Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 11, 2017

Youtube daily Nov 30 2017

Growin' up in the south and bein' a southerner,

I think it's all about just how you treat folks

and how you enjoy life and,

"Yes sir, yes ma'am."

And I'd go elsewhere in the country and say that

and they say,

"Oh, don't say that, you know I'm not a ma'am."

And I was like,

"It's just how I was raised, so..."

It's just all about being kind, how you treat folk.

(country music)

The greatest thing I love about my mom

is just how hardworking she is.

Growing up even until now,

she was always making sure me and Ashley

had what we needed and had what we wanted and

was always helping us with homework

or helping us get to our sports

or helping us get anywhere.

You can't really ask for much more than that,

so she's the hardest working lady I know.

When I'm working, I'm a natural.

When I'm writin' and recording

and even just a lot of other stuff, I'm a natural,

but I do try to give back to North Carolina.

I love that place like no other place in the world.

The people are great.

We have a lot of fun there,

but the main thing I love about North Carolina

is just how much stuff there is to do.

I live in the middle of the state, but you know

there's pine herds instead of playing golf,

you go a couple hours to the west

and you're in the mountains

and you can go hiking and you can go in the rivers.

You go to the east and you got the beaches

and outer banks and there's just never a shortage

of things to do in North Carolina.

For more infomation >> Scotty McCreery on his Southern Upbringing | Southern Living - Duration: 1:17.


Utah's Sundance Resort as told by Robert Redford - Duration: 4:12.

What's the flame that started any of this? And I think for me, it's about storytelling

I came from a storytelling family

My life, my career has been about storytelling

The labs, Sundance is about storytelling

There's a history to Sundance that is about a story to be told

Once I get off Provo Canyon and come up this narrow road, I start to,

breathe differently, then when we come up and you open up to Sundance. It's like,


That's how I feel. It's always been that way

It's never been dull coming up this road

It always feels new, it always feels fresh and it sets in motion a different attitude

where I then slow down

and start to experience why I had that Ahhh

I came through this Canyon by mistake. I was on my way West.

I Saw Timpanogos and that really captivated me, so I took this little side road that brought me up here to what is now Sundance

You look into this majestic

landscape of a giant mountain, the second tallest mountain in Utah

And, that was my first memory of Utah and I liked it a lot

And I said, I'm gonna put a stake in the ground, So, I bought two acres of land

for $500

And then, built a cabin

Because that's all I could afford. So, I went to acquire it

to protect it and not develop it. And I realized that if it got developed,

It would develop itself away from what my love was and that I felt it should be a place that should be protected

I saw preservation

and a future. It was tied to sustainability

When I bought the area in 1970, well you know, skiing was going to be a part of it

There was one ski lift. It was a little kind of a J bar ski lift that went way up the front mountain

That was all that was here

And beyond here was just, the road just didn't go any further

That's how it all started. I see that as a really fun time

It's just fun you know? Seeing people skiing, coming off the hill. So for me, it was a joy because I love skiing

I like film. Trying to put those two things together was a joy

Favorite ski run? Well, I would think probably Bishop's Bowl

Cause it's wide open and you can really cruise and gain speed and do your GS turns and then it narrows down so you have

to start doing slalom turns and so forth

It's a challenging run, but it's being up top and cutting loose, it's such a good feel

Let people find their own way with it, and you trust the fact that they will find what's really good about it

You give them a hint

And if it's a feeling that you feel like what I felt when I came up the canyon and went, "Ah, there's that feeling!"

You want to give other people that same chance, so you just come here and see what you feel to see what your experience is

For more infomation >> Utah's Sundance Resort as told by Robert Redford - Duration: 4:12.


Screencast EIM 504 - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> Screencast EIM 504 - Duration: 9:56.


Designated Survivor 2x09 Promo "Three-Letter Day" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Designated Survivor 2x09 Promo "Three-Letter Day" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.


Kolob Reservoir, Utah 猶他州 Kolob 水庫 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Kolob Reservoir, Utah 猶他州 Kolob 水庫 - Duration: 4:08.


