What are you doing?
Hey, you.
You're using violence again?
Who are you to rip up my flyers?
Don't you know it's illegal
to stick this garbage on the wall?
Don't cover someone else's building
with this garbage again.
You can't just leave.
You need to apologize first.
You were expelled for violence.
Have you not fixed that bad habit yet?
before I press charges for assault.
Press charges for assault.
I'll press charges against you
for destruction of property.
(Episode 39)
Ki Seora.
If by chance Jaeuk
is your husband Han Jiseop...
This will get very interesting.
- When did you get here? / - Sit down.
Let's have some tea.
- An interview? / - Yes.
I don't know how the reporters found out,
but the interview requests are flooding in.
They want to interview you more than me.
They do?
I know you don't like giving interviews,
but I couldn't refuse this time.
The elections are next year.
I'm feeling impatient.
Don't worry.
If it'll help you,
I'll do anything it takes.
- Did you put up flyers? / - Yes.
Did anyone call with information?
Not a single person.
It's quite surprising.
You don't want to see me, right?
You're not much of a pretty sight.
Do you know Assemblyman
Jin Gukhyeon's daughter, Jin Haerim?
The night you got wasted and I took you home,
she came to your place.
How do you know her?
She's a friend from college.
She is?
Can you tell me what she's like?
I thought I saw her announce her wedding
in the lobby of the Gangin Group building.
Do you know who she's marrying?
Let's just go eat.
Ms. Wi is out right now.
You didn't call her first?
I was in the area and thought I'd drop by.
I wanted to bring her some of her favorite sweets.
My goodness. She'll be so happy.
May I stay for some tea?
Of course. Wait right here.
I know you've been avoiding being in the media.
Thank you for agreeing like this.
You're as good a speaker as you are handsome.
Thank you.
After hearing a compliment like that,
I guess it would be wise to end
the interview here.
One more please.
Let me ask just one more question.
What is your relationship with Yang Miryeong?
That question has nothing to do with Gangin Group,
so I refuse to answer.
I believe my fiancee answered that before.
Didn't she?
Thank you.
Were you really not dating Yang Miryeong?
Where is she now?
Weren't you with her?
Take that out. Haesol must be hungry.
- Okay. You come out too. / - Okay.
Haesol, let's eat.
Daera, come eat.
Haesol! Han Haesol!
Is she sleeping?
I have one objective.
Rather than focusing solely on performance,
I'd like to create a company that everyone
wants to work for.
If we could make it a warm, humane company,
it would be even better.
The highly acclaimed businessman of
the future, Kang Jaeuk, chief director of Gangin,
has an idealistic goal.
We hope you will not lose your way
and achieve that goal.
KNC reporting.
Gangin Group... Kang Jaeuk?
Please, I'm begging you.
Let me meet Director Kang Jaeuk.
You can't.
He doesn't meet just anyone.
Why can't I?
I need to check something.
You can't. Make an appointment and come back.
I need to ask him something.
It'll be quick.
- Jiseop! / - Hey, lady.
Jiseop. Jiseop!
What's wrong with you?
- You can't do this here. / - That's Jiseop for sure.
Let her go.
Come with me.
What do you think you're doing?
I should be asking you the same question.
What outrageous behavior is this in my building?
It's none of your concern.
I'm here because I have to check something
with Director Kang Jaeuk.
What do you need to check? What?
I have no reason to tell you, so stay out of it.
I'm getting involved because I have a reason to.
I'm going to marry Kang Jaeuk soon.
What are you trying to check with my man?
This. I'm positive it fell off Director Kang's sleeve.
When I was hit by a motorcycle,
Director Kang ran over to me.
I grabbed his sleeve,
and this fell off.
I'm positive.
It was clearly my husband, Han Jiseop.
Are you relying on a common cufflink
to insist irrationally that he's your husband?
Don't waste your time.
From the moment he left the hospital,
he was Jaeuk, the grandson
of Gangin's chairman Kang Junchae,
and he still is.
He's Kang Jaeuk, the man who's about to marry me.
That's why I need to check.
Let me meet him.
I'll ask him myself. Me.
Stop being crazy and leave right now.
I can't do that.
From now on, I'll look for my husband on my own.
Stop her!
Drag her out of here right now!
- Let go! Let go of me! / - Leave.
- Leave. / - Let go!
- Get out! / - Let go of me.
Yes, grandpa. I'm coming up.
5 minutes will be enough.
- Okay. / - Let go of me.
