as a recent eight-nation bracket tournament in the new york times showed
and i've discussed that a lot many people think the united states
healthcare system has a lot of problems so it seems reasonable to think of
policy changes that make things better not worse making it harder for
immigrants to come here to practice medicine would fail that test that's the
topic of this week's healthcare triage
by any objective standard the United States trains far too few physicians to
care for all the patients who need them we rank towards the bottom of developed
nations with respect to medical graduates per population when physicians
graduate from medical school they spend a number of years in a residency program
I did not enjoy mine although they have their degrees we still require them to
train further in the clinical environment to hone their skills
residents are more than learners though they're doctors they fill a vital role
in caring for patients in many hospitals across the country we don't have enough
graduates even to fill residency slots this means that we're reliant on
physicians trained outside the country to fill the gap a 2015 study found that
almost a quarter of residents across all fields were foreign medical graduates
and more than a third of residents and sub specialist programs were even
training aside foreign medical graduates are also responsible for a considerable
share of physicians practicing independently today about a quarter of
all doctors in the United States are foreign medical graduates as in many
other fields foreign medical graduates work in many of the areas that other
doctors find less appealing more than 40% of the American primary care
workforce is made up of people who trained in other countries and moved
here more than half of all the people who focus on caring for older people or
geriatricians are foreign medical graduates as well as if this weren't
enough foreign medical graduates are more likely to practice in geographic
areas of the country where there are physician shortages like non urban areas
and they're more likely to treat Medicaid patients - as a physician who
graduated from a domestic medical school I've often heard others disparaging
doctors who went to medical school outside this country as if they were
inferior those complaints are not supported by data study from health
Fair's in 2010 found that patients with congestive heart failure or myocardial
infarction had lower mortality rates when treated by doctors who were foreign
medical graduates another from earlier this year in the BMJ found that older
patients who were treated by foreign medical graduates had lower mortality as
well even though they seemed to be in general in other words foreign
medical graduates take care of patients who appear to be more ill but seem to
achieve better outcomes a recent study in annals of internal medicine shows
that these graduates are also responsible for a significant amount of
teaching of the 80,000 or so academic physicians in this country more than 18%
were foreign medical graduates more than 15% of full professors and medical
schools in the u.s. were educated elsewhere most often in Asia Western
Europe the Middle East Latin America and the Caribbean foreign medical graduates
also do a lot of research although they are ineligible for some NIH funding
which is granted only to citizens of this country they still manage through
collaboration to be primary investigators on 12 and 1/2 percent of
grants they led more than 18% of clinical trials in the US and were
responsible for about 18% of publications in the medical literature I
spoke to the lead author of the study Dhruv cooler who's a physician at New
York Presbyterian Hospital and a researcher at Weill Cornell he said and
I'm quoting our findings suggest that by some metrics these doctors account for
almost one-fifth of academic scholarship in the United States the diversity of
American medicine and the conversations ideas and breakthroughs this diversity
sparks may be one reason for our competitiveness as a global leader in
biomedical research and innovation the United States is not the only country
that relies on doctors trained or educated in other countries we're not
even the country with the highest percentage of such physician according
to data from the OECD almost 58 percent of physicians practicing in Israel are
foreign medical graduates about 40 percent of doctors in New Zealand and
Ireland we're also trained outside those country
