As Jeep owners, we love taking advantage of not having a top on our Jeeps, but sometimes
the summer sun can get pretty overwhelming and surprisingly harmful.
Smittybilt has you covered, literally speaking, at a very affordable price with their Mesh
Extended Top for the '10 to '17 JKUs.
This top will protect you from harmful UV rays, reduce glare when driving, and provide
some nice shade so you can still enjoy that open-air driving experience we all want to
enjoy in the first place.
I would like to note that this is for the 2010 to 2017 Ford or JK owner, but we also
have versions for the '07 to '09 models and the two-door models as well, so make sure
you get the right one for your JK.
This does need a windshield channel to install but requires no drilling, so I'm giving this
a one out of three wrenches in my book, and I'll go into that just a little bit more in
a moment.
Smittybilt did a great job designing this top, making it out of a durable, UV-treated
mesh fabric, perfect for protecting you from the sun.
This will not only just protect you in the front seats, but it'll cover the passengers
in the rear seats.
This attaches to the front of the windshield channel and attaches to the rear with heavy
duty nylon buckles and adjustable straps.
In my opinion, the straps used are a better security technique than other options that
we have that are attached by bungees because eventually, they lose their elasticity and
overall tension over time.
Now, the header that I just mentioned is necessary to install this to keep it secure and quiet
while driving.
This is compatible with a factory style windshield channel, but if you have a hardtop or a non-compatible
style header, Smittybilt offers a quality header for around $50 that uses quick detach
hardware making the top and the header itself easily detachable for simple install and uninstall.
Keep in mind, if you do not need to purchase the extra header, it is compatible with most
soft-tops and header style bikini tops, so you can use it in the future for any other
I would like to mention that unlike other mesh tops, this is not compatible with the
factory hardtop or the soft-top installed over it because of the header assembling.
If you were looking for something you could compare in conjunction with your top, I would
recommend checking out the Jeep Top USA options.
Right now, this is the most affordable option on the site for a mesh full extended bikini
top made for the 2010 to 2017 models coming in and around $60.
Now, keep in mind, if you do need to purchase the header assembly, you will be jumping that
price up to around $110, but this will still remain the most affordable option in that
It can be a bit overwhelming looking at all of the bikini tops on the page, but a lot
of the items are for different years and they're made of different materials other than mesh,
and they'll only cover half of the Jeep.
There are a couple other tops for the 2010 to '17 models with the same style and functionality
options on the site right now, which are a little higher in price and can range anywhere
from $150 to $200 making this your best option if you don't wanna spend a lot of money on
a mesh bikini top set up, saving you ultimately $50 in the long run.
If you are looking for all these options with a low budget, this is definitely your best
The install on this one is very simple, and it gets a one outta three wrenches on the
difficulty meter.
So this shouldn't take you any longer than 45 minutes to install for the first time and
a couple of hand tools like a screwdriver and an adjustable wrench.
Most of the install will be attaching the header to the fabric, then just strapping
the rear on.
First, you're gonna install the header knob bases on the header and secure them down with
the four Phillips-head screws.
Then you can slide the pockets sewn along the front of the bikini-top over the edge
of the header and snap it into place.
Next, you're gonna secure the header to the windshield by placing the tabs on the header
knob bases above the footman loops on the windshield frame.
Then place the knob plate under the footman loop and install the header plate knob through
the plate, through the footman loop, and threaded into the knob base.
Lastly, you're gonna repeat on the other side, and you're ready to install the bikini top.
I would start at the middle of the soundbar, wrapping the straps through the bar and securing
them down, and then moving to the rear and rear horizontal crossbar.
You can fasten and loop the straps that come down in the door openings.
There are flaps on the outer edge of the top that you're able to tuck in and secure around
the door's sport bar.
After adjusting all the straps as needed, you can enjoy your new bikini-top.
So if you're looking for a very affordable mesh bikini top, Smittybilt has you covered.
And for this and everything else Wrangler, keep it right here at
For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler Smittybilt Mesh Extended Top (2010-2018 JK 4 Door) Review & Install - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress Was Kept Secret - Celebrity Nation - Duration: 1:08.
