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For more infomation >> HN किस तरह Google Chrome को अपडेट करना - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
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North Korea launches ballistic missile in its first test in 70 days - Duration: 2:39.
We begin our newscast with coverage of the big breaking story...
In the early hours of this morning,... North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile into
waters off its east coast.
It's the first provocation by the regime in more than two months-- and the first since
the U.S. redesignated the regime back on the list of state sponsor of terrorism.
The missile fired very early in the morning unlike the previous ones,... has been confirmed
by the Pentagon to be an ICBM... and has reportedly flew hundreds of kilometers... before landing
in the East Sea off the coast of Japan.
Keeping us abreast with the details,... we have our Yu Joonhee with us on the line.
Joonhee, what do we know so far.
According to South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff...
North Korea launched a ballistic missile in an eastwardly direction,... at precisely 3:17
am local time here in Seoul.
The projectile was fired from the city of Pyongsong,... roughly 30 kilometers northeast
of the capital Pyongyang.
It was reportedly in the air for 50 minutes... before landing in the East Sea,... 210 kilometers
off the coast of Japan's Aomori Prefecture,... an area which lies within Japan's exclusive
economic zone.
As you mentioned,... this is the first time North Korea has test-fired a ballistic missile
in 75 days... with the last one occurring back in mid-September.
U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis... confirmed the latest missile was an ICBM,... and Pentagon
officials say it flew roughly 4,500 kilometers into space... higher than anything previously
fired by North Korea.
What has been the immediate reaction from South Korea,... as well as other regional
players like the United States and Japan?
Seoul was the quickest to react.
The South Korean military launched several missiles of its own,... just six minutes after
North Korea's test launch.
Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff said... it conducted precision-strike drills off the eastern coast...
using a Hyunmoo-II ballistic missile... as well as other weapons fired from a South Korean
fighter jet and a navy vessel.
U.S. President Donald Trump was also briefed by his security aides... and was rather unfazed
in his reaction and offered only short remarks.
Trump told reporters... that the U.S. will take care of the matter and that it was something
they could handle... while sharing no other details.
In Japan,...
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called an emergency meeting of his cabinet... immediately following
the launch.
Just prior to that meeting,...
Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga... urged North Korea to change its policy,...
warning of the grim future it faces if it stays on its current path.
That's all for now,... and we'll have more updates later as further details emerge.
Back to you.
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America Is Sick And Tired Of The NFL Cowards So Trump Just Slaughtered Them. - Duration: 4:41.
America Is Sick And Tired Of The NFL Cowards So Trump Just Slaughtered Them.
The proof for any theory is in its real-life application, and Americans have proved time
and again that they're sick of the National Football League.
As if their off the field violence wasn't enough, the disrespect they've shown to
the National Anthem pushed it too far, and America pushed back.
We pushed the buttons on our remotes to turn them off, we pushed the TV providers to refund
our money and we pushed the matches across the box to start the fires that burned out
jerseys and season tickets.
That backlash has cost the league hundreds of millions, and possibly billions of dollars
before the season ends, and we're just getting started.
If America has its way, the league is going to be shut down for good, and that's partly
due to the attentiveness of President Trump to the needs of America.
Not only is the anthem protest offensive to many Americans, it sets a dangerous precedent
for those to come that we don't have to respect our anthem or our country.
Americans have decided that the NFL is bad for the country, and according to the Daily
Mail, the President is backing us on it, declaring that they are going to just keep getting into
more trouble unless they start behaving the way we expect them to:
"Donald Trump resumed attacking the National Football League on Tuesday, saying the league
is 'weak and out of control' for allowing players to kneel during the playing of the
National Anthem without any consequences.
'At least 24 players kneeling this weekend at NFL stadiums that are now having a very
hard time filling up,' the president tweeted, referring to the much-noted empty seats that
have drawn unwanted attention in television broadcasts.
'The American public is fed up with the disrespect the NFL is paying to our Country,
our Flag and our National Anthem,' he wrote.
Trump blasted the league's commissioner on Black Friday for 'losing control' of
players after New York Giants defensive end Olivier Vernon took a knee for the anthem
on Thanksgiving Day."
While the President's comments will no doubt be perceived by some as being too aggressive,
it's worth noting that the President isn't the one that made this political, the NFL
The President, along with most other politicians, were perfectly willing to let anyone who wished
bash their heads together every Sunday Monday and Thursday of the fall and winter.
But they started kneeling and showing disrespect and that's when football became everyone's
"President Donald Trump said Tuesday morning on Twitter that the 'weak and out of control'
NFL is losing its audience because it allows players to kneel during the National Anthem.
Even if there were nothing in the world wrong with their anthem protest, it's just bad
for business for a company to do something that so many of their fans object to.
If the fans were ok with the players showing disrespect, it would make sense for them to
carry on, but at this point, they seem to be making the statement that they're willing
to sacrifice just about any amount of money to stick it to the country and the President.
If there isn't a major change to the way they do business, the NFL is going to be left
with a whole lot of fancy stadiums and not a whole lot of fans to fill them.
More from our source about the progression of the protest over the past few weeks:
"Several Seattle Seahawks players knelt and sat on the bench during the playing of
the National Anthem on Sunday before playing the San Francisco 49ers.
'Can you believe that the disrespect for our Country, our Flag, our Anthem continues
without penalty to the players?' he asked in a Friday morning Twitter rant.
'The Commissioner has lost control of the hemorrhaging league.
Players are the boss!'
Vernon, 27, came under heavy fire from fans for his protest.
Trump has previously demanded that NFL players who kneel during the anthem to protest the
treatment of African-Americans should be fired or suspended.
'The NFL is now thinking about a new idea – keeping teams in the Locker Room during
the National Anthem next season.
That's almost as bad as kneeling!' he wrote last week.
'When will the highly paid Commissioner finally get tough and smart?
This issue is killing your league!'
Some players and teams have stayed in their locker rooms before games this year, emerging
only after the National Anthem is played in order to avoid the decision of whether or
not to stand.
Nine days ago Trump slammed Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch for continuing
to sit for The Star Spangled Banner, despite standing for the Mexican anthem during a game
played at Azteca Stadium in Mexico City.
NFL viewership on television was down about 5 percent over the first seven weeks of the
NFL season, according to CNN.
However, that decline is part of an overall downtick in ratings.
what do you think about this?
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I'm friend it's me Jazzy Puppet today we're going to make a custom lol doll
we're going to make up a Vampirina! let's make her friends I'm princess pink and
I'm gonna help Jazzy make this cute custom lol doll first we need to cut off
her hair right here trim it off this is will be carved pumpkins with we're gonna
saw it off saw saw saw saw saw this lol doll is DJ poor little DJ guess what DJ
I'm gonna turn you into a vampire
Franken baby she looks pretty horrible sorry DJ no
don't worry I'm gonna make you look beautiful
silver brain silver brains boom it kind of looks like the creepy baby from Toy
Story we're gonna use air dry clay to make her hair to make her little
pigtails and to make the dress let's make her have a helmet head it's not
really a helmet head it'll look like that Barinas hair okay so maybe it does
look like a helmet head but hey that's okay so we're gonna cut out her little
bangs right here it's kind of like a little heart in the front but at least
she doesn't look like that crazy baby toy story anymore here's vamper in his
hair sit for a little pig cows we're gonna make those a little while
and when I say a little while I mean right now they look like little bat
wings so it's kinda like making to go bat wings and you put the little rubber
bands on the end Hades a little bat wings stick out of her head
let's make a little pink rubber bands
dan fariñas wearing a short sleeve shirt so we're gonna have to chop off
these golden sleeves chop-chop
whoa you hop turn into her clothes let's put her little skirt on he just like
wrapping a towel around her waist wrap it around and then take off the extra
from the back time to trim the skirt it was a little
long now we're gonna form little scallops that kind of look like the edge
of em purina's spider Rab the dress each time I use the clay I let it dry
overnight now it's time to paint the entire dolly white poor little baby she
went from looking like Frank and baby to ghost baby baby little shirt for some
school pink too I'm just gonna go ahead and paint your feet
all of her skin goes purple purple purple it's a purple baby little pink
lips I'm using a darker metallic purple for the eyes so they look beautiful and
sparkly she has little blue blood let's put on her on later it's makeup time
baby pink black round the top and some little eyelashes this makes her eyes
look so pretty
let's paint your dress black now the whole thing goes black black of a black
her helmet whoops I mean her hair goes black also
he has a teeny tiny small necklace and webs are the dress so we're gonna
use this light blue to paint the stripes down and then we're gonna make little
scallops connecting them it's a little interweb dress she's starting to look
cute now not so ugly like Franken baby what lol surprised all custom should I
make next write it down below in the comments and maybe we can make it for
you the teeny tiny little small need some eyes trying to do her pigtails wait
a minute are they back tails are bat wings I
don't know I marked the little spot where they go and I'm gonna glue them on
the superglue have to hold it in turrets drive bat wings super cute
let's put little purple shoelaces on her little boots
and she's done a custom stamp arena and we'll surprised all the surprises she's
a vampire ha ha ha ha I told you I'd make you a cute little DJ doll she
turned out so cute I just loved her and here's the back down below in the
comments and maybe I can make it for you to watch mark Jessi puppet videos click
one of those boxes up there and to be my best friend
click the bell down below so you know when all my new videos come out here I
hope that you have a beautiful day and remember to always be kind
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Breast Pain After Breast Augmentation-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:03.
Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Wonder Breasts.
Today we are going to discuss: Breast pain after breast augmentation.
In this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery.
Welcome back!
Any procedure that involves incisions can cause some degree of pain and discomfort for the patient,
and the breast augmentation procedure is no exception.
After all, your breasts are getting incisions and surgical trauma.
The intensity and length of the pain in the breasts after surgery differs from patient to patient.
Some patients are able to tolerate more intense pain, whereas others can't tolerate even minor pain.
The pain associated with breast augmentation normally exists for the first 48-72 hours following the surgery.
It results from the incision and injury to your tissue, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves.
This type of pain is normal and will soon subside.
The pain can be overcome with the use of painkillers.
The second type of pain associated with breast augmentation is that resulting from the implant
stretching the skin.
No matter if the implant is placed underneath or above the breast muscle, it will place pressure on the skin.
This type of pain is initially intense and like a pinch.
After the first 24 hours, it will subside as your skin and muscle gradually accommodate the implant.
When the skin is stretched, it may have effects on your nerves that pass through the skin.
Particularly, the fourth intercostal nerve that makes your nipples and medial areas of the breasts sensitive
can be affected by the surgery.
Due to the stretch of this nerve by the implant, you may experience pain in specific areas of your breasts.
This pain is normally mild and will disappear within a few weeks.
If the implant is placed under the breast muscle, it may stretch the muscle, causing discomfort like spasms
and cramps that may lead to pain in the breast.
In order to cope with this pain, I normally advise my patients to take muscle relaxants
for a few days after the breast augmentation surgery.
For most patients, all types of pain in the breasts after augmentation are short lived
and can be managed with painkillers like Vicodin.
However, if the pain becomes more intense or prolongs for more than four days after the procedure,
it might be a sign of complications like infection.
As such, you should contact your doctor.
In this video, we discussed: Breast pain after breast augmentation.
Next week we will discuss: How long do you have to sleep on your back after breast augmentation.
Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel
for more information, here at the Wonder Breasts channel, only on YouTube.
Also, you can log on to our website,
for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.
If you have a question please post it below and we'll be happy to answer it.
Maybe we will make a video about it.
Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.
On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.
Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.
Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.
Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.
Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.
And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.
And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.
All these and more in the Hourglass TV!
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