Hey Google what did I tell you about TicHome? I remember you told me: I have
to upload the TicHome video today
Hey there, people!
Welcome to mr. unbox the
channel where we unbox consumer electronics and give you our first
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Hey Google, shuffle playlist 2017 and set volume to 60%
sure here's a shuffle of your Spotify playlist called 2017
This box just arrived today. It is the MobVoi TicHome Mini so let's unbox it and see
what's inside
and here it all comes when we open the box we have something up here.
We have some manuals, user guide, meet your Google assistant, and some more.
It's the legal stuff I guess. Then we have the TicHome mini with a plastic..
- a see-through plastic sheet that shows what the different functionalities - and
get it out of the box in the bottom of the box we have the USB
cable and that's about it.
This is the TicHome mini. As you can see it's a
small, quite portable bluetooth speaker it doesn't really weigh much and it has
a few buttons on board. It has a power button, volume up and down, and what I
guess is a speak action button, so let's put this over. The action button is to push
to talk or to pause and play. It has volume up volume down and then a mic
mute / power button. I'm pretty excited to get this turned on and
see what it can do so let me play around with it for a while and I'll get back
with demonstration of it
Hi I'm your Google assistant You can ask me
questions and tell me to do things. To get started download the Google home app
The TicHome mini is a smart speaker produced by the Chinese company MobVoi
MobVoi was actually backed by Google when they released the TicWatch to the
global market, and this collaboration means that they are actually able to be
one of the first companies to release a smart speaker with Google assistant
built-in. There's not much to set this apart from Google's own Google home or
Google home Mini. The system is the same which means it comes with the exact same
specifications and features and the exact same limitations. It does however
come with one little extra that sets it apart from its big brothers at Google.
It has a built in battery that will allow you to take with you in the kitchen in
the bedroom or even to the shower since it has an IPX6 splash proof
certification. And yes, I did take it to the shower with me but I will
spare you for the footage of that The sound quality from the speaker is actually okay
considering its size. It's nowhere near the sound quality of speaker like Google
home but it's tolerable in most situations. The charging port on this is
a standard microUSB and that kind of sucks
especially for a unit like this which is meant to be brought around and plugged back
in whenever you need some extra power Actually they should have considered
contactless charging base or even having standard wireless charging. While the
portability in your home is a major plus for the TicHome mini it also comes
with some limitations. For instance if you bring it outside of your home
network, this one is reduced to a dumb Bluetooth
speaker. It does come with NFC for easy pairing with a phone but still the
sound quality doesn't really justify that kind of use
Is the TicHome worth the money? Well, if you're considering buying Google home Mini
then this is a serious alternative It does give you a little more freedom
because of the battery meaning that you can take it around the
house with you very easily. However in my opinion the AI assistant technology is
still not mature. You often run into things that you wanted to do but you
can't do it, so you have to go and find your remote control or your phone in
order to complete the task, and then you just have two devices and you spent
three times the amount of time to do the same thing as you would have done
otherwise. If all your appliances and home automation systems are compatible
with Google assistant, yes, then this would be useful for you, but for me since
I'm limited to Philips hue lights and chromecast it doesn't really make much
sense to have this. But what do you think?
Do you own a Google home or an Amazon Echo? Do you use it, what do you use it for?
Leave a comment below and don't forget to hit the big red subscribe
button, and also make sure you get the notifications on, so you get notified
next time we upload a video and you might be on your way to becoming the
gadget guru among your friends. Hope you liked the video! See ya!
hey Google
Turn off the lights
You got it! turning off three lights
oh wait
For more infomation >> TicHome Mini with Google Assistant - Is it better than Google Home Mini? - Duration: 6:38.-------------------------------------------
Power Switch | Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007) CLIP 6 - Duration: 2:56.
Johnny, are you okay?
I don't know. I've been feeling really strange since my run-in with surfer boy.
Maybe we should get you checked out.
- Why did you do that? - I didn't do anything!
Stop, drop and roll! Stop, drop and roll!
Oh, my God, Sue! Just...
Just hang on! I'll get you, okay?
Flame on!
Hey, watch it.
Reed! Reed!
- Help! - Sue?
I'm on fire!
- Sue! What's going on? - I'm on fire!
- You're on fire! - You think?
- Hold on! - Pull me in!
Hey, it's the Human Torch! Johnny!
