Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
Just in case Hulu, Amazon Prime, or Netflix aren't suiting your streaming service needs
for you, Apple could be getting ready to launch their own platform in 2022.
According to a projection by venture capitalist firm, Loup Ventures, Apple could be backing
their own original content with 4.2 billion dollars by 2022.
That would represent an enormous jump from their current investment level of 500 million
This aggressive jump in funding their video department comes as Apple is trying to rebrand
their current subscription based music streaming service with their own videos.
Currently Apple has roughly 30 million subscribers, which would easily jump over Hulu who provides
services to 12 to 15 million people.
Something that would set Apple apart is that it's reported they will avoid licensed content,
unlike any current subscription video or on demand suppliers.
However the same Loup Ventures report also estimates that Amazon will outspend both Apple
and Netflix by putting 8.3 billion dollars into their platform within the same timeframe.
Netflix currently spends the most on their original content.
With all these new streaming platforms shedding dough into what the next binge sensation is,
we're bound to get some great TV in the near future.
That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe
to Complex on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
For more infomation >> Apple Projected to Invest More Than $4 Billion in Original Video by 2022 - Duration: 1:20.-------------------------------------------
Introduction au MAAQ - Duration: 3:01.
Yves : Hello everyone, today Jonathan offered me to do a capsule series about MAAC
Yves : There are a lot of people on social networks looking for information
Yves : And what happens to the information on social networks?
Jonathan: They disappear, they come back, they go down below
Jonathan : There is another person who will re-ask the same question and she will disappear again
Jonathan : So...
Yves : Exactly so the advantage of the capsules to Jonathan it will be to seize that once and for all and it will add the relevant links in the description of its videos and the links towards the other capsules on the MAAC
Yves : Not to make a huge video
Yves : So we will try to be fast, short and accurate and relevant
Yves : On what is the MAAC
Yves : And what can it bring you
Yves : At the same time I am a long time member and I will try to give you an objective opinion
Yves : There are pros he and there may be cons
Yves : But at the moment with Transport Canada
Yves : You were trying to fly as commercial? Recreative?
Jonathan : Commercial and recreational but even with that there is no place that really allows us to fly
Jonathan : Especially in the city
Jonathan : So it's the disadvantage
Yves : In controlled area
Jonathan : That's it. Controlled area Especially and apart from going in the end of the woods
Yves : That's it, so the MAAC thankfully we took advantage of an exemption given our history since the 50s
Yves : So it's been 60 years since the MAAC people are looking for flying fields. It did not start a year ago. No, it's been 60 years since we are looking for flight zones
Yves : So we can give you clues about where you could fly
Yves : And what can MAAC do to help you
Yves : Especially in 2018 with the new rules
Yves : Who will force you to have liability insurance to fly
Yves : So Jonathan you were looking for information and I thought it was a good idea to inform people
Yves : So what did you need on social networks, what were you looking for
Jonathan : When I did my research I was looking for information I saw that the MAAC had insurance but I did not know what it encompassed
Jonathan : So I was still pausing questions but could perhaps explain to people at home
Jonathan : What can we have? What can we do ? Where can we be protected with that ?
Yves : So, it must be understood that MAAC is a global Canadian entity. It covers all of Canada. We are over 10,000 -11,000 members.
Yves : So it allows them to negotiate an insurance policy for 11,000 pilots
Yves : And it's not just insurance to fly inside the clubs
Yves : Canada with MAAC is like AMA in the United States
Yves : Have a portion park or flight outside the clubs
Yves : Where we simply have to have the support of the owner of the land
Yves : And we can fly with the insurance cover if we obey all the rules of the website which will be in another capsule whose link is in the description
The Replacements - Theme (CZ) - Duration: 0:57.