It has been six years since Kate Middleton and Prince William's wedding, but everyone
still talks about her gorgeous Alexander McQueen gown.
it's one thing for a bride to keep her wedding gown a secret from her husband-to-be, but
Kate Middleton's wedding dress had to be kept secret from the entire world.
Mandy Ewing, a member of the team that crafted Middleton's stunning Alexander McQueen dress,
has revealed that maintaining extreme secrecy was key while creating the garment.
"We knew who it was for, but it was very secret," Ewing told Hello! in a recent interview.
"We had net curtains up and cleaners were not allowed into the room and the code on
the door was changed."
Middleton's wedding gown was once again brought to the spotlight after Camilla Parker-Bowles'
visit to the Royal School of Needlework, where Ewing is one of the embroiderers.
Install Jeep Wrangler Smittybilt Tonneau Cover - Black Diamond (2007-2018 JK 4 Door) - Duration: 1:11.
Begin by laying the tonneau cover over the rear of vehicle.
Open roll bar flaps, and wrap the tonneau cover around the sports bar.
Install the OEM tailgate bar onto the tonneau by sliding the C-channel on the bar over the
sewn-in channel on the tonneau.
Once that is done, insert the bar into the mounting brackets on each side of the tailgate
Secure the sides of the tonneau by sliding the sewn-in plastic strip on the cover into
the channel on the vehicle.
Secure the corners also by sliding the plastic strips on the cover into the channels on the
Barack Obama's Muslim Migrants Overtake Small American Town And Force Repulsive Act On Christians - Duration: 5:33.
Obama's Muslim Migrants Overtake Small American Town And Force Repulsive Act On Christians
Obama's Muslim Migrants Overtake Small American Town And Force Repulsive Act On Christians
Obama's Muslim Migrants Overtake Small American Town And Force Repulsive Act On Christians
Obama's Muslim Migrants Overtake Small American Town And Force Repulsive Act On Christians
🎮 Ocean Doctor - Children Learn How to Take Care of Sea Animals - Fun Games Care & Play - Duration: 15:50.
🎮 Ocean Doctor - Children Learn How to Take Care of Sea Animals - Fun Games Care & Play
The BEST Weapon In Star Wars Battlefront II is... - Duration: 4:23.
Existe Uma entrada para uma Câmara Secreta Atrás da Orelha da Esfinge diz garoto gênio russo - Duration: 4:33.
[Dubstep] - AU5 & Last Heroes - Lush (feat. Holly Drummond) [NCS Release] - Duration: 4:01.
Ice cold, I'm swimming against the tide
I wanna forget you
But you pull me in
I know this ocean is far too wide
I wanna forget you, let me forget you
You push and pull
But you repel me
I'm giving up this fight
Love and hate
We've blurred the lines
I'm giving up this fight
You've lost but I don't feel I have won
I wanna forget you
But only time will heal
Too late to erase the bad we've done
I wanna forget you
Let me forget you
You push and pull
But you repel me
I'm giving up this fight
Love and hate
We've blurred the lines
I'm giving up this fight
Entitled NFL Player With $38 Million Contact Compared Himself To A Slave – Gets Brutal Smackdown - Duration: 6:36.
Entitled NFL Player With $38 Million Contact Compared Himself To A Slave – Gets Brutal
Over the last year, NFL players have been busy protesting the national anthem claiming
that they are drawing attention to racial inequality in America.
It is evident that they are missing the irony in their protest considering that these players
are paid millions of dollars for throwing a ball and catching it, but that is a different
story for another day.
At any rate, each week players kneel during the national anthem while the extreme left
applauds their misguided protest comparing these entitled players to key civil rights
activists of the past.
Now, these arrogant NFL players actually believe they are fighting a "holy war" against
racial prejudices in America instead of the ignorant individuals they really are.
Well, Michael Bennett who is an active national anthem protester who also started flashing
the black power fist has stepped over the line with his latest unintelligent statement
concerning his place in the NFL and is now receiving massive backlash.
Last year, when Colin Kaepernick took a knee in protest, we all hoped his antics short-lived,
but sadly that was not the case as more players have picked up where Kaepernick left off.
Now, players in the NFL are kneeling each week comparing the league they work for to
slave owners and themselves as slaves.