Kelly Suggests John As The New Chief Engineer | Season 1 Ep. 11 | THE ORVILLE - Duration: 2:09.


Take a look at this.

Is this accurate?

I confirmed it with the Union central database

just to be sure.

Ed, that aptitude rating is through the roof.

Aside from Isaac, John is the smartest officer on board.

My god, he sure doesn't act like it.

I heard about the Yaphit thing.

Yeah, I spoke to Yaphit and calmed him down.

How did we not know about this?

I'm gonna talk to John and try to get the full story.

But Ed, I have a suggestion for you.

With Newton leaving, what about John?

For what?

Chief engineer.


You OK.


Um, wow, that's-- that's a hard sell.


Look at the numbers.

Advanced engineering test scores at Union Point

were off the charts.

Look, he's obviously brilliant, I'll give you that.

But heading up a division is about more than just smarts.

He's never shown any indication of leadership ability.

He'd have to oversee a lot of personnel.

He's never had the chance.

He could surprise us.

Kelly, he fed a guy to another guy.

That's not something a department head does.

Come on, you know those two.

Odds are Gordon was the brain trust behind that stunt.

Well, and John just went along with it?

That only proves my point.

Look, all I'm saying is that maybe

somewhere he's got it in him.

[thunderous crash]

[music playing]

For more infomation >> Kelly Suggests John As The New Chief Engineer | Season 1 Ep. 11 | THE ORVILLE - Duration: 2:09.


If A Tree Falls on Your House, Does Homeowners Insurance Cover It? | Allstate Insurance - Duration: 1:10.

If a tree falls on your house,

does homeowner's insurance cover it?

The short answer is: It depends.

Let's run through some scenarios.

If the tree was healthy and toppled due to wind,

a typical homeowners insurance policy may help pay to

repair damage to your home and remove fallen branches.

What if the homeowner neglected to maintain a tree,

and it was ready to fall down even before the storm?

In that case, homeowners insurance most likely wouldn't

cover the damage.

If the tree doesn't damage anything when it falls,

homeowners insurance typically will not cover debris removal.

What happens if your neighbor's tree falls?

Your homeowners insurance may help pay for repairs

if it damages your home.

Remember: You'll typically have to pay your deductible

before your insurance will help pay for a covered loss,

and coverage limits will apply.

Check with your agent to learn more.

For more infomation >> If A Tree Falls on Your House, Does Homeowners Insurance Cover It? | Allstate Insurance - Duration: 1:10.


Kelly Spills Her Secret To Ed | Season 1 Ep. 11 | THE ORVILLE - Duration: 1:57.

I'm your first officer.

Part of my job is to help assemble the best possible

staff on board this ship.

All right.

We'll give him a shot.

Hell, your instincts are usually good, so who knows?

Hey, you wouldn't be sitting there if I--

Sorry, what?


It was a joke.

Didn't sound like a joke.

Forget about it.

I'm going to go tell John, get him started.

Kelly-- did you say something to Admiral

Halsey to get me this command?

No, of course not.

Oh my god, you did.

All I said was that I thought you deserved a chance.

You went to Admiral Halsey, and you asked him to give me

command of the Orville?

I put in a good word.

That's all I did.

To an Admiral who just happened

to be close to your father?

That had nothing to do with it.

Ed, I spent a year feeling like a horrible person for cheating

on you.

I also knew I was the reason that you went into your slump.

I wanted to help get you back on the right path.

I wanted to do something to help make things better for you.

Well, thank God for your help.

You would have gotten a command sooner or later anyway.

I mean, you were top of your class at Union Point.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Didn't you just say that I wouldn't be sitting here if you

hadn't gone to bat for me?

I didn't mean to put it that way.

And besides, it isn't true.

Well, I guess we'll never know, huh?

For more infomation >> Kelly Spills Her Secret To Ed | Season 1 Ep. 11 | THE ORVILLE - Duration: 1:57.


