- What do we got? - Bar fight. Multiple knife wounds.
What is this, a joke? Guy's fine.
- Where is he? - Hey, hey, don't...
- I said, where is he? - I don't know who he is.
I can help you.
Six years I've been here.
No one knew me, and then you show up, and the next day she's dead!
I tried to warn you.
Why didn't you tell me it was Victor?
- I didn't know! - Bullshit!
- Why? - I swear on my son's life, I didn't!
Victor's appetites were becoming too public.
I had to lock him up. He felt I betrayed him.
Went AWOL. He said he was coming after all of us.
You didn't come to warn me,
you came to save your own ass.
So what's your plan, Captain?
You can't beat him, Logan, you know you can't!
I'm gonna find him and kill him.
I can give you the tools to defeat him.
And we can still save the others.
You mean save yourself, right?
I promise you two things.
You will suffer more pain than any other man can endure,
but you will have your revenge.
I come with you, I'm coming for blood.
No law. No code of conduct.
You point me in the right direction, you get the hell out of my way.
When it starts, whatever the reason is that you're doing this,
focus on that. Maybe it will help.
Trust me, I've been through worse.
No, you haven't.
For more infomation >> Wolverine Agrees to do Adamantium Procedure | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
Ending Scene | Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007) CLIP 11 - Duration: 2:53.
Okay, now you're making me uncomfortable.
So l guess this is it.
We all go our separate ways.
- No? - No.
- No? - If not for the team...
the whole world would be gone.
We can't run away from our responsibilities. This is who we are.
- That's what I've been saying. - What about having a normal life?
- A family? - Who says you have to be normal...
to have a family?
So are you up for another media-circus wedding? Fifth time's a charm.
I got a better idea.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Reed Richards...
and Sue Storm together in holy...
- What is it? - Venice is sinking into the Adriatic.
Oh, boy. That's a biggie.
Could we just skip to the end?
- Yeah. The love these two share... - No, the very end.
Yeah, great. You have the rings?
Oh, yeah.
L now pronounce you man and wife, and you may kiss the bride.
- Okay. We should get out of here. - Yeah.
- Gotta go, hon. - Okay.
I have to throw the bouquet.
Heads up, Johnny.
Avengers: Infinity War | ADELANTO Subtitulado (HD) Marvel 2018 - Duration: 0:59.
Video: Temperatures rise into 50s Wednesday - Duration: 3:25.
Cincinnati couple surprised with student loan money - Duration: 1:25.
The Look of Love! See Every Photo of "Newly Couple" Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Engaged Photos - Duration: 3:00.
The Look of Love! See Every Photo of "Newly Couple" Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Engaged Photos
The Look of Love! See Every Photo of "Newly Couple" Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Engaged Photos
The Look of Love! See Every Photo of "Newly Couple" Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Engaged Photos
University of Cincinnati police chief resigns - Duration: 1:45.
설리 지드래곤 콘서트 인증샷, 권지용 비공개 계정 태그 관종?|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 6:43.
This Schoolkid Field Day Sums Up Everything Wrong With Unchecked Immigration - Duration: 2:42.
Refugee Saad Alsaud was once reported to be the fastest 14-year-old in Sweden.
He also became the face of the unchecked immigration crisis in that country.
He was an "unaccompanied minor" when he arrived there from Iraq.
According to a U.K. Daily Mail report in 2016, at the height of the migrant crisis, Alsaud
was just one of the many individuals claiming to be minors that were given asylum in the
Scandinavian country.
The Daily Mail reported that three-quarters of "unaccompanied minors" have won permission
to settle in the country.
Here's a photo of him running with some other "schoolkids" in Sweden from back
in 2012.
You may notice that one of these things is not like the others.
Yes, that is a "14-year-old" from Iraq.
And, according to many, he represents everything wrong with Sweden's immigration policies.
One of the problems with how Sweden accepts child immigrants, according to the Daily Mail,
is that the country refuses to classify them physically by their age.
That means during intake, things like height, weight, wrist size or wisdom teeth aren't
assessed due to the fact that such tests are viewed as invasive.
The problem with that is that word has gotten around that it's significantly easier for
those who claim to be children to get asylum in Sweden.
And, once they're safely there, they can bring their families over legally.
Thus, you have "14-year-olds" like Saad Alsud who have a three-quarters chance of
being resettled in the country.
This would be funny if it weren't so serious.
Take Youssaf Khaliif Nuur, an alleged 15-year-old refugee from Somalia who stabbed and killed
a woman in a youth hostel near Gothenburg, according to the BBC.
Nuur was six feet tall and "towered over" his court-appointed translator.
He was eventually convicted of the killing and sentenced to psychiatric care.
Quite unsurprisingly, he was later determined to be over the age of 18.
I have all due sympathy for actual unaccompanied minors caught up in the refugee crisis, as
I'm sure every normal human being does.
The problem is a system that rewards unchecked immigration, particularly by rewarding individuals
who are either under the age of majority or who claim to be with relatively easy asylum.
It's little wonder that Sweden has seen a dramatic increase in crime over the past
two years: The country has opened its doors to individuals whose identities are not only
unverified but unverifiable.