However, Michael Bennett of the Seattle Seahawks took that sentiment one step too far when
and compared himself to 19th-century slave Dred Scott.
Yeah, you read that correctly.
Bennet who will make around $15.4 million this year dared to say that he was being treated
like a slave all because Jerry Jones wants his players to stand for the national anthem.
And here are Bennett's excerpted words:
"I just thought it (Jerry Jones' comments) reminded me of the Dred Scott case.
You are property, so you don't have the ability to be a person first.
And I think in this generation I think that sends the wrong message to young kids and
young people all across the world that your employer doesn't see you as a human being,
they see you as a piece of property.
And if that's the case, then I don't get it.
I just don't get why you don't see him as a human being, they don't see us as human
beings first.''
If you were not familiar with the Dred Scott case let me give you a quick rundown of the
landmark case.
Dred Scott was a slave whose master traveled with him to free states in the years leading
up to the Civil War.
Scott challenged his slavery to the Supreme Court stating that his enslavement was over
since he had been taken to a free state and lived freely there.
The SCOTUS disagreed saying that once a slave you were always a slave despite whatever state
you found yourself in.
So, for Bennet to compare his employment to slavery is downright insulting to those who
were slaves in the past.
First of all, employment it is not the same thing as enslavement since as an employee
you are free to leave whenever you want, and as a slave, you are not.
And, to prove that point Outkick The Coverage slams Bennet's stupid argument with this
epic smackdown.
Here are top three reasons Bennet should be ashamed of this statement.
Slaves, and I can't believe I am writing this, ARE NOT ALLOWED TO STOP BEING SLAVES.
If Bennett does not like what his boss tells him to do, he can quit and get another job.
Every single person who is not self-employed and is reading this right now has a boss who
assigns job responsibilities for them.
This is not slavery, this is called working.
If you are paid to do a job, you are not a slave.
Again, I can't believe I have to write this.
That's because YOU ARE BEING PAID FOR YOUR LABOR, which is the exact opposite of being
a slave.
SLAVES WERE NOT PAID and they also did not have paid vacation, collective bargaining
agreements, six months without work requirements every year, and the ability to strike if their
work conditions were not appropriate.
Performing work in exchange for pay is not, and has never been, slavery.
Any analogy comparing the two should be ridiculed by anyone with a functional brain.
You don't have the right to make political statements in your uniform at work.
I can't think of any other employee who can make a political statement while wearing
a uniform at work.
Not a single one.
Hell, you can't even do it in the NBA, which mandates that all players stand for the national
Imagine if a soldier in uniform, a police officer, a Fed Ex or a UPS driver, a McDonald's
or Wal Mart employee decided to share a political opinion with you when they interacted with
you in their uniform at their job.
If a police officer pulled you over and told you to vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton,
you'd think that person should be reprimanded or fired, right?
If a soldier kneeled during the anthem, he'd be court-martialed if he didn't obey orders
to stand.
If a UPS or Fed Ex driver showed up at your house, delivered a package and then told you
abortion was murder, would you think that was appropriate?
If a Wal Mart employee told you the second amendment was crap when you bought a gun or
bullets, would you think that person deserved to keep their job?
In every example I just gave you, you'd find it strange for an employee wearing the
uniform of his employer to give you his or her political opinion while working.
So how have so many people just embraced the idea that NFL players should be able to endorse
political stances while wearing the uniform at their job?
Especially when those political stances directly reflect upon their employer, potentially in
a highly negative manner.
(NFL ratings are down 17.8% since Colin Kaepernick's protest began.
Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the political stance of an individual
player, many people in these highly charged times are not going to agree.
That's billions of dollars in potential lost revenue.
Put simply, protests during games are bad for business.)
Of course, there are more reasons that prove Bennet's statement is grossly inaccurate,
but these seem to encompass it nicely, don't you think?
These NFL players have every right to protest whatever cause they choose when they are not
For Bennet and the rest of his buddies to say that they are being treated as slaves
since people do not want to see them protest is disgusting and shows how ignorant they
indeed are.