because of the sizes of those nations even though the percentages of foreign
medical graduates are higher there the total numbers aren't as high as in the
u.s. though in 2015 the OECD estimated that the United States had more than two
hundred and thirteen thousand foreign trained doctors and no other country
comes close Britain had about 48,000 Germany about thirty-five thousand and
Australia France and Canada had between 22 and 27 thousand I've listened to
people tell me stories of physicians who leave Canada because they were
dissatisfied about working in a single-payer health care system that
might have been true debt to go but in the last 10 years that
number has dropped precipitously the number of Canadians returning to their
country to practice may actually be higher than the number leaving and
although many feared the coverage expansions from the Affordable Care Act
might lead to an overwhelmed physician workforce that didn't happen that
doesn't mean that America doesn't have a shortage of physician services as we've
discussed in previous episodes especially when it comes to the care of
the oldest the poorest and the most geographically isolated among us even
though we know foreign medical graduates care for these patients just
proportionally we make it very difficult for many born and trained elsewhere to
practice here some Americans need those doctors desperately all the evidence
seems to suggest that policies should be made to attract them not deter them
sometimes talking about drugs and sex education and health insurance aren't
advertising friendly and making those important videos could actually hurt our
bottom line healthcare triage is made possible in part therefore by our
supporters at patreon the support we receive from our patrons at patreon
allows us to keep making those kinds of videos without worrying about ad revenue
so thanks to all of them and particularly thanks to our surgeon
Admiral Sam and Research Associates Joe sevens and Joshua Crowe if you'd like to
support the show we'd really appreciate it you can go to
there tree up while we're asking you to do stuff please consider subscribing to
the show consider buying some healthcare triage
merch as the holidays come up at HCT merch calm and I've got a book coming
out in November 7th the bad food Bible available anywhere you'd buy books and
I'd really appreciate your picking up a copy
For more infomation >> The US Health Care System Needs Immigrants - Duration: 6:37.-------------------------------------------
Famous Rocker Says He'd Do The UNTHINKABLE To Trump For "The Safety Of Humanity" Breaking News Today - Duration: 2:48.
Famous Rocker Says He'd Do The UNTHINKABLE To Trump 'For The Safety Of Humanity'
Famous Rocker Says He'd Do The UNTHINKABLE To Trump 'For The Safety Of Humanity'
Famous Rocker Says He'd Do The UNTHINKABLE To Trump 'For The Safety Of Humanity'
Famous Rocker Says He'd Do The UNTHINKABLE To Trump 'For The Safety Of Humanity'
Brandon Peters has leg up as UM's QB for 2018 - Sports Gallery 4U - Duration: 1:22.
Brandon Peters has leg up as UM's QB for 2018 - Sports Gallery 4U
When Michigan pass-game coordinator Pep Hamilton spoke at length about the quarterbacks last
week, the assumption was the competition going forward would include experienced veteran
Wilton Speight, redshirt freshman Brandon Peters, who saw an increased role late in
the season as starter, and freshman Dylan McCaffrey, who is redshirting this year.
Speight, however, is moving on for his final year of eligibility, announcing Sunday night
he will be a graduate transfer.
He takes with him 16 career starts at Michigan, including the first four of this season before
being sidelined after fracturing three vertebrae at Purdue in the Big Ten opener on Sept. 23.
Hamilton said last week on "Inside Michigan Football" he wants to go into the offseason
"with an established quarterback."
There isn't anyone left more established than Peters.
Video: Sunny, brisk day before temps climb - Duration: 2:27.
Бассейн Говорящего Тома #25 ТОМ АКВАПАРК ДРУЗЬЯ Анджела Хэнк Джинджер мультик игра Talking Tom Pool - Duration: 19:51.
Modifikasi Striping Honda New CBR150R Black livery SKY VR46 RACING TEAM - Duration: 1:16.
Call Me By Your Name Movie Review - Duration: 10:56.
I haven't seen an Oscar Bait movie
this well executed since The King's Speech.
அடேய் கல்யாணமே ஆகல அதுக்குள்ள...! என்னடா அவசரம்..! முழுசா பாருங்க செம காமெடி | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 0:36.