- I'm not Johnny! - Sue, how did this happen?
L touched Johnny, and then this.
- Where is Johnny? - Here.
Try it again.
- Nice. - There you go.
Hey, get out of there.
Sue, your clothes.
Why does this always happen to me?
All of Sue's results are normal.
But Johnny's....
Johnny's are what?
Your encounter with the Surfer put your molecules in a constant state of flux.
Ls that bad?
Lt caused you to temporarily switch powers with Sue.
- I'd like to run more tests and... - Want a volunteer?
- No, no, hey! - No, no, no!
No, no, hey! This is serious!
I just wanted to give him a hug.
We don't know the extent of his condition.
It could be progressive.
- lt could be fun. - No, Ben!
Hey. Hey, it's me! I'm back!
Oh, my God!
Come on! We just said this is serious!
Oh, yeah, serious.
Oh, you gotta be kidding me!
- Hey, not bad. - Incredible.
- You better be able to fix this! - I'm right on it.
- Ben, stop it! - I see why you like that.
Oh, no, no, no.
That's not funny. What am l supposed to do in the meantime?
Just try to keep your distance from us.
You and me are gonna be spending a whole lot of time together, pal!
Trump's Latest Conspiracy? Media Reacts To Donald Trump Alt Reality "Access Hollywood" Tape Was Fack - Duration: 2:21.
Trump's latest conspiracy? The 'Access Hollywood' tape was a fake!
Media Reacts To Donald Trump Alt-Reality Update: 'Access Hollywood' Tape A Fake
Media Reacts To Donald Trump Alt-Reality Update: 'Access Hollywood' Tape A Fake
Trump's latest conspiracy? The 'Access Hollywood' tape was a fake!
New Dinosaur Surprise Toys Buried in Sand Safari Ltd Dinosaur Toy W Jurassic Park, Lego Unboxing - Duration: 1:06:11.
explorers are you ready we are going to enter the gates of Jurassic Park and
search for dinosaurs in the sand cool ok let's start digging for dinosaurs wow
this is gonna be awesome Oh what is this here oh I think we found
something guys quick we gotta bring the brush we have to be careful oh wow check
New Dinosaur Surprise Toys Buried in Sand 6 Safari Ltd Dinosaur Toy W Jurassic Park Dino Unboxing
Feathered T-Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Tylosaurus, Yutyrannus, Gryposaurus, and Gigantosaurus
oh he looks huge chick yeah wow that is awesome what do you guys
think check him out
okay okay so we got him all out let's go ahead and pull him up oh it's a giant
feathered t-rex so we'll set him there and let us keep
looking gotta be more dinosaurs in here oh I
think we got something cool what is this okay what do we got here oh
definitely an herbivore can you guys see what it is
Wow you are correct it's a sauropelta ah and since we got
it out let's go ahead and take a pulley out of the sand cool okay let's keep on
digging gotta be something else here oh look look look I think we have something
oh we gotta be careful we don't want to break it
oh wow check that out I'm not sure what it is yet but we will
find out soon oh wow cool check him out ooh can you guys guess what this is it
is a giant feathered dinosaur
you are correct it's a yutyrannus Wow let's go ahead and remove him from the
stand cool that is awesome
let's see what else we could find we found three irate okay so what do we got
anything here anything we have something here it looks kind of big - Wow okay
let's check it out what could this one be oh there's his head this one is
definitely an herbivore it looks like it has some type of odd duck bill head on
it can you guess what it is yes you are right
it's a Sauropelta so let's go ahead and pull this up and guys ah if you keep
watching we're gonna set these up in an awesome dinosaur zoo and I will give you
some really cool facts about them Wow okay
well let's keep looking
oh wow we got something here what is that
it's got like yellow and black stripes on it cool what could it be
oh it's a long one Wow check that out it's got one evil
looking head over there oh can you guys already guess what this is oh wow this
is so cool oh I like this one Wow okay can you guys guess what that is
you are correct it's a tylosaurus that is part of the
Mosasaurus family Wow like I said keep watching to see the dinosaurs ooh and
some awesome fat okay so so far we have found five awesome dinosaurs there's
gotta be more come on let's keep looking oh this is something big Wow oh I like
this lawn check out it's called what could this
one be oh wow look at him he's huge oh I like this one definitely carnivore
I mean look at his feet and this is one long dinosaur are you guessing what it
is this guy is actually bigger than the t-rex that should give you a clue he is
gigantic it's a gigantosaurus Wow and guys
are these these dinosaur toys were sent to me by my friends at Safari limited so
they are awesome if you want on check out their website they got some really
cool dinosaur ok guys so we have 6 dinosaurs here let's go ahead give some
cool facts about these guys and set them up in our dinosaur zoo oh let's get
started the name saara Pelt ax means shield lizard it has an
intimidating armor of bony studs and shoulder spines it was one of the most
spectacular dinosaurs of its time it belonged to a