Yaphit Accuses Ed Of Being A Gelatinous Racist | Season 1 Ep. 11 | THE ORVILLE - Duration: 1:35.

Yaphit, what are you doing here?

I have a grievance.

How'd you get into my office?

I'm gel?


Well, what's on your mind?

I want to know why you guys put

John in charge of the science team instead of me.

Commander Grayson and I both feel

that Lieutenant LaMarr deserves to be in the running

for a chief engineer.


You got to be kidding me!

What the hell has that son of a bitch

ever done to deserve anything?

No final decisions have been made.

And I'm aware that you're next in line for the job.

But we have our reasons for considering him.

It's 'cause I'm gelatinous, isn't it?

You guys can't handle the thought of a gelatinous person

in charge of a department!

Yaphit, that is not it.

This is so racist, man!

You're so frigging racist!

I am not!

I have several gelatinous friends.

This is a bunch of crap, man!

This is total crap!

Permission to return to duty.


You know what?

There was less crap in Bortus's colon!

For more infomation >> Yaphit Accuses Ed Of Being A Gelatinous Racist | Season 1 Ep. 11 | THE ORVILLE - Duration: 1:35.


L'orso dietro la montagna | Filastrocche In Italiano Per Bambini | Canzoni In Età Prescolare - Duration: 1:13:58.

The bear went over the mountain,

The bear went over the mountain,

The bear went over the mountain,

To see what he could see.

And all that he could see,

And all that he could see,

Was the other side of the mountain,

The other side of the mountain,

The other side of the mountain,

Was all that he could see!

The bear went over the river,

The bear went over the river,

The bear went over the river,

To see what he could see.

And all that he could see,

And all that he could see,

Was the other side of the river,

The other side of the river,

The other side of the river,

Was all that he could see!

The bear went over the mountain,

The bear went over the mountain,

The bear went over the mountain,

To see what he could see.

And all that he could see,

And all that he could see,

Was the other side of the mountain,

The other side of the mountain,

The other side of the mountain,

Was all that he could see!

The bear went over the river,

The bear went over the river,

The bear went over the river,

To see what he could see.

And all that he could see,

And all that he could see,

Was the other side of the river,

The other side of the river,

The other side of the river,

Was all that he could see!

For more infomation >> L'orso dietro la montagna | Filastrocche In Italiano Per Bambini | Canzoni In Età Prescolare - Duration: 1:13:58.


¿Belinda imita a Shakira y Rihanna? | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> ¿Belinda imita a Shakira y Rihanna? | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:57.


Race Driver Grid - Road to Le Mans Part 2 - Duration: 6:51.

Hello guys! Welcome to a new episode

Wow x3... Hold on your horses boy!

So guys, this episode that you are watching

Was going to be the third part and not the second one...

Now you ask: What happened?!?

Well... It's simple

The recording software that I use crashed

And I didn't realized it in time


Since I can no longer go back in the game

I decided to proceed with the series

With this said, I'm terribly sorry

For not having a good 2nd episode

But well... Sine I recorded the third one right after

I decided to use the images of the third to the second one

But let's move on with the video

And again, I'm sorry...

Well guys, continuing the episode

Let's see what race I should choose

Maybe I do one more Classic Muscle

To see if I win money

The first place is desirable...

1st Race

Can I do an episode without crashing?

That would be nice...

Ahh nevermind it

Not worth it

Oh x2... Fairplay x2

Let's go

I could had overtake you, but I didn't!

It's being HARD!

I think that we have competition!

Damn it!


This bring me some flashbacks...

JESUS!! I broke the car!!

I think that it's time that we buy the *machine*

The *Myth*!

The BMW!

Now that I think off... I cannot paint my rims

Let's go

The race is being a little bit hard, the competition is enormous...

Go figure... It's only BMWs

Well, that is against the rules!

Hey people... Don't brake the cars...

Bye bye!

They didn't stood a chance...

Which one gives the most money?

This... And... This one!

Okay... It's done!

I don't understand a thing about sponsors in this game...

Well guys, let's do one more race!

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