LEGO City Dirt Road Pursuit review! Mountain Police set 60172 - Duration: 13:29.
hey everybody this is the lego city dirt road pursuit set part of the 2018
mountain police sub theme I'm gonna start off going through the little stuff
very quickly and then move my way up to the bigger stuff this is a police
motocross bike and there's nothing too special about the bike itself except for
the fact that the fairing piece is blue has one sticker on it and we've seen
this general design before so that's that it's cool for what it is if he
asked me there's one criminal in the set and he gets this thing I'm gonna call a
truggy it's like a truck buggy hybrid I think
kid most closely approximates a truck that has the fenders removed this does
use the new piece that they've just introduced this year for the brush guard
on the front that looks great I absolutely love that piece and look
forward to seeing it used so so many ways don't particularly like the front
of this thing though the way that the the removal of the fenders is done maybe
it's just supposed to be a buggy in the first place but it just looks kind of
cut off here on the sides the center section is fine got the side view mirror
angled just a little bit got a little bit of roll cage on the back there I do
like the axle pieces that they use gives a nice little bit of shape and
suggestion of some suspension linkages in there got just a small space to hold
on to some cargo on the backhand right now he's got his backpack there with the
money that has been stolen and it's basically a 4 wide build at the ends and
a 6 wide build in the middle would've been nice to be able to put two people
in here given that it's completely open top there's not a good reason to have
this completely just kind of pinched in from the sides there but the driver's
compartment is pretty simple with just a steering wheel now that's a rock and
that's a sign warning you about rock slides there's actually an action
feature built into this small little piece of terrain that is pretty perfect
it's so simple it's just a couple of Technic lift arms there and you can push
on the back and it makes the rock come off
you can do it lightly or you can really get into it and make that thing
yeah I'm not I'm not gonna be able to reach that make that thing really just
flip off it's it's simple I'm glad that they just used grey for the parts so it
doesn't really stand out in a bad way this thing is perfectly fine for what it
is just fine as a terrain piece better that it has the action feature all right
now we get to the big thing the main thing the police pursuit 4x4 I think the
cab section of this truck looks really good much better than I expected it to I
was kind of biased by some of the proportions here but this area in here
all this looks really nice to me has a certain amount of realism to it I like
the use of the semi squared off fenders a little bit of red is used in board
that actually is intentional it's supposed to represent shocks in there so
if you look at it from the right angles you can start to see a little bit of
that actually doesn't detract for once it's definitely intentional and I think
is a good thing it looks pretty good from around the front again just looking
at the center section looks like a Ford to me the way that it's set up and then
you have these huge tires that stick way out which i think is okay you know
considering that it's a toy it's not trying to be a realistic you know
collectible model scale model of something these tires work really great
they always have they just play well they have a nice squishiness to them
they're real rubber you can really drive over actually rough terrain and couches
and you know the median between the kitchen floor and a living room or
whatever it actually works you know it's it's
good stuff for play I personally don't like the look of the proportions with
those tires being as large as they are and this section back here underneath
the bed doesn't look that great to me personally it's also a little bit
squared off around the axles so that's really what threw me off at first also
how far in the bed extends out I think a longer wheelbase would have made a
little bit more sense just maybe one more stud maybe too easy enough to
modify though for sure has a bed section here does not have a
tailgate that can be brought down you can store some cargo in there not a very
good use of space though for an eight wide build back you're actually like
this angle right here and I appreciate the fact that it has clips for attaching
minifig accessories Thank You Lego for putting those on to more and more and
more and more sets these days it is crucial it's important it is much
appreciated so kids who don't want to lose their accessories all over the
place don't have to they connect them to the set that stuff goes with take off
the roof and the interior actually looks pretty good I like the yellow and I like
the yellow bar behind the guy that's that's pretty cool has the printed
console piece in there so better than kind of the minimum
I think the transparent colored pieces are nice with the blue here then blue on
the front a little bit of red back here don't like that little bit of yellow
that sticks through but I've been putting off getting to the net shooter
this is my very first video to show you the new 2018 net shooter piece so it's
all of the yellow that you see there so not including this half height lift arm
it's everything above that's mostly all one piece and then this is a great
trigger trigger mechanism which is a separate piece this actually clicks into
place kind of cocks back to let you know that it's ready and you can feel an
actual click in there they no longer recommend that you fold the net in a
particular way just kind of stuff it in there and that works pretty well
actually this is so much smaller than the old set up to use with a jet engine
housing and yet it's able to hold on to the net much better than the old thing
so that is much appreciated from the start that is definitely an improvement