♪ Todd and Riley were so sad, ♪
♪ than Replacements discovered. ♪
♪ Just a few pennies they're put into envelopes. They ordered spy mom and stuntman dad. ♪
♪ Replacements ♪
♪ Replacements ♪
♪ Now when they encounter an adult, what are they evil, they allow them bored or they complicate their lives. ♪
♪ Halo, Replacements. ♪
♪ Sir, we need a replacement. ♪
♪ Exactly. ♪
♪ That day they discovered that they need change them, replace them, modify them, remake them, ♪
♪ they will be better, nicer stronger, faster and smarter and sometimes calmly more stupid. ♪
♪ Call replacements. ♪
♪ Replacement. ♪
♪ Grab Replacement. there are already Replacement.. ♪
♪ Replacement., have a Replacement.. ♪
Windham fire damages home, kills dog - Duration: 0:40.
World of Quest - Theme (CZ) - Duration: 0:58.
♪ My mate Quest does everything what I want. ♪
♪ Hu ha ha hu hu. ♪
Wow I have to get rid of the scrag.
♪ Hu ha ha hu hu. ♪
♪ When problem comes, I tell him what to do. ♪
♪ Hu ha ha hu hu. ♪
That Prince Nestor's royal pest.
♪ Hu ha ha hu hu. ♪
♪ Save the world, World of Quest. ♪
♪ I may be small, but I have the final word. ♪
♪ Save the world, World of Quest. ♪
Without me, boy, you would not get very far.
♪ Joi us, we're Nestor and Quest. ♪
♪ And we can save the World of Quest. ♪
♪ Hu ha ha hu hu. ♪
I hate these songs.
World of Quest
Iron Bowl impact on businesses - Duration: 1:09.
13남매 맏딸 남보라 근황 몸매 남동생 민우|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 9:25.
Sabah Kinabatangan River | Malaysia 2017 | Travel Vlog - Duration: 11:41.
At last, we are on our way to Kinabatangan. We've been sick for the past week and we're still not over it
After we went to Mount Kinabalu we got such a bad case of flu and
We were in bed most of the time. We kept on extending this trip just to get better and today is the last day
that we can extend it to
To still be in time for our flight back to Phuket
let's keep fingers crossed we're getting better
It's about a 5 hours bus ride
to Kinabatangan
So, we're looking forward to it
After a
Six hour bus ride, we've finally been dropped off in the middle of nowhere. Here at Koperasi ...
And now we need to go and find the office. They say it's about ten minutes walk
Is the home stay we can stay in but we're gonna stay but further down in
Forest camp I think but this looks like a real
village in the jungle almost
Regardless of the fact that it's right next to the main road
Okay, this was the office
We've done all the paperwork and now off to the jetty
Then a short boat trip
Just around the corner
where our
Forest Eco Resort is
Tanjun Eco Resort
Say again
Something like Tanjung Eco Resort camp
This is the jetty
and the river
Kin... I'm not even gonna try and pronounce it
We have arrived
a working mule, aren't you?
That's what the
That's how your wife supposed to look like
and carrying
And some birds
After about five minutes walk you get to what seems to be the destination
Amazing, there's even a lake here. You wouldn't expect a like next to
Such a big river, but here it is. Oh, it's beautiful
Thanks Adam. This is a place we want to be for our last time in Malaysia
Our last week in Malaysia.
So what's below?
Toilet and bathroom
Toilet and bathroom downstairs
Sleeping area upstairs
So you have like a bucket
So you will be
bath with the
Oh is it?
We call it mandi
Mandi, yeah.
Alright, so that's how you bath with a bucket
No hot showers
No showers
After three months in Malaysia we finally
Finish it off in an idyllic place like this
A wooden house
in the jungle
really in the jungle. This is jungle, Borneo jungle
You can't really see it clearly but there's a big lake here
The jungle is just too dense for you to see it. You can see the water here as well
You have a nice deck overlooking the jungle
And you have some trees here in the middle of the deck. Very nice and a nice
sleeping quarters
Two little mattresses on the
wooden floor
Mosquito nets so they're doing the necessary
But no power
And this is what the jungle sounds like when there are no kids around
There's already three mosquitoes on my ankle, and I've just sprayed myself
Adam our guide for two days.