called the knob nada saris which were part of a larger group called Ankylosaurs
Soares had a spiny body and it was a herbivore
really cool dinosaur check out those big spikes on his back okay and the YouTuber
honest its name means feather tyrants it could run as fast as a t-rex it was
three cars long and a weight as much as a hippopotamus these dinosaurs lived in
what we would call modern-day Asia they were about 30 feet long and weighed
about 4,000 pounds they hunted and packs and they were carnivores this is one of
the first dinosaurs they found two fossils with feathers cool check this
okay and the gripper Soros its name means curvy nosed lizard this was the
class of duck-billed built dinosaurs uh he was about 30 feet long and weighed
about 6,000 pounds he belonged to the Dino class ornithopod ah and he was a
plant eater that lived or during the Late Cretaceous period in North America
Argentina and South America the funny thing was when these were attacked for a
brief period of time it could run on its back legs
I mean think of a dinosaur this size running on just two legs that would be
okay tylosaurus his name means knob lizard and lived in the shallow seas of
North America during the Cretaceous period and was about 35 feet long and
weighed up to fourteen thousand pounds its diet was fish turtles and reptiles
this guy was the largest of the class of mosasaurs so this guy was huge he was
vicious and he terrorized the Seas during his reign he is really cool
I do love mosasaurs guys okay and here we have the gigantosaurus it's name
means giant southern lizard it was a carnivore with a very small brain about
40 feet long and weighed about 26,000 pounds so it was about the size of two
elephants this dinosaur was actually bigger than the t-rex while this guy is
really cool and he lived during the Late Cretaceous period
okay and here we have a feather t-rex many scientists believe T Rexes actually
had feathers to help protect them from the elements the name of the t-rex means
tyrant lizard these were large carnivores they live they lived about 30
years its arms are too short to reach its mouth and lived in north america and
river valleys and forests and it could eat about 500 pounds of meat with one
bite so weighing 16,000 pounds ease guys were
huge but they were not quite as big as the gigantosaurus Wow cool okay guys
it's time to set up our awesome dinosaur zoo so let's go ahead and start placing
dinosaurs in there who will have the big feathered t-rex coming out of there then
you have the gigantosaurus they're ready to fight him cool tylosaurus we'll go
here in the water walk on them bro have to put the herbivores here separate so
the carnivores don't eat them we got some other dinosaurs joining us
these are Jurassic Park knockoff dinosaurs so we have Triceratops there
we have cool t-rex here
and then we have awesome ankylosaurus and Brachiosaurus so there we have our
dinosaurs ooh let's go ahead and take a look at them Wow so here we've got two
purple bars in there over there we have the four largest carnivores there ready
to take down anything in their path you've got the tylosaurus and three
herbivores over here so our dinosaur zoo is complete
oh cool is that Wow okay guys if you enjoy this video please go ahead click
like drop me comments Wow I love making these videos for you guys
this is my job guys I love doing my job I love the fact that you guys are
watching because my kids love these dinosaurs I do got six kids guys and
they love dinosaurs toys so you are helping to support my family and I want
to thank you I want to thank you for being awesome and say I will see you
tomorrow if you enjoyed the video make sure you click subscribe and thumbs up
button down below the video in today's secret word is the word
go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video I know you
remember my club hook to the video ends there's an awesome and curt lot more fun
for you click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see
even more go ahead and click the subscribe button
Video: Thanksgiving foods you can give to dogs - Duration: 2:39.
hello everyone, welcome to the floeb channel, we meet for a special video, the floeb christmas contest and you play to win this
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the rules are simple, I chose 2 numbers between 1 and 10000
to participate, it's easy
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comment the video with a number between 1 to 10000
The winners will be the people who will discover the mystery numbers
IF, no one has discovered the mystery numbers, the winner will be the person closest to the number
and IF, several people have discovered the mystery number, I will make a draw between the winners to designate 1
the contest begins now and it will end December 23th at 6pm
the names of the winners will be posted on my facebook page on December 24th at 6pm
in the description of the video, you will find links to contact my partners if you are interested in products
i wish you GOOD LUCK, see you soon, BYE!!!!!!!!