let's actually check this out though I'm just gonna play with a little bit see if
I can catch this guy see what the distance is just give it a little dry
run here hey not too bad I mean that almost caught him I guess that's that's
about the distance think previously when I was playing with
this it would hit a little bit a little bit closer than that but I'm just
bunching up the net so no specific means of folding it up this is the thing that
I actually like about this the most see push it in and hopefully heard a click
there that net is not coming out I don't have to worry about it
it's reset it comes out fairly consistently doesn't always open up
exactly the same but comes out in roughly the same place in in my play
testing with it each time that I've tried it I have not actually tried
folding this up there may be a good way to fold it that'll make it you know come
out more reliably that's full spread or may allow you to have you know a longer
reach with it but every single time I put it back in its not trying to bring
itself out and it feels like it's the same net material as before it's just
this new design that works much better than what they've used for years now so
there came up a little bit shorter but that's basically how it works so not a
lot of distance on that definitely is it's definitely not always going to
perfectly capture the guy in front so you kind of have to I would say still
use your imagination a bit but it works much better than the old system I
personally don't like the look of it especially with the section down at the
base I think the top part is cool enough but the the section of it that's used
for attaching things it doesn't look that great to me has the Technic pin
hole on one side and then the underside it's actually being used uses axles
because it's using axles going into Technic topped bricks or at least one
it's not able to turn see this is not a turret I would have preferred to be able
to turn this we've been even better to be able to angle it to be able to
actually choose how far away I want it to go I would like to have seen a
ratcheted joint to let me set the angle up and down and then just a free-flowing
just turntable to to go side to side or something ratcheted but just
a little more ability to aim with this but it's definitely a step up from what
they've done previously much more compact much more consistent in how it
works feels better to play with just looks
more like you know like a like a foam dart gun or something that's attached as
opposed to some of the other things where you would get different colors
that might fit in what the color scheme a little bit better I think this is
intentional here I'm sure they'll do different colors over time I'm only
spending extra time on this here because this is the first time that I've
actually shown this new net shooter function so far so okay it's not great
but it's definitely not bad it's better than I thought it'd be here's a closer
look at the three figures included in the set two cops and one robber it's
nice to get some some print on the legs for just regular City stuff although
those prints do appear to be a little bit sloppy especially the one in the
center it's it's off center a little bit and a little bit weird around the edges
but I think all three of these torso designs look pretty good the one on the
right is another one that I think could have been more generic didn't have to
have the the jail uniform underneath there
but that's just a decision that they were made to always make sure that you
see someone is a criminal because they have the jail uniform on in some way
that is a new motocross helmet design and I think it looks great I love it I
love that shaping they went with a a plain finish to it so unlike the the
caps that you see to the sides there and they have just a little bit of texture
on them the motocross helmet does have a completely glossy finish I think it
looks nice from every angle looks nice from the top that looks good to me it it
does work only with a limited number of inserts so you can't put a tread you
can't put the regular face jion's like the the standard you know transparent
ones on there that would have been nice to have more options you may be able to
find some other things they'll fit but mostly it's just going to be that one
you can also run this of course with out those goggles and that also is a
pretty good look I would say I'm not sure if you realized at first that this
was a female figure underneath there it's you know these are these are common
faces but I believe all new torsos and looking at those around the back
I like the torso prints on the backs as well all three of them maybe even a
little bit better than I do the ones on the Front's let me just make sure you
can see clearly what faces there and that's that but most of that was very
subjective talk there's one objective problem with this sin that is the price
I originally thought that this thing was 30 bucks in the US for just shy of 300
pieces which would have made it a good deal for the amount of stuff that you
can do here the amount of play potential that's here that would be they'll be
really good and it would also represent a perfect price to part ratio but it's
40 dollars in the u.s. that no no that's too much that's definitely too much in
my opinion for for what I'm looking at here for the volume of stuff and the
amount of play potential that is here it's not the right price it should be 30
35 would be pushing it but it should be 30 so I would recommend that if you
really want this or if you're the parent of a child who really wants this try to
find it for 30 bucks wait a little while wait for it to come down wait for a sale
or something at that price I think that it's good for the younger kids for sure
and this will also work for multiple kids as multiple kids can definitely
play it together this is this is a small play set but the price the standard
retail price at least in the US haven't seen prices elsewhere but in the u.s.
