Duration: 1:57.
The United Nations Security Council has called a meeting for Wednesday to address the missile
The U.S., Japan and China have already condemned the North's latest provocation... as a threat
to peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Song Ji-sun has more on the global reaction.
Washington is taking the situation very seriously,... but U.S. President Trump is certain he has
the situation under control.
(English) "A missile was launched a little while ago
from North Korea.
I will only tell you that we will take care of it.
We have General Mattis in the room with us and we've had a long discussion on it.
It is a situation that we will handle."
But the U.S. is also keeping the door for talks open... as Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson,
added that "diplomatic options remain viable and open, for now" and that "the U.S. remains
committed to finding a peaceful path to denuclearization" in a statement.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called the latest provocation a "violent act" that
can "never be tolerated."
(Japanese) "Japan will not back down in the face of provocation
but will maximize pressure on North Korea.
We will continue to protect the lives and livelihoods of the people of Japan under the
strong Japan-U.S. alliance."
Beijing also condemned Pyongyang's violation of international resolutions banning ballistic
missile launches.
Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang urged Pyongyang to stop actions that
accelerate tension on the Korean peninsula... and asked all concerned nations to act carefully
for the sake of keeping peace in the region.
Upon the request of South Korea, the U.S. and Japan, the UN Security Council will hold
an urgent meeting in New York on Wednesday to address Pyongyang's latest ICBM launch.
Song Ji-sun, Arirang News.
badam khane ke fayde - आखिर क्यों दी जाती है बादाम भिगोकर खाने की सलाह | benefits of soaked almond - Duration: 1:31.
badam khane ke fayde - आखिर क्यों दी जाती है बादाम भिगोकर खाने की सलाह | benefits of soaked almond
Young Talents:: Joaquin "Tucu" Correa, Sevilla FC - Duration: 1:36.
Last season, Sevilla surprised were surprised by the emergence and speedy adaptation to LaLiga
and Jorge Sampaoli's system of a young talent.
About to turn 22, Joaquin 'el Tucu' Correa joined one of the strongest sides in Spain.
He was one of Monchi's signings, and came with a 10m euros fee.
In his first season at the club, he was the player with the twelfth most appearances.
He also showed off his great goalscoring instinct. Only three Sevilla players finished the season with more
goals than him, as he bagged 8 in LaLiga, the Copa del Rey and the Champions League.
They were impressive numbers for a rookie and, combined with his eyecatching play,
he won over the demanding crowd at the Sanchez-Pizjuan with his tireless effort.
After a notable first season in LaLiga Santander he received a reward in his homeland:
He was given a full debut with the national team, having previously featured at youth level.
Ginger Tea Weight Loss How To Make Ginger Tea For Fast Weight Loss - Duration: 3:09.
Ginger Tea Weight Loss How To Make Ginger Tea For Fast Weight Loss
About 200 Korean tourists stranded in Bali to travel by ferry and buses - Duration: 2:07.
The Indonesian island of Bali is under threat of what appears to be an imminent volcanic
On Wednesday, the local airport was closed for a third day due to the ash clogging the
air, leaving tens of thousands stranded.
People in the area have been told to evacuate.
Won Jung-hwan has the latest.
There are powerful and continuous tremors... and black volcanic ash is spewing into the
Indonesian officials fear Bali's Mount Agung is on the verge of a full-scale eruption,...
and local residents and journalists within ten kilometers of the volcano were told by
authorities to evacuate.
"Yes I'm worried for sure but I want to get my stuff from my home, just for a while."
Bali's main airport, Denpasar International Airport, has remained closed for three consecutive
days,... leaving nearly 60-thousand travelers stranded.
Officials extended the closure of Bali's international airport for another 24 hours,.... due to concerns
the thick volcanic ash could harm aircraft.
As flights could be suspended for even longer and the volcano is showing signs of moving
toward a full-scale eruption, President Moon Jae-in, during the National Security Council
meeting on Wednesday morning, urged his staff to do everything they can to ensure the safety
of Koreans in the area.
"President Moon Jae-in asked Foreign Affairs Minister Kang Kyung-hwa, to take active measures,
including sending chartered airplane to secure safe passage for Korean residents and tourists
in Bali, stranded by the eruption."
Korea's embassy in Indonesia has drawn up measures to ensure the safety of its nationals
on Bali,... by providing alternative transportation, including ferries and buses, to help 200 Korean
tourists make the 12 to 13 hour journey from Bali to Juanda Airport on Indonesia's Java
With Indonesian officials predicting a larger eruption in the upcoming days, there are concerns
for the nearly 1-thousand Korean citizens who are still waiting for a way to leave the
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.
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