- Get out. / - Let go of me!
I need to meet someone!
- Seriously. / - Let go!
- What's wrong with you? / - Let her go!
I'll take responsibility for her.
So let her go.
What's going on?
What are you doing here?
I know someone at this company.
Why are you here?
Is it about the compensation payment?
I saw my husband on the news yesterday.
He said he was working here. I'm sure of it.
He said he was Chief Director Kang Jaeuk.
Chief Director Kang Jaeuk is your husband?
It doesn't look like they'll let you in today.
Why don't you make a proper request for a meeting
and come back another time?
I'll say what I came to say and go. Sit down.
What is it?
Accept J.K. no matter what.
That matter's already closed.
This isn't a choice. It's an order.
Don't be confused. You...
Are nothing but Jaeuk's puppet.
You handled the shopping mall scam as Han Jiseop,
and that will be the last time.
Even if I am a puppet, I can't do that.
I can't do that knowing it'll cause
the company a big loss.
Look. This was my son Jaeuk's decision.
All you need to do is follow it.
Was there a backroom deal
with him or something?
You'll find out soon enough, so accept it.
I repeat, this isn't your choice. It's an order.
If you disobey, you know
what will result, right?
I'm hurt. Did you forget my number too?
This is CEO Han of J.K.
Hello, CEO Han. It's been a while.
What happened here?
You disqualified J.K.
but you want to let them through?
For what reason?
I've agreed to give them another chance.
Is there a special reason for this sudden change?
I think there was a misunderstanding
due to my thoughtlessness.
J.K. is more than qualified
to have their contract renewed.
I'm here.
Were you in a meeting?
Should I come back later?
There's no need.
We're done talking, so have a seat.
You're both busy, so I'll get right to it.
Inuk will join the franchise task force.
Just do as I say.
Don't even think about defying me.
He's pulling Inuk into the franchise business
which will be the company's core business?
Are you free to have coffee?
I'm the most junior there, so it's too uncomfortable.
Since when did you care about what others think?
You look like you have something to say.
The truth is,
I wanted to ask you something about our rings.
- Our wedding rings? / - Yes.
I was thinking of having our initials engraved.
Yours on mine and mine on yours.
What do you think?
Do as you wish. We should do as the bride wishes.
Then should I do it the way we have been doing?
Sure. Put the initials H.L. on my ring
and J.W. on yours.
Just like before.
You remember it so well.
- Why aren't you wearing them? / - What?
The cufflinks with the initials J.W. on them.
You're not wearing them.
I forgot.
I wore them every day but I left them home today.
I told you. There's only one in the world, just like you,
so take good care of it as if it were yourself.
Okay. I understand.
That's right.
Inuk came to see the chairman today.
What about?
He'll be joining your franchise task force
starting tomorrow.
Inuk? In my office?
It's the chairman's orders.
It'll be uncomfortable but you have to accept it.
Why are you here?
You didn't go to the U.S.?
- I didn't. / - I see.
When are you going?
I don't plan to.
- What? / - I changed my mind.
You know better than anyone how easy it is...
For someone to change their mind.
I heard you're joining my team starting tomorrow.
Isn't that strange?
You used to be a chief director.
How could you be an entry level employee?
Stop beating around the bush
and say what it is that you want.
Take it back.
Say you can't work here.
Do you want to work in the same office with me?
It doesn't matter. I won't make sacrifices for you...
Ever again.
Hello, Mr. Jang.
Yes. Coming.
Let's choose these 5 restaurants
to be our franchisees.
Let me know if you want to add any others.
They're popular spots that many companies are after,
so I think that's plenty.
Let's go with the menu that's the most popular.
I kind of want a little more.
Go ahead.
If there's a place that you want,
then of course, you should speak up.
There's a restaurant that I know of.
It's insanely popular.
I'd really like them to participate in this competition.
Oh, my gosh.
I don't know if I can accept something this expensive.
It was made for you.
You're tall, so it'll look good on you.
I'm grateful enough that you nominated
our restaurant for your franchisee candidate.
But a new release limited edition too.
Thank you so much.
Your family should be happy
about being nominated, right?
That's right.
Please bring Seora on the day of the tasting.
Don't worry.
Even if we tell her to stay home,
she'll run right over.
I wish she'd just stay home now too,
but she's on a rampage,
trying to find her dead husband.
I see.
That's more of a reason to see her that day.
Do you mean it?
Gangin Group's franchisee taste test?
Our spicy seafood noodles? Really?