it's not good and I don't like that so there you go my thoughts on this set the
dirt road pursuit hopefully some of the other mountain police sets for 2018 will
be a little bit better either in how they look how they play this one played
okay but also be nice to see some better values
out there stay tuned I've got more videos on the way so I'll talk to you
Meghan Markle's Engagement Ring Replica On Sale For "£22 50" But You'll Have To Be Quick Breaking - Duration: 2:45.
Meagan, markle's engagement ring replica on sale for 22 pounds and 50 events but, you'll have to be quick
The megane marking effect, saw. Canadian website line the label crash yesterday after the actress stepped out in one of the brand's fall
2017 codes
Thousands of women rushed to copy the 36, year olds regal style after she appeared, alongside her new, fiance prince harry
And now royal wannabes can get a budget copy of her engagement ring to the look, like ring
By, qvc is sterling silver plated, with gold and has 1.7. Carats of diamonds
Diamond it features one large rock in the center and two smaller sparklers either side just like megan's
While megan's engagement ring has been deemed of inestimable worth by jewellery experts
Replica is on sale for just twenty two pounds and fifty events however?
the ring already seems to have sold out in most sizes and is currently only available in k l & n
jewelry experts
Sophie lomax head of design at
77 diamonds calm believes a ring similar to megan's would cost around, fifty thousand pounds
However with the use of the late princess diana's diamonds it has been deemed priceless she said
Prince harry has chosen a trilogy
Ring he is said to have designed the ring and incorporated some of his mother princess diana's diamonds in it making it a
jewel of inestimable value
With two round diamonds supporting, what looks like a 2.5. Carat cushion cut
Diamond the stones are set in white gold with the
Main band of the ring and yellow gold a ring of this size and quality, would generally start at around
50,000 pounds prince harry designed the diamond ring, which features one stone from botswana
Where he and megan recently holiday and two diamonds from his mother's personal collection if you are looking for a more high-end
Replica the london victorian rank company are preparing for an influx of inquiries for their three stone yellow
Gold engagement ring a similar trilogy designed to megan's exquisite ring
The golden diamond ring is on sale for three thousand four hundred. Fifty pounds
The, same jewellery company experienced unprecedented sales of art deco rings following pippa middleton's engagement
Tercera clase Árbol con variación base cuadrada DIY COMO HACER ARBOLES NAVIDEÑOS CON PAPEL PERIODICO - Duration: 7:34.
3 Early Signs You MUST Notice - How to Find Fleas on Dogs? - Duration: 1:38.
Hi and here from healthy pet systems
Today I will talk about three early
signs that will help you spot does your dog have fleas
And it's essential that you look for the signs of flea presents
Okay let's start with the first sign
Sign number one observe if your dog scratches leaks or bites themselves
Sign number two. Does your dog have red patches on the skin it's the sign of allergic reaction
And the top three major causes of allergic reaction on
dogs are fleas environment and food so pay attention to that
And sign number three.
Does your dog have little black or brown specks?