Maybe if they flipped open a book every once in awhile and read some history, they would
learn something, but till then we will have to listen to these sound bites and wonder
how they got this far in life.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Top Stories Today.
설경구 설현 백치미 논란 사과에도 후폭퐁이 이어지는 이유|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:58.
원세훈 징역 4년형 선고 이제 이명박으로 향한다|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 9:06.
New Jurassic World Hero Mashers Dimorphodon Figure Unboxing, Review With Scooby Doo Mystery Inc - Duration: 6:59.
Wow guys it's great to see you again we're gonna have a lot of fun today
today we have another hero masher set this is dimorphodon this is from the
Jurassic world movie Wow awesome these hero mashers are so cool you could put
New Jurassic World Hero Mashers Dimorphodon Figure Unboxing, Review With Scooby Doo Mystery Inc
it's got parts from three different sets or four different sets and look at the
different ones you could buy die more food on ankylosaurus Triceratops
Velociraptor then they have a t-rex one and Wow
they have a lot of them and you combine it together and you can get some very
weird genetically-modified looking dinosaurs haha they're lots of fun okay
here's all the pieces let's go ahead and put it together as you can see I mean
this whole thing I mean all the pieces pop off even its head
so here's its head thus mouth opens and closes it's got really cool looking
teeth and a realistic looking tongue it's cut cool red eyes orange stripes
across the front wow this is fun let's go ahead and snap them together let's
see there's a beat this is his head and then we've got his wings over do his
wings attached let's see you probably have to put legs on first okay let's get
his other leg on and then we have to put I guess it this one has legs on the
front most of these die more photons they have
like legs in the back and wings on the front but I guess this one's different
maybe so it matches the other sets but it is cool-looking then you'd put the
wings right here onto the legs the legs have holes here so you place the wings
in there
well there we go wow he's really cool-looking
his jaw is a little loose that's that's a little disappointing I mean he has fun
see he's here is his wings they got orange stripes on them
you got the drastic world emblem on there you got his tail which is has a
full 360 degree movement his legs a little tied up because of the wings I
guess you could put his wings on one of them if you want like that a man looks a
little funny but hmm it's like that if you want to get full range of movement
with his legs because see I mean it does have like 360 degree movement with its
legs - and this swivel and then its wings if you have it on just one of the
holes you could turn its wings in different directions and its back legs
will turn and also swivel out so you could put its wings into like weird
formations okay let's combine some of these Wow guys it's a great day for a
ride in the forest ain't a shag oh yeah me and school having fun up here getting
fun Scoob whoa whoa wow guys look look at those rocks over there Wow I think
this is a mystery for the Mystery Machine what could it be
boy those look like dinosaur eggs here wow I didn't know there's any more
dinosaurs I thought they were extinct what do I hear Oh
to dimorphodon he's coming in he wants to bite Scoob quit check get the net
capture the monster oh we got the net on him looks like he's gonna crash oh he
crashed into the ground Wow I think we captured him oh no what is
there that must be the mom whose eggs these are look oh no it's the indominus
rex he's coming in oh he sees an easy meal with the dimorphodon cuz he's
already wrapped up so he grabs him in his jaws and he starts shaking him and
his wing falls off and his leg falls off his tail gets pulled off and his other
leg and his arm wow there's not much left of him
boy this guy's having a good feast guys hang on we gotta go he's gonna get us oh
no now he's he ate the dinosaur now he wants to get the Mystery Machine oh good
Fred step on it Fred yikes go Roger
step on it boy they just got away that was a close call click the subscribe
button below for a lot more fun video also put the bail button to be notified
every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos
and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button
Oh, this is incredible relaxing lofi beat! 😏 soft instrumental music 😏 Share it! :-) - Duration: 2:14.
Relaxing lofi beat for you! This is nice soft instrumental music with VJ-animation.
If you want use it - just subscribe and give credit to the author in your description.
LineageOS 15 (Android 8.0.0) for S7 & S7 Edge - Duration: 7:00.