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007) CLIP 7 | CoolestClips 4K - Duration: 2:58.
- We have a problem. - What's wrong?
He's here.
Get out of there, right now!
Why are you destroying our planet?
I have no choice.
- Sue! - Wait!
What do you mean, you don't have a choice?
There's always a choice.
Not always.
Why are you trying to destroy us?
I am not the Destroyer.
Come on, Richards. Jam the damn signal.
Maybe he needs a little persuasion.
- Fire one over the top. - Roger, out.
- Open fire. - Open fire.
Open fire! Repeat, open fire!
Fall back! Fall back!
- Let me just... - No, wait!
Come on, Sue.
All right, it's up.
Got him.
Not so tough now, are you?
Victor! Stay back!
You're the quarterback.
Eyes on! Keep your weapons trained!
- Perimeter secure! - Move him out.
Videocast: Incoming cold front brings changes - Duration: 2:46.
Video: How to discuss healthy eating with your children - Duration: 2:44.
한국당 김장겸 체포영장에 반발 국회 보이콧 논의 황당하다|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 9:37.
Selena Gomez couldn't keep the smile off while spending time with her little sister in Texas - Duration: 2:37.
Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos
Selena Gomez and her little sister
Gracie sweetly play on swings during fun-filled Thanksgiving go higher Selena Gomez the
25 year old singer was all smiles as she and her four year old sister
Gracie Elliott effets played on the swings during cells Thanksgiving vacation in Texas
Selena and Gracie were practically twins in a photo
Shared online on November 24th as both had blonde hair and excited looks on their faces while playing
Forget the turkey or the pumpkin pie
Having such a fun moment of Glee might be the highlight of Selena's holiday Selena couldn't keep the smile off her face
while spending time with her family in Texas
She was first spotted in the Lone Star State on November 21st
munching down on a spaghetti dinner in a particularly cute Instagram video
Afterward she and her kin gave the Kardashians a run for their money
Well not quite when they all posed with their behinds towards the camera
Seems the family was feeling a bit cheeky for this Thanksgiving
It seems this Thanksgiving was family only because Selena's name Justin Bieber
23 was nowhere to be seen
He wasn't serving her seconds of spaghetti calling next on the swings are flaunting his booty in the family photo
considering how excited Selena was to cook a traditional
Family Thanksgiving dinner for Justin it's a bummer that he will just have to settle for whatever leftovers she brings back from, Texas
aluminum foil it does
Miracles it seems an afternoon of swinging with Gracie was just what cel needed especially after her emotional
rendition of moves at the 2017 American Music Awards on November 19th in her only
awards show performance of the year Selena battled with a bad case of the nerves which led to some
Speculating that she had a panic attack before going on stage
She was even accused of Lipson Singh
thankfully both Justin and Taylor Swift
27 thought Selena killed it so
When it come hater Sal just had to swing it off swing it off, right?
BREAKING NEWS About DENZEL WASHINGTON, Black Lives Matter OUTRAGED! - Duration: 2:04.
Famous actor Denzel Washington just made some comments that are going to send Black Lives
Matter into an outrage.
The veteran of Hollywood said his latest role as an attorney in Roman J. Israel, Esq. reinforced
his belief that black men "can't blame the system" because they tend to make it
"easy work" when it comes to filling America's prison systems.
Going further, Washington said that it's the breakdown of the black family that's
causing so much crime within the community.
"It starts at the home," said Washington.
"It starts at home."
"It starts with how you raise your children," continued the Academy Award winner, the New
York Daily News reported.
"If a young man doesn't have a father figure, he'll go find a father figure."
"So you know I can't blame the system,' Washington added.
"It's unfortunate that we make such easy work for them."
For Washington, the subject of how fatherless young men fall into a life of crime and incarceration
is personal, the 62-year-old told reporters.
He explained how he grew up among other kids who chose a life of crime, but he was fortunate
enough to move past it and become successful.