And not only that, they refuse to physically check individuals who might be taking advantage
of a dangerous loophole.
When a country does that, it's asking for trouble — and Sweden is certainly getting
Father, daughter living in van getting a helping hand - Duration: 0:28.
Grow it Green: Cutting your Christmas tree - Duration: 2:58.
Supreme Court Justice Issues Urgent Warning, Please Listen - Duration: 3:21.
One Supreme Court Justice is standing up for States' rights in a way that few others
are willing to do.
Justice Clarence Thomas criticized a decision made by the US Supreme Court that would give
the Federal government the power to seize land whenever they want, worrying that they
are "giving Congress the power to destroy the States' territorial integrity," according
to The Washington Examiner.
The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a case involving the Indian Commerce Clause and whether
the Constitution allows Congress the ability to infringe, reduce or alter the territorial
integrity of individual States without getting a State's consent first.
This decision to reject debating the case, Upstate Citizens For Equality, Inc. v. US,
has created a firestorm among various groups.
In the past, petitioners from New York disputed the Federal government's 2008 decision to
turn over 13,000 acres of land to the Oneida Nation of New York, who are descendants of
the first nation's Iroquois tribe.
The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals decided that the Indian Commerce Clause allowed the Federal
government to take land away from the States.
The Supreme Court denied the opportunity to review the decision almost nine years ago
as well.
Justice Thomas condemned this decision by his colleagues, saying: "Congress would
reduce a State to near nonexistence by taking all land within its borders and declaring
it sovereign Indian territory."
"It is highly implausible that the Founders understood the Indian Commerce Clause, which
was virtually unopposed at the founding, as giving Congress the power to destroy the States'
territorial integrity," Mr. Thomas wrote in his dissent.
"Understood this way, the Indian Commerce Clause does not appear to give Congress the
power to authorize the taking of land into trust under the IRA."
He added that these land grabs were completely outside the scope of the Constitution and
what was originally intended for this legislation.
The Indian Commerce Clause, as intended by the Founding Fathers, was not meant to facilitate
the stripping of a sovereign State's power and land "for the purpose of providing land
for Indians."
"When our precedents permit such an absurd result, something has gone seriously awry.
It is time to fix our error.
We should have granted certiorari to reexamine our Indian Commerce Clause precedents, instead
of standing idly by as Congress, the Executive, and the lower courts stray further and further
from the Constitution," he wrote.
Nor is this the first time Justice Thomas spoke in opposition to a case involving lower
courts that are straying from the Constitution.
According to The Washington Post, Justice Thomas dissented earlier this year in another
case involving the Foreign Commerce Clause, which gives Congress the power to "regulate
Commerce with foreign nations."
In his dissent, Justice Thomas argued that the clause has given Congress unreasonable
power and that the Supreme Court should have taken on the case to stop a clear example
of federal overreach and "reaffirm that our Federal government is one of limited and
enumerated powers, not the world's lawgiver."
Judge Thomas' message is a dire warning of how much the federal government has grown
over the years, morphing into an entity with far greater powers than the founding fathers
ever intended it to be in the first place.
Guided Meditation & Breathing Affirmation Technique for DETACHMENT & RAPID MANIFESTATION! - Duration: 10:01.
Report: North Korea Close to Having Nuclear Missile That Can Hit 'Heinous Gangsters' in America - Duration: 2:40.
South Korea believes North Korea has accelerated its nuclear program, and may be close to announcing
they have achieved the ability to launch an intercontinental ballistic nuclear missile
capable of hitting the United States mainland.
The announcement by South Korea comes as North Korea released a statement referring to the
United States as "heinous gangsters."
Although it has been some time since North Korea has held a nuclear missile test, that
does not mean the hermit kingdom hasn't been moving forward with progress on the program.
Without providing details, a South Korean politician says Kim JOng Un's regime has
been making movements that indicate a major test or announcement may be immenent.
Katherine Lam of Fox News reports.
Kim Jong Un's regime is reportedly on the verge of announcing it's achieved full nuclear
capability, as North Korea expedites its intercontinental ballistic missile program with the aim of
being able to obliterate the "heinous gangsters" in the United States with a nuclear warhead.
South Korean unification minister Cho Myoung-gyon told foreign correspondents in Seoul that
2018 will be a "key year" for the rogue regime, which will celebrate its 70th anniversary
since being established, Yonhap News Agency reported.
"North Korea has been developing its nuclear weapons at a faster-than-expected pace.
We cannot rule out the possibility that North Korea could announce its completion of a clear
force within one year," Cho said, according to the South Korean news site.
Cho said though North Korea hasn't tested a nuclear weapon or missile since September,
people shouldn't overlook the brief hiatus.
The regime seems to be testing missile engines and fuels, Yonhap reported.
Cho warned: "It is a fact that we have witnessed some noteworthy movements in North Korea.
But it remains to be seen whether Pyongyang would make further provocations."
The South Korean official said there are four possible reasons why the regime has stayed
relatively silent for the last few months — a rarity after it launched more than a
dozen missiles since the start of 2017 and conducted a nuclear test on Sept. 3.