Hey what's up guys , Shark jungle is here , Lineage 15 has been released a couple days
ago for galaxy s7 and galaxy S7 edge with exynos processor it based on android open
source project and it is still in the early stages so don't expect to get the best android
Oreo experience while using this ROM but at least you can run android Oreo on your galaxy
S7 before getting it officially from Samsung , I decided to do a complete review on this
ROM in 7 parts to give you a complete picture about it as I said at this moment the ROM
is not suitable for daily usage but it is gonna get better very soon make sure to watch
bugs part to know what's not working on this ROM you can also use the time line in the
video description to watch any part you need , If you like my videos plz don't forget the
like button and subscribe for more videos
Installation Boot into recovery mode and make sure to do
a backup , If you don't know how then check the video description for the tutorial link
hit wipe and swipe for factory reset hit install then select the ROM file and make
sure to download the right file for your device as you see herolte is for S7 flat and hero2lte
for s7 edge hit add more zips and select GAPPS and I recommend
to use Pico variant now swipe to flash
hit reboot and wait for lineage animation logo to show up and this means your installation
went very well
as you see the ROM is very clean and no Root so you gonna need to root it by magisk or
SuperSU by chain fire reboot into recovery by holding the power
button home button and volume up button until you enter TWRP then flash file
or Super SU there reboot after that you will be able to use any App
requires Root permission
Performance Every thing related to performance is surprising
, Ive done a benchmarking test and as you see the score is very good it actually better
that most ROMs I've tested before , Multi tasking is great no slow responses and you
can run as much Apps as you want in the background without affecting the device performance or
speed the only thing you may face is a tiny glitch in the notification bar or while scrolling
on Google play store and the browser
Sensors all sensors responding nicely , I didn't test
this ROM for a long time to check if there will be a bugged sensor or not but as you
see everything seems perfect
GPS Is not working yet and I hope to be working very soon
Battery Unfortunately I didn't have much time to check
the battery performance plus it won't be logical to check it if the ROM is not suitable yet
for daily usage .but let's hope that it's gonna be much better than Android Nougat
Gaming performance Gaming performance seems to be OK , as you
see the game running flawlessly without any problem
Features All Stock android Oreo features are available
, there is no modifications at this moment Notification drawer has all stock black and
gray buttons on white background which make it easier for me to reach
Setting menu is well organized and make sense than before
this is your power menu and there is no advanced reboot menu so you
gonna have to use buttons combination to reboot into recovery for example
finger print scanner is very fast as you see lock screen rotation is enabled
Speakers performing very well Camera is working for pictures and videos
but it's not as good as the Stock camera software
If you want to install Pixel 2 live wallpapers , just hit the link in the video description
to watch my tutorial on how to do that on your device , it's very easy steps to get
those amazing wallpaper up and running on your device
Bugs GPS is not working as I told you before
Cellular services is not working on flat S7 and has been fixed for galaxy S7 edge so it's
gonna be fixed on the next release for galaxy S7 flat and dual SIM devices
Videos taken on portrait mode can only be played on landscape mode which is weired
Some Apps cannot access internal storage like titanium backup pro and antutu App for example
You may also notice some glitches and instabilities which is not a big deal specially in the early
releases Thanks to the ROM developers team for their
great work and we are looking forward for a stable release very soon
This was my review I hope I covered everything you want to know about this ROM if you like
it plz don't forget the lie button and subscribe to get more updates about galaxy S7 and Android
News , thank you for watching , Peace
Glam Makeup Tutorial | Date night glam | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 6:08.