That's right.
Do you know how hard I worked to get that?
How? Who do you know?
What did you do?
You know how connected and popular I am?
Only my family disrespects me.
People adore me outside.
Okay, okay. Our oldest daughter did great.
Good job.
Did something good happen?
I heard you laughing from outside.
Goodness. Who knew this day would come?
Our spicy seafood noodles is going to be
in Gangin Group's franchisee candidate taste test.
- Really? / - Yes. That's what she says.
We must be tied to Gangin Group for some reason.
Seora, you always talk about
family this and family that,
so you'd better come help that day.
Close your service center for a day and chip in.
Okay. Sure. I will.
I may be able to meet Kang Jaeuk that day.
It's easier to hate someone.
Holding a person deep in your heart
is too difficult.
It hurts too much.
Why do you do something that's difficult and painful?
What? Why are you...
You love this backpack, right?
Come with me if you want it back.
What's your problem?
What do you think you're doing?
Hey! Stop right there! You'd better stop.
Why that...
♪ The star of tonight, it's me, me ♪
Of course, this classy face completes any look...
But let me get your help every so often.
Support me a little.
What are you doing? Are you eating your clothes?
Don't you know how to knock?
But then again, what do I expect from you?
You seem confused but this is my room.
Why would I knock?
Do you steal now too?
Even if you used every cent you have,
you can't afford that.
Who buys designer bags with their own money?
What? Was it from a man or something?
You're the one who's destitute until you start working.
Where did you get these clothes?
Your mother gave me some money.
She gave me money, so her son-in-law
wouldn't look poor when he goes to work!
What's going on?
Why are you fighting this time?
It's nothing.
My throat was closed up, so I was clearing it.
Daera, you shouldn't yell at your husband like that.
If a wife puts her husband down,
how could he stand tall outside?
- Mom. / - He'll be working for the country.
Can't you work with him and lift him up a little?
You need to respect your husband
to make yourself look good too.
That's right. You should respect your husband.
What? Nothing. It's nothing.
Where's Chara?
Should I go out and check?
You need to go out and make money
to be a husband.
How nice. We'll sing here and dance too.
- Let's sober up. / - Okay.
If I go home like this,
my mom will kill me.
Isn't it nice here?
There's no one trying to start a fight.
You're right.
It's nice and quiet.
And I like it because it's just the two of us.
What? You like it because it's just the two of us?
Well... I mean...
It's nice being able to focus and drink.
You promised. You won't go into hiding again.
Are you insane?
Yes. I'm insane.
You drove me insane.
Because of you...
I like a guy.
I fell in love with a guy.
I've lost my mind.
Hey. Did you really think I was a guy?
Wow. You really are crazy.
You're a girl?
Take a look.
You see what it says?
How could you think this pretty girl was a guy?
Are you disappointed that I'm a girl?
Do you really like guys?
Why did they call me back?
Do they want to give me more money or
take back what they gave me?
Whatever. Don't think.
It's not like I ever used my brain.
Let's go. Go.
Hey you.
Oh, my gosh.
Why do I keep seeing this old man these days?
I knew it.
Gold? As if.
Look at this. Pick this up right now.
You should pick that up, old man.
You're paid to do that,
so why should I?
Pick this up right now.
Don't annoy me and pick it up.
- What? / - Pick it up right this instant!
I'll pick it up. No need to yell.
Happy? Happy now?
So uneducated...
What the...
What is his problem?
Why is he screaming?
You made it.
Yes, hello.
Why did you want to see me?
I forgot to have you sign for the payment.
I'm sorry but please come with me.
Wait here. I'll be right back.
They're being so annoying
after giving me chump change.
Hi, Jaeuk.
Can you meet me in the second floor lounge?
No. It's nothing serious.
I've been sitting for too long.
Okay. Thanks.
I'm almost there.
Why are you...
How are you here?
Are you
talking to me?
Oh, my gosh! My gosh, Jiseop. You were alive.
I thought you were dead but you were alive.
What's wrong with you?
You have the wrong person.
You're Jiseop, right?
The person in front of me
is my son, Jiseop, right?
I said you have the wrong person.
No. How could I not recognize you?
You're my son. You're Han Jiseop.
That's enough!
I don't know what you're up to,
but please stop.
Not unless you want to be dragged out.
Did you wait long?
Who is that man?
He looks so much like my son.
Who is that man?
Do you mean our Chief Director Kang Jaeuk?
He's our chairman's grandson.
The chairman's grandson?
How could this be?
Does Director Kang
resemble your son that much?
He doesn't just resemble him.
He looks exactly like him.
He looks exactly the same.
Come in.
What happened?
I haven't heard from you in so long.
Where have you been?
I saw Jiseop.
You saw Jiseop?
Where did you see him?
At Gangin Group.
He said he wasn't Jiseop,
but I'm sure it was.
How could I not recognize my own son?
You're sure it was Jiseop, right?
You are, right?
But why is he denying it?
He said he was the rich chairman's grandson,
and not my son Jiseop and coldly walked away.
I'll meet with him somehow.
Don't worry. I'll go to Gangin Group
and check it out.
We must've crossed paths.
I had to go to the garage.
You weren't there when I got back.
Sorry for wasting your time.
It's okay.
It's not like it was that far.
Why do you look so angry then?
Did something bad happen by any chance?
What could've happened?
You must be busy. You should get to work.
You look tired. Don't work too hard.
I wanted to treat you to something nicer,
but you want delivery rice soup?
What's wrong with rice soup?
This is the best in my book.
Eat up.
You know I ordered the special for you, right?
Did you do something wrong to me?
Why are you buying lunch out of the blue
and acting all funny?
What is it?
You're so quick.
I can't work here anymore starting tomorrow.
I'll have to resign from my post.
Was it that difficult to tell me that?
I'll let you go in peace,
so relax and eat.
I'm hurt. Why are you taking it so well?
You should tell me not to go, so I don't feel as bad.
Actually, I don't think
I'll be able to focus on work for a while anyway.
Why not?
From the looks of it,
you didn't win the lottery.
I need to look for my husband.
That's the most urgent thing for me right now.
You plan to go back to that company?
To meet that chief director?
I don't know if he'll meet me,
but I need to check, even if it means
talking to every employee there.
That's right.
When we ran into each other there yesterday,
you said you knew someone there, didn't you?
Who do you know?
Please let me meet that person.
I'll meet him first,
and see if he's willing to meet you.
We're not that close either, so...
Thank you.
That's right.
Did you get a job somewhere else or something?
That's great.
Regardless, let us both hang in there.
We can do it.
They should be here soon. Shall we go together?
Do I really have to go?
What do you mean?
It's an important event when we choose our franchise.
How could the chief director not attend?
Get up.
Here's your spicy seafood noodles. Enjoy.
- It's hot. I'll do it. / - Okay.
What are you doing? Take these noodles.
- Hurry! / - Okay. Coming.
There's room there. Let's sit over there.
(The Secret of My Love)
If he's confused about me,
I'll just prove who he is.
If you do something like that to my man again,
I won't let you get away with it.
- It was definitely Jiseop. / - Seora.
You said you knew someone at Gangin Group.
- I'll help you. / - This is yours, isn't it?
You can't be swayed, no matter what.
I don't know who Han Jiseop is.
I'm your son, mother. I'm Kang Jaeuk.
Jaeuk, if you're really not your mother's son,
that means you're Han Jiseop.
Yang Miryeong. I'm the errand lady.
- Please help me. / - Who are you?
For more infomation >> The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.39 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.11.27] - Duration: 33:31.-------------------------------------------
Oakley leaders question FC Cincinnati stadium plan - Duration: 1:28.
7 Natural Remedies Against Pain! No Need To Use Medications Full Of Chemicals! - Duration: 6:54.
OUR WEBSITE : http://justhealthrelated.com/
7 Natural Remedies Against Pain!
No Need To Use Medications Full Of Chemicals!
Many athletes have the habit of using ibuprofen for alleviating their pains that are a consequence
of difficult trainings.
However, a large number of individuals likewise use medications known as NSADs, or non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, like naproxen, aspirin and ibuprofen.
Actually, approximately 30 million persons in America take these drugs for alleviating
the pains in their muscles, for treating headaches and sport injuries, and chronic conditions
as well like neuropathy, back pains and arthritis.
The pains are actually triggered by the inflammation that is a consequence of the defensive mechanism
of the body.
All of the NSADs have the ability to alleviate the pains by preventing the enzymes that actually
trigger the inflammation.
However, these drugs can likewise trigger some negative side effects, for instance kidney
damage, bleeding in the abdomen, greater threat of ulcers, hormonal imbalance, heart attacks
and strokes.
Jonathan Wright, MD, who is the medical director of the Tahoma Clinic located in Washington
states that he wouldn't advise the use of these drugs for more than a couple of months
as they can trigger negative side-effects.