"I grew up with guys who did decades (in prison), and it had as much to do with their
fathers not being in their lives as it did to do with any system," said Washington.
"Now I was doing just as much as they were, but they went further."
"I just didn't get caught, but they kept going down that road and then they were in
the hands of the system," the actor added.
"But it's about the formative years.
You're not born a criminal."
Washington's role in Roman J. Israel, Esq. is as a lawyer who works in the overburdened
Los Angeles criminal system.
Washington's comments are sure to enrage the race-baiting thugs of Black Lives Matter,
who totally ignore the fact that actions have consequences.
Thankfully, there's people like him who are willing to speak up, even if his remarks
aren't going to be popular.
If more prominent black voices were to do the same, they'd accomplish more than Black
Lives Matter ever imagined.
Website Earning Course Part 6 - live webinar recording - Getting start with WordPress + Small Giveaw - Duration: 1:02:18.
Website Earning Course Part 6 - live webinar recording - Getting start with WordPress + Small Giveaway
Video: Which foods combat stress, anxiety, depression - Duration: 3:17.
BREAKING: Supreme Court Just STOMPED ALL OVER GUN RIGHTS, This Is An OUTRAGE - Duration: 4:00.
The Supreme Court on Monday made a major decision that has gun owners absolutely furious, and
rightfully so.
The highest court I our country is intended to determine the legality of laws passed by
both the state and federal governments.
When there's an ongoing debate over whether or not either have overstepped their authority,
we expect the Court to intervene and set the record straight.
In most cases, the Court fulfills its duty and takes on the most controversial of cases,
ending the national debates about them.
However, for some reason when it comes to gun rights, the Justices seem reluctant to
step in and reaffirm our Second Amendment rights, which is exactly what happened with
the Court refused to hear an assault weapons ban case.
Reuters is reporting that after seven years of avoiding major gun cases, the Court has
once again sidestepped a major case taken up against Maryland's 2013 ban on so-called
"assault weapons" enacted after the Sandy Hook massacre in Connecticut.
The case was brought by residents and dealers, and it had the backing of the National Rifle
Association, all of whom argued the ban is an infringement on our right to bear arms,
but the court refuses to touch it.
The challengers, who had sued Maryland's governor and other officials in 2013, appealed
a February ruling by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia that
upheld the state's law.
The 4th Circuit, ruling 10-4, said it had no power to extend constitutional protections
to "weapons of war."
Maryland's ban outlaws "assault long guns," mostly semi-automatic rifles such as the AR-15
and AK-47, as well as large-capacity magazines, which prevent the need for frequent reloading.
Backed by the influential NRA gun lobby, the plaintiffs said in a court filing that semi-automatic
rifles are in common use and that law-abiding citizens should not be deprived of them.
Maryland's ban focuses on cosmetic features of the weapons to determine how dangerous
they are, and it includes a provision that bans standard capacity magazines for the most
popular sporting rifles among gun enthusiasts, the AR-15 and AK-47.
Basically, "scary" looking semi-automatic rifles that function no differently than any
other semi-automatic rifle are prohibited for sale in the state, and an arbitrary ban
was placed on magazines that hold more than ten rounds.
Because hunting, or something.
Of course, the Democrat Attorney General for Maryland praised the Court's decision to
punt the case back down to the lower court and let their ruling stand, because Democrats
hate guns.
"The sands are always shifting with the Supreme Court," Attorney General Brian Frosh
"I hope that this means they have reached a conclusion that they are not going to fiddle
with assault weapons bans across the country."
If the Court's past decisions are any indication, as long as there's progressive activists
on the bench, bans on the most popular rifles in our country will remain intact.
Don't forget, just last year the Court left in place the arbitrary bans in both New York
and Connecticut, and now doesn't appear to have any interest in the clear infringement
of our Constitutionally protected rights.
Meanwhile, this year's Black Friday sales of guns hit another record, with over 200,000
people filling out an ATF Form 4473 to purchase the weapons of their choice, according to
FBI statistics.
So it's evident gun rights are still coveted by the American people, as they should be
– they're the last line of defense against a tyrannical government, and they keep our
enemies at bay.
While Justice Neil Gorsuch undoubtedly left the conservative tilt in the court, it likely
won't be until Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Stephen Breyer either die or retire that we'll have
enough seats to finally overturn these un-Constitutional bans.
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