What is up guys last night, I went on a date with my husband and some friends
And I wore this look and I absolutely had to recreate it. I loved it so much
I felt so pretty and so glamorous if you guys are into beauty make sure that you subscribe and you hit that notification bell
So that you don't miss anything and let's get started
Oh, ah so the little dots that you can see at the top of my forehead
Yeah, I'm wearing lace front and I had no interest today and trying to blend it in so you're welcome
Starting off by laying down a base, and this is the l7 concealer from Kat Von D
The Lockett concealer, and then I'm gonna go ahead and blend it out with a real techniques sponge
And this is just going to make sure that everything has an even color for my eyeshadows
I then set that by using my RC ma. No color powder and a big fluffy brush so that everything will blend seamlessly
Using creme brulee from makeup geek as my transition shade I'm going to I can never say that
Transition shade I'm going to take that on a fluffy brush and put that actually above my crease I have hooded eyes
So this is going to give me the appearance of more elongated and bigger eyes by stretching it out past my lashline
Flicking it up at the end of my brow and bringing the color above the crease of my eye now
I'm going in to Burkina from the Jiu vias place masquerade palette
And I'm gonna take this on a more dense brush and kind of pack it into my new crease and that's what's going to give
Me the gradient from lighter to darker and make sure that everything is just
Blown out and seamless and just make sure that everything is blended, and there's no hard lines
Now going into Burkina and doing the same thing packing this into the crease and flicking it up at the edge
Everything is going to start to get deeper and deeper once you get to the crease
Going in with an oldie but a goodie creep
I'm going in with bitten from makeup geek on
Again a smaller brush and just following the same pattern putting it deeper into the crease and flicking it up at the edge
I want this to have a nice healthy like maroon red glow
Going into this shade in the morphe 35o matte palette. Just following the same steps
I know it seems like a lot of eyeshadows, and it is it is a little excessive
But the thing is is I really wanted to have a blended out look I didn't want any harsh lines
I just wanted it to be soft and
glamorous and glowing
You guys I am going in with the Stila
Magnificent metals glitter and glow liquid eye shadow and this is in the shade rose gold retro, and it is
It is probably the most beautiful thing
I have ever seen I do have to say that I hate this applicator although
I don't have any other suggestions on how it could be better
I just didn't particularly care for it this stuff dries immediately, and it like doesn't come off the eye it was
Unbelievable they are about $24 and they are worth
Every penny I'm bringing that to the front inner corner
And then I am bringing it up above the crease and then I'm going in with bitten and a smaller brush
And I'm blending that out at the back and then taking an even smaller brush
I'm taking bitten and going over in the front, and then I'm going back to my original blending brush
and I'm bringing that in the front with creme boo I
Can't even talk with creme brulee just to make sure everything blends and this liquid
Eyeshadow doesn't give me any harsh lines
I'm taking a precision brush and the shade daheia
From the masquerade palette and just putting in that into the high points of my brow bone for a brow bone highlight
Going back to another oldie but goodie
I'm taking the Maybelline gel pod in the shade blackest black and a Mac 212 brush, and I'm just building a very fat winged eyeliner
I'm gonna do the rest of my face makeup and my eyebrows off camera
And then I'm going to start prepping for lashes. You can see my wig lifting because I didn't glue it down
I'm gonna prep for fake lashes, and then I'm gonna start working on the underneath of my eye, and the lash line
I'm gonna start by taking a big fluffy brush and creme brule and taking that into the lash line to give it a
transition shade just like we do on the top so that it'll blend seamlessly then I'm gonna go back into this tan shade with a
Smaller brush and put that into the lash line. I am NOT dragging this all the way to the inner corner
I am just taking it to where the lashes start
And then I'm going back into bitten with an even smaller brush and doing the same thing taking that into the lash line
These lashes are from Koko lashes, and they are in the style Stella
They are who they are long and spiky, and I love them, but they are a little
Big I'm taking this Lord and berry black eyeliner and putting that into my waterline
And then I'm spreading it into the lashes
And then what I'm going to do is take bitten again on a smaller brush and just kind of smudge it out
So it's not just a stark line of black, and then I'm putting mascara on my lower lash line, and this is the L'Oreal paradise
Mascara, I'll have to link it in the bottom bar down below
But this is my favorite because it doesn't flake off then I'm going in with the shade tawny
And this is a lip liner from Jordana, and I'm just lining my lips
And I'm using pops explosive, and it is a NYX butter cream lipstick to fill in the rest of my lips
I really love this lipstick
I really do I would like to get some more colors, but this is like my favorite color, and it doesn't move anywhere
and it's creamy and it's moisturizing and
I can't say enough good things about it to clean up the outer corner on my lips
I'm just taking a little bit of foundation and covering that up
I like to use foundation not concealer because I feel like concealer gives you like too
Much brightness by the outside of your mouth, and it looks weird and that's the finished look
I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did, please give it a big thumbs up
Don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world so we can achieve world domination
and if you like all things beauty and baby, then you should stay here because we have a lot of fun and
I will see you next time
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