North Korea launched a missile on Sept. 14 that flew over Japan, three days after the
U.N. approved new sanctions against the dictatorship.
"As a seasonal factor, the North's provocations noticeably fell in the winter time.
Also from the technology perspective, the North may need the time to advance its [nuclear
and missile] programs as it seeks to complete its nuclear force," Cho explained.
TROLLS HOLIDAY Things You Missed & Easter Eggs - Duration: 4:52.
Dreamworks' all-singing, all-dancing trolls are back in a holiday special, which finds
Poppy, Branch, and friends on a mission to create a new day of celebration for the Bergens.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here, and today I'm going to reveal some cool details
and easter eggs you may have missed in the Trolls Holiday special.
And I'm running a Trolls book giveaway on this video.
To enter, make sure you're a subscriber and leave a comment below about the Trolls movie
or special.
When the Cater-bus falls into a wormhole, there's a lovely easter egg to the original
Troll toys that these animated characters are based on.
Biggie, Branch, and Poppy all turn into little plastic trolls, like the troll toys that were
so popular in the 1960s and again in the 1980s & 90s.
And Guy Diamond turns into a little plastic troll covered in glitter, which is funny because
the character of Guy Diamond, who's naked except for glitter, was created as a tribute
to the original troll dolls which often didn't wear any clothes.
As for Cooper, he turns into a giraffe troll toy just like the original set of animal trolls
that were the inspiration for the design of his character in the movie!
Later in the special, there's another shout-out to the original troll toys when Poppy and
Branch sing a song suggesting a whole range of holidays the Bergens might like to celebrate.
Among those holidays is Good Luck Troll Day which involves putting a gem in your belly
This is a little tribute to Thomas Dam, the Danish creator of the original troll dolls,
who named his toys Good Luck Trolls, and it's also a hat-tip to the 1990s toys called Treasure
Trolls which had a little jewel in their tummy button which you could make a wish on.
When the Caterbus crash-lands in front of King Gristle's castle, the next thing we see
is loads of butterflies fluttering away.
And those butterflies are the same colours as the Caterpillar that took Poppy and her
friends to Bergentown, which is a nice touch because, in real life, caterpillars do transform
into butterflies.
And, in case you missed that, another Caterpillar explodes into butterflies during the Troll-A-Bration.
By the way, something similar happened in the first Trolls movie when the DJ Stage Bug
burst into a mass of butterflies while Poppy was giving out invitations to the Trolls party.
There's lots of cool little details on the Caterbus Express.
For example, if you look at Cloud Guy, you'll notice he's wearing a blue driver cap which
has a cloud on it that's the same shape as he is.
And the controls on the bus's dashboard are similar to the bug defibrillators that Branch
used to bring Poppy back to life after she was attacked by spiders in the first movie.
The Holiday special also has a few little reminders from the Trolls movie of King Gristle's
first date with Bridget, aka Lady Glitter Sparkles.
First of all, there's a pepperoni pizza lying around the throne room.
And, like their first date, which they spent at Captain Starkfunkles Roller Rink, they
also end up skating in Trolls Holiday, though this time, as it's winter, they go ice rather
than roller-skating.
Unlike the Troll Tree in the movie, if you look closely at the Troll Tree in the Holiday
Special, you can see that it's shaped like a classic troll's hair, just like in Poppy's
Holiday presentation to Bridget and Gristle.
And speaking of hair, the top of Bridget's throne in the Bergen castle has a similar
shape to the hairstyle she had as Lady Glitter Sparkles.
To sell their various holiday ideas to Bridget and Gristle, Poppy and Branch dress up in
crazy costumes and perform a song-and-dance routine.
This sequence is a hat-tip to Branch's voice actor Justin Timberlake and his many Saturday
Night Live skits playing a guy who sells everything from vegan food to wrapping paper while singing
and dancing in crazy outfits.
There was actually also a nod to Timberlake's SNL sketches in the Trolls feature film when
Poppy did a song and dance dressed up in a basket costume, wearing white gloves.
The only time Biggie's pet worm, Mr Dinkles, speaks in the feature film is when they discover
Creek is alive, and instead of reacting with his usual squeaky-voiced 'mew' sound, he says,
'Oh, snap', in a deep voice.
In that movie, Mr Dinkles was voiced by the film's director Walt Dohrn, who also voices
Cloud Guy, but because Mr Dinkles has a bigger role in the Holiday special, he's now voiced
by prolific voice actor Kevin Michael Richardson.
By the way, in the final scene the words 'Happy holidays to all, and to all, a good night'
are a spin on the last line of the popular poem, 'A Visit from St Nicholas', which is
also known by its famous first line, 'Twas the night before Christmas.'
Now, what did you enjoy most about the Trolls Holiday?
And were there any other cool details you spotted?
Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to also subscribe for your chance to
win an awesome Trolls book.
I'll announce the winner on an upcoming video, so if you enjoyed this, make sure you turn
on your notifications and hit that like button.
And while you're here, why not tap the screen now to watch more of my Trolls and other animation
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Bangla Khobor 29 November 2017 Bangla Latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 26:49.
Bangla Khobor 29 November 2017 Bangla Latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla
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