He likewise states that there are people who might experience these side-effects even after
a couple of days.
Luckily, some natural alternatives exist that can help you lower the pains and inflammation
that are safe for use and don't trigger any negative side-effects.
The list of 7 all-natural solutions for treating pains is as follows:
WHITE WILLOW BARK AND FEVERFEW White willow bark is extremely effective in
the treatment of headaches as it contains a substance called salicin that provides the
same effects as aspirin.
It is advised to take 12 – 24 milligrams of salicin on every three to four hours.
It isn't recommended for children as it raises the threat of Reyes's syndrome.
Feverfew is also quite effective in the treatment of headaches.
It has the ability to relax the capillary in the brain, which in turn prevents constriction
and migraines.
A study that was conducted recently regarding migraines demonstrated that a 16-week treatment
with extract from feverfew has the ability to lower the number of migraine attacks to
less than three in one month.
This herb doesn't have the ability to treat migraines that already exist, however it can
in fact prevent their development in the first place.
It is recommended to take 100 – 200 milligrams on a daily basis for a period of one to two
months so that you can start noticing the results.
BOSWELLIA Boswellia is an herb that is likewise known
under the name frankincense and it has the ability to lower minor pains, and chronic
ones as well.
It can in fact lower the production of the substances that trigger the inflammation and
that are linked to numerous chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
It is recommended to consume 750 milligrams daily, in three separate doses.
Your total formula should consist of 60 percent boswellic acids.
CURCUMIN Curcumin is an extremely potent ingredient
contained in turmeric that has the ability to prevent inflammation, as well as better
the body's ability to battle inflammations.
It has been scientifically proven that it can alleviate the chronic pain triggered by
rheumatoid arthritis.
Many studies that have been conducted on animals have likewise shown that it can help prevent
diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, as well as cardiovascular diseases.
You can take 400 – 600 milligrams of curcumin 3 times daily.
GINGER Ginger is an herb that can likewise ease the
pain as it prevents the production of substances that trigger inflammation.
Paul Anderson, ND, from the Bastyr University in Seattle claims that the amount of ginger
contained in candy, tea or spice isn't sufficient to reduce the pains.
He recommends the use of two grams of ground ginger on a daily basis in order to lower
acute pains, and when it comes to chronic conditions one gram of ginger on a daily basis
is sufficient, however it should be divided into three doses.
ARNICA Arnica is an herb that people have been using
for quite a long time and it is well-known for the medicinal properties it has.
Sesquiterpene lactones are present in this herb which are substances that have the ability
to ease the inflammation and better the immunity
of the body.
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Panda cute,playfully, lovely.Những chú Gấu Trúc tinh nghịch,dể thương nhất thế giới p15 - Duration: 17:00.
How To Take Better Photos? - Duration: 3:05.
Hello guys! It's Ingrid's Ingredients.
Today we're gonna talk about:
What if my boyfriend isn't good at photography?
Yesterday I talked with an old friend who lives
in a very beautiful city: Paris
And I asked, why didn't you post more photos on Facebook?
Then she just complained at her boyfriend
who isn't good at being a photographer.
Oh, I have to say, my man did the same thing
If I only visit a place once in my life
how can I have another chance to make up for the ugly photos?
So I felt sad and wanna find a way
to improve this situation.
But you guess what?
Reading tips for newbies in photography
didn't seem to work for him.
Since he may not control the camera well
Sigh, so how about changing yourself instead?
Firstly, I will catch his eyes
and try to find a better angle
and a natural pose.
That's the basic work I can do for us.
And the other tip for you is taking more photos.
Think about it,
those models in magazines also take tons of photos
maybe it will take a whole day
to pick only a few nice photos.
So how about us?
We are only normal people. We have no pro
to help us make up, to take a photo of us
not to mention those models also use Photoshop
to make them look better.
If you both can spend some more time and take more shots
then you will find some better photos.
I felt "facepalm"
when I noticed my rolled-up eyes with those epic scenes in the background
Now, I look at these scary photos again
and I just feel those moments were ugly
but cute.
that's a souvenir from my young age
now if you feel annoyed about your man's photo skills
just keep those memories inside your hard drive
then look at them in the future
or look at your ugly photos from several years ago
and maybe a smile will spread slowly across your face.
Now, it's time to say cheers
so see me next time, and don't forget to subscribe to me
or follow me.
Anyway, see me next time, bye bye!
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