Fleas are also present in
yard house and furniture so pay attention and observe your environment
To find out more I created a great guide about fleas on dogs
Link is down below in description if you liked this video hit the like
button and subscribe you don't want to miss new helpful videos in future
And as always let's keep our pets healthy!
Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of Stroke - Duration: 18:01.
10 signs and symptoms of stroke. A stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), is a scary experience. It occurs when the blood supply to the brain is impeded or cut off completely due to lack of blood flow (or ischemia), blockage (thrombosis, arterial embolism), or a brain hemorrhage. As a result, the brains stops functioning normally and oftentimes the muscles in the body, the reflexes, and the senses are all affected.
If you have multiple signs and symptoms of this problem, ask your doctor to check your health levels. And here are 7 Common Signs of A stroke that you should to know.
1, Weakness in arm or leg.
We already know that stroke usually affects only one side of the body and often a weakness appears in the opposite side. This can be manifested as a weakness or numbness in the arm or leg or even paralysis. There is an easy test to check if this is happening to you – just extend your arms with palms up for 10 seconds. If one of your arms drifts downwards, it usually means you are having a stroke. Do this with your legs as well by lifting each of them separately with your eyes open.
2, Difficult Speech.
Difficult or slurred speech is another obvious warning sign. If an individual suddenly has difficulty speaking or forming intelligent sentences, it can indicate a stroke. Observers often explain it as watching someone helpless trying to talk, or a look of sudden confusion on the affected person's face. The person experiencing the stroke can feel extremely confused at the inability to speak, put words together in a sentence, or simply trying to focus on speaking.
3, Loss of Balance. The onset of a stroke will cause extreme physical turmoil, so much so that often victims have trouble walking, lose their balance and coordination completely, and even have trouble sitting down without falling. You could stumble and it could feel next to impossible to get your balance, even just focusing on your balance and coordination. Dizziness, (discussed in more detail further in this article), is a common symptom that goes along with balance, walking and coordination issues because the dizzy feelings can actually sometimes be the cause.
While loss of balance is a symptom of a stroke, you can also experience it after a stroke. You may continue to feel dizzy and insecure in your ability to walk without stumbling or falling. According to the Stroke Association, you are more likely to experience balance problems if the stroke affected the left side of your body. Some stroke survivors may only feel mild balance issues, while others may have severe loss of balance, impacting their quality of life.
4, Impaired Vision. Those affected by a stroke often explain there is a period prior where they have trouble seeing or seeing clearly. They could experience double vision, blurred vision, or complete loss of vision. These vision problems might only be temporary, but observers can test visual aptitude by asking the victim how many fingers they are holding up. If they can't tell, call 9-1-1.
Many people who have had a stroke experience vision problems afterwards, especially if the stroke was on the right side of the brain. You could have blind spots or trouble focusing because of the cells that are destroyed in the visual cortex. While a high amount of stroke survivors have impaired vision, medical advances have increased the chance of seeing well enough to do regular things like shopping, going out for a walk, or even driving. Intense treatment involving retraining the brain has helped many survivors get some or most of their vision back.
5, Facial Paralysis. Oftentimes a stroke inflicts the facial muscles, where one side of the face droops or goes totally numb so the face appears non symmetrical when they try to talk or smile. This is a common symptom that's easy for other people to notice. When you suspect someone if having a stroke, you should ask the person to smile. This is a quick way to identify if they're having a stroke, and if facial paralysis occurs, get them emergency medical attention immediately. Even if the non symmetrical smile or speech difficulty isn't from a stroke, it's still a sign that something serious is wrong.
Rehabilitation therapy plays a crucial role in recovering from facial paralysis. Some stroke survivors fully recover from facial paralysis over time, but it is permanent for many people. This symptom and often permanent effect of a stroke is caused by either lack of oxygen to the facial nerve in the brain, or bleeding that puts pressure on nerves and tissues.
강성진 아내 이현영 부인 걸그룹 출신 가족이야기|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 5:26.
'Solar City Seoul,' the future of solar energy in S. Korea - Duration: 5:17.
Renewable energy.
Looked to as the future, since it brings both environmental and economic benefits.
South Korea is also jumping on board, declaring itself a future solar city.
Lee Jeong-yeon shows us what that industry could look like for the country in the future.
Here's something not many people in Seoul have seen.
Mini solar panels hanging outside apartment balconies.
This residential area is a new energy-powered village with around 200 households producing
solar energy.
(Korean) "I paid around 90 U.S. dollars, one-sixth
of the cost.
The rest was funded by the government.
I've always been interested in renewable energy so I'm glad to take part."
This one mini solar panel can produce around 300 watts of electricity, which is enough
to run a refrigerator.
It can cut electricity bills by between six and eight U.S. dollars a month.
This area shows what the city government is trying to achieve with its "Solar City Seoul"
So what prompted such a project?
(Korean)- "Fossil fuels are causing huge climate change.
So we're turning to renewable energy.
Seoul's initiative is projected to produce one gigawatt of power by 2022, the equivalent
of one nuclear power plant."
The city's goal is to get 1-million households to install mini solar panels and to increase
the city's solar energy reliance to 3-percent.15-billion won, or 14-million U.S. dollars will be invested
into solar energy over the next five years, and public facilities such as streetlights
will be solar powered.
If this goal is accomplished, it will slash greenhouse gas emissions by about 540-thousand
tons, the equivalent of planting 8-thousand pine trees.
But on top of environmental effects, there are also economic benefits.
(Korean) "Expanding the solar energy industry will
create more jobs.
Also, the city will rely less on outside sources for energy, and keep the money flowing within
the region."
Because Seoul is a land-locked region that limits the use of other types of renewable
energy, solar energy is its best option.
And there's a part of Seoul that's been using it for the last five years.
(stand-up) Here in Gangdong-gu district is a village
that's already making active use of solar energy.
Most households here produce and consume their own electricity.
Sipjaseong Village is a model energy-powered village in Seoul.
It was established in 1974 by Vietnam War veterans.
A total of around 50 households in the village use solar panels, producing 45-percent of
the village's total energy demand.
(Korean) "When the Fukushima nuclear disaster happened
it made us more aware of the need for renewable energy, so we have taken part in this solar
energy project since 2012."
But not all residents were open to the idea from the start.
(Korean) "I actually didn't want to participate because
I didn't know much about it.
But now that we are involved, it's amazing.
I don't know why the government didn't do this earlier."
The most obvious benefit: lower electricity bills.
2190 , . 8-9 4000 "It usually costs around two dollars a month,
four dollars at the most when I use air-conditioning in summer."
Renewable energy is relatively new to Korea, but there are some places around the world
that are already exploring its full potential.
The Danish island of Samso has been producing more energy than it consumes for the past
(English ) "We are more than 100-percent self-supplied
and we have reduced the CO2 emission.
We are carbon negative.
We actually have an emission of -3.7 tons per capita, which seen from a global perspective
is very good."
One way to boost production is to increase citizen involvement.
(Korean) "60% of Seoul residents live in apartments.
So citizens can form co-operatives to invest in solar panels and share the earnings."
But at the heart of citizen participation is awareness, and that's what some say is
a priority.
(English ) "From being interested to actually investing
money into a project is a long way to go because it takes a lot of convincing for people to
invest their savings into new technology they don't know about.
So information and education is really key to the process of change."
(Korean) "The most effective way is to increase tax
on electricity, which will make people more aware of how much they're using."
In reality, South Koreans only pay the standard value-added tax amount of 10-percent for electricity.
This is in stark contrast to Denmark with 59-percent tax, and Germany with 51 percent.
As the Korean saying goes, "we only see as much as we know."...
So many experts say the most important task is to educate the public and get them involved.
And after that, everything else will follow suit.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News
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