And Adam is gonna take us on an afternoon drive on the
What river is this?
What's the name of the river?
Kinabatangan river
Kina-Bata- Ba- Yang-Tang-something
Yeah, something like that
All right.
Kinabatangan river
Say it slow. Kina
Is it hard?
Yeah, I don't know. I'm trying, giving my best.
Are you going downstream first? Okay
Looking for the Proboscis monkey
Yeah, we're gonna see the monkey, and then we're gonna look for the elephant upstream?
That's the male neh?
We eventually got to see the proboscis monkey during our boat cruise.
We observed these unique monkeys for quite some time
free-falling between the trees
We unfortunately we're not able to capture them on camera as our current equipment is not adequate for up and close nature shots
However, here are two photos we borrowed just to show how the male and female differ from each other
The longer and bigger the male's nose, the more attractive
The females are the ones with the short pointy noses
Look at look at that stomach
And we got to see the proboscis monkeys and some other monkeys
The jungle in the night
And now all the night sounds come through
Frogs and all sorts of insects.
It's by no means connected to the main river
They call it water spinach
There was a papaya
as well
and chicken
Can I show you what I'm eating?
You have two bananas
Fried rice and
vegetables and two bananas
Tomorrow night there will be more people, but now it's just us. One happy family
And this is what you get walking through the jungle. A leech
And that's how you know there's monkeys up in the tree
You here all the stuff falling from above
These are piles of wood
I at one stage thought it is for
a nice
midnight barbecues
New Year's Eve parties
Something like that
There is another one
But they're actually here for
when the elephants come and
They use it
To kind of repel the elephants
Nice big fire.
seem to not go hand in hand
This is the nickerball bug.
Looks like a nickerball. It tastes like a nickerball
We don't eat it, daddy.
But it has one little trick up its sleeve
You give it time
You just see feet, so the first time it does that, you
jump off your chair, but it's such a gentle
But it has a lot of feet
Daddy, can I give it some help?
Time flies when you're having fun
Three months in Malaysia has passed in the blink of an eye
We really had such an amazing time exploring Islands, jungles, cities and exotic foods
But the best must be the people of Malaysia
Welcoming and so kind
Thank you for making our trip so memorable
Back to Kuala Lumpur and once again we were mesmerised by the shiny skyscrapers.
We were entertained right until the end
So our time in Malaysia has come to an end.
We have just arrived at Kuala Lumpur Airport, and we are off to
What are you staring at?
Just put the camera off!
2018 New Year Car Surprise Jingle Bells Song for Kids Children Toddlers Learn Colors for Kids - Duration: 4:21.
Dinosaurs go RAWR | ANIMATION MEME (Collab w/Blue Snow 197) [FLASH WARNING] - Duration: 0:58.
Home made Akakara kai Curry || teasel gourd masala Easy to Make || BY Food In India - Duration: 5:22.
akakara kai curry || teasel gourd
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Alimentación de los cinco mil ¿Necesidad física o espiritual? | Preguntas y Respuestas | SUB - Duration: 3:52.
Yıldız Tilbe'nin darmadağın eden dansı ÖZEL KAMERA ÇEKİMİ o ses Türkiye 25kasım.Murat Boz'la erik d. - Duration: 3:03.
Có Hai Loại Củ Này Da Bạn Dù Mụn Chin Chít Cũng Hết Sau Khi Đắp Vài Lần - Duration: 5:20.
New Islamic Video | Kivabe Achor Namaj Aday Korte Hoy (How To Pray Asr Salat Full Video) - Duration: 8:22.
AK Computer Network
Have done this video
Coffee Time & Coffee Time Music for Office, for Work and Relaxation: Jazz & Jazz Music - Duration: 3:39:08.
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Top 10 Child Actors of Bollywood Who Grown Up So Beautiful And What They Look Like Now - Duration: